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《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):265-271
Red blood cells from 31 healthy donors were examined for the cholesterol content, the fatty acid composition. and the susceptibility to lipid peroxidation induced by either hydrogen peroxide or phenylhy-drazine. Lipid peroxidation was monitored by the release of pentane and ethane. In addition, plasma fatty acids were measured in order to find out, whether plasma and red cell fatty acids were correlated. In experiments with hydrogen peroxide, a significant positive correlation was found between the proportion of arachidonic acid (C 20:4n – 6; r = 0.57, p < 0.01) and docosahexaenoic acid (C 22:6; - 3; r = +0.71, p < 0.01), and the release of pentane and ethane, respectively. A significant negative correlation was found between the membrane cholesterol content and the pentane release (r -0.44, p< 0.05). In experiments performed with phenylhydrazine, red cell membrane lipid composition did not influence the susceptibility of red cells to lipid peroxidation. A close correlation was found between plasma and red cell fatty acids (palmitic acid, r = +0.46, p < 0.01; linoleic acid, r = +0.41, p < 0.05; arachidonic acid, r = +0.59, p < 0.01; docosahexaenoic acid, r = +0.67, p < 0.01). The results demonstrated that the degree of peroxide-induced oxidation of erythrocyte lipids depends on the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the membrane, which on the other hand, is determined by plasma fatty acids. It is suggested that dietary variations may influence the susceptibility of red cells to lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):257-263
Desferoxamine a well-known iron chelator was found to decrease hydrogen peroxide and phenylhy-dra/ine induced lipid peroxidation of red blood cell membranes assessed by hydrocarbon gas release and loss of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Hydroxyl radical scavengers like mannitol and thiourea and proteins like albumin were unable to reduce peroxidative reactions to our system. Addition of uric acid (in an unphysiological concentration of 5mM) to the incubation medium resulted in a slight reduction in H,02/phenyIhydrazine mediated break-down of arachidonic (20:4) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6) in the erythrocyte membrane and consequently in a decreased alkane release and haemolysis.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(6):287-293
An in vitro assay for the simultaneous measurement of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and bilirubin degradation BRD) activities in rat liver microsomes has been developed; a good correlation between the 2 activities was observed (r = 0.78). In the Gunn rat a lipid free diet caused an increase in plasma bilirubin (62.4 ± 25.8%, n = 6) and a concomitant decrease in both hepatic microsomal LPO and BRD to zero. In contrast, on a 25% lipid diet there was a decrease in plasma bilirubin (46.1 ± 3.6%; n = 8) associated with an increase in LPO (1.26 ± 0.11 nmol/min/mg protein, and BRD (0.21 ± 0.6 nmol/min/mg protein). Therefore, in the absence of bilirubin glucuronidation, dietary modulation of plasma bilirubin and lipid peroxidation appear to be closely associated.  相似文献   

A chemiluminescence (CL) flash kinetics on the addition of Fe2+ ions into oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) suspension has been studied. LDL oxidation was carried out at 37°C without and in the presence of 5 or 50 μM of Cu.2+ It has been found that under certain experimental conditions (the addition of excess iron ions, more than 1 mM) the amplitude of CL flash depended almost linearly (1) on the concentration of oxidized LDL and (2) on the extent of LDL oxidation measured as diene conjugates (DC) and 2-thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) accumulation. The corresponding correlation coefficients were: for TBARS - 0.94 and for DC - 0.97, in the case of LDL autooxidation; 0.72 and 0.98, in the case of copper-induced LDL oxidation. A sensitivity of the CL method was shown to be significantly enhanced (by more than two orders) in the presence of CL sensitizer - 2, 3,5, 6-lH,4H-tetrahydro-9-(2' -benzoimidazolyl)-quinolizin-(9, 9a, 1 -gh)coumarin.  相似文献   

脂质过氧化引起的DNA损伤研究进展   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
脂质过氧化可以引起各种碱基损伤、DNA链断裂和各种荧光产物生成,并对DNA分子鸟嘌呤碱基具有选择性损伤.过渡金属离子可以明显加深脂质过氧化对DNA的损伤程度.多种抗氧化剂、活性氧自由基清除剂对脂质过氧化引起的DNA损伤有一定程度的保护作用.具有致突、致癌作用的8-羟基鸟嘌呤已经观察到.脂质过氧化的致突变、致癌变作用机制引起了人们的极大兴趣.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):273-278
A deficiency of choline and methionine is hepatocarcinogenic and is associated with an apparent increase in lipid peroxidation. In this study the susceptibility of microsomes and nuclei to ferritin-dependent lipid peroxidation is examined together with the status of the peroxidation- protective systems. Choline-methionine deficiency caused an increase in Se-independent GSH peroxidases (GSH transferase subunit 2) and membrane vitamin E but a decrease in Se-dependent GSH peroxidase and microsomal GSH peroxidase activity. Choline-methionine deficient microsomes and nuclei were 4-fold more susceptible to lipid peroxidation induced in vitro by physiological concentrations of ferritin/ascorbate/ADP; and the peroxidation was less effectively inhibited by GSH and soluble GSH peroxidases than controls. The results indicate that a decreased level of Se-dependent and membrane GSH peroxidases is involved in the increase in lipid peroxidation observed in choline-methionine deficiency.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to characterize the possible interaction of Al3+ and Fe2+ with synthetic melanin in the potentiation of lipid peroxidation in liposomes and rat caudate-putamen homogenates. Al3+ stimulated melanin-initiated lipid peroxidation as measured by the production of 2-thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and conjugated dienes. The effect of Al3+ was dependent on melanin (10–100 g/ml) and Al3+ (2.5–250 M) concentrations and no synergism between Fe2+ and Al3+ was observed. The prooxidant effect of Al3+ was partially inhibited by superoxide dismutase indicating the involvement of O 2 - . Ga3+ and Be2+ which can increase NADH oxidation in the presence of O 2 - , also were shown to stimulate melanin-initiated TBARS production. Based on the effect of Al3+ and other non redox metals, we suggest that Al3+ does not act through either the induction of melanin free radicals, or the induction of changes in membrane physical properties. Results show that Al3+ enhances melanin-initiated lipid peroxidation in part through an interaction with O 2 - generated from the autoxidation of melanin. We speculate that Al3+ contributes to neuromelanin-mediated oxidative damage in dopaminergic neurons and subsequent neuronal degeneration and death in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

The present study has analysed the relationship between lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in erythrocytes from 24 adult male gastic cancer patients and an equal number of age- and sex-matched normal subjects. Erythrocyte lipid peroxidation was markedly increased. Both enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidants were decreased in erythrocytes of gastric cancer patients. The present study highlights the occurrence of lipid peroxidation and possible breakdown of antioxidant status in patients with gastric carcinoma. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of xenobiotics are toxic because they rcdox cycle and generate free radicals. Interaction with iron, either to produce reactive species such as the hydroxyl radical, or to promote lipid peroxidation, is an important factor in this toxicity. A potential biological source of iron is ferritin. The cytotoxic pyrimidines, dialuric acid, divicine and isouramil, readily release iron from ferritin and promote ferritin-dependent lipid peroxidation. Superoxide dismutase and GSH, which maintain the pyrimidines in their reduced form, enhance both iron release and lipid peroxidation. Microsomes plus NADPH can reduce a number of iron complexes, although not ferritin. Reduction of Adriamycin. paraquat or various quinones to their radicals by the microsomes enhances reduction of the iron complexes, and in some cases, enables iron release from ferritin. Adriamycin stimulates iron-dependent lipid peroxidation of the microsomes. Ferritin can provide the iron, and peroxidation is most pronounced at low PO2. Compiexing agents that supress intraccllular iron reduction and lipid peroxidation may protect against the toxicity of Adriamycin.  相似文献   

大豆下胚轴线粒体的衰老与膜脂的过氧化作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
离体的大豆下胚轴线粒体,在人工衰老条件下,产生了结构膨胀和细胞色素氧化酶活性的下降。衰老的线粒体也发生膜脂的过氧化作用——丙二醛、脂质的氢过氧化物和荧光脂褐色素明显增加。而且,线粒体衰老时产生的膜脂过氧化产物雨二醛,可能是膜脂的磷脂酰胆碱和磷脂酰乙醇胺中的亚麻酸发生过氧化反应的结果。  相似文献   

Vanadyl (V(IV)) was found to induce rapidly developing lipid peroxidation in intact and sonicated mitochondria as well as in phosphatidylcholine suspension. The ability of vanadate (V(V)) to induce lipid peroxidation was much less pronounced compared to that of vanadyl. The peroxidative action of vanadate on phosphatidylcholine much increased in the presence of NADH and ascorbate. Preincubation of vanadate with glucose had the same effect.

Vanadyl-induced lipid peroxidation was not essentially influenced by SOD, catalase and ethanol but was completely inhibited by butylated hydroxytoluene.

All these effects of vanadyl and vanadate are thought to participate in the insulin-like and other biological actions of vanadium.  相似文献   

The iron storage protein, ferritin, represents a possible source of iron for oxidative reactions in biological systems. It has been shown that superoxide and several xenobiotic free radicals can release iron from ferritin by a reductive mechanism. Tetravalent vanadium (vanadyl) reacts with oxygen to generate superoxide and pentavalent vanadium (vanadate). This led to the hypothesis that vanadyl causes the release of iron from ferritin. Therefore, the ability of vanadyl and vanadate to release iron from ferritin was investigated. Iron release was measured by monitoring the generation of the Fe2+-fcrrozine complex. It was found that vanadyl but not vanadate was able to mobilize ferritin iron in a concentration dependent fashion. Initial rates. and iron release over 30 minutes. were unaffected by the addition of superoxide dismutase. Glutathione or vanadate added in relative excess to the concentration of vanadyl, inhibited iron release up to 45%. Addition of ferritin at the concentration used for measuring iron release prevented vanddyl-induced NADH oxidation. Vanadyl promoted lipid peroxidation in phospholipid liposomes. Addition of ferritin to the system stimulated lipid peroxidation up to 50% above that with vanadyl alone. Fcrritin alone did not promote significant levels of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(5):317-323
Vanadyl (V(IV)) was found to induce rapidly developing lipid peroxidation in intact and sonicated mitochondria as well as in phosphatidylcholine suspension. The ability of vanadate (V(V)) to induce lipid peroxidation was much less pronounced compared to that of vanadyl. The peroxidative action of vanadate on phosphatidylcholine much increased in the presence of NADH and ascorbate. Preincubation of vanadate with glucose had the same effect.

Vanadyl-induced lipid peroxidation was not essentially influenced by SOD, catalase and ethanol but was completely inhibited by butylated hydroxytoluene.

All these effects of vanadyl and vanadate are thought to participate in the insulin-like and other biological actions of vanadium.  相似文献   

The effect of chronic ethanol exposure, in a liquid diet, on lipid peroxidation and some antioxidant systems of rat brain was investigated. Chronic ethanol administration induced a greater susceptibility to iron/ascorbate-induced lipid peroxidation, estimated as thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS) production, in the microsomal fraction, but a lower lipid peroxidation in the total homogenate. Glutathione (GSH) levels as well as GSH peroxidase and GSH reductase were unaffected, while the activity of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase was decreased and that of catalase increased. Lipid peroxidation experiments performed in the presence of some hydroxyl radical scavengers suggested that a greater OH· generation may be responsible of the greater TBARS production in the microsomal fraction of ethanol treated rats; differently, in total homogenate of control and ethanol rats a relationship was found between the redox state of iron and TBARS production, suggesting that the lower lipid peroxidation in treated rats may depend on a different modulation of the iron redox state.  相似文献   

Rabbit kidneys were subjected to 120min of warm ischaemia or to 120min of warm ischaemia followed by 60min reperfusion with blood in vivo before being removed, homogenised and incubated at 37°C for 90min. Lipid extracts were obtained and monitored for Schiff base (fluorescence emission 400-450 nm, excited at 360 nm), thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactive material (emission 553 nm, excited at 515 nm) and diene conjugates (absorbance at 237 nm). Samples removed before incubation were assayed for reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidised glutathione (GSSG) to provide an index of glutathione redox activity (GSH : GSSG). Allopurinol injected systemically i.v. (a) 15mins before kidneys were clamped. (b) 15mins before they were reperfused or (c) as two injections (before clamping and before reperfusion) significantly inhibited these biochemical markers of lipid peroxidation. Administration before reperfusion had a markedly more pronounced effect than when allopurinol was given before warm ischaemia only. It is concluded that allopurinol is probably effective because of its ability to inhibit xanthine oxidase and consequently lipid peroxidation during reperfusion rather than by preventing loss of purine nucleotides from hypoxic cells during ischaemia.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):279-284
In order to evaluate the pro-hemolytic action exerted by different classes of biogenic aldehydes, normal red cells obtained from human beings of both sexes were incubated at 37°C under iso or hypo-osmotic conditions in the presence of hydroxyalkenals or alkanals, in a concentration compatible with those actually recovered during red cell lipid peroxidation. None of the tested aldehydes showed a direct hemolytic effect, i.e. red cell lysis in iso-osmotic conditions. Conversely, almost all assayed alkanals and hydroxyalkenals exibited a pre-lytic damage of human erythrocytes, as detected in the red cells suspended in hypo-osmotic medium. The highest pro-hemolytic effect was displayed by hexanal, nonanal, 2-nonenal and 4-hydroxynonenal.  相似文献   

Possible sources of iron for lipid peroxidation are described and discussed. In particular. evidence is presented that microsomes contain ferric nonheme iron which may participate in formation of lipid oxidants. provided reductants are available to favor its mobilization from membrane binding sites. Aging-and tumor-associated changes of this microsomal pool of nonheme iron are also described and discussed from biochemical and biomedical viewpoints.  相似文献   

In an experimental system where both Fe2+ autoxidation and generation of reactive oxygen species is negligible, the effect of FeCl2 and FeCl3 on the peroxidation of phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes containing different amounts of lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH) was studied; Fe2+ oxidation, oxygen consumption and oxidation index of the liposomes were measured. No peroxidation was observed at variable FeCl2/FeCl3 ratio when PC liposomes deprived of LOOH by triphenyl-phosphine treatment were utilized. By contrast, LOOH containing liposomes were peroxidized by FeCl2. The FeCl2 concentration at which Fe2+ oxidation was maximal, defined as critical Fe2+ concentration [Fe2+]*, depended on the LOOH concentration and not on the amount of PC liposomes in the assay. The LOOH-dependent lipid peroxidation was stimulated by FeCl3, addition; the oxidized form of the metal increased the average length of radical chains, shifted to higher values the [Fe2+]* and shortened the latent period. The iron chelator KSCN exerted effects opposite to those exerted by FeCl3 addition. The experimental data obtained indicate that the kinetics of LOOH-dependent lipid peroxidation depends on the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio at each moment during the time course of lipid peroxidation. The results confirm that exogenously added FeCl3 does not affect the LOOH-independent but the LOOH-deendent lipid peroxidation; and suggest that the Feg, endogenously generated exerts a major role in the control of the LOOH-dependent lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(6):563-576
In an experimental system where both Fe2+ autoxidation and generation of reactive oxygen species is negligible, the effect of FeCl2 and FeCl3 on the peroxidation of phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes containing different amounts of lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH) was studied; Fe2+ oxidation, oxygen consumption and oxidation index of the liposomes were measured. No peroxidation was observed at variable FeCl2/FeCl3 ratio when PC liposomes deprived of LOOH by triphenyl-phosphine treatment were utilized. By contrast, LOOH containing liposomes were peroxidized by FeCl2. The FeCl2 concentration at which Fe2+ oxidation was maximal, defined as critical Fe2+ concentration [Fe2+]*, depended on the LOOH concentration and not on the amount of PC liposomes in the assay. The LOOH-dependent lipid peroxidation was stimulated by FeCl3, addition; the oxidized form of the metal increased the average length of radical chains, shifted to higher values the [Fe2+]* and shortened the latent period. The iron chelator KSCN exerted effects opposite to those exerted by FeCl3 addition. The experimental data obtained indicate that the kinetics of LOOH-dependent lipid peroxidation depends on the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio at each moment during the time course of lipid peroxidation. The results confirm that exogenously added FeCl3 does not affect the LOOH-independent but the LOOH-deendent lipid peroxidation; and suggest that the Feg, endogenously generated exerts a major role in the control of the LOOH-dependent lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

研究大蒜素对大鼠大负荷运动后心肌脂质过氧化反应的干预作用及机制。将成年雄性SD大鼠48只,随机分为安慰剂组(A组)和用药组(B组),B组每日定时经口腔灌胃给予大蒜素30 mg/kg体重,A组给予相同体重比例的安慰剂(蒸馏水)。两周后观察各组在安静时及完成一次性大负荷游泳运动后即刻、运动后24 h心肌超微结构变化,并测定心肌组织SOD、MDA、TAC和血清CK-MB等指标。结果显示运动后两组大鼠心肌超微结构都出现改变和损伤,B组表现较轻微。B组在运动后两个时相心肌SOD和TAC均显著高于A组;心肌MDA和血清CK-MB非常显著低于A组。提示大蒜素有助于减轻大负荷运动导致的心肌脂质过氧化反应。  相似文献   

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