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Bacterial cells can be differentially separated from soil colloids on the basis of their buoyant densities. By using this principle, a modified sucrose gradient centrifugation protocol has been developed for separating bacterial cells from most of the soil colloids. Since the bacterial cell suspension still contained some colloidal soil particles, which inhibited polymerase chain reaction amplification, a new "double" polymerase chain reaction method of analysis was adopted for amplification of Tn5-specific gene sequences. This new protocol allowed rapid detection of small numbers (1 to 10 CFU/g) of bacterial cells present in soil samples.  相似文献   

Bacterial cells can be differentially separated from soil colloids on the basis of their buoyant densities. By using this principle, a modified sucrose gradient centrifugation protocol has been developed for separating bacterial cells from most of the soil colloids. Since the bacterial cell suspension still contained some colloidal soil particles, which inhibited polymerase chain reaction amplification, a new "double" polymerase chain reaction method of analysis was adopted for amplification of Tn5-specific gene sequences. This new protocol allowed rapid detection of small numbers (1 to 10 CFU/g) of bacterial cells present in soil samples.  相似文献   

Under certain conditions, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to differentially amplify one allele over another. To characterize the phenomenon, we have made a series of PCR primers and determined whether differential amplification could be detected after agarose gel electrophoresis. Two allele pairs were examined; one pair represents a transversion and one pair represents a transition. The following conclusions emerge: (i) when the 3' or the 3' penultimate base of the oligonucleotide mismatched an allele, no amplification product could be detected; (ii) when the mismatches were 3 and 4 bases from the 3' end of the primer, differential amplification was still observed, but only at certain concentrations of magnesium chloride; (iii) the mismatched allele can be detected in the presence of a 40-fold excess of the matched allele; (iv) primers as short as 13 nucleotides were effective; and (v) the specificity of the amplification could be overwhelmed by greatly increasing the concentration of target DNA.  相似文献   

A quick, sensitive and easily automatizable method for PCR amplification of genomic DNA eluted from dried blood spots is described. DNA is eluted from a 3-mm spot routinely used for neonatal screening of inherited diseases either by boiling or by sonication. A preliminary and brief spot-autoclaving step is mandatory to ensure optimal and reproducible PCR amplifications. Only 1% of the eluted DNA is required for PCR analysis allowing the execution of multiple genetic tests on the same blood spot. The method has been successfully applied to the detection of a known phenylketonuria-causing mutation and will facilitate the analysis of the genetic repository provided by Guthrie's cards stored in neonatal screening laboratories.  相似文献   

A rapid direct-extraction method was used to obtain DNA from environmental soil samples. Heat, enzymes, and guanidine isothiocyanate were utilized to lyse cells. The DNA was purified by agarose gel electrophoresis, amplified with 16S rRNA-based primers by use of the polymerase chain reaction, and then digested with the restriction endonucleasePalI. The extraction method was used to obtain DNA from a variety of plants, bacteria, and fungi includingGossypium hirsucum (cotton),Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Streptomyces, andColletotrichum. Up to 100 g DNA/g (wet weight) of soil and 400 g DNA/g of plant material were recovered. Restriction endonuclease analysis patterns of amplified rDNA from pure microbial cultures and plant species contained three to five different DNA fragments. Amplified rDNA of mixed population DNA extracts from soil samples, digested with the restriction endonucleasePalI, contained 12–20 DNA fragments, appearing as sample fingerprints. Results from eight environmental soil samples that were analyzed suggest that the amplified rDNA fingerprints can be used to help characterize the genetic and biological diversity of the microbial populations in these samples.  相似文献   

A simple, inexpensive procedure for preparing pure kinetoplast DNA network from Leishmania donovani is described. L. donovani promastigotes were lysed by incubating with pronase in presence of sodium dodecylsulfate. Crude kinetoplast DNA networks were obtained by centrifugation of the lysate through a 20% sucrose solution. The pellet containing kinetoplast DNA was deproteinized by phenol extraction. Contaminating nuclear DNAs were removed by denaturation with alkali, neutralization, and addition of polyethylene glycol-8000 to a concentration of 10% to facilitate precipitation of kinetoplast DNA. kDNA isolated after centrifugation was deproteinized several times with phenol and finally precipitated with ethanol. The average yield by this procedure is 30-50 micrograms of kDNA per gram of wet cells. By slot-blot hybridization with a nuclear DNA probe, no nuclear DNA contamination of the kDNA networks could be detected.  相似文献   

Abstract We have compared the sequences of a major class of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) minicircle (pLURkE3) of Leishmania strain UR6 with other minicircle sequences from different Leishmania species. Alignment of these sequences allowed the selection of a pair of oligonucleotides suitable as primers in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which is specific for Leishmania parasites. PCR with this genus-specific primer set is capable of detecting 1 femtogram of kDNA. These primers have been tested with kDNAs from both old world and new world Leishmania species. The results indicate that the primers may be suitable for detection of any kind of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of quantitative PCR for measuring bacterial abundance in environmental samples. The two approaches discussed are: 1) The use of an internal PCR standard constructed to be the same size and have the same sequence as the primary amplification target, but differing from the primary target by 2-3 bases, corresponding to a unique restriction site. This allows the amount of target amplicon to be compared with the internal standard and circumvents the problem of differential amplification efficiencies when using dissimilar targets and standard amplicons. 2) The use of Taqman technology (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California) with a dual labeled oligonucleotide probe which binds internal to the PCR primers. The detection of Bacteroides is used as an example for both approaches.  相似文献   

This study reports on the evaluation of two L. infantum specific DNA probes for the diagnosis of canine leishmaniasis. The probes presented very satisfying performances in terms of specificity (100%) and predictive value of the positive result (100%). However, their sensitivity (35.3%) and the clinical complexity of canine infections render their use difficult in epidemiological surveys of visceral leishmaniasis aiming at measuring the prevalence of the dog infection by L. infantum. The sensitivity of these tools has improved (66.7%) when dogs presenting patent leishmaniasis were considered. Such probes constitute appropriate tools to confirm suspected cases of leishmaniasis. Unlike the classical parasitological and serological tools, this kind of tools allows a concomitant detection and identification of the causative agent. Therefore, despite their low sensitivity, these probes can still be of importance in epidemiological investigations.  相似文献   

Sprague Dawley rats, previously infected with Phase-I Bordetella pertussis , developed more severe abnormal respiratory sounds than normal animals, but not coughing, when exposed to aerosolized capsaicin, one of several cough-inducing agents tested. Stethoscope examination suggested that greater production of pulmonary mucus might be occurring after capsaicin challenge of the infected animals, compared to the uninfected controls. Rats of three other strains gave characteristically different responses from the Sprague Dawleys. The administration of capsaicin to B. pertussis -infected rats may provide useful insights into the pathophysiology of excess mucus secretion in human pertussis.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat anchored polymerase chain reaction amplification (SSR-PCR) is a genetic typing technique based on primers anchored at the 5' or 3' ends of microsatellites, at high primer annealing temperatures. This technique has already been used in studies of genetic variability of several organisms, using different primer designs. In order to conduct a detailed study of the SSR-PCR genomic targets, we cloned and sequenced 20 unique amplification products of two commonly used primers, CAA(CT)6 and (CA)8RY, using Biomphalaria glabrata genomic DNA as template. The sequences obtained were novel B. glabrata genomic sequences. It was observed that 15 clones contained microsatellites between priming sites. Out of 40 clones, seven contained complex sequence repetitions. One of the repeats that appeared in six of the amplified fragments generated a single band in Southern analysis, indicating that the sequence was not widespread in the genome. Most of the annealing sites for the CAA(CT)6 primer contained only the six repeats found within the primer sequence. In conclusion, SSR-PCR is a useful genotyping technique. However, the premise of the SSR-PCR technique, verified with the CAA(CT)6 primer, could not be supported since the amplification products did not result necessarily from microsatellite loci amplification.  相似文献   

The taeniasis-cysticercosis complex is a zoonosis of great medical and economic importance where humans play an important role as the carrier of adult stage of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata. This paper describes PCR standardization that can be applied in human fecal samples for taeniasis diagnosis. DNA extraction was achieved with DNAzol reagent, after egg disruption with glass beads. DNA prepared from fecal specimens was first purified and PCR amplified generating fragments of 170 and 600 bp. The assay described herein provides an important tool for T. saginata identification in human fecal samples.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how the polymerase chain reaction can be used to increase the sensitivity of detection of Leishmania parasites by DNA hybridization methods through the amplification of the minicircle target sequence. The oligonucleotide primers used are able to direct the amplification of all Leishmania strains tested. In addition, the PCR products from L. mexicana and L. braziliensis strains can be distinguished by hybridization with kDNA probes. The method is sensitive enough to detect the kDNA from a single organism and this sensitivity allows the use of nonradioactive hybridization methods. This method can be used to detect Leishmania from human biopsy material.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction is used increasingly widely for the diagnosis of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis and for the identification of asymptomatic carriers in the population in endemic disease areas. The use of complex-specific hybridisation probes in conjunction with the polymerase chain reaction increases the specificity as well as the sensitivity of the diagnostic procedure as it discriminates between different infecting Leishmania species. A minicircle kinetoplast DNA probe, B4 Rsa, which hybridizes to all members of the Leishmania (L.) donovani complex has been identified and characterised. It is a segment of a minicircle highly conserved in Bangladeshi and Indian L. (L.) donovani isolates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the detection of Leishmania DNA in archived Giemsa-stained bone marrow slides for diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), and to compare PCR with conventional diagnostic techniques, like direct microscopy and parasite culture. Specimens of archived Giemsa-stained bone marrow slides from 91 patients with VL and from 79 controls with other diseases or conditions were studied. PCR showed the highest sensitivity (92.3%) and had good specificity (97.5%). Direct examination detected 79.1% and culture 59% of positive samples. In addition, PCR was able to detect VL in 16 of 19 patients (84.2%) with negative microscopy. PCR in Giemsa-stained bone marrow slides is a suitable tool for confirming diagnosis in patients with VL and may be useful in the diagnosis of difficult cases. Slide smears are easily stored, do not require special storage conditions such as low temperatures, and can be easily mailed to centers where PCR is available, making it an excellent option for diagnosis in the field.  相似文献   

We have combined the asymmetric polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with allele-specific PCR to detect a single point mutation. A set of two priming oligonucleotides and a third allele-specific primer were used to identify heterozygotes for a G to A mutation at nucleotide 10,708 in the apolipoprotein B (apo B) gene. The system requires neither restriction enzyme digestion nor allele-specific oligonucleotides as conventionally applied for allele-specific hybridization of slot blots. This method clearly allows for the detection of the mutant allele by inspection, after agarose gel electrophoresis of a single PCR reaction. DNA from 40 patients with familial defective apo B-100 due to the G to A mutation at nucleotide 10,708 in the apo B gene and their normal relatives was analyzed. Complete agreement with allele-specific hybridization of slot blots confirms supposition that the system is effective to screen a larger population.  相似文献   

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