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Underwater noise of whale-watching boats was recorded in the popular killer whale-watching region of southern British Columbia and northwestern Washington State. A software sound propagation and impact assessment model was applied to estimate zones around whale-watching boats where boat noise was audible to killer whales, where it interfered with their communication, where it caused behavioral avoidance, and where it possibly caused hearing loss. Boat source levels ranged from 145 to 169 dB re 1 μPa @ 1 m, increasing with speed. The noise of fast boats was modeled to be audible to killer whales over 16 km, to mask killer whale calls over 14 km, to elicit a behavioral response over 200 m, and to cause a temporary threshold shift (TTS) in hearing of 5 dB after 30–50 min within 450 m. For boats cruising at slow speeds, the predicted ranges were 1 km for audibility and masking, 50 m for behavioral responses, and 20 m for TTS. Superposed noise levels of a number of boats circulating around or following the whales were close to the critical level assumed to cause a permanent hearing loss over prolonged exposure. These data should be useful in developing whale-watching regulations. This study also gave lower estimates of killer whale call source levels of 105–124 dB re 1 μPa.  相似文献   

Using a shore-based station we monitored the position of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) within the Kaikoura submarine canyon from 2010 to 2012. We tracked sperm whales using a theodolite station for a total of 290 days. We extracted the distance from the nearest coast, the depth and the bathymetric slope using ArcGIS 10.1. We estimated the seasonal spatial distribution of sperm whales using general additive models. The distribution varied significantly between seasons; individuals were found in deeper water and further offshore in the spring than in winter. This study improved our understanding of the variability of sperm whale distribution patterns off Kaikoura. We determined that the distribution was linked to the bathymetric features and we hypothesized that whales adapted their use of the submarine canyon in relation to food aggregation. We would encourage further studies to evaluate the sperm whale relationship with oceanographic variables off Kaikoura.  相似文献   

This study assessed the short-term responses of humpback whales to whale-watching vessels during their southward migration along the south coast of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The behavior of pods was recorded from commercial whale-watching vessels during tours and compared to pods observed in the absence of vessels from the shore in the same area. While some individuals showed obvious signs of horizontal avoidance, others approached vessels, initiating interactions. Calf pods were more sensitive to the presence of vessels than non-calf pods. Dive times and the overall percentage of time whales spent submerged were higher in the presence of vessels, but respiration intervals did not differ. Some surface behaviors occurred less often in the presence of vessels. Whales' responses differed according to whether vessels were operating in accordance with regulations or not. Whales were more likely to avoid a vessel moving within the permitted 100 m approach limit than vessels outside the limit. Whales showed some behavioral changes when vessels operated in accordance with whale-watching regulations, compared with whales in the absence of vessels. Pods that showed no obvious horizontal responses to vessels changed their diving and surface activity when compared with pods in the absence of vessels. Because the long-term impacts of effects of vessels are unknown, management of the humpback whale-watching industry should adopt a conservative approach. Improved knowledge of long-term impacts of multiple exposures to vessels is required to inform management of the effects of whale-watching.  相似文献   

Guidelines for sustainable tourism involving swimming with large whales are not well‐developed compared to those focused on programs of swimming with delphinids. From September to November 2005 and August to September 2006, we collected behavioral and movement data for southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) exposed to interactions with boats and swimmers at Península Valdés, Argentina. Whales were tracked from shore using a theodolite before, during, and after a series of directed interactions with swimmers and a boat. Resting, socializing, and surface active behavior decreased, traveling increased, and whales swam faster and reoriented more often during interactions. Responses were variable by age/sex class, with mother/calf pairs showing strongest responses. Increased levels of tourism activity are a concern, as reduction in resting time and disruption of socialization among adults, juveniles, and mother/calf pairs have unknown long‐term consequences. Additional data should be collected for whale behavior in proposed tourism and nontourism areas to build a long‐term database which can be used to determine if reactions of whales change over time. Our data suggest that swimming with whales in Chubut Province should not be legalized until further investigations are completed, especially in light of the recent southern right whale die‐offs recorded in Península Valdés.  相似文献   

The behaviors of breeding Steller sea lions in response to encounters with killer whales near the shore were observed on Brat Chirpoev Island, Kuril Islands between May and July 2002–2007. Approaches by killer whales and sea lion behavior was observed visually and recorded. Killer whales approached the rookery 104 times during the entire period of observations (289 days). In most cases (n = 95), beached sea lions did not show any apparent reactions to the presence of killer whales, and there were no observed interactions. Sea lions showed agitation during nine of the approaches; five of these events were considered to be predation attempts. The killer whales attacked the sea lions three times, however all the attacks were unsuccessful. We recorded two different types of responses towards the killer whales: (1) beaching on the shore (three times) and (2) mass exodus from the rookery with subsequent formation of a tight, actively swimming and vocalizing group (six times). The latter is the first recorded observation of this behavior for Steller sea lions. The observation suggests a low degree of interactions between these two species near the studied rookery. Despite the numerous observations of killer whales near the rookery, there were no observations of direct predation on sea lions. It is likely the killer whale predation has little or no direct impact on the Steller sea lion population on Brat Chirpoev Islands during the breeding period.  相似文献   

In October 1997 we observed a herd of approximately 35 killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) attack a pod of nine sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus ) 130 km off the coast of central California. During the four hours we watched, adult female killer whales, including some with calves, attacked in waves of four to five animals in what was apparently a "wound and withdraw" strategy. Adult male killer whales stood by until the very end when one charged in and quickly killed a seriously wounded sperm whale that had been separated from the group. The sperm whales appeared largely helpless: their main defensive behavior was the formation of a rosette ("marguerite"-heads together, tails out). When the killer whales were successful in pulling an individual out of the rosette, one or two sperm whales exposed themselves to increased attack by leaving the rosette, flanking the isolated individual, and leading it back into the formation. Despite these efforts, one sperm whale was killed and eaten and the rest were seriously, perhaps mortally, wounded. We also present details of two other encounters between sperm whales and killer whales that we observed. Although sperm whales, because of various behavioral and morphological adaptations, were previously thought to be immune to predation, our observations clearly establish their vulnerability to killer whales. We suggest that killer whale predation has potentially been an important, and underrated, selective factor in the evolution of sperm whale ecology, influencing perhaps the development of their complex social behavior and at-sea distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Knowledge of whale length is important to ecological studies. However, photographic techniques to measure sperm whales traditionally require high vantage points or a complicated stereo system. Furthermore, these traditional techniques require an alongside approach that often prevents individual identification. For simple and fast size measurements at sea, I used a laser range finder alongside a digital camera to obtain distance to the fluke at the same time as photo-identification. The camera/lens and laser range finder were calibrated on objects of known lengths. The coefficient of variation (CV) for test objects was low (CV = 0.21%). Forty-seven individually identified sperm whales were measured repetitively on up to 12 different occasions, and the CV was lower (CV = 1.3%) than for other photogrammetric techniques (CV = 4.4%–5.1%). A regression of log fluke span to log total length from whaling and stranding data yielded an r  2 of 0.87 (CV of residuals = 6.7%). Thirty-eight female/immature sperm whales were measured in the Gulf of Mexico (median = 9.3 m, range = 7.1–12.3 m), 167 in the Gulf of California (median = 10.7 m, range = 8.4–13.1 m) and 13 bachelor males off Kaikoura, New Zealand (median = 14.2, range = 11.7–15.8 m). The results were within known sperm whale size and suggested that the population in the Gulf of Mexico was made up of smaller animals than that of the Gulf of California. This technique is easy to implement and allows the measurement of identified individuals.  相似文献   

Behavior and diving patterns of summer resident gray whales ( Eschrichtius robustus ) foraging on mysids were studied in coastal bays along the north shore of Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia. In this region, gray whales were found to feed primarily on planktonic prey rather than on the benthos as in their primary feeding areas further north. During the summers of 1999 and 2000, whales spent most of their time actively feeding or searching for prey (77%), whereas only 15% of their time was spent traveling and 8% socializing. The majority of the dives were short; the mean dive duration was 2.24 min with approximately three respirations per surfacing and 15 s between blows. Whales dove frequently (26.7 h−1), spending only 17% of their time at the surface with an overall blow rate of 1.14 respirations per minute. Activity states were characterized by significantly different diving and respiratory parameters; feeding whales dove more frequently, with shorter intervals between respirations, thus spending less time at the surface compared to when traveling or searching. This diving pattern differs from benthic-feeding whales and likely optimizes capture of the mobile mysid swarms in shallow waters.  相似文献   

Eastern Pacific gray whales were monitored off Ensenada, Mexico, during the southbound migration. The objectives were to determine southbound migration timing and width of the migration corridor during three seasons (2003–2006). Migration timing was determined by fitting a generalized additive model to the shore counts for each season and estimating the 10, 50, and 90 percentiles of the fitted curves. To estimate abundance from shore‐based counts, a probability density function for the shore based distances was estimated by a product of a gamma distribution fit to the boat survey distance data for 2006/2007 and a half‐normal detection function using combined data of the three seasons. The parameters of the gamma distribution were corrected to account for less boat survey effort carried out 20–40 km than 0–20 km from shore. The onset of the migration off Ensenada was in late December/early January and ended around 13 February. The median date was 23–26 January for the first and third season and a week early for the second season. Boat surveys indicated a wide (20 km) migration corridor but most gray whales traveled within 9.9 km from shore. The estimated total number of whales during watch hours was 2,298 (95% CI = 1,536–4,447).  相似文献   

Killer whales produce repertoires of stereotyped call types that are primarily transmitted vertically through social learning, leading to dialects between sympatric pods. The potential function of these call repertoires remains untested. In this study, we compared the reaction of Kamchatkan fish‐eating killer whales to the playbacks of calls from the same and different pods. After the playback of recordings from a different pod, in three cases whales changed the direction of their movement toward the boat, and in three cases no changes in direction were observed. After the playback of recordings from the same pod (either from the same or a different unit within the pod), in seven cases whales changed the direction of their movement toward the boat, and in only one case no change in direction was observed. Whales remained silent after all six playbacks of recordings from a different pod, even when they changed direction toward the boat. After the playback of recordings from the same pod, however, in all eight cases whales started calling in response. Our playback study shows that killer whales may react to playbacks of conspecific sounds and that reactions are dependent on the type of playback stimuli.  相似文献   

Logbook data from California shore whaling stations at Moss Landing (1919–1922 and 1924) and Trinidad (1920 and 1922–1926) are analyzed. The logs for the two stations record the taking of 2,111 whales, including 1,871 humpbacks, 177 fin whales, 26 sei whales, 3 blue whales, 12 sperm whales, 7 gray whales, 1 right whale, 1 Baird's beaked whale, and 13 whales of unspecified type (probably humpbacks). Most whales were taken from spring to autumn, but catches were made in all months of some years. The sex ratios of humpback, fin, and sei whales (the three species with sufficient sample sizes to test) did not differ from parity. Primary prey, determined from stomach contents, included sardines and euphausiids for both humpback and fin whales, and 'plankton' (probably euphausiids) for sei whales. The prevalence of pregnancy was 0.46 among mature female humpbacks and 0.43 among mature female fin whales, although these values are reported with caution. Information on length distribution for all species is summarized. Analysis of the catch data for this and other areas supports the current view that humpback whales along the west coast of the continental United States comprise a single feeding stock and also suggests that the present population is well below pre-exploitation levels.  相似文献   

We estimated humpback and blue whale abundance from 1991 to 1997 off the west coast of the U. S. and Mexico comparing capture-recapture models based on photographically identified animals and line-transect methods from ship-based surveys. During photo-identification research we obtained 4,212 identifications of 824 humpback whales and 2,403 identifications of 908 blue whales primarily through non-systematic small-boat surveys along the coast of California, Oregon, and Washington. Line-transect surveys from NOAA ships in 1991, 1993, and 1996 covered approximately 39,000 km along the coast of Baja California, California, Oregon, and Washington out to 555 km from shore. The nearshore and clumped distribution of humpback whales allowed photographic identification from small boats to cost-effectively sample a substantial portion of the population, but made it difficult to obtain effective samples in the line-transect surveys covering broad areas. The humpback capture-recapture estimates indicated humpback whale abundance increased over the six years (from 569 to 837). The broader more offshore distribution of blue whales made it harder to obtain a representative sample of identification photographs, but was well suited to the line-transect estimates. The line-transect estimates, after correction for missed animals, indicated approximately 3,000 blue whales (CV = 0.14). Capture-recapture estimates of blue whales were lower than this: approximately 2,000 when using photographs obtained from the line-transect surveys as one of the samples. Comparison of the results from the two methods provides validation, as well as insight into potential biases associated with each method.  相似文献   

Data collected opportunistically aboard marine wildlife tourism vessels are an inexpensive source of spatial information on the target species. Although these data are often challenging to analyze, they can be used to monitor spatiotemporal changes in species distribution and behavior. Disruptions from whale-watching vessels to behaviors such as foraging can be particularly harmful to cetaceans, but impacts could be reduced if areas essential for these sensitive behaviors are identified. We used data collected onboard whale-watching vessels to explore space-use patterns in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) off northern Cape Breton Island, Canada, an area where tourism is essential. Encounters with pilot whales between 2011–2016 occurred twice as far offshore than during 2003–2006 and 2008, and foraging activity decreased. Despite the changes in distribution and activity budgets, we identified two hot spots of foraging activity that persisted through time. These identified foraging hot spots comprised only a small proportion (20 km2 ) of the range used by whale-watching vessels. Adaptive local management (e.g., voluntary codes of conduct) focused on limiting interactions in these energetically important areas may help reduce any potential impacts from whale-watching and promote the continued viability of the whale population and the tourism industry that relies on it.  相似文献   

Estimations of gray whale abundance have generally assumed that shore-based observers record all whales migrating through the viewing area during periods uncompromised by visibility. We tested the repeatability of data collected at the standard gray whale census site at Granite Canyon Marine Laboratory in central California by using pairs of observers maintaining independent sighting records. Proximal shore sites were occupied 6 d (60 h) in January 1986 where one team counted 845 whales in 427 groups while the other team counted 990 whales in 477 groups. A comparison of the records showed that the first team missed 290 whales seen by the second team, and the second team missed 204 whales seen by the first team. The total number of whales in the viewing area was calculated for each team by the Petersen estimate, using mutually sighted whale groups as "recaptures". On average, observers recorded only 79% of the whales. More whales (68%) were missed when entire groups of whales were not seen rather than when groups were undercounted (32%). Visibility did not appear to affect observed rates of missed whales. Whales migrating at intermediate distances from the shore were less often missed than were those > 6 km or < 1 km offshore. This count discrepancy test confirms that an uncorrected calculation of population size for gray whales based on sighting records from solitary observers will be underestimated.  相似文献   

The behavior of groups of female and immature sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) was measured on 117 d within an 11-yr period off the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. On each day, up to 18 measures of visually observable behavior were calculated. These concerned speeds, headings, movement patterns, diving synchrony, foraging formations, time spent socializing, and aerial behavior. The measured behavior of the sperm whales was considerably more variable when they were socializing than when foraging. None of the measures showed much correlation with sea-surface temperature, and only measures of consistency of movement were significantly correlated with defecation rate, an indicator of feeding success. However, month-long time periods accounted for over 50% of the variance in eight of eighteen measures, and, in the cases of surface speed and dive synchrony, the effects were statistically significant. In contrast, there was no autocorrelation with lag of one day in the residuals of any of the measures. Thus, behavior may be tracking substantial temporal variation in the whales' environment over scales of about several months. Groups of whales had significantly different travel patterns, but there was little other evidence for group-specific behavior, perhaps because tests of group-specific effects were not of adequate statistical power. Variation in sperm whale behavior, especially over time scales of a few months or longer and spatial scales of a few hundred kilometers or larger, should be considered when estimating densities from sighting surveys.  相似文献   

The distribution and behavior of mature (12.3–16.3 m) male sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus ) were studied on the Galápagos Islands breeding ground from April to June 1995. In contrast to previous research seasons when males were observed only in close spatial and temporal proximity to mixed schools of females and immature animals, in 1995 males were sighted in loose aggregations, separated by hours to days from our vessel's encounters with mixed schools. Only one of ten identified males was observed in spatial proximity to a mixed school.
Aggregations consisted of two to four (minimum estimates) mature males travelling within a range of a few kilometers and were characterized by consistency of heading among individuals. Aggregations moved over time. During encounters, one to three males were observed at the surface at the same time, with interindividual distances of less than 1,000 m. Synchrony of heading was apparent between spatial associates, and its extent appeared to be related to interindividual distance. Clustering (two or more individuals within 100 m) was observed on only two occasions. No agonistic behaviors were seen.
Functions of mature male aggregation on a breeding ground remain unclear. Possible explanations for our observations are local prey abundance, or some form of sociality mediated over spatial scales of hundreds to thousands of meters.  相似文献   

Since the early 20th century, Japanese cetacean biology relied heavily on fisheries for their materials. The work environment was challenging because research activities were controlled by industries and the fishery administration. I became a cetacean scientist in 1961 and worked mainly in the western North Pacific. There I witnessed the collapse of coastal populations of striped dolphins and sperm whales as a result of over‐hunting. Nonetheless, my research revealed fascinating aspects of cetacean biology, which still await explanation, such as the following: neighboring populations of the same species having different breeding seasons, the role of reproductively senescent females in some toothed whales, the role of “social sex” in short‐finned pilot whales, and the selective benefit of male Baird's beaked whales living longer than the females. New methodologies are required to address these questions. I propose to include the following aims for the conservation biology of cetaceans: to identify a community as a conservation unit, and to focus on conserving the cultural diversity and variability of such communities, and henceforth to focus increased research on understanding the contribution of individuals within a community. Today, marine mammal biologists of all fields need to pay more attention to conservation.  相似文献   

As part of a search for new detection techniques, and for obtaining information on whale surface temperatures, an Agema Thermovision 880 thermal imaging system was used to detect thermal infrared radiation from whales. The study took place along the northern coast of Norway and the northwest coast of Svalbard (68° to 80° N latitude). The emphasis of the study was on minke whales, but humpback, fin, blue and sperm whales were also observed. The apparent radiation temperature was strongly dependent on sea conditions, signal angle, and atmospheric interference; detection depended thus upon weather. During the study, sea surface temperatures varied as much as 7°C but the sea and minke whale body trunk surfaces were usually within 0.0° to 0.1°C of each other. The other species observed had temperature differences of 0.0° to 1.0°C relative to the sea surface. Temperature differences between sea water and whale appendages ranged from 0.0° to 6.0°C. The indicated maximum difference between sea water and blow (i.e., expired air) was 4.0°;C, while the maximum difference for the blowhole was 4.1°C. The results from all whales observed support the belief that the main body trunk is normally not a heat window, this function being reserved for the appendages. However, the results also indicate a regulated dermal blood flow determining heat loss from the body trunk. Detection of whales by thermal infrared radiation from the body trunk appears unreliable; in contrast, the blow and blowhole provided a consistent positive signal with apparent temperature differences to the surroundings ranging from 0.2° to 4.1°C.  相似文献   

Data recorded from 24,862 whales killed by British Columbia coastal whaling stations between 1908 and 1967 revealed trends in the abundance, sex ratios, age structure, and distribution of sperm ( Physeter macrocephalus ), fin ( Balaenoptera physalus ), sei ( Balaenoptera borealis ), humpback ( Megaptera novaeangliae ), and blue ( Balaenoptera musculus ) whales. The catch data were analyzed using annual and monthly mean values. Monthly and annual variation in whaling effort was deduced from accounts of the history of British Columbia coastal whaling, and biases arising from changes in effort were considered in the interpretation of the results. During the later years of whaling (1948-1967), the mean lengths of captured whales declined significantly and pregnancy rates dropped to near zero in fin, sei, and blue whales. Monthly patterns in numbers killed revealed a summer migration of sei and blue whales past Vancouver Island, and confirms anecdotal suggestions that local populations of fin and humpback whales once spent extended periods in the coastal waters of British Columbia. Furthermore, the data strongly suggest that sperm whales mated (April-May) and calved (July-August) in British Columbia's offshore waters. The historic whaling records reveal much about the migratory behavior and distribution of the large whales species as they once were, and may continue to be, in the northeastern Pacific. Verifying the persistence of these trends in the remnant populations is a necessary and logical next step.  相似文献   

Rorqual whales (Family: Balaenopteridae) are the world's largest predators and sometimes feed near or at the sea surface on small schooling prey. Most rorquals capture prey using a behavioral process known as lunge‐feeding that, when occurring at the surface, often exposes the mouth and head above the water. New technology has recently improved historical misconceptions about the natural variation in rorqual lunge‐feeding behavior yet missing from the literature is a dedicated study of the identification, use, and evolution of these behaviors when used to capture prey at the surface. Here we present results from a long‐term investigation of three rorqual whale species (minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata; fin whale, B. physalus; and blue whale, B. musculus) that helped us develop a standardized classification system of surface lunge‐feeding (SLF) behaviors. We then tested for differences in frequency of these behaviors among the three species and across all rorqual species. Our results: (1) propose a unified classification system of six homologous SLF behaviors used by all living rorqual whale species; (2) demonstrate statistically significant differences in the frequency of each behavior by minke, fin, and blue whales; and (3) provide new information regarding the evolution of lunge‐feeding behaviors among rorqual whales.  相似文献   

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