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Dhamodharan Bakkiyaraj Chandran Sivasankar Shunmugiah Karutha Pandian 《Indian journal of microbiology》2013,53(1):111-113
Infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are of great concern because of its increasing resistance towards conventional antibiotics. Quorum sensing system of P. aeruginosa acts as a global regulator of almost all the virulence factors and majorly its biofilm formation. In the present study, quenching of QS system of P. aeruginosa has been explained with bioactives from bacteria associated with the coral Acropora digitifera. Isolated bioactives inhibited the expression of various virulence traits of P. aeruginosa like biofilm formation, and the production of extracellular enzymes like protease and elastase. This study also emphasises the potential of coral associated bacteria in producing bioactive agents with anti-pathogenic properties. 相似文献
Quorum quenching enzyme activity is widely conserved in the sera of mammalian species 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) quorum sensing signals play a key role in synchronizing virulence gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which could cause fatal bloodstream infections. We showed that AHL inactivation activity, albeit with variable efficiency, was conserved in the serum samples of all the 6 tested mammalian animals. High-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry analyses revealed that mammalian sera had a lactonase-like enzyme(s), which hydrolyzed the lactone ring of AHL to produce acyl homoserine, with enzyme properties reminiscent of paraoxonases (PONs). We further showed that the animal cell lines expressing three mouse PON genes, respectively, displayed strong AHL degradation activities. 相似文献
Toshinari Maeda Rodolfo García-Contreras Mingming Pu Lili Sheng Luis Rene Garcia Maria Tomás Thomas K Wood 《The ISME journal》2012,6(3):493-501
Quorum sensing (QS) is the regulation of gene expression in response to the concentration of small signal molecules, and its inactivation has been suggested to have great potential to attenuate microbial virulence. It is assumed that unlike antimicrobials, inhibition of QS should cause less Darwinian selection pressure for bacterial resistance. Using the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we demonstrate here that bacterial resistance arises rapidly to the best-characterized compound that inhibits QS (brominated furanone C-30) due to mutations that increase the efflux of C-30. Critically, the C-30-resistant mutant mexR was more pathogenic to Caenorhabditis elegans in the presence of C-30, and the same mutation arises in bacteria responsible for chronic cystic fibrosis infections. Therefore, bacteria may evolve resistance to many new pharmaceuticals thought impervious to resistance. 相似文献
The bacterial cell to cell signalling system known as quorum sensing (QS) is essential for the regulation of virulence in
many pathogens and offers a specific biochemical target for novel antibacterial therapies. Expanding on earlier work, in which
consideration was given to the primary QS system (lasR system) in a homogeneous population of the common human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we build a simple spatial model of an early-stage P. aeruginosa biofilm subject to treatment with topically applied anti-QS drugs (of two specific kinds) and conventional antibiotics. In
the case of a slowly growing biofilm we show that both kinds of anti-quorum sensing drug are effective in reducing the level
of the relevant signal molecule (3-oxo-C12-homoserine lactone; henceforth AHL), in each case obtaining an explicit bound on
the steady-state AHL profile in terms of a prescribed surface drug concentration. Using numerical methods, we are also able
to reproduce the hysteretic phenomena exhibited by the homogeneous model, in particular showing that for each kind of anti-QS
drug there is a parameter regime in which a catastrophic collapse occurs in the steady-state AHL concentration as the surface
drug concentration passes some critical value; an alternative way of interpreting this result is to say that, for a prescribed
surface drug concentration, there is a critical biofilm depth such that treatment is successful until this depth is reached,
but fails thereafter. In the thick-biofilm limit we show that the critical concentration of each drug increases exponentially
with the biofilm thickness (or, conversely, that the critical depth increases logarithmically with surface drug concentration);
this is dramatically different to the behaviour observed in the corresponding homogeneous model, where the critical concentrations
grow linearly with bacterial carrying capacity, and thus highlights the relative difficulty of treating a large, spatially-structured
population with diffusing antibacterials. 相似文献
Qian Yang Yin Han Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tinh Nguyen Thi Hien Peter Bossier 《Indian journal of microbiology》2012,52(4):581-586
Edwardsiella ictaluri is a Gram-negative pathogenic bacterium in the family Enterobacteriaceae that causes enteric septicemia of catfish, which has become a significant problem in the aquaculture of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) in Vietnam. In this study, a bacterium designated as Ei-151 was isolated from diseased striped catfish and proved to be virulent. Based on 16S rDNA sequencing and phenotypic tests, the pathogenic bacterium was identified as Edw. ictaluri. The presence of quorum sensing signal molecules in Edw. ictaluri Ei-151 was detected with different biosensor strains. The results showed that Ei-151 produced at least three kinds of acylated homoserine lactone (AHL) signal molecules as detected with the biosensor Agrobacterium tumefaciens KYC55, and the AHLs fingerprint was similar to that of Edw. tarda. During its entire growth, the levels of AHLs and autoinducer-2 produced by Ei-151 peaked at the stationary phase (OD600 1.8), which suggested that both of them may function at the stationary phase. No Cholerae autoinducer-1-like activity (including Edw. ictaluri LMG7860T) was detected. 相似文献
Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) plays a role in the regulation of virulence genes and it is intertwined in the las/rhl quorum sensing (QS) circuits of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PQS is synthesized from anthranilate by pqsA-D and pqsH whose expression is influenced by the las/rhl systems. Since anthranilate can be degraded by functions of antABC and catBCA, PQS synthesis might be regulated by the balance between the expression of the pqsA-D/phnAB, pqsH, antABC, and catBCA gene loci. antA and catA are repressed by LasR during log phase and activated by RhlR in late stationary phase, whereas pqsA-E/phnAB is activated by LasR in log phase and repressed by RhlR. QscR represses both but each repression occurs in a different growth
phase. This growth phase-differential regulation appears to be accomplished by the antagonistic interplay of LasR, RhlR, and
QscR, mediated by two intermediate regulators, AntR and PqsR, and their cofactors, anthranilate and PQS, where the expressions
of antR and pqsR and the production of anthranilate and PQS are growth phase-differentially regulated by QS systems. Especially, the anthranilate
level increases in an RhlR-dependent manner at late stationary phase. From these results, we suggest that RhlR and LasR regulate
the anthranilate metabolism in a mutually antagonistic and growth phase-differential manner by affecting both the expressions
and activities of AntR and PqsR, and that QscR also phase-differentially represses both LasR and RhlR functions in this regulation. 相似文献
Garner AL Yu J Struss AK Lowery CA Zhu J Kim SK Park J Mayorov AV Kaufmann GF Kravchenko VV Janda KD 《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters》2011,21(9):2702-2705
Alkynyl- and azido-tagged 3-oxo-C12-acylhomoserine lactone probes have been synthesized to examine their potential utility as probes for discovering the mammalian protein target of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa autoinducer, 3-oxo-C12-acylhomoserine lactone. Although such substitutions are commonly believed to be quite conservative, from these studies, we have uncovered a drastic difference in activity between the alkynyl- and azido-modified compounds, and provide an example where such structural modification has proved to be much less than conservative. 相似文献
Angusamy Annapoorani Abdul Karim Kamil Abdul Jabbar Syed Khadar Syed Musthafa Shunmugiah Karutha Pandian Arumugam Veera Ravi 《Indian journal of microbiology》2012,52(2):160-166
The focal intent of this study was to find out an alternative strategy for the antibiotic usage against bacterial infections. The quorum sensing inhibitory (QSI) activity of marine sponges collected from Palk Bay, India was evaluated against acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) mediated violacein production in Chromobacterium violaceum (ATCC 12472), CV026 and virulence gene expressions in clinical isolate Serratia marcescens PS1. Out of 29 marine sponges tested, the methanol extracts of Aphrocallistes bocagei (TS 8), Haliclona (Gellius) megastoma (TS 25) and Clathria atrasanguinea (TS 27) inhibited the AHL mediated violacein production in C. violaceum (ATCC 12472) and CV026. Further, these sponge extracts inhibited the AHL dependent prodigiosin pigment, virulence enzymes such as protease, hemolysin production and biofilm formation in S. marcescens PS1. However, these sponge extracts were not inhibitory to bacterial growth, which reveals the fact that the QSI activity of these extracts was not related to static or killing effects on bacteria. Based on the obtained results, it is envisaged that the marine sponges could pave the way to prevent quorum sensing (QS) mediated bacterial infections. 相似文献
Bijtenhoorn P Schipper C Hornung C Quitschau M Grond S Weiland N Streit WR 《Journal of biotechnology》2011,155(1):86-94
The N-acyl-homoserine lactones (N-AHLs) play an important role in bacterial cell-cell signaling. Up to date, however, only a few different experimentally proven classes of N-AHL ring-cleaving enzymes are known. Here we report on the isolation and biochemical characterization of a novel hydrolase derived from the soil metagenome and acting on N-AHLs. The identified protein designated BpiB05 is weakly similar to hypothetical proteins from Bacteroides fragilis, the draft genomes of two Burkholderia species as well as a marine metagenomic ORF but is otherwise not similar to any known protein. BpiB05 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli as a 10× His-tagged fusion protein. The recombinant protein revealed a molecular weight of about 70 kDa and was tested for its quorum quenching (QQ) activities using a lacZ-bioassay. Additional HPLC-MS analyses confirmed the lactonolytic activity of the purified protein in the presence of Ca2+. Further tests suggested that BpiB05 strongly reduces motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pyocyanin synthesis and biofilm formation in this microbe. Because BpiB05 is not distantly related to any of the currently known hydrolases it forms probably a novel group within the growing number of proteins acting on N-AHLs. 相似文献
It is well known that sessile bacteria have a strong tendency to exist in a biofilm phenotype, whereby bacterial cells aggregate and produce a gel-like extracellular matrix, which, in an infection scenario, offers a significant barrier to attack by conventional antibiotics and the immune system. In this paper we develop a multi-phase model of a maturing Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm, allowing for the production and secretion of exopolysaccharide (EPS). The primary quorum-sensing system of P. aeruginosa (namely the lasR system) is believed to be required for full biofilm development, and we thus take the synthesis of EPS to be regulated by the cognate signal molecule, 3-oxo-C12-HSL. We also take EPS and signal production, along with bacterial growth, to be limited by oxygen availability, thus factoring in the nutrient poor conditions deep inside the biofilm. We use simulations to examine the role played by quorum sensing in the biofilm maturation process, and to investigate the effect of anti-quorum sensing and antibiotic treatments on EPS concentration, signal level, bacterial numbers and biofilm growth rate. In addition, we undertake analysis of the associated travelling-wave behaviour. 相似文献
群体感应系统是一种细胞密度依赖的基因表达系统,其广泛存在于细菌性病原体中,是细菌细胞通讯方式的一种。群体感应系统可利用细菌释放的信号分子不断监控周围细菌的密度。当细菌密度达到阈值时,群体感应系统网络将启动,参与调控生物被膜、细菌毒力等特定基因的表达,从而使临床抗感染治疗失败。而通过抑制群体感应系统,可一定程度上治疗铜绿假单胞菌引起的感染。本文通过查阅近年国内外相关文献,对铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统研究进展进行总结,为临床铜绿假单胞菌治疗提供新的方向,即群体感应系统抑制剂有可能成为治疗铜绿假单胞菌感染的新策略。 相似文献
Streptococcus mutans, a Gram positive facultative anaerobe, is one among the approximately seven hundred bacterial species to exist in human buccal cavity and cause dental caries. Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell-density dependent communication process that respond to the inter/intra-species signals and elicit responses to show behavioral changes in the bacteria to an aggressive forms. In accordance to this phenomenon, the S. mutans also harbors a Competing Stimulating Peptide (CSP)-mediated quorum sensing, ComCDE (Two-component regulatory system) to regulate several virulence-associated traits that includes the formation of the oral biofilm (dental plaque), genetic competence and acidogenicity. The QS-mediated response of S. mutans adherence on tooth surface (dental plaque) imparts antibiotic resistance to the bacterium and further progresses to lead a chronic state, known as periodontitis. In recent years, the oral streptococci, S. mutans are not only recognized for its cariogenic potential but also well known to worsen the infective endocarditis due to its inherent ability to colonize and form biofilm on heart valves. The review significantly appreciate the increasing complexity of the CSP-mediated quorum-sensing pathway with a special emphasis to identify the plausible drug targets within the system for the development of anti-quorum drugs to control biofilm formation and associated risks. 相似文献
Yohan Nigaud Pascal Cosette Anthony Collet Philippe Chan Tchi Song David Vaudry Hubert Vaudry Guy-Alain Junter Thierry Jouenne 《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics》2010,1804(4):957-966
While recent studies focused on Quorum Sensing (QS) role in the cell-to-cell communication in free or biofilm cultures, no work has been devoted up to now to investigate the communication between sessile and planktonic bacteria. In this aim, we elaborated an original two-chambered bioreactor and used a proteomic approach to study the alterations induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm cells on protein expression in planktonic counterparts (named SIPs for Surface-Influenced Planktonics). Proteomic analyses revealed the existence of 31 proteins whose amount varied in SIPs, among which five corresponded to hypothetic proteins and two (the Fur and BCP proteins) are involved in bacterial response to oxidative stress. An increase in the concentration of C4-HSL (rhlR–rhlI-dependent QS) and 3-oxo-C12-HSL (lasR–lasI-dependent QS) autoinducer molecules was shown in the planktonic compartment. Interestingly, among proteins that were accumulated by SIPs was 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase, a protein involved in the production of the autoinducer 3-oxo-C12-HSL. These results demonstrate that planktonic organisms are able to detect the presence of a biofilm in their close environment and to modify their gene expression in consequence. 相似文献
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative, environmental bacterium with versatile metabolic capabilities. P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen which establishes chronic pulmonary infections in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). The overproduction of a capsular polysaccharide called alginate, also known as mucoidy, promotes the formation of mucoid biofilms which are more resistant than planktonic cells to antibiotic chemotherapy and host defenses. Additionally, the conversion from the nonmucoid to mucoid phenotype is a clinical marker for the onset of chronic infection in CF. Alginate overproduction by P. aeruginosa is an endergonic process which heavily taxes cellular energy. Therefore, alginate production is highly regulated in P. aeruginosa. To better understand alginate regulation, we describe a protocol using the mini-himar1 transposon mutagenesis for the identification of novel alginate regulators in a prototypic strain PAO1. The procedure consists of two basic steps. First, we transferred the mini-himar1 transposon (pFAC) from host E. coli SM10/λpir into recipient P. aeruginosa PAO1 via biparental conjugation to create a high-density insertion mutant library, which were selected on Pseudomonas isolation agar plates supplemented with gentamycin. Secondly, we screened and isolated the mucoid colonies to map the insertion site through inverse PCR using DNA primers pointing outward from the gentamycin cassette and DNA sequencing. Using this protocol, we have identified two novel alginate regulators, mucE (PA4033) and kinB (PA5484), in strain PAO1 with a wild-type mucA encoding the anti-sigma factor MucA for the master alginate regulator AlgU (AlgT, σ22). This high-throughput mutagenesis protocol can be modified for the identification of other virulence-related genes causing change in colony morphology. 相似文献
Melise Silveira Rodolpho Albano Marise Asensi Ana Paula Carvalho Assef 《Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz》2014,109(8):1086-1087
The high occurrence of nosocomial multidrug-resistant (MDR) microorganisms isconsidered a global health problem. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of aMDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain isolated in Brazil that belongsto the endemic clone ST277. The genome encodes important resistance determinantgenes and consists of 6.7 Mb with a G+C content of 66.86% and 6,347 predictedcoding regions including 60 RNAs. 相似文献