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Ultrastructural changes in the central nucleus of the amygdalar body, field CA I of the hippocampus, piriform cortex, field 17 and field 7 have been studied in dogs, bred under conditions of social isolation. The changes are more numerous in emotiogenic structures. Similar ultrastructural rearrangements are revealed in the amygdalar body, hippocampus and in both fields of the neocortex. They are: neurons with different degree of chromatolysis, reactive changes in some organelles, terminals with agglutinated vesicles, or with their reduced number, increasing amount of synapses with a short active zone. At the same time, in the piriform gyrus vacuoles, membrane-like and osmiophilic inclusions, terminals with granular vesicles of various size are found more often.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of testosterone and LH in the male dog   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Blood samples were withdrawn every 20 min from 3 conscious intact and 2 castrated mature males during non-consecutive periods of 12 h during the light and dark phases of the lighting schedule (intact dogs) and of 11 h during the light period (castrated dogs). In the intact dogs testosterone concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 6.0 ng/ml over the 24-h period. LH concentrations varied from 0.2 to 12.0 ng/ml. In all animals, LH peaks were clearly followed, after about 50 min, by corresponding testosterone peaks, but no diurnal rhythm could be established. LH concentrations in the castrated dogs were high (9.8 +/- 2.7 (s.e.m.) ng/ml), and still showed an episodic pattern in spite of the undetectable plasma testosterone levels.  相似文献   

Pipecolic acid is an intermdiary metabolite of lysine and is decarboxylated to produce piperidine, an endogenous synaptotropic substance. In the present study, the existence of pipecolic acid in the dog brain was confirmed. It was present in highest concentration in the cerebellum followed by the diencephalon and caudate nucleus, and this distribution resembles that of piperidine in dog brain. It seems to be evident that pipecolic acid is a precursor of piperidine in the brain.  相似文献   

Immature rats were made copper deficient by feeding them a low (< 1 p. p. m.) copper diet. During the gestation and lactation periods their dams consumed the same diet. Controls received a dietary supplement of 10 p. p. m. copper. At approx 7 weeks of age, the deficient animals exhibited signs of neurological dysfunction and gross lesions of the brain. Cytochrome oxidase activity and copper content of the liver and brain were used as criteria of copper status and confirmed the existence of severe deficiency. The whole brains minus cerebella of the deficient animals contained approx 30% less dopamine and norepinephrine than those of the controls. The tyrosine hydroxylase activity was depressed more than 25% in the copper deficient brains while the superoxide dismutase activity was lowered more than 35%. There was a high correlation between the chief criterion of copper status, liver cytochrome oxidase activity, and the brain concentrations of dopamine, norepinephrine and tyrosine hydroxylase activity. The decrease in activity of tyrosine hydroxylase was sufficient to account for the lowered concentrations of the catecholamines.  相似文献   

In totally hepatectomized rats supported by infusion of glucose, the concentrations of many amino acids in plasma and brain rose progressively over time, while the brain levels of norepinephrine decreased. Infusion of a solution containing glucose, leucine, isoleucine, and valine after hepatectomy greatly reduced the accumulation of other essential amino acids in plasma and brain. However, the decrease in brain norepinephrine content was not significantly affected by this infusion, suggesting that high brain concentrations of monoamine precursor amino acids are not the primary cause of norepinephrine depletion after hepatectomy.  相似文献   

Motilin-like-immunoreactivity was detected in various regions of canine intestinal tract and brain. Its content in the brain was much smaller than in the gut. Its regional distribution was not uniform in both organs. On gel chromatography (G-50 SF), intestinal extracts revealed a main molecular form of motilin-like-immunoreactivity corresponding to motilin 1-22, while, in the brain, it eluted predominantly with the void volume. Further characterization of this later substance does not suggest it is strongly related to motilin. Putative motilin precursors of 14 kd and 6 kd are detectable in small concentration in intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

The structure of the claustrum was studied in the dog brain using Weigert's, Klüver-Barrera's, Manns' and Nissl's methods. It consists of two main parts arranged one above the other. The dorsal part is situated in the depth of the neocortex and extends from the gyrus orbitalis to the gyrus compositus posterior. The ventral part of the claustrum underlying the olfactory cortex continues from the cuadal fragments of the olfactory peduncle to the entorhinal area, where it fuses with its deep layers. The claustrum can be regarded as a fragment of a bigger cellular formation present in different parts of the hemisphere.  相似文献   

While oxytocin is widely used in the treatment of dystocia in dogs, there is little information about its secretion before and during normal unassisted whelping. We therefore measured plasma oxytocin concentrations during late pregnancy and the expulsive stage of parturition. Blood samples were collected from eight dogs at 3-min intervals during a 42-min period between the 2nd and 14th day before whelping and during parturition after the birth of 1-3 pups. The litters consisted of 5-15 pups and the progression of the expulsive stage was linear and nearly parallel in the eight bitches. The overall mean (+/-S.D.) plasma oxytocin concentration during late pregnancy was 3.6+/-2.1pg/ml. Mean values in individual dogs ranged from 1.2 to 7.4 pg/ml, but the intra-animal variation was rather small. During the expulsive stage the overall mean (+/-S.D.) plasma oxytocin concentration was 12.9+/-13.9 pg/ml, with mean values in individual dogs ranging from 3.5 to 46 pg/ml. The mean area under the oxytocin curve for parturient dogs was significantly higher (P<0.05) than for pregnant dogs. During the expulsive stage, the peak plasma oxytocin level in individual dogs ranged between 10 and 117 pg/ml. In six of the eight dogs a pup was born during blood collection and in five of these animals the plasma oxytocin concentration increased temporarily during periods of abdominal straining and expulsion. However, straining efforts and expulsion were not consistently associated with a rise in the circulating oxytocin level. It is concluded that in the dog plasma oxytocin levels are higher and more variable during the expulsive stage of parturition than during late pregnancy. Interrelationships between the secretion pattern of oxytocin, the level of uterine contractility, and the progress of fetal expulsion in dogs need further exploration.  相似文献   

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