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The effect of neonatal sympathectomy on vasodilator responses to acetylcholine (ACh) and cAMP has been studied in aortic rings of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive animals. The relaxation of intact SHR aorta in response to ACh and cAMP was 20-35% lower than that of normotensive rats. Sympathectomy in normotensive rats did not affect the level of blood pressure and aorta reactivity to Ach. In SHR, sympathectomy caused a decrease in blood pressure, while relaxation in response to ACh and cAMP increased, as compared to intact SHR, but remained lower than in normotensive rats. The data obtained suggest that the decrease in arterial pressure of sympathectomized SHR is a result not only of the reduction in sympathetic effects but also of the increase in smooth muscle relaxation.  相似文献   

The body growth and the onset of puberty in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and in normotensive controls (WKY) have been studied. In female rats the onset of puberty was determined by both the age and the body weight at which the vaginal opening and first estrus appeared, as well as the ability of estradiol and progesterone to induce pituitary LH release. For this purpose females were injected with estradiol benzoate (0.1 mg/kg) and progesterone (1 mg/rat). Control animals received only oil vehicle. In male rats, puberty was assessed by studying the age and body weight at the time of balano-preputial separation. In another experiment, SH and WKY rats were decapitated on day 30 to determine FSH, LH, PRL, GH and testosterone plasma levels in males and FSH and LH in females. The results obtained show: a) A greater body weight, at all the ages studied (every 4 days between days 28 and 92) in SHR animals. b) A delay in vaginal opening and first estrus presentation in SHR females. c) Absence of spontaneous LH peaks in WKY females. d) Advancement in balano-preputial separation in SHR males and e) Higher plasma FSH levels in SHR males than in WKY males, without differences in other hormones.  相似文献   

This comparative study investigates the relationship between sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium(Ca2+)-ATPase transport activity and phospholamban (PLB) phosphorylation in whole cardiac homogenates of spo`ntaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and their parent, normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) strain during early postnatal development at days 1, 3, 6, 12 and at day 40 to ascertain any difference in SR Ca2+ handling before the onset of hypertension. At day 1, the rate of homogenate oxalate-supported Ca2+ uptake was significantly higher in SHR than in WKY (0.25 ± 0.02 vs 0.12 ± 0.01 nmoles Ca2+/mg wet ventricular weight/min, respectively; p < 0.001). This interstrain difference disappeared with further developmental increase in SR Ca2+ transport. Western Blot analysis and a semiquantitative ELISA did not reveal any difference in the amount of immunoreactive PLB (per mg of total tissue protein) between strains at any of the ages studied. In addition, levels of phosphorylated PLB formed in vitro in the presence of radiolabelled ATP and catalytic (C) subunit of protein kinase A did not differ between SHR and WKY at days 1, 3, 6 and 12. At day 40, C subunit-catalyzed formation of 32P-PLB was reduced by 66% (p < 0.001) in SHR when compared to age-matched WKY In the early postnatal period between day 1 and 12 SR Ca2+-transport values were linearly related to the respective 32P-PLB levels of both SHR and WKY rats. The results indicate that cardiac SR of SHR can sequester Ca2+ at a much higher rate immediately after birth compared to WKY rats. The disappearance of this interstrain difference with further development suggests that some endogenous neuroendocrine or nutritional factor(s) from the hypertensive mother may exert an influence upon the developing heart in utero resulting in a transiently advanced maturation of the SR Ca2+ transport function in SHR pups at the time of birth.  相似文献   

Early developmental conditions can significantly influence the growth and survival of many animal species. We studied the consequences of exposure to corticosterone (CORT), a stress hormone, during the nestling stage on two behavioral traits (neophobia, social dominance) measured when the birds had reached independence. Nestling zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) were exposed twice daily to exogenous CORT via oral administration for a 12-day period up until fledging. Experimental CORT administration depressed nestling growth rates, confirming results previously obtained in this species. Our data on neophobic behavior revealed a significant interaction between sex and treatment, with CORT-dosed males showing reduced latencies to approach a novel object, while there was little effect of corticosterone treatment on female neophobia. There was no significant effect of age (30 or 50 days), however, there was a non-significant trend towards an interaction between treatment and age, with neophobia increasing with age in the CORT-dosed birds, but decreasing in controls. At 50 days of age previous exposure to corticosterone resulted in reduced success in competitions for a non-food-based resource (a perch) in both sexes. There were no effects of brood size on any behavioral traits measured here, but this may be due to the small range in brood size used. Our results show that elevated levels of stress hormones during postnatal development can have significant effects on important behavioral traits, i.e., neophobia and dominance. Moreover, they confirm the importance of rearing conditions in shaping adult phenotypes.  相似文献   

The morphological changes of the tectorial membrane (TM) during the postnatal development (0, 3, 6, 12 and 25 day old) of the organ of Corti were studied by light microscopy in 20 control and hypothyroid rats. Hypothyroidism was induced by daily administration of propylthioruracil (PTU) until the end of lactation. The auditive receptor in the cochlea of the hypothyroid animals shows serious structural alterations compared with those of normal ones: abnormal persistence of K?lliker's organ, immaturity of sensory cells and supporting cells and a specific distortion of the TM. Differences with controls were first observed on the sixth postnatal day of the hypothyroid rats. The inner spiral sulcus was not shaped and the TM was attached to the K?lliker's organ. In older stages (12 and 25 days), K?lliker's organ was still present. The TM acquired a shap hump with an abnormal fibrillar arrangement in its middle part. It was still attached to the outer supporting cells by a remnant of the marginal net. It was suggested that the TM is secreted by the inner spiral limbus and K?lliker's organ. An abnormal persistence of these structures in the hypothyroidism results in a retardation of Corti's organ development. However, this conclusion does not explain the absence of the outer portion of the TM. Our study confirms the hypothesis that the secretion of any components of the marginal zone of TM is made by outer supporting cells which in PTU-treated animals appear very immature and with hypoplasia.  相似文献   

Juvenile rats are known to show certain elements of maternal behavior. In this experiment, to investigate sex difference and postnatal change of retrieving and pup-cleaning (licking) behaviors in juvenile rats, these behaviors were recorded using new observation method at 20, 30 and 45 days of age in female and male Wistar rats. At 20 days of age, maternal behavior was observed in a common plastic observation cage (test A) and then test B was performed. In the test B, observation was carried out using a cage with a wooden box that was open on one side, helping the juveniles to establish a nest. As the results of day 20, most rats in all groups showed licking behavior in both the test A and B. The incidence of retrieving behavior increased from the test A to the test B with the box in both sexes, especially in males (p<0.01). The box is thought to play a facilitative role in induction of retrieving. Moreover, the incidence in males was higher than that in females in the test B (p<0.001). At 30 and 45 days of age, only a test B with box was performed. The incidences of licking and retrieving behaviors at 30 days of age were decreased significantly compared to those at 20 days of age in both sexes(p<0.001). Further decrease from 30 days to 45 days was observed. These results suggest that in juvenile rat, incidence of retrieving behavior in males is higher than that in females but there is no sex difference in incidence of licking behavior. Potency to show these behaviors decreases acutely before puberty in rats.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effect of the presentation of an irregular, moderate intensity auditory stimulus ('noise') on the performance of rats in an operant discrimination task. In Experiment 1, rats first learned to press a lever in the presence of a visual stimulus but not in its absence. Discrimination performance was impaired during subsequent exposure to noise. In Experiment 2, different groups of rats learned the discrimination task under a noise or a no-noise condition. Thereafter, all rats were tested under each noise condition. Discrimination performance was best when the noise condition at test was identical to the noise condition at training. These results were discussed in the framework of arousal, distraction, generalization decrement, and contextual occasion setting. They point to the necessity of using a 2x2 factorial design in human and animal research on noise effects, with noise condition at training (noise present or absent) and noise condition at test (noise present or absent) as factors.  相似文献   

The current study examined effects of chronic estradiol replacement on a prefrontally-mediated working memory task at different ages in a rodent model. Ovariectomized young, middle-aged, and old Long–Evans rats were given 5% or 10% 17β-estradiol in cholesterol vehicle via Silastic implants and tested on an operant delayed spatial alternation task (DSA). The two estradiol exposed groups did not perform as well as the vehicle control group did. Deficits were present at all but the longest delay, where all groups including the vehicle control group performed poorly. Surprisingly, there was not a significant effect of age or an age by estradiol interaction, despite the fact that old rats had longer latencies to respond after both correct and incorrect lever presses. These data confirm our earlier finding that chronic estradiol treatment has an impairing effect on working memory as measured on DSA task. However, contrary to expectations, young, middle-aged and old rats were similarly impaired by chronic estradiol treatment; there were no indications of differential effects at different periods of the lifespan. Also contrary to expectations, there were no indications of a decline in DSA performance with advancing age. Overall, the results demonstrate that chronic estradiol exposure causes deficits in the DSA performance of ovariectomized female rats, not only in young adulthood, but also at older ages analogous to those at which hormone replacement therapy is commonly prescribed in humans.  相似文献   

During the perinatal period, calcium metabolism is stressed. As intestinal Ca-binding protein is considered as a molecular expression of the hormonal effect of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2D3), Ca-binding protin measurements may document the vitamin D roles during this period. We describe the variations of Ca-binding protein concentrations in the rat during the last 5 days of gestation, in the maternal duodenum, placentas, fetal membranes and fetal intestines. We also report intestinal Ca-binding protein changes from birth until weaning. The evolution of the maternal intestinal Ca-binding protein, which increases on day 19.5 of gestation, is consistent with that of calcium intestinal absorption and may be explained by increased 1,25(OH)2D3 production. Placental Ca-binding protein rises from day 17.5 until the end of gestation, and may be related to the profile of calcium transfer from mother to fetuses. It is noteworthy that the placental Ca-binding protein is predominantly found in the fetal part of the organ where materno-fetal exchanges occur. The yolk sac synthesizes substantial amounts of Ca-binding protein. In the fetal membranes, Ca-binding protein plateaus from day 17.5 until day 20.5 and decreases on day 21.5. The Ca-binding protein presence in the fetal placenta and in the yolk sac may suggest that these tissues are also targets for vitamin D. In the fetus the intestinal Ca-binding protein s is detected as early as day 17.5 of gestation and increases markedly during the last day of gestation. From birth and during the first 3 weeks of postnatal life, the intestinal Ca-binding protein concentration does not change. It undergoes a sharp rise just at the time of weaning. We have also shown that the specific distribution of Ca-binding protein along the intestine is acquired during intrauterine life and does not change with sucking or weaning. The two main changes of intestinal Ca-binding protein, observed just before birth and at weaning, may reflect the intestinal maturation and/or variations in vitamin D metabolism.  相似文献   

The effects of an experimental antiepileptic drug R 57720 (Janssen Pharmaceutica) on metrazol-induced seizures were studied in rats aged 7, 12, 18, 25 and 90 days. R 57720 exhibited a marked dose-dependent anticonvulsant effect against major, generalized tonic-clonic seizures in all the age groups studied. Similar action on minimal metrazol seizures (mMS) was present in rats aged 18 days and more. In the two youngest groups where metrazol did not induce mMS under control conditions, the combination of the 5- and 10-mg/kg doses of R 57720 and metrazol led to the appearance of mMS, whereas mMS failed to appear after the highest dose of R 57720 used (20 mg/kg).  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze, in mice, the long-term effects of delayed fatherhood on postnatal development, spontaneous motor activity, and learning capacity of offspring. Hybrid parental-generation (F(0)) males, at the age of 12, 70, 100, and 120 wk, were individually housed with a randomly selected 12-wk-old hybrid female. The resulting first-generation (F(1)) offspring were tested for several developmental and behavioral variables. Cumulative percentage of F(1) pups that attained immediate righting in the 120-wk group was lower than that found in the 12-, 70-, and 100-wk groups. Furthermore, the postnatal day of attaining immediate righting was higher in pups from the 120-wk group when compared to pups from the other age-groups. At the age of 20 wk, F(1) offspring from the 120-wk group displayed lower counts of motor activity than offspring from the 12-, 70-, and 100-wk groups. One week later, a higher percentage of offspring from the 100- and 120-wk groups entered the dark compartment during the retention trial of the passive-avoidance test when compared to offspring from the 12-wk group. Offspring from the 120-wk group exhibited also lower step-through latency in the retention trial than offspring from the 12-, 70-, and 100-wk groups. These results show that advanced paternal age at conception has long-term effects on preweaning development, spontaneous motor activity, and reduced passive-avoidance learning capacity of mouse offspring.  相似文献   

Summary The villi of the caecal mucosa in postnatal rats were studied using both scanning electron and light microscopy.On the day of birth, numerous villi of various sizes and shapes were present on the caecal mucosa. After the 5th day, the villi decreased very rapidly in length and in number. A strong constriction was observed at the basal region of the caecal villi. During postnatal days 5 9 the villi probably separated and disappeared from the caecal mucosa. No villi were observed in rats that were over 10 days of age.  相似文献   

家兔与大鼠腓肠肌的生后发育比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
朱道立  陈佩林  叶辉  程量 《动物学报》2003,49(5):646-655
研究分析了家兔、大鼠腓肠肌在生后各年龄阶段的内侧头、外侧头的内侧亚体、中间亚体或外侧浅亚体、外侧亚体或外侧深亚体内快慢肌纤维的发育情况,应用大体解剖结合组织化学方法确定了其肌亚体,并进行琥珀酸脱氢酶染色、图像分析两型肌纤维的直径特征,以及肌构筑学与肌诱发电位的测量。结果表明:家兔在生后1个月时,内侧亚体从其深面凸现于内侧头与外侧亚体之间,中间亚体居于内侧亚体远端;大鼠内侧头未能区分肌亚体,其外侧头分为内侧亚体、外侧浅亚体,而外侧深亚体居于外侧浅亚体的深面呈重叠状:生后2、3天均未能分出Ⅰ、Ⅱ型肌纤维,也未见有原始肌束;Ⅰ、Ⅱ型肌纤维比例随年龄增长而变化,内侧亚体的Ⅱ型肌纤维比例在家兔与大鼠的生后发育中始终占优,而在其它各肌亚体内,Ⅱ型肌纤维的比例在发育中不恒定,直至成年后Ⅱ型肌纤维才趋于稳定并占优。在生长发育过程中,各肌亚体内Ⅱ型肌纤维的直径在各年龄段均大于Ⅰ型肌纤维。生后6个月家兔外侧头内侧亚体(FL/CSA)比值越大,倾向于速度型构筑;内侧头、中间亚体和外侧亚体(CSA/MW)比值越大,倾向于力量型构筑。大鼠腓肠肌外侧头内侧亚体乙酰胆碱酯酶染色显示葡萄状运动神经末梢支配慢肌纤维,斑点状运动终板位于快肌纤维。  相似文献   

The contribution of the sympathetic innervation to the postnatal development of cardiac contractility remains unclear. In this study, the postnatal maturation of cardiac contractility was compared in control rats and rats after chemical sympathectomy. The chemical sympathectomy was induced by administration of 6-hydroxydopamine to newborn rats. At days 20, 40 and 60 of postnatal life, the contractile parameters and concentrations of sympathetic neurotransmitters were measured in both right and left ventricles. In rats with chemical sympathectomy, concentrations of norepinephrine were reduced almost completely in both ventricles at all time points. The contractility of the left ventricle papillary muscles was substantially decreased at all time points. In contrast, the contractility of the right ventricle papillary muscles was decreased only transiently, showing a recovery at day 60 regardless of the permanently decreased concentration of norepinephrine. The concentration of neuropeptide Y, another neurotransmitter present in sympathetic nerves, showed the same developmental trend as contractility: permanent reduction in the left ventricle, transient reduction with a recovery at day 60 in the right ventricle. The data indicate that the sympathetic nervous system plays an important role in the postnatal development of cardiac contractility and neuropeptide Y may contribute to this effect.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of epileptic seizures in spontaneously epileptic rats (SER; zi/zi, tm/tm) was studied by examining behaviour and electroencephalogram (EEG) simultaneously. Weight gain and survival time were also studied. Compared with the control Kyo:Wistar rats, SER showed a much smaller increase in body weight. All male and female SER died before 20 and 18 weeks of age, respectively. Body tremor was observed at 2 weeks of age but disappeared after 11 weeks. Staggering gait appeared after 7 weeks of age, and intensified with age. Absence-like seizures characterized by paroxysmal appearance of 5-7 Hz spike-wave-like complexes were observed in the cortical or hippocampal EEG after 5 weeks of age, and tonic seizures with low voltage fast waves were observed after 6 weeks of age. All SER exhibited both absence-like and tonic seizures with high frequencies from 12 weeks of age. Differences with other spontaneous rat models of epilepsy and application methods for estimating seizure-inhibitory effects of anti-epileptic drugs are discussed.  相似文献   

Stroke in humans is usually focal and occurs in the Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) distribution. There are several rat models that mimic strokes clinically seen in human. Severity of ischemia can be determined by occlusion time, arteries occluded i.e. MCA alone or combined with one or both Common Carotid Arteries (CCA), and/or location of the occlusion. In this study three focal cerebral infarctions (stroke) were induced for 90 and 120 minutes due to the occlusion of: the MCA alone (MCAo); MCA plus unilateral CCA (MCAo+1CCAo); and MCA plus bilateral CCA (MCAo+2CCAo). Histological parameters included infarct lesion size and hemispheric swelling. Since functional recovery of clinical deficits in stroke often correlates with the efficacy of anti-ischemic therapy, we focused on the behavioral recovery. We combined many sources to obtain comprehensive guidelines for clinical behavior evaluation. Tests included limb flexion, torso twisting, circling, lateral push resistance, beam balancing and walking, hindlimb placing, and inverted angle-board gripping. Occlusion lasting 90 minutes was found to have consistent and repeatable deficits. Results from our study demonstrate 120 minutes of occlusion produced a 60% morality rate and was therefore dropped. Body weight changes between groups showed that increased occlusion time produced more weight loss. Behavior changes indicated that MCAo+2CCAo for 90 minutes demonstrated assessable and consistent clinical deficits for the screening of potential therapeutics.  相似文献   

Many foods contain the unsaturated aldehyde, hexadienal (HX). Human exposure is thus unavoidable. HX feeding to rodents caused cancers only in the forestomach. Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH) are key enzymes in the metabolism of aldehydes. We examined the distribution of ALDH using HX as the substrate (HXDH) along the GI tract of adolescent rats and found that their stomachs have high levels of HXDH activity and the enzyme preferred HX > 9-cis-retinal > acetyl aldehyde > formyl aldehyde. We also followed the postnatal development of the stomach. At birth, the forestomach represented 40-50% of the total stomach weight. Both fore- and glandular stomach gained weight, with the glandular portion gaining at a faster rate. By 21 days, the forestomach was 24-28% of the total weight and decreased slightly to an adult level of 22-24%. Gastric HXDH is low from birth to 14 days of age. HXDH activity increased thereafter, reaching higher levels at 21 days and peaking around 30-36 days of age. The activity then decreased to the adult level. The fore- and glandular stomach had the same level of HXDH activity in the newborn and at 7 and 14 days of age. At weaning, HXDH activity was higher (3x) in the forestomach than in the glandular stomach. In adults, the forestomach still had 2x the HXDH activity compared to the glandular stomach. Zymograms showed similar isozyme patterns of HXDH but with different ratios of the three major forms between the forestomach and the glandular stomach. Results indicate a differential development of HXDH between the fore- and glandular stomach that might be related to the higher sensitivity of the forestomach to HX feeding.  相似文献   

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