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A new method was developed to analyse the dynamic properties of oxidative phosphorylation, in particular the sensitivity of the phosphate potential with respect to fluctuating cellular ATP utilization. This treatment is based on the eigenvalue sensitivity analysis of an experimentally supported non-equilibrium thermodynamic model of oxidative phosphorylation. Such an analysis allows direct access to the kinetic information, while circumventing the awkward conventional numerical integration of a set of nonlinear differential equations. This procedure revealed, for the parameters characteristic for liver of starved rats in vivo, that the sensitivity of oxidative phosphorylation to a fluctuating ATP utilization is minimal at a degree of coupling q = 0.95. This means that the phosphate potential is highly buffered with respect to fluctuating energy demands at the degree of coupling. This value of q agrees well with the degree of coupling qeef, at which net ATP production of oxidative phosphorylation--at optimal efficiency--occurs in the most economic way. This simultaneous maximization of kinetic stability and economic thermodynamic efficiency at the same degree of coupling appears to be a coincidence.  相似文献   

A non-equilibrium thermodynamic model of oxidative phosphorylation is formulated, which allows us to take into account some non-local effects. In this way, we compute the influence of the tangential resistivity of the inner mitochondrial membrane to proton current, as well as that of the distance between active sites, on the stoichiometry and efficiency of energy conversion.  相似文献   

A set of equations has been derived, describing quantitatively the relationships between flows and thermodynamic forces in the chemiosmotic model of oxidative phosphorylation.Experimental tests of these equations give information on the stoichiometric coupling constants between the different flows.  相似文献   

V L Colston  T J Wheeler 《Life sciences》2001,69(20):2383-2398
Previously we showed that hypoxia in heart stimulates glucose transport via translocation of glucose transporters from intracellular membranes to the plasma membrane. We later showed that rotenone, an inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation, also decreased intracellular transporters. Here, using another membrane fractionation technique, we show that rotenone increases plasma membrane transporters, and that another respiratory chain inhibitor, azide, acts similarly. Thus, they likely activate the same signaling pathway as hypoxia. Genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, inhibited insulin- and azide-stimulated 3-O-methylglucose transport similarly in cardiac myocytes. It also increased glucose transporters in the plasma membranes of perfused hearts even though it inhibited glucose uptake, suggesting effects on membrane trafficking. Another tyrosine kinase inhibitor, lavendustin A, and the cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase inhibitors H-8 and H-7 had little effect on basal or azide-stimulated transport. Polymyxin B was a weak inhibitor of basal, insulin-stimulated, and azide-stimulated transport. A nitric oxide donor and a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor had no effect on basal and azide-stimulated transport. The results indicate that tyrosine kinases; protein kinases A, G, and C; and nitric oxide are not involved in the hypoxic activation of cardiac glucose transport.  相似文献   

Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation increased the speed of substrate oxidation and ATP hydrolysis and raised cAMP induced neuron membrane current. Different inhibitors decreased it. Both effects support the hypothesis that a signal of intracellular injected cAMP spreads to the neuron membrane as a mechanical signal. This signal propagated to the membrane along microtubules which according to this hypothesis serve as a sound generator with metabolic heat pumping.  相似文献   

Cells of Euglena gracilis which have adapted to growth in the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol are at the same time resistant to the inhibitory effect on growth of carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, 1,7-hexafluoro-2,6-dihydroxy-2,6-bis(trifluoromethyl)-4 hep-tanone (“1799”), oligomycin, and tri-n-butylchlorotin. Cells adapted to any of the latter are at the same time resistant to dinitrophenol.The adaptation is a response to the primary effects of the uncouplers, i.e., high levels of ADP, and not to the uncouplers per se, since arsenate induced uncoupler resistance while nonuncoupling substituted phenols did not.No evidence for any protein in the cells which can bind uncouplers tightly could be found, and no modification of reactions of isolated mitochondria could be detected. Substrate utilization by adapted cells was only slightly less efficient than in normal cells.The inhibitors were accumulated by and not excluded from the cells. Thus, the cross-resistance implies either the formation of a modified mitochondrial membrane, impermeable to these hydrophobic effectors, or an alternative or greatly modified pathway for ATP synthesis, insensitive to these effectors.  相似文献   

S.B. Wilson  A.L. Moore 《BBA》1973,292(3):603-610
Inhibitors can be successfully used if they are specific for only one process. Published data suggest that some inhibitors of protein synthesis may also inhibit respiration or oxidative phosphorylation. The effect of a range of protein synthesis inhibitors on respiration and phosphorylation has been studied, using tightly coupled mitochondria from several plant species including turnips (Brassica napus).Puromycin, actinomycin D, lincomycin, mitomycin C and d-serine did not uncouple or inhibit respiration. Cycloheximide caused a partial inhibition (maximum 22% at 3 mM) of malate but not succinate-driven respiration. Chloramphenicol was a potent inhibitor of electron transport, but not of phosphorylation. The activity of the isomers of chloramphenicol varied in the order l-threo >d-threo >l-erythro >d-erythro. From evidence presented it is concluded that chloramphenicol has three sites of action, the flavoprotein level being most sensitive, the second site of variable sensitivity lies between cytochromes b and c and the third site at the cytochrome a level is only slightly affected by the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Most earlier theoretical work on oxidative phosphorylation has emphasized the application of the formalism of nonequilibrium thermodynamics to the overall process. The resultant mathematical development and interpretation of some experimental data is complicated somewhat by the necessity of treating a system which is incompletely coupled (degree of coupling, q less than 1). Here a simple alternative approach is proposed which can be applied to many studies in the field. In this approach the overall process is broken up into sequential steps so that the product of the efficiencies of the steps is equal to the efficiency of the overall process. Steps of interest for which the degree of coupling may be quite close to unity can be "isolated" by this procedure. This approach results in a simple mathematical formalism emphasizing the power use (or energy use) at each step of the energy transduction process. The efficiencies of the steps of the process can be experimentally evaluated as is shown in the accompanying paper (B.D. Jensen, K. K. Gunter, and T. E. Gunter, 1986, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 248, 305-323) where measurements are performed as dictated by the assumptions of the current theory. This alternative approach simplifies the analysis of changes induced in the process of oxidative phosphorylation as a result of agents added to the system or of changes in conditions. The locus (or loci) of such changes becomes rapidly apparent if the data is treated as suggested. Furthermore, the mathematical formalism lends itself both to the development of expressions and new experimental approaches which minimize the effects of a decrease in a value of q below unity and also to optimal statistical treatment of the data. As a concrete example of the use of this approach we reinvestigate the question of the equivalence of use of energy from the pH gradient and of the membrane potential in phosphorylation.  相似文献   

A solid state theory of oxidative phosphorylation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A theory of oxidative phosphorylation utilizing phonons for energy transfer and chemical bond formation is presented. It is hypothesized that the phonons released during redox reactions of the electron transport chain can be propagated through the lattice structure of the proteins concerned with coupling. Energy loss of the phonons through rapid thermalization is prevented by hydrophobic bonding which serves as a thermal insulator of the lattice from the external environment. It is shown that respiratory control, reversed electron flow, uncoupling interchangability of energy among sites, utilization of two electron transfer to accomplish one bond formation are compatible with this theory. Experimental tests for the theory are proposed.  相似文献   

A coulombic hypothesis of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is presented, founded upon the evidence for negative fixed charge formation during electron transport chain activity. The intermediary force is electrostatic (psi H) and not electrochemical (delta mu H). The electrochemical potential of the chemiosmotic hypothesis is identified as a "phantom" parameter which owes its delusive existence to the procedures by which it is measured. The connection between psi H and the conditional delta mu H values is examined; it entails the use of a variable conversion factor, f, where delta mu H (mV) = f psi H, and the concept of the "protonic status" of the diffuse double layer. A number of problems which beset the chemiosmotic view are reappraised in the light of the new interpretation, and find authentic solutions.  相似文献   

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