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The reproductive success of alternative mating behaviours may vary within and among populations in relation to environmental factors and demographic parameters. We used behavioural and genetic data to investigate how male density affects reproductive success of territoriality and sneaking in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus, Cyprinidae), a freshwater fish that spawns on the gills of living freshwater mussels. Keeping the number of spawning sites constant, we manipulated male densities in laboratory and mesocosm experiments. We showed that sneaked fertilizations were common in R. sericeus, and that they increased significantly with male density. Territorial mating was almost 17 times more successful than sneaking at the lowest male density treatment, and still 2-3 times more successful at intermediate densities. However, both behaviours conferred the same fitness pay-off at the highest male density. While the success of territorial males declined with male density, the success of individual sneaking males remained constant across densities. Notably, the capacity of territorial males to outcompete sneakers by preoviposition sperm loading was the best predictor of male reproductive success, rather than aggression, body size or postoviposition ejaculation.  相似文献   

We isolated 30 microsatellites from the freshwater fish, the bitterling Rhodeus sericeus. Twenty‐three microsatellite sequences possessed sufficient flanking DNA from which to design primers. Twelve loci were characterized and all were found to be polymorphic. These loci were isolated and characterized as part of a project to investigate the consequences of male alternative mating tactics and sperm competition using the bitterling as a model species.  相似文献   

1. We investigated two possible proximate cues used for oviposition site choice by females of the bitterling ( Rhodeus sericeus ), a freshwater fish that spawns on the gills of live unionid mussels. The two cues were the flow velocity and/or oxygen content of water emerging from the exhalant siphon of a mussel.
2. Field observations showed that female bitterling always inspected the exhalant siphons of mussels before they spawned in them. Siphon inspection was not always a prelude to spawning and it may serve as a means of assessing mussel quality. Female skimming behaviour, swimming over a mussel without spawning, may also be used to assess mussel quality, although the mechanism for this is unclear.
3. Measurements of the flow velocity of water emerging from the exhalant siphons of four mussel species ( Anodonta anatina, A. cygnea, Unio pictorum and U. tumidus ) showed a significant difference among species, with U. tumidus having the highest mean flow velocity and U. pictorum the lowest.
4. Measurements of the change in oxygen concentration of water entering a mussel inhalant siphon and leaving its exhalant siphon in field and laboratory studies showed a significant difference among the four mussel species, with A. cygnea exhibiting a significantly higher change in oxygen concentration than the other species.
5. The presence of bitterling embryos in the gills of a mussel significantly increased its oxygen consumption whereas larval glochidia had no significant effect. We discuss oxygen availability as a possible proximate cue for oviposition site choice in bitterling.  相似文献   

Game theory models of sperm competition predict that within species, males should increase their sperm expenditure when they have one competitor, but decrease expenditure with increasing numbers of competitors. So far, there have been few tests or support for this prediction. Here, we show that males of a freshwater fish, the European bitterling, Rhodeus sericeus, do indeed adjust their ejaculation rate to the number of male competitors by first increasing and then decreasing their ejaculation rates as the number of competitors increases. However, this occurred only under restricted conditions. Specifically, the prediction was upheld as long as no female had deposited eggs in the live mussels that are used as spawning sites. After one or more females had spawned, males did not decrease their ejaculation rates with the number of competitors, but instead they became more aggressive. This indicates that decreased ejaculation rate and increased aggression are alternative responses to increased risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   

This study describes the trends of a bitterling population in the Bourgneuf Marsh in relation to human activities. Although there were no bitterling during the period 1987-91, the species rapidly colonized the ditch network sampled (density reaching 61.7 +/- 47.0 individuals/100 m2 and frequency of occurrence around 70-75%) during a 5-year period (1997-2001). Clearance operations probably favoured the expansion of this vulnerable fish species because of positive associations of bitterling with large and deep ditches that had been cleared in the last 2-3 years and characterized by a small cover of submerged plants. Management recommendations are discussed for conserving the bitterling population.  相似文献   

Sexual selection involves two main mechanisms: intrasexual competition for mates and intersexual mate choice. We experimentally separated intrasexual (male-male interference competition) and intersexual (female choice) components of sexual selection in a freshwater fish, the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). We compared the roles of multiple morphological and behavioural traits in male success in both components of sexual competition, and their relation to male reproductive success, measured as paternity of offspring. Body size was important for both female choice and male-male competition, though females also preferred males that courted more vigorously. However, dominant males often monopolized females regardless of female preference. Subordinate males were not excluded from reproduction and sired some offspring, possibly through sneaked ejaculations. Male dominance and a greater intensity of carotenoid-based red colouration in their iris were the best predictors of male reproductive success. The extent of red iris colouration and parasite load did not have significant effects on female choice, male dominance or male reproductive success. No effect of parasite load on the expression of red eye colouration was detected, though this may have been due to low parasite prevalence in males overall. In conclusion, we showed that even though larger body size was favoured in both intersexual and intrasexual selection, male-male interference competition reduced opportunities for female choice. Females, despite being choosy, had limited control over the paternity of their offspring. Our study highlights the need for reliable measures of male reproductive success in studies of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Interspecific symbiotic relationships involve a complex network of interactions, and understanding their outcome requires quantification of the costs and benefits to both partners. We experimentally investigated the costs and benefits in the relationship between European bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus) and freshwater mussels that are used by R. sericeus for oviposition. This relationship has hitherto been thought mutualistic, on the premise that R. sericeus use mussels as foster parents of their embryos while mussels use R. sericeus as hosts for their larvae. We demonstrate that R. sericeus is a parasite of European mussels, because it (i) avoids the cost of infection by mussel larvae and (ii) imposes a direct cost on mussels. Our experiments also indicate a potential coevolutionary arms race between bitterling fishes and their mussel hosts; the outcome of this relationship may differ between Asia, the centre of distribution of bitterling fishes, and Europe where they have recently invaded.  相似文献   

Female mating preferences are frequently associated with exaggerated male sexual traits. In the European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus, a fish with a resource-based mating system, male coloration is not associated with indirect genetic benefits of female mate choice, and does not reliably signal spawning site quality. We tested a link between the extent of male carotenoid-based coloration and testis size and number of spermatozoa stripped from the testes. Male body size predicted spermatozoa number, but less reliably than the extent of male coloration. Male color was a highly significant predictor of spermatozoa number, with approximately 26 % of variance in the number of spermatozoa stripped from males predicted from male color after controlling for male body size. Body size, but not coloration, predicted teste size. Female bitterling often risk sperm limitation, especially during pair spawnings, and male nuptial coloration may be under direct selection through female mate choice as a signal of male fertilization efficiency.  相似文献   

Comparison of meristic characters (pored lateral line scales, vertebrae, and fin rays), and PCR-RFLP analysis in the D-loop and ND1 regions of mitochondrial DNA were performed to estimate the genetic diversity in local populations of the Japanese rosy bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus kurumeus. In terms of meristic characters, the Fukuoka population was the largest in both range and variance of the number of pored lateral line scales and vertebrae (abdominal and caudal), and Osaka was the second, whereas the Kagawa population showed the smallest range and variance in these characters. In PCR-RFLP analysis, 11 haplotypes (3 in Fukuoka, 2 in Okayama, 2 in Kagawa, and 4 in Osaka) were observed, and nucleotide sequence divergence (NSD) was approximately two times larger in ND1 (mean, 0.61%) than in D-loop (mean, 0.31%). In the neighbor-joining (NJ) tree, based upon the NSD value in ND1, haplotypes were arranged into four clades, which corresponded to the locality of each haplotype. The Fukuoka population was conspicuously apart from the other populations (mean, 0.90% in NSD), but the remaining three showed a similar genetic distance with each other (mean, 0.48%–0.52% in NSD). In haplotype diversity of mtDNA, half the stations in Osaka and all in Kagawa were monomorphic. Especially, two haplotypes endemic to Kagawa were randomly distributed, irrespective of drainages. Rhodeus o. kurumeus in Fukuoka inhabits small rivers and creeks (open water systems), while that in Kagawa and Osaka lives in small ponds (closed water systems). Taking the information of morphology, mtDNA, and habitat into consideration, the low genetic diversity in Kagawa and Osaka populations of R. o. kurumeus is thought to be mainly the result of the isolation of their habitat. Received: January 14, 2001 / Revised: June 14, 2001 / Accepted: July 1, 2001  相似文献   

A 15 year data set revealed that the abundance of 0+ year Rhodeus amarus in a regulated river was negatively associated with mean river discharge, while mean standard length was positively related to the cumulative number of degree-days ≥10° C. Results are discussed in the context of the recent invasion success of R. amarus .  相似文献   

Spermatozoa in triploids of the rosy bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Artificially induced triploid male Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus showed typical nuptial colorations, irrespective of spermiation. In milt from triploids, abnormal spermatozoa (malformation of the head and mitochondrion, excessive formation of the head, mitochondrion and flagellum, and no flagellum) occurred at 78°4% frequency. Spermatozoa with multiflagella were most common, often with a saccate-like organ. Many triploid spermatozoa moved actively as long as those of diploids (10·92±0·91 min=mean±S.D., P >0·05), but did not advance like diploids, spinning around until movement ceased. The sperm density in triploids was < 2% of that from diploids. In triploid testes, deformed and variously sized spermatids were often observed, and normal spermatids and spermatozoa were seldom recognized. The DNA content of triploid spermatozoa varied greatly, compared with that of diploids. Peak of sperm DNA content differed slightly between two triploid samples with two peaks at 1·5 n and 1·9 n ( P <0·0001 in both), respectively. Triploids had the greatest average sperm head diameter of 2·25±0·67 μm (mean±S.D.), while that of diploids was 1·83±0·15 μm ( P =0·002). In the fertilization test using the eggs of diploids ( n =1500, 30 trials), only one egg developed. The embryo chromosome number was 60 (2·5 n) and the ploidy of spermatozoa contributing to fertilization appears to be 1·5 n. The extremely low fertility of triploid R. o. ocellatus spermatozoa seems to be caused by the reduced motility and large head size of spermatozoa, and the low sperm density of the milt. The ploidy of spermatozoa that are successful in fertilization is likely to be related to the distribution pattern in the DNA content of cells.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of two endangered subspecies of the bitterling Rhodeus atremius was investigated in two rivers in Okayama and Fukuoka Prefectures, Japan. Several other bitterling species, R. ocellatus, Tanakia limbata, T. lanceolata, Acheilognathus tabira and A. rhombeus, are also found in these rivers. Spawning of both R. atremius subspecies was recorded between late March and August 2007, peaking between April and July. Females of R. atremius began to mature at small body size (minimum 25 mm). They had small clutch sizes (maximum 16 eggs) and developed a short ovipositor (mean 13.6 mm), which was used to deposit a bulb-shaped egg of comparatively large size (3.2 mm3, major and minor axes 2.8 and 1.5 mm). Clutch size, ovipositor length and egg size appear to be a function of female body size. Both the body size and ovipositor length of R. atremius with ripe ova and the size and shape of the eggs varied seasonally. Rhodeus a. suigensis achieved maturity at a smaller body size, had a longer ovipositor and produced smaller eggs, with the minor axis being wider relative to the major axis than those of R. a. atremius. Rhodeus atremius may be adapted for depositing small numbers of eggs in a much shallower position inside the gills of smaller host mussels than other bitterling species.  相似文献   

The European bitterlings (Rhodeus amarus) from the Eastern locations were cytogenetically examined by conventional and molecular techniques. All analyzed individuals presented invariably the same chromosomal constitution of 2n = 48, with 8 metacentrics + 20 submetacentrics + 20 subtelo-acrocentrics and C-banding positive heterochromatin at the pericentromeric regions in most of the chromosomes. Moreover, some of the chromosomes had short arms entirely built with heterochromatin. GC-rich Ag-NORs (nucleolus organizer regions) were located at the short arms of two submetacentric chromosomes, and the length polymorphism of these regions was found. Multiple location of 28S rDNA sequences with fluorescence in situ hybridization signals was observed on the long and/or short arms of three submetacentric chromosomes including NOR regions and short arms of three to five acrocentric chromosomes in the studied fish. 5S rDNA sites were found on the short arms of two subtelocentric chromosomes, and telomeric repeats were localized at the ends of all chromosomes. Provided results have expanded our knowledge concerning genetic characteristics of the European bitterlings that may be profitable in the conservation programs of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Eleven populations of the rosy bitterling,Rhodeus ocellatus, from different localities in Japan, were genetically compared at 16 protein-coding loci using starch-gel electrophoresis. Two loci,Ldh-2 andPgdh, were demonstrated as diagnostic markers for the identification of two subspecies;R. ocellatus kurumeus, which is native to Japan, andR. ocellatus ocellatus, which was introduced from China. The two subspecies were distinguished by the complete substitution of different alleles between them. Population ofR. ocellatus kurumeus occurring in Yao City, Osaka, and in Kanzaki, Saga Prefecture were genetically closely related to each other (genetic distance: D=0.056) but distantly so toR. ocellatus ocellatus from Saitama Prefecture (D=0.202 or 0.265). Electrophoretic analyses also elucidated the existence of hybrid populations of the two subspecies. The populations ofR. ocellatus kurumeus in Yao City had lower genetic variability and a lower incidence of white coloration on the ventral fins than populations of the same in Saga Prefecture. The present study strongly implies that the introduction of the foreign freshwater fishes with subspecific differentiation, into the original range of indigenous subspecies, should be averted not to bring the genetic pollution.  相似文献   

According to conventional views, the rosy bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus, comprises two subspecies, R. ocellatus kurumeus and R. ocellatus ocellatus, the former being native to Japan whereas the latter was introduced into Japan from China during World War II. To examine the genetic structure of Japanese R. ocellatus, part of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 48 individuals collected from various locations in Japan was sequenced. Three major mitochondrial lineages were found. Based on historical evidence, two of these represent R. ocellatus ocellatus and the third R. ocellatus kurumeus. The existence of two distinct lineages of R. ocellatus ocellatus in Japan suggests at least two colonizations. Some local populations comprised purely R. ocellatus kurumeus, but those from Kashima and Ogori included both subspecies. Because the proportion of R. ocellatus ocellatus in Kashima increased from 1994 to 1995, invasion by R. ocellatus ocellatus into R. ocellatus kurumeus habitats is apparently in progress. Received: April 30, 1999 / Revised: March 22, 2000 / Accepted: December 20, 2000  相似文献   

The data on the morphology, reproduction, and diet of European bitterling Rhodeus sericeus amarus in the Alatyr River (the Sura tributary) are presented. Differences between females and males have been revealed with respect to the complex of morphometric characters. It is assumed that the deviations of some meristic characters from those that are typical of European bitterling are due to the habitation of this population at the boundary of the species distribution. The species reaches sexual maturity at the age of 1–2 years; the individual fecundity is 103–525 (354) eggs. Bitterling is a typical phytophage.  相似文献   

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