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Using chemical extraction to evaluate plant arsenic availability in contaminated soils is important to estimate the time frame for site cleanup during phytoremediation. It is also of great value to assess As mobility in soil and its risk in environmental contamination. In this study, four conventional chemical extraction methods (water, ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, and Mehlich III) and a new root-exudate based method were used to evaluate As extractability and to correlate it with As accumulation in P. vittata growing in five As-contaminated soils under greenhouse condition. The relationship between different soil properties, and As extractability and plant As accumulation was also investigated. Arsenic extractability was 4.6%, 7.0%, 18%, 21%, and 46% for water, ammonium sulfate, organic acids, ammonium phosphate, and Mehlich III, respectively. Root exudate (organic acids) solution was suitable for assessing As bioavailability (81%) in the soils while Mehlich III (31%) overestimated the amount of As taken up by plants. Soil organic matter, P and Mg concentrations were positively correlated to plant As accumulation whereas Ca concentration was negatively correlated. Further investigation is needed on the effect of Ca and Mg on As uptake by P. vittata. Moreover, additional As contaminated soils with different properties should be tested.  相似文献   


Samples of rhizosphere soil, groundwater used for drip irrigation, and mature cotton plants were collected from farms at Kuitun, Xinjiang and analyzed for their arsenic (As) levels to account for the influx and efflux of arsenic in the field. The pH value and the soil-grain-size distribution were found to correlate with the different levels of arsenic accumulated by cotton plants and arable soil layers. The principal component analysis (PCA) indicates that the arsenic level in soil is influenced by the silt content and the arsenic level in groundwater, while the arsenic level in plant roots is affected mainly by the silt content and the arsenic level in soil. As estimated, about 64.6?±?2.7?μg of arsenic was extracted from soil by one cotton plant, and more than 44% of it was stored in husks. About 0.8-2.6 mg As/(m2 yr) was extracted by plants from soil according to the average dry weight of the plant and the field planting density, while 2.4–28.0?mg As/(m2 yr) entered the soil based on the irrigated groundwater volume and the arsenic level in groundwater. Taking account of the cotton residues left after harvest, up to 85.8% of arsenic in the plants returned to the soil. After calculation, about 0.7–2.2?mg As/(m2 yr) returned to the soil, and thus the actual net arsenic input to the soil could reach 2.3–27.6?mg As/(m2 yr). Because of an obvious rise of the soil arsenic level in Kuitun, Xinjiang, and certain preventive measures should be taken to prevent the propagation of arsenic in the agricultural field.  相似文献   

淹水-控温模式下砷污染水稻土溶液中砷形态的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以水稻种植区的砷污染土壤为研究对象,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)-电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)联用分析测试系统,研究了不同培养温度(5、27和50℃)对灭菌和不灭菌的土壤淹水后其溶液中砷赋存形态变化的影响.结果表明:在土壤溶液中检测到的砷形态只有无机三价砷(AsⅢ)、无机五价砷(Asv)和有机的二甲基砷(DMAv),未检测到单甲基砷(MMAv)的存在;在不同控温条件下随淹水时间的延长,AsⅢ逐渐转变为砷的主要赋存形态,平均比例约为64%;Asv次之,约占35%,DMAv的含量相对最低,约占1%;土壤灭菌与否对土壤溶液中五价砷的水平没有明显影响,但明显影响了五价砷的还原和促进了无机三价砷的甲基化,并且灭菌的促进效果随着淹水及培养时间的延长而逐渐降低;50℃、淹水23 d时,灭菌土壤溶液中DMAv浓度最高,为23.7 ng·mL-1,这说明灭菌土壤中残留的某些嗜热微生物成为优势菌群并促进了土壤溶液中砷的甲基化.结合水稻生长的实际环境条件对该研究结果进行分析,培养温度27℃淹水23 d后不灭菌的自然土壤溶液中砷浓度处于较低水平,因此在砷污染的水稻种植区建议采用短周期干湿交替的水分管理模式,在保障产量的情况下可尽量降低土壤溶液中砷的水平.  相似文献   

不同土壤类型和肥力玉米地土壤养分根际效应研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
采集吉林省玉米植株及土壤样品,研究不同土壤类型和肥力,玉米不同品种和生育时期土壤-植物系统根际养分动态变化及植物吸收的相互关系,结果表明,玉米地土壤NH^+4-N、NO^-3-N在根际富集,其变化主要与化肥供应有关,高肥力土壤根际有效磷亏缺,种植密度越大,根际亏缺率超大;低肥力土壤则有效磷在根际略高。高肥力土壤有效钾较高,根际有效钾富集也更明显,茎叶、根对养分的吸收量顺序为:N  相似文献   

以水稻种植区的砷污染土壤为研究对象,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)-电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)联用分析测试系统,研究了不同培养温度(5、27和50 ℃)对灭菌和不灭菌的土壤淹水后其溶液中砷赋存形态变化的影响.结果表明: 在土壤溶液中检测到的砷形态只有无机三价砷(As)、无机五价砷(AsV)和有机的二甲基砷(DMAV),未检测到单甲基砷(MMAV)的存在;在不同控温条件下随淹水时间的延长,As逐渐转变为砷的主要赋存形态,平均比例约为64%;AsV次之,约占35%,DMAV的含量相对最低,约占1%;土壤灭菌与否对土壤溶液中五价砷的水平没有明显影响,但明显影响了五价砷的还原和促进了无机三价砷的甲基化,并且灭菌的促进效果随着淹水及培养时间的延长而逐渐降低;50 ℃、淹水23 d时,灭菌土壤溶液中DMAV浓度最高,为23.7 ng·mL-1,这说明灭菌土壤中残留的某些嗜热微生物成为优势菌群并促进了土壤溶液中砷的甲基化.结合水稻生长的实际环境条件对该研究结果进行分析,培养温度27 ℃淹水23 d后不灭菌的自然土壤溶液中砷浓度处于较低水平,因此在砷污染的水稻种植区建议采用短周期干湿交替的水分管理模式,在保障产量的情况下可尽量降低土壤溶液中砷的水平.  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同腐殖酸浓度下参与含砷水铁矿转化的微生物类群组成和丰度变化及对砷释放的影响,预测原位高砷含水层中功能微生物群参与有机质—含砷铁矿物转化过程对砷转化释放的作用。【方法】对河套平原高砷地下水和同深度高砷沉积物中的铁还原功能群落进行富集培养,构建室内厌氧微宇宙体系,将富集菌群分别加入到实验室条件下合成的不同浓度腐殖酸(0、1.5、7、14 mg C/L)-含砷水铁矿体系中,通过体系中砷、铁形态及浓度的变化分析,结合高通量测序技术、X-射线衍射(X-ray diffractometer, XRD),探究不同条件下砷的释放固定和群落的演替。【结果】高砷地下水组(G组)和沉积物组(S组)富集得到的铁还原功能群落具有明显差异,G组中以Aeromonadaceae为特殊优势菌群,而S组中以Shewanellaceae为特殊优势菌群。微宇宙实验结果显示,S组的铁还原量相对较高且速率较快;G组与S组中液相砷形态存在明显差异,整个培养期内G组均以As(Ⅴ)为主,而S组中前期以As(Ⅴ)为主,当反应到达20 d时液相As(Ⅲ)高达3.4μmol/L,推测此时具有砷还原功能的群落占优势地位。当反应...  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty-eight arsenic-resistant bacteria were isolated by an enrichment culture method from a total of 69 arsenic-contaminated soil-samples collected from Dantchaeng district in Suphanburi province (47 samples), and from Ron Phiboon district in Nakhon Sri Thammarat province (22 samples), in Central and Southern Thailand, respectively. Twenty-four of the 288 isolated arsenic-resistant bacteria were found to be arsenite-oxidizing bacteria. On the basis of their morphological, cultural, physiological, biochemical and chemotaxonomic characteristics, and supported by phylogenetic analysis based upon their 16S rRNA gene sequences, they were divided into five groups, within the genera Acinetobacter, Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, Sinorhizobium and Sphingomonas, respectively. Within genera, phylogenetic analysis using the 16S rRNA gene sequences suggested that they were comprised of at least ten species, five isolates being closely related to known bacteria (Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NCCB 22016T, Pseudomonas plecoglossicida FPC951T, Ps. knackmussii B13T, Sinorhizobium morelense Lc04T, and Sphingomonas subterranea IFO16086T). The other five proposed species are likely to be new species closely related to Flavobacterium johnsoniae, Sinorhizobium morelense, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Pseudomonas plecoglossicida, but this awaits further characterization for confirmation of the taxonomic status. No overlap in isolated species or strains was observed between the two sites. The strain distribution and characterization are described.  相似文献   

磷对土壤中砷吸附的影响   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
在黄壤、红壤和褐土中进行As的等温吸附实验表明,在不添加P的情况下,3种土壤对As的吸附能力随土壤pH的升高而降低,随土壤粘粒含量的降低而减弱,3种土壤吸附能力为黄壤>红壤>褐土,As在土壤中的吸附受P存在的影响,60mg·kg-1的P可以降低黄壤和红壤对As最大吸附量.吸附质中P:As的比例不同,P对土壤吸附As的影响差异很大:吸附质中P:As=1:2时,土壤对As的吸附能力均强于P:As=1:1和P:As=2:1,后两者差异不显著,表明土壤中的吸附点位对As和P的亲和性具有一定的差异,Languir方程能很好地拟合所测得的土壤平衡溶液中As浓度。  相似文献   

As a cost-effective, efficient and environmental friendly method for the remediation of contaminated soils and waters, phytoremediation of arsenic-con- taminated soils has drawn more and more attention[1]. The plants with the special ability to accumulate arse-nic (hyperaccumulators) are a prerequisite for phy-toremediation. Cretan brake (Pteris cretica L. var nervosa Thunb) has been shown to accumulate arsenic as much as 694 mg/kg in pinna in field investigation[2], and such elevated arsenic…  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation extended X-ray absorption fine structure (SR EXAFS) was employed to study the transformation of coordination environment and the redox speciation of arsenic in a newly discovered arsenic hyperaccumulator, Cretan brake (Pteris cretica L. var nervosa Thunb). It showed that the arsenic in the plant mainly coordinated with oxygen, except that some arsenic coordinated with S as As-GSH in root. The complexation of arsenic with GSH might not be the predominant detoxification mechanism in Cretan brake. Although some arsenic in root presented as As(V) in Na2HAsO4 treatments, most of arsenic in plant presented as As(III)-O in both treatments, indicating that As(V) tended to be reduced to As(III) after it was taken up into the root, and arsenic was kept as As(III) when it was transported to the above-ground tissues. The reduction of As(V) primarily proceeded in the root.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance is a risk factor for non-response to interferon/ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C. The aim of this study was to determine the role played by protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) in the absence of interferon-α (IFNα) response associated with insulin resistance. We induced insulin resistance by silencing IRS-2 or by treating HepG2 cells with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and analyzed insulin response by evaluating Akt phosphorylation and IFNα response by measuring Stat-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthase and myxovirus resistance gene expression. The response to IFNα was also measured in insulin-resistant obese mice (high fat diet and ob/ob mice) untreated and treated with metformin. Silencing IRS-2 mRNA induces insulin resistance and inhibits IFNα response. Likewise, TNFα suppresses insulin and IFNα response. Treatment of cells with pervanadate and knocking down PTP-1B restores insulin and IFNα response. Both silencing IRS-2 and TNFα treatment increase PTP and PTP-1B activity. Metformin inhibits PTP and improves IFNα response in insulin-resistant cells. Insulin-resistant ob/ob mice have increased PTP-1B gene expression and activity in the liver and do not respond to IFNα administration. Treatment with metformin improves this response. In HepG2 cells, insulin resistance provokes IFNα resistance, which is associated with an increased PTP-1B activity in the liver. Inhibition of PTP-1B activity with pervanadate and metformin or knocking down PTP-1B reestablishes IFNα response. Likewise, metformin decreases PTP-1B activity and improves response to IFNα in insulin-resistant obese mice. The use of PTP-1B inhibitors may improve the response to IFNα/ribavirin therapy.  相似文献   

Total aerobic heterotrophs and N2-fixing putative azospirilla associated with rice plant grown in long-term unfertilized wetland rice field at 5 sites in the Philippines were enumerated. Several azospirilla isolates were identified based on cellular morphology, biochemical tests and reaction to immunodiffusion. Azospirilla constitute about one percent of the total aerobic heterotrophs. Most (85%) of the Azospirillum isolates belong toA. lipoferum indicating its preferential colonization to the rice plant.  相似文献   

Aims:  To evaluate the killing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 on copper cast alloys and the influence of genes on survival on copper containing medium and surfaces.
Methods and Results:  Different strains of P. aeruginosa were inoculated on copper containing medium or different copper cast alloys and the survival rate determined. The survival rates were compared with rates on copper-free medium and stainless steel as control. In addition, the effect of temperature on survival was examined.
Conclusions:  Copper cast alloys had been previously shown to be bactericidal to various bacteria, but the mechanism of copper-mediated killing is still not known. In this report, we demonstrate that P. aeruginosa PAO1 is rapidly killed on different copper cast alloys and that genes involved in conferring copper resistance in copper-containing medium also influenced survival on copper cast alloys. We also show that the rate of killing is influenced by temperature.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  To use copper surfaces more widely as bactericidal agents in various settings, it is important to understand how genes influence survival on these surfaces. Here we show that genes shown to be involved in copper resistance in P. aeruginosa PAO1 can have an impact on the length of survival time on copper cast alloys under certain conditions. This is an important first step for evaluation of future use of copper surfaces as bactericidal agents.  相似文献   


Natural zeolites are widely used to minimise the impact of some pollutants in the environment, such as the removal of metals in various water sources as well as effluents used in the mining and metallurgical industry and in the treatment of mining acid solutions. The most common varieties of zeolites are analcime, chabazite, clinoptilolite, heroinite, ferrierite, mordenite. Researchers have studied for decades their synthesis, structure and proprieties, and as a result a large number of patents have been obtained on the preparation of different types of zeolite in conjunction with metals or metal compounds as selective adsorbents for anions and cations of water solutions. For example, iron, zirconium and magnesium hydroxide show selectivity in the adsorption of arsenic among other industrial applications of great interest.

This study shows the importance of using natural pre-treated zeolites in the adsorption of arsenic in water due to the adsorption percentages that are higher than 90%, controlling the pH in the pre-treatment. Samples were treated at different pH levels, getting a better adjustment of isotherms of adsorption at pH = 9 with ZP-9.  相似文献   

Genes involved in senescence and immortalization   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Senescence is now understood to be the final phenotypic state adopted by a cell in response to several distinct cell physiological processes, including proliferation, oncogene activation and oxygen free radical toxicity. The role of telomere maintenance in immortalization and the roles of p16(INK4A), p19(ARF), p53 and other genes in senescence are being further elucidated. Significant progress continues to be made in our understanding of cellular senescence and immortalization.  相似文献   

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