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The cuticle of Gordius panigettensis (Sciacchitano, 1955) was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The cuticle is composed of 30-50 compact layers. The number of the layers is higher in the central part of the animal's body and decreases at the extremities. Each layer is composed of parallel tightly packed fibres approximately 640 nm in diameter and of indefinite length. The fibres run strictly parallel within each layer, while in adjoining layers they run at a variable angle from 45 degrees in the central body to 90 degrees in the extremities. Each fibre shows a barely detectable filamentous inner structure and is enveloped in a thin highly regular net formed by hexagonal meshes. Our results suggested that these fibres should be proteinaceous although non-collagenous. Thinner radial fibres run among the large fibres and across all the layers and span the whole thickness of the cuticle from the epithelial layer located deep underneath the large fibres up to the epicuticle on the external surface of the animal.  相似文献   

The effects of Copper on the life-cycle of two crustacean isopods, Asellus aquaticus (L.) and Proasellus coxalis Dollf., are studied. ST50 indicates that females and males are differently sensitive in comparison with juveniles. The two species do not show differences in sensitivity in the range of 0.01–15 mg·1-1 between adults and juveniles. The effect of 0.005 mg·1-1 Copper sulphate was strongest on embryonic and larval stages. Ecological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of heavy metals on the isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.) are studied by static toxicity tests. Results demonstrate that the species is sensitive to Cd+2, Cr+6, Cu+2, Fe+3, Hg+2, Ni+2 Pb+2 and Zn+2, but the toxicity of each metal is different. Differences are also found between adults and between adults and juveniles. The comparative analysis of all data on the toxicity has been performed on the concentrations of metal ions and not on metal compound concentrations.Criteria for establishing water quality in order to guarantee protection of the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic exposure to 5 g·1–1 cadmium or copper on the crustacean Isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.) were studied by analyzing survival and body growth in the first stages of the life-cycle and by determining fecundity and survival of embryo-bearing females. Juveniles survival is differently affected by the two metals in that embryonic development is more sensitive to cadmium while juvenile development is more sensitive to copper. Juvenile body growth is stimulated by cadmium and depressed by copper. Embryo-bearing female survival and fecundity are significantly reduced by cadmium but are not affected by copper. The consequence of environmental contamination by a sublethal cadmium or copper concentration is discussed.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga 《Hydrobiologia》1979,65(3):233-240
The author investigated the presence of various carotenoids in the different parts of the body of Cyprinus carpio L. by means of columnar and thinlayer chromatography.The material in the form of the fertilized eggs, week-old fry, month-old fry, four-months old fry, one-year old fry and marketable carp were investigated.Yugoslavian carp brought to Poland as fry, and hybrid the wild carp crossed with of the cultivation carp, were also taken for analysis. The carotenoid content of Cyprinus carpio bred in waters polluted by municipal wastes and specimens suffering from diseases of the airbladder was also determined.The content of carotenoids, the provitamin of vitamin A, in Cyprinus carpio depends of many factors existing during the cultivation of these fish.  相似文献   

Intact gas vesicles of Microcyclus aquaticus S1 were isolated by using centrifugally accelerated flotation of vesicles and molecular sieve chromatography. Isolated gas vesicles were cylindrical organelles with biconical ends and measured 250×100 nm. The gas vesicle membrane was composed almost entirely of protein; neither lipid nor carbohydrate was detected, although one mole of phosphate per mole of protein was found. Amino acid analysis indicated that the protein contained 54.6% hydrophobic amino acid residues, lacked sulfur-containing amino acids, and had a low aromatic amino acid content. The protein subunit composition of the vesicles was determined by gel electrophoresis in (i) 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate at pH 9.0 and (ii) 5 M urea at pH 2.0. The membrane appeared to consist of one protein subunit of MW 50 000 daltons. Charge isomers of this subunit were not detected on urea gels. Antiserum prepared against purified gas vesicles of M. aquaticus S1 cross-reacted with the gas vesicles of all other gas vacuolate strains of M. aquaticus, as well as those of Prosthecomicrobium pneumaticum, Nostoc muscorum, and Anabaena flos-aquae, indicating that the gas vesicles of these widely divergent organisms have some antigenic determinants in common.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - MW molecular weight - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - EDTA disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - BSA bovine serum albumin - TCA trichloroacetic acid - P c pressure necessary to collapse gas vesicles  相似文献   

Asellus aquaticus (L.) was the most important benthic food item for perch, Perca fluviatilis (L.), in a small, extremely humic forest lake in southern Finland. The proportion of A. aquaticus in the diet of perch varied according to the former's availability, which, in turn, depended on its life cycle. Perch 11.0–12.9 cm (total length) most frequently fed on A. aquaticus; smaller and larger perch fed more frequently on crustacean zooplankton and aquatic insect larvae, respectively. The high density of the perch population, the importance of A. aquaticus in the benthos of the study lake and the general high activity level of the prey resulted in a high predation (0.1–1.8% per day). The population of A. aquaticus was also limited by the scarcity of macrophytic vegetation and the small area of oxygenated littoral in the lake.  相似文献   

The ecological and evolutionary processes leading to isolation and adaptation of cave animals compared to their surface ancestors are not yet unequivocally understood. In this study the genetic relations of four cave and three surface population of the freshwater crustacean Asellus aquaticus in the Karst region of SW Slovenia and NE Italy were assessed using RAPDs as genetic markers. The results suggest that specialized populations from two caves invaded their subterranean habitat independently, and that their morphological similarity is a result of convergent evolution. Another, less specialized cave population seems to originate from a later colonization of a cave system already inhabited by a more specialized population, but the two populations do not interbreed. This series of temporally and spatially independent invasions has generated a diversity hotspot of non-interbreeding populations of a ubiquitous freshwatercrustacean, which is uniform over most of its range. Genetic variability estimated by the percentage of polymorphic RAPD fragments was similar (86–91%) in most cave and surface populations. Substantially lower values (as low as 49%) were found in two cave populations affected by heavy pollution. Two a priori groupings of populations, traditional subspecies and hydrologically connected groups, were rejected as not significant by means of nested analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). On the other hand, groupings revealed by UPGMA clustering displayed a significant component of among-group variance. An analysis of gene flow between populations using estimated migration rates confirmed these findings.  相似文献   

An important component of the interaction between macroinvertebrates and leaf litter in streams in the extent to which consumers can differentiate between undecomposed and decomposing leaves. The detritivores Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus fed preferentially on conditioned rather on unconditioned leaf material. Growth in A. aquaticus was significantly reduced when unconditioned leaves were provided, but in G. pulex no significant effect of conditioning on growth was observed. The capacity of G. pulex to tolerate reductions in food quality seems to be a consequence of a compensatory system in which respiration rates change to compensate for reductions in food quality. In this way a constant growth rate is maintained. Increases in ingestion rates to compensate for low quality food were not observed.  相似文献   

D. Petridis 《Hydrobiologia》1990,194(1):47-56
Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val) faecal pellets derived fromElodea nutallii consumption were efficiently utilized by the detritivoreAsellus. Immature and adult individuals of 2.1–3.2 mm and 4.9–6.0 mm respectively, exhibited a high mean specific growth (9.03%/day and 3.33%/day) when offered faecal pellets as food during two weeks experimental trials. Individuals of the same groups, when fed onElodea which had been mechanically fragmented to simulate the macerating action of the grass carp pharyngeal teeth, grew at rates (9.57%/day and 4.06%/day) not significantly different from those fed on faecal pellets. However, the growth rates of animals fed on freshElodea (6.40%/day and 2.23%/day) were significantly lower than in the above trials, indicating that the morphological destruction of the plant tissue could be responsible for the higher observed growth. The control trials, including unfed animals, showed negative growth (– 0.49%/day and – 0.48%/day).Grass carp herbivory makes a new food resource available to benthic invertebrates by converting fresh plant material to small plant fragments.  相似文献   

A. Basset 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):315-321
The role of interactions between chemical perturbations and biological constraints on detritivores occurring in polluted streams were investigated by analysing food absorption variation with stress. Absorption rate and efficiency of four Asellus aquaticus (L.) populations from differently polluted habitats were quantified with respect to the microbial guilds colonizing detritus. A twin tracer method was used. Detritus was microbially colonized in standard conditions and on each stream bottom to control for potential resource-independent variations among individuals. The relationship between length and weight was also determined on a random sample of individuals of each population. Differences of 14.6% in potential absorption efficiency and 11.3% in potential absorption rate were observed between populations from the least and the most polluted habitat. Actual (realized) variations were much stronger: from a minimum of a 60.1% reduction in absorption efficiency to a maximum of 93.8% for the rate. The realized food absorption and the individual weight per length showed the same pattern of variation among populations. This suggested that the availability of energy to isopods in nature was related to stream pollution and resource quality. Bottomup interactions appear to be the most relevant pathway through which chemical water pollution affects the Asellus populations studied. The potential resource-independent variations among individuals are also likely to be explained by temporal cascading of resource-mediated effects.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Tricoma are described from the Mediterranean: Tricoma (Tricoma) apophysis sp.n., Tricoma (T.) latispicula sp.n., Tricoma (T.) corsicana sp.n., Tricoma (T.) pygmaea sp.n., Tricoma (T.) vincxae sp.n., Tricoma (T.) duopapillata sp.n., Tricoma (T.) setosa sp.n. and Tricoma (Quadricoma) tripapillata sp.n.. All are noteworthy for being small.  相似文献   

Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus generally occupy different zones in rivers; the former occurs in upper reaches but is replaced by the latter in lower reaches. Microdistribution and life-history patterns of G. pulex and A. aquaticus in sympatry and allopatry, were analyzed. Both species exhibited similar patterns of microhabitat selection, with larger individuals associated predominantly with large-sized substratum particles, and juveniles with weed. Coexisting populations of G. pulex and A. aquaticus had similar densities and population dynamics. Within each species, differences in population dynamics of allopatric and sympatric populations were observed. Although variation in population dynamics of G. pulex may be explained in terms of competition between the two species, the evidence is weak and equivocal. Differences in the dynamics of the two A. aquaticus populations were possibly a consequence of coal-mine and organic pollution, reducing the survival of offspring in the allopatric population.  相似文献   

This paper continues to explore niche differentiation in Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus by analysis of their food preferences. Individuals from both species discriminated between leaf discs colonized by different fungal species and exhibited strong preferences for Anguillospora longissima and Heliscus lugdunensis. Fungal preferences were not correlated with the relative abundance of fungi in the field and there was considerable intra-population variability in food preferences — both between individuals and for the same individual through time. Niche overlap between animals from all four study populations was high and there was no evidence of differences in the potential trophic niches of animals from sympatric and allopatric populations.  相似文献   

Anders Hargeby 《Oecologia》1990,82(3):348-354
Summary The mortality and physiological status (body water content) of Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda) and Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda) were measured after 25 days exposure in 20 natural streams with a pH range of 4.3–7.5 and a colour range of 8–280 mg Pt L–1. In addition, the effects of keeping the animals as single species or together were studied. The response of Gammarus to low pH was an increased mortality and lower physiological status of surviving individuals in streams with a pH lower than 6.0. In Asellus the physiological status was correlated with pH, while the mortality was not pH dependent. The effects of humus on the physiological status of Asellus was significant when fitted to a second order polynomial function. The influence of humus can, however, be regarded as small relative to pH. The interactions between the species could be described as asymmetric under optimal conditions of high pH and low humus concentrations, where the presence of Gammarus decreased the survival and physiological status of Asellus. Acid stress did not seem to reverse the direction of this asymmetry, but the presence of Gammarus improved the physiological status of Asellus at pH lower than 6.0. Since the presence of Asellus did not increase the mortality or decrease the physiological status of Gammarus, this could be explained by Asellus feeding on Gammarus that died from physiological stress solely. This mechanism suggests that food quality, and thus effects of diffuse competition, can be important for the ability to withstand acid stress. The results, though, give no support for the hypothesis that competition from Asellus is important for the disappearance of Gammarus during the acidification of streams.  相似文献   

Nematomorpha, horsehair or Gordian worms, include about 300 freshwater species in 22 genera (Gordiida) and 5 marine species in 1 marine genus (Nectonema). They are parasitic in arthropods during their juvenile stage. In the present study, the used gordian worm was found in the feces of a dog (5-month old, male) in July 2014. Following the worm analysis using light and scanning electron microscopes, the morphological classification was re-evaluated with molecular analysis. The worm was determined to be a male worm having a bi-lobed tail and had male gonads in cross sections. It was identified as Gordius sp. (Nematomorpha: Gordiidae) based on the characteristic morphologies of cross sections and areole on the cuticle. DNA analysis on 18S rRNA partial sequence arrangements was also carried out, and the gordiid worm was assumed to be close to the genus Gordius based on a phylogenic tree analysis.  相似文献   

The physiology of Thermus aquaticus strain Z05 was investigated. Substantial evidence for gene and enzyme regulation in the central metabolism of this extreme thermophile was found.Two anaplerotic pathways were detected: (1) phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase; (2) a glyoxylate shunt which proved to be essential for growth on pyruvate as well as acetate. The synthesis of isocitrate lyase and malate synthase were found to depend on a common control mechanism. Pronounced regulatory effects were observed on the activity of malic enzyme, pyruvate kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. The data could be fitted together into a picture of the metabolism during glycolysis and gluconeogenesis which shows how variations of enzyme levels and activities correlate with the apparent needs of the cell.Our results call attention to a peculiar metabolic analogy between T. aquaticus and Acinetobacter Abbreviations ace acetate nonutilizing - Acetyl-CoA acetyl-coenzyme A - I.U. international unit - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - T Thermus  相似文献   

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