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Xenopus laevis larvae with an elevated expression of c-src were generated by mating a transgenic X. laevis male frog carrying proviral Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) long terminal repeat (LTR) and most of the pol gene sequences in its sperm DNA and a normal X. laevis female frog. Offspring (15–20%) with a higher dosage of c-Src, detected in disorganized myotomal musculature and in cerebral and spinal neuronal cells by immunohistochemical analysis, developed abnormally, with edemas (in most cases), head deformities, and eye and axial system defects. In the remaining embryos, a small increase in c-src expression seemed to be compatible with normal embryogenesis. The dosage of c-Src correlated with the dosage of RSV LTR integrated in frog DNA as revealed by Southern and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses. Authenticity of the integrated RSV LTR including enhancer sequence was proved by sequencing. Probing of total RNA from aberrant larvae demonstrated several times higher dosage of c-src mRNA in their tissues than in control tadpoles. We hypothesize that the integrated RSV regulatory sequences can stimulate the expression of c-src proto-oncogene of X. laevis above a treshold that interferes with the early developmental program of frog embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:410–419, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Xenopus is a well-characterized model system for the investigation of biological processes at the molecular, cellular, and developmental level. The successful application of a rapid and reliable method for transgenic approaches in Xenopus has led to renewed interest in this system. We have explored the applicability of tetracycline-regulated gene expression, first described by Gossen and Bujard in 1992, to the Xenopus system. By optimizing conditions, tetracycline repressor induced expression of a luciferase reporter gene was readily and reproducibly achieved in both the Xenopus oocyte and developing embryo. This high level of expression was effectively abrogated by addition of low levels of tetracycline. The significance of this newly defined system for studies of chromatin dynamics and developmental processes is discussed.  相似文献   

Four complete hsp 30 genes have been isolated from Xenopus laevis: hsp 30A, hsp 30B (a pseudogene), hsp 30C, and hsp 30D. The hsp 30A and hsp 30C genes are first heat inducible at the early tailbud stage, as determined by RNase protection and RT-PCR assays. In this study, we determined by RT-PCR that the hsp 30D gene was first heat inducible (33oC for 1 h) at the mid-tailbud stage, approximately 1 day later in development than hsp 30A and hsp 30C. Furthermore, using Northern blot analysis, we detected the presence of very low levels of hsp 30 mRNA at the heat-shocked late blastula stage. The relative levels of these pre-tailbud (PTB) hsp 30 mRNAs increased at the gastrula and neurula stage followed by a dramatic enhancement in heat shocked tail-bud and tadpole stage embryos (50- to 100- fold relative to late blastula). Interestingly, treatment of blastula or gastrula embryos at high temperatures (37oC for 1 h) or with the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, followed by heat shock, led to enhanced accumulation of the pre-tailbud (PTB) hsp 30 mRNAs. hsp 70, hsp 87, and actin messages were not stabilized at high temperatures or by cycloheximide treatment. Finally, hsp 30D mRNA was not detected by RT-PCR analysis of cycloheximidetreated, heat-shocked blastula stage embryos, confirming that it is not a member of the PTB hsp 30 mRNAs. This study indicates that differential gene expression and mRNA stability are involved in the regulation of hsp 30 gene expression during early Xenopus laevis development. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Xenopus laevis larvae at stage 52–53 (according to Nieuwkoop and Faber 1956) were subjected to amputation of both limbs at the thigh level as well as to repeated denervations of the right limb. Results obtained in larvae sacrificed during wound healing (1 after amputation), blastema formation (3 days) and blastema growth (5 and 7 days) showed that denervated right limbs have undergone the same histological modifications observed in innervated left limbs and have formed a regeneration blastema consisting of mesenchymal cells with a pattern of DNA synthesis and mitosis very similar to that in presence of nerves. Also, the patterns of cellular density in regenerating right and left limbs were very similar. On the whole, the data here reported show a highly remarkable degree of nerve-independence for regeneration in hindlimbs of larval Xenopus laevis at stage 52–53 and lend some substance to the hypothesis that, in early limbs, there would exist trophic factors capable of replacing those released by nerves, promoting DNA synthesis and mitosis in blastemal cells. Offprint requests to: S. Filoni  相似文献   

Amphibians and fish often regenerate lost parts of their appendages (tail, limb, and fin) after amputation. Limb regeneration in adult amphibians provides an excellent model for appendage (limb) regeneration through 3D morphogenesis along the proximodistal, dorsoventral, and anteroposterior axes in mammals, because the limb is a homologous organ among amphibians and mammals. However, manipulating gene expression in specific appendages of adult amphibians remains difficult; this in turn hinders elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying appendage regeneration. To address this problem, we devised a system for appendage-specific gene induction using a simplified protocol named the “agarose-embedded heat shock (AeHS) method” involving the combination of a heat-shock-inducible system and insertion of an appendage in a temperature-controlled agarose gel. Gene expression was then induced specifically and ubiquitously in the regenerating limbs of metamorphosed amphibians, including a frog (Xenopus laevis) and newt (Pleurodeles waltl). We also induced gene expression in the regenerating tail of a metamorphosed P. waltl newt using the same method. This method can be applied to adult amphibians with large body sizes. Furthermore, this method enables simultaneous induction of gene expression in multiple individuals; further, the data are obtained in a reproducible manner, enabling the analysis of gene functions in limb and tail regeneration. Therefore, this method will facilitate elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying appendage regeneration in amphibians, which can support the development of regenerative therapies for organs, such as the limbs and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Now that transgenic strains of Xenopus laevis and X. tropicalis can be generated efficiently and with genomic sequence resources available for X. tropicalis, early amphibian development can be studied using integrated biochemical and genetic approaches. However, housing large numbers of animals generated during genetic screens or produced as novel transgenic lines presents a considerable challenge. We describe a method for cryopreserving Xenopus sperm that should facilitate low maintenance, long-term storage of male gametes. By optimising the cryoprotectant, the rates of cooling and thawing, and conditions for fertilisation, sperm from the equivalent of one-eighth of a X. laevis testis or of two X. tropicalis testes have been cryopreserved and used to fertilise eggs of both species after thawing. Sperm undergo a substantial loss of viability during a freeze-thaw cycle, but sufficient survive to fertilise eggs. Gametes of mutagenised frogs are being stored in connection with a screen for developmental mutations.  相似文献   

The present study used a molecular approach toward understanding the mechanism of hormone- and region-dependent remodeling of the small intestine during metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis . A protein spot was noticed on a two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel as a protein whose expression was metamorphic stage- and region-dependent. The protein was identified as the Xenopus homolog (Xcalbindin) of chick calbindin D28k. Xcalbindin expression in the intestine was restricted to absorptive cells in the posterior part, being detectable at stages 49–61, not detectable at stages 62–63, detectable again at stages 64–66, and finally becoming undetectable in the adult. During spontaneous metamorphosis, the level of Xcalbindin mRNA was significantly increased between stages 57 and 58, dramatically reduced at stage 59, and the mRNA was undetectable from stages 60–63, after which it was weakly re-expressed until the end of metamorphosis. Such up- and down-regulation of Xcalbindin mRNA was induced precociously by exogenous thyroid hormone. These results indicated that Xcalbindin is a specific marker of the differentiated absorptive cells of the intestine. Immunohistochemistry with specific antibodies against Xcalbindin demonstrated that precursor cells of adult intestinal epithelial cells expressed Xcalbindin. Considering these results, the origin of adult intestinal epithelial cells was discussed.  相似文献   

The South African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) can regenerate the anterior half of the telencephalon only during larval life, but such regeneration is no longer possible after metamorphosis. In order to gain a better understanding of differences between larvae and adults that are potentially related to regeneration, several experiments were conducted on larvae and froglets after the partial removal of the telencephalon. As a result, it was found that the cells in the brain proliferated actively, even in non-regenerating froglets, just as was observed in regenerating larvae after the partial removal of the telencephalon. Moreover, it was shown that although the structure was usually imperfect, even isolated single cells derived from the frog brain were able to reconstitute the lost portion when the cells were transplanted to the partially truncated telencephalon. It is therefore likely to be critical for massive organ regeneration that ependymal layer cells promptly cover the cerebral lateral ventricles at an initial stage of wound healing, as is the case observed in larvae. However, in froglets, these cells strongly adhere to one another, and they are therefore unable to move to seal off the exposed ventricle, which in turn is likely to render the froglet brain non-regenerative.  相似文献   

详细观察和描述了非洲爪蟾Xenopus laevis眼的发生和发育变化过程,并分别对各发育时期视网膜的厚度进行了定量分析.非洲爪蟾眼的发牛开始于眼原基的形成,进而形成视泡;晶状体的发生是在视杯外壁增厚的同时诱导覆盖其上的胚胎外胚层内层增厚,形成预定晶状体板;在视网膜和晶状体共同诱导下,预定角膜上皮变为透明的角膜.在视杯出现之前,预定RPE的厚度由厚变薄,NR层不断地增厚直至结构功能完善.  相似文献   

This article reviews cell cycle changes that occur during midblastula transition (MBT) in Xenopus laevis based on research carried out in the authors' laboratory. Blastomeres dissociated from the animal cap of blastulae, as well as those in an intact embryo, divide synchronously with a constant cell cycle duration in vitro, up to the 12th cell cycle regardless of their cell sizes. During this synchronous cleavage, cell sizes of blastomeres become variable because of repeated unequal cleavage. After the 12th cell cycle blastomeres require contact with an appropriate protein substrate to continue cell division. When nucleocytoplasmic (N/C) ratios of blastomeres reach a critical value during the 13th cycle, their cell cycle durations lengthen in proportion to the reciprocal of cell surface areas, and cell divisions become asynchronous due to variations in cell sizes. The same changes occur in haploid blastomeres with a delay of one cell cycle. Thus, post-MBT cell cycle control becomes dependent not only on the N/C relation but also on cell surface activities of blastomeres. Unlike cell cycle durations of pre-MBT blastomeres, which show monomodal frequency distributions with a peak at about 30 min, those of post-MBT blastomeres show polymodal frequency distributions with peaks at multiples of about 30 min, suggesting 'quantisement' of the cell cycle. Thus, we hypothesised that MPF is produced periodically during its unit cycle with 30 min period, but it titrates, and is neutralized by, an inhibitor contained in the nucleus in a quantity proportional to the genome size; however, when all of the inhibitor has been titrated, excess MPF during the last cycle triggers mitosis. At MBT, cell cycle checkpoint mechanisms begin to operate. While the operation of S phase checkpoint to monitor DNA replication is initiated by N/C relation, the initiation of M phase checkpoint operation to monitor chromosome segregation at mitosis is regulated by an age-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Anti-keratin monoclonal antibody AF5 was introduced into fertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis.,and its effects on embryonic development were studied.Survival rate of the antikeratin-injected embryos was much lower(only 35.67% at gastrula)than that of the control(74.85% at gastrula),in which embryos were injected with mouse IgG.Most of survivors in the experimental series showed aberrant external appearance.On the other hand,in cleavage stage,ie 2-7h after fertilization,immunohistochemical staining of embryos showed that the expermental embryos were mostly keratin negative,while embryos of the control ones were keratin positive.When introducing this antikeratin into one cell of a 2-cell embryo,only the uninjected half of the embryo continued its development while the other half could not develop at all.These results suggested that intact keratin cytoskeleton in early embryos is indispensable to the embryonic development of Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis dermal melanophores provide an excellent model system for the investigation of complex cellular processes. Specifically, the expression of exogenous genes in Xenopus melanophores is the basis of recombinant bioassays for the study of receptor–ligand interactions. However, due to their slow rate of cell division and to the relatively low efficiency of current transfection protocols, long‐term expression of exogenous genes and the generation of stable melanophore cell lines remains problematic. In this report we demonstrate the efficient, long‐term expression of two exogenous proteins, the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and the human CD4 (hCD4) cell surface receptor, following stable introduction into Xenopus melanophores via an HIV‐1 based vector. Transduction of melanophores with the EGFP expression vector resulted in up to 80% EGFP+ cells. After 1 year in continuous culture in the absence of antibiotic selection, more than 60% of the cells remained EGFP+. Furthermore, we demonstrate the expression of hCD4 in melanophores for over 9 months in continuous culture in the absence of antibiotic selection. Our results indicate that lentivirus vectors provide an efficient means of introducing genetic information into Xenopus melanophores, resulting in sustained levels of gene expression. The significance of this gene transfer system for the study of cellular signal transduction pathways is discussed.  相似文献   

A large part of the coding portion of the Xenopus nerve growth factor (NGF) gene has been identified and cloned by the use of a chicken cDNA probe and its sequence has been determined. Comparison of the derived amino acid sequence of mature Xenopus NGF with that of other species showed a high conservation, whereas comparison of the prepropeptide showed large divergent regions alternated with short conserved regions. Expression of the NGF gene was examined during development of oocytes and embryos. Surprisingly, NGF mRNA was found in the oocyte; it is present in small previtellogenic as well as in fully grown oocytes. NGF mRNA, passed to the embryo at fertilization, is degraded before the gastrula stage and starts accumulating again around the stage of the neurula. The association of NGF mRNA with polysomes is indicative of NGF synthesis during oogenesis. In fact, by using antibodies against mouse NGF it was possible to reveal NGF molecules present as precursors. These molecules accumulate during oogenesis and are maintained in the embryos up to the blastula stage; a very faint band corresponding to a smaller size peptide is sometimes detected. A maternal role for the NGF can be proposed, although a possible activity of NGF in the oocyte cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Urodele amphibians and some fish are capable of regenerating up to a quarter of their heart tissue after cardiac injury. While many anuran amphibians like Xenopus laevis are not capable of such feats, they are able to repair lesser levels of cardiac damage, such as that caused by oxidative stress, to a far greater degree than mammals. Using an optogenetic stress induction model that utilizes the protein KillerRed, we have investigated the extent to which mechanisms of cardiac regeneration are conserved during the restoration of normal heart morphology post oxidative stress in X. laevis tadpoles. We focused particularly on the processes of cardiomyocyte proliferation and dedifferentiation, as well as the pathways that facilitate the regulation of these processes. The cardiac response to KillerRed-induced injury in X. laevis tadpole hearts consists of a phase dominated by indicators of cardiac stress, followed by a repair-like phase with characteristics similar to mechanisms of cardiac regeneration in urodeles and fish. In the latter phase, we found markers associated with partial dedifferentiation and cardiomyocyte proliferation in the injured tadpole heart, which, unlike in regenerating hearts, are not dependent on Notch or retinoic acid signaling. Ultimately, the X. laevis cardiac response to KillerRed-induced oxidative stress shares characteristics with both mammalian and urodele/fish repair mechanisms, but is nonetheless a unique form of recovery, occupying an intermediate place on the spectrum of cardiac regenerative ability. An understanding of how Xenopus repairs cardiac damage can help bridge the gap between mammals and urodeles and contribute to new methods of treating heart disease.  相似文献   

Regeneration of lost organs involves complex processes, including host defense from infection and rebuilding of lost tissues. We previously reported that Xenopus neuronal pentraxin I (xNP1) is expressed preferentially in regenerating Xenopus laevis tadpole tails. To evaluate xNP1 function in tail regeneration, and also in tail development, we analyzed xNP1 expression in tailbud embryos and regenerating/healing tails following tail amputation in the ‘regeneration’ period, as well as in the ‘refractory’ period, when tadpoles lose their tail regenerative ability. Within 10 h after tail amputation, xNP1 was induced at the amputation site regardless of the tail regenerative ability, suggesting that xNP1 functions in acute phase responses. xNP1 was widely expressed in regenerating tails, but not in the tail buds of tailbud embryos, suggesting its possible role in the immune response/healing after an injury. xNP1 expression was also observed in neural tissues/primordia in tailbud embryos and in the spinal cord in regenerating/healing tails in both periods, implying its possible roles in neural development or function. Moreover, during the first 48 h after amputation, xNP1 expression was sustained at the spinal cord of tails in the ‘regeneration’ period tadpoles, but not in the ‘refractory’ period tadpoles, suggesting that xNP1 expression at the spinal cord correlates with regeneration. Our findings suggest that xNP1 is involved in both acute phase responses and neural development/functions, which is unique compared to mammalian pentraxins whose family members are specialized in either acute phase responses or neural functions.  相似文献   

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