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The study of the concentrations of Cr, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cu in soils under different land uses in rural, semi-urban, and urban zones in the Niger Delta was carried out with a view to providing information on the effects of the different land uses on the concentrations of trace elements in soils. Our results indicate significant variability in concentrations of these metals in soils under different land uses in rural, semi-urban, and urban zones. The maximum concentrations of metals in the examined soil samples were 707.5 mg.kg?1, 161.0 mg.kg?1, 2.6 mg.kg?1, 59.6 mg.kg?1, 1061.3 mg.kg?1, and 189.2 mg.kg?1 for Cr, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cu, respectively. In the rural zone, the cassava processing mill is a potent source of Ni, Cr, Cu, and Zn while agricultural activities are a source of Cd, and automobile emissions and the use of lead oxide batteries constitute the major sources of Pb. In the urban zone, soils around the wood processing mill showed elevated concentrations of Cu, Cr, Zn, and Ni, while soils around automobile mechanic works and motor parks showed elevated levels of Pb. Elevated Cd concentrations were observed in soils under the following land uses: urban motor park, playground, welding and fabrication sheds, and metallic scrap dump. The contamination/pollution index of metals in the soil follows the order: Ni > Cd > Cr > Zn > Cu > Pb. The multiple pollution index of metals at different sites were greater than 1, indicating that these soils fit into “slight pollution” to “excessive pollution” ranges with significant contributions from Cr, Zn, Cd, Ni, and Cu.  相似文献   

To investigate the relevance of biochemical parameters in biogeochemical mechanisms of the soil, it is important to gather data related to different soil types under different pedogeoclimatic conditions. In this study, we investigated on the calcareous agricultural soils in the Saiss plain (North Morocco). Four agricultural soils exposed to multi-metal (Cr, Cu, Zn, and Ni) and organic matter (OM) contamination as a result of irrigation with Oued Fez and Oued Sebou waters that are affected by urban and industrial activities around the city of Fez were studied and compared to a reference site irrigated with uncontaminated water. The study concerned soil physicochemical properties and the activity of a range of enzymes [phosphatase (PHOS), arylsulfatase (SULF), urease (UREA), arylamidase (AMID), β-galactosidase (GALA), glucosidase (GLUC), and laccase (LACA)] related to nutrients cycles. Pearson's correlations between these parameters showed that soil enzymatic activities (PHOS, SULF, UREA, GALA, GLUC, and LACA) were correlated positively with heavy metals (Cu, Zn, and Cr) concentrations in the soil and also with dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and negatively with the aromaticity (AROM) of these compounds. Interestingly, analysis of intra-site correlations showed strong relationships among enzyme activities in the reference soil, while in contaminated soils, these activities were largely unrelated to each other. It was concluded that soil irrigation with heavy-metal- and OM-contaminated watercourses over decades has resulted in soils with high enzymatic activities function and nutrient turnover but altered relationships among geochemical cycles.  相似文献   

Heavy metals’ origin, accumulation, and distribution in soil have been the focus of much attention by many researchers. The objective of this study was to recognize the sources of heavy metals in surface soils in Hamadan Province in western Iran using multivariate geostatistical techniques. A total of 263 surface (0–10 cm) soil samples and 18 rock samples from major parent materials were collected. Cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) contents of the samples were determined. Selected soil physical and chemical characteristics were also measured. A multivariate geostatistical analysis was performed to identify the common source of heavy metals. The quantities of Co, Cr, and Ni were found to be associated with parent rocks, corresponding to the first factor termed the “lithologic component.” The second factor was mainly attributed to Cu, which also comprised the first and third factors, indicating a mixed source both from lithologic and anthropogenic inputs. Zn and Pb contents were related to the anthropogenic activities and comprised the third factor. A significant correlation was found between metals from the lithogenic sources and selected soil properties such as soil organic matter, clay, CEC, and carbonate, indicating an interaction among them. Generally, Zn and Pb showed a less significant correlation with soil properties.  相似文献   

It has been found that Sauropusandrogynus has a strong adaptive capacity in multiple heavy-metal-contaminated soils. Field trials in highly heavy-metal-contaminated soils were conducted to investigate the extraction efficiency of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn by S. androgynus. The yield of S. androgynus could reach 10.01 t ha?1, and the amount of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn extracted by the plant was 57.36, 218.57, 2078.11, and 19.64 g ha?1, respectively. S. androgynus removed 0.35%, 0.01%, 0.03%, and 1.37% of the total soil Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in one growing season, respectively. By comparing the extracting capability and yield with some hyperaccumulators reported in the literature, S. androgynus was considered to be a highly effective plant to extract heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn). The plant should be useful for phytoextraction of soils contaminated by the heavy metals.  相似文献   

Soil and sediment samples from New Orleans have been collected and analyzed for contamination by 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 8 trace metals. Total PAH contents were found to vary from 40 μ g/kg to 40,000 μ g/kg, and concentrations of total metals varied in the range of 80 mg/kg and 7600 mg/kg. Source analysis of PAHs using diagnostic concentration ratios such as phenanthrene/anthracene and fluoranthene/ pyrene indicated that PAHs found at elevated concentrations in New Orleans soils and sediments were of pyrolytic origins. Spearman rank bivariate correlation analysis revealed significant correlations between soil PAHs and metals (r = 0.80, p < 0.0001) and between sediment PAHs and metals (r = 0.62, p < 0.05), suggesting common pollution sources for the two groups of environmental pollutants. Strong correlations were also found between Pb and Zn in soils (r = 0.93, p < 0.0001) as well as in sediments (r = 0.65, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

The distribution of Cd, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu, Mn, Fe, and Zn in sediment and surface water, and some physico-chemical characteristics of Orogodo river sediments, were evaluated. The sediment pH ranged from 5.1–7.3; conductivity values ranged from 34.5 to 389.0 μScm?1. Total nitrogen values ranged from 0.06–0.10%, NH3-N values ranged from 0.25–0.44 mgkg?1, percent total organic carbon ranged from 0.21–1.68%, and total phosphorus values ranged from 0.004–0.02% for dry and wet seasons. The sand fraction consists of 87–95%, silt fractions ranged from 0–2%, and clay fraction between 4–13%. The mean concentrations of metals (dry weight basis) in the streambed sediments ranged from 1.92–17.37 mgkg?1 for Cu, 0.98–4.78 mgkg?1 for Ni, 0.01–32.98 mgkg?1 for Mn, 353.22–2045.64 mgkg?1 for Fe, 69.96–100.16 mgkg?1 for Zn, 0.21–1.32 mgkg?1 for Cr, and Cd was less than 0.001 mgkg?1 for wet and dry seasons. The mean concentrations of metals in the surface water ranged between 0.01–0.05–0.05 mg/L for Cu, nd-0.11 mg/L for Ni, 0.001–0.31 mg/L for Pb, 0.001–1.82 mg/L Mn, 0.01–3.52 mg/L for Fe, 0.16–0.61 mg/L for Zn, nd-0.007 mg/L for Cr, and <0.001 mg/L for Cd. Based on principal component analysis, two main sources of metals in the Orogodo River can be identified: (i) Cr, Cu, Pb, and Fe are mainly derived from industrial sources; (ii) Mn, Zn, and Ni associated with traffic activities. No element examined had a contamination/pollution index value greater than unity (pollution ranges). This implies that the multiple pollution indices obtained from the analysis showed that Orogodo River sediments were not polluted with heavy metals.  相似文献   

The heavy metal content of 51 surface soil samples from the agricultural region of Mouriki-Thiva (central Greece) was investigated by a combination of mineralogical (X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy) and geochemical (aqua regia and 0.5 M HCl extractions) methods in order to determine the levels of contamination, as well as the origin, distribution and mobility of selected metals. The geology of the area includes ultrabasic rocks, and consequently the soils have anomalous values in Ni (621-2639 mg/kg) and Cr (134-856 mg/kg). Whereas Cr is mainly hosted in the crystal structure of chromite, Ni is primarily mobilized from olivine and serpentine. Nickel, and to a lesser extent Cr, were also found to be absorbed in Fe oxides. The results of a single 0.5 HCl leach revealed significant differences in the mobility and potential bioavailability of Ni and Cr in representative soil samples; Nickel is substantially more labile, and as a result a potential amount of this metal is readily available to the plants. The whole area is heavily contaminated by Ni and Cr and consequently the monitoring of the agricultural products of the region for their heavy metal content is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

The results esults of a survey of heavy metal contamination at Cleveland area brownfields and public spaces are presented. Soils were analyzed using a 24?h, 1N HCl extraction procedure. The study was conducted to seek brownfield soils that manifest properties of “old” sequestered contamination and to develop a better understanding of the nature and extent of heavy metal burdens at brownfield sites in the Greater Cleveland area. The results indicated that Cleveland brownfields commonly yield soil burdens well above remediation triggers for residential soils and often yield values above industrial remediation triggers. It was also discovered that public areas in the vicinity of brownfields commonly have heavy metal contamination significantly above background levels and occasionally above residential remediation triggers. These results indicate that brownfields redevelopment initiatives should proceed with caution. The appropriate remediation goals or restrictions must be imposed to control urban exposure to heavy metal contamination.  相似文献   

Concentration and distribution of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) were determined in 26 soil profiles (n = 78) of northern Kentucky in response to environmental concerns about increasing anthropogenic inputs in a fast-paced urbanizing area. The selected sites represent alluvial, glacial till or residual soils that have not received any biosolid- or industrial-waste applications. Mean concentrations of Zn (53.8 mg kg?1) and Ni (25.9 mg kg?1) were the highest in the soil profile, whereas Cd (0.21 mg kg?1) was present only in trace amounts. All metals were within the low to middle range of baseline concentrations reported for US soils, suggesting minimal anthropogenic inputs. The distribution of Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn increased with soil depth, whereas Cd and Pb concentrations were unaffected throughout the soil profile. Alluvial soils had the highest overall metal accumulations, particularly in surface soil horizons, indicating potential metal enrichment through depositional processes. The presence of a fragipan horizon or depth to bedrock did not significantly affect metal retention. Single correlation and multiple regression analyses indicated OM and pH as the most influential soil parameters for metal retention, followed by cation exchange capacity (CEC) and CEC/clay. Single correlations among metals suggested strong covariance of Zn with most metals throughout the soil profile, but weaker for Pb and Ni.  相似文献   


In this study, we assessed concentrations of 13 trace metals in the scales of Notothenia coriiceps, Trematomus bernacchii and Gobionotothen gibberifrons caught off the coast of James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula). Overall, our results for scales broadly match those of previous studies using different fish and different organs, with most metals found at trace levels and manganese, aluminium, iron and zinc occurring at high levels in all species. This suggests that scales can serve as a useful, non-invasive bioindicator of long-term contamination in Antarctic fishes. High accumulation of manganese, aluminium, iron and zinc is largely due to high levels in sediments associated with nearby active volcanic sites. Manganese, vanadium and aluminium showed significant positive bioaccumulation in T. bernacchii (along with non-significant positive accumulation of iron, zinc, cobalt and chromium), most likely due to greater dietary specialisation on sediment feeding benthic prey and higher trophic species. Levels of significance in bioaccumulation regressions were strongly affected by large-scale variation in the data, driven largely by individual differences in diet and/or changes in habitat use and sex differences associated with life stage and reproductive status. Increased levels of both airborne deposition and precipitation and meltwater runoff associated with climate change may be further adding to the already high levels of manganese, aluminium, iron and zinc in Antarctic Peninsula sediments. Further long-term studies are encouraged to elucidate mechanisms of uptake (especially for aluminium and iron) and possible intra- and interspecific impacts of climate change on the delicate Antarctic food web.


湿地系统中植物和土壤在治理重金属污染中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重金属污染环境的治理是目前环境工程的核心课题。湿地作为水陆相互作用形成的独特生态系统,在重金属污染治理中的作用倍受关注。对湿地植物、土壤在治理重金属污染中所起的关键作用及其机理做一综述,并对治理重金属污染的湿地构建提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Manganese mining activities in the Drama district, northern Greece, have resulted in a legacy of abandoned mine wastes at the “25 km Mn-mine” site. Current research was focused on the western Drama plain (WDP), constituting the recipient of the effluents from Xiropotamos stream, which passes through the “25 km Mn-mine” place. A total of 148 top soil samples were collected and their heavy metals (HMs) concentrations (Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, and As) were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Enrichment factor (EF), geoaccumulation index (Igeo), and pollution load index (PLI) were calculated as an effort to assess metal accumulation, distribution, and pollution status of the soils due to the former mining activity. The overall potential ecological risk of HMs to the environment was also evaluated using the potential toxicity response index (RI). Results showed that peak values of the elements (13 wt% for Mn, 0.2 wt% for Pb, 0.2 wt% for Zn, 0.1 wt% for As, 153 mg/kg for Cu, and 27.5 mg/kg for Cd) were found in soils from sites close to and along both sides of the Xiropotamos stream. In this sector of WDP, values of EF, Igeo, and PLI classify the soils as moderately to highly polluted with Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd, and As. Based on RI values, soils in this part of WDP display considerable to very great potential ecological risk and, therefore, a remediation has to be applied. The main cause of soil contamination is considered the Xiropotamos downstream transfer and dispersion of Mn mine wastes via flooding episodes.  相似文献   

The fractionation and distribution with depth of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in 26 soils of Northern Kentucky were determined through a sequential extraction procedure in response to environmental concerns about increasing anthropogenic inputs in a fast-paced, urbanizing area. The selected sites have not received any biosolid- or industrial-waste applications. Average total concentrations per metal in soil profiles derived from alluvial, glacial till, and residual materials ranged from 0.43 to 56.00 mg kg?1 in the sequence Zn > Ni > Pb > Cr > Cu > Cd, suggesting relatively small anthropogenic inputs. The distribution of Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn increased with soil depth, whereas Cd and Pb remained stable, indicating a strong geological or pedogenic influence. Residual forms were most important for the retention of Cu, Zn, and Ni. Cadmium and Pb exhibited a strong affinity for the Fe-Mn oxide fraction, while Cr showed the strongest association with the organic fraction. In terms of metal mobility and toxicity potential inferred from metal concentrations in labile fractions, Cd posed the greatest risk, followed by Cr ~ Pb > Ni > Zn > Cu. Soil pH, OM, and clay content were the most important parameters explaining the partitioning of metals in labile and residual fractions, emphasizing the importance of metal fractionation in soil management decisions. Alluvial soils generally contained the highest total and labile metal concentrations, suggesting potential metal enrichment through anthropogenic additions and depositional processes. These environments exhibit the highest risk for metal mobilization due to drastic changes in redox conditions, which can destabilize existing metal retention pools.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr, Co, and Ni were determined in roadside topsoil collected from locations of varied vehicular traffic densities in the city of Ibadan, Nigeria, with a view to determining the level of contamination and the contribution of traffic density. Levels of Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu were elevated above background concentrations measured in control areas. Average values (ppm) for all sample locations were Pb — 81±140; Zn — 48±37; Cd — 0.55±0.49; Cu — 17±17; Cr — 22.1±9.6; Co — 7.9±3.8; Ni — 10.5±9.7. Factors of accumulation of metals in roadsides relative to control sites were highest for Pb. Vehicular traffic was not an important source of chromium, cobalt and nickel, for which roadside concentrations were about those of the control sites. Metal concentrations were poorly correlated with traffic volumes. An average of about 60% of total soil concentration of the metals were determined to be held in bioavailable geochemical phases, of which the highest concentrations were mostly held in either the reducible or oxidizable phase. Levels of the metals in the topsoil were generally lower than the soil quality criteria of some developed countries.  相似文献   

A total of 455 agricultural soil samples from four nonferrous mines/smelting sites in Shaoguan City, China, were investigated for concentrations of 10 heavy metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn). The mean concentrations of the metals were 72.4, 5.16, 13.3, 54.8, 84.5, 1.52, 425, 28.2, 529, and 722 mg kg?1, respectively. The values for As, Cd, Hg, Pb, and Zn were more than 8 and 1.5 times higher than their background values in this region and the limit values of Grade II soil quality standard in China, respectively. Estimated ecological risks based on contamination factors and potential ecological risk factors were also high or very high for As, Cd, Hg, and Pb. Multivariate analysis (Pearson's correlation analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, and principal component analysis) strongly implied three distinct groups; i.e., As/Cu/Hg/Zn, Co/Cr/Mn/Ni, and Cd/Pb. Local anomalies for As, Cu, Hg, and Zn by a probably anthropogenic source (identified as mining activity), Co, Cr, Mn, and Ni by natural contribution, and a mixed source for Cd and Pb, were identified. This is one of the few studies with a focus on potential sources of heavy metals in agricultural topsoil around mining/smelting sites, providing evidence for establishing priorities in the reduction of ecological risks posed by heavy metals in Southern China and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Pollution caused by traffic activities is increasingly becoming a great threat to urban environmental quality and human health in many municipalities in Northwest China. The Sophora japonica L., a native tree species occurring widely in many regions of Northwest China, was used as a case study to assess the potential effects of traffic pollution on heavy metal accumulation in leaves of S. japonica trees and associated soils. Fifty-four leaf samples and 41 relevant soil samples (0–10 cm) were collected systematically along main trunk roads and at parks distant from main trunk roads in the city of Lanzhou, Northwest China, respectively. Traffic pollution has resulted in significant accumulation of heavy metals in both the roadside leaves and soils, but the pattern and level of accumulation varied remarkably between elements. The nine elements examined can be classified into three groups relating to their responses to traffic pollution. The first group, including Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb and Cr, showed greater accumulation in both roadside soils and leaves. The second group, including Co, Ni and As, indicated greater accumulation in the roadside leaves only. The third group included only Cu and demonstrated a greater accumulation in the roadside soils only. Overall, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu and Cr concentrations in the roadside soils were higher (8–72%) than those in the park soils, as well as much higher (32–300%) than the background values of the respective elements set for local soils (Lanzhou). Zn, Cd, As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Ni and Co concentrations in the roadside leaves were higher (27–111%) than those in the park leaves. The differences found among elements in the levels of accumulation suggest that the relative importance of the individual elements contributing to urban environmental deterioration will vary considerably.  相似文献   

This prospective study was designed to compare the hair levels of 36 elements in 52 patients with stage III breast cancer to those of an equal number of healthy individuals. Principal component and cluster analysis were used for source of identification and apportionment of heavy metals and trace elements in these two groups. A higher average level of iron was found in samples from patients while controls had higher levels of calcium. Both patients and controls had elevated levels of tin, magnesium, zinc, and sodium. Almost all element values in cancer patients showed higher dispersion and asymmetry than in healthy controls. Between the two groups, there were statistically significant differences in the concentrations of silver, arsenic, gold, boron, barium, beryllium, calcium, cadmium, cerium, cobalt, cesium, gadolinium, manganese, nickel, lead, antimony, scandium, selenium, and zinc (p?相似文献   

Trace metals concentrations in sediments from the Egyptian Mediterranean coast were determined to evaluate the levels of contamination. The highest concentrations of metals were generally found in the middle region of the coast. Sediment pollution assessment was carried out using Enrichment Factor (EF), Geoaccumulation Factor (Igeo), Contamination Factor (CF), Modified Degree of Contamination (mCd), and Pollution Load Index (PLI). Association of adverse effects to aquatic life was determined using the classification of sediments according to three sets of sediment quality guidelines. The mean EF values were found to fall in the following sequence: Cr > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cu > Mn. The results demonstrated that the EF of metals in the sediments of the middle region was lower than those recorded in the western region and Rafah Station at the eastern region; the difference in the EF levels was significantly correlated with Fe concentrations along the study area. Based on the average Igeo of target elements, the Egyptian Mediterranean coast could be considered not polluted with Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn (Igeo ≤ 0). The modified degree of contamination was >1.5, indicating zero to very low contamination. The calculated PLI were less than 1, indicating only baseline levels of pollution. There were small differences between the results obtained with the three used SQGs. Highly significant correlations were found between the concentrations of Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, and Ni, suggesting similar sources and/or similar geochemical processes controlling the occurrence of these metals in the sediments.  相似文献   

Shahid Hussain 《Phyton》2022,91(12):2687-2697
Heavy metal(loid) accumulation in agricultural soils is a threat to the soil capacity, quality, and productivity. It also increases human exposure to heavy metal(loid)s via consumption of contaminated plant-based foods. The detrimental effects of soil contamination also deteriorate the environment of plants and animals. For sustainable agriculture, therefore, the soil must be protected from toxic levels of heavy metal(loid)s. Studies on heavy metal(loid) balances in agricultural soils are important in predicting future risks to sustainable production from agro-ecological zones and human exposure to heavy metal(loid)s. The latest and continuous indexing of the problem seems a prerequisite for sustainable agriculture. This review provides some background information and then summarizes key methodological approaches for studies on indexing and balance of heavy metal(loid)s in agricultural soils. In the end, important soil and health indices are explained that may be useful in understanding the extent of the problem. The provided information would contribute to sustainable heavy metal(loid) management in the agricultural soils, high crop production, better soil protection, and ultimately to human health.  相似文献   

The chemical, mineralogical, and microbial properties of the rhizosphere of a range of forested ecosystems were studied to identify the key processes controlling the distribution and fate of trace metals at the soil–root interface. The results of our research indicate that: (1) the rhizosphere is a soil microenvironment where properties (e.g., pH, organic matter, microbes) and processes (nutrient and water absorption, exudation) differ markedly from those of the adjacent bulk soil; (2) the rhizosphere is a corrosive medium where the weathering and neoformation of soil solid phases are enhanced; (3) the concentrations of solid-phase and water-soluble trace metals like Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn are generally higher in the rhizosphere as shown by both macroscopic and microscopic approaches; (4) a larger fraction of water-soluble metals is complexed by dissolved organic substances in the rhizosphere; and (5) soil microorganisms play, either directly or indirectly, a distinct role on metal speciation, in particular Cu and Zn, in the rhizosphere. These results improve our capacity to estimate metal speciation and bioavailability at the soil–root interface. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the crucial physical position occupied by the rhizosphere with respect to the process of elemental uptake by plants and its key functional role in the transfer of trace metals along the food chain. We conclude that the properties and processes of the rhizosphere should be viewed as key components of assessments of the ecological risks associated with the presence of trace metals in soils.  相似文献   

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