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Recent hypotheses on metazoan phylogeny have recognized three main clades of bilaterian animals: Deuterostomia, Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa. The acoelomate and 'pseudocoelomate' metazoans, including the Platyhelminthes, long considered basal bilaterians, have been referred to positions within these clades by many authors. However, a recent study based on ribosomal DNA placed the flatworm group Acoela as the sister group of all other extant bilaterian lineages. Unexpectedly, the nemertodermatid flatworms, usually considered the sister group of the Acoela together forming the Acoelomorpha, were grouped separately from the Acoela with the rest of the Platyhelminthes (the Rhabditophora) within the Lophotrochozoa. To re-evaluate and clarify the phylogenetic position of the Nemertodermatida, new sequence data from 18S ribosomal DNA and mitochondrial genes of nemertodermatid and other bilaterian species were analysed with parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. The analyses strongly support a basal position within the Bilateria for the Nemertodermatida as a sister group to all other bilaterian taxa except the Acoela. Despite the basal position of both Nemertodermatida and Acoela, the clade Acoelomorpha was not retrieved. These results imply that the last common ancestor of bilaterian metazoans was a small, benthic, direct developer without segments, coelomic cavities, nephrida or a true brain. The name Nephrozoa is proposed for the ancestor of all bilaterians excluding the Nemertodermatida and the Acoela, and its descendants.  相似文献   

Meara stichopi and an undescribed species of Meara, both endosymbiotic in the intestine of aspidochirote holothurians, possess filiform extraepidermal bacteria among the epidermal cilia. Similar bacteria were also observed on one specimen of the free-living species Nemertoderma westbladi. The bacteria are of the gram-negative type, as evident by cell wall structure and results from gramstaining. On a few specimens of M. stichopi, the bacteria were found to carry peculiar distal appendages, or buds, on stalked cup-shaped cell extensions. As the bacteria described here appear to be species specific, they can be used in addition to other features in the often problematic characterization of the nemertodermatid species.  相似文献   

This preliminary mechanistic model of normal swimming and phototactic behaviour in individual Daphnia was constructed using data and assumptions based on experiments and observations. Swimming under constant light intensity is characterized by short periods of upward movements alternating with equal periods of downward movements. Two oscillators are proposed that generate these phases in swimming. Unexpected shifts in depth, as observed in D. magna and D. longispina, are also present in the swimming of the computer daphnid and thus seem to be inherent to the underlying mechanism. As in real daphnids, during relative decreases in light intensity of low velocity, positive phototactic upward swimming is stepwise. With increasing velocity in the change in light, these steps disappear. When the model is triggered by a natural increase in light at dawn, a small downward movement results. Migration distance can be increased to commonly found depths of migrating Daphnia by the introduction of a fish exudate factor into the model, which enhances the phototactic response. Since attenuation of light in the water affects the phototactic swimming response, it also influences migration distance. The results of model calculations agree quite well with an empirical relationship between Secchi disc depth and amplitude of diel vertical migration in a number of lakes.  相似文献   

The Nemertodermatida is a small group of worms, regarded as an order of the Platyhelminthes. The group is of special systematic interest because of its putative basal phylogenetic position in the Platyhelminthes. The phylogeny of the Nemertodermatida was estimated using paup 4.0 software for parsimony analysis. The analysis was based on 72 structural parsimony-informative characters totalling 184 different character states. All eight well described species of nemertodermatids were included in the ingroup. As outgroup were chosen species of the Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida and Xenoturbellida. A single most parsimonious tree was obtained with 140 steps and a consistency index (CI) of 0.80. The Nemertodermatida, Ascoparidae and Nemertodermatidae are shown as monophyletic taxa in the tree. The species Nemertoderma psammicola does not group with the other members of the genus Nemertoderma , hence criteria of phylogenetic taxonomy imply that N. psammicola should be renamed. A suggested new name is Sterreria psammicola gen. n .  相似文献   

Abstract. The nervous system of the benthic freshwater rotifer, Notommata copeus , was examined using antibody probes, epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy, and digital imaging to highlight similarities with other monogonont rotifers. Immunoreactivity to anti-FMRFamide (Phe–Met–Arg–Phe–NH2), -SCPb (small cardioactive peptide b), and -serotonin (5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine) was present in the central, peripheral, and stomatogastric nervous system. Specifically, anti-FMRFamide and -SCPb staining was abundant in perikarya and neurites of the cerebral ganglion, ventrolateral nerve cords, and mastax. In addition, a single loop-like neurite was present in between the nerve cords at the posterior end of the body. Serotonergic neurites were also abundant, and highlighted several cerebral pathways that included connections to the nerve cords and possibly the mastax. Novel neural pathways were also present in the posterior trunk region, where serotonergic neurites innervated the foot and lateral body wall. The results presented herein also highlight the utility of 3D visualization software to gain further insights into the organization and architecture of the rotifer cerebral ganglion.  相似文献   

The blocking effect of 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB) was investigated on single Cl- channels of the cultured human colon carcinoma cells, HT29. In the absence of NPPB, the open-time histogram yielded two time constants, with 0.9 ms and 33 ms, whereas the closed-time distribution could be fitted by a single exponential with a time constant of 0.7 ms. Addition of NPPB in the range 1-50 microM induced brief closing events of the single-channel current. This resulted in a decrease of the long open-time constant to 2.1 ms and in an increase of the closed-time constant to 1.8 ms at 50 microM NPPB concentration. The short open-time constant did not change at low blocker concentration (1 microM), but could no longer be resolved at higher concentrations. The open-state probability decreased from 0.9 (control conditions) to 0.5 at 50 microM NPPB. The Hill plot yielded a Hill coefficient of about 0.7, compatible with one NPPB molecule inhibiting one channel molecule. The kinetics of channel gating are described by a sequential model with one closed and two open states. Since in the presence of NPPB no additional time constant appeared in the time histograms, we assumed the same kinetic scheme as under control conditions, and hypothesize that NPPB has an influence on rate constants.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding site of purified bovine brain phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase 230 (PI4K230) was studied by its reaction with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (FSBA), an ATP-like alkylating reagent. Four hundred to eight hundred micromolar FSBA inactivated PI4K230 specifically with apparently first-order kinetics and resulted in 50% loss of enzyme activity in 36--130 min. The specificity of the reaction with FSBA was demonstrated by the lack of inactivation with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl chloride and by protection with ATP and ATP analogues against inactivation. Most ATP analogues competed with FSBA inactivation in order of their increasing hydrophobicity, parallel to their inhibitory potency in activity measurements. The specific binding of FSBA to PI4K230 was demonstrated also by Western-blot experiments. These results suggest that FSBA-reactive group(s) involved in the enzyme activity are located near to the ATP-binding site in a hydrophobic region of native PI4K230. Experiments with site-directed mutagenesis indicate that the conserved Lys-1792 plays essential role in the enzyme activity and serves as one target of affinity labelling by FSBA. Prevention of both Lys-1792-directed and Lys-1792-independent binding of FSBA by Cibacron Blue 3GA suggest that these sites are located spatially close to each other.  相似文献   

Sequence data from the V4 and V7-V9 variable regions of the 18S small subunit ribosomal DNA (ssrDNA) gene were used to examine relationships among 26 tetraphyllidean and two lecanicephalidean taxa. Newly collected specimens of 21 of the tetraphyllidean species were used to generate ssrDNA sequences that were combined with sequences previously available, including those of two diphyllidean taxa used for outgroup rooting. The sequences were aligned by eye according to secondary structural motifs of the conserved core of the molecule. Of the 1520 sites in the alignment, 874 (58%) were excluded from analysis due to alignment gaps and lack of positional homology as inferred by manual inspection. Genetic variability of the ssrDNA gene regions compared was greater than would be expected, based on the present taxonomy of the ingroup species, and the genetic divergences among tetraphyllidean 'families' and genera were comparable to that among tapeworm orders. Phylogenetic hypotheses were generated by the methods of maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood (GTR + I + Gamma nucleotide substitution model). Four most parsimonious trees resulted from analysis by maximum parsimony. Strict consensus of the four trees supported the monophyly of the Tetraphyllidea, with the lecanicephalidean taxa forming a sister lineage. Among the tetraphyllidean taxa included in the analysis were three major clades: a basal clade including species of the phyllobothriid genera Anthocephalum, Echeneibothrium, Rhinebothrium, Rhodobothrium and Spongiobothrium; a clade uniting the phyllobothriids of the genus Duplicibothrium with the dioecotaeniid genus Dioecotaenia; and a larger sister clade to the Duplicibothrium + Dioecotaenia clade that included the phyllobothriid genera Caulohothrium, Ceratobothrium, Clistobothrium, Paraoryigmatobothrium and Prosobothrium, the litobothriid genus Litobothrium and the onchobothriid genera Acanthobothrium, Calliobothrium, Phoreiobothrium and Platybothrium. Maximum likelihood analysis resulted in a topology that was congruent where nodes were strongly supported by parsimony analysis, but differed in the relative positions of the well-supported clades. In addition,maximum likelihood analysis grouped the lecanicephalidean taxa among the tetraphyllidean taxa, indicating paraphyly of the order Tetraphyllidea as currently defined. Relationships suggested by both methods of analysis reflected common host associations of the taxa better than their current classification, suggesting that coevolution has had a significant role in the evolution of the group.  相似文献   

Light and first SEM observations on the pollen ofAegialitis indicate that the two species of the genus are clearly distinguishable from all other genera of the tribeStaticeae to whichAegialitis presently is relegated. Intraspecific exine or aperture dimorphism which appears frequently in this tribe, is not recorded in this genus.A. annulata andA. rotundifolia have distinct monomorphic pollen and show a great resemblance in exine features with the tribePlumbagineae, particularly species ofPlumbago. Considering these and other features, separate subtribal status forAegialitis within thePlumbagineae is proposed.  相似文献   

Nemertodermatida is a small taxon of marine worm-like animals; its position in the tree of life is highly contested. The musculature of Nemertoderma westbladi and Meara stichopi is studied here in detail using fluorescent phalloidin and confocal microscopy. In both species, the musculature is composed of an outer layer of circular and an inner layer of longitudinal musculature, diagonal muscles form a distinct layer in N. westbladi, but in M. stichopi these fibres connect to both other layers. The supraterminally opening male pore and antrum are formed by invagination of the whole body-wall in both species, and the seminal vesicle is lined by a thin net of musculature only in full male maturity. Modifications of the ventral body-wall adjacent to the mouth are small and transient in N. westbladi including no extra musculature, whereas it consists of additional strong U-shaped musculature in M. stichopi. Myogenesis in N. westbladi is not finished in hatchlings and will be completed dorsally in juvenile specimens and ventrally in male mature ones, after the loss of the mouth. Musculature between the two species differs considerably and might give insights into the internal relationships of Nemertodermatida and might prove to be useful in studies investigating their phylogenetic position. More data of other species and developmental changes are needed.  相似文献   

Temnocephala novaezealandiae (family Temnocephalidae) and Troglocaridicola mrazeki and Scutariella georgica (family Scutariellidae) were studied by electron microscopy in an attempt to reveal characters that would indicate their phylogenetic relationship to other members of the Platyhelminthes. Ultrastructural features of the epidermis in these temnocephaloideans are like those of the neoophoran turbellarians. The epidermis is syncytial, is honeycombed by a multitude of gland necks whose secretions produce an epidermal surface film, and is underlaid by a thick basement membrane. Some cells in the parenchyma are compartmentalized by intrusive cell processes from neighboring parenchymal cells in a fashion similar to parenchymal structure in the Monogenea and Digenea. The spermatozoa have a pair of free 9+1 flagella and contain aligned dense bodies. The Temnocephaloidea is evidently derived from an early rhabdocoel-turbellarian-like ancestor.  相似文献   

Numerous previous neuroimaging studies suggest an involvement of cortical motor areas not only in action execution but also in action recognition and understanding. Motor areas of the human brain have also been found to activate during the processing of written and spoken action-related words and sentences. Even more strikingly, stimuli referring to different bodily effectors produced specific somatotopic activation patterns in the motor areas. However, metabolic neuroimaging results can be ambiguous with respect to the processing stage they reflect. This is a serious limitation when hypotheses concerning linguistic processes are tested, since in this case it is usually crucial to distinguish early lexico-semantic processing from strategic effects or mental imagery that may follow lexico-semantic information access. Timing information is therefore pivotal to determine the functional significance of motor areas in action recognition and action-word comprehension. Here, we review attempts to reveal the time course of these processes using neurophysiological methods (EEG, MEG and TMS), in visual and auditory domains. We will highlight the importance of the choice of appropriate paradigms in combination with the corresponding method for the extraction of timing information. The findings will be discussed in the general context of putative brain mechanisms of word and object recognition.  相似文献   

A new species of marine planarian, Obrimoposthia aparala sp. nov. , is described from the Crozet Islands and two other species are newly recorded for these islands, viz. 0. wandeli and Synsiphonium ernesti. The only known freshwater triclad from the Crozets, Dugesia seclusa , is redescribed from the type material. The morphology, ecology, and distribution of these four species is discussed.  相似文献   

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