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Life-history theory predicts the occurrence of variation in the life-history traits of fish populations under different environmental conditions; however, most studies have focused on such variation between geographically separated populations. We compared breeding characteristics and life-history traits of the Japanese fluvial sculpin (Cottus pollux), a bottom-dwelling nest-holding fish, between two adjacent sites sub-divided by a weir along a stream course in central Japan. Males in the area with a lower abundance of nest sites reached sexual maturity at an earlier age and had a shorter life span than males in the area with sufficient nest abundance. Size-dependent male reproduction was found only in areas with a shortage of nest sites, supporting the assumption of competitive exclusion among males for nests. Females matured at the same age in both sites with no differences in age-specific growth rates and mortality. Our results provide evidence for life-history variation in age and size at maturity and age-specific mortality schedule of males in nest-holding fishes in a single stream population via different sexual selection regimes related to differences in nest abundance between sites.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mating success of males and its correlates were investigated in a natural population of the polygynous fluvial sculpinCottus nozawae. Furthermore, the female mate preference of this species was examined experimentally under alternative conditions for mating in a stream. The mating success of individual males (the number of females with which a male mated) ranged between 0 and 8 with a mean of 2.41 in 1983 and 2.52 in 1989, in a population of which the sex ratio was about 1 : 2 in both years, skewed toward females. Mainly due to the excess of nests without egg masses and the few nests with one egg mass, the distribution of male mating success did not fit a Poisson distribution, indicating its non-randomness. Male mating success was not correlated either with the size of the nest rocks or with the male size, suggesting that these two variables are not determinants of mating success. The mate choice experiments demonstrated that females of this species more frequently chose smaller males as mates whose nests already contained eggs than large males without eggs. Additionally, an analysis of stomach contents of guarding males suggested that the parental males ate their own eggs during egg guarding (filial-cannibalism). Based on these results and on a comparison of reproductive characteristics with congeneric species, it is suggested that one of the most important determinants for female mate choice inCottus species may be whether or not parental males are filial egg cannibals.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes from Japanese river sculpin Cottus pollux large-egg type (LE), collected from 55 locations in 22 rivers over most of the species’ range in Japan, was examined to assess for patterns of population genetic structure. The 87 haplotypes observed from C. pollux LE were distinguishable from C. pollux middle-egg type and small-egg type haplotypes from previously published research. Cottus pollux LE from each river were largely represented by diagnostic mtDNA haplotypes, with limited geographical associations of haplotypes, suggesting that each river must be treated as a separate management unit.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined nucleotide sequences from the first half of the mitochondrial control region gene to test for genetic differentiation in an amphidromous sculpin, Cottus pollux middle-egg type (ME) (Cottidae), obtained from 19 localities across its distribution range. Spatial analysis of molecular variance revealed five divergent groups of related haplotypes among this populations. Analysis with Migrate software revealed that gene flow was quite restricted among the groups, although it occurred practically between neighboring groups. It has previously been reported that the population structure among the amphidromous fishes of the various islands is low or non-existent, and is characterized mainly by the duration of the pelagic larval life. However, the present study demonstrated that the various C. pollux ME populations were different both among the islands, and within the island of the Japanese Archipelago. Our finding indicate that the unique population structure of C. pollux ME may be influenced not only by the extent of the pelagic larval phase of the species but also by the seasonal differentiation of its dispersal phase.  相似文献   

The nesting behavior of a fluvial sculpin Cottus nozawae population was investigated in a stream–reservoir system on the Sainai River, northern Honshu Island, Japan in 2003, 2004 and 2006. Except for the usual rock nest-spawning type (RSN), two new types of spawning nest were found: hole nest spawning (HNS) and crevice nest spawning (CNS). The HNS type was characterized by males digging one or more nest holes in the wall of the banks of the stream and reservoir, or on the sandy silt bottom of the reservoir. The CNS type involved the use of a crevice between large boulders or crevice of crag for their nests. The HNS type was dominant in the reservoir section, whereas the RNS type was dominant in the rapid riffles of stream sections. The HNS and CNS types appeared to be rarely or first observed in the Cottus species. These new nest-spawning types might have occurred in relation to the artificial environment changes in the river by dam construction.  相似文献   

The amphidromous sculpin Cottus pollux small-egg type (SE) is an endemic species in rivers that flow into the Pacific Ocean on the east side of Honshu Island, Japan. However, our molecular genetic and morphological analyses using recently collected specimens showed that C. pollux SE inhabits some rivers flowing into the Sea of Japan, where this species is originally non-indigenous. Thus, these results suggest that C. pollux SE was anthropogenically introduced into these rivers. In addition, our data on the size distribution of juvenile fishes suggest that non-indigenous C. pollux SE reproduce at least in rivers of Ishikawa Prefecture.  相似文献   

I have estimated nocturnal home-range size for 24 individuals of the adult Japanese fluvial sculpin, Cottus pollux (large-egg type) by direct observation on a single night. On average, sculpin used 10.5 focal points (where they executed ambush predation) at night and stayed for 93.1 min at each point. Home-range size (mean 9.8 m2, range 0.3–79.9 m2), which was calculated by use of the minimum convex polygon method, was positively correlated with the number of focal points. The swimming paths and focal points used by each sculpin often depended on the configuration of rocks on the streambed, suggesting the importance of bottom topography to home-range use by the sculpin. More than one-third of the sculpins returned to within 1 m2 of the point of original capture and release; this provided evidence of their homing ability. Comparison of nocturnal home-range size and Schoener’s ratio (the amount of temporal autocorrelation) with the length of sampling intervals suggested that sampling intervals of 2 h through the dark period, which resulted in a 70% match with real home-range measurements and approximately half of the data sets became independent, provide the most accurate information for predicting the nocturnal home-range size of the sculpin.  相似文献   

The formation of parasite fauna in the bullhead Cottus gobio L. in different water bodies was examined. The largest number of parasite species including specific parasites was observed in the Onega and Ladoga lakes. It is suggested that the host and their parasites migrated namely from these water bodies to other part of the range of the bullhead.  相似文献   

The population structure of the Japanese fluvial sculpin,Cottus pollux (large egg type), in the upper reaches of the Inabe River, Mie Prefecture, central Japan, was investigated by a mark-and-recapture method from July 1989 to January 1991. Breeding of the species occurred from mid February to early May, peaking from mid February to late March. The mean size of mature males observed in March 1990 was significantly larger than that of females, showing apparent sexual size dimorphism. Data analysis of the growth of 1658 marked individuals revealed that the species matured at 2 years of age in both sexes. Whereas 1 year old males reached ca. 50–70 mm SL, females were less than 50 mm SL at the same age, size dimorphism already being apparent. Immature males exhibited higher growth rates than females during their first and second years, some of the former outstripping mature males of the preceding year class in total length. After attaining sexual maturity, both males and females grew mainly from July to December, with no significant differences in mean growth rate between them. Sexual size dimorphism of the species seems to be attributable to different growth rates between the sexes during their immature stage.  相似文献   

We compared prey-orienting and rheotactic behaviors in a fluvial (Coweeta Creek) and lacustrine (Lake Michigan) population of mottled sculpin. Blinded sculpin from both populations exhibited unconditioned, mechanosensory based rheotaxis to low velocity flows. Whereas Lake Michigan sculpin generally showed increasing levels of positive rheotaxis to increasing velocities, Coweeta Creek sculpin show varying levels of positive rheotaxis at low to intermediate velocities and often reduced positive rheotaxis or even negative rheotaxis at the highest velocities (12 cm s-1). Blinded Lake Michigan, but not Coweeta Creek mottled sculpin exhibited an orienting response to a small (3 mm diameter) artificial prey (50 Hz vibrating sphere). In conclusion, the two populations differed in the strength and polarity of the rheotactic response at higher velocities and in their responsiveness to mechanosensory cues from epibenthic prey sources. These behavioral differences have most likely arisen from different learning experiences in different habitats and from the greater importance of visual cues to the Coweeta Creek mottled sculpin and mechanosensory cues to Lake Michigan mottled sculpin in the sensory guidance of orienting behaviors.  相似文献   

A new species of the Recent genus Enophrys, E. hoplites sp. nov., is described from the Miocene (Serravalian?Tortonian) Agnevo Formation of Sakhalin Island, Russia. This Miocene species differs from two Recent congeners in the greater number of anal fin rays (14 versus 9?13), the smaller head, less raised margins of the orbit, flatter upper contour of the head, longer anal fin base, short predorsal distance, higher first dorsal fin, and in the right angle (versus acute angle) between two upper preopercular spines. An archaic feature of the new species is the presence of two rays on the posterior pterygiophore of the anal fin, a character recorded only in the most primitive Recent members of the family. The occurrence of this new fossil species shows that extant subfamilies, tribes, and genera existed as a part of the family Cottidae as early as the Miocene time.  相似文献   

We compared prey-orienting and rheotactic behaviors in a fluvial (Coweeta Creek) and lacustrine (Lake Michigan) population of mottled sculpin. Blinded sculpin from both populations exhibited unconditioned, mechanosensory based rheotaxis to low velocity flows. Whereas Lake Michigan sculpin generally showed increasing levels of positive rheotaxis to increasing velocities, Coweeta Creek sculpin show varying levels of positive rheotaxis at low to intermediate velocities and often reduced positive rheotaxis or even negative rheotaxis at the highest velocities (12?cm?s?1). Blinded Lake Michigan, but not Coweeta Creek mottled sculpin exhibited an orienting response to a small (3?mm diameter) artificial prey (50?Hz vibrating sphere). In conclusion, the two populations differed in the strength and polarity of the rheotactic response at higher velocities and in their responsiveness to mechanosensory cues from epibenthic prey sources. These behavioral differences have most likely arisen from different learning experiences in different habitats and from the greater importance of visual cues to the Coweeta Creek mottled sculpin and mechanosensory cues to Lake Michigan mottled sculpin in the sensory guidance of orienting behaviors.  相似文献   

Using a variety of sampling techniques and observations we describe aspects of the reproductive ecology and early life-history of Bear Lake sculpin, Cottus extensus, a species endemic to Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho. Adult sculpin spawned in shallow water (0.5–6.0 m depths) in cavities beneath large cobbles and boulders. During 1993, egg mass densities were highest (> 4.0 m2) at 1.0–2.0 m depths. Electivity indices verified substrate selection and also indicated an avoidance of s and- and gravel-embedded materials. During years of low water elevation, suitable spawning substrates were restricted to one or two limited areas of the lake and comprised < 0.004% of the total benthic area. Disturbance from turbulence, as would be produced by storm-induced waves, appeared to initiate hatching. After hatching, embryos passed through a pelagic interval that lasted for approximately one week. Laboratory experiments confirmed the short duration of this surface-swimming behavior. The pelagic behavior of free embryos appears to aid in dispersal of fish via currents from limited spawning habitats to areas throughout the 282 km2 lake.  相似文献   

Sculpins from mountain tributaries of the upper reaches of the Rhone River (Haute-Savoy district) in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History (Paris, France) are described as a new species Cottus sabaudicus. This species belongs to the species group C. gobio, but is characterized by several morphologically specific features. It differs from the typical species of the genus C. gobio in its monotonous body coloration, an increased postanal distance that equals preanal distance, an absence of dark stripes on ventral fins, the ratio of the length of caudal peduncle and depth (1.8–2.3 versus 2.3–2.8), and a greater number of pores in the trunk seismosensory canal (34–37 versus 31–33 + 1).  相似文献   

The migratory histories of Japanese freshwater sculpins, one Trachidermus and four Cottus species, were studied by examining strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in their otoliths using wavelength dispersive X‐ray spectrometry on an electron microprobe. The Sr : Ca ratios in the otoliths changed with salinity of the habitat. The otoliths of Cottus nozawae showed consistently low Sr : Ca ratios, with an average of 3·37 × 10?3 from the core to the edge, suggesting a freshwater resident life cycle. In contrast, the otolith Sr : Ca ratios for Trachidermus fasciatus and Cottus kazika changed along the life history transects possibly in accordance with their migration patterns from sea to fresh water. The ratios of T. fasciatus and C. kazika averaged 5·4 × 10?3 and 5·3 × 10?3 respectively, in the otolith region from the core to the points 450–890 μm, and changed to the lower levels, averaging 2·0 × 10?3 and 2·7 × 10?3, in the outer otolith region. These data suggest that both the species have a catadromous life cycle. The otoliths of Cottus hangiongensis had low Sr : Ca ratios in the two regions from the core to the points 15–30 μm and the points 415–582 μm to the edge, averaging 2·0 × 10?3 and 1·9 × 10?3, with significantly higher ratios in the narrow area between these regions, averaging 4·6 × 10?3. Similar ontogenetic changes in otolith Sr : Ca ratios were found in the otoliths of Cottus amblystomopsis, suggesting their amphidromous life cycle. These findings suggest that otolith Sr : Ca ratios reflect individual life histories and that Japanese Trachidermus and Cottus species have diverse migratory histories.  相似文献   

Variation in male mating success is often related to rank differences. Males who are unable to monopolize oestrous females alone may engage in coalitions, thus enhancing their mating success. While studies on chimpanzees and dolphins suggest that coalitions are independent of kinship, information from female philopatric species shows the importance of kin support, especially from mothers, on the reproductive success of females. Therefore, one might expect a similar effect on sons in male philopatric species. We evaluate mating success determinants in male bonobos using data from nine male individuals from a wild population. Results reveal a steep, linear male dominance hierarchy and a positive correlation between dominance status and mating success. In addition to rank, the presence of mothers enhances the mating success of sons and reduces the proportion of matings by the highest ranking male. Mothers and sons have high association rates and mothers provide agonistic aid to sons in conflicts with other males. As bonobos are male-philopatric and adult females occupy high dominance status, maternal support extends into adulthood and females have the leverage to intervene in male conflicts. The absence of female support to unrelated males suggests that mothers gain indirect fitness benefits by supporting their sons.  相似文献   

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