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Four 13-hydroxygibberellins, gibberellin A1 (GA1), 3-epi-GA1,GA19 and GA20 were identified by full-scan GC/MS in extractsof lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids). Theresults suggest that the early-13-hydroxylation biosyntheticpathway to GA1 functions in the lettuce seedlings. It was alsofound that GA1 is active per se in the control of hypocotylelongation in lettuce seedlings. To investigate the relationshipbetween control by light of hypocotyl elongation and levelsof endogenous GAs in lettuce, endogenous levels of GAs werequantified by radioimmunoassay in seedlings that had been grownfor 5 days in the dark (5D) and in those that had been grownfor 4 days in the dark and then under white light for 1 day(4D1L). The endogenous level of GA1 in the upper and lower partsof hypocotyls in 5D seedlings was about four times higher thanthat in 4D1L seedlings. The response of explants (hypocotylsegments with cotyledons) from dark-grown seedlings to GA1 isknown to be similar in the dark and under white light when theexplants are treated with inhibitors of the biosynthesis ofGA. Therefore, the above information suggests that the highlevel of GA1 in hypocotyls of dark-grown seedlings is responsiblefor the rapid elongation of hypocotyl, while irradiation bywhite light decreases the endogenous level of GA1 in the hypocotylswith a resultant decrease in the rate of hypocotyl elongation. (Received March 13, 1992; Accepted May 21, 1992)  相似文献   

Su W  Howell SH 《Plant physiology》1995,108(4):1423-1430
Cytokinin has been reported to mimic some of the effects of light on de-etiolation responses in dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings. The interaction between cytokinin and light was examined by analyzing cytokinin dose and light fluence effects on hypocotyl elongation in wild-type and mutant Arabidopsis seedlings with defects in light or hormone responses. It was found that (a) cytokinin and light-response systems have independent and additive effects on the inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and (b) either cytokinin or light can saturate the morphogenic responses. As a consequence, cytokinin has no effect on hypocotyl elongation under normal growth conditions because light levels saturate the hypocotyl inhibition response. To determine whether a functional light-response pathway is required for cytokinin responses, light-insensitive long hypocotyl (hy) mutants were tested for cytokinin responses. The hy mutants (hy1 to hy6) had normal cytokinin responses, except phyB-1 (hy3-1), in which hypocotyl elongation was insensitive to cytokinin. Cytokinin insensitivity in phyB-1 was attributed to an indirect effect of the mutation on cytokinin responses. The effects of cytokinin on the inhibition of hypocotyl elongation are largely mediated by ethylene, and blocking the ethylene-response pathway through the action of a cytokinin-resistant, ethylene-insensitive mutant (ckr1/ein2) had no effect on the light inhibition of hypocotyl elongation. These results do not support the idea that cytokinin mediates the action of light on hypocotyl elongation.  相似文献   

Previous analysis of a transgenic tobacco line (BN1) that over-expressedrice phytochrome A (PhyA) indicated that the introduced PhyAwas spectrally and biologically active [Kay et al. (1989) PlantCell 1: 775, Nagatani et al. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA88: 5207]. In the present study, we have further investigatedresponses of the BN1 plants to light. Fluence rate dependenceanalysis of the inhibition of hypocotyl elongation indicatedthat the response is biphasic. The amplitude of the low fluencerate component increased by 2 to 3 fold in the BN1 plants comparedto the wild type. In contrast, the presence of rice PhyA didnot alter the level of chlorophyll in the BN1 seedlings grownunder the same light conditions. Ultrastructure studies showedthat chloroplasts in the BN1 plants were not significantly differentfrom those in the wild type plants, except that chloroplastsin the guard cells of the BN1 plants appeared to be more developedthan those of the wild type plants. The fluence response analysisof the potentiation of chlorophyll accumulation indicated nosignificant difference between the BN1 and the wild type plants.Thus, the introduced rice PhyA greatly influenced hypocotylelongation but did not significantly affect the greening process. 4Present address: NSFC Center for Biological Timing, Universityof Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22901, U.S.A. 5Present address: Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.Hatoyama, Saitama, 350-03 Japan  相似文献   

The experiments characterize the inhibition by kinetin of auxin-promoted elongation in excised hypocotyl sections of 3-day soybean seedlings (Glycine max cv. Hawkeye 63). It was found that concentrations of kinetin above 4.2 μM did not further inhibit auxin-promoted elongation. Kinetin is as potent an inhibitor of elongation as actinomycin D or cycloheximide. Tissue incubated for 3 or 5 h in the absence of auxin or cytokinin would, upon addition of auxin, exhibit a new growth rate similar to that of tissue grown in auxin for the entire incubation period. Similarly, tissue grown for 3 and 5 h in the presence of auxin would revert to the control rate of elongation upon addition of kinetin. A 10 to 30 min preincubation in kinetin yielded the tissue incapable, for the ensuing 6 h, of increasing its rate of elongation in response to auxin. Zeatin and isopentenyladenine were more potent than kinetin and benzyladenine in the inhibition of elongation. Levels of ethylene produced in the presence of auxin plus cytokinin indicated that it was not involved in this auxin-cytokinin interaction. Kinetin by itself did not promote elongation; nor did it enhance auxin-promoted elongation at low auxin concentrations.  相似文献   

王红飞  尚庆茂 《植物学报》2018,53(2):276-287
作为一种正常的生命现象, 植物下胚轴伸长是长期自然选择的结果, 也是植物进行光合作用、实现自养的必要前提。但下胚轴过度伸长容易造成幼苗徒长, 使植株长势弱, 抗逆能力差, 不利于产量提高和品质改良。该文综述了被子植物下胚轴的发育过程、下胚轴伸长的细胞学机制、植物激素及环境信号调控下胚轴细胞伸长分子机制的最新研究进展, 并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Acid-induced growth was compared to auxin-induced growth. After a transient pH 4-induced increase in the elongation rate was completed, auxin could still induce an enhanced rate of elongation in soybean (Glycine max) hypocotyl segments. This auxin response occurred both when the medium was changed to pH 6 before auxin addition, and when the auxin was added directly to the pH 4 medium. This postacid response to auxin was persistent, and quite unlike a postacid response to acid, which was again shortlived. One mm N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (pH 7) inhibited the first response to auxin (the first response to auxin being similar to the acid response), but not the second response. This did not appear to be simply a hydrogen ion neutralizing effect, however, since a 50-fold increase in buffer concentration at pH 6 did not inhibit the first response. Decrease in the pH of the external medium, previously shown to occur with excised soybean hypocotyl segments, was not affected by auxin. Furthermore, this pH drop, during which the cells appear to be adjusting their external pH to about 5.4, did not result in an increased rate of elongation. Addition of auxin after the equilibrium pH had been attained did not alter the pH, but it did increase the rate of elongation, eliciting a normal auxin response. It was concluded that hydrogen ions do not mediate in long term auxin-induced elongation in soybean hypocotyl.  相似文献   

We have isolated a new class of photomorphogenic mutants in Arabidopsis. Hypocotyl elongation is not inhibited in the mutant seedlings by continuous blue light but is inhibited by far red light, indicating that these mutations are phenotypically different from the previously isolated long hypocotyl (hy) mutants. Complementation analysis indicated that recessive nuclear mutations at three genetic loci, designated blu1, blu2, and blu3, can result in the blu mutant phenotype and that these mutants are genetically distinct from other long hypocotyl mutants. The BLU genes appear to be important only during seedling development because the blu mutations have little effect on mature plants, whereas hypocotyl elongation and cotyledon expansion are altered in seedlings. The genetic separation of the blue and far red sensitivities of light-induced hypocotyl inhibition in the blu and hy mutants demonstrates that two photosensory systems function in this response.  相似文献   

Effects of diamines, polyamines, and other basic amino acidson the growth of lettuce hypocotyls were investigated. Putrescine,cadaverine and agmatine enhanced the hypocotyl growth in thepresence of gibberellin, while spermidine and spermine werenon-effective. Arginine and ornithine, which may be precursorsof putrescine, had similar effect. While the growth inhibitiondue to arcaine (1,4-diguanidinobutane), which is a agmatineiminohydrolase inhibitor, was recovered by agmatine, cadaverine,putrescine, and spermidine, putrescine most effectively recoveredits growth-enhancing effect. (Received August 25, 1982; Accepted December 27, 1982)  相似文献   

The Role of DNA Synthesis During Hypocotyl Elongation in Light and Dark   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluorodeoxyuridine, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, did not affectgermination and post-germinative growth in the aerial part oflettuce and Haplopappus gracilis seedlings when grown in thelight. In the dark, however, elongation of the hypocotyl wasinhibited by fluorodeoxyuridine, strikingly in lettuce and onlyslightly in Haplopappus gracilis. This could imply that thecontrolling mechanism of hypocotyl elongation is in some casesrelated to DNA synthesis, either because mitotic processes (oftenlittle taken into account in considering hypocotyl growth) areinvolved in the elongation of hypocotyls only when they aregrown in the dark, or because DNA synthesis affects cell elongationdirectly, or through the production of a greater number of endopolyploidcells in the dark. Using mainly autoradiographic and cytofluorimetricmethods, these possibilities were tested. Besides lettuce (Lactucasativa L. var. Great Lakes) and H. gracilis (Nutt.) Gray, radish(Raphanus sativus L. var. Tondo rosso quarantino) and soybean(Soya hyspida Sieb. and Zucc. var. Tokyo) seedlings were alsostudied. Fluorodeoxyuridine drastically inhibits cell elongation onlywhen it is preceded or accompanied by mitotic or endomitoticevents. Need for DNA synthesis during hypocotyl elongation,as well as during early post-germinative growth, seems to beof particular importance when endomitotic processes are involved. DNA synthesis, elongation, endoreduplication, fluorodeoxyuridine, Haplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) Gray, Lactuca sativa L., Raphanus sativus L., Soya hyspida Sieb and Zucc  相似文献   

T-2 toxin, a mycotoxin produced by Fusarium tricinctum, inhibited elongation of excised hypocotyl sections of Glycine max var. Hawkeye 63. Auxin-promoted elongation was inhibited more severely than was control elongation, and a 1 hour preincubation of 5 μm toxin prevented the induction of a faster rate of elongation by auxin. While the inhibition of elongation by cytokinin was similar to that of the toxin, the mode of action of the two compounds appeared to be different, i.e. their effects on elongation were additive, and only kinetin promoted radial enlargement. Toxin treatment did not diminish cytokinin-induced radial enlargement. The properties of the plasma membrane, as measured by electrolyte leakage, were not affected by the toxin.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitors of nucleic acid metabolism on cellwall loosening in hypocotyls of dark-grown lettuce seedlingswas studied in relation to the gibberellic acid (GA) actionthat stimulates hypocotyl elongation. 5-Fluorodeoxyuridine (FUDR),trifluorothymine deoxyribose, mitomycin C. aminopterin, 5-fluorouraciland cordycepin produced mechanical rigidity of the cell wallof the hypocotyl when they inhibited elongation in the presenceor absence of added GA. The effect of FUDR on the mechanicalproperty of the cell wall and on hypocotyl elongation was nullifiedby thymidine, but not by uridine. 1Present address: Department of Tuberculosis, National Instituteof Health, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan. (Received September 2, 1980; Accepted January 5, 1981)  相似文献   

Effects of ethylene on the elongation of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) embryonic axes and hypocotyls, and of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum) hypocotyls were studied. In the bean axes, exogenous ethylene was promotive in stimulating longitudinal growth during the early germination period, but thereafter it turned inhibitive. This transition of the ethylene action is likely involved in the appearance of newly differentiated tissues in the hypocotyl, which are negatively sensitive to the gas. The ethylene stimulated elongation of the axes was hardly affected by light or by the presence of the cotyledons. In the bean hypocotyl segment unit, elongation was stimulated by ethylene in its limited zone, when the concentration of ethylene and the exposure times to ethylene were adequate (0.3 to 30 μl/l, 6 to 8 h): Elongation in the much younger region near to the elbow was inhibited by ethylene treatment, whereas the treatment of the upper region of the shank with ethylene finally resulted in significantly increased growth as compared to the untreated controls. In the continuing presence of ethylene over 3 days, the elongation of every region was retarded markedly and radial growth was induced in most regions of the shank from just below the elbow. These ethylene responses occurred independently of red light irradiation, but the ethylene promotion of elongation was lost by shortening the segment height, by removing the hook portion from the segment unit, or with its natural disappearance as a result of ageing. Fundamentally, similar effects of ethylene was observed in cocklebur hypocotyls.  相似文献   

The role of cation and anion uptake in salt-stimulated growth of light-grown, GA3-treated lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) hypocotyl sections was investigated. Potassium chloride (10 mm) causes a 2-fold increase in the growth rate of GA3-treated hypocotyl sections without affecting the growth rate of sections incubated in the absence of GA3. Salt uptake is the same in both treatments, and furthermore the uptake of cation and anion is stoichiometric during the first 24 hours under all incubation conditions. The importance of the anion for cation uptake is demonstrated in experiments with benzenesulfonate and iminodiacetate2−. When K+ and Na+ are supplied only as the benzenesulfonate and iminodiacetate salts, growth and cation uptake are markedly reduced compared to KCl and NaCl. Calculation of the osmotic potential of salt-treated sections based on measurement of K+ and Cl uptake suggests that the observed increase in tissue osmolality is a result of salt uptake. Similarly, uptake of ions can account for the shift in water potential when sections are incubated in 10 mm KCl. We conclude that the change in growth rate of light-grown, GA3-treated sections caused by the addition of KCl or NaCl to the incubation medium results solely from decreased water potential of the tissue due to ion uptake.  相似文献   

微管作为细胞骨架的重要成员,在植物生长发育过程中起重要作用。下胚轴作为研究细胞伸长的模式系统之一,其伸长受到多种信号的调节。该文综述了微管骨架在响应环境和生长发育信号调节下胚轴伸长过程中的作用及机制,旨在帮助读者深入理解微管骨架响应上游信号在植物下胚轴伸长中的作用机理。  相似文献   

The cytokinin benzyladenine inhibited endogenous hypocotyl elongation in intact etiolated seedlings of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). In hypocotyl segments, the inhibitory effect of benzyladenine on growth was clearly detectable in the presence of indoleacetic acid. Fusicoccin-induced elongation was unaffected by the presence of cytokinin. The effect of cytokinin on elongation of the segments was determined by measuring changes in fresh weight, a linear function of extension growth. The effect of benzyladenine on hypocotyl growth was at least as large in segments prepared from red-light-grown seedlings as in those from seedlings grown in total darkness. A comparison was made between the inhibitory effects of cytokinin and blue light. The use of the calcium chelator ethyleneglycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N, N′-tetraacetic acid indicated that calcium ions are required for manifestation of benzyladenine-induced inhibition.  相似文献   

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