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The association between allelic diversity and ecogeographical variables was studied in natural populations of wild emmer wheat [ Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (Körn.) Thell.], the tetraploid progenitor of cultivated wheat. Patterns of allelic diversity in 54 microsatellite loci were analyzed in a collection of 145 wild emmer wheat accessions representing 25 populations that were sampled across naturally occurring aridity gradient in Israel and surrounding regions. The obtained results revealed that 56% of the genetic variation resided among accessions within populations, while only 44% of the variation resided between populations. An unweighted pair-group method analysis (UPGMA) tree constructed based on the microsatellite allelic diversity divided the 25 populations into six major groups. Several groups were comprised of populations that were collected in ecologically similar but geographically remote habitats. Furthermore, genetic differentiation between populations was independent of the geographical distances. An interesting evolutionary phenomenon is highlighted by the unimodal relationship between allelic diversity and annual rainfall ( r  = 0.74, P  < 0.0002), indicating higher allelic diversity in populations originated from habitats with intermediate environmental stress (i.e. rainfall 350–550 mm year−1). These results show for the first time that the 'intermediate-disturbance hypothesis', explaining biological diversity at the ecosystem level, also dominates the genetic diversity within a single species, the lowest hierarchical element of the biological diversity.  相似文献   

Wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum spp. dicoccoides (Körn.) Thell.), the tetraploid progenitor of cultivated wheat, is a potential source for various agronomical traits, including drought resistance. The objectives of this study were to characterize (1) the genetic diversity for drought resistance in wild emmer wheat, and (2) the relationship between drought responses of the wild emmer germplasm and the ecogeographical parameters of its collection sites. A total of 110 wild emmer accessions consisting of 25 populations and three control durum wheat cultivars were examined under two irrigation regimes, well-watered (’wet’) and water-limited (’dry’). Wide genetic diversity was found both between and within the wild emmer populations in most variables under each treatment. A considerable number of the wild emmer accessions exhibited an advantage in productivity (spike and total dry matter) over their cultivated counterparts. Most wild emmer wheat accessions exhibited a greater carbon isotope ratio (δ13C, indicating higher water-use efficiency) under the dry treatment and higher plasticity of δ13C relative to the cultivated controls, which may have contributed to the drought adaptations in the former. The most outstanding drought-tolerance capacity (in term of productivity under the dry treatment and susceptibility indices) was detected in wild emmer populations originated from hot dry locations. The results suggest that wild emmer has the potential to improve drought resistance in cultivated wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Allozyme variation in the tetraploid wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, the progenitor of all cultivated wheats, was studied for the proteins encoded by 42 gene loci in 1815 plants representing 37 populations - 33 from Israel and 4 from Turkey - sampled in 33 localities from 1979 to 1987. The results showed that: (a) 6 loci (14%) were monomorphic in all populations, 15 loci (36%) were locally polymorphic, and 21 loci (50%) were regionally polymorphic. These results are similar to those obtained earlier on 12 Israeli populations. All polymorphic loci (except 4) displayed high local levels of polymorphism (>/ 10%). (b) The mean number of alleles per locus, A, was 1.252 (range: 1.050–1.634); the proportion of polymorphic loci per population averaged 0.220 (range: 0.050–0.415); genic diversity, He, averaged 0.059 (range: 0.002–0.119). (c) Altogether there were 119 alleles at the 42 putative loci tested, 114 of these in Israel, (d) Genetic differentiation was primarily regional and local, not clinal; 70% of the variant alleles were common (>/ 10%) and not widespread, but rather localized or sporadic, displaying an archipelago population genetics and ecology structure. The coefficients of genetic distance between populations were high and averaged D = 0.134; range: 0.018–0.297, an indication of sharp genetic differentiation over short distances, (e) Discriminant analyses differentiated Israeli from Turkish populations, and within Israel, between central and 3 marginal regions, as well as between different soil-type populations, (f) Allozymic variation comprised 40% within and 60% between populations, (g) Gametic phase disequilibria were abundant, their number being positively correlated (rs = 0.60, P<0.01) with the humidity, (h) Multilocus organization was substantive, also positively correlated with humidity, (i) Allozyme diversity, overall and at single loci, was significantly correlated with, and partly predictable by, climatic and edaphic factors, (j) The distrubition of the significant positive and negative values and the absence of autocorrelations in the correlogram revealed no similar geographic patterns across loci, eliminating migration as a prime factor of population genetic differentiation. These results suggest: (I) during the evolutionary history of wild emmer, diversifying natural selection, through climatic and edaphic factors, was a major agent of genetic structure and differentiation at both the single and multilocus levels; (II) wild emmer harbors large amounts of genetic diversity exploitable as genetic markers in sampling and abundant genetic resources utilizable for wheat improvement.  相似文献   

Diversity in 20 microsatellite loci of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, was examined in 15 populations (135 genotypes) representing a wide range of ecological conditions of soil, temperature, and water availability, in Israel and Turkey. An extensive amount of diversity at microsatellite loci was observed despite the predominantly selfing nature of this plant species. The 20 Gatersleben wheat microsatellites (GWM), representing 13 chromosomes of genomes A and B of wheat, revealed a total of 364 alleles, with an average of 18 alleles per GWM marker (range: 5–26). The proportion of polymorphic loci per population averaged 0.90 (range: 0.45– 1.00); genic diversity, He, averaged 0.50 (range 0.094– 0.736); and Shannon’s information index averaged 0.84 (range 0.166–1.307). The coefficients of genetic distance between populations were high and averaged D=1.862 (range 0.876–3.320), an indication of sharp genetic divergence over short distances. Interpopulation genetic distances showed no association with geographic distance between the population sites of origin, which ruled out a simple isolation by distance model. Genetic dissimilarity values between genotypes were used to produce a dendrogram of the relationships among wild wheat populations by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA). The results showed that all the wild emmer wheat populations could be distinguished. Microsatellite analysis was found to be highly effective in distinguishing genotypes of T. dicoccoides, originating from diverse ecogeographical sites in Israel and Turkey, with 88% of the 135 genotypes correctly classified into sites of origin by discriminant analysis. Our present microsatellite results are non-random and in agreement with the previously obtained allozyme and RAPD patterns, although the genetic-diversity values obtained with microsatellites are much higher. Significant correlates of microsatellite markers with various climatic and soil factors suggest that, as in allozymes and RAPDs, natural selection causes adaptive microsatellite ecogeographical differentiation, not only in coding, but most importantly in non-coding genomic regions. Hence, the concept of ”junk DNA” needs to be replaced by at least partly regulatory DNA. The obtained results suggest that microsatellite markers are useful for the estimation of genetic diversity in natural populations of T. dicoccoides and for the tagging of agronomically important traits derived from wild emmer wheat. Received: 27 February 2001 / Accepted: 22 March 2001  相似文献   

Translocation frequencies (as compared to the standard chromosome arrangement typified by that in Chinese Spring) in 9 or more genotypes from each of 15 populations of Triticum dicoccoides in Israel were determined. Data also were obtained from 2 genotypes of the southernmost population (Jaba). A single population from Turkey was also investigated. There were 119 genotypes with translocations in the sample of 171 genotypes investigated (70%). The frequency of translocations in different populations varied from 0.27 to 1.00, and all populations had 1 or more genotypes with one or more translocations. Some populations such as Qazrin appeared to be homogeneous for translocations, but most populations were heterogeneous. A sample of 17 genotypes from 12 of the populations were crossed with the Langdon D-genome disomic substitutions to determine the identity of the chromosomes involved in the translocations. There were nine genotypes with translocations and with the exception of a 2A/2B translocation, none of them involved the same chromosomes. The B-genome chromosomes were involved in translocations more frequently than the A-genome chromosomes. Translocation frequencies (TF) of the various populations were correlated with environmental variables, primarily with water availability and humidity, and possibly also with soil type. In general, TF was higher in peripheral populations in the ecologically heterogeneous frontiers of species distribution than in the central populations located in the catchment area of the upper Jordan valley.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Micronutrient malnutrition, particularly zinc and iron deficiency, afflicts over three billion people worldwide due to low dietary intake. In the current study, wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides), the progenitor of domesticated wheat, was tested for (1) genetic diversity in grain nutrient concentrations, (2) associations among grain nutrients and their relationships with plant productivity, and (3) the association of grain nutrients with the eco-geographical origin of wild emmer accessions.


A total of 154 genotypes, including wild emmer accessions from across the Near Eastern Fertile Crescent and diverse wheat cultivars, were characterized in this 2-year field study for grain protein, micronutrient (zinc, iron, copper and manganese) and macronutrient (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sulphur) concentrations.

Key Results

Wide genetic diversity was found among the wild emmer accessions for all grain nutrients. The concentrations of grain zinc, iron and protein in wild accessions were about two-fold greater than in the domesticated genotypes. Concentrations of these compounds were positively correlated with one another, with no clear association with plant productivity, suggesting that all three nutrients can be improved concurrently with no yield penalty. A subset of 12 populations revealed significant genetic variation between and within populations for all minerals. Association between soil characteristics at the site of collection and grain nutrient concentrations showed negative associations between soil clay content and grain protein and between soil-extractable zinc and grain zinc, the latter suggesting that the greatest potential for grain nutrient minerals lies in populations from micronutrient-deficient soils.


Wild emmer wheat germplasm offers unique opportunities to exploit favourable alleles for grain nutrient properties that were excluded from the domesticated wheat gene pool.  相似文献   

 Genetic diversity in random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) was studied in 110 genotypes of the tetraploid wild progenitor of wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, from 11 populations sampled in Israel and Turkey. Our results show high level of diversity of RAPD markers in wild wheat populations in Israel. The ten primers used in this study amplified 59 scorable RAPD loci of which 48 (81.4%) were polymorphic and 11 monomorphic. RAPD analysis was found to be highly effective in distinguishing genotypes of T. dicoccoides originating from diverse ecogeographical sites in Israel and Turkey, with 95.5% of the 100 genotypes correctly classified into sites of origin by discriminant analysis based on RAPD genotyping. However, interpopulation genetic distances showed no association with geographic distance between the population sites of origin, negating a simple isolation by distance model. Spatial autocorrelation of RAPD frequencies suggests that migration is not influential. Our present RAPD results are non-random and in agreement with the previously obtained allozyme patterns, although the genetic diversity values obtained with RAPDs are much higher than the allozyme values. Significant correlates of RAPD markers with various climatic and soil factors suggest that, as in the case of allozymes, natural selection causes adaptive RAPD ecogeographical differentiation. The results obtained suggest that RAPD markers are useful for the estimation of genetic diversity in wild material of T. dicoccoides and the identification of suitable parents for the development of mapping populations for the tagging of agronomically important traits derived from T. dicoccoides. Received: 13 July 1998 / Accepted: 13 August 1998  相似文献   

The development and morphology of the wheat spike is important because the spike is where reproduction occurs and it holds the grains until harvest. Therefore, genes that influence spike morphology are of interest from both theoretical and practical stand points. When substituted for the native chromosome 2A in the tetraploid Langdon (LDN) durum wheat background, the Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides chromosome 2A from accession IsraelA confers a short, compact spike with fewer spikelets per spike compared to LDN. Molecular mapping and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of these traits in a homozygous recombinant population derived from LDN × the chromosome 2A substitution line (LDNIsA-2A) indicated that the number of spikelets per spike and spike length were controlled by linked, but different, loci on the long arm of 2A. A QTL explaining most of the variation for spike compactness coincided with the QTL for spike length. Comparative mapping indicated that the QTL for number of spikelets per spike overlapped with a previously mapped QTL for Fusarium head blight susceptibility. The genes governing spike length and compactness were not orthologous to either sog or C, genes known to confer compact spikes in diploid and hexaploid wheat, respectively. Mapping and sequence analysis indicated that the gene governing spike length and compactness derived from wild emmer could be an ortholog of the barley Cly1/Zeo gene, which research indicates is an AP2-like gene pleiotropically affecting cleistogamy, flowering time, and rachis internode length. This work provides researchers with knowledge of new genetic loci and associated markers that may be useful for manipulating spike morphology in durum wheat.  相似文献   

Allotetraploid wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides (TD) 2n = 28, the progenitor of most cultivated bread wheat, is an ecological specialist and excellent model organism for advancing evolutionary theory, wheat evolution, and wheat improvement. The center of origin and diversity of TD is northeastern Upper Galilee and the Golan. Elsewhere in the Fertile Crescent, it occurs in semi-isolated and isolated populations. The genetic structure is generally an “archipelago.” Regional and localgenetic patterns are partly or largely adaptive at the protein and DNA levels, both at coding and noncoding genomes, correlated with and predictable by environmental abiotic and biotic stresses. TD is a rich, mostly untapped, genetic resource for improving cultivated wheat, harboring drought, salt, mineral, and disease resistances, grain proteins, and with high variation in photosynthetic yield. TD was chromosomally mapped with 549 molecular markers and 70 QTLs for 11 traits of agricultural importance and domestication. Prospects include sequencing its genome; including 80% repeat elements for structural, functional, and regulatory polymorphisms, epigenetics, and genetic resources for wheat improvement. TD is affected by global warming both phenotypically (advancing flowering time) and genotypically (genetic erosion, SSR allelic turn-over, and novel drought resistant alleles). Hence, it should be conserved in situ and ex situ, to safeguard the arguably best source for wheat improvement and future food production in an exploding world population.  相似文献   

The domestication of emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum spp. dicoccoides, genomes BBAA) was one of the key events during the emergence of agriculture in southwestern Asia, and was a prerequisite for the evolution of durum and common wheat. Single- and multilocus genotypes based on restriction fragment length polymorphism at 131 loci were analyzed to describe the structure of populations of wild and domesticated emmer and to generate a picture of emmer domestication and its subsequent diffusion across Asia, Europe and Africa. Wild emmer consists of two populations, southern and northern, each further subdivided. Domesticated emmer mirrors the geographic subdivision of wild emmer into the northern and southern populations and also shows an additional structure in both regions. Gene flow between wild and domesticated emmer occurred across the entire area of wild emmer distribution. Emmer was likely domesticated in the Diyarbakir region in southeastern Turkey, which was followed by subsequent hybridization and introgression from wild to domesticated emmer in southern Levant. A less likely scenario is that emmer was domesticated independently in the Diyarbakir region and southern Levant, and the Levantine genepool was absorbed into the genepool of domesticated emmer diffusing from southeastern Turkey. Durum wheat is closely related to domesticated emmer in the eastern Mediterranean and likely originated there. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

According to the two distal and conserved regions of known alpha-gliadin genes, gene-specific primers for alpha-gliadin were designed, and the coding regions of four gliadin genes (i.e. GliTd-1, GliTd-2, GliTd-3 and GliTd-4) with the length of about 800 bp were isolated from the genomic DNA of wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides). No introns were observed. Sequence comparison indicated that these genes should be classified as alpha-gliadins. GliTd-3 (GenBank accession No.DQ140351) and GliTd-4 (DQ140352) were potentially functional, whereas GliTd-1 (DQ140349) and GliTd-2 (DQ140350) were both pseudogenes by the definition of in-frame stop codons and frameshifts. Six conserved cysteine residues were observed. Sequence analysis suggested that the motif units of repetitive domain for the four newly detected genes were different from the known genes, and the QQQP sequence before the position 60 was more toxic to coeliac patients. Codons for proline were strongly biased. Codons (CAG and CAA) for glutamine were clustered into the specific regions, and the high percentage of pseudogenes resulted from the mutation of CAG --> TAG.  相似文献   



α-Amylase inhibitors are attractive candidates for the control of seed weevils, as these insects are highly dependent on starch as an energy source. In this study, we aimed to reveal the structure and diversity of dimeric α-amylase inhibitor genes in wild emmer wheat from Israel and to elucidate the relationship between the emmer wheat genes and ecological factors using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Another objective of this study was to find out whether there were any correlations between SNPs in functional protein-coding genes and the environment.  相似文献   

Three low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes, designated LMW-Td1, LMW-Td2 and LMW-Td3, were isolated from wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides), which is the tetraploid progenitor of common wheat (T. aestivum). The complete nucleotide sequence lengths of LMW-Td1, LMW-Td2 and LMW-Td3 are 858, 900 and 1062 bp, respectively. LMW-Td1 and LMW-Td3 can encode proteins with 284 and 352 amino acid residues, respectively, whereas LMW-Td2 is a putative pseudogene due to the presence of 3 inframe stop codons in its C-terminal domain. The deduced protein sequences of the 3 genes share the same typical polypeptide structures with known LMW-GS genes containing 8 cysteines in the mature protein domains. LMW-Td1 was clearly distinguished from all known LMW-GS genes, and considered as a novel LMW-GS gene. Two hydrophobic motifs (i.e. PIIIL and PVIIL) were observed in the repetitive domain of LMW-Td3. Sequence comparison indicates that sequences of the 3 LMW-GS genes from this study are strongly similar to known LMW-GS genes. Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that LMW-Td1 and LMW-Td2 are homologous with genes on chromosome 1A, and LMW-Td3 is closely related to genes on chromosome 1B.  相似文献   

α-Amylase inhibitors are attractive candidates for the control of seed weevils as these insects are highly dependent on starch as an energy source. Wheat tetrameric α-amylase inhibitor (WTAI) is a mixture (60 kDa) of 3 units: WTAI-CM2 plus 2 WTAI-CM3 plus WTAI-CM16, where none of the subunits is active on its own. A total of 334 gene sequences were obtained from 14 populations (131 accessions= genotypes) of wild emmer wheat. The frequencies of SNPs in WTAI-CM2, WTAI-CM3 and WTAI-CM16 were 1 out of 87.6, 101.4, and 108.0 bases, where 5, 5 and 4 SNPs were detected in the coding sequence, respectively. The nucleotide sequence of each unit of tetrameric α-amylase inhibitors were much more conserved than that of dimeric or monomeric inhibitors. The wild emmer wheat populations showed diversity on three WTAI loci, both between and within populations. It was revealed that WTAI were naturally selected for across populations by a ratio of dN/dS as expected. The results of purifying and positive selection hypothesis (p<0.05) also showed that the sequences of WTAI were contributed by natural selection, which ensures the protein function conservation as well as the inhibition diversity with insects amylase enzyme. Ecological factors, singly or in combination, explained a significant proportion of the variations in the SNPs. Ecological factors have an important evolutionary role in gene differentiation at these loci, and tetrameric α-amylase inhibitors are obviously adaptively selected under different environments.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to test the effects of internal (genetic) and external factors on allelic diversity at 27 dinucleotide microsatellite (simple sequence repeat [SSR]) loci in three Israeli natural populations of Triticum dicoccoides from Ammiad, Tabigha, and Yehudiyya, north of the Sea of Galilee. The results demonstrated that SSR diversity is correlated with the interaction of ecological and genetic factors. Genetic factors, including genome (A vs. B), chromosome, motif, and locus, affected average repeat number (ARN), variance in repeat number (sigma), and number of alleles (NA) of SSRs, but the significance of some factors varied among populations. Genome effect on SSR variation may result from different motif types, particularly compound (or imperfect) versus perfect motifs, which may be related to different evolutionary histories of genomes A and B. Ecological factors significantly affected SSR variation. Soil-unique and soil-specific alleles were found in two edaphic groups dwelling on terra rossa and basalt soils across macro- and microgeographical scales. The largest contributions of genetic and ecological effects were found for diversity of ARN and NA, respectively. Multiple regression indicated that replication slippage and unequal crossing over could be important mutational mechanisms, but their significance varied among motifs. Edaphic stresses may affect the probability of replication errors and recombination intermediates and thus control diversity level and divergence of SSRs. The results may indicate that SSR diversity is adaptive, channeled by natural selection and influenced by both internal and external factors and their interactions.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have become a major tool in population genetic analyses. The anonymous genomic SSRs (gSSRs) have been recently supplemented with expressed sequence tag (EST) derived SSRs (eSSRs), which represent the transcribed regions of the genome. In the present study, we used 8 populations of wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccoides) to compare the usefulness of the two types of SSR markers in assessing allelic diversity and population structure. gSSRs revealed significantly higher diversity than eSSRs in terms of average number of alleles (14.92 vs. 7.4, respectively), polymorphic information content (0.87 vs. 0.68, respectively), and gene diversity (He; 0.55 vs. 0.38, respectively). Despite the overall differences in the level of diversity, Mantel tests for correlations between eSSR and gSSR pairwise genetic distances were found to be significant for each population as well as for all accessions jointly (RM=0.54, p=0.01). Various genetic structure analyses (AMOVA, PCoA, STRUCTURE, unrooted UPGMA tree) revealed a better capacity of eSSRs to distinguish between populations, while gSSRs showed a higher proportion of intrapopulation (among accessions) diversity. We conclude that eSSR and gSSR markers should be employed in conjunction to obtain a high inter- and intra-specific (or inter- and intra-varietal) distinctness.  相似文献   

Puccinia triticina (Pt), the causal agent of leaf rust evolves through forming new pathotypes that adversely affect the growth and yield of wheat cultivars. Therefore, continued production of resistant varieties through exploring novel sources of resistance in wild relatives which are abundantly found in Iran and the neighbouring regions is a major task in wheat breeding programs. The aim of the present study was to explore 60 wild wheat genotypes selected from the species Triticum monococcum, Aegilops tauschii, Ae. neglecta, Ae. cylindrica, Ae. triuncialis, Ae. umbellulata, Ae. speltoides, Ae. columnaris, Ae. crassa and Ae. ventricosa for resistance to leaf rust. The cultivar ‘Boolani’ and Thatcher near-isogenic lines were used as controls. Two-week-old seedlings were inoculated using 10 Pt pathotypes, and the infection types were recorded. The genotypes were also analysed for polymorphism using six sequence-tagged sites (STS) and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. Forty-eight genotypes produced high infection types (3+) for two pathotypes, but the remaining genotypes produced low infection types of ‘0; =’ to ‘1+CN’ to all pathotypes. The latter included three accessions of Ae. tauschii, two accessions of each Ae. umbellulata, Ae. columnaris and Triticum monococcum, and one accession from each Ae. triuncialis, Ae. ventricosa and Ae. neglecta. Analysis for STS and SCAR markers suggested several genotypes could carry the genes Lr9, Lr10, Lr19, Lr24, Lr26 and Lr37 or their potential orthologs in addition to unknown resistance genes. In conclusion, the identified resistant genotypes could be further characterized and used in wheat breeding programs for leaf rust resistance.  相似文献   

Two stripe-rust resistance genes, YrH52 and Yr15, derived from the Israeli wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, have been located on chromosome 1B. The main objectives of the present study were to increase marker density in the vicinity of YrH52 gene by means of AFLP, RAPD and microsatellite markers, to improve the map of another T. dicoccoides-derived stripe-rust resistance gene Yr15 using microsatellite markers, and to preliminarily discriminate these two genes. Additional 26 marker loci comprising 20 AFLPs, three RAPDs, and three microsatellites were found to be linked to YrH52 gene. An updated genetic map consisting of 45 marker loci, in the region of YrH52 gene, was constructed with a total map length of 107.7 cm. The mean interval length was 0.96 cm in the region Xgwm359b–P55M53b carrying YrH52 gene. YrH52 was bracketed by Xgwm413 (Nor1 and UBC212a) and Xgwm273a (Xgwm273d) with map distance of 1.3 and 2.7 cm from either side, respectively. Eight additional microsatellite markers were found to be linked with Yr15, and the linkage map of Yr15 gene was thus obviously improved. In the YrH52-mapping population, no crossover was detected in the interval UBC212a (Xgwm413)–Yr15Nor1, and YrH52 was located distally outside this interval. It may suggest that YrH52 is different from Yr15 even though both of them are derived from T. dicoccoides and are mapped on chromosome 1BS. The large number of molecular makers revealed in the present study would be helpful for the marker-assisted introgression of the T. dicoccoides-derived YrH52 and Yr15 stripe-rust resistance genes into elite cultivars of wheat, and the high-density map would accelerate the map-based cloning of the two genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The gene-pool of wild emmer wheat, Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides, harbors a rich allelic repertoire for disease resistance. In the current study, we made use of tetraploid wheat mapping populations derived from a cross between durum wheat (cv. Langdon) and wild emmer (accession G18-16) to identify and map a new powdery mildew resistance gene derived from wild emmer wheat. Initially, the two parental lines were screened with a collection of 42 isolates of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) from Israel and 5 isolates from Switzerland. While G18-16 was resistant to 34 isolates, Langdon was resistant only to 5 isolates and susceptible to 42 isolates. Isolate Bgt#15 was selected to differentiate between the disease reactions of the two genotypes. Segregation ratio of F2-3 and recombinant inbreed line (F7) populations to inoculation with isolate Bgt#15 indicated the role of a single dominant gene in conferring resistance to Bgt#15. This gene, temporarily designated PmG16, was located on the distal region of chromosome arm 7AL. Genetic map of PmG16 region was assembled with 32 simple sequence repeat (SSR), sequence tag site (STS), Diversity array technology (DArT) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers and assigned to the 7AL physical bin map (7AL-16). Using four DNA markers we established colinearity between the genomic region spanning the PmG16 locus within the distal region of chromosome arm 7AL and the genomic regions on rice chromosome 6 and Brachypodium Bd1. A comparative analysis was carried out between PmG16 and other known Pm genes located on chromosome arm 7AL. The identified PmG16 may facilitate the use of wild alleles for improvement of powdery mildew resistance in elite wheat cultivars via marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

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