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Fossil skeletal apatites vary in their composition and can yield mixed biochemical, environmental and diagenetic information. Thus, it is important to evaluate the diagenesis spatially inside the skeleton. We study the cross sections of shells of the Furongian lingulate brachiopod Ungula ingrica from Estonia using the Attenuated Total Reflectance – Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR‐FTIR) microspectroscopic and energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) mapping and show for the first time that different structural laminae of the shell have different chemical compositions. Compact laminae are rich in PO43?, Na, Mg and poor in F and Ca. Porous (baculate) laminae are rich in carbonate anions, Ca and F, but contain less Na and Mg. The ATR‐FTIR spectra show further differences in the ν2 carbonate region, where the IR band at 872 cm?1 in compact laminae is replaced by a strong band at 864 cm?1 in baculate laminae. The changes in shell apatite suggest different origins of the apatite phases. Compact laminae are likely chemically less altered and could potentially carry more reliable palaeoenvironmental or geochemical information than the apatite in baculate laminae, which is mostly authigenic in its origin.  相似文献   

Juvenile Terebratalia transversa (Brachiopoda) metabolize carbohydrates in the anterior-most marginal mantle at a rate of 0.46 μM glucose/g/hr (in vitro incubation of mantle in C14-glucose in a carrying medium of 10-3 M non-radioactive glucose). The rate declines to 0.18μM glucose/g/hr in full-grown specimens. Carbohydrate metabolism in the marginal (anterior-most) mantle averages approximately 3.7 times greater than metabolism in (a portion of the ‘posterior’) mantle situated between the coelomic canals and the marginal mantle. This ratio remains constant in specimens of all sizes (i.e. an ontogenetic trend in the ratio is absent at p≤ 0.05). Organic acids are not detectable within the mantle (HPLC techniques) even after simulated anoxia (N2 bubbling during mantle incubation). Glucose metabolism in vitro declines in both the marginal and ‘posterior’ mantles during anoxia and the metabolic ratio between marginal/‘posterior’ mantles becomes 1/1. We found no difference (at p≤ 0.05) in mean metabolic activity or in sue-related metabolic trends among populations from depths ranging between mean sea level and 70 m. However, the activity within the ‘posterior’ mantle was more variable in specimens from 70 m than in those from shallower habitats (10 m - mean sea level). The size of the specimens analyzed was most variable in the groups obtained from the shallowest habitats and least variable at 70 m depth. Our results may help define the energetics of fossil as well as living brachiopod shell growth. Brachiopod shell growth is known to be very slow relative to that of bivalves and our results indicate that this is a result of the animals' slow metabolism. The inflation of the valves in T. transversa is, in part, a function of the high ratio of intermediary metabolism in the marginal vs‘posterior’ mantle (i.e. parallels the relative growth rates at the shell margin vs‘posterior’ areas). We found that the bivalve, Chlamys hastata, which is commonly associated with T. transversa, has a lower ratio of metabolic activities in the ventral/dorsal mantle areas than the brachiopod has in the anterior/posterior. The difference produces a flatter shell in the bivalve in accord with allometric principles. The higher metabolic rate in the marginal vs‘posterior’ brachiopod mantle and its more pronounced decline with anaerobiosis is reflected in the greater definition of growth increments in the outer shell layer. Our results do not support recent generalizations that correlate shell thickness of a wide variety of invertebrates inversely with metabolic rate. Growth rate as determined from width of shell growth increments is a better index of metabolic rate. Although the genetic basis of glucose metabolism is unknown, the observed metabolic variability is consistent with suggestions that populations of marine organisms living in stable offshore environments are genetically more variable but morphologically more uniform than populations from shallow water. Furthermore, our results support suggestions that bivalved molluscs and brachiopods are very different metabolically, but the data are neutral with respect to theories of competitive exclusion of the two taxa throughout geologic history.  相似文献   

The bizarre watering pot shells of the clavagellid bivalve Brechites comprise a calcareous tube encrusted frequently with sand grains and other debris, the anterior end of which terminates in a convex perforated plate (the ‘watering pot’). It has not proved easy to understand how such extreme morphologies are produced. Previously published models have proposed that the tube and ‘watering pot’ are formed separately, outside the periostracum, and fuse later. Here we present the results of a detailed study of the structure and repair of the tubes of Brechites vaginiferus which suggest that these models are not correct. Critical observations include the fact that the external surface of the tube and ‘watering pot’ are covered by a thin organic film, on to the inner surface of which the highly organized aragonite crystals are secreted. There is no evidence of a suture between the tube and the ‘watering pot’ or that the periostracum of the juvenile shell passes through the wall of the tube. Live individuals of B. vaginiferus are able to repair substantial holes in the tube or ‘watering pot’ by laying down a new organic film followed by subsequent calcareous layers. Brechites vaginiferus displays Type C mantle fusion, with the result that the whole animal is encased by a continuous ring of mantle and periostracum, thereby making it possible to secrete a continuous ‘ring’ of shell material. On the basis of these observations we suggest that watering pot shells are not extra‐periostracal but are the product of simple modification of ‘normal’ shell‐secreting mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification is occurring globally through increasing CO2 absorption into the oceans creating particular concern for calcifying species. In addition to ocean acidification, near shore marine habitats are exposed to the deleterious effects of runoff from acid sulfate soils which also decreases environmental pH. This coastal acidification is being exacerbated by climate change‐driven sea‐level rise and catchment‐driven flooding. In response to reduction in habitat pH by ocean and coastal acidification, mollusks are predicted to produce thinner shells of lower structural integrity and reduced mechanical properties threatening mollusk aquaculture. Here, we present the first study to examine oyster biomineralization under acid sulfate soil acidification in a region where growth of commercial bivalve species has declined in recent decades. Examination of the crystallography of the shells of the Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata, by electron back scatter diffraction analyses revealed that the signal of environmental acidification is evident in the structure of the biomineral. Saccostrea glomerata, shows phenotypic plasticity, as evident in the disruption of crystallographic control over biomineralization in populations living in coastal acidification sites. Our results indicate that reduced sizes of these oysters for commercial sale may be due to the limited capacity of oysters to biomineralize under acidification conditions. As the impact of this catchment source acidification will continue to be exacerbated by climate change with likely effects on coastal aquaculture in many places across the globe, management strategies will be required to maintain the sustainable culture of these key resources.  相似文献   

Nautilusr pompilius and N. macromphalus shells show, under cathodoluminescence microscopy. a zoned luminescence of yellow to green for the former and blue to blue-green for the latter. Cathodoluminescence results from fluctuations in the amount of manganese present in the aragonite. There is a relationship between this phenomenon and growth lines. Luminescence intensity increases with ontogeny. Variations in the metabolic activity appear to be linked with the manganese content of the shell. Environmental factors may have an effect by way of their repercussion on the metabolic activity of Nautilus . The Mn2+ amount may be influenced by the physico-chemical pattern of the surrounding water but it appears also to be controlled at the species level.  相似文献   

Recent archaeogastropoda secrete their first conch (primary shell) without producing increments of growth. This conch remains attached to the epithelium responsible for its production until completed. Only afterwards does tissue detach from the edge of the shell and the conch begins to function as a protective exoskeleton. After a potential swimming phase by the veliger larva, the organic primary shell is deformed by mechanical means through muscular tension from the inside and the outside of the conch. It then becomes mineralized by aragonitic crystallites and, thus, functional for the use of a benthic animal. The embryonic conch of ammonites (ammonitella) is devoid of increments of growth. The inner lip (dorsal side) of the aperture became flattened after the evenly rounded primary conch had been secreted. The primary organic shell was mineralized by aragonitic crystallites from within. All these features of the formation of the ammonitella can be interpreted in the light of early shell formation of recent archaeogastropods.  相似文献   

The structure of the Capillaria hepatica egg shell was studied with the electron microscope and correlated with light microscope histochemical observations. The shell is composed of fibrous and nonfibrous components, both of which stain for protein. The fibrous component, the major portion of the shell, consists of submicroscopic fibers. The nonfibrous component is located in the outer region of the shell but is not always visible; when present it has a reticulated appearance in electron micrographs. The fibrous component is divided into outer and inner regions. The outer region is composed of radially arranged pillars which are connected at their outer surface by a beam-like network and are anchored at the base to a compact inner region. The inner region consists of a series of concentrically arranged lamellae above which is located a nonlaminated region where the pillar bases originate. At each polar end of the shell is a single opening plugged with a material which contains acid mucopolysaccharide. The fine structure of the body of the plug is unresolvable with the electron microscope; its outer surface is impregnated with electron dense particles. Externally the shell is covered by a 250 Å thick continuous membrane which is in close opposition to the surrounding host tissue.  相似文献   

The tommotiid Paterimitra pyramidalis Laurie, 1986, is redescribed based on well‐preserved material from the lower Cambrian Wilkawillina, Wirrapowie and Ajax limestones of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. The material shows that the scleritome of Paterimitra pyramidalis includes three sclerite morphotypes (S1, S2 and L). Detailed shell microstructure studies show striking similarities with both the paterinid brachiopod Askepasma toddense and the tommotiid Eccentrotheca helenia, which strengthens the suggested evolutionary link between tommotiids and brachiopods. Based on the partly articulated specimens and similarities in shell microstructure and sclerite morphology with Eccentrotheca, Paterimitra pyramidalis is reconstructed as a tube‐dwelling, epifaunal, sessile, filter‐feeder with an organic pedicle‐like attachment structure. The proposed reconstruction of the scleritome comprises a basal unit composed of one S1 and one S2 sclerite, as well as an unresolved number of L sclerites lining a coniform tubular structure.  相似文献   

ZnxCd1‐xS/alginate core/shell nanoparticles were synthesized via a colloidal route by reacting zinc and cadmium ions with sulfide ions, followed by coating with alginate. The crystal structure, morphology, size and optical properties of the core/shell nanoparticles were characterized by X‐ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, UV/vis and photoluminescent spectra, respectively. The ZnxCd1‐xS nanoparticles are spherical and have a cubic structure with a mean crystalline size of 2–4 nm. The band gap of ZnxCd1‐xS/alginate core/shell nanoparticles increases with increasing Zn/Cd molar ratio, and the UV/vis absorption blue‐shifts correspondingly. Two emissions related to zinc and sulfide ion vacancies were observed for the ZnxCd1‐xS/alginate core/shell nanoparticles due to the surface changes from the alginate coating. A cadmium‐related emission was observed for both the uncovered ZnxCd1‐xS and ZnxCd1‐xS/alginate core/shell nanoparticles, which has a significant blue‐shift with increasing Zn/Cd molar ratio. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Monoclinic‐type tetragonal LaPO4:Eu (core) and LaPO4:Eu@LaPO4 (core/shell) nanorods (NRs) were successfully prepared using a urea‐based co‐precipitation process under ambient conditions. An amorphous silica layer was coated around the luminescent core/shell NRs via the sol–gel process to improve their solubility and colloidal stability in aqueous and non‐aqueous media. The prepared nano‐products were systematically characterized by X‐ray diffraction pattern, transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X‐ray analysis, and FTIR, UV/Vis, and photoluminescence spectroscopy to examine their phase purity, crystal phase, surface chemistry, solubility and luminescence characteristics. The length and diameter of the nano‐products were in the range 80–120 nm and 10–15 nm, respectively. High solubility of the silica‐modified core/shell/Si NRs was found for the aqueous medium. The luminescent core NRs exhibited characteristic excitation and emission transitions in the visible region that were greatly affected by surface growth of insulating LaPO4 and silica layers due to the multiphonon relaxation rate. Our luminescence spectral results clearly show a distinct difference in intensities for core, core/shell, and core/shell/Si NRs. Highly luminescent NRs with good solubility could be useful candidates for a variety of photonic‐based biomedical applications.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of MSP-1, a major water-soluble glycoprotein in the foliated calcite shell layer of the scallop Patinopecten yessoensis, is reported. The full-length complementary DNA for MSP-1 isolated by polymerase chain reaction contained a sequence for a signal peptide of 20 amino acids followed by a polypeptide of 820 amino acids with calculated molecular mass of 74.5 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of MSP-1 includes a high proportion of Ser (32%), Gly (25%), and Asp (20%), and the predicted isoelectric point is 3.2; in these respects, MSP-1 is a typical acidic glycoprotein of mineralized tissues. A repeated modular structure characterizes MSP-1, with a sequence unit between 158 and 177 amino acids in length being repeated 4 times in tandem in the middle part of the protein. The repeated unit comprises 3 modules (SG, D, and K domains), each having a distinct amino acid composition and sequence. The SG domain is almost exclusively composed of Ser and Gly residues. The D domain is rich in Asp residues, potential N-glycosylation and phosphorylation sites. The K domain is rich in Gly residues and has a core of basic residues. The Asp residues are arranged more or less regularly in the D domains, exhibiting some repeated motifs such as Asp-Gly-Ser-Asp and Asp-Ser-Asp. Further, the 4 D domains indicate remarkable overall sequence similarities to each other. These observations suggest that the regular arrangements of COO groups in the D domain side chains may be important for specific control of crystal growth. Received September 19, 2000; accepted February 9, 2001  相似文献   

Populations of the freshwater mussel Hyridella menziesi were compared from six lakes and one river site along the Waikato River system, North Island, New Zealand. Estimated densities ranged from several hundred per square metre in Lake Taupo to less than one per square metre in Lake Karapiro. Length-frequencies were similar at all sites, with unimodal distributions and a notable absence of any individuals less than 20 mm long. The extent of shell erosion varied from sites where most mussels had less than 1% of the right valve affected (i.e., Ohakuri & Karapiro), to Lake Aratiatia where most shells had erosion over 1–20% of their surface. Taupo and Ohakuri mussels showed an unusually high incidence (over 50%) of internal shell abnormalities (including dulling, deformities and protuberances). Canonical discrimination based on shell length, height, width and weight clearly separated Taupo and Ohakuri mussels from all other sites, and ANCOVA on morphological characteristics confirmed significant differences between sites. Physical condition indices (based on dry flesh weight per shell weight and shell volume) showed an increasing downstream trend, but this was not significantly correlated with food availability (i.e., chlorophyll a concentration) because of unexpectedly low condition in lakes Ohakuri and Karapiro. Length v. age relationships contained considerable scatter and did not show between-site differences. Measured differences in external erosion, internal shell abnormalities and morphology were attributed to physical, chemical and biological factors. Use of mussels for environmental monitoring must take these background differences into account.  相似文献   

An assemblage of tannuolinid sclerites is described from the Amouslek Formation (Souss Basin) of the Anti‐Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The assemblage contains two species, Tannuolina maroccana n. sp., which is represented by a small number of mitral and sellate sclerites, and Micrina sp., represented by a single mitral sclerite. Tannuolina maroccana differs from other species of the genus in the presence of both bilaterally symmetrical and strongly asymmetrical sellate sclerites. This observation suggests that the scleritome of Tannuolina was more complex than previously thought and that this tommotiid may have held a more basal position in the brachiopod stem group than previously assumed. The shell structure of both T. maroccana and Micrina sp. is well preserved and exhibits two fundamentally different sets of tubular structures, only one of which was likely to contain shell‐penetrating setae. Based on these observations, the structure of the tannuolinid shell is discussed and its implications for the evolution of tubular microstructures in stem and crown group brachiopods are analysed.  相似文献   

The squeezing hypothesis and the organic frameworks preformation hypothesis propose two different mechanisms to explain the interaction between organic frameworks and crystals during biomineralization of the prismatic layer of the mollusk shell. In this study, we began to study Hyriopsis cumingii shell formation and discover that this species seemed to follow the squeezing hypothesis. During the formation of the aragonite prismatic layer in the freshwater bivalve H. cumingii, we found that crystal growth was involved in controlling initiation of formation of the interprismatic organic membranes. First, newly formed crystals were embedded in the periostracum. Next, the interprismatic organic membranes of the prismatic layer were produced via squeezing between neighboring crystals. The organic matrix secreted by the mantle continuously self‐assembled into the interprismatic organic membranes as the crystals grew. In the mature stage, the interprismatic organic membranes were shaped by crystal growth. These findings provide evidence to support the squeezing hypothesis and add to the existing knowledge about interactions that occur at the organic–inorganic interfaces during mollusk shell biomineralization.  相似文献   

Changes in continental ostracode shell chemistry; uncertainty of cause   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ostracode shell chemistry is a powerful tool for recording changes of certain dissolved ions in their environment. Such data are commonly interpreted in terms of change in temperature and salinity, which are then used to offer insights into paleohydrology and from that paleoclimate. In particular, the changes in Sr/Cashell are believed to reflect changes in salinity, and the changes in Mg/Cashell to reflect both salinity and water temperature. However, the established application of this proxy too often ignores the complexities involved in the chemical changes accompanying solute evolution, hydrologic change, physical chemistry, and the autoecology and biology of ostracodes. Chemical changes occur: (1) in the dissolved Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios during solute evolution, (2) as a consequence of multiple sources of water, but especially ground and surface water interchange as well as evaporation, (3) as a consequence of different dissolved cation–anion pair formation at various concentrations, and (4) because of bio/ecologic effects, including seasonality of molting and taxa-specific ionic regulation capabilities. We suggest that changes in shell chemistry in a stratigraphic sequence tell us when changes occurred in the solutes, but cannot identify what caused those change(s) in the chemical environment. Inclusion of information from other paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic proxies that co-occur with ostracode shells may help to limit the choices amongst possible causes.
Emi ItoEmail:

Mori K  Kim J  Sasaki K 《Peptides》2011,32(2):246-252
Orexin (ORX) plays a critical role in reward-seeking behavior for natural rewards and drugs of abuse. The mesolimbic dopamine (DA) pathway that projects into the nucleus accumbens (NAc) from the ventral tegmental area is deeply involved in the neural mechanisms underlying reward, drug abuse and motivation. A recent study demonstrated that ORX-immunopositive fibers densely project into the shell of the NAc (NAcSh), suggesting that the NAcSh might be a site of the interaction between the ORXergic and DAergic systems for reward-seeking behavior. Therefore, the electrophysiological effects of ORX-B and DA on NAcSh neurons were examined extracellularly in rat brain slice preparations. ORX-B excited approximately 78% of neurons tested and inhibited 4%, whereas DA excited 50% and inhibited 22% of NAcSh neurons. These excitations and inhibitions persisted during synaptic blockade in a low-Ca2+/high-Mg2+ solution. DA-induced excitation was attenuated by SCH23390 or sulpiride, whereas DA-induced inhibition was suppressed by sulpiride. Of the neurons that were excited by ORX-B, 71% and 18% were excited and inhibited by DA, respectively. In 63% of neurons that were excited by ORX-B, the simultaneous application of ORX-B and DA increased the firing rate to two times greater than ORX-B alone, whereas, the simultaneous application significantly decreased the neuronal firing rate by 73% in the remaining 37% compared to ORX-B. These results suggest that an interaction between the ORXergic and DAergic systems occurs in the NAcSh and that the NAcSh is involved in the neural mechanisms in which ORX participates in the regulation of reward-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

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