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Sensitivity to the monofunctional alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) has been tested as a selection technique to isolate mutant strains which can provide insights into the genetic control of DNA replication, DNA repair and recombination in the complex eucaryote, Drosophila melanogaster. The successful isolation of an X-linked MMS-sensitive strain, muts, has suggested that mutagen sensitivity is a feasible methodology for the selection of mutant strains of Drosophila which will be useful in the genetic and biochemical analysis of these cellular functions. Preliminary characterization of this mutant strain indicates that: (A) it is extremely sensitive to killing by MMS; (B) it is more mutable by MMS than the parent wildtype strain; and (C) it appears to possess mutator gene activity.  相似文献   

Specifically UV-sensitive photoreactivable mutant of Salmonella abony   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new type of UV-sensitive mutant was isolated in Salmonella abony. The war 12 mutation causing UV sensitivity did not affect photoreactivability of UV damage or sensitivity to γ-rays, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), mitomycin (MC) or 4-nitro-quinoline I-oxide (4NQO).Mutation uvr I2 appeared to be near the uvr B gene of Salmonella: the frequencies of contransduction of uvr B2 and uvr I2 mutations with gal were found to be 3% and 6% respectively.Close localization of the uvr I2 and uvr B2 mutations, the possibility of recombination between them and their phenotypic differences (both uvr B2 and uvr I2 mutants show quantitatively different Hcr phenotypes and different sensitivities to MC and 4NQO) suggest that the uvr B2 and uvr I2 mutations might be localized in different cistrons of an operon controlling the first step of excision repair.  相似文献   

Mammalian test systems are currently used for mutagenicity screening. The necessity and the limitations of standardizing these methods are discussed for the dominant-lethal assay. In addition to the refinement of standard methods, the development of new systems in mammals is emphasized. One promising approach is the detection of presumed somatic mutations. Another new development takes advantage of electrophoretic methods for detecting induced structural alterations of gene products. Mammalian experiments will be essential for the assessment of risks from chemical mutagens. The development of standards for the controlled use of chemical mutagens should be guided by the experience accumulated in radiation genetics. Two methods, the measurement of specific-locus mutation rates in mice and the direct determination fo the phenotypic damage of dominant genes affecting the skeleton of mice, are recommended for the assessment of the hazard of chemical mutagens.  相似文献   

It is known that UV, X-rays, MMC and MMS are not mutagenic for H. influenzae, whereas HZ, EMS and MNNG are potent mutagens for this bacterium. All of these agents, however, are known to be both mutagenic and able to induce prophage in E. coli. We report here that all the agents except HZ induce prophage in H. influenzae, and EMS even induces in the recombination-defective recl mutant, which is non-inducible by UV, MMC, MNNG and MMS. MMS did not cause single-strand breaks or gaps in DNA synthesized after treatment of H. influenzae, but EMS and MNNG produced them. EMS caused more breaks in DNA synthesized before treatment than in that synthesized after treatment. On the other hand we did observe such breaks or gaps induced in E. coli in DNA synthesized posttreatment by EMS as well as by MMS and MNNG, at comparable survival levels.  相似文献   

The effects of altering the cell growth rate (physiological state) and DNA repair capacity (genetic state) on susceptibility to inactivation and mutagenesis by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) were studied in 4 strains of E. coli. Logarithmic and stationary phase cells of the polymerase I deficient mutant, P3478 polA, a recombination deficient mutant, DZ417 recA, and the respective parental strains, W3110pol+ and AB253 rec+, were exposed to EMS and the surviving fraction and mutant frequency determined. At the same EMS concentration both mutants were more susceptible to inactivation than the parental strains. In all 4 strains, log phase cells were more sensitive to inactivation than stationary cells. The surviving fraction of stationary cells exceeded log cells by a factor of 18 for polA, 6 for recA, and about 2 for the parental strains. In all strains, except recA, log phase cells exhibited higher spontaneous mutant frequencies than stationary phase cells. At the same concentration of EMS, survivors of both polA and recA showed more than 10-fold higher induced frequencies than the wild types. However, at the same survival levels the repair deficient mutants exhibited induced mutant frequencies comparable to the repair proficient strains. There was no significant effect of growth phase on EMS induced mutability in recA or the parental strains. In marked contrast, the polymerase I deficient mutant shows both a higher spontaneous frequency and a greater than 10-fold higher EMS induced mutant frequency in log phase cultures compared to stationary phase cultures. Our results support the hypothesis that cellular susceptibility to alkylating agents is influenced by both the genetic capability for repair and the particular physiological state of the cell.  相似文献   

328 X-linked recessive lethal mutations induced in late spermatids by hycanthone methanesulfonate were tested for coverage by duplications that comprised, in total, about 24% of the euchromatic X chromosome; 78 lethals appeared to be covered. Crossover localization tests of a random sample of 38 non-covered lethals revealed 4 chromosomes carrying a lethal within a duplicated segment. Lethals localized to a particular region were crossed to reference deficiencies and single-locus mutations, and inter se, to ascertain their genetic extent. The proportion of multi-locus deletions among these 78 covered and 4 non-covered lethals was 3/48, 1/10 and 13/24 for the distal, medial and proximal regions, respectively. A storage period of 9 days did not noticeably influence these proportions. In the sample of 38 non-covered lethals, and among 17 of the covered single-site lethals, 4 cases of strong crossover suppression were detected. Comparison of these results with data obtained with other mutagens suggests that induction of multi-locus deletions, and possibly of other types of chromosome rearrangement, could in part depend on other mechanisms than those acting in the formation of translocations and chromosome loss. For the purpose of mutagen testing, these findings imply that, in Drosophila, results in the regular genetic tests for chromosome breakage events do not always accurately predict the capacity of a mutagen to induce multi-locus deletions. This is of importance since transmissible multi-locus deletions have been considered a significant source of genetic damage in man.  相似文献   

EM9 is a mutagen-sensitive CHO cell whose phenotype resembles that of normal CHO cells exposed to 3-aminobenzamide, an inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis. This phenotype suggested that EM9 might be defective in poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism, but we now cannot find any abnormality in the synthesis or in the degradation of poly(ADP-ribose) in permeabilized EM9 cells. Thus the effects of 3-aminobenzamide on wild-type cells may be due to the inhibition of processes other than poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis. 3-Aminobenzamide enhances the cytotoxicity of EMS toward EM9 and control cells to the same degree.  相似文献   

E. coli strains differing in a gene responsible for high spontaneous mutability (mut HI) were compared for their mutability by UV radiation and by the alkylating agents ethyl methanesulfonate and methyl methanesulfonate. All three exogenous mutagenic agents induced significantly higher frequencies of mutants with impaired carbohydrate-fermenting ability when the mutator allele rather than the wild-type allele was present. Thus the mut HI gene product possibly increases the probability of replication error due to alterations in the structure of the template strand of DNA. An attempt to detect an synergistic effect for UV-induced suppressor mutations was unsuccessful. The failure may have been due to the particular method used for scoring this type of mutation.  相似文献   

With the aime of developing a sensitive mutagen screening system, teh responses of 15 different chemical mutagens at 5 independent genetic loci in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells have been determined. The genetic markers which have been employed include resistance to thioguanine (Thgr), ouabain (OuaR), the protein syntheis inhibitor emetime (Emtr, the plyamine synthesis inhibitor methylglyoxal bisguanylhydrazone (Mbgr) and the nucleoside analog 5,6-dichlororibofuranosyl benzimidazole (DrbR). The optimal selection conditions for all of these genetic markers in CHO cells have been described. The chemicals whose response was investigated in these studies include direct-acting alkylating agents (ethyl methanesulfonate, methyl methanesulfonate, β-propiolactone, ethyleneimine,N-nitrosomethylurea and 4-nitroquinolineN-oxide), DNA intercalating and cross-linking agents (ICR-170, acridine orange, ethidium bormide, mitomycin C and actinomycine D), polycyclic hydrocarbons (benzo[a]pyrene (B(a)P) and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)) and aromatic amines (benzidine and β-naphthylamine). Simultaneous examination of the response of the set of genetic markers to these chemicals revealed that although all of these chemicals caused a dose-dependent increase in the frequency of mutations at many of the above genetic loci, the magnitude of the mutagenic response at different genetic loci varied greatly depending upon the chemical. Of the genetic loci examined, no one single locus showed higher response to all of the above chemicals, instead, depending upon the chemical, specific loci were found to be more responsive than other. The polycyclic hydrocarbons and aromatic amines were weakly mutagenic in this system at several genetic loci even without any exogenous microsomal activation, although in the presence of a rat liver S9 fraction similar toxic and mutagenic effects of B(a)P and DMBA were observed at 5–20-fold lower concentrations. These results indicate that CHO cells may possess significant capacity for the metabolic activation of many procarnicogens, and also underscore the merits of measuring the mutagenic response at multiple genetic loci in mutagen screening studies.  相似文献   

Repair-defective mutants of Drosophila melanogaster which identify two major DNA excision repair loci have been examined for their effects on alkylation-induced mutagenesis using the sex-linked recessive lethal assay as a measure of genotoxic endpoint. The alkylating agents (AAs) chosen for comparative analysis were selected on the basis of their reaction kinetics with DNA and included MMS, EMS, MNU, DMN, ENU, DEN and ENNG. Repair-proficient males were treated with the AAs and mated with either excision-defective mei-9L1 or mus(2)201D1 females or appropriate excision-proficient control females. The results of the present work suggest that a qualitative and quantitative relationship exists between the nature and the extent of chemical modification of DNA and the induction of of genetic alterations. The presence of either excision-defective mutant can enhance the frequency of mutation (hypermutability) and this hypermutability can be correlated with the Swain-Scott constant S of specific AAs such that as the SN1 character of the DNA alkylation reaction increases, the difference in response between repair-deficient and repair-proficient females decreases. The order of hypermutability of AAs with mei-9L1 relative to mei-9+ is MMS greater than MNU greater than DMN = EMS greater than iPMS = ENU = DEN = ENNG. When the percentage of lethal mutations induced in mei-9L1 females are plotted against those determined for control females, straight lines of different slopes are obtained. These mei-9L1/mei-9+ indices are: MMS = 7.6, MNU = 5.4, DMN = 2.4, EMS = 2.4 and iPMS = ENU = DEN = ENNG = 1. An identical order of hypermutability with similar indices is obtained for the mus(2)201 mutants: MMS(7.3) greater than MNU (5.4) greater than EMS(2.0) greater than ENU(1.1). Thus, absence of excision repair function has a significant effect on mutation production by AAs efficient in alkylating N-atoms in DNA but no measurable influence on mutation production by AAs most efficient in alkylating O-atoms in DNA. The possible nature of these DNA adducts has been discussed in relation to repair of alkylated DNA. In another series of experiments, the effect on alkylation mutagenesis of mei-9L1 was studied in males, by comparing mutation induction in mei-9L1 males vs. activity in Berlin K (control). Although these experiments suggested the existence of DNA repair in postmeiotic cells during spermatogenesis, no quantitative comparisons could be made.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

H Inoue  C Ishii 《Mutation research》1984,125(2):185-194
Seven different mutants that show high sensitivity to MMS killing were isolated and mapped at different loci. One group, mms-(SA1), mms-(SA2) and mms-(SA6), showed high sensitivity to MMS but not to UV or gamma-rays. Another group, mms-(SA4) and mms-(SA5), showed extremely high sensitivity to UV and MMS. And mms-(SA3) and mms-(SA7) were moderately sensitive to both UV and MMS. Mms-(SA4) and mms-(SA1) were identified as alleles of uvs-2 and mus-7, respectively, which had been previously isolated. The mms-(SA1), mms-(SA6) and mms-(SA7) strains were barren in homozygous crosses, and the mms-(SA5) strain was barren in heterozygous crosses. The mms-(SA1), mms-(SA3) and mms-(SA5) strains showed high sensitivity to histidine. In summary, at least two new loci involved in the repair of MMS damage have been identified. The possibility that some of these new mutants are in new repair pathways is suggested.  相似文献   

Mutants at 2 new loci which control mutagen-sensitivity are described. Mutants at both loci are female-sterile and are hypersensitive to killing by MMS; neither increases the frequency of sex-linked recessive lethals. A screen of previously described female-sterile and meotic mutants has revealed that a number of these are also sensitive to mutagens. In addition, several new mutants have been identified on the basis of sensitivity to either HN2 or MMS. An anlysis of complementation data suggests that all of the X-linked genes controlling sensitivity to MMS may now have been identified. Among the new mei-41 alleles are mutants which show verly little meiotic nondisjunction or loss. Cytogenetic mapping of previously known mutants is also described. The mutants mus(1)104D1 and mei-41D5 are located in th eregion 14B13±?14D1,2 on the polytene chromosome map, and they map very close to each other genetically. Cytogenetically mus(1)101D1 is between salivary chromosome bands 12A6,7 and 12D3, mus(1)103D1 is between bands 12A1,2 and 12A6,7, and mus(1)-109A1 is in section 8F3-9A2.  相似文献   

A diploid yeast strain is described which can be used to study induction of mitotic crossing over, mitotic gene conversion and reverse mutation.Mitotic crossing over can be detected visually as pink and red twin sectored colonies which are due to the formation of homozygous cells of the genotype ade240/ade240 (deep red) and ade-2-119/ade2-119 (pink) from the originally heteroallelic condition ade2-40/ade2-119 which forms white colonies.Mitotic gene conversion is monitored by the appearance of tryptophan non-requiring colonies on selective media. The alleles involved are tryp5-12 and trp5-27 derived from the widely used strain D4.Mutation induction can be followed by the appearance of isoleucine non-requiring colonies on selective media. D7 is homoallelic ilv1-92/ilv1-92. The isoleucine requirement caused by ilv1-92 can be alleviated by true reverse mutation and allele non-specific suppressor mutation.The effects of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), nitrous acid, ultraviolet light and hycanthone methanesulfonate were studied with D7 stationary phase cells. Mitotic crossing over as monitored by red/pink twin sectored colonies was almost equally frequent among normal and convertant cells. This showed again that mitotic recombination is not due to the presence fo a few cells committed to meiosis in an otherwise mitotic cell population.The dose-response curves for induction of mitotic gene conversion and reversion of the isoleucine requirement were exponential. In contrast to this, the dose-response curve for induction of twin sectored red and pink colonies reached a plateau at doses giving about 30% cell killing. This could partly be due to lethal segregation in the progeny of treated cells.None of the agents tested would induce only one type of mitotic recombination, gene conversion or crossing over. There was, however, some mutagen specificity in the induction of isoleucine prototrophs.  相似文献   

A replica plating method was used for the isolation of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants after treatment of Chinese hamster cells with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). No significant increase in ts mutants was found after this treatment. The limitations and advantages of the replicating procedure to detect such differences, as well as an alternative method, are discussed.Mutants isolated were classified into two general groups—density-dependent and clear-cut—as measured by survival at low and high cell densities at the restrictive temperature. The density-dependent mutants may be truly “leaky”, losing a metabolite to the medium at an excessive rate at the restrictive temperature. On the other hand, the one clear-cut mutant analyzed extensively dies at a rate determined by its ability to utilize one or more components from the medium. It shows an inverse density relationship in rate of death, as inferred from rates of macromolecular synthesis, as opposed to its growth rate at the permissive temperature.  相似文献   

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