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We studied the effects of removal of breeding nomadic avian predators (the kestrel, Falco tinnunculus and Tengmalm's owl, Aegolius funereus) on small mammals (voles of the genera Microtus and Clethrionomys and the common shrew, Sorex araneus) during 1989–1992 in western Finland to find out if these predators have a regulating or limiting impact on their prey populations. We removed potential breeding sites of raptors from five manipulation areas (c. 3 km2 each), whereas control areas had nest-boxes in addition to natural cavities and stick-nests. Densities of small mammals were monitored by snap-trapping in April, June, and August, and densities of mammalian predators (the least weasel, Mustela nivalis nivalis, the stoat, M. erminea and the red fox, Vulpes vulpes) by snow tracking in early spring and late autumn. The yearly mean number of raptor breeding territories was 0.2–1.0 in reduction areas and 3.0–8.2 in control areas. Breeding raptors alone did not regulate prey populations in the long term, but probably caused short-term changes in the population dynamics of both the main prey, the sibling vole (Microtus rossiaemeridionalis) and an alternative prey (the common shrew). The densities of an alternative prey, the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) decreased in raptor reduction areas, most likely due to increased least weasel predation pressure in the absence of breeding avian predators.  相似文献   

Habitat partitioning is considered one of the main mechanisms of coexistence among small mammals. This is especially evident in arid environments where resources are particularly scarce. Habitat characteristics such as vegetation heterogeneity and complexity are expected to increase species coexistence, increasing the number of microhabitats that can be occupied by species with different requirements. The Andean foothills can be considered as an ecotone between the Monte and Altoandina phytogeographic provinces as they harbor species from both. Consequently more species are thought to coexist in this area. The objectives of this study were to assess the macro- and microhabitat selection of the small mammal assemblage inhabiting the Andean foothills during wet and dry season and to determine how animals segregate environmental resources to ensure their coexistence. We found that habitat selection occurs at both scales in the Andean foothills. Two species, Eligmodontia moreni and Phyllotis xanthophygus, were capable of distinguishing among macrohabitat types, whereas all species showed habitat selection at the microhabitat scale. We registered selection during both seasons, with some overlap of resource selection during the wet season and the greatest segregation of microhabitat resources during the dry season. Therefore, this work evidence that the assembly of small mammals is sensitive to habitat structure especially in dry seasons where resources are constraints due to arid conditions of Andean foothills.  相似文献   

This paper describes the distribution and abundance of small mammals in Swaziland in relation to quantified habitat features. Eighteen habitat sites were sampled at seven different locations in all four geographical regions of Swaziland. Small mammal diversity (as described by the Shannon diversity index) was positively correlated with vegetation density. A total of twelve species of rodents and seven species of shrews were captured; however, only six species were caught at more than three sites. Small mammal biomasses and densities were highest at the highveld and middleveld sites. Tall grassland at all elevations supported a high diversity of small mammals. Highveld montane forest supported a high biomass and diversity of species, while no species were captured in moist forest in the Lubombo mountains.  相似文献   

The analysis of the landscape distribution of fleas from small mammals and birds in the southern taiga of Priirtishje is given. According to their abundance and faunistic composition the population of fleas from small mammals can be arranged into four groups: fleas of forest floodland landscape, those of forest-meadow floodland landscape, fleas of settlements and bogs.  相似文献   

Owl pellets as a source of DNA for genetic studies of small mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Owl pellets contain a good skeletal record of the small mammals consumed, and correspond to the undigested portions of prey which are regurgitated. These pellets are easy to find at the roosting site of owls. As it has been demonstrated that amplifiable DNA can be isolated from ancient bone remains, the possibility of using owl pellets as a source of DNA for small mammal genetics studies via the polymerase chain reaction has been investigated. The main uncertainties when isolating DNA from such a material are firstly the possibility that the extracted DNA would be too degraded during the digestion in the stomach of the owl, and secondly that extensive cross-contaminations could occur among the different prey consumed. The results obtained clearly demonstrate that cross-contamination does not occur, and that mitochondrial and nuclear DNA can be amplified using skulls of small mammals found in owl pellets as a source of DNA. The relative efficiency of two methods of DNA extraction is estimated and discussed. Thus, owl pellets represent a non-invasive sampling technique which provides a valuable source of DNA for studying population genetics of small mammals.  相似文献   


Habitat associations and communities of breeding birds were studied for the first time in a semi-arid region in the southern highlands of Jordan. Birds were censused and habitat variables estimated in different habitat types, ranging from steppe to open, Mediterranean-type woodland. The variation of abundance of several species was explained adequately with multiple regressions of up to five habitat variables. A distinct bird community was identified by using principal component analysis on the highland plateau (e.g. Short-toed Lark, Isabelline Wheatear), in steppe habitats modified by dry farming methods. The plateau was identified as a transition zone of Palaeoxeric/Turkestanian and Mediterranean faunal types. The remainding cluster included species of diverse origins (Palaearctic, Mediterranean, Saharo-Sindian, Afrotropical and others). It was subdivided into three bird assemblages with preferences for following habitat types: Mediterranean-type open woodlands (e.g. Syrian Serin), dwarf shrub formations of higher altitudes (e.g. Spectacled Warbler), dwarf shrub formations, including clearings and the edge of woodlands at lower altitudes (e.g. Scrub Warbler).  相似文献   

为考察道路和道路施工对若尔盖高寒泥炭湿地野生动物的影响,我们在穿过若尔盖湿地的2条道路两侧,对距道路不同距离的小型兽类和鸟类分布进行了调查,其中小型兽类调查深度距离公路800m,鸟类调查深度距离公路400m。施工中的国道213线路两侧黑唇鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)洞穴高密度区域离道路更远,在道路两侧400m处达到峰值,极显著高于距离道路10m处的密度;而在正常运营中的省道209线两侧,其洞穴密度在200m处达到最高值,与其他距离的洞穴密度没有显著性差异。无论在国道213线还是省道209线,道路对高原鼢鼠(Myospalaxbaileyi)洞穴分布的影响均未达到显著性水平。在正常运营的省道209线两侧,高原鼢鼠土堆密度最高区域为距离道路100m处;而施工的道路两侧高原鼢鼠土堆密度最高区域则出现在距离道路10m处,第二高峰出现在距离道路400m处。雀形目和隼形目鸟类的分布均呈现距离道路越远密度越高的趋势,但是只有距离道路400m处雀形目鸟类的密度显著高于50m与200m处;距离道路不同距离的样线中隼形目鸟类密度和物种丰富度没有显著性差异。由此可以看出,施工中的道路对黑唇鼠兔的影响区域比正常运营的道路更宽,其公路效应域达到400m,400m的调查深度对鸟类尤其是隼形目鸟类来说可能还略有不足。但是,根据此深度的调查可以确定施工中的国道213线雀形目和隼形目鸟类的公路效应域宽度大于400m。  相似文献   

We compared the trappability of marked and unmarked individuals in species of marsupials and rodents of three tropical assemblages of small mammals in Brazil. Two studies used trapping grids, one in cerrado and the other in an Atlantic forest reserve, whereas the study in a rural area used transects. In the two studies using trapping grids, marked animals were frequently more trappable than unmarked ones, but in some species this difference was not significant. In the rural area, marked and unmarked animals did not differ significantly. The number of recaptures per resident animal was higher in the two studies using trapping grids than in the rural area where transects were used. Differences in trappability between the three studies might have been caused by differences not only in trapping design (grids vs. transects), but also in the type of trap used, bait, and habitat. Although differential trappability tends to be considered the rule in small mammals, these results suggest that trappability of marked and unmarked animals may be specific for the particular combination of sampling design, field methods, and habitat under study.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for short-term capture and estimation of abundance of small mammals employing lines of modified traps. Test capture was undertaken on the shore of Teletskoe Lake in northwestern Altai. The proposed method allows rapid estimation of the biodiversity of small mammals community. The test has proved that rodents-to-insectivores ratio of caught animals is closer to the results yielded by lines of ditches than by break-back traps. The method is less labor-consuming than the ditch trapping. The new trap is shown schematically and recommendations on its practical use are given.  相似文献   

皖南地区是安徽省动物资源最丰富的区域, 也是华东地区生物多样性热点研究区域, 但目前该区域小型兽类多样性研究相对滞后, 物种本底数据仍不清楚。本研究于2018年5月至2019年12月利用夹日法和陷阱法对皖南地区14个区域的小型兽类进行了调查, 结合传统形态鉴定方法和DNA条形码技术(Cyt bCOI基因)对标本进行鉴定。同时, 结合历史资料对皖南小型兽类名录进行了整理。此次调查共采集小型兽类标本647号, 隶属3目8科17属23种, 其中啮齿目13种, 劳亚食虫目9种, 兔形目1种。分子分析结果显示皖南地区的川西缺齿鼩(Chodsigoa hypsibia)、华南缺齿鼹(Megera latouchei)、青毛巨鼠(Berylmys bowersi)、赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)和侯氏猬(Mesechinus hughi)与其他地区的样本存在较为明显的分化。结合历史资料, 皖南地区共有小型兽类3目9科24属34种, 其中啮齿目23种, 劳亚食虫目10种, 兔形目1种。皖南地区小型兽类资源十分丰富, 对于华东地区生物多样性保护非常重要, 但其多样性仍可能被低估, 该地区小型兽类资源还有待进一步深入调查。  相似文献   

Brazil has one of the highest avifauna diversities in the world, and many species are used by human populations in many different ways. Capturing wild birds for food, or to raise as pets, or for commercial purposes, together with the loss of habitat, have been the principal causes of population reductions among many species. The present work provides new information about the diversity of wild bird species used in Ceará State (Northeast Brazil) and the techniques used for capturing them, as well as the forces motivating this hunting, the commercial relationships involved, the maintenance of captive species, and the legal and conservation implications of the use of the regional avifauna. A total of 92 wild bird species belonging to 26 families were found to be used as food (39 spp.), for medicinal (3 spp.) and magic-religious (1 spp.) purposes, for commercial ends (46 spp.), or raised as pets (44 spp.), or killed to control their predation on domestic animals (5 spp.). Raising or selling birds is motivated by their singing and/or their natural beauty, with Thraupidae, Icteridae and Emberizidae being the principal families sought after for those purposes. The Family Columbidae has the greatest importance as a food source. Eleven traditional capture techniques (both active and passive) were identified. The commercial value of the birds varied depending on both intra- and inter-specific factors, and the trade in these animals involved both dealers who sold large numbers of individuals at low prices and specialists (“passarinheiros”) who sold just a few domesticated individuals of greater value. Our evaluations of transactions taking place in public markets indicated the probable over-exploitation of a number of species, and these were often imported from other states and countries. In addition to being illegal, the capture of wild birds can cause serious environmental problems that can only be addressed through public policies directed towards education, monitoring and control, alternative sources of income, wildlife management, and ecosystem conservation.  相似文献   

We compared helminth communities in 6 species of birds of prey from the Calabria region of southern Italy. In total, 31 helminth taxa, including 17 nematodes, 9 digeneans, 3 acanthocephalans, and 2 cestodes, were found. All helminth species were observed in the gastrointestinal tract, except for 3 spirurid nematodes. Most of the parasite species were detected in at least 2 hosts, but 13 helminth species were found in only 1 host. At the infracommunity level, the overall species richness and Brillouin's index of diversity varied by host, with the highest values in a generalist feeder, the Eurasian buzzard (Buteo buteo), and the lowest in a specialist, the western honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus). Species richness was gender dependent only in the sparrow hawk (Accipiter nisus). The helminth communities were characterized by different dominant species, namely, Centrorhynchus spp. (Acanthocephala) in the Eurasian buzzard and common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), Parastrigea intermedia (Digenea) in the marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), Physaloptera alata (Nematoda) in the sparrow hawk, Serratospiculum tendo (Nematoda) in the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), and Strigea falconis (Digenea) in the western honey buzzard. Statistical analyses confirmed a highly significant difference of helminth infracommunity structure among host species. We conclude that in the Calabria region of southern Italy, each of the raptor species studied is distinct in terms of its helminth communities, and more diverse feeding habits of the host correspond with richer helminth communities.  相似文献   

Grasslands in southeastern South America have been extensively converted to various land uses such as agriculture, threatening regional biodiversity. Active restoration has been viewed as a management alternative for recovery of degraded areas worldwide, although most studies are conducted in forests and none has evaluated the effect of active restoration of grasslands in southeastern South America. From 2015 through 2017 we monitored a federally owned tract of grassland from the beginning of the active‐restoration process. We compared the bird community in this active‐restoration area (AR) with a reference area (NG) in Pampa grasslands in southern Brazil. We sampled birds by point counts and surveyed vegetation structure in plots. Over the 3 years of active restoration, bird species richness and abundance were higher in AR (30 species, 171 individuals) than NG (22 species, 154 individuals). The species composition also differed between the two habitats. Grassland bird species were present in both AR and NG. The vegetation structure differed between AR and NG in five attributes: height, short and tall grasses, herbs, and shrubs. Since it has been found that active restoration is useful in promoting species diversity, we encourage studies of the use of long‐term restoration efforts. Our study, even on a local scale, showed a rapid recovery of the bird community in the active‐restoration compared to native grassland, and suggests the potential for recovery of the degraded grasslands of the Brazilian Pampa biome.  相似文献   

1. Two data sets for standard energy metabolism (351 and 320 species, respectively) and one for maximal lifespan (494 species) in mammals have been assembled from the literature. 2. In addition smaller data sets of active (field) energy metabolism in mammals (36 species) and in birds (25 species) have been drawn on. 3. The products of the respective regression parameters as well as the products of energy metabolism and maximal lifespan in individual species have been computed in order to estimate lifetime energy metabolism in mammals generally and in various mammalian orders. 4. It is found that lifetime energy budgets in mammals generally, whether standard or active, very systematically with body mass with slopes between 0.87 and 0.93, significantly different from unity (P less than 0.001 or P less than 0.01). 5. In birds, lifetime energy budgets, whether standard or active, vary with slopes of 0.94 +/- 0.05 and 0.88 +/- 0.09, which are not significantly different from unity (P greater than 0.1). 6. In carnivores, artiodactyls, primates and bats the slopes for lifetime standard as well as lifetime active energy budgets are not significantly different from one in any of the investigated data sets. 7. In rodents the lifetime standard energy budgets have slope significantly different from one; in marsupials one data set for lifetime standard and the one for lifetime active energy budget lead to slopes significantly different from one. 8. It is concluded from this analysis that current data do not support the hypothesis that lifetime energy budgets, whether standard or active, vary as the first power of body mass in mammals generally.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this study, we focused on the drivers of micro- and mesohabitat variation of drift in a small trout stream with the goal of understanding the factors that influence the abundance of prey for drift-feeding fish. We hypothesized that there would be a positive relationship between velocity and drift abundance (biomass concentration, mg/m3) across multiple spatial scales, and compared seasonal variation in abundance of drifting terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates in habitats that represent the fundamental constituents of stream channels (pools, glides, runs, and riffles). We also examined how drift abundance varied spatially within the water column. We found no relationship between drift concentration and velocity at the microhabitat scale within individual pools or riffles, suggesting that turbulence and short distances between high- and low-velocity microhabitats minimize changes in drift concentration through settlement in slower velocity microhabitats. There were also minimal differences in summer low-flow drift abundance at the mesohabitat scale, although drift concentration was highest in riffle habitats. Similarly, there was no differentiation of drifting invertebrate community structure among summer samples collected from pools, glides, runs, and riffles. Drift concentration was significantly higher in winter than in summer, and variation in drift within individual mesohabitat types (e.g., pools or riffles) was lower during winter high flows. As expected, summer surface samples also had a significantly higher proportion of terrestrial invertebrates and higher overall biomass than samples collected from within the water column. Our results suggest that turbulence and the short length of different habitat types in small streams tend to homogenize drift concentration, and that spatial variation in drift concentrations may be affected as much by fish predation as by entrainment rates from the benthos. Handling editor: Robert Bailey  相似文献   

Habitat selection by small mammals is usually evaluated using data from live trapping, which provides little information about the movements of individuals. Few studies used movement data or compared the results of different sampling methods to study habitat selection by these animals. We evaluated habitat selection by the rodent Nectomys squamipes and the marsupial Micoureus paraguayanus in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil using the spool-and-line technique. We also determined if percentage of captures reflected the amount of movements in each habitat. Habitat selection was determined comparing use and availability of five habitat types at two spatial scales (movement paths and movement areas) using compositional analysis, which allowed ranking of habitats according to their relative use by animals. The use of available habitat types was non-random for both species at both spatial scales. The two species had contrasting habitat affinities directly related to their particular habits, with N. squamipes using predominantly the stream habitat, and M. paraguayanus using mainly the restinga forest habitat. Patterns of habitat selection were similar at both spatial scales probably due to the small size of movement areas, which may not represent habitat use at a broader scale. For both species, live trapping and movement data provided the same ranking in habitat use, demonstrating that simple capture indices may be used to study habitat selection by these species across different habitat types.  相似文献   

The evolution of a particular trait or combination of traits within lineages may affect subsequent evolutionary outcomes, leading closely related species to exhibit higher phenotypic similarity than expected under a simple Brownian‐motion evolutionary model. Niche theory postulates that phenotypes determine species distribution across environmental gradients, leading to a phylogenetic signature in the community assembly. Thus, the incorporation of species phylogeny in the analysis of community ecology structure allows one to link broader environmental, spatial and temporal factors to local, small‐scale ecological processes, thus enabling understanding of community assembly patterns in a broader context. We used the net relatedness index to assess phylogenetic structure within avian communities across a harshness gradient in coastal habitats in southern Brazil. We also evaluated phylogenetic beta diversity, to test whether closely related species exploit habitats with similar environmental conditions. In order to do so, we scaled up phylogenetic information from the species to site level using phylogenetic fuzzy weighting. We found a pattern of phylogenetic clustering in less‐vegetated habitats, namely sandy beach and dunes, which are subject to harsher conditions because of proximity to the ocean. Basal lineages were associated with the more structurally homogeneous sandy beach, while late‐divergence clades occurred in more complex habitats, which were positively related to vegetation cover and height. The observed pattern of phylogenetic clustering suggested the importance of harsh conditions in constraining the distribution of avian lineages. Furthermore, contrasting environmental features between habitats influenced phylogenetic variation, demonstrating the prevalence of phylogenetic habitat filtering. From an applied point of view, such as planning and management of biological reserves, we showed that the full array of habitat patches embedded within coastal ecological gradients must be included in order to preserve distinct evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

Remote measurements of body temperature (Tb) in animals require implantation of relatively large temperature-sensitive radio-transmitters or data loggers, whereas rectal temperature (Trec) measurements require handling and therefore may bias the results. We investigated whether ∼0.1 g temperature-sensitive subcutaneously implanted transponders can be reliably used to quantify thermal biology and torpor use in small mammals. We examined (i) the precision of transponder readings as a function of temperature and (ii) whether subcutaneous transponders can be used to remotely record subcutaneous temperature (Tsub). Five adult male dunnarts (Sminthopsis macroura, body mass 24 g) were implanted with subcutaneous transponders to determine Tsub as a function of time and ambient temperature (Ta), and in comparison to thermocouple readings of Trec. Transponder temperature was highly correlated with water bath temperature (r2=0.96–0.99) over a range of approximately 10.0–40.0 °C. Transponders provided reliable data (±0.6 °C) over the Tsub of 21.4–36.9 °C and could be read from a distance of up to 5 cm. Below 21.4 °C, accuracy was reduced to ±2.8 °C, but individual transponder accuracy varied. Consequently, small subcutaneous transponders are useful to remotely quantify thermal physiology and torpor patterns without having to disturb the animal and disrupt torpor. Even at Tsub<21.4 °C where the accuracy of the temperature readings was reduced, transponders do provide reliable data on whether and when torpor is used.  相似文献   

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