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Hand preference is well observed in humans and some primates. Unlike many other primates, however, humans show a consistent hand preference across a variety of tasks, and a distinct right-handed skew at the population level. Although there are a moderate number of published studies, primate hand preference literature is unbalanced by the large number of studies on only a few species. No previous studies have addressed hand preference in white-faced sakis (WFS; Pithecia pithecia). We followed three habituated groups of wild WFS in Suriname and recorded individual hand preference for six different manual behaviors. There was no consistent hand preference across a range of uni-manual behaviors for any individual. Likewise, there were significantly more ambidextrous individuals in the population than expected (χ(2) (df = 2) = 11.2, P = 0.004) and thus, no population level hand preference. Our findings contribute baseline data to the debate of primate hand lateralization, and support the notion that lateralization of hand function does not characterize all species.  相似文献   

The shores of the Cap Blanc peninsula, along which runs the border between Mauritania and Western Sahara (former Spanish Sahara), were studied in November 1975. Littoral zonation is described and an annotated list is presented of the 188 species of algae now known from Mauritania and Western Sahara together with a further 23 species identified only to genus. In this present study 88 species of algae (excluding Cyanophyceae) were determined resulting in an increase of 67% and 37% respectively for the previously known marine floras of Western Sahara and Mauritania. Of 97 marine algae known from specific localities on the Cap Blanc peninsula, only 21 are common to both its eastern and western sides. Several tropical species reach their northern limit on the eastern side of the peninsula and many warm-temperate species reach their southernmost limit on the western side. Thus the Cap Blanc peninsula appears to represent a boundary between the warm temperate seaweed flora of North West Africa and the subtropical transition flora of Mauritania and Sénégal to the south.  相似文献   

3种海藻凝集素组分及糖抑制作用的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从 3种海藻 (铁钉菜IshigeokamuraeYenda、坛紫菜PorphyrahaitanensisChangetZheng和脆江蓠Gracilariabursa pastorisSilva)中分离纯化得到铁钉菜凝集素 (IOL)、坛紫菜凝集素 (PHL)及脆江蓠凝集素 (GBL)。经测定 ,它们分别含有 7%、14 %和 11%的中性糖。氨基酸组成中 ,苯丙氨酸含量最高 ,蛋氨酸和精氨酸次之。 3种海藻凝集素的凝血活性均可被单糖或双糖所抑制 ,在所测试的 13种糖类中 ,能够抑制GBL活性的糖类最多 ,达 5种 ,抑制IOL的糖类最少 ,仅 2种。 3种糖蛋白 (胃粘蛋白、卵粘蛋白和甲状腺球蛋白 )对IOL没有抑制作用 ,而卵粘蛋白能够抑制PHL和GBL的凝血活性  相似文献   

Individual variation in body size, home range size, and reproductive success among Neolamprologus mondabu (Cichlidae) females were investigated with reference to substrate types in the littoral zone of northern Lake Tanganyika. Larger females occupied sandy substrates and smaller ones stony substrates. Female reproductive success, estimated as the number of offspring successfully released per month, was higher on sandy substrates than on stony substrates. This may be attributable to higher spawning intensity and better protection of broods against predators in open, sandy habitats.  相似文献   

Siew-Moi Phang 《Hydrobiologia》1994,285(1-3):123-129
Checklists of the marine algae of Malaysia have been published. The last checklist included the marine algae of Singapore. The checklist recorded 212 taxa for the region. This paper lists an additional 7 taxa of Chlorophyta, 18 taxa of Rhodophyta and 5 taxa of Phaeophyta, which had been left out of the last checklist. These include marine algae from Pulau Pinang, Pulau Redang and Pulau Sibu. In addition, new records of Cyanophyta (2 species), Chlorophyta (4 species), Rhodophyta (10 species) and Phaeophyta (3 species) are reported.  相似文献   

Cullinane  J.  Maguire  D.  Whelan  P. 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):438-442
Summary The study showed not only that Cryptonemia hibernica colonized all thirteen substrate classes, but also that in each substrate class its colonization success rate was higher than that of any of the other macroalgae present. C. hibernica not only grew on all classes of rock, boulders and shells and as an algal epiphyte but also was found on live barnacles, scallops and razor shells. C. hibernica appears to be capable of growing in a variety of environmental conditions as illustrated by the five sites studied and can exploit a very wide range of substrates. These would appear to be important factors in the successful spread of C. hibernica. Its distribution in Cork Harbour and Kinsale Harbour is possibly curtailed only by depth and/or the occurrence of sand or mud substrate.  相似文献   

Gox2253 from Gluconobacter oxydans belongs to the short‐chain dehydrogenases/reductases family, and catalyzes the reduction of heptanal, octanal, nonanal, and decanal with NADPH. To develop a robust working platform to engineer novel G. oxydans oxidoreductases with designed coenzyme preference, we adopted a structure based rational design strategy using computational predictions that considers the number of hydrogen bonds formed between enzyme and docked coenzyme. We report the crystal structure of Gox2253 at 2.6 Å resolution, ternary models of Gox2253 mutants in complex with NADH/short‐chain aldehydes, and propose a structural mechanism of substrate selection. Molecular dynamics simulation shows that hydrogen bonds could form between 2′‐hydroxyl group in the adenosine moiety of NADH and the side chain of Gox2253 mutant after arginine at position 42 is replaced with tyrosine or lysine. Consistent with the molecular dynamics prediction, Gox2253‐R42Y/K mutants can use both NADH and NADPH as a coenzyme. Hence, the strategies here could provide a practical platform to engineer coenzyme selectivity for any given oxidoreductase and could serve as an additional consideration to engineer substrate‐binding pockets. Proteins 2014; 82:2925–2935. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

福建崇武沿海野生经济底栖海藻资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建崇武沿海有底栖海藻46种。其中野生经济底栖海藻34种(蓝藻门1种,绿藻门8种,红藻门17种,褐藻门8种)。文中对这些海藻的经济价值及资源开发利用进行阐述。  相似文献   

The microfilamentous green alga Uronema curvatum is widely distributed along the western and eastern coasts of the north Atlantic Ocean where it typically grows on crustose red algae and on haptera of kelps in subtidal habitats. The placement of this marine species in a genus of freshwater Chlorophyceae had been questioned. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of nuclear-encoded small and large subunit rDNA sequences reveal that U. curvatum is closely related to the ulvophycean order Cladophorales, with which it shares a number of morphological features, including a siphonocladous level of organization and zoidangial development. The divergent phylogenetic position of U. curvatum, sister to the rest of the Cladophorales, along with a combination of distinctive morphological features, such as the absence of pyrenoids, the diminutive size of the unbranched filaments and the discoid holdfast, warrants the recognition of a separate genus, Okellya, within a new family of Cladophorales, Okellyaceae. The epiphytic Urospora microscopica from Norway, which has been allied with U. curvatum, is revealed as a member of the cladophoralean genus Chaetomorpha and is herein transferred to that genus as C. norvegica nom. nov.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythmicity in the behaviour of the marine prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros (Fab) and its substratum preference has been observed under laboratory conditions. In the morning at 9. a.m. 80% prawns remain buried and in the afternoon at 3 p.m. 60% burrowing was observed. A contrasting situation was observed in the night i.e. 17% burrowing at 9 p.m. and 30% burrowing at 3 a.m. was registered. In the second set of experiments juveniles were subjected to four types of substrata viz. mud, black fine sand, white coarse sand and stones. It was noted that M. monoceros showed more affinity towards the mud and less preference to other substrata. The obtained results are discussed to provide clues for prawn fishing.This work was supported by I.C.A.R., New Delhi through a project on Reprod. Endocr. Edible prawns.  相似文献   

Aqueous protein extracts from 30 Brazilian marine algae were examined for haemagglutinating activity using native and enzyme-treated rabbit, chicken, sheep and human erythrocytes. Most extracts agglutinated at least one of the blood cells used. Sheep and rabbit erythrocytes were more suitable for detection of the agglutinating activity. The minimum protein concentration necessary to produce positive agglutination was usually lower with enzyme-treated erythrocytes than native ones. The five algal protein extracts showing the greatest haemagglutination titre were tested for sugar-binding specificity. Only the activity present in the green alga Cauler pacupressoides was inhibited by simple sugars and not by the glycoproteins tested. The activity of the other four extracts was inhibited by at least one of the glycoproteins utilised. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为全面了解着生藻类在建群中群落变化的生态学特性,揭示着生藻类的建群规律,在以丝状藻类为优势藻的生态塘中,采用花岗岩和瓷砖为附着材料,设置水体底部和中部为附着位点,进行频次为10d的采样分析。结果表明,生态塘中共检出8门73属117种着生藻类,其中以硅藻、蓝藻、绿藻为优势类群。同时不同人工基质和不同空间层次条件下着生藻类的建群特征较一致,早期以单细胞硅藻如舟形藻(Navicula sp.)、脆杆藻(Fragilaria sp.)、曲壳藻(Achnanthes sp.)等为优势,后期以丝状藻类如鞘丝藻(Lyngbya sp.)、颤藻(Oscillatoria sp.)、伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena sp.)等为优势;研究结果发现不同人工基质(花岗岩和瓷砖)对着生藻类的种类组成、细胞密度、生物量和藻类多样性无显著影响,花岗岩和瓷砖上附着的着生藻类具有较高的相似性;但不同的空间层次对着生藻类建群特征影响明显,水体底部具有更多的硅藻种类数,中部具有更多的绿藻,随着建群时间的发展,蓝藻比例不断增加;就生物量而言,底部的着生藻类叶绿素a显著高于水体中部,但两者的细胞密度无显著性差异;随着建群过程的发展,水体底部的着生藻类生物量达峰值所需的时间比中部更长。通过相关性分析,生态塘中着生藻类的生长主要受总磷的影响。  相似文献   

水稻矮缩病毒(Rice dwarf virus, RDV)是水稻普通矮缩病(Rice dwarf disease)的病原,主要依赖黑尾叶蝉Nephotettix cincticeps经卵以持久增殖方式传播。本研究采用室内试验观测了带毒与无毒的黑尾叶蝉在健康及感病水稻间的取食、产卵选择趋性。取食偏好性试验发现,无毒叶蝉对感病水稻趋性更强,从观测的第8小时开始达显著差异水平;带毒叶蝉则对健康水稻趋性更强,在观测的第24小时开始达到显著差异水平,表明RDV侵染水稻会引起黑尾叶蝉取食偏好性的改变。产卵偏好性试验发现无毒及带毒黑尾叶蝉在健康及感病水稻间3个观测指标(每植株卵块数、每卵块的卵量及每植株上的总卵量)均无显著差异,表明RDV侵染水稻对黑尾叶蝉产卵选择偏好性无显著影响。本文初步明确RDV对黑尾叶蝉取食和产卵偏好性的影响,为揭示介体昆虫-病毒-寄主植物三者之间的互作机制提供佐证。  相似文献   

长江口中华鲟幼鱼对底质的选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用单因子实验方法,研究了中华鲟幼鱼对沙(直径<0.2 cm)、小砾石(直径1~2 cm)、中砾石(直径4~5 cm)、大砾石(直径13~15 cm)4种底质类型的选择.结果表明:单尾鱼实验时,中华鲟幼鱼(体长283.0 mm±18.6 mm,体质量86.2 g±17.8 g,n=30)在4种底质中的时间百分比分别为沙51.50%±21.20%、小砾石20.27%±9.70%、中砾石18.03%±6.17%、大砾石10.20%±11.20%,幼鱼在沙底质中时间明显长于其它3种底质,且差异极显著(P<0.01);多尾鱼实验时,中华鲟幼鱼(体长278.0 mm±14.3 mm,体质量79.2 g±19.6 g,n=30)在4种底质中的数量百分比分别为沙46.25%±8.06%、小砾石19.38%±7.72%、中砾石18.75%±7.19%、大砾石15.63%±8.92%,幼鱼在沙质底质中的数量明显高于其它3种底质,且差异极显著(P<0.01);多尾鱼实验中,活动鱼(在水层中游动,不贴底)在4种底质中的数量无显著差异(P>0.05);非活动鱼(贴底游动或静止)在沙底质中的数量显著高于其它3种底质(P<0.01).单尾鱼(从时间角度)和多尾鱼(从数量角度)实验均表明,中华鲟幼鱼明显选择沙底质.  相似文献   

The structures of a novel rearranged sesquiterpenoid and a biogenetically-related chamigrene derivative have been determined by combined spectral and chemical methods. These sesquiterpenoids were components of an undescribed Laurencia species, and each was toxic toward the damselfish Pomacentrus coeruleus.  相似文献   

Laboratory cultures of Ectocarpus siliculosus originating from New Zealand showed a defect in gametangium formation. Nuclear divisions in gametangium initials are not followed by cell wall formation. In the resulting multinucleate cells nuclear DNA increases dramatically, and nuclear membranes disintegrate. Eventually, the entire structure is filled with hexagonal particles of approximately 130 nm diameter. These were isolated and shown by EM to consist of a dense core surrounded by a 3-layered shell. They are released into the culture medium when the host cells burst. Ectocarpus gametes from healthy cultures could be infected by these particles. The resulting partheno-sporophytes developed pathological symptoms, suggesting that the particles are viruses. The expression of the defect is temperature dependent. At 10°C all gametangia are abnormal, while between 15 and 20 °C defective and normal gametangia and gametes are formed on the same plant. Partheno-sporophytes developing from such gametes carry the viral particles expressed in deformed unilocular and plurilocular sporangia.  相似文献   

Twenty-five strains of epiphytic marine bacteria isolated from the brown algaeFucus evanescens andChorda filum and fifty-three bacteria isolated from the sea cucumberApostichopus japonicus were screened for fucoidanases using fucoidans prepared from the brown algaeF. evanescens, Laminaria cichorioides, andL japonica. Eighteen bacterial epiphytes and thirty-eight bacterial isolates from the sea cucumber were found to contain fucoidanases, which were able to hydrolyze either all of the fucoidans studied or some of them. Bacteria of the generaCytophaga andAlteromonas/Pseudoalteromonas exhibited the highest fucoidanase activities, which, however, did not exceed the activity of fucoidanases from the already known sources.  相似文献   

Summary Structural features of marine macrophytes are generally believed to act as defences against herbivores by reducing the ability of herbivores to consume the plants. Thallus form and calcification in particular have been considered structural defences that act by reducing the probability of consumption of tissue by herbivores. Studies directly measuring the mechanical resistance of a variety of marine algae (tropical and temperate) to herbivores of two important feeding types, rasping herbivores (docoglossan limpets) and a biting herbivore (an herbivorous crab), do not support this hypothesis. I suggest that thallus form and calcification may play a more important role in minimizing the impact of herbivores by reducing the probability of subsequent tissue loss due to herbivore-induced damage. For some algal species, tissue lost subsequent to herbivore damage may greatly exceed loss due to direct consumption by herbivores. I suggest that calcification and thallus properties resulting in preferential tear directions reduce the probability of tissue loss subsequent to herbivore damage rather than prevent herbivores from removing tissue as has been suggested in the past.  相似文献   

The Atlantic killer whale (Orcinus orca) is a top‐level marine predator with a global range, being found in all of Earth's oceans. The potential interaction between killer whales and marine renewable energy projects requires surveillance and monitoring efforts that call for new technologies, with marine radar showing promise in the field. Marine radar images recorded at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) were used to track a pair of male killer whales undertaking Surface Active Behavior (SAB) with visual observations used as validation. Using a tidal prediction model, the tide‐adjusted, radar‐derived target speeds between SAB events provide estimates of swim speeds averaging 4 m/s and time between SAB events of 30 s. The similarities between the radar signatures of the animals and sea clutter, combined with their low occurrence compared to other imaged phenomena renders automatic detection with this system difficult. However, the combination of opportunistic radar imagery and independent visual observation has allowed the radar signature of one form of killer whale SAB to be documented. It is hoped that with a greater number of validated observations such as these that automated, radar‐based identification and the benefits it will bring to long‐term observations at MRE sites will be possible.  相似文献   

Cosmeceuticals, derived from the words ‘cosmetic and pharmaceutical’, have drug-like benefits and contain active ingredients such as vitamins, phytochemicals, enzymes, antioxidants, and essential oils. Cosmeceuticals have attracted increased attention because of their beneficial effects on human health. Bioactive substances derived from marine organisms have diverse functional roles as a secondary metabolite and these properties can be applied to the developments of novel pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals. Recently, extensive studies have been conducted on the general aspects of the chemical structures, physical and biochemical properties, and biotechnological applications of bioactive substances derived from marine organisms. In this review, we have discussed recent progresses in the biotechnological applications of bioactive substances from marine organisms as cosmeceuticals.  相似文献   

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