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Abstract The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii grazes areas of reef free of large brown algae (the barrens habitat). Survival of the kelp Ecklonia radiata adjacent to patches of barrens habitat was compared to that in the centre of kelp forests (centre) and edges of forests not adjacent to patches of barrens habitat (ungrazed). Estimates of rates of instantaneous mortality for tagged plants, as described by the slope of a negative exponential model (± 95% CI) were: barrens, 0.078 ± 0.004; centre, 0.051 ± 0.004 and ungrazed edge, 0.065 ± 0.007. Survival of plants was greatest in the middle of forests and least on the margins of patches of barrens habitat. A significant proportion of mortality in the barrens and centre positions was caused by herbivorous fish. When these plants were excluded from analysis there were no significant differences in survival between the barrens and ungrazed positions. It is concluded that C. rodgersii has little impact on the abundance of Ecklonia outside sharply defined boundaries.  相似文献   

Regeneration in fringe mangrove forests damaged by Hurricane Andrew   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Baldwin  Andrew  Egnotovich  Michael  Ford  Mark  Platt  William 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(2):151-164
Mangrove forests along many tropical coastlines are frequently andseverely damaged by hurricanes. The ability of mangrove forests to regeneratefollowing hurricanes has been noted, but changes that occur in vegetationfollowing disturbance by hurricane winds and storm tides have not been studied.We measured changes in plant community structure and environmental variables intwo fringe mangrove forests in south Florida, USA that experienced high windvelocities and storm tides associated with Hurricane Andrew (August1992). Loss of the forest canopy stimulated regeneration via seedlinggrowth and recruitment, as well as resprouting of some trees that survived thehurricane. Initial regeneration differed among species in both forests:Rhizophora mangle L. regenerated primarily via growth ofseedlings present at the time of the hurricane (i.e., release of advancerecruits), but many trees of Avicennia germinans(L.) Stearn and Laguncularia racemosa Gaertn.f.resprouted profusely from dormant epicormic buds. In one forest, which wasformerly dominated by Laguncularia, high densities ofRhizophora seedlings survived the hurricane and grew toform dense stands of saplings and small trees ofRhizophora. In the other forest, there were lowerdensitiesof surviving Rhizophora seedlings (possibly due tohigher storm tide), and extensive bare areas that were colonized byAvicennia, Laguncularia, andherbaceous species. This forest, predominantly Rhizophoraat the time of the hurricane, now contains stands of saplings and small treesofall three species, interspersed with patches dominated by herbaceous plants.These findings indicate that moderately damaged fringe forests may regenerateprimarily via release of Rhizophora advance recruits,leading to single-species stands. In severely damaged forests, seedlingrecruitment may be more important and lead to mixed-species stands.Regeneration of mangrove forests following hurricanes can involve differentpathways produced by complex interactions between resprouting capability,seedling survival, post-hurricane seedling recruitment, and colonizationby herbaceous vegetation. These differences in relative importance ofregeneration pathways, which may result in post-hurricane forestsdifferent from their pre-hurricane structure, suggest that models forregeneration of mangrove forests will be more complex than directregeneration models proposed for other tropical forests whereregeneration after hurricanes is dominated by resprouting.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation alters plant-animal interactions, including herbivory. Relying manipulative experiments, we test if the reduction in insect herbivory associated with forest fragmentation translates into increased seedling growth and survival of three tree common species (Aristotelia chilensis, Cryptocarya alba and Persea lingue) in forest fragments and continuous forests in coastal Maulino forest, central Chile. Furthermore, we test if after protecting seedlings from herbivorous insects, plant performance is increased regardless of forest fragmentation. Nursery grown seedlings were transplanted into four forest fragments and a continuous forest during 2002. Insects, important herbivores in this forest, were excluded from half the seedlings by repeated applications of insecticides. Compared to continuous forests, in forest fragments, herbivory was reduced in all three species, seedling growth was greater in A. chilensis and C. alba but not in P. lingue, and survivorship was unaffected by herbivory or fragmentation in all three species. Protecting seedlings from insects reduced herbivory in the continuous forest to similar levels attained in the forest fragments. No change in herbivory results from by protecting seedlings in forest fragments. These results confirm that insects are important herbivores in the Maulino forest and also support the hypothesis that fragmentation can have strong indirect effects on plant communities as mediated through trophic interactions.  相似文献   

The fish fauna associated with a Macrocystis pyrifera forest and the effects of the canopy removal on this fauna were studied in the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego. Seasonal changes and differences in the fish communities that inhabit the canopy and the holdfast were also studied. Two patches of kelp forest separated by 200 m were selected. In one, the canopy was removed periodically while the other was used as a control. Samples were collected seasonally, from autumn 1999 to 2001. Fish fauna in the water column was sampled using trammel nets and holdfast fish fauna was sampled by removing the complete holdfast. Different assemblages of fish species were captured in the water column (surface and bottom) and in the holdfast. In the former there were mainly pelagic and benthopelagic species and the latter predominantly demersal species. The principal effect of the canopy removal was a drop in the abundance (and total weight) of Paranotothenia magellanica (doradito), the species with the strongest relationship with the canopy, principally at the surface of the treated patch probably due to a reduction in the availability of refuges. A high degree of seasonality was observed for fish species’ total weight, abundance and diversity, with higher values in summer and autumn. Taking into account our data and available data on kelp growth in the same locality, we suggest of cutting the kelp forest (preferably those farther away from the coast) once a year in winter or early spring, in order to minimize impact on the fish community.  相似文献   

Conservation strategies of forested landscapes must consider biodiversity of the included site types, i.e. timber-quality forests and associated non-timber-quality stands. The objectives were to characterize forest overstory structure in timber-quality versus associated non-timber-quality stands; and to compare their understory communities. Six forest types were sampled in Nothofagus forests of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): two timber-quality N. pumilio forests, and four associated non-timber-quality stands (edge, N. antarctica, wetlands and streamside forests). Overstory structure and understory vegetation (species richness, frequencies, cover and biomass) were characterized during spring and summer seasons. Analysis of variance and multivariates were carried out. Overstory structure differed across the site types, with higher tree size, canopy closure and tree volume in timber-quality stands. Fifty-one understory plant species were observed, but understory variables varied with site types, especially wetlands (highest native and exotic richness, cover and biomass, and 25% of exclusive species). Site types were grouped in three: N. antarctica stands, streamside stands and the other N. pumilio forests according to multivariate analysis. Forty three percent of plants were distributed in all site types, and all timber-quality forest understory species were present in some associated non-timber-quality stands. Timber-quality N. pumilio forests have a marginal value for understory conservation compared to associated non-timber-quality stands, because these last include all the plants observed in timber-quality forests and also possess many exclusive species. Therefore, protection of associated non-timber-quality stands during forest management planning could increase understory conservation at landscape level, and these could be better reserves of understory diversity than retentions of timber-quality stands.  相似文献   

Synopsis In Nova Scotia the annual harvest of the intertidal seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum exceeds 20 000 tons. This study investigated the possible impact of removal of the seaweed on intertidal abundance of fishes and their gut contents. At sites near Lower Argyle, Nova Scotia, absolute abundance of fish in small areas with Ascophyllum removed and intact was determined with pop-up seines. Gut contents were investigated from fish collected with the seines and with trammel nets. Number and weight of fish were not significantly different between cleared and intact areas and averaged 4.6 individuals and 160 g per 400 m2 during June to October. Cunner and sculpins had more food in their guts when leaving than when entering the intertidal, but only cunner had more food in their stomachs when leaving intact areas than when leaving cleared areas. Most fish captured in the intertidal were small (< 15 cm) and of no commercial value, and the numbers of commercial species were too low to be of much value. Numbers of fish in the intertidal was significantly lower than in the shallow subtidal. This study provided no evidence for adverse effects of the removal of patches of Ascophyllum on fishes.  相似文献   

Four unusual masses of adhesive fish eggs surrounding limbs of the octocoral Primnoa sp. were collected in Seguam Pass in the Aleutian Island Archipelago at a depth of 397 m. The eggs contained embryos in the flexion stage of development. When dissected and cleared and stained, counts of dorsal and anal fin rays and vertebrae allowed identification of the eggs as those of Allocareproctus unangas Orr and Busby, a newly described snailfish species. This is first report of snailfishes of the genus Allocareproctus, and of liparids other than those in the genus Liparis, spawning outside of lithodid crabs.  相似文献   

The effects of herbivory by the guild of chrysomelid beetles on the growth and survival ofRumex plants were examined in relation to the distribution and size of the plants. Gastrophysa atrocyanea never appeared on solitary plants whereasMantula clavareaui showed even utilization of solitary and clumped plants.Galerucella vittaticollis utilized large solitary plants most frequently. In patches of the host plants, the frequency of withering of the aerial parts was higher on small plants. The regrowth rate was higher when the aerial parts withered in spring than in summer. In patches of the host plants, the regrowth rate was higher on small plants. On the other hand, it was lower on small solitary plants than on large solitary plants and small plants in patches. In large plants, no difference in survival rate was recognized between solitary and clumped plants, because both the frequency of withering of the aerial parts and the regrowth rate were lower in clumped than solitary plants. The high vigor against intense herbivory by the chrysomelid beetles brought on the delay in the phenology ofRumex plants. This shift permits in parts the existence ofG. vittaticollis in mid summer. The temporal and spatial interactions between herbivore guild and the host plants were discussed.  相似文献   

Small juveniles of the nine species of scombrids in Australian waters are morphologically similar to one another and, consequently, difficult to identify to species level. We show that the sequence of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene region is a powerful tool for identification of these young fish. Using this method, we identified 50 juvenile scombrids collected from Exmouth Bay, Western Australia. Six species of scombrids were apparent in this sample of fish: narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson), Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), frigate tuna (Auxis thazard), bullet tuna (Auxis rochei), leaping bonito (Cybiosarda elegans), and kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis). The presence of Indian mackerel, frigate tuna, leaping bonito, and kawakawa is the first indication that coastal waters may be an important spawning habitat for these species, although offshore spawning may also occur. The occurrence of small juvenile S. commerson was predicted from the known spawning patterns of that species, but other mackerel species (Scomberomorus munroi, Scomberomorus queenslandicus, Scomberomorus semifasiciatus) likely to be spawning during the sampling period were not detected among the 50 small juveniles analyzed here.  相似文献   

Old-growth deciduous forests in western Europe, for the most part, consist of small tracts that often may be atypical due to human disturbance, poor soil productivity or inaccessibility. In addition, very little information on tree age distributions, structural heterogeneity and tree spatial patterns appears to be available for west-European forests. Characterization of the structural features of tree populations in these old-growth stands can provide the basis to design conservation plans and also inform on how present forests might look in the absence of human interference. Four old-growth stands in a deciduous forest in the Cantabrian lowlands, northern Spain, were surveyed to determine forest structure and spatial patterns. Live and dead trees were identified, measured and mapped, and live trees were cored for age estimation. Structural heterogeneity was analyzed by means of the spatial autocorrelation of tree diameter, height and age, and the uni- and bivariate spatial patterns of trees were analyzed. The dominant species, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur, showed reverse-J shaped size distributions but discontinuous age distributions, with maximum ages of 255–270 yr. Tree ages suggested that the forest was largely modified by past changes in forest-use, especially by temporal variation in grazing intensity. Spatial autocorrelation revealed that former parkland stands were heterogeneous with respect to tree height only, while high forest stands were composed of patches of even-aged and even-sized trees. Young trees were clumped at varying distances and establishment occurred preferentially in canopy gaps, except for Ilex aquifolium that mainly occurred beneath mature Quercus trees. Surviving trees became less intensely clumped in the dominant species, and more strongly clumped in understorey ones, which may have been due to the effects of intraspecific competition and of canopy trees on tree survival, respectively. The spatial associations between species varied within the forest, probably as a consequence of specific establishment preferences and competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Summary The establishment in South Africa of a florivorous, apionid weevil, Trichapion lativentre, on Sesbania punicea, a leguminous weed of South American origin, has reduced seed production of the plants by >98%. Surveys of the age structure and density of plants in infestations of S. punicea throughout South Africa have shown that the rate of recruitment of seedlings has drastically declined within a few years in many areas, due to the weevils. However, there has unexpectedly not been a corresponding decline in the density of mature plants in extant infestations of S. punicea. In spite of this, T. lativentre has curtailed the rate of spread of the weed into uninvaded habitats and has impeded reinvasion into areas cleared of infestations by mechanical means or by another complimentary biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

Behaviors associated with spawning by the halfmoon grouper, Epinephelus rivulatus, at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, are described from in situ observations made each evening throughout most of a lunar cycle. Spawning occurred after sunset on six consecutive evenings during the full moon period. During this time males were particularly aggressive toward one another and maintained high levels of activity among the gravid females that rested within each of their territories. Spawning occurred when a male swam alongside a responsive female and the pair rose in a tight spiral 1–1.5 m into the water column before releasing gametes and returning to the seabed. Spawning activity was followed by a longer nonspawning period (ca. 20 days), when fewer intraspecific interactions were observed and gamete reserves were replenished. Histological and behavioral evidence suggests that this cycle of spawning and replenishment may occur on a monthly basis. Although individual fish, particularly females, moved into certain areas to spawn, E. rivulatus did not form spawning aggregations as do larger species of grouper.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that large, herbivorous waterfowl can reduce quantity of aquatic plants during the breeding or wintering season, but relatively few document herbivory effects at staging areas. This study was done to determine if feeding activities of tundra swans (Cygnus columbianus columbianus) and Canada geese (Branta canadensis) had a measurable additive influence on the amount of aquatic plants, primarily muskgrass (Chara vulgaris), wild celery (Vallisneria americana), and sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus), removed during the fall migration period at Long Point, Lake Erie, Ontario. Exclosure experiments done in fall 1998 and 1999 showed that, as compared to ducks and abiotic factors, these two large herbivorous waterfowl did not have any additional impact on above or below ground biomass of those aquatic plants. As expected, however, there were substantial seasonal reductions in above-ground and below-ground biomass of aquatic plants in wetlands that were heavily used by all waterfowl. We suggest that differences in large- and small-scale habitat use, feeding activity, and food preferences between tundra swans and other smaller waterfowl as well as compensatory herbivory contributed to our main finding that large waterfowl did not increase fall reductions of Chara spp, V. Americana, and P. pectinatus biomass.  相似文献   

Allcock KG  Hik DS 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):231-241
To understand how plant communities are structured by herbivory it is essential to investigate the roles of different herbivores and the responses of a variety of plant species in different habitats. We examined the effects of mammalian herbivores on survival and growth of transplanted seedlings of two native trees (Eucalyptus albens and Callitris glaucophylla), and one native grass (Themeda australis) in white box (E. albens) woodlands in eastern Australia over 3 years. Herbivores were manipulated using four fencing treatments that successively excluded livestock, macropods, and rabbits from woodland and grassland (cleared pasture). Survival was highest in the absence of mammalian herbivores and in woodlands, and patterns differed among plant species. Survival of T. australis was low, especially in grasslands, and mortality by overgrowth was common in ungrazed treatments. All plant species were taller in fenced plots, and differences between treatments were greater in grassland. Rabbits and livestock had the greatest influence on C. glaucophylla, while T. australis and E. albens were most affected by livestock and macropods. We used field data to parameterize stage-classified matrix models to predict escape from herbivory (escape height >100 cm) for tree species. Reduced herbivory increased the proportion of individuals reaching escape height after 15 years. Rate of escape was greater in grassland, and this faster growth appeared to counteract much of the negative impact of herbivores. While T. australis was unable to escape herbivory, larger, ungrazed individuals were more likely to flower and therefore contribute to the maintenance of the population. Our results show that habitat and herbivore species strongly influence the effect of herbivory on vegetation.  相似文献   

Synopsis Observations of three incidents of the mass mortality of nearshore fishes are reported; each corresponded to periods of high-amplitude, long-period swells during the 1982–1983 El Niño event along the coast of central California. Members of the nearshore kelp forest fish assemblage, primarily of the genusSebastes, accounted for 96% of the observed mortalities andS. mystinus (blue rockfish) alone accounted for 72%.  相似文献   

Herbivory can be an important factor structuring coastal algal communities. Herbivores may preferentially graze particular algal species or tissue types. Mesograzers, despite their small size, can critically weaken kelp thalli and impact entire kelp beds. We propose that when kelp beds are composed of several kelp cohorts, mesograzers will selectively choose to inhabit younger plants and grazing activities will have a greater impact on younger plants. This study investigated the effects of grazing by the littorinid gastropod, Lacuna vincta, on different age classes of the bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana by (1) testing food preference of L. vincta on juvenile, first-year adult, and second-year adult Nereocystis blades in the laboratory, (2) determining substrate (blades of different ages) preference of L. vincta in the laboratory, and by (3) estimating in-situ herbivore abundances and densities on juvenile and adult Nereocystis. Results demonstrated that grazing by L. vincta produced greater damage on juvenile than older Nereocystis tissues. Although L. vincta did not select juvenile versus older kelps as substrate in the laboratory, in situ surveys showed that differences existed between age classes with higher L. vincta densities on juvenile than adult kelp. We conclude that at a local scale, L. vincta can be an important structuring factor in Nereocystis populations due to its high density and grazing ability. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Communities of Sorghum intrans, a tropical annual grass of north-west Australia, contain sparse patches several metres in diameter within otherwise dense swards. These patches are persistent for at least ca. 4 years, despite the fact that these species are annuals which lack a persistent seed-bank. Three possible causes of the sparse patches were investigated at a site near Darwin: loss of viable seeds through granivory or death; high plant mortality; or poor fecundity. This was done by augmenting the seed-banks of S. intrans in the sparse patches, and thinning stands of seedlings in the surrounding, naturally dense areas, and comparing the results of these perturbations with controls. Granivory did not appear to be a cause of the sparse patches. Furthermore, the seeds in the sparse patches did not become inviable over the dry season. Compared with the plants of S. intrans in the naturally high-density areas, survival of the plants in the augmented patches was not reduced, but vigour and seed production were. Conversely, plants in the thinned stands had a higher survival rate and very much greater vigour and seed production than plants in either the undisturbed patches or the undisturbed surrounding areas. Biotic constraints to plant growth such as grazing and disease appeared to be unimportant. These sparse patches result from poor site potential for S. intrans which limits its growth and reproductive output.  相似文献   

Size and age structure, spatial analysis, and disturbance history were used to analyse the population structures and regeneration patterns of 8 conifer stands in the central western Cascade Range, Oregon, USA. Variation in forest structure reflected the effects of frequent (20–50 yr) low-intensity fires and treefalls, infrequent (100–200 yr) localised, intense fires, and extensive fires that resulted in stand replacement (every ca 400 yr?).The amount of canopy removed and the size of openings formed by fires and treefalls were important determinants of subsequent forest establishment. Single or several species stands of Pseudotsuga and/or Abies procera, or mixed species stands of Pseudotsuga, Abies procera, Tsuga heterophylla and Abies amabilis established in openings where intense fires had removed most of the canopy trees over several ha. Multi-tiered and multi-aged stands, often containing 400–500 yr-old Pseudotsuga and variously-sized more or less even-aged patches of younger shade tolerant Tsuga heterophylla and/or Abies amabilis, occurred where lower-intensity fires did not kill all overstorey trees or where treefalls occurred after the initial fire.Current regeneration processes are influenced by overstorey composition, the availability and size of canopy openings, and the availability of substrates suitable for regeneration. Tsuga heterophylla and Abies amabilis established under Pseudotsuga menziesii and Abies procera canopies and in small canopy openings (<400 m2) created by windfalls, but rarely under Tsuga. Down logs and stumps were favoured establishment sites for Tsuga.The disturbance regime of fires of low-to moderate-intensity, windfalls, and occasional fires that result in extensive stand replacement contrasts with the pattern of infrequent, catastrophic disturbances proposed for other areas of the Pacific Northwest. Although fires at stand establishment commonly determine much of the composition, structure, and subsequent stand development, canopy replacement by shade tolerant species occurs as the different life histories of the species are expressed in response to various disturbances differing in intensity and frequency. Such a non-equilibrium view of vegetation change is consistent with many other fire-dominated forests of the western United States.  相似文献   

Disturbance of competitive‐dominant plant and algae canopies often lead to increased diversity of the assemblage. Kelp forests, particularly those of temperate Western Australia, are habitats with high alpha diversity. This study investigated the roles of broad‐scale canopy loss and local scale reef topography on structuring the kelp‐dominated macroalgal forests in Western Australia. Eighteen 314 m2 circular areas were cleared of their Ecklonia radiata canopy and eighteen controls were established across three locations. The patterns of macroalgal recolonisation in replicate clearances were observed over a 34 month period. Macroalgal species richness initially increased after canopy removal with a turf of filamentous and foliose macroalgae dominating cleared areas for up to seven months. A dense Sargassum canopy dominated cleared areas from 11 to 22 months. By 34 months, partial recovery of the kelp canopy into cleared areas had occurred. Some cleared areas did not follow this trajectory but remained dominated by turfing, foliose and filamentous algae. As kelp canopies developed, the initial high species diversity declined but still remained elevated relative to undisturbed controls, even after 34 months. More complex reef topography was associated with greater variability in the algal assemblage between replicate quadrats suggesting colonising algae had a greater choice of microhabitats available to them on topographically complex reefs. Shading by canopies of either Sargassum spp. and E. radiata are proposed to highly influence the abundance of algae through competitive exclusion that is relaxed by disturbance of the canopy. Disturbance of the canopy in E. radiata kelp forests created a mosaic of different patch types (turf, Sargassum‐dominated, kelp‐dominated). These patch types were both transient and stable over the 34 months of this study, and are a potential contemporary process that maintains high species diversity in temperate kelp‐dominated reefs.  相似文献   

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