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Experiments addressing the role of plant species diversity for ecosystem functioning have recently proliferated. Most studies have focused on plant biomass responses. However, microbial processes involved in the production of N2O and the oxidation of atmospheric CH4 could potentially be affected via effects on N cycling, on soil diffusive properties (due to changes in water relations and root architecture) and by more direct interactions of plants with soil microbes. We studied ecosystem-level CH4 and N2O fluxes in experimental communities assembled from two pasture soils and from combinations of 1, 3, 6, 8 or 9 species typical for these pastures. The soils contrasted with respect to texture and fertility. N2O emissions decreased with diversity and increased in the presence of legumes. Soils were sinks for CH4 at all times; legume monocultures were a smaller sink for atmospheric CH4 than non-legume monocultures, but no effect of species richness per se was detected. However, both the exchange of CH4 and N2O strongly depended on plant community composition, and on the interaction of composition with soil type, indicating that the functional role of species and their interactions differed between soils. N2O fluxes were mainly driven by effects on soil nitrate and on nitrification while soil moisture had less of an effect. Soil microbial C and N and N mineralisation rates were not altered. The driver of the interactive soil type×plant community composition-effects was less clear. Because soil methanotrophs may take longer to respond to alterations of N cycling than the 1/2 year treatment in this study, we also tested species richness-effects in two separate 5-year field studies, but results were ambiguous, indicating complex interactions with soil disturbance. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that plant community composition can affect the soil trace gas balance, whereas plant species richness per se was less important; it also indicates a potential link between the botanical composition of plant communities and global warming.  相似文献   

水稻苗床土壤调酸后对土壤酶活性及一些营养元素的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水稻苗床土壤调酸后对土壤酶活性及一些营养元素的影响唐咏,梁成华,张中原,李焕珍(沈阳农业大学,110161)(沈阳市土肥工作站,110034)EffectsofSoilAcidificationonEnzymeActivitiesandNutrien...  相似文献   

The chemical, mineralogical, and microbial properties of the rhizosphere of a range of forested ecosystems were studied to identify the key processes controlling the distribution and fate of trace metals at the soil–root interface. The results of our research indicate that: (1) the rhizosphere is a soil microenvironment where properties (e.g., pH, organic matter, microbes) and processes (nutrient and water absorption, exudation) differ markedly from those of the adjacent bulk soil; (2) the rhizosphere is a corrosive medium where the weathering and neoformation of soil solid phases are enhanced; (3) the concentrations of solid-phase and water-soluble trace metals like Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn are generally higher in the rhizosphere as shown by both macroscopic and microscopic approaches; (4) a larger fraction of water-soluble metals is complexed by dissolved organic substances in the rhizosphere; and (5) soil microorganisms play, either directly or indirectly, a distinct role on metal speciation, in particular Cu and Zn, in the rhizosphere. These results improve our capacity to estimate metal speciation and bioavailability at the soil–root interface. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the crucial physical position occupied by the rhizosphere with respect to the process of elemental uptake by plants and its key functional role in the transfer of trace metals along the food chain. We conclude that the properties and processes of the rhizosphere should be viewed as key components of assessments of the ecological risks associated with the presence of trace metals in soils.  相似文献   

解聚作用是控制土壤有机氮矿化和氮素有效性供应的关键,然而氮沉降对亚热带森林土壤有机氮解聚作用的影响机制尚不明确。以福建戴云山黄山松林为研究对象,设置对照(CT)、低氮(LN)和高氮(HN)3个氮添加水平,进行为期2年的氮沉降模拟试验。通过分析土壤化学性质、微生物生物量和土壤8种有机氮解聚酶活性的变化,探究土壤有机氮解聚作用响应氮沉降的机理过程。结果表明:短期氮添加显著增加0-10 cm和10-20 cm土层矿质氮含量,并显著增加了10-20 cm土层微生物生物量碳(MBC)的含量。同时,0-10 cm土壤锰过氧化物酶活性随氮添加量增加而显著提高,HN处理下土壤漆酶活性显著高于LN和CT;10-20 cm土壤的酸性蛋白酶、碱性蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶和漆酶活性均随氮添加量增加而显著提高,但是谷氨酰胺酶活性变化相反。冗余分析表明两个土层有机氮解聚酶活性影响因素不同,土壤硝态氮(NO3--N)是0-10 cm土层有机氮解聚酶活性的主要影响因素,而10-20 cm土层有机氮解聚酶活性由NO3--N和MBC共同影响。综上所述,亚热带黄山松林土壤不同有机氮解聚酶对氮添加的响应不一致,主要受土壤NO3--N和MBC调节。该研究有助于拓宽土壤氮循环对氮沉降的响应机理,同时对维持土壤有效氮含量和提高黄山松生态系统生产力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

运用能散X-射线微区分析技术研究了发网菌目黏菌代表种的子实体的微量元素组成,结果表明:分属于7属的7种供试发网黏菌子实体囊被上的微量元素组成存在差异。尽管在显微镜下观察不到可见的如绒泡菌目黏菌子实体中存在的石灰质颗粒,但其中的钙元素所占比例均仍较高。同时,元素组成上的差异与子实体的颜色没有相关性。  相似文献   

Dilly  Oliver 《Plant and Soil》1999,212(2):173-181
Estimating in situ N and P status of the soil microbiota is complicated because microbiological features reflect potentials rather than field conditions. Complementary microbiological assays were, therefore, combined to evaluate the N and P requirement of the microbiota in seven agricultural, grassland and forest topsoils of the Bornhöved Lake district as follows: (i) the sensitivity of the substrate-induced respiration (SIR) to supplemental addition of N and P was monitored during microbial growth and (ii) soil protease and phosphatase activities were analysed and related to soil mass and microbial biomass content. Nitrogen addition increased the maximal SIR rate in all except one soil indicating that the growth of organisms is restricted by this element when easily degradable C source is present. Supplemental N (and in some cases also P) retarded the respiratory response within the first 24 h which suggests microbial sensitivity and/or greater anabolic efficiency. With additional N the maximal SIR rate was most strongly enhanced in topsoils of the beech forest and the dystric alder forest. Thus, the microbial growth in these soils that were below litter horizons seems to be mostly restricted by N. Supplemental P positively affected respiratory response of soils under monoculture, wet grassland and dystric alder forest. In the dystric alder forest soil, high rates of alkaline and unbuffered phosphatase activity were observed when activity was related to either soil mass or microbial biomass content. The data of proteolytic and phospholytic enzymes are discussed with reference to nutrient deficiency and microbial strategy for N and P adsorption.  相似文献   

Phytostabilization aims to immobilize soil contaminants using higher plants. The accumulation of trace elements in Populus alba leaves was monitored for 12 years after a mine spill. Concentrations of As and Pb significantly decreased, while concentrations of Cd and Zn did not significantly over time. Soil concentrations extracted by CaCl2 were measured by ICP-OES and results of As and Pb were below the detection limit. Long-term biomonitoring of soil contamination using poplar leaves was proven to be better suited for the study of trace elements. Plants suitable for phytostabilization must also be able to survive and reproduce in contaminated soils. Concentrations of trace elements were also measured in P. alba fruiting catkins to determine the effect on its reproduction potential. Cadmium and Zn were found to accumulate in fruiting catkins, with the transfer coefficient for Cd significantly greater than Zn. It is possible for trace elements to translocate to seed, which presents a concern for seed germination, establishment and colonization. We conclude that white poplar is a suitable tree for long-term monitoring of soil contaminated with Cd and Zn, and for phytostabilization in riparian habitats, although some caution should be taken with the possible effects on the food web.

Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of International Journal of Phytoremediation to view the supplemental file.  相似文献   

Barnacles have very high accumulated trace metal body concentrations that vary with local trace metal bioavailabilities and represent integrated measures of the supply of bioavailable metals. Pioneering work in Chinese waters in Hong Kong highlighted the potential value of barnacles (particularly Balanus amphitrite) as trace metal biomonitors in coastal waters, identifying differences in local trace metal bioavailabilities over space and time. Work in Hong Kong has also shown that although barnacles have very high rates of trace metal uptake from solution, they also have very high trace metal assimilation efficiencies from the diet. High assimilation efficiencies coupled with high ingestion rates ensure that trophic uptake is by far the dominant trace metal uptake route in barnacles, as verified for cadmium and zinc. Kinetic modelling has shown that low efflux rate constants and high uptake rates from the diet combine to bring about accumulated trace metal concentrations in barnacles that are amongst the  相似文献   

Barnacles have very high accumulated trace metal body concentrations that vary with local trace metal bioavailabilities and represent integrated measures of the supply of bioavailable metals. Pioneering work in Chinese waters in Hong Kong highlighted the potential value of barnacles (particularly Balanus amphitrite) as trace metal biomonitors in coastal waters,identifying differences in local trace metal bioavailabilities over space and time. Work in Hong Kong has also shown that although barnacles have very high rates of trace metal uptake from solution, they also have very high trace metal assimilation efficiencies from the diet. High assimilation efficiencies coupled with high ingestion rates ensure that trophic uptake is by far the dominant trace metal uptake route in barnacles, as verified for cadmium and zinc. Kinetic modelling has shown that low efflux rate constants and high uptake rates from the diet combine to bring about accumulated trace metal concentrations in barnacles that are amongst the highest known in marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

大中微量元素组合对水稻产量和品质影响的灰色综合评判   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文运用灰色系统理论,探讨了大中微量元素组合对水稻产量和品质的影响,并对其进行了灰色关联评判,结果表明复4S1Fe1Cu1和复2S2Fe1Cu2两个组合,对水稻产量和品质影响最为明显,并与田间试验情况一致。  相似文献   

The effects of oxygen transfer on serine alkaline protease (SAP) production by Bacillus licheniformis on a defined medium with Cc = 9.0 kg m−3 citric acid as sole carbon source were investigated in 3.5 dm3 batch bioreactor systems. The concentrations of the product (SAP) and by-products, i.e., neutral protease, amylase, amino acids, and organic acids were determined in addition to SAP activities. At Qo/V = 1 vvm air flow rate, the effect of agitation rate on DO concentration, pH, product, and by-product concentrations and SAP activity were investigated at N = 150, 500, and 750 min−1; these are named as low-(LOT), medium-(MOT), and high oxygen transfer (HOT) conditions. LOT conditions favor biomass concentration; however, substrate consumption was highest at HOT conditions. MOT was optimum for maximum SAP activity which was 441 U cm−3 at t = 37 h. The total amino acid concentration was maximum in LOT and minimum in MOT conditions; lysine had the highest concentration under all oxygen transfer conditions. Among organic acids, acetic acid had the highest concentration and its concentration increased with oxygen transfer rate. The oxygen transfer coefficient increases with the agitation rate and the oxygen consumption rate increased almost linearly with the biomass concentration.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of the addition of biosolids combined with a native mycorrhizal inoculum (Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi [AMF]) on growth of a native Australian grass, and on trace element stabilization of sulphidic gold mine tailings. A glasshouse trial was established on four substrates: tailings (T); tailings with a layer of 5 cm topsoil (TS); tailings amended with 100 dry t ha?1 biosolids (LB), and tailings amended with 500 dry t ha?1 biosolids (HB). Pots of 1.2 L of capacity were established; some were inoculated with a mixture of Glomus sp. (WUM51–9227), Scutelospora aurigloba (WUM51–53), and Acaulospora levis (WUM46) culture mix, and others were uninoculated controls. Seeds of the native Australian grass, Bothriochloa macra were sown in the pots. Root infection, plant biomass production, nutrients and trace element concentrations in shoots were investigated. Addition of biosolids significantly increased AMF infection of roots compared to unamended substrates. No clear qualitative differences in colonization were detected. Addition of biosolids and AMF together clearly improved the establishment and growth of the native grass. Similar trends in nutritional status were shown for biosolids and inoculation with AMF treatments. Mycorrhizal inoculation increased plant biomass production and the effectiveness of nutrient uptake. The combined use of biosolids and mycorrhizal inoculation could be a reliable method for phytostabilization purposes in polluted substrates.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that floodplain soils of the River Wupper, Germany, are seriously contaminated with metal(loid)s. We used an automated biogeochemical microcosm system allowing controlled variation of redox potential (EH) to assess the impact of pre-definite redox conditions on the dynamics of arsenic (As), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), antimony (Sb), and zinc (Zn) in homogenized soil material taken from an acid floodplain soil. The concentrations of Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Sb, and Zn in soil solution were low at low EH, possibly due to the precipitation of metal sulfides, and increased with rising EH, presumably caused by their association with dissolved organic carbon (DOC). A significant positive correlation between metal/DOC-ratio and EH indicated that the binding of the metals to DOC shifted from stronger to weaker when EH rose. Decreasing As concentrations with increasing EH in soil solution indicated co-precipitation with Fe(hydr)oxides and/or oxidation of more soluble As(III) to less soluble As(V) during oxidation. The other studied elements seemed not to co-precipitate with newly formed Fe(hydr)oxides when EH rose, possibly due to the prevailing low pH. In the future, the specific role of DOC and sulfur chemistry on metal(loid) dynamics should be elucidated more fully, and similar studies should be conducted with additional frequently flooded soils worldwide to verify these results.  相似文献   

王高升  刘文耀  付昀  杨国平 《生态学报》2008,28(3):1328-1336
在热带、亚热带和温带高海拔潮湿生境的山地森林林冠层中,积累有较为丰富的林冠腐殖质(Canopy humus),是构成山地森林生态系统景观结构的重要组分,为丰富的附生植物提供了重要的生长基质和营养物质.通过对云南哀牢山山地湿性常绿阔叶林林冠腐殖质和其相应林下地表腐殖质的分析测定结果表明,由于林冠和林下地表腐殖质的来源、组成和空间分布的不同,它们之间的理化特性存在较大的差异,其中林冠腐殖质中有机C、全N及全Ca的含量、C/N以及阳离子交换量显著高于林下地表腐殖质,而全K和全Mg的含量则显著低于后者,全P含量差异不明显;林冠腐殖质的微生物量C、N和呼吸强度,以及蔗糖酶、脲酶和蛋白酶的活性均显著高于林下地表腐殖质,说明林冠腐殖质是一种具有较高生物活性的有机土类物质,在山地森林生态系统养分循环、林冠附生植物多样性格局形成及其维持方面具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

The proposed phytoremediation technique is based on the successful exploitation and optimization of oxidative coupling, mediated by horseradish peroxidase. Susceptibility to degradation of a selection of phenolic compounds, in solution, by horseradish peroxidase appears to be structurally related and was found to be of the order 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) > 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) > 2-chlorophenol (2-CP). Only 1.89% of 2,4-DCP, at an initial concentration of 5 mM, remained unchanged at the end of the experiment. Reaction rates between purified horseradish peroxidase and 2,4-DCP were found to be extremely rapid with 74% of the substrate removed from solution during the first 30 s. Inhibition of the reaction by the heavy metals Cd, Zn, Ni, and Pb at concentrations of 100 mg/l is of concern because these metals are often present in contaminated soils. H2O2 has a dominant role in optimizing peroxidase activity in crude horseradish extracts. Fluctuations in temperature and pH, normally experienced in soils, did not appear to have a detrimental impact on peroxidase activity. However, the functioning of the enzyme is seriously affected at a pH ≤ 3. All reactions in this study were carried out in solution.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a natural mechanism for regulating gene expression, which exists in plants, invertebrates, and mammals. We investigated whether non-viral infusion of short interfering RNA (siRNA) by the intracerebroventricular route would enable a sequence-specific gene knockdown in the mouse brain and whether the knockdown translates into disease-relevant behavioral changes. Initially, we targeted enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in mice overexpressing EGFP. A selective knockdown of both EGFP protein and mRNA was observed throughout the brain, with lesser down-regulation in regions distal to the infusion site. We then targeted endogenous genes, encoding the dopamine (DAT) and serotonin transporters (SERT). DAT-siRNA infusion in adult mice produced a significant down-regulation of DAT mRNA and protein and elicited hyperlocomotion similar, but delayed, to that produced on infusion of GBR-12909, a potent and selective DAT inhibitor. Similarly, SERT-siRNA infusion resulted in significant knockdown of SERT mRNA and protein and elicited reduced immobility in the forced swim test similar to that obtained on infusion of citalopram, a very selective and potent SSRI. Application of this non-viral RNAi approach may accelerate target validation for neuropsychiatric disorders that involve a complex interplay of gene(s) from various brain regions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the production of biopesticides, protease and chitinase activity by Bacillus thuringiensis grown in raw wastewater sludge at high solids concentration (30 g/L). The rheology of wastewater sludge was modified with addition of Tween-80 (0.2% v/v). This addition resulted in 1.6 and 1.3-fold increase in cell and spore count, respectively. The maximum specific growth rate (μmax) augmented from 0.17 to 0.22 h−1 and entomotoxicity (Tx) increased by 29.7%. Meanwhile, volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) showed marked variations during fermentation, and oxygen uptake rate (OUR) increased 2-fold. The proteolytic activity increased while chitinase decreased for Tween amended wastewater sludge, but the entomotoxicity increased. The specific entomotoxicity followed power law when plotted against spore concentration and the relation between Tx and protease activity was linear. The viscosity varied and volume percent of particles increased in Tween-80 amended wastewater sludge and particle size (D50) decreased at the end of fermentation. Thus, there was an increase in entomotoxicity at higher suspended solids (30 g/L) as Tween addition improved rheology (viscosity, particle size, surface tension); enhanced maximum growth rate and OUR.  相似文献   

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