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Factors that affected the component community structure of larval trematodes in the pulmonate snail Helisoma anceps in Charlie's Pond, North Carolina, were studied over a 15-mo period using a multiple mark-recapture protocol. Patent infections of 8 species were observed in 1,485 of 4,899 snails examined. Reproductive activity, population size, and survival rate of the snail population were estimated to evaluate the extent of resource availability for the parasites. Antagonistic interactions between trematode species that occurred at the infracommunity level had a neglible effect on the composition and structure of the component community. The patterns observed at this level were related to temporal heterogeneity in the abundance of infective stages (mostly miracidia), differential responses of trematode species to the diverse and constantly changing distribution of snail size and abundance, differential mortality of snails infected with certain trematode species, constant recruitment of 1 trematode species over time, and the existence of predictable disturbances such as the complete mortality of the host population and recruitment of a replacement population during a 6-8 wk period. The last factor operated as a reset mechanism for this snail-trematode system once each year. A model of patch dynamics, with snails as patch resources, best explains the organization and dynamics of this system.  相似文献   

Nancy F. Smith 《Oecologia》2001,127(1):115-122
Spatial variation in parasitism is commonly observed in intermediate host populations. However, the factors that determine the causes of this variation remain unclear. Increasing evidence has suggested that spatial heterogeneity in parasitism among intermediate hosts may result from variation in recruitment processes initiated by definitive hosts. I studied the perching and habitat use patterns of wading birds, the definitive hosts in this system, and its consequences for the recruitment of parasites in snail intermediate hosts. Populations of the mangrove snail, Cerithidea scalariformis, collected from mangrove swamps on the east coast of central Florida are parasitized by a diverse community of trematode parasites. These parasites are transmitted from wading birds, which frequently perch on dead mangrove trees. I tested the hypothesis that mangrove perches act as transmission foci for trematode infections of C. scalariformis and that the spatial variation of parasitism frequently observed in this system is likely to emanate from the distribution of wading birds. On this fine spatial scale, definitive host behaviors, responding to a habitat variable, influenced the distribution, abundance and species composition of parasite recruitment to snails. This causal chain of events is supported by regressions between perch density, bird abundance, bird dropping density and ultimately parasite prevalence in snails. Variation between prevalence of parasites in free-ranging snails versus caged snails shows that while avian definitive hosts initiate spatial patterns of parasitism in snails through their perching behaviors, these patterns may be modified by the movement of snail hosts. Snail movement could disperse their associated parasite populations within the marsh, which may potentially homogenize or further increase parasite patchiness initiated by definitive hosts.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of photoreceptors is described in miracidia of Fasciola hepatica, Heronimus chelydrae, Allocreadium lobatum, and Spirorchis sp., and in a spirorchiid cercaria. All have in common eyespots consisting of pigment cells with chambers occupied by rhabdomeres consisting of retinular cell dendrites with numerous microvilli. Photoreceptors of the miracidia show a bilateral asymmetry which is most pronounced in H. chelydrae with a pair of well separated eyespots unequal in size. The smaller right one consists of a pigment cell and two rhabdomeres; the larger left eyespot has an anterior pigment cell with two rhabdomeres and a posterior cell containing one rhabdomere. Photoreceptors in the other species of miracidia also have five rhabdomeres but contain only two pigment cells which are closely apposed. Each contains a pair of lateral rhabdomeres and a fifth one occupies a posteromedian extension of the left pigment cell. In the number of rhabdomeres, their relationship to pigment cells and the resulting asymmetry, photoreceptors are more alike in the distantly related species of miracidia studied than they are in ocellate cercariae or even in the miracidium and cercaria of the same species or two closely related ones. From the asymmetry of photoreceptors in larvae of certain flatworms other than digenetic trematodes, it seems that eyespots of miracidia have retained an ancestral pattern whereas the diversity of photoreceptors in cercariae reflects the varied phototactic behavior of those larvae which complete their life cycles by all the means known for cercariae with a free-swimming period. In both miracidia and cercariae, photoreceptors show an anterior-posterior organization that would seem to be concerned with orientation of the larvae with respect to light.Supported in part by a David Ross Fellowship of the Purdue Research Foundation and in part by U.S.P.H.S. Grants 1T1 GM 1392 01 and 2T1 Al 106 07. We express thanks to Dr. Keith Dixon for aid in obtaining and processing miracidia of Fasciola hepatica; to Prof. Clark P. Read for his valuable comments and suggestions; and to Profs. Charles W. Philpott and Richard H. White for advice concerning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Charlie's Pond (North Carolina) harbors a diverse community of trematodes that infect the planorbid snail Helisoma anceps. Research at the Pond began in 1984 and serves as a foundation on which to investigate long-term changes in trematode communities. In 2002, 2005, and 2006 average size and fecundity of H. anceps were calculated each month, and seasonal trends analyzed with randomization tests. Concomitantly, trematode infections were recorded, and the community composition compared to those from previous studies. Helisoma anceps in 2002, 2005, and 2006 were smaller and less fecund than snails in 1984. The trematode community was consistently diverse, with 11 species recovered in 2006 versus 7 in 1984. However, the prevalence of Halipegus occidualis was much lower than previously observed (60% in 1984) and never exceeded 20% during the latter years. The decline of emergent vegetation is likely contributing to these changes. Aquatic macrophytes increase the surface area for growth of periphyton, the food source of these snails. Limited food supplies result in lower snail growth rates and fecundity. Similarly, emergent vegetation creates foci of transmission for H. occidualis between the frog definitive host and the snail intermediate host. When these areas are lost from the Pond, probability of transmission is reduced, and prevalence in the snail declines.  相似文献   

Many biotic interactions can affect the prevalence and intensity of parasite infections in aquatic snails. Historically, these studies have centered on interactions between trematode parasites or between trematodes and other organisms. The present investigation focuses on the nematode parasite Daubaylia potomaca and its interactions with a commensal, Chaetogaster limnaei limnaei , and a variety of trematode species. It was found that the presence of C. l. limnaei indirectly increased the mean intensity of D. potomaca infections, apparently by acting as a restraint for various trematode parasites, particularly the rediae of Echinostoma sp. In turn, Echinostoma sp. rediae adversely affected the mean intensity of D. potomaca by their consumption of both juvenile and adult nematodes present in tissues of the snail. These organisms not only belong to 3 different phyla but occupy distinct trophic levels as well. The complex interactions among these 3 organisms in the snail host provide an excellent example of biotic interactions influencing the infection dynamics of parasites in aquatic snails.  相似文献   

Daubaylia potomaca is an unusual parasite for several reasons. Specifically, it has a direct life cycle in which it uses a planorbid snail, Helisoma anceps , as the definitive host. In addition, adult females have been shown to be both the infective stage and the only stage documented to be shed from a live, infected host. Finally, adults, juveniles, and eggs have been observed in all tissues and blood spaces of the host, suggesting the parasite consumes and actively migrates through host tissue. The present study examined the population and infection dynamics of D. potomaca in Mallard Lake, a 4.9-ha public access pond in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. In particular, the study examined the role of seasonality on the prevalence and mean intensity of infection of D. potomaca in the snail host. Data collected from August 2008 to October 2009 suggest that prevalence and mean intensity were inversely related in the spring and fall. Prevalence in fall 2008 was 10.3% but increased to 47.3% in spring 2009. Conversely, intensity was high in fall 2008 at 52.4 ± 8.9 worms/infected host but dropped to 3.1 ± 0.3 worms/infected host in spring 2009. During the same time, the parasites within the snails went from highly aggregated populations in the fall to a less aggregated distribution in the spring. It is hypothesized that D. potomaca induces mortality of the snail hosts during the winter, followed by a rapid recruitment event of the nematodes by the snail population after torpor.  相似文献   

Passive hemagglutination using chromic chloride proved to be a rapid and useful method for a study of minute quantities of antigen extracted from larval Echinostoma lindoense (Sandground and Bonne), a trematode that develops in the snail intermediate host, Biomphalaria glabrata (Say). Parasite rediae were initially fragmented by three different procedures. Their soluble proteins were separated into two bands by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate, and into three fractions by molecular sieve chromatography. Rabbit antiserum was prepared from six weekly intramuscular injections of soluble redial protein in complete Freund's adjuvant, followed after 1 month by a single inoculation of alum-precipitated antigen. Antiserum was absorbed free of anti-snail antibodies and the immune complexes were removed by ion-exchange chromatography over DEAE-cellulose, producing an immunochemically pure IgG. Study of the rabbit anti-trematode antibody by precipitation, complement fixation, hemagglutination (HA), and inhibition of HA revealed a specific and high titered anti-larval antibody. These methods offer an approach to the problem of measuring the snail host's protective response against trematode reinfection; they also can be used to study the antigenic maturation of successive larval stages in the intermediate host.  相似文献   

A fundamental goal of parasite evolutionary ecology is to elucidate patterns of host use and determine the underlying mechanisms of parasite colonisation. In order to distinguish the relative contributions of host encounter rates and host compatibility to infection outcomes, we compared host use in both field and experimental laboratory settings. Two years of bi-weekly snail sampling at a freshwater pond demonstrated fluctuating availability among three potential second intermediate snail host species and suggested that two trematode species (Echinostoma revolutum and Echinoparyphium sp.) did not colonise the three potential snail host species, Lymnaea elodes, Physa gyrina and Helisoma trivolvis, differentially. However, a series of experimental infections demonstrated that both parasites colonised H. trivolvis more so than the other two host species. Thus, more echinostome parasites utilised snail hosts that cannot serve as their first intermediate host. In experimental infections, host size and vagility were not strong determinants of infection. By utilising field and laboratory approaches, we were able to compare the strength of host compatibility under controlled conditions with patterns of infection in nature. Based on the results from these studies, it appears that host encounter is the primary mechanism dictating infection outcomes in the field.  相似文献   

Metacommunity theory has advanced our understanding of how local and regional processes affect the structure of ecological communities. While parasites have largely been omitted from metacommunity research, parasite communities can provide the large sample sizes and discrete boundaries often required for evaluating metacommunity patterns. Here, we used assemblages of flatworm parasites that infect freshwater snails (Helisoma trivolvis) to evaluate three questions: 1) what factors affect individual host infections within ponds? 2) Is the parasite metacommunity structured among ponds? And 3) what is the relative role of local versus regional processes in determining metacommunity structure and species richness among ponds? We examined 10 821 snails from 96 sites in five park complexes in the San Francisco Bay area, California, and found 953 infections from six parasite groups. At the within‐pond level, infection status of host snails correlated positively with individual snail size and pond infection prevalence for all six parasite groups. Using an ordination method to test for metacommunity structure, we found that the parasite metacommunity was organized in a non‐random pattern with species responding individually along an environmental gradient. Based on a model selection approach involving local and regional predictors, parasite species richness and metacommunity structure correlated with both local abiotic (pH and total dissolved nitrogen) and biotic (non‐host mollusk density, and H. trivolvis biomass) factors, with little support for regional predictors. Overall, this trematode metacommunity most closely followed the predictions from the species sorting or mass effects metacommunity paradigm, in which community diversity is filtered by local site characteristics.  相似文献   

The component community of larval trematodes in the freshwater snail Semisulcospira nakasekoae (Caenogastropoda: Sorbeoconcha: Pleuroceridae) was surveyed over 13 months from April 1996 to April 1997 inclusive. Temporal and spatial fluctuation of trematode prevalence, the frequency of multiple infections, and the duration of cercarial shedding were examined as factors that might affect trematode community structure. The spatial prevalence of some species varied significantly, but the dynamics were too small to allow an explanation of the overall pattern. The prevalence of sanguinicolids fluctuated temporally, despite a stable size distribution in the host populations (> 6.0 mm shell width), suggesting the life-cycle phenology of this species. Some pairs of species had statistically positive associations, but no pairs had negative associations. This shows the importance of positive association possibly as a result of suppression of the host defensive response on trematode community structures in molluscan hosts. The length of the patent period, which is part of the persistent period, varied among trematode species, suggesting it to be one of the factors determining prevalence in the host population.  相似文献   

Recent evidence supports the involvement of inducible, highly diverse lectin-like recognition molecules in snail hemocyte-mediated responses to larval Schistosoma mansoni. Because host lectins likely are involved in initial parasite recognition, we sought to identify specific carbohydrate structures (glycans) shared between larval S. mansoni and its host Biomphalaria glabrata to address possible mechanisms of immune avoidance through mimicry of elements associated with the host immunoreactivity. A panel of monoclonal antibodies (mABs) to specific S. mansoni glycans was used to identify the distribution and abundance of shared glycan epitopes (glycotopes) on plasma glycoproteins from B. glabrata strains that differ in their susceptibilities to infection by S. mansoni. In addition, a major aim of this study was to determine if larval transformation products (LTPs) could bind to plasma proteins, and thereby alter the glycotopes exposed on plasma proteins in a snail strain-specific fashion. Plasma fractions (< 100 kDa/> 100 kDa) from susceptible (NMRI) and resistant (BS-90) snail strains were subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analyses using mAB to LacdiNAc (LDN), fucosylated LDN variants, Lewis X and trimannosyl core glycans. Results confirmed a high degree of glycan sharing, with NMRI plasma exhibiting a greater distribution/abundance of LDN, F-LDN and F-LDN-F than BS-90 plasma (< 100 kDa fraction). Pretreatment of blotted proteins with LTPs significantly altered the reactivity of specific mABs to shared glycotopes on blots, mainly through the binding of LTPs to plasma proteins resulting in either glycotope blocking or increased glycotope attachment to plasma. Many LTP-mediated changes in shared glycans were snail-strain specific, especially those in the < 100 kDa fraction for NMRI plasma proteins, and for BS-90, mainly those in the > 100 kDa fraction. Our data suggest that differential binding of S. mansoni LTPs to plasma proteins of susceptible and resistant B. glabrata strains may significantly impact early anti-larval immune reactivity, and in turn, compatibility, in this parasite-host system.  相似文献   

Alan W.  Pike 《Journal of Zoology》1968,155(3):293-309
The Wentloog level, in South Wales, is a low-lying coastal plain dissected by a network of drainage channels. The latter contain a rich aquatic invertebrate fauna which harbour a wide range of larval digenetic trematodes. Few of the host species examined were not infected with larval trematodes. Miracidia together with their associated sporocysts, rediae and cercariae were more host specific than metacercariae but many of the miracidia which developed in pulmonate molluscs could do so in more than one genus. Metacercarial host specificity is less rigid, and usually species are only restricted to members of one phylum although several were found which could develop in two or more phyla. Most larval stages showed some host preference when they occurred in several host species and this was attributed to ecological or physiological factors or to mechanical barriers. Seasonal variation of infection rate occurs in all larval stages: infection with developing cercariae showed peaks during June and August, but metacercarial infection rates varied according to the host. In molluscs there may be two peaks of infection with metacercariae (as in the cercarial stages), but for many arthropods infections show a gradual increase through the year. The factors mainly responsible for these seasonal changes are considered to be the life-cycle of the intermediate hosts and the environmental temperature, the latter acting on the rate of development of the trematodes. Rainfall, and patterns of egg production of adult trematodes in the definitive hosts are also important.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the prevalence of larval trematodes in the short-lived prosobranch mudsnail Hydrobia ventrosa (Montagu) were investigated in relation to host life history and season for 4 successive years in temperate windflats of the southern Baltic Sea. The component community of trematode larvae in H. ventrosa comprises at least 10 species; families (and species) represented include Notocotylidae (1), Echinostomatidae (1 or 2), Heterophyidae (2), Monorchidae (1), Microphallidae (3 or 4), Psilostomatidae (1), and Hemiuridae (1). The notocotylid Paramonostomum alveatum was the most prevalent species, followed by the microphallids Maritrema subdolum and Microphallus sp. Trematode prevalence in H. ventrosa fluctuated seasonally. Prevalence usually peaked in summer between July and September-October and decreased in late winter-early spring. This seasonal change is chiefly explained by the life history patterns of the semelparous snail host. Hydrobia ventrosa has a maximum life span of about 2 yr and reproduces between June and November of its second calendar year. The first trematode infections appeared annually in May when the most abundant cohort of H. ventrosa, the second-calendar-year snails, mature. The prevalence continued to increase until August-September, throughout the reproductive period of the second-calendar-year snails, Prevalence decreased during winter, when most of the second-calendar-year snails died after reproduction. On the basis of longterm laboratory experiments, it has been shown that the late autumn-winter mortality was not the result of trematode infections. Seasonal patterns of prevalence were similar among the trematode species except for the monorchid Asymphylodora demeli, the only one using fish definitive hosts. Species-specific differences in the seasonal occurrence of prepatent infections and the predominance of certain larval stages in winter are interpreted as different strategies of the trematode species to survive the harsh winter conditions, or to survive the death of the first intermediate host in autumn-winter, or both.  相似文献   

This study addresses the infrapopulation sizes of 2 larval trematode species Himasthla quissetensis and Zoogonus rubellus as they co-occur within their estuarine snail host Ilyanassa obsoleta. Rediae of H. quissetensis and sporocysts of Z rubellus were counted in snails singly infected with each parasite and in snails infected with both. Comparisons of the counts indicate that infrapopulations of H. quissetensis were unaffected by co-occurrence with Z rubellus. However, Z. rubellus infrapopulations were reduced when co-occurring with H. quissetensis. It is proposed that this situation does not result from an interspecific interaction between parasite species. Although this double infection is relatively frequent in certain snail populations, it is contended that these trematode species do not co-occur often enough to evolve responses to one another. However, the host environment must be encountered in each life cycle, and both trematode species must be adapted to use it. On this basis, whatever happens when these 2 species occupy the same host is based on adaptations of the parasites to the host. It is proposed that these parasites are adapted to self-limit their infrapopulations in the snail host. They can, thus, preserve and use the host for many years and thereby enhance total cercarial transmission (fitness). Infrapopulation sizes would be determined by host resource levels, which, among other factors, would be influenced by the presence of multiple parasite species. In single infections, by far the most common situation, host resource levels would be set by the nutritional status or age (size) of the host (or both). The reduced infrapopulation sizes of Z rubellus on co-occurrence suggest that this trematode is more sensitive to host resource levels than is H. quissetensis.  相似文献   

The results of experimental investigations of the role of DNA repair as the key factor of human individual radiosensitivity formation are presented. It is shown that repair potential of hypersensitive to irradiation individuals is approximately twice lower as compared with the control group.  相似文献   

The study of the human response to injury has been hampered by the inherent heterogeneity in the models and methods used. By studying a standard injury longitudinally, using individual patient‐level analysis, we endeavoured to better describe its dynamics. We analysed clinical variables, clinical laboratory and plasma cytokines from 20 patients at five time points. Clustering analysis showed two prototype patterns of cytokine behaviour: a concordant type, where cytokines behave the same way for all patients (notably IL‐0 and TNFα), and a variable type, where different patterns of expression are seen for different patients (notably IL‐8, IL‐6 and IL‐1RA). Analysis of the cytokines at the individual patient‐level showed a strong four‐way correlation between IL‐1RA, GCSF, MIP‐1β and MCP‐1. As it holds for most patients and not just on average, this suggests that they form a network which may play a central role in the response to gastro‐intestinal injuries in humans. In conclusion, the longitudinal analysis of cytokines in a standard model allowed the identification of their underlying patterns of expression. We propose that the two prototype patterns shown may reflect the mechanism that separates the common and individual aspects of the injury response.  相似文献   

Aim We used published inventories of trematodes in Littorina littorea (L.) and Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) in European seas to search for two basic biogeographical patterns in the spatial occurrence of various trematode species: (1) do parasite distribution and richness patterns in the two host snails overlap with known ecoregions of free‐living organisms; and (2) does trematode species richness in the snails follow latitudinal or longitudinal gradients? Location North East Atlantic. Methods We used multidimensional scaling (MDS), analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test whether there were overlaps of parasite distribution and richness with known ecoregions of free‐living organisms. In addition, we used linear regression analyses to test whether trematode richness in snails (corrected for sampling effort) was correlated with the latitude or longitude of the sampling sites. Results When corrected for sampling effort, mean trematode species richness per site did not differ among the different ecoregions in L. littorea. In contrast, in H. ulvae, mean species richness was much lower for sites from the Celtic Sea compared with sites from the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Based on the results of MDS analyses, trematode species composition was distinct among ecoregions; in particular, communities from the Baltic Sea differed markedly from communities in the Celtic Sea, for both snail species. Latitude and longitude were not significantly correlated with parasite species richness in either snail species. Most trematode species had restricted distributions, and only three species in L. littorea and five species in H. ulvae occurred at more than 50% of the sites. Main conclusions There is more structure in the large‐scale distribution of trematodes in gastropods than one would expect from the large‐scale dispersal capabilities of their bird and fish final hosts. We propose mechanisms based both on limited dispersal via fish and bird final hosts and on gradients in environmental factors to explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Larval trematodes frequently castrate their snail intermediate hosts. When castrated, the snails do not contribute offspring to the population, yet they persist and compete with the uninfected individuals for the available food resources. Parasitic castration should reduce the population growth rate lambda, but the magnitude of this decrease is unknown. The present study attempted to quantify the cost of parasitic castration at the level of the population by mathematically modeling the population of the planorbid snail Helisoma anceps in Charlie's Pond, North Carolina. Analysis of the model identified the life-history trait that most affects lambda, and the degree to which parasitic castration can lower lambda. A period matrix product model was constructed with estimates of fecundity, survival, growth rates, and infection probabilities calculated in a previous study. Elasticity analysis was performed by increasing the values of the life-history traits by 10% and recording the percentage change in lambda. Parasitic castration resulted in a 40% decrease in lambda of H. anceps. Analysis of the model suggests that decreasing the size at maturity was more effective at reducing the cost of castration than increasing survival or growth rates of the snails. The current matrix model was the first to mathematically describe a snail population, and the predictions of the model are in agreement with published research.  相似文献   

This study examines the capability of growth cones from identified neurons of the snail Helisoma trivolvis to perform calcium homeostasis. Calcium influx into the cytoplasm was eliminated or increased experimentally to alter [Ca]i, and the compensatory response of the growth cone was measured with the fluorescent calcium indicator Fura-2. Growth cones compensated for both increases and decreases in calcium influx by restoring [Ca]i towards basal levels under both types of challenges. The intrinsic ability of growth cones to control [Ca]i was examined in physically isolated growth cones. Isolated growth cones demonstrated essentially identical calcium homeostatic properties to their intact counterparts, indicating that mechanisms governing calcium homeostasis exist intrinsically in the growth cone. Such independence may add significantly to the growth cone's potential to locally interpret and respond to stimuli encountered en route to its appropriate target.  相似文献   

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