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The regeneration of adult rat gastrocnemius muscles has been studied under implantation of new-born rat muscles into area of muscle trauma. Alloplasty was performed using minced gastrocnemius and diaphragm muscles, which differs at birth in animals by degree of differentiation. The rat-recipient area of alloplasty was subjected to He-Ne laser radiation before operation, with the aim of reducing the immune response to allogenic muscle tissue. It has been shown that the number of regenerating myofibers produced from implanted gastrocnemius muscles is more than in alloplants from diaphragms. However, the formation of cartilage, bone, and adipose tissue foci was observed in the alloplastic region throughout the whole regeneration period. After implantation of minced diaphragm muscles, cartilage nodes were observed only in 7-day regenerates. At the end of observation, in the first instance, the area of muscle trauma in adult rat muscles was replaced by adipose tissue, even in the case of initial laser irradiation. After the implantation of diaphragm muscles, the area of trauma was filled with regenerating muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Aerobic endurance capacity is partly dependent on blood supply to and metabolic capacity of the active muscles. Recordings of lower limb skin postocclusive hyperaemia with laser Doppler flowmetry can differentiate between patients with lower limb atherosclerosis and healthy controls. In this study, we investigated the relationship between aerobic endurance, calf volume, common femoral artery diameter and time properties of the postocclusive laser Doppler curve. A group of 16 healthy male subjects with values for aerobic endurance which varied from those of untrained men to elite endurance trained athletes were examined. Duration of laser Doppler recorded skin postocclusive hyperaemia was significantly correlated to both aerobic power and anaerobic threshold (P less than 0.01). Hyperaemia in subjects with large common femoral artery diameter was of shorter duration (P less than 0.05). The peak and mean body mass related blood flow during hyperaemia was correlated to anaerobic threshold (P less than 0.05). These results were in agreement with previous studies indicating an effect of endurance training on the blood supply to the muscles concerned.  相似文献   

The entire muscle system of Nerilla antennata, Nerillidium sp. and Trochonerilla mobilis was three-dimensionally reconstructed from whole mounts. In juvenile and adult specimens the F-actin musculature subset was stained with FITC-conjugated phalloidin and visualized with a confocal laser scanning microscope (cLSM). The muscle system shows the following major organization: 1) circular muscles are totally absent in the body wall; 2) the longitudinal muscles are confined in two ventral and two dorsal thick bundles; 3) additional longitudinal muscles are located in the ventro- and dorsomedian axis; 4) three segmental pairs of ventral oblique muscles elongate into the periphery: the main dorsoventral muscles that run along the body side posterior and dorsally and the anterior and posterior oblique parapodial muscles, which contribute to the ventral chaetal sacs; 5) one segmental pair of dorsal oblique parapodial muscles, contributing to the dorsal chaetal sacs; 6) five to seven small dorsoventral muscles per segment; and 7) complex head and pharyngeal musculature. These results support the belief that absence of circular muscles in the polychaete body wall is much more widely distributed than is currently presumed.  相似文献   

We studied four monogonont rotifers (Brachionus urceolaris, Floscularia ringens, Hexarthra mira, Notommata glyphura) using two different techniques of microscopy: (1) the presence of filamentous actin was examined using phalloidin-fluorescent labelled specimens and a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM); (2) external morphology was investigated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). B. urceolaris, F. ringens, and N. glyphura showed similar patterns of muscle distribution: a set of longitudinal muscles acting as head and foot retractors, and a set of circular muscles. However, the size and distribution of circular muscles differed among these species. H. mira differed from the other species in that it lacked circular muscles but possessed strong muscles that extended into each arm. The study showed that using both CLSM and SEM provides better resolution of the anatomy and external morphology of rotifers than using one of these techniques alone. This can facilitate better understanding of the complicated anatomy of these animals.  相似文献   

Fluorescence-labelled phalloidin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy (cLSM) has been used to reconstruct the body musculature in Encentrum mucronatum and Dicranophorus forcipatus in order to gain insight into the architecture of body musculature in representatives of the hitherto uninvestigated Dicranophoridae.

In both species, a system of outer circular and inner longitudinal muscles has been found. In E. mucronatum, seven circular muscles (musculi circulares I–VII) and six paired longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales I–VI) have been identified. In D. forcipatus, eight circular muscles (musculi circulares I–VIII) and nine paired longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales I–IX) are present. In both species, some of the longitudinal muscles span the whole specimen, while others are shorter and connect head and trunk or foot and trunk. Differences in shape and extension of the circular muscles in both species are related to differences in structure of the trunk integument.

Surveying the literature on rotifer musculature, muscles identified in this study are homologised across Rotifera and given individual names. Based on the study of E. mucronatum and D. forcipatus and previous studies on other rotifers, a system of musculature in the ground pattern of Ploima comprising at least three circular muscles (pars coronalis, corona sphincter, musculus circumpedalis) and three pairs of longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales ventrales, musculi longitudinales dorsales and musculi longitudinales capitum) is suggested.  相似文献   

The musculature of parasitic flatworms plays a central role in locomotory movement, attachment to the host, and in the function of the digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems. We examine for the first time the muscle system of the flatworm Dicrocoelium dendriticum, a causative agent of the parasitic disease dicrocoeliosis, by use of fluorescently labeled phalloidin and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Somatic musculature of D. dendriticum consists of the circular, longitudinal, and diagonal muscles. The distribution of the muscle fibers in the body wall differed among the anterior, middle, and posterior body regions of the worm. The musculature of the attachment organs, the oral and ventral suckers, includes several types of muscles: the external equatorial and meridional muscles, internal circular and semicircular muscles, and radial muscles. Inside of the ventral sucker the diagonally located muscles were revealed and the supplementary u-shaped muscles were found adjoined to the base of the sucker from outside. The musculature of the internal organs composed of the excretory, reproductive, and digestive systems were characterized. Our results increase our knowledge of the morphology of trematodes and the arrangement of their muscle system.  相似文献   

The annelid body wall generally comprises an outer layer of circular muscle fibres and an inner layer of longitudinal muscle fibres as well as parapodial and chaetal muscles. An investigation of Dysponetuspygmaeus (Chrysopetalidae) with confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that circular muscles are entirely absent. Further studies indicate that this feature is characteristic for all Chrysopetalidae. A scrutiny of the literature showed a similar situation in many other polychaetes. This lack of circular muscle fibres may either be due to convergence or represent a plesiomorphic character. Since circular muscles are very likely important for burrowing forms but not necessary for animals which proceed by movements of their parapodial appendages or cilia, this problem is also related to the question of whether the ancestral polychaete was epi‐ or endobenthic.  相似文献   

Organization of muscles in microinvertebrates has often been studied to answer functional questions and understand phylogenetic relationships among taxa. In this study, the musculature of two bdelloid species, Adineta ricciae and Macrotrachela quadricornifera , was illustrated, and their organization was compared with other rotifer taxa to generate possible hypotheses of evolutionary relationships among Rotifera. The two species share a common habitat but differ from each other in feeding and locomotion. A. ricciae feeds on the biofilm by scraping it, is unable to swim, and slides on the head cilia using the foot to propel over the substratum. M. quadricornifera feeds by filtration, can swim, and advances by looping in a leech-like motion. Their musculature, stained with TRITC-phalloidin, was observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Major differences between the two species were observed in the muscles of head and foot, possibly reflecting differences in their life style. Muscles of the trunk were similarly arranged: circular muscles surrounded longitudinal bands, which were inserted at different points on the body wall. In both bdelloids, circular muscles of the trunk were incomplete ventrally, a condition also present in Seison and in soft-bodied monogononts from benthos. Within rotifers, circular muscles in the form of complete rings are present in acanthocephalans and in soft-bodied planktonic monogononts but are absent in loricate monogononts, which generally possess dorsoventral bands. The diversity of muscle organization among rotifers was interpreted and discussed.  相似文献   

Wilts, E.F., Wulfken, D., Ahlrichs, W.H. and Martínez Arbizu, P. 2012. The musculature of Squatinella rostrum (Milne, 1886) (Rotifera: Lepadellidae) as revealed by confocal laser scanning microscopy with additional new data on its trophi and overall morphology.—Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 14–27. The monogonont rotifer Squatinella rostrum was investigated with light, scanning electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy to reveal new morphological data on its inner and outer anatomy. In total, the visualized somatic musculature displays five paired longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales I–V) and nine circular muscles (musculi circulares I–IX). Compared to other species, S. rostrum is characterized by the absence of several longitudinal and circular muscles (e.g. musculus longitudinalis capitis, corona sphincter and pars coronalis). A reconstruction of the mastax musculature revealed a total number of seven paired and two unpaired mastax muscles. Possibly homologous somatic and mastax muscles in other, thus far investigated rotifers are discussed. Moreover, we provide a phylogenetic evaluation of the revealed morphological characters and suggest possible autapomorphic characters supporting Squatinella and Lepadellidae. Finally, we refer to some striking similarities in the morphology, ecology and way of movement of Squatinella and Bryceella that may indicate a closer relationship of both taxa.  相似文献   

It is known that a low-energy laser radiation can cause reflex suppression of immunity. The present experiments were designed to determine the plastic activity of allogenic muscle tissue in different conditions of a previous action of laser rays. The cross homotransplantation of gastrocnemius muscles was carried out between intact rats, or between rats in which 14 days before transplantation each hind leg was subjected to low-energy He-Ne laser radiation in dose of 7.5-9 J/cm2 (10 procedures, the duration of each exposure was equal to 5 min), or between intact and radiated rats. It was shown that the donor muscle tissue survived longer when a nonradiated muscle was transplanted into the radiated muscle bed. The axons grew into the donor muscle tissue. More allogenic muscle tissue was involved in contractile reaction when stimulation was carried out via the nerve. Laser radiation of a homotransplant alone, or that of a homotransplant and a muscle bed in the recipient was less effective. So, He-Ne laser radiation of the area of a planned allotransplantation decreased the transplant immunity response and favoured a longer development of allogenic muscle tissue. The viability of donor muscle tissue therewith increased, if the muscle allograft had not been subjected to a previous laser radiation.  相似文献   

An improved laser microprobe procedure is developed and applied to the measurement of calcium content in microareas of right and left subepicardial muscles. The staining of canine cardiac muscles by Methylene Blue solution (1% w/v) was found to improve sampling efficiency. Elemental content is proportional to T-1/gamma, where T is the transmittance of the characteristic emission line of the element of the photographic plate and gamma is its contrast. In the present system, the calcium content is analyzed using T-3.2. We find that the staining of samples and the determination of T-1/gamma are useful procedures in the application of laser microprobe to the study of elemental content in biologic microareas.  相似文献   

Species of Hexarthra and Polyarthra are freshwater rotifers with well-known escape behaviors that result from interactions with planktonic predators. Both rotifers bear a suite of mobile appendages that function in evasive maneuvers and saltatory jumps through the water column, but the anatomical and functional bases of these actions are poorly understood. Here, we use a combination of phalloidin staining, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and video analysis to describe the morphology of the somatic muscles that supply the mobile appendages in order to understand how they function in escape behavior. Results show that species of Hexarthra, which bear six radially distributed limbs, possess a highly complex trunk musculature that supplies the inside of each limb with its own abductor and adductor muscles, i.e., a direct muscle supply. The singular dorsal and ventral limbs each receive a pair of large abductor and adductor muscles (four muscles total per limb), while the paired dorsolateral and ventrolateral limbs each receives three muscles (two abductors, one adductor per limb). Contraction of the abductor muscles creates a power stroke in the form of an anterior sweep of the limbs, which leads to a three-dimensional tumbling of the rotifer through the water column. Alternatively, species of Polyarthra possess 12 blade-like appendages that are arranged into four equal bundles; each bundle receives an indirect muscle supply that attaches to the shoulder of the paddles. A single longitudinal paddle muscle supplies each dorsolateral bundle, while a pair of longitudinal paddle muscles supplies each ventrolateral bundle. Contraction of these muscles, whether singly or in concert, functions to abduct the paddles in a power stroke, leading to rotation of the body and movement of the rotifer. The recovery stroke is hypothesized to be a multi-step process that begins with reorientation of the appendages prior to adduction, followed by contraction of various muscles to antagonize the paddle muscles. In total, these observations reveal novel complexities in the rotifer muscular system that aids our understanding of the biophysics of predator avoidance in appendage-bearing rotifers.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the muscular system of Barentsia discreta (Kamptozoa) was studied by confocal laser scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The calyx musculature, muscles associated with the digestive tract, atrial ring muscles, and tentacle muscles are described. The structure of the muscular bulbus located in the upper part of the stalk and the muscle base of the stalk were examined. The middle part of the stalk and the stolon lack musculature. The structure of the star-cell complex lying at the boundary of the stalk and calyx was examined in detail. Emschermann’s (1969) opinion was confirmed that the star-cell complex performs the function of a heart, providing the transport of substances from the calyx to the stalk and stolon. The general plan of the muscle arrangement is similar in all Kamptozoa; it consists of central muscles of the calyx, atrial ring muscles, tentacle muscles, and muscles associated with the digestive tract. Oral, lateral, and aboral muscles extending from the stalk into the calyx, which were described for solitary forms, are lacking in the calyx of colonial B. discreta. The calyx of B. discreta is separated from the stalk by a septum, through which muscles do not penetrate from the stalk.  相似文献   

The monogonont rotifer Bryceella stylata was investigated with light, electron and confocal laser scanning (CLSM) microscopy to provide detailed insights into its anatomy and new information for future phylogenetic analyses of the group. Results from CLSM and phalloidin staining revealed a total of six paired longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales I-VI) and eight circular muscles (musculi circulares I-VIII) as well a complex network of mostly fine visceral muscles. In comparison with other rotifer species that have been investigated so far, B. stylata shares the presence of the circular and longitudinal muscles: musculus longitudinalis ventralis, musculus longitudinalis lateralis inferior, musculus longitudinalis dorsalis, musculus longitudinalis capitis and musculus circumpedalis. However, the species lacks lateral and dorsolateral longitudinal muscles and some circular muscles (e.g., corona sphincter, musculus pars coronalis). With light and electron microscopy, we were able to document the precise number of pseudosegments and the arrangement of the chambers comprising the trophi elements. Furthermore, our observations revealed several new morphological characteristics, including a shield-like epidermal projection covering the dorsal antenna, an epidermal projection restricting the corona caudally and an unpaired hypopharynx with distinct shovel-like structures.  相似文献   

We studied comparatively the muscle organization of several gastrotrich species, aiming at shedding some light on the evolutionary relationships among the taxa of the suborder Paucitubulatina. Under confocal laser scanning microscope, the circular muscles were present in the splanchnic position as incomplete circular rings in Musellifer delamarei (Chaetonotidae) and Xenotrichula intermedia (Xenotrichulidae) and as dorsoventral bands in Xenotrichula punctata, Heteroxenotrichula squamosa and Draculiciteria tesselata (Xenotrichulidae); in the somatic position, M. delamarei shares the presence of dorsoventral muscles with all the Xenotrichulidae, in contrast with the remaining Chaetonotidae that lack these muscles. Maximum parsimony analysis of the muscular characters confirmed monophyly of Paucitubulatina and Xenotrichulidae, while the Chaetonotidae was paraphyletic, with the exclusion of Musellifer , which is the most basal genus within the Paucitubulatina. Xenotrichulidae is the sister taxon to Chaetonotidae, which in turn has Polymerurus as the most basal taxon. In general, the results agree with recent phylogenetic inferences based on molecular characters and support the hypothesis that, within Paucitubulatina, dorsoventral muscles are plesiomorphies retained in marine, interstitial, hermaphroditic gastrotrichs. Dorsoventral muscles were subsequently lost during changes in lifestyle and reproduction modality that took place with the invasion of the freshwater environment. This new information prompted us to reconsider the systematization of Chaetonotidae, proposing the establishment of Muselliferidae fam. nov. to include the genera Musellifer and Diuronotus .  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 379–398.  相似文献   

The pattern of muscles in the actively swimming predatory rotifer Asplanchnopus multiceps is revealed by staining with tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC)-labelled phalloidin and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The major components of the musculature are: prominent semicircular muscles of the corona; paired lateral, dorsal and ventral retractors in the trunk; a network of six seemingly complete circular muscles and anastomosing longitudinal muscles in the trunk; two short foot retractors, originating from a transverse muscle in the lower third of the trunk. The sphincter of the corona marks the boundary between the head and the trunk. The muscular patterns in rotifers with different lifestyles differ clearly, therefore, the muscular patterns seem to be determined by the mode of locomotion and feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Caveolin, a 20-24 kDa integral membrane protein, is a principal component of caveolar domains. Caveolin-1 is expressed predominantly in endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and adipocytes, while the expression of caveolin-3 is confined to muscle cells. However, their localization in various muscles has not been well documented. Using double-immunofluorescence labeling and confocal laser microscopy, we examined the localization of caveolins-1 and 3 in adult monkey skeletal, cardiac and uterine smooth muscles and the co-immunolocalization of these caveolins with dystrophin, which is a product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene. In the skeletal muscle tissue, caveolin-3 was localized along the sarcolemma except for the transverse tubules, and co-immunolocalized with dystrophin, whereas caveolin-1 was absent except in the blood vessels of the muscle tissue. In cardiac muscle cells, caveolins-1 and -3 and dystrophin were co-immunolocalized on the sarcolemma and transverse tubules. In uterine smooth muscle cells, caveolin-1, but not caveolin-3, was co-immunolocalized with dystrophin on the sarcolemma.  相似文献   

The somatic muscular systems of two species of Seisonacea (Rotifera), Seison nebaliae and Paraseison annulatus, are described using fluorescently labelled phalloidin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Their overall muscular arrangement is similar and consists of segmentally organised longitudinal fibres that extend the length of the body and are surrounded by semi-circular (= incomplete) bands. However, differences in the musculature between the two species are present and possibly reflect specific adaptations in feeding strategy and locomotion related to the occupation of individual niches on their host, the leptostracan crustacean N. bipes. For example, S. nebaliae has semi-circular muscles in the head region only, while P. annulatus possesses incomplete circular muscles also in the trunk region; furthermore, there are also differences in the arrangements and number of longitudinal muscles. The muscular systems of all rotifer species examined so far are compared in order to establish the ground pattern of the last putative ancestor as well as to seek for traits of systematic importance. Results from both species corroborate earlier hypotheses on the arrangement of muscles in the putative common ancestor of Rotifera, which suggested an orthogonal arrangement consisting of a series of probably continuous (not segmental) inner longitudinal muscles, surrounded by semi-circular fibres, ventrally opened. However, significant morphological and ecological variations among taxa investigated so far show that a consistent correlation between muscular traits and specific ecological features and/or phylogeny is still far from being clear. Hence, musculature of additional taxa, representing the systematic width and occupying a diverse range of habitats, should be investigated.  相似文献   

To investigate the variations of oxidation-reduction status of fast- and slow-twitch muscles during intense contractions, we performed in situ NADH laser fluorimetry during 25-s tetanus in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and in soleus (SOL) muscles of eight Sprague-Dawley rats anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. At base line the compensated NADH fluorescence (F0) was not significantly different between EDL and SOL. In EDL, tetanic stimulation induced an increase of F0, which rapidly reached a plateau that was 124% over the base-line value and stable until the end of the stimulation. In SOL, after an initial shouldering there was a continuous increase of F0 until the end of tetanus, reaching 275% of the base-line value. After the stimulation the initial rate of recovery was significantly faster in SOL than in EDL. We conclude that during and after intense contraction the variation of NADH content vs. time can be evaluated by in situ NADH laser fluorimetry in different muscle types. This nondestructive method can be helpful to differentiate in situ the various physiological or pathological oxidative capabilities of skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescence‐labelled phalloidin used to visualize the system of body musculature in Beauchampiella eudactylota. Moreover, the poorly known trophi of B. eudactylota are described based on scanning electron microscopy. In total, four paired longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales I–IV) and three circular muscles (musculi circulares I–III) were identified. Among these are the musculus longitudinalis ventralis, the musculus longitudinalis dorsalis and the musculus circumpedalis as documented in previous studies for other rotifer species. Compared to other species, B. eudactylota is characterized by the low number of lateral longitudinal muscles and the absence of some longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales capitum) and circular muscles (corona sphincter, musculus pars coronalis). Moreover, scanning electron microscopic data on the trophi of B. eudactylota reveal a number of striking similarities to the trophi in some species of Epiphanidae. This suggests that either (1) these similarities represent plesiomorphic characters present both in Epiphanidae and B. eudactylota or (2) they are synapomorphic features of B. eudactylota and some species of Epiphanidae, which would question the monophyly of Euchlanidae.  相似文献   

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