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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Etoposide (epipodophyllotoxin) is a chemical commonly used as an anti-cancer drug which inhibits DNA synthesis by blocking topoisomerase II activity. Previous studies in animal cells have demonstrated that etoposide constitutes a genotoxic stress which may induce genomic instability including mobilization of normally quiescent transposable elements (TEs). However, it remained unknown whether similar genetically mutagenic effects could be imposed by etoposide in plant cells. Also, no information is available with regard to whether the drug may cause a perturbation of epigenetic stability in any organism. RESULTS: To investigate whether etoposide could generate genetic and/or epigenetic instability in plant cells, we applied etoposide to germinating seeds of six cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes including both subspecies, japonica and indica. Based on the methylation-sensitive gel-blotting results, epigenetic changes in DNA methylation of three TEs (Tos17, Osr23 and Osr36) and two protein-encoding genes (Homeobox and CDPK-related genes) were detected in the etoposide-treated plants (S0 generation) in four of the six studied japonica cultivars, Nipponbare, RZ1, RZ2, and RZ35, but not in the rest japonica cultivar (Matsumae) and the indica cultivar (93-11). DNA methylation changes in the etoposide-treated S0 rice plants were validated by bisulfite sequencing at both of two analyzed loci (Tos17 and Osr36). Transpositional activity was tested for eight TEs endogenous to the rice genome in both the S0 plants and their selfed progenies (S1 and S2) of one of the cultivars, RZ1, which manifested heritable phenotypic variations. Results indicated that no transposition occurred in the etoposide-treated S0 plants for any of the TEs. Nonetheless, a MITE transposon, mPing, showed rampant mobilization in the S1 and S2 progenies descended from the drug-treated S0 plants. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that etoposide imposes a similar genotoxic stress on plant cells as it does on animal and human cells, which may induce transgenerational genomic instability by instigating transpositional activation of otherwise dormant TEs. In addition, we show for the first time that etoposide may induce epigenetic instability in the form of altered DNA methylation patterns in eukaryotes. However, penetration of the genotoxic effects of etoposide on plant cells, as being reflected as genetic and epigenetic instability, appears to be in a strictly genotype- and/or generation-dependent manner.  相似文献   

A gene detection strategy using two-component Ac/Ds construct, with the mobile Ds transposon, has been developed to better understand gene functions in crops. Currently, 115,000 Ds insertion lines have been generated through the Ac/Ds gene trap system in Korea using japonica rice Dongjin as donor. Four hundred and thirty-seven mutants from 12,162 Ds-tagged lines were catalogued, including physiological and agronomic traits. Different traits were identified with distinct characteristics in terms of tillers, panicles, leaves, flowers, seed, chlorophyll content, and height. Culm and panicle length, number of panicles, and days to flowering of the Dongjin Ds population revealed high standard deviations compared with the donor cultivar. An evaluation of the Ds distribution on the chromosome revealed that 74.5% of the Ds were reinserted into gene-rich regions, making this Ac/Ds-mediated gene trap system useful in helping to gain an understanding of the function of genes and thus improve the gene-tagging system in rice.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine frequencies of HLA-A, -B, -DR antigens and haplotypes in population of Rijeka and to compare them with general Croatian and European populations. The subjects were 117 unrelated healthy blood donors. The antigens with the highest frequencies were: A2 (27.2%), A9 (16.3%), B5 (14.8%), B12 (11.8%), B18 (11.8%), DR5 (21.6%) and DR6 (13.8%). Comparison of HLA antigens frequencies has shown statistically significant difference in 1 antigen with Croatian population and in 8 antigens with European population. The HLA haplotypes with high frequencies included HLA-A2, B5 (6.84%), HLA-A2, B12 (6.84%), HLA-A2, B18 (6.84%), HLA-B12, DR2 (9.78%) and HLA-B18, DR5 (6.84%). The antigen B5 showed strongest association with DR5 (6.41%; LD = 1.30) as in general Croatian and in some European populations. The results have shown great diversity of HLA haplotypes in Rijeka population which can be the result of admixture with neighborhood immigrating populations during the history.  相似文献   

Summary To develop a transposon tagging system in an important cereal plant, rice (Oryza sativa L.), the maize transposable element Ac (Activator) was introduced into rice protoplasts by electroporation. We employed a phenotypic assay for excision of Ac from the selectable hph gene encoding resistance to hygromycin B. Southern blot analysis of hygromycin B-resistant calli showed that the Ac element can transpose from the introduced hph gene into the rice chromosomes. Sequence analysis of several Ac excision sites in the hph gene revealed sequence alterations characteristic of the excision sites of this plant transposable element. The Ac element appears to be active during development of transgenic rice plants from calli. Moreover, hybridization patterns of different leaves from the same plant indicated that some Ac elements are stable whereas others are able to transpose further during development of leaves. The results indicate that the introduced Ac element can transpose efficiently in transgenic rice plants.  相似文献   

Understanding the selective forces that shape genetic variation in natural populations remains a high priority in evolutionary biology. Genes at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have become excellent models for the investigation of adaptive variation and natural selection because of their crucial role in fighting off pathogens. Here we present one of the first data sets examining patterns of MHC variation in wild populations of a bird of prey, the lesser kestrel, Falco naumanni . We report extensive polymorphism at the second exon of a putatively functional MHC class II gene, Fana- DAB*1. Overall, 103 alleles were isolated from 121 individuals sampled from Spain to Kazakhstan. Bayesian inference of diversifying selection suggests that several amino acid sites may have experienced strong positive selection (ω = 4.02 per codon). The analysis also suggests a prominent role of recombination in generating and maintaining MHC diversity (ρ = 4 Nc  = 0.389 per codon, θ = 0.017 per codon). Both the Fana -DAB*1 locus and a set of eight polymorphic microsatellite markers revealed an isolation-by-distance pattern across the Western Palaearctic ( r  = 0.67; P  = 0.01 and r  = 0.50; P  = 0.04, respectively). Nonetheless, geographical variation at the MHC contrasts with relatively uniform distributions in the frequencies of microsatellite alleles. In addition, we found lower fixation rates in the MHC than those predicted by genetic drift after controlling for neutral mitochondrial sequences. Our results therefore underscore the role of balancing selection as well as spatial variations in parasite-mediated selection regimes in shaping MHC diversity when gene flow is limited.  相似文献   

Chicken MHC class II (B-L) antigens were immunoprecipitated by the monoclonal antibody TaP1 from inbred chicken splenic leukocytes and a lymphoblastoid B cell line (RP9), and were studied by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. B-L antigens are composed of one alpha and one beta chain that are noncovalently bound at the cell surface. In all haplotypes studied, a single acidic 34,000 dalton non-polymorphic chain was observed, whereas two polymorphic chains could be distinguished, differing in both pH and m.w. The alpha-beta heterodimer is associated during its maturation in the cytoplasm with several basic invariant molecules with m.w. ranging from 30,000 to 42,000 daltons. Treatment of cells with tunicamycin and treatment of immunoprecipitated molecules with several glycosidases revealed a complex process of maturation for all of these molecules. The alpha and beta chains undergo a N-glycosylation of complex type, whereas the invariant molecules bear N-linked high mannose glycans, and perhaps also O-linked glycans in the RP9 lymphoblastoid line. Overall, the B-L antigens appear very similar to the HLA-DR and I-E antigens.  相似文献   

The comparative analysis of the hybridization patterns of DNA restricts for 20 V. cholerae, groups 01 and non-01 (non-0139), containing the incomplete CTX element (ctxAB-) was carried out with the use of probes, complementary to the genes of the proximal part of the virulence cassettle and flanking its RS1 sequences. This group was found to be heterogeneous both in the number of copies of "truncated" CTX prophage and their localizations in the genome, as well as in the position of the sites of restriction endonucleases HindlII and BglII. Among 17 clinically noncholerigenic isolates, 5 etiologically dangerous clones were found, each of them characterized by the definite time and place of isolation. At least one of them proved to be the causative agent of the local outbreak of diarrheal diseases in Uzbekistan.  相似文献   

We have developed simple and sensitive assays that distinguish the main classes of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases: Class I enzymes that cleave on the 3' side of AP sites by beta-elimination, and Class II enzymes that cleave by hydrolysis on the 5' side. The distinction of the two types depends on the use of a synthetic DNA polymer that contains AP sites with 5'-[32P]phosphate residues. Using this approach, we now show directly that Escherichia coli endonuclease IV and human AP endonuclease are Class II enzymes, as inferred previously on the basis of indirect assays. The assay method does not exhibit significant interference by nonspecific nucleases or primary amines, which allows the ready determination of different AP endonuclease activities in crude cell extracts. In this way, we show that virtually all of the Class II AP endonuclease activity in E. coli can be accounted for by two enzymes: exonuclease III and endonuclease IV. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Class II AP endonuclease activity is totally dependent on a single enzyme, the Apn1 protein, but there are probably multiple Class I enzymes. The versatility and ease of our approach should be useful for characterizing this important class of DNA repair enzymes in diverse systems.  相似文献   

Cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) in captivity are unusual in that they exhibit low levels of polymorphism and allelic diversity at the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) class I loci. Since the polymorphism has previously only been examined in captive tamarins, we analyzed the Mhc class I alleles of a population of wild tamarins. These wild tamarins, like their captive counterparts, exhibited limited class I polymorphism. We also assessed the levels of polymorphism and allelic diversity at the Mhc class II DQA1, DQB1, DQB2, and the DRB loci in captive populations of cotton-top tamarins. In contrast to the extensive polymorphism in Old World monkeys, only two alleles were detected at each of DQA1 and DQB1. Also, the DQB2 locus was monomorphic and conserved between New and Old World monkeys. Sequences derived from four putative DRB loci were obtained, and extensive polymorphism was found at all four loci. Phylogenetic analysis did not indicate that any of the tamarin DRB loci, with the possible exception of Saoe-DRB3, were orthologous to the human DRB loci. At three of the DRB loci (Saoe-DRB11, Saoe-DRB * W12, Saoe-DRB * W22), the number of nonsynonymous changes was higher than the number of synonymous changes in the putative antigen recognition sites, indicative of positive selection. We found no support for a restriction on the polymorphism at the cotton-top tamarin class II loci. However, the allelic diversity at some of the Saoe-DRB loci is more limited than for the HLA-DRB1, consistent with a restriction imposed by the bone marrow-chimerical lifestyle.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the swine 21-hydroxylase (CYP21) region was conducted on 31 unrelated SLA class I typed pigs, mainly Large Whites, including 15 haplotypes. Ten haplotypes were from SLA genotypic homozygotes and five were from SLA class I phenotypic homozygotes. DNA digestion with Hin dIII, TaqI and PstI, and hybridization to a 4.5-kb swine CYP21 genomic probe yielded respectively two, four and three RFLP patterns. Six patterns were identified with combined RFLP. In addition, analysis of the CYP21 region in families comprising several SLA recombinants demonstrated that the CYP21 gene lies in the DNA segment between the SLA class I and class II regions. These overall results reinforce our previous conclusion about the existence in the pig of a single 21-hydroxylase gene. The characterization of at least six CYP21 allelic patterns provides a new tool for studying the associations between the SLA region and zootechnical traits.  相似文献   

Despite several studies that defined the polymorphism of the nonclassical human leukocyte antigen-E (HLA-E), HLA-F, and HLA-G genes, most polymorphisms thus far examined in correlative studies were derived from the coding sequences of these genes. In addition, some discrepancies and ambiguities in the available data have persisted in current databases. To expand the data available and to resolve some of the discrepant data, we have defined protocols that allow for the amplification of 6 to 7 kb of contiguous genomic sequence for each gene, including all of the coding and intron sequences, approximately 2 kb of 5' flanking promoter sequence, and 1 kb of 3' flanking sequence. Using long-range polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols, generating either one or two PCR products depending on the locus, amplified genomic DNA was directly sequenced to completion using a set of about 30 primers over each locus to yield contiguous sequence data from both strands. Using this approach, we sequenced 33 genomic DNAs, from Asian, African American, and Caucasian samples. The results of this analysis confirmed several previously reported coding sequence variants, identified several new allelic variants, and also defined extensive variation in intron and flanking sequences. It was possible to construct haplotype maps and to identify tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms that can be used to detect the composite variation spanning all three genes.  相似文献   

Serum defined BoLA-A antigens, together with BoLA-DQB RFLP patterns, were determined in 87 almost unrelated Norwegian cattle. Statistical analysis revealed strong linkage disequilibria between these loci at the population level. A total of 13 haplotypes were found to be present at frequencies significantly greater than those predicted on the basis of their component gene frequencies. Among these, the subgroups 1A and 1B of the DQ1 haplotype were found to be closely associated with the class I antigens A11 and w16, respectively. The association between A11 and DQ1A is of particular interest, as two independent studies, one employing class I serology, and the other RFLP analysis of the class II locus DQ, have previously indicated that A11 and DQ1A confer relative susceptibility to mastitis.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (transposons) are fragments of DNA sequences which can move within host genome. Miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) are widespread and high-copy transposable elements in eukaryotic genomes. Tourist-like MITEs are especially abundant in plant kingdom. Earlier genome-wide analysis has shown that MITEs are widely distributed in the moso bamboo genome and preferentially inserted into gene regions. In the present study, in order to examine the potential influence of MITEs on the moso bamboo gene expressions, a highly conserved Tourist-like MITE family, which distributed near genes, was selected as research focus and named PhTst-3 (Phyllostachys edulis Tourist-like element 3). The MITEs’ insertion sites were tested in moso bamboo half-sib seedlings by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Amplification polymorphisms were found in a copy of PhTst-3 (PhTst-3-55) which was located in the intron of PH01002699G0010. This inserted PhTst-3-55 had a significant impact on the gene expression revealed by the real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. The gene expression levels were four times higher in the absence of PhTst-3-55 than those in the presence of it. This finding suggests that the PhTst-3 located in the intron is involved in the regulation of the gene. In order to examine the impact of PhTst-3-55 on the near genes, the PhTst-3-55 was inserted into a promoter analysis vector, pxk7S2D, between the two promoter sequences. The Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression showed that PhTst-3-55 insertion decreases the expression level of upstream GUS gene and downstream GFP gene. So, PhTst-3-55 can have a silencing role by bidirectionally inhibiting gene expression.  相似文献   

Saltwater crocodiles are in high demand for the production of luxury fashion items. However, their susceptibility to disease incurs substantial losses and it is hoped to be able to genetically select these animals for disease resistance. So far, this has only been enabled by phenotypic selection. Investigating the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) could provide insight into the ability of an individual to respond to pathogens acting as a selective pressure on the host. Here, we assessed genetic diversity and a role of selection in shaping the diversity of MHC class I exon 3 among 42 saltwater crocodiles from nine river basins in the Northern Territory, Australia. We generated 640 sequences using cloning and sequencing methods and identified 43 MHC variants among them. Phylogenetic analyses clustered these variants into two major clades, which may suggest two gene lineages. We found the number of variants within an individual varying between one and seven, indicating that there are at least four gene loci in this species. Selection detection analyses revealed an elevated ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (mean?=?1.152 per codon), suggesting balancing selection. Population differentiation analyses revealed that the MHC did not show structuring among the river basins, and there were some shared variants among them. This may be a result of possible gene flow and/or similar selection pressures among populations. These findings provide background knowledge to identify potential MHC markers, which could be used for selecting genetically variable individuals for future disease associations. All MHC class I exon 3 sequences reported in this paper were submitted to the GenBank database with following accession numbers: HQ008785–HQ008789, HQ008791–HQ008798, HQ008808–HQ008815, HQ008824, HQ008826–HQ008830, HQ008835, HQ008839, HQ008842–HQ008850, and JX023536–JX023540.  相似文献   

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