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The addition of poly(ethylene glycol) and salts to clarified cell lysates of Thiosphaera pantotropha increases sorption of microbial proteins into dextran hydrogels, consistent with the thermodynamics of aqueous two-phase extraction. Addition of 12 wt% PEG-10,000 to the lysate increased total sorption of protein by the dextran gel from 5.2 mg/g dextran to 37 mg/g; addition of either 0.1 M potassium iodide or tetrabutylammonium fluoride along with PEG to the lysate increased protein sorption to more than 63 mg/g, a 12-fold increase. SDS-PAGE demonstrated that the type of salt added controls which proteins are absorbed by the gel. Previously demonstrated only with model solutions, these results suggest another approach to recovery and separation strategies for proteins produced by fermentation.  相似文献   

Four different beta-galactosidase fusion proteins have been partitioned in poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) 4000/potassium phosphate aqueous two-phase systems. The partition coefficients (K) of staphylococcal protein A-beta-galactosidase (SpA beta gal) (K = 3.5) and staphylococcal protein A-streptococcal protein G-beta-galactosidase (AG beta gal) (K = 2.8) were compared with the partition coefficients of their constituent molecules, beta-galactosidase, SpA, and protein AG. It was found that by fusing beta-galactosidase to the smaller proteins SpA and protein AG, their partition coefficients were increased four to five times. Experimental data were fitted into, and found to agree with, the Albertsson partition model of interacting molecules. The compatibility with PEG and potassium phosphate of beta-galactosidase, SpA, and two different versions of the SpA beta gal protein, displayed as precipitation curves, showed a relationship to the protein partition coefficients in PEG/potassium phosphate systems. High solubility in one phase component was accompanied by preferential partitioning to the phase rich in the same component in the PEG/potassium phosphate system. Also, a changed linker region in SpA beta gal resulted in a more soluble protein. This, together with the improved K values of the target proteins by fusion, shows that it is possible to use beta-galactosidase as an affinity handle.  相似文献   

Cell separation using aqueous polymeric two-phase systems is well established. For separations of cells having similar partition coefficients a multistep countercurrent distribution procedure has to be used. However, its operation is limited by time and apparatus constraints. As an alternative strategy we have developed a chromatographic technique in which the dextran-rich phase of a dextran/polyethylene glycol (PEG) phase system is immobilized onto derivatized agarose beads. The PEG-rich phase is used as the eluent. Inclusion of PEG-fatty acid affinity ligand gradients into the eluent produces separations of mammalian erythrocytes based on the differential interaction between the fatty acid and the erythrocyte membranes. A model separation of dog and human erythrocytes has been carried out.  相似文献   

Magnetic aqueous two-phase separation in preparative applications.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic aqueous two-phase separation is a new technique to speed up the separation of aqueous two-phase systems (Anal. Biochem. 1987, 167, 331-339). It is based on the addition of magnetically susceptible material (e.g. 1-micron iron oxide particles) which induces rapid phase separation when a mixed system is placed in a magnetic field. The technique has been applied to a number of two-phase systems. The time for phase separation was decreased by a factor of 5-240,000, with the largest improvement for systems containing high concentrations of protein and for systems with viscous or nearly isopycnic phases. An apparatus for preparative multistage extraction with magnetic separation was constructed and tested on glycolytic enzymes present in a yeast extract using a dextran/Cibacron blue-polyethylene glycol system. The presence of iron oxide particles did not adversely affect the extracted enzymes. An electromagnet-based apparatus for continuous phase separation on a larger scale was also designed. A phase system containing crude dextran and unpurified cell homogenate was effectively processed. The apparatus also allowed effective separation when the phase containing iron oxide particles was only a small fraction (4%) of the total phase system.  相似文献   

Technical aspects of the separation of aqueous two-phase systems in a commercial separator were studied in detail. For the Gyrotester B, the smallest available separator, a flow rate of 200 ml/min and a length of the regulating screw in the outlet port of 13.5 mm were found as optimal operation parameters for the separation of a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)/dextran two-phase system. In the presence of cells and cell debris the characteristics of the carrier two-phase systems are changed, most notably the phase ratio. Nevertheless good separation and high throughput can be maintained up to 30% wet cell material in the complete system. Using this method the enzyme pullulanase was extracted from 6.65 kg Klebsiella pneumoniae in 88% yield in a single step in less than 2 hr. A yield of 90% was predicted for this step based upon laboratory data, indicating that the performance of the extraction and separation can be calculated with the necessary accuracy and the further scale-up of the process should be accomplished quite easily. The hydrophilic polymers Constituting the phase system will often stabilize the enzymes, So that the separation can be carried out at room temperature without extensive cooling. The method of enzyme solubilization or cell disruption is not decisive for the successful extraction of the enzymes, the only limitation being the necessity to find a suitable two-phase system where the desired product and the cells or cell debris will partition in opposite phases. This is shown for α-glucosidase from Saccharomyces carlsbergensis and three aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases from Escherichia coli. The results obtained demonstrate that aqueous two-phase systems can be separated in commercially available separators with high capacity and efficiency. It can be expected that the advanced separation technology available from chemical engineering studies can also be used for the development of large-scale isolation processes for enzymes involving liquid–liquid partitions.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) stand out as an alternative technique for recovering and concentrating proteins. However, the study of ATPS to recover Arthrospira...  相似文献   

Metal ion affinity partitioning of protein in aqueous two-phase systems was studied using Sepharose as ligand carrier as an integrated adsorption partitioning. Cu(II)-bound Sepharose was mixed with protein solution and an aqueous two-phase system. The affinity sorbent was distributed quantitatively to the upper side or the interface. The binding studies of lysozyme to copper-bound gel in PEG/dextran two-phase systems demonstrate the feasibility of this bioseparation process. PEG/dextran system did not affect binding and elution of lysozyme to and from the Cu(II)-Sepharose particles.  相似文献   

The partitioning behaviour of endo-polygalacturonase (endo-PG) and total protein from a clarified Kluyveromyces marxianus fermentation broth in polyethylene glycol (PEG)-ammonium sulfate and PEG-potassium phosphate (pH=7) aqueous two-phase systems was experimentally investigated. Both the enzyme and total protein partitioned in the bottom phase for these two kinds of systems. The enzyme partitioning coefficient can be lower than 0.01 in PEG8000-(NH4)2SO4 ATPS with a large phase volume ratio and a moderate tie-line length, which implies the possibility of concentration operation using aqueous two phase partitioning. An ion-exchange separation of high purification efficiency was applied to analyze the clarified and dialyzed fermentation broth. A total purification factor of only 2.3 was obtained, which indicated the high enzyme protein content in the total protein of the fermentation broth. Consequently, the main purpose for separating endo-PG is concentration rather than purification. A separation scheme using an aqueous two-phase extraction process with polymer recycling and a dialysis was proposed to recover endo-PG from the fermentation supernatant of K. marxianus for commercial purpose. A high enzyme recovery up to 95% and a concentration factor of 5 to 8 with a purification factor of about 1.25 were obtained using the single aqueous two-phase extraction process. More than 95% polymer recycled will not affect the enzyme recovery and purification factor. Dialysis was used mainly to remove salts in the bottom phase. The dialysis step has no enzyme loss and can further remove small bulk proteins. The total purification factor for the scheme is about 1.7.  相似文献   

We discuss the utilization of a novel two-phase aqueous nonionic micellar system for the purification and concentration of biomolecules, such as proteins and viruses, by liquid–liquid extraction. The nonionic surfactant n-decyl tetra(ethylene oxide), C10E4, phase separates in water into two coexisting aqueous micellar phases by increasing temperature. The mild interactions of the C10E4 nonionic surfactant with biomolecules, combined with the high water content of the two coexisting micellar phases, suggest the potential utility of two-phase aqueous C10E4 micellar systems for the purification and concentration of biomolecules. In this paper, we review our recent experimental and theoretical studies involving the partitioning of several water-soluble proteins, including cytochrome c, soybean trypsin inhibitor, ovalbumin, bovine serum albumin, and catalase, in the two-phase aqueous C10E4 micellar system. In addition, we present results of our preliminary experimental investigation on the partitioning of bacteriophages, including φX174, P22, and T4.  相似文献   

A model for the prediction of protein partition coefficients in aqueous two-phase systems has been developed. This model accounts for both charge-independent and electrostatic effects. The determination of nonelectrostatic effects was based on the model of Eiteman and Gainer for uncharged solutes while the electrostatic contribution was computed using TITRA, a program that uses a continuum electrostatic model to treat charge interactions in proteins and considers the effect of pH and ionic strength. The partition coefficients of Fusarium solani pisi recombinant cutinase have been satisfactorily predicted in polyethylene glycol (PEG) 1000 and phosphate aqueous two-phase systems at a pH range of 6.0-9.0. The model failed to predict the enzyme partitioning behavior at pH 4.5. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 56: 248-257, 1997.  相似文献   

Summary A simple method for the determination of phase composition in polyethylene glycol / phosphate aqueous biphasic systems was developed. A single HPLC analysis allows the simultaneous quantification of polymer and salt in the top phase. Phosphate concentration in the bottom phase was also accurately determined but the method was not sensitive enough for PEG quantification in this phase.  相似文献   

Affinity microspheres were prepared by immobilizing human -globulin (HGb) onto carboxylated poly (styrene/acrylamide) latex particles [P(St/AAm)-H; average diameter 0.33 m], which were prepared by emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization. HGB was covalently immobilized onto the latex particles with high efficiency by the carbodiimide method. A fusion protein (ZZB1B2) of immunoglobulin G and albumin-binding domains (ZZ and B1B2, respectively) was expressed intracellularly and extracellularly in Escherichia coli and was purified by the affinity microspheres. In poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG)/potassium phosphate aqueous two-phase system, the affinity microspheres were partitioned into the PEG-rich top phase, while cells and cell debris of E. coli were displaced into the salt-rich bottom phase. Therefore, ZZB1B2 was directly purified from cell disintegrate or culture broth by combining the affinity microspheres with the aqueous two-phase partitioning, and its purity was almost the same as that purified by conventional affinity chromatography. Therefore, by this purification method, the primary purification process and the subsequent high resolution purification process are combined, and the number of purification steps can be reduced. Correspondence to: A. Kondo  相似文献   

Phase separation times for polyethylene glycol (PEG)-4000-phosphate aqueous two-phase systems were studied, for small scale (5-g) and large scale (1300-g) systems, as a -function of the stability ratio. Profiles of dispersion height for both large and small scale systems were represented as a fraction of the initial height and were found to be independent of the geometrical dimensions of the separator. Furthermore, by plotting time as a fraction of the initial height the total time of separation can be calculated for a given height of system at a particular stability ratio. This generalization is important for the design of large scale aqueous two-phase separators. Phase separation times were also found to be dependent on which of the phases is continuous. A characteristic change in phase separation time was also observed at the phase inversion point (i.e., where the dispersed phase changes to a continuous phase and vice versa) and this point tends toward higher volume ratios as the tie-line length (TLL) is increased. Furthermore, the phase inversion point at each TLL corresponds to a fixed phosphate concentration. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A new type of aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) has been developed in which a temperature-sensitive polymer, poly-N-isopropylacrylamide [poly (NIPAM)] was used as a ligand carrier for the specific separation of animal cells. Monoclonal antibodies were modified with itaconic anhydride and copolymerized with N-isopropylacrylamide, and the ligand-conjugated carriers were added to the polyethylene glycol 8000-dextran T500 aqueous two-phase systems. The antibody-polymer conjugates were partitioned to the top phase in the absence or presence of 0.15 M NaCl. When ligand-conjugated carriers were used, more than 80% of the cells were specifically partitioned to the top phase in the presence of NaCl up to 0.1 M. The cells were partitioned almost completely to the bottom phase at 0.1 M NaCl or above, when no antibody-conjugate was added in the ATPS. As a model system, CD34-positive human acute myeloid leukemia cells (KG-1) were specifically separated from human T lymphoma cells (Jurkat) by applying anti-CD34 conjugated with poly-N-isopropylacrylamide in the aqueous two-phase system. By the temperature-induced precipitation of the polymer, about 90% of the antibody-polymer conjugates were recovered from the top phase, which gave approximately 75% cell separating efficiency in the next cycle of reuse.  相似文献   

The effect of a drop coalescer on phase separation in a PEG/salt aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) in the absence and presence of protein has been investigated. Raschig rings of ceramic, PTFE and glass were used as a drop coalescer in order to separate the mixture into two phases. Among the three materials PTFE is the most effective in coalescing the dispersed drops, with the throughput with PTFE being twice that without the coalescer. Random packing gives good results for phase separation. Two types of fiber mesh coated with PTFE were also used as drop coalescers, one in a spirally folded form and the other in a three-dimensional lattice-form. Throughput in the PEG/salt system with the three-dimensional lattice-form is 1.2 times as high as that with the spirally folded form. Throughput with the coalescer formed by compiling PTFE Raschig rings and fiber mesh in lattice form is 1.6 and 1.2 times as high as the case of separate use of the fiber mesh and the PTFE Raschig rings, respectively. The hydrophobic surface of PTFE in the compiled coalescer has no significant effect on the recovery fraction of the protein in ATPS.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(6):1020-1031
This work presents results of experimental and model investigation of continuous multi-stage enzyme extraction using aqueous two-phase systems for the first time. The aqueous two-phase system comprised polyethylene glycol 3000 and phosphate with additional sodium chloride buffered to pH 7. Two different laccases served as model enzymes. One of the laccases was directly taken from fungal culture supernatant, while the other laccase was solubilized lyophilisate. The modeling is based on an equilibrium stage approach. Equilibrium data were taken from single-stage experiments and approximated by different correlation equations. The model describes densities, phase equilibrium, enzyme activity partitioning between the phases. Moreover it allows to consider activity changes due to the aqueous two-phase system. Eight multi-stage mixer-settler experiments under varying operation conditions were performed to validate the proposed model; whereas the total throughput of all multi-stage extraction experiments was about 350 g h−1. The average relative deviation of modeled activities from experimentally measured activities was 23%. Therefore, the model is able to calculate the behavior of the phases as well as the partitioning of the two enzymes between the two phases for a multi-stage process based on single-stage data.  相似文献   

Aqueous two-phase systems have been widely used for the separation and concentration of proteins. In this work we investigated the possibility of using aqueous two-phase system for the renaturation of inclusion body proteins by studying the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-salt systems on the oxidative renaturation of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) with guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) present in the system. To accomplish phase separation at moderately low concentrations of polymer and salt, the total GdmCl concentration had to be kept low (<1 M). The unfolded protein exhibited very low solubility under these conditions. In an attempt to increase the solubility of the protein, temperatures of 40, 50, and 60 degrees C were investigated. The effect of PEG molecular weight was also addressed. Best renaturation yields were obtained when using PEG 3400 and working at 50 degrees C. However, the total protein concentration had to be kept at a low level of 0.2 mg/mL. Lowering the total GdmCl concentration in the system resulted in increased aggregation.  相似文献   

A general model for the phase behavior of polymer-polymer aqueous two-phase systems containing small amounts of added inorganic salts has been developed from statistical thermodynamics. The model is based on the solution theory of Hill and new electrolyte solution model based on Fluctuation Solution Theory. It includes the effect of polymer molecular weight with scaling expressions from the Renormalization Group theory of polymer solutions. The model has been used to calculate the phase diagram and the partitioning of salt for an aqueous two-phase system containing polyethylene glycol (MW = 8000) and dextran (MW = 28,700) with 0.1 mole/kg of added Na2SO4. The calculations have been compared to experimental results with good agreement.  相似文献   

Wheat proteins, soluble in diluted acid (glutenins), have been fractionated by counter-current distribution (CCD) using an aqueous two-phase system. The phase system is based on poly(ethylene glycol) and dextran but contains also 1% propionic acid and 6 mM magnesium sulfate. Approximately half of the bulk proteins partitioned to the upper phase while starch and other particles were recovered only into the lower phase. Whole wheat flour could be applied as sample for the CCD and 57 transfers were carried out. Starch and insoluble proteins remained stationary, while proteins followed the mobile phase to various degrees giving rise to a distribution pattern. The CCD pattern of the proteins showed distinct differences when various kinds of wheat flour were analysed. The patterns indicate that at least six subpopulations of proteins can be obtained by using two-phase extraction.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering has been used to construct hydrophobically modified fusion proteins of cutinase from Fusarium solani pisi and tryptophan-containing peptides. The aim was to enhance the partitioning of the tagged protein in a novel aqueous two-phase system formed by only one water-soluble polymer. The system was based on a hydrophobically modified random copolymer of ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) units, HM-EOPO, with myristyl groups (C(14)H(29)) at both ends. The HM-EOPO polymer is strongly self-associating and has a lower critical solution temperature (cloud point) at 12 degrees C in water. At temperatures above the cloud point a two-phase system is formed with a water top phase and a polymer-enriched bottom phase. By adding a few percent of hydroxypropyl starch polymer, Reppal PES 200, to the system, it is possible to change the densities of the phases so the HM-EOPO-enriched phase becomes the top phase and Reppal-enriched phase is the bottom phase. Tryptophan-based peptides strongly preferred the HM-EOPO rich phase. The partitioning was increased with increasing length of the peptides. Full effect of the tag as calculated from peptide partitioning data was not found in the protein partitioning. When a short spacer was introduced between the protein and the tag the partitioning was increased, indicating a better exposure to the hydrophobic core of the polymer micelle. By adding a hydrophilic spacer between the protein and trp-tag, it was possible to increase the partitioning of cutinase 10 times compared to wild-type cutinase partitioning. By lowering the pH of the system and addition of NaCl, the partitioning of tagged protein was further increased towards the HM-EOPO phase. After isolating the HM-EOPO phase, the temperature was increased and the protein was back-extracted from the HM-EOPO phase to a fresh water phase.  相似文献   

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