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High expression of the mitotic kinase Bub1 is associated with a variety of human cancers and correlates with poor clinical prognosis, but whether Bub1 alone can drive tumorigenesis was unknown. We provided conclusive evidence that Bub1 has oncogenic properties by generating transgenic mice that overexpress Bub1 in a wide variety of tissues, resulting in aneuploidization. Consistently, Bub1 transgenic mice developed various kinds of spontaneous tumors as well as accelerated Myc-induced lymphomagenesis. While the mitotic checkpoint was robust in Bub1 overexpressing cells, misaligned and lagging chromosomes were observed. These defects originated from increased Aurora B activity and could be suppressed by inhibition of Aurora B. Taken together, this indicates that Bub1 has oncogenic properties and imply that aneuploidization and tumorigenesis result from Aurora B-dependent missegregation. Here, we focus on the complex relationship between Bub1 and Aurora B and discuss the broader implications of Bub1-dependent Aurora B activation in mediating error correction.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) delays anaphase in the presence of chromosome attachment errors. Bub3 has been reported to be required for SAC activity in all eukaryotes examined so far. We find that Bub3, unlike its binding partner Bub1, is not essential for the SAC in fission yeast. As Bub3 is needed for the efficient kinetochore localization of Bub1, and of Mad1, Mad2 and Mad3, this implies that most SAC proteins do not need to be enriched at the kinetochores for the SAC to function. We find that Bub3 is also dispensable for shugoshin localization to the centromeres, which is the second known function of Bub1. Instead, Bub3, together with Bub1, has a specific function in promoting the conversion from chromosome mono‐orientation to bi‐orientation.  相似文献   

The mitotic checkpoint blocks cell cycle progression before anaphase in case of mistakes in the alignment of chromosomes on the mitotic spindle. In budding yeast, the Mad1, 2, 3, and Bub1, 2, 3 proteins mediate this arrest. Vertebrate homologues of Mad1, 2, 3, and Bub1, 3 bind to unattached kinetochores and prevent progression through mitosis by inhibiting Cdc20/APC-mediated proteolysis of anaphase inhibitors, like Pds1 and B-type cyclins. We investigated the role of Bub2 in budding yeast mitotic checkpoint. The following observations indicate that Bub2 and Mad1, 2 probably activate the checkpoint via different pathways: (a) unlike the other Mad and Bub proteins, Bub2 localizes at the spindle pole body (SPB) throughout the cell cycle; (b) the effect of concomitant lack of Mad1 or Mad2 and Bub2 is additive, since nocodazole-treated mad1 bub2 and mad2 bub2 double mutants rereplicate DNA more rapidly and efficiently than either single mutant; (c) cell cycle progression of bub2 cells in the presence of nocodazole requires the Cdc26 APC subunit, which, conversely, is not required for mad2 cells in the same conditions. Altogether, our data suggest that activation of the mitotic checkpoint blocks progression through mitosis by independent and partially redundant mechanisms.  相似文献   

The spindle position checkpoint (SPOC) is a mitotic surveillance mechanism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that prevents cells from completing mitosis in response to spindle misalignment, thereby contributing to genomic integrity. The kinase Kin4, one of the most downstream SPOC components, is essential to stop the mitotic exit network (MEN), a signalling pathway that promotes the exit from mitosis and cell division. Previous work, however, suggested that a Kin4-independent pathway contributes to SPOC, yet the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we established the glycogen-synthase-kinase-3 (GSK-3) homologue Mck1, as a novel component that works independently of Kin4 to engage SPOC. Our data indicate that both Kin4 and Mck1 work in parallel to counteract MEN activation by the Cdc14 early anaphase release (FEAR) network. We show that Mck1''s function in SPOC is mediated by the pre-replication complex protein and mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase (M-Cdk) inhibitor, Cdc6, which is degraded in a Mck1-dependent manner prior to mitosis. Moderate overproduction of Cdc6 phenocopies MCK1 deletion and causes SPOC deficiency via its N-terminal, M-Cdk inhibitory domain. Our data uncover an unprecedented role of GSK-3 kinases in coordinating spindle orientation with cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Human cells express two kinases that are related to the yeast mitotic checkpoint kinase BUB1. hBUB1 and hBUBR1 bind to kinetochores where they are postulated to be components of the mitotic checkpoint that monitors kinetochore activities to determine if chromosomes have achieved alignment at the spindle equator (Jablonski, S.A., G.K.T. Chan, C.A. Cooke, W.C. Earnshaw, and T.J. Yen. 1998. Chromosoma. 107:386-396). In support of this, hBUB1 and the homologous mouse BUB1 have been shown to be important for the mitotic checkpoint (Cahill, D.P., C. Lengauer, J. Yu, G.J. Riggins, J.K. Willson, S.D. Markowitz, K.W. Kinzler, and B. Vogelstein. 1998. Nature. 392:300-303; Taylor, S.S., and F. McKeon. 1997. Cell. 89:727-735). We now demonstrate that hBUBR1 is also an essential component of the mitotic checkpoint. hBUBR1 is required by cells that are exposed to microtubule inhibitors to arrest in mitosis. Additionally, hBUBR1 is essential for normal mitotic progression as it prevents cells from prematurely entering anaphase. We establish that one of hBUBR1's checkpoint functions is to monitor kinetochore activities that depend on the kinetochore motor CENP-E. hBUBR1 is expressed throughout the cell cycle, but its kinase activity is detected after cells have entered mitosis. hBUBR1 kinase activity was rapidly stimulated when the spindle was disrupted in mitotic cells. Finally, hBUBR1 was associated with the cyclosome/anaphase-promoting complex (APC) in mitotically arrested cells but not in interphase cells. The combined data indicate that hBUBR1 can potentially provide two checkpoint functions by monitoring CENP-E-dependent activities at the kinetochore and regulating cyclosome/APC activity.  相似文献   

Centromere-associated protein-E (CENP-E) is an essential mitotic kinesin that is required for efficient, stable microtubule capture at kinetochores. It also directly binds to BubR1, a kinetochore-associated kinase implicated in the mitotic checkpoint, the major cell cycle control pathway in which unattached kinetochores prevent anaphase onset. Here, we show that single unattached kinetochores depleted of CENP-E cannot block entry into anaphase, resulting in aneuploidy in 25% of divisions in primary mouse fibroblasts in vitro and in 95% of regenerating hepatocytes in vivo. Without CENP-E, diminished levels of BubR1 are recruited to kinetochores and BubR1 kinase activity remains at basal levels. CENP-E binds to and directly stimulates the kinase activity of purified BubR1 in vitro. Thus, CENP-E is required for enhancing recruitment of its binding partner BubR1 to each unattached kinetochore and for stimulating BubR1 kinase activity, implicating it as an essential amplifier of a basal mitotic checkpoint signal.  相似文献   

The loss of genome stability is an early event that drives the development and progression of virtually all tumor types. Recent studies have revealed that certain histone post-translational modifications exhibit dynamic and global increases in abundance that coincide with mitosis and exhibit essential roles in maintaining genomic stability. Histone H2B ubiquitination at lysine 120 (H2Bub1) is regulated by RNF20, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that is altered in many tumor types. Through an evolutionarily conserved trans-histone pathway, H2Bub1 is an essential prerequisite for subsequent downstream dimethylation events at lysines 4 (H3K4me2) and 79 (H3K79me2) of histone H3. Although the role that RNF20 plays in tumorigenesis has garnered much attention, the downstream components of the trans-histone pathway, H3K4me2 and H3K79me2, and their potential contributions to genome stability remain largely overlooked. In this study, we employ single-cell imaging and biochemical approaches to investigate the spatial and temporal patterning of RNF20, H2Bub1, H3K4me2, and H3K79me2 throughout the cell cycle, with a particular focus on mitosis. We show that H2Bub1, H3K4me2, and H3K79me2 exhibit distinct temporal progression patterns throughout the cell cycle. Most notably, we demonstrate that H3K79me2 is a highly dynamic histone post-translational modification that reaches maximal abundance during mitosis in an H2Bub1-independent manner. Using RNAi and chemical genetic approaches, we identify DOT1L as a histone methyltransferase required for the mitotic-associated increases in H3K79me2. We also demonstrate that the loss of mitotic H3K79me2 levels correlates with increases in chromosome numbers and increases in mitotic defects. Collectively, these data suggest that H3K79me2 dynamics during mitosis are normally required to maintain genome stability and further implicate the loss of H3K79me2 during mitosis as a pathogenic event that contributes to the development and progression of tumors.  相似文献   

TGFβ activated kinase 1 (TAK1), a member of the MAPKKK family, controls diverse functions ranging from innate and adaptive immune system activation to vascular development and apoptosis. To analyse the in vivo function of TAK1 in cartilage, we generated mice with a conditional deletion of Tak1 driven by the collagen 2 promoter. Tak1col2 mice displayed severe chondrodysplasia with runting, impaired formation of secondary centres of ossification, and joint abnormalities including elbow dislocation and tarsal fusion. This phenotype resembled that of bone morphogenetic protein receptor (BMPR)1 and Gdf5-deficient mice. BMPR signalling was markedly impaired in TAK1-deficient chondrocytes as evidenced by reduced expression of known BMP target genes as well as reduced phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and p38/Jnk/Erk MAP kinases. TAK1 mediates Smad1 phosphorylation at C-terminal serine residues. These findings provide the first in vivo evidence in a mammalian system that TAK1 is required for BMP signalling and functions as an upstream activating kinase for Smad1/5/8 in addition to its known role in regulating MAP kinase pathways. Our experiments reveal an essential role for TAK1 in the morphogenesis, growth, and maintenance of cartilage.  相似文献   

Mucins are high molecular weight proteins that make up the major components of mucus. Hypersecretion of mucus is a feature of several chronic inflammatory airway diseases. MUC8 is an important component of airway mucus, and its gene expression is upregulated in nasal polyp epithelium. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms of MUC8 gene expression. We first observed overexpression of activator protein‐2alpha (AP2α) in human nasal polyp epithelium. We hypothesized that AP2α overexpression in nasal polyp epithelium correlates closely with MUC8 gene expression. We demonstrated that phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate (PMA) treatment of the airway epithelial cell line NCI‐H292 increases MUC8 gene and AP2α expression. In this study, we sought to determine which signal pathway is involved in PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression. The results show that the protein kinase C and mitogen‐activating protein/ERK kinase (MAPK) pathways modulate MUC8 gene expression. PD98059 or ERK1/2 siRNA and RO‐31‐8220 or PKC siRNA significantly suppress AP2α as well as MUC8 gene expression in PMA‐treated cells. To verify the role of AP2α, we specifically knocked down AP2α expression with siRNA. A significant AP2α knock‐down inhibited PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression. While dominant negative AP2α decreased PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression, overexpressing wildtype AP2α increased MUC8 gene expression. Furthermore, using lentiviral vectors for RNA interference in human nasal polyp epithelial cells, we confirmed an essential role for AP2α in MUC8 gene expression. From these results, we concluded that PMA induces MUC8 gene expression through a mechanism involving PKC, ERK1/2, and AP2α activation in human airway epithelial cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1386–1398, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the effects of GM-CSF and IL-1β, both implicated in tissue damage in arthritis, on articular chondrocyte proliferation and metabolism, and to explore their agonist/antagonist effects. Methods: Chondrocytes were obtained from 1-month-old rats. First-passage monolayers were incubated for 24 h with or without GM-CSF and/or IL-1β, and labeled with 3H-thymidine, 35S–SO4 and 14C-proline. Proteoglycan and collagen synthesis were analyzed by liquid chromatography and SDS–PAGE. Gene expression was measured by RT-PCR. Results: IL-1β exerts potent, and GM-CSF weak, inhibitory effects on DNA synthesis. GM-CSF strongly stimulates, and IL-1β inhibits, proteoglycan and collagen synthesis. IL-1β suppresses the effect of GM-CSF, and increases the release of radioactive molecules from pre-labeled cartilage fragments; GM-CSF decreases the IL-1β-induced effect. Interestingly, both cytokines induce the expression of each other’s gene. Conclusions: IL-1β appears to be a catabolic and anti-anabolic agent for chondrocytes, whereas GM-CSF is mainly anabolic, and blocks the IL-1β-induced catabolic effect. It is postulated that both agents are implicated in inflammation: IL-1β promotes tissue catabolism and destruction, whereas GM-CSF enhances tissue reconstruction.  相似文献   

The link between the deregulation of autophagy and cell death processes can be essential in the development of several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson disease (PD). However, the molecular mechanism of deregulation of this degradative process in PD patients is unknown. The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene is related to PD and its implication in autophagy regulation has been described. Our recent work shows that the presence of the G2019S LRRK2 mutation, one of the most prevalent in LRRK2, is accompanied by a deregulation of autophagy basal levels dependent on the MAPK1/3 (ERK2/1) pathway.  相似文献   

The link between the deregulation of autophagy and cell death processes can be essential in the development of several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson disease (PD). However, the molecular mechanism of deregulation of this degradative process in PD patients is unknown. The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene is related to PD and its implication in autophagy regulation has been described. Our recent work shows that the presence of the G2019S LRRK2 mutation, one of the most prevalent in LRRK2, is accompanied by a deregulation of autophagy basal levels dependent on the MAPK1/3 (ERK2/1) pathway.  相似文献   

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