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Males of the stream goby Rhinogobius sp. DA (dark type) court females in deep pools and care for the eggs under stones in shallow riffles. We studied male–male competition for access to females and nest sites to understand how male size influences the mating success of this species. In field observations, larger males won in fighting with other males. However, large males did not tend to monopolize courtship opportunities, and the frequency of successful courtships, after which males led the females to the nests, was not related to male body size. The fact that courted females always escaped from the fighting sites once males began fighting likely explains why male size was not positively related to courtship success. Large males occupied large nest stones, and the number of eggs received in the nest was correlated positively with nest size. In aquarium experiments with two tiles of different sizes provided as nesting materials, males always chose the larger nest and, when two males were introduced simultaneously, the larger one occupied the larger nest. These results suggested that male mating success of this goby is determined by male–male competition for large nests rather than for access to females. Received: June 9, 2000 / Revised: September 2, 2000 / Accepted: October 4, 2000  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling analysis of nest site location, nesting interval, and aggressive and mating interactions revealed that male three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, formed nesting clusters comprising five patterns of dyadic relationships. These patterns were defined by intervening variables such as size difference between the two males, nest site locations, synchronization of nesting cycles (egg presence in the nest), distance between two nests, and nest raiding behaviours. Several patterns of dyadic relationships were integrated among nesting males and their constellations indicated an expression of the social structure. Through an understanding the social structure, I described effects of social context or situations on individual reproductive success.  相似文献   

Larger male Azorean rock-pool blennies Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis received more female visits, were courted more often by females and received more spawnings. Larger males also received a higher number of male intrusions, attacked more conspecifics and defended larger territories. Larger males showed more nest cleaning behaviour and a marginally non-significant trend for higher egg fanning rate. Male courtship, male attack rate against conspecifics and parental behaviour were all correlated with the frequency of female spawnings received by each male even when controlling for male size, suggesting that these behaviour patterns influence male mating success. On the other hand, a positive partial correlation was found between female courtship and the frequency of female spawnings, controlling for the number of female visits, which suggests a role for female mate choice on male mating success. Finally, males nesting in chambers in the bottom of pools received more spawnings than males nesting either in crevices or under boulders. However, nest opening area was associated significantly negatively with male mating success, when controlling for male size. Thus, the present data suggest strongly that male characteristics overrule nest characteristics in determining male mating success in the Azorean rock-pool blenny.  相似文献   

This study examines nest building and mating in relation to size in male corkwing wrasse, Symphodus melops, in the absence of male–male competition. We kept males of varying size together with mature females in tanks containing adequate materials and sites for nest construction. Our results indicate that the size of territorial males does not influence the ability to construct a nest. However, larger males initiated nest building earlier than smaller males and nest size correlated positively with male size. Furthermore, male size did not affect whether or not a nesting male succeeded in mating, indicating that male size was not essential for female acceptance (i.e. whether or not a female is willing to mate) of a male in the current situation.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition and the maintenance of monogamy in tree swallows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intraspecific competition for access to breeding resources maylimit male mating success typically monogamous birds. We examinedthe potential for intraspecific competition to limit polygynyin tree swallows at Beaverhill Lake, Alberta, Canada. In thispopulation, polygynous males raisedmore fledglings than monogamousmales, and there was little or no cost to females from nestingpolygynously. Under these conditions one might expect polygynyto be more common than that observed(8% of males). We foundthat females were most aggressive toward conspecific intrudersearly in the breeding season. This aggression was associatedwith (1) females settling farther apart than expected underrandom settlement, (2) later settlement by secondary than bymonogamous females, and (3) no relationship between female settlementdate and male territory size instead of the negative correlationexpected if females settled randomly without competition. Earlyin the season, males also settled farther apart than expectedif they had settled randomly, and among males with two or morenest boxes on their territory, males with widely separated nestboxes were more likely to be polygynous. Monogamy is probablythe most common pairing association in this population becauseintraspecific competition for nest sites prevents most malesfrom gaining a territory with nest sites far enough apart topermit two females to breed without one female excluding theother. Females appeared to be defending an area surroundingtheir nest box to limit nest usurpation or intraspecific broodparasitism, rather than to limit any loss of male parental carefrom polygyny.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict is a pervasive evolutionary force that can reduce female fitness. Experimental evolution studies in the laboratory might overestimate the importance of sexual conflict because the ecological conditions in such settings typically include only a single species. Here, we experimentally manipulated conspecific male density (high or low) and species composition (sympatric or allopatric) to investigate how ecological conditions affect female survival in a sexually dimorphic insect, the banded demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens). Female survival was strongly influenced by an interaction between male density and species composition. Specifically, at low conspecific male density, female survival increased in the presence of heterospecific males (C. virgo). Behavioral mating experiments showed that interspecific interference competition reduced conspecific male mating success with large females. These findings suggest that reproductive interference competition between con‐ and heterospecific males might indirectly facilitate female survival by reducing mating harassment from conspecific males. Hence, interspecific competitors can show contrasting effects on the two sexes thereby influencing sexual conflict dynamics. Our results call for incorporation of more ecological realism in sexual conflict research, particularly how local community context and reproductive interference competition between heterospecific males can affect female fitness.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mating success of males and its correlates were investigated in a natural population of the polygynous fluvial sculpinCottus nozawae. Furthermore, the female mate preference of this species was examined experimentally under alternative conditions for mating in a stream. The mating success of individual males (the number of females with which a male mated) ranged between 0 and 8 with a mean of 2.41 in 1983 and 2.52 in 1989, in a population of which the sex ratio was about 1 : 2 in both years, skewed toward females. Mainly due to the excess of nests without egg masses and the few nests with one egg mass, the distribution of male mating success did not fit a Poisson distribution, indicating its non-randomness. Male mating success was not correlated either with the size of the nest rocks or with the male size, suggesting that these two variables are not determinants of mating success. The mate choice experiments demonstrated that females of this species more frequently chose smaller males as mates whose nests already contained eggs than large males without eggs. Additionally, an analysis of stomach contents of guarding males suggested that the parental males ate their own eggs during egg guarding (filial-cannibalism). Based on these results and on a comparison of reproductive characteristics with congeneric species, it is suggested that one of the most important determinants for female mate choice inCottus species may be whether or not parental males are filial egg cannibals.  相似文献   

A variety of mechanisms, including intrasexual competition,intersexual conflict, and physiological constraints, can explainpatterns of reproduction and the adaptive value of specificbehaviors. In a Mediterranean wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus (Labridae),large, nesting males occasionally refuse to spawn with willingfemales in the presence of small, sneaker males. We exploredthe possible adaptive significance of this behavior. Nestingmales refuse females despite the fact that it reduces theirimmediate mating success. This nesting-male behavior also decreasesfemale and sneaker mating success and occurs when sneaker malessurround the nest. Experiments that decreased the number ofsneakers around nests showed that nesting males respond immediatelyto mating opportunities when fewer sneakers are present, andthus they are not simply constrained by a lack of energy orlack of sperm. Experiments that increased the number of sneakersat the nest caused nesting males initially to refuse spawningopportunities, followed by a subsequent decrease in sneakerpresence and an increase in mating rate. We propose that thisbehavior is the result of a trade-off between immediate matingsuccess and future reproduction created by competition betweenmales and conflict between the sexes. Males reduce their immediatemating success by reducing spawning at the nest; sneaker malessubsequently leave, and this decreases mate competition forthe nesting male. Unresponsiveness of nesting males also causessexual conflict between females and nesting males over mating.We argue that this behavior and the existence of a trade-offcan only be understood by examining intersexual conflict andintrasexual competition simultaneously.  相似文献   

Infanticide, the killing of conspecific young, has been documented in numerous species of mammals, especially rodents. In that infanticide is costly to the victim mother, natural selection should favour counter-strategies by females to protect their pups. We studied the frequency of infanticide by male and female bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) and the effectiveness of dams in recognising and deterring infanticide. In trials in which unprotected pups were exposed to voles of both sexes, one third of male and female intruders killed pups. When mothers were present at the nest site, not a single female and only 2 of 25 males were able to commit infanticide. Females acted aggressively towards all intruders and hence did not discern between infanticidal and non-infanticidal males and females. Aggression of dams against any intruder indicates that all strange individuals near the nest site of a territorial species form an equal threat to pups. However, the presence of the aggressive dam is sufficient to deter most intruders from harming offspring by keeping them at a distance from the nest site. Heat run before mating, in a species with postpartum oestrus and vulnerable pups in the nest, also might lure potential infanticidal males away from the nest site and obscure the nest location. Received in revised form: 17 October 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Social isolation has often been reported to facilitate male aggressiveness in various animal species. If social isolation also escalates male aggressive behavior towards females, the mating success of the aggressive males will be low. This study evaluated the effect of social isolation on mating behavior in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, which has traditionally been considered to be an asocial species. The results showed that social isolation from same-sex individuals enhanced male aggressiveness to females, and the mating success of aggressive males was reduced under the experimental conditions. More aggressive males exhibited a longer latency to court than less aggressive males. These results suggest that because male aggressiveness causes a delay in courtship, aggressive males may have reduced mating success. This demonstrated that social relationships are a critical factor affecting male mating success, even if the species is normally considered solitary.  相似文献   

Female choice and male competition in longear sunfish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mating systems with spatial clumping of nests or display sitestheoretically can result from female preference for clumpedmales or from competitive interactions among males. We testedpredictions derived from these two types of models against observationsof nest dispersion, mating success, and alternative male matingtactics in a naturally occurring population of central longearsunfish (Lepomis megalotis megalotis). The data were consistentwith models for male-initiated spatial clumping of nest sites;no evidence of female preference for clumped nests was found.We observed that large males had greater mating success thansmall males and that solitarily nesting males were larger thancolonial males; the most successful males were solitary nesters.Mating success of large males did not increase with colony size.Furthermore, colonial males were often cuckolded by neighbors,whereas solitary males were not cuckolded. We propose that colonialnesting is maintained in longear sunfish because group nestingallows subordinate males to obtain access to females.  相似文献   

Synopsis This investigation was carried out at two study sites to examine the influence of shelter availability, nest site quality and male body size on spawning success of malePadogobius martensi. At Stirone Stream (first study site) individuals were not randomly distributed with respect to usable stones; larger males and females were consistently found to occupy larger stones. Laboratory experiments showed that the bottom surface area of the shelter was the relevant cue for the choice. The number of nesting males settled in a given area increased with increasing availability of local stone cover; inter-nest distance was directly correlated with male size. At Rivarolo Stream (second study site), which was characterized by lower nest density and a greater shortage of large stones, the pattern of shelter occupation was similar. These results suggest the presence of competition among individuals for the possession of larger-sized shelter sites. At both sites, the number of eggs in the nest increased as stone size increased; however, at the first study site, male body size played a major role in male spawning success as it concerns both the numbers of females mated and the number of eggs, while at the second study site, male body size was not shown to influence male spawning success. Factors responsible for between-site differences in male spawning success are discussed.  相似文献   

Interspecific mating normally decreases female fitness. In many species, females avoid heterospecific males innately or by imprinting on their parents. Alternatively, adult females could learn to discriminate against heterospecific males after exposure to such males. For example, Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) females learn to discriminate between conspecific males and Turkish hamster (M. brandti) males during adulthood by exposure to males of both species. Adult females not previously exposed to Turkish hamster males will mate similarly with conspecific and heterospecific males. However, in a previous study we showed that exposure to a heterospecific male and a conspecific male for 8 days led to mating avoidance and aggression towards the heterospecific male. Here we conducted two experiments to investigate how much exposure to the heterospecific male was required for females to avoid mating with the heterospecific male (Experiment 1) and how long that avoidance lasted in the absence of continuous exposure to heterospecific stimuli (Experiment 2). Fast and durable learning would indicate the evolution of an efficient avoidance response. In Experiment 1, females were exposed to a heterospecific male for 1, 4 h, 4 or 8 days and then paired with that male. We found more avoidance of interspecific mating after 4 or 8 days of exposure than after 1 or 4 h of exposure. In Experiment 2, females were exposed to a heterospecific male for 8 days and then paired with that male either 10 min later or 8 days later. We found that after an 8-day delay females were highly sexually receptive to the heterospecific male. Additionally, a comparison between the current experiments and a previous study indicates that female Syrian hamsters do not require concurrent exposure to a conspecific male and a heterospecific male to learn to avoid interspecific mating; exposure to a heterospecific male is sufficient.  相似文献   

Territorial behavior of males of masked greenling Hexagrammos octogrammus guarding the nest site with eggs until hatching of embryos in the aquarium is studied based on visual observations and videorecording. Formation of defensed territory around the nest and dynamics of aggressive contacts between the guarding male, conspecific individuals, and other fish species are described. Factors determining the shape of the nesting territory, as well as the features of behavior of masked greenling in the aquarium in comparison to behavior of this species in natural conditions, are discussed.  相似文献   

The decision of females to nest communally has important consequences for reproductive success. While often associated with reduced energetic expenditure, conspecific aggregations also expose females and offspring to conspecific aggression, exploitation, and infanticide. Intrasexual competition pressures are expected to favor the evolution of conditional strategies, which could be based on simple decision rules (i.e., availability of nesting sites and synchronicity with conspecifics) or on a focal individual's condition or status (i.e., body size). Oviparous reptiles that reproduce seasonally and provide limited to no postnatal care provide ideal systems for disentangling social factors that influence different female reproductive tactics from those present in offspring‐rearing environments. In this study, we investigated whether nesting strategies in a West Indian rock iguana, Cyclura nubila caymanensis, vary conditionally with reproductive timing or body size, and evaluated consequences for nesting success. Nesting surveys were conducted on Little Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies for four consecutive years. Use of high‐density nesting sites was increasingly favored up to seasonal nesting activity peaks, after which nesting was generally restricted to low‐density nesting areas. Although larger females were not more likely than smaller females to nest in high‐density areas, larger females nested earlier and gained access to priority oviposition sites. Smaller females constructed nests later in the season, apparently foregoing investment in extended nest defense. Late‐season nests were also constructed at shallower depths and exhibited shorter incubation periods. While nest depth and incubation length had significant effects on reproductive outcomes, so did local nest densities. Higher densities were associated with significant declines in hatching success, with up to 20% of egg‐filled nests experiencing later intrusion by a conspecific. Despite these risks, nests in high‐density areas were significantly more successful than elsewhere due to the benefits of greater chamber depths and longer incubation times. These results imply that communal nest sites convey honest signals of habitat quality, but that gaining and defending priority oviposition sites requires competitive ability.  相似文献   

The Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, maintains monogamous associations for an average of 6 weeks before mating each spring. One hypothesis to explain this prolonged partnership is that males are guarding their female partners from rival males. This hypothesis has three predictions, that males are more aggressive than females to conspecific males, that male aggression will increase as the time of mating gets closer, and that males will be more aggressive towards conspecific males when they are with their partner than when they are alone. We tested those predictions with indirect evidence of aggression, using counts of scale damage on randomly encountered lizards, and with direct observations of their responses to approaches by conspecific and heterospecific models. As predicted by the mate guarding hypothesis, males showed more evidence of aggression towards conspecifics than did females. However, in contrast to the hypothesis, males did not become more aggressive as the time of mating came closer, and males in pairs were less aggressive than males on their own. Mate guarding cannot be the only process that has led to the prolonged monogamous associations in this species. Parental care is also unknown in these lizards, and we suggest that monogamy may be maintained through some form of female coercion, allowing females to gain additional fitness from the enhanced vigilance that results from male proximity.  相似文献   

Mate Choice and Mating Pattern in a Stream Goby of the Genus Rhinogobius   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The mate choice and mating pattern of a benthic goby Rhinogobius sp. CB (cross band type) were investigated in the Kamo River, Shikoku, Japan. During the breeding season, gravid females assumed a nuptial color and either males or females initiated a courtship display. Males preferentially courted a female of similar size to lead her to his nest, whereas females courted more frequently when they encountered a large male. Eggs in any one nest were always at the same developmental stage. Sampling data of nesting males and females indicated that, in more than half the nests, males gathered more than one female before spawning. In some nests with eggs, two or three females had spent ovaries, indicating that the eggs were laid by multiple females within a short span of time. However, a comparison between the total number of eggs which females would spawn in one nest and the number of eggs actually deposited suggested that eggs were contributed by one female in most nests. This low level of polygyny in spite of multiple female availability is attributed to a limited available spawning area of the nest.  相似文献   

The mating system of a subsocial spider mite, Schizotetranychus miscanthi Saitō, which is closely related to Schizotetranychus longus Saitō (the long seta form of Schizotetranychus celarius (Banks) is a synonym of the latter) was studied in comparison with that of S. longus. Comparisons between nesting patterns of the two related species, S. miscanthi and S. longus revealed a difference in distribution of males among nests. Although more than one male sometimes occurred in the large nests of S. miscanthi, most nests were occupied only by a single male. On the other hand, many nests of S. longus included several males. Behavioral experiments revealed that the male and females of S. miscanthi which cohabited in a nest defended their offspring from phytoseiid predators. Observations and a census of the nesting pattern in a wild population indicate that this is the second example of biparental defense and of a subsocial life-pattern in spider mites. Differences in mating systems were experimentally demonstrated in the two species. Only a single male of S. miscanthi survived in a nest, as a result of highly aggressive male-male combat, while two males of S. longus cohabited in a nest. The mating system of the former species is thus considered as harem polygyny, while that of the latter as scramble type polygyny. Furthermore, observations by video recording and scanning electron microscopy showed that the winning male in the male-male combat in S. miscanthi often preyed on the loser, suggesting cannibalism among them.  相似文献   

In many species, the natural distribution of material resources important for reproduction can profoundly impact reproductive success among individuals and, hence, the opportunity and intensity of sexual selection. Here, we report on a field‐based experiment investigating the effects of nest aggregation on sexual selection in a fish, the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus. We found that the distribution of potential nests (sparse versus aggregated nest treatments) affected patterns of nest colonization and reproductive success. Specifically, in the treatment with aggregated nesting resources, a greater proportion of nests remained unoccupied by sand goby males. Although the size of nesting males did not differ between treatments, eggs accumulated more rapidly when nests were sparsely distributed. We found that the opportunity for selection decreased over time with the accumulation of eggs in the nests in both the aggregated and sparse treatments. Moreover, the effect of male size on reproductive success was influenced by an interaction between nest distribution and time, with the selection gradient being highest right after nest colonization when nests were aggregated, while the opposite pattern was observed in the sparse nest treatment. Such findings highlight the vital role that environmental and social factors can play in determining the importance of male phenotypic traits (in this case, male size). More broadly, our results also underscore how the natural distribution of resources, both in space and time, can impact the strength of sexual selection acting on wild animal populations.  相似文献   

The social and reproductive behaviour of the dart-poison frog, Epipedobates femoralis, was studied in Amazonian Peru for 14 months. Males defended territories with advertisement calls and, ultimately, fighting. Territory size ranged from 0.25 to 26 m2 and was positively correlated with duration of residence and calling activity of the owner. Females were not territorial and were never attacked when approaching calling males. Males and females only mated once and females sampled calling males before mating. Male mating success was closely correlated with territory size and calling activity. No correlation was found between male body size and mating success. Territories provide residents with sufficient space for mate attraction and reproduction without interference from rivals. Since territory size is dependent on calling activity which involves high energetic costs, it is suggested that territory size reveals male quality.  相似文献   

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