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Sensory nerves play a vital role in maintaining corneal transparency. They originate in the trigeminal ganglion, which is derived from two embryonic cell populations (cranial neural crest and ectodermal placode). Nonetheless, it is unclear whether corneal nerves arise from neural crest, from placode, or from both. Quail-chick chimeras and species-specific antibodies allowed tracing quail-derived neural crest or placode cells during trigeminal ganglion and corneal development, and after ablation of either neural crest or placode. Neural crest chimeras showed quail nuclei in the proximal part of the trigeminal ganglion, and quail nerves in the pericorneal nerve ring and in the cornea. In sharp contrast, placode chimeras showed quail nuclei in the distal part of the trigeminal ganglion, but no quail nerves in the cornea or in the pericorneal nerve ring. Quail placode-derived nerves were present, however, in the eyelids. Neural crest ablation between stages 8 and 9 resulted in diminished trigeminal ganglia and absence of corneal innervation. Ablation of placode after stage 11 resulted in loss of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal ganglion and reduced corneal innervation. Noninnervated corneas still became transparent. These results indicate for the first time that although both neural crest and placode contribute to the trigeminal ganglion, corneal innervation is entirely neural crest-derived. Nonetheless, proper corneal innervation requires presence of both cell types in the embryonic trigeminal ganglion. Also, complete lack of innervation has no discernible effect on development of corneal transparency or cell densities.  相似文献   

Substance P-immunoreactive neurons were demonstrated in chick embryonic and adult trigeminal ganglion and jugular-superior ganglionic complex using FITC-immunohistochemical methods. Both small-size and large ganglion cells exhibited SP immunoreactivity, without apparent changes during embryonic and post-hatching development. SP-positive fibers could be detected in a good number in the sympathetic cranial cervical ganglion, either during embryonic development or in adult chick. No immunoreactive perikarya were observed in this ganglion. In the ciliary ganglion, both choroidal and ciliary neurons were SP-negative, whereas SP immunoreactive fibers surrounded the perikarya of both cell populations.  相似文献   

Summary The development of substance P (SP) and VIP containing structures of the quail and chick guts was studied by immunocytochemistry. The appearance of VIP and substance P nerves follows a rostrocaudal pattern from day 9 in the quail and day 10 in the chick embryo. Immunoreactive fibres are first visible in the oesophagus and at 12 days they extend over the whole length of the intestine. VIP and substance P ganglionic cells are first localized in the foregut (day 9 for VIP containing neurons and day 13 for SP ones) and observed in the mid- and hind-gut just before hatching. Transplantation on the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of fragments of various parts of the digestive tract were carried out to see whether in such circumstances the pattern of VIP and SP containing nerves was comparable to normal. The explants contained numerous SP and VIP immunofluorescent nerve fibres. In addition, cell bodies with VIP and SP immunoreactivity appeared brightly fluorescent in the enteric ganglia of the graft showing that these peptidergic nerve cells belong to the intrinsic innervation of the gut.  相似文献   

The development of substance P (SP) and VIP containing structures of the quail and chick guts was studied by immunocytochemistry. The appearance of VIP and substance P nerves follows a rostrocaudal pattern from day 9 in the quail and day 10 in the chick embryo. Immunoreactive fibres are first visible in the oesophagus and at 12 days they extend over the whole length of the intestine. VIP and substance P ganglionic cells are first localized in the foregut (day 9 for VIP containing neurons and day 13 for SP ones) and observed in the mid- and hind-gut just before hatching. Transplantation on the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of fragments of various parts of the digestive tract were carried out to see whether in such circumstances the pattern of VIP and SP containing nerves was comparable to normal. The explants contained numerous SP and VIP immunofluorescent nerve fibres. In addition, cell bodies with VIP and SP immunoreactivity appeared brightly fluorescent in the enteric ganglia of the graft showing that these peptidergic nerve cells belong to the intrinsic innervation of the gut.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical and radioimmunoassay studies revealed that both CGRP- and SP-like immunoreactivity in the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract, the substantia gelatinosa and the dorsal cervical spinal cord as well as in cell bodies of the trigeminal ganglion and the spinal dorsal root ganglion is markedly depleted by capsaicin which is known to cause degeneration of a certain number of primary sensory neurons. Higher brain areas and the ventral spinal cord were not affected by capsaicin treatment. Furthermore CGRP and substance P-like immunoreactivity were shown to be colocalized in the above areas and to coexist in cell bodies of the trigeminal ganglion and the spinal dorsal root ganglia. It is suggested that CGRP, like substance P, may have a neuromodulatory role on nociception and peripheral cardiovascular reflexes.  相似文献   

Development and regulation of substance P in sensory neurons in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Substance P (SP), the putative neuropeptide mediator of pain sensation, is contained in small dorsomedial sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglion. Using different culture techniques and a sensitive radioimmunoassay for SP, we studied the ontogeny and regulation of this functionally important neurotransmitter in these neurons, obtained from neonatal rats. In ganglion explants grown by two different techniques, SP increased two- to threefold during the first week in culture. This rise was predominantly due to mechanisms intrinsic to the ganglion since it occurred in a fully defined medium, in the absence of added nerve growth factor (NGF). Blockade of protein synthesis with cycloheximide prevented the increase in SP suggesting that ongoing protein synthesis was necessary. Furthermore, depolarization with veratridine blocked the increase in SP, an effect which was reversed by tetrodotoxin, suggesting that transmitter characteristics in sensory neurons may be regulated by depolarization and/or transmembrane sodium flux. After a week in culture on a collagen substratum, supplementary NGF was necessary for the continued rise in SP. However, raising the dose of the trophic factor had no incremental effect on SP content, suggesting that NGF was acting primarily on neuronal survival. To approach such questions at the cellular level, ganglia were dissociated and grown in cell culture. In all cultures, SP increased 1.5-fold during the first day. In the absence of NGF, however, SP and cell numbers fell progressively after the second day. NGF elicited parallel increases in cell survival and SP content, supporting the suggestion that NGF acts primarily through neuronal survival to increase SP. Veratridine blocked the increase in SP in a tetrodotoxin-reversible manner, without affecting neuronal survival, indicating that the effects of these agents do not depend on normal ganglionic cellular architecture. Consequently, depolarization probably affects ganglionic sensory neurons directly. Our studies suggest that the development of transmitter characteristics in primary sensory neurons may be regulated by multiple factors, including neuronal activity as well as trophic agents such as NGF.  相似文献   

Summary Dissociated chick embryo spinal ganglia neurons, cultivated without direct contact with glial cells maintain some enzymatic activities, for example: carboxylic esterases, succinic-dehydrogenase (SDH), glutamic-dehydrogenase (GDH), monoamine oxidase (MAO), lactico-dehydrogenase (LDH) and alcoholic-dehydrogenase (ADH) for several days periods.Nerve growth factor (NGF) prolongs the maintenance of the mitochondrial enzymes, carboxylic esterases, LDH and ADH in cultures of isolated neurons. Extract of embryonic spinal cord gives almost similar results as NGF.With the technical assistance of Miss E. Darcel.This work is part of the Doctorat ès-Sciences thesis.  相似文献   

Summary A histological examination of 205 fish representing four cyprinid species from a site 2.5 miles north of Wheeling, West Virginia, on the Ohio River revealed large (2–4 m) cuboidal intranuclear inclusion bodies (NIB's) within neurons in the cranial and spinal ganglia of three species. Because the minnows had been caught during a yearly sampling of fish, an additional 63 minnows were taken the following year. Inclusions were again observed. The NIB's stain strongly with phloxine as well as with Mallory and Giemsa stains, appearing bright red or pink. Various histochemical tests indicated that the inclusions contain protein and lipid but no carbohydrates or nucleic acids. No heavy metals were detected by electron probe analysis. At the ultrastructural level the inclusions exhibit subunits resembling hexagons measuring 326–350 nm. Previously suggested causes for such inclusions include effects of viruses, aging, drugs, cellular transformation, and an altered metabolic state of affected cells.  相似文献   

The plant lectin, IB4, binds to the surfaces of primary afferent neurons of the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia and is documented to be selective for nociceptive neurons. Physiological data suggest that the intrinsic primary afferent neurons within the intestine are also nociceptors. In this study, we have compared IB4 binding to each of these neuron types in the guinea-pig. The only neurons in the intestine to be readily revealed by IB4 binding have Dogiel-type-II morphology; these neurons have been previously identified as intrinsic primary afferent neurons. Most of the neurons that are IB4-positive in the myenteric plexus are calbindin-immunoreactive, whereas those in the submucosal ganglia are immunoreactive for NeuN. The neurons that bind IB4 strongly have a similar appearance in enteric, dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia. Binding is to the cell surface, to the first part of axons and to cytoplasmic organelles. A low level of binding was found in the extracellular matrix. A few other neurons in all ganglia exhibit faint staining with IB4. Strongly reactive neurons are absent from the gastric corpus. Thus, IB4 binding reveals primary afferent neurons with similar morphologies, patterns of binding and physiological roles in enteric, dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia.This work was supported by a grant from the National Health and Medical Council of Australia.  相似文献   

Cranial neurogenic placodes and the neural crest make essential contributions to key adult characteristics of all vertebrates, including the paired peripheral sense organs and craniofacial skeleton. Neurogenic placode development has been extensively characterized in representative jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) but not in jawless fishes (agnathans). Here, we use in vivo lineage tracing with DiI, together with neuronal differentiation markers, to establish the first detailed fate-map for placode-derived sensory neurons in a jawless fish, the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, and to confirm that neural crest cells in the lamprey contribute to the cranial sensory ganglia. We also show that a pan-Pax3/7 antibody labels ophthalmic trigeminal (opV, profundal) placode-derived but not maxillomandibular trigeminal (mmV) placode-derived neurons, mirroring the expression of gnathostome Pax3 and suggesting that Pax3 (and its single Pax3/7 lamprey ortholog) is a pan-vertebrate marker for opV placode-derived neurons. Unexpectedly, however, our data reveal that mmV neuron precursors are located in two separate domains at neurula stages, with opV neuron precursors sandwiched between them. The different branches of the mmV nerve are not comparable between lampreys and gnatho-stomes, and spatial segregation of mmV neuron precursor territories may be a derived feature of lampreys. Nevertheless, maxillary and mandibular neurons are spatially segregated within gnathostome mmV ganglia, suggesting that a more detailed investigation of gnathostome mmV placode development would be worthwhile. Overall, however, our results highlight the conservation of cranial peripheral sensory nervous system development across vertebrates, yielding insight into ancestral vertebrate traits.  相似文献   

The effects of iontophoretically applied (D-Pro2, D-Phe7, D-Trp9)-SP and (D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9)-SP on the spontaneous and evoked activity of functionally identified cat spinal dorsal horn neurons have been investigated in vivo by means of extracellular single unit recording technique. In addition, the rat spinal cord slice preparation has been used to study the actions of (D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9)-SP and (D-Arg1, D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9, Leu11)-SP on the resting membrane potential of dorsal horn neurons and also on their responses to dorsal root stimulation and exogenous SP application. We have observed that both (D-Pro2, D-Phe7, D-Trp9)-SP and (D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9)-SP produced an excitation of about 15% of all neurons tested and had a weak antagonistic effect against SP in the cat spinal cord. (D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9)-SP suppressed the SP-induced excitation in 63% of examined cells. In addition, depression of the glutamate-induced excitation and spontaneous activity was evident in 10% and 19% of the cat dorsal horn neurons tested, respectively. In the spinal cord slice preparation (D-Arg1, D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9, Leu11)-SP proved to be a more potent antagonist of the SP-induced depolarization and the dorsal root-elicited slow depolarization, if compared with (D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9)-SP.  相似文献   

Transversal ++semi-sectioning of the spinal ganglion (SG) is a good model for studying the reaction of the ganglional sensory neurons to sectioning of their peripheral and central processes. At sectioning the peripheral and central processes of the SG neurons degeneration of the neurons and their death take place. The degenerative processes are more pronounced in the neurons with the peripheral processes sectioned, and the restorative ones-with the central processes sectioned. The dynamics of the posttraumatic changes in absolute number of the neurons, profile areas of the body fields and neuronal nuclei, amount of neurons with certain signs of axonal reactions in the SG demonstrate a maximally pronounced reaction on the 7th day and beginning of restorative processes on the 15th day. They are not completed by the 180th day.  相似文献   

Responses to substance P application were studied with intracellular recording techniques in in vitro preparations of trigeminal root ganglion neurons of guinea pigs. Perfusion of substance P in micromolar concentrations markedly depolarized neurons and reduced their input conductances. Also, the threshold for spikes evoked by injections of depolarizing current pulses was decreased. Single electrode voltage-clamp recordings showed that substance P increased inward, and decreased outward currents evoked by hyperpolarizing voltage steps from holding potentials near rest. Depolarizing responses to substance P were attenuated in Na+-deficient solutions. The excitatory actions of this endogenous peptide on the perikarya of primary sensory neurons give rise to the possibility of physiological actions of substance P at multiple sites in the trigeminal system.  相似文献   

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