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The intracellular localizations of ADPglucose pyrophosphatase (AGPPase) and ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) have been studied using protoplasts prepared from suspension-cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Subcellular fractionation studies revealed that all the AGPPase present in the protoplasts is associated with amyloplasts, whereas more than 60% of AGPase is in the extraplastidial compartment. Immunoblots of amyloplast- and extraplastid-enriched extracts further confirmed that AGPase is located mainly outside the amyloplast. Experiments carried out to identify possible different isoforms of AGPPase in the amyloplast revealed the presence of soluble and starch granule-bound isoforms. We thus propose that ADPglucose levels linked to starch biosynthesis in sycamore cells are controlled by enzymatic reactions catalyzing the synthesis and breakdown of ADPglucose, which take place both inside and outside the amyloplast.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the controversial idea that ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase may be located in the cytosol in some non-photosynthetic plant organs. The intracellular location of the enzyme in developing barley endosperm has been investigated by isolation of intact amyloplasts. Amyloplast preparations contained 13–17% of the total endosperm activity of two plastidial marker enzymes, and less than 0.5% of the total endosperm activity of two cytosolic marker enzymes. Amyloplast preparations contained about 2.5% of the ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase activity, indicating that approximately 15% of the ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase activity in young endosperms is plastidial. Immunoblotting of gels of endosperm and amyloplast extracts also indicated that the enzyme is both inside and outside the amyloplast. Antibodies to the small subunits of the enzyme from barley and maize revealed two bands of protein of different sizes, one of which was located inside and the other outside the amyloplast. The plastidial protein was of the same size as a protein in the chloroplasts of barley leaves which was also recognized by these antibodies. It is suggested that the barley plant contains two distinct isoforms of ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase: one located in plastids (chloroplasts and amyloplasts) and the other in the cytosol of the endosperm. The role of the cytosolic ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase is unknown. Although it may contribute ADPglucose to starch synthesis, the total activity of ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase in the endosperm is far in excess of the rate of starch synthesis and the plastidial isoform is probably capable of catalysing the entire flux of carbon to starch.  相似文献   

Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) were isolated from suspension-cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) by stepwise sucrose density gradient centrifugation using protoplasts as starting material. The purity of the two organelle fractions isolated was assessed by measuring marker enzyme activities. Localization of glycolipid and glycoprotein glycosyltransferase activities in the isolated Golgi and ER fractions was examined; three glycosyltransferases, i.e., galactosyltransferase, fucosyltransferase, and xylosyltransferase, proved to be almost exclusively confined to the Golgi, whereas the ER fractions contained glycolipid glycosyltransferase. The Golgi complex was further subfractionated on a discontinuous sucrose density gradient into two components, migrating at densities of 1.118 and 1.127 g/cm3. The two fractions differed in their compositional polypeptide bands discernible from Na-dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. Galactosyltransferase distributed nearly equally between the two protein peaks and xylosyltransferase activities using the endogenous acceptor also appeared to be localized in the two subcompartments. By contrast, fucosyltransferase, engaged in the terminal stage of glycosylation, banded in the lower density fractions. Golgi-specific alpha-mannosidase, which is presumably engaged in the sugar trimming of Asn-N-linked glycoprotein carbohydrate core, was enriched fourfold in specific activity in the fractions of the higher density. The overall experimental results indicate that the cotranslational glycosylation of Asn-N-linked glycoproteins, e.g., polyphenol oxidase (laccase), takes place in the ER, while subsequent post-translational processing of the oligosaccharide moiety proceeds successively in the two physically separable compartments of the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

Starch, composed of amylose and amylopectin, greatly influences rice cooking and textural quality, which in turn is controlled by various isoforms of several enzymes. Activity of one or more isoforms of starch‐synthesizing enzymes results in various forms of starch structure based on the amylopectin chain length and average external, internal and core chain length distribution and hence results in varying physicochemical and cooking quality. Since the synthesis of starch is highly complex, it is crucial but essential to understand its biosynthetic pathway, starch structure and effects on the physicochemical properties that control eating and cooking quality, and alongside conduct research on gene/QTL mapping for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS) with a view to improve and select cultivars with most desirable range and class of rice starch properties. This article presents the updates on current understanding of the coordination among various enzymes/isoforms towards rice starch synthesis in endosperm and their effect on rice grain physicochemical, cooking and eating qualities. The efforts in identifying regions responsible for these enzymes by mapping the gene/QTLs have provided a glimpse on their association with physicochemical and cooking properties of rice and, hence, improvement is possible by modifying the allelic pattern, resulting in down or nil regulation of a particular enzyme. The clear understanding of the tissue specific coordination between enzyme isoforms and their subsequent effect in controlling eating and cooking properties will enhance the chances to manipulate them for getting desired range of amylose content (AC) and gelatinization temperature (GT) in improved cultivars through combining desired alleles through MAS.  相似文献   

Tonoplast H+-ATPase and H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) were previously characterized in Acer pseudoplatanus cells (A. Pugin et al., Plant Sci., 73 (1991) 23–34; A. Fraichard et al., Plant Physiol. Biochem., 31 (1993) 349–359). The present study concerns the relationships between these two enzymes in vitro. ATP and PPi hydrolysis were additive and the inhibition of one did not affect the activity of the second one. ATP and PPi H+-transports were also additive. The H+ -PPase inhibition did not change ATP-dependent H+-transport but H+-ATPase inhibition inhibited the PPi dependent H+-transport. Because H+-PPase was reported to transport H+ and K+ into the vacuole (Davies et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 89 (1992) 11701–11705), these results led us to suggest that the inhibition of the H+-ATPase activity could modify the H+/K+ stoichiometry for the benefit of K+-transport.  相似文献   

ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase (EC from the cyanobacteriumSynechocystis PCC 6803 was desensitized to the effects of allosteric ligands by treatment with the arginine reagent, phenylglyoxal. Enzyme modification by phenylglyoxal resulted in inactivation when the enzyme was assayed under 3P-glycerate-activated conditions. There was little loss of the catalytic activity assayed in the absence of activator. Pi, 3P-glycerate, and pyridoxal-P were able to protect the enzyme from inactivation, whereas substrates gave minimal protection. The protective effect exhibited by Pi and 3P-glycerate was dependent on effector concentration. MgCl2 enhanced the protection afforded by 3P-glycerate. The enzyme partially modified by phenylglyoxal was more resistant to 3P-glycerate activation and Pi inhibition than the unmodified form.V max at saturating 3P-glycerate concentrations and the apparent affinity of the enzyme toward Pi were decreased upon phenylglyoxal modification. Incorporation of labeled phenylglyoxal into the enzyme was proportional to the loss of activity. Pi and 3P-glycerate nearly completely prevented incorporation of the reagent to the protein. Results suggest that one arginine residue per mol of enzyme subunit is involved in the binding of allosteric effector in the cyanobacterial ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase.  相似文献   

The nanometer range structure of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers was examined by wide-angle, small-angle and ultra small-angle X-ray scattering methods. The crystallinity of starch, the lattice constants of the hexagonal lattice of amylopectin, the average crystallite size in the direction [100], the lamellar distance and the thickness of lamella stacks were determined from the data. A new achievement presented in this paper is that reasonable results for these parameters of potato starch were obtained by carrying out experiments on slices and mashes of raw potato tubers. The effects of sample preparation were also investigated by doing experiments on air-dried and re-hydrated potato samples, and on isolated potato starch as well. Changes in the structure of three different cultivars grown in Finland (S. tuberosum cv. Satu, Saturna and Lady Rosetta) were studied monthly from August to May. The physiological ageing caused changes in the crystallinity and in the crystal structure. The mean values (±SD) were determined from the data measured between September and January (30 samples). The lattice constants a=18.4±0.06 and c=10.4±0.04 Å, the crystallinity of starch 24±2% and the crystallite size 118±10 Å were obtained. The lamellar distance was 97±3 Å and the thickness of lamella stacks 513±6 Å. The structural parameters did not vary significantly between Satu, Saturna and Lady Rosetta. For comparison, two cultivars grown in the Netherlands were studied in December. The Dutch cultivars showed the same structural parameters as the Finnish cultivars.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls serve several functions: they impart rigidity to the plant, provide a physical and chemical barrier between the cell and its environment, and regulate the size and shape of each cell. Chemical studies have provided information on the biochemical composition of the plant cell walls as well as detailed knowledge of individual cell wall molecules. In contrast, very little is known about the distribution of specific cell wall components around individual cells and throughout tissues. To address this problem, we have produced polyclonal antibodies against two cell wall matrix components; rhamnogalacturonan I (RG-I), a pectic polysaccharide, and xyloglucan (XG), a hemicellulose. By using the antibiodies as specific markers we have been able to localize these polymers on thin sections of suspension-cultured sycamore cells (Acer pseudoplatanus). Our results reveal that each molecule has a unique distribution. XG is localized throughout the entire wall and middle lamella. RG-I is restricted to the middle lamella and is especially evident in the junctions between cells. These observations indicate that plant cell walls may have more distinct chemical (and functional?) domains than previously envisaged.  相似文献   

Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) is a tetraploid European hardwood tree species. The reproduction system of the insect‐pollinated trees and patterns of genetic variation are largely unknown. We isolated and characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite markers for Acer pseudoplatanus L. The high degree of polymorphism observed at these markers makes them useful to observe genetic variation patterns at various spatial scales and to analyse gene flow and the mating system. Primers developed for the amplification of microsatellites in A. pseudoplatanus were tested for 21 different species of genus Acer. Amplification products of the expected size were obtained in most cases.  相似文献   

Suspension-cultured sycamore cells (Acer pseudoplatanus) were disrupted in aqueous K-Pi buffer and the insoluble residue (the cell wall) purified by extraction with organic solvents and air-dried (dry cell walls) or by washing with aqueous sodium dodecyl sulphate and stored frozen (wet cell walls). Polysaccharides solubilized from the purified wet and dry cell walls by enzymatic digestion and chemical extraction were isolated and their glycosyl-residue compositions compared. No significant differences were found in the types or yields of the polysaccharides solubilized by enzymatic digestion and chemical extraction of the wet and dry cell wall preparations. Moreover, the glycosyl-residue compositions of the so-called ‘-cellulose’ fraction that remains after extraction of the wet and dry cell wall preparations with alkali was indistinguishable from the glycosyl-residue compositions of the walls prior to extraction.  相似文献   

This work reports on the significance of UV-B absorbing compounds and DNA photorepair in protecting bean plants from UV-B radiation under nitrogen restriction. Bean plants grown in sterile vermiculite and irrigated periodically with a nutrient solution containing 12 or 1 mM of nitrate were irradiated with 22 μW cm−2 of UV-B, 4 h daily during 10 days after the first trifoliate leaf was developed. This intensity was equivalent to 3.2 kJ m−2 per day, approximately. PAR fluence rate was 350 ± 50 μmol quanta m−2 s−1. Control plants did not receive UV-B irradiation. Leaf expansion was negatively affected by both nitrate restriction and UV-B irradiation. This decrease was paralleled by a significant increase in starch, which was exacerbated by the combined action of both factors. Combined action of low nitrogen and UV-B also negatively affected the CO2 assimilation rate and the stomatal conductance. Formation of UV-B absorbing compounds was significantly increased by both UV-B irradiation and nitrogen restriction and this increase was exacerbated by the combination of both factors. No significant increase in dimer formation was detected in irradiated plants at the UV-B dose used. Significant dimer formation was only obtained by using very high UV-B intensities. This suggests that under an irradiation level of 22 μW cm−2 of UV-B, which is close to natural conditions, protective mechanisms such as pigment screening and DNA photorepair were probably sufficient to prevent any dimer formation in leaves.  相似文献   



Seed dormancy is controlled by the physiological or structural properties of a seed and the external conditions. It is induced as part of the genetic program of seed development and maturation. Seeds with deep physiological embryo dormancy can be stimulated to germinate by a variety of treatments including cold stratification. Hormonal imbalance between germination inhibitors (e.g. abscisic acid) and growth promoters (e.g. gibberellins) is the main cause of seed dormancy breaking. Differences in the status of hormones would affect expression of genes required for germination. Proteomics offers the opportunity to examine simultaneous changes and to classify temporal patterns of protein accumulation occurring during seed dormancy breaking and germination. Analysis of the functions of the identified proteins and the related metabolic pathways, in conjunction with the plant hormones implicated in seed dormancy breaking, would expand our knowledge about this process.  相似文献   

We established salt tolerant cell lines, which survived and grew under high salinity conditions with 150 mM (S-150) and 300 mM (S-300) NaCl, to study the effects of salt stress on the proliferation and protein profile of these cells in the halophyte sea aster,Aster tripolium L. These salt-adapted cell lines were produced from leaves and selected by repeated suspension subculture in media containing NaCl every 25 days for five cycles. S-150 cells displayed no inhibition in their growth compared to control cells maintained under non-stressed conditions. S-150 cells exhibited approximately a 15-fold increase in both fresh and dry weight during the 25 days under saline conditions. S-300 cells showed positive growth under severe salt stress, but their dry matter gain was significantly less than that of the S-150 cells, with only a 2.5-fold increase in dry weight. We also detected changes in the protein profile of salt-adapted cells with two specifically induced polypeptides (basic 58.4 and acidic 24.8 kDa) and one enhanced polypeptide (basic 15.1 kDa) in the soluble fraction, and one specifically induced polypeptide (42.0 kDa) in the insoluble fraction.  相似文献   

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