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The M-type potassium current and the N-type calcium current are inhibited by several different neurotransmitters in frog sympathetic neurons. These effects seem to be mediated via G proteins, but it is not clear whether diffusible second messengers are involved. Using a rapid (approximately 100 ms) flow tube perfusion system to apply agonists, the inhibition of calcium current develops and recovers rapidly but not instantaneously (t1/2 = 1-2 s). M-current inhibition is considerably slower, with t1/2 approximately 30 s for recovery from inhibition. At least for M-current inhibition, there appears to be sufficient time for involvement of an enzymatic cascade in receptor-channel coupling.  相似文献   

The heart excitor (HE) cells, a set of rhythmically active motor neurons, drive the heartbeat of the medicinal leech. Their activity is gated by inhibitory input from a network of interneurons, but that influence may be modified locally by electrotonic coupling between the HE cells. In this paper I analyze that electrotonic coupling by applying direct current and alternating current signals, and compare the results with predictions based on linear cable theory. The electrotonic junction itself appears to be conventional, but because of the membrane properties of the HE cells, the coupling strength depends upon both the frequency and polarity of the signal and the phase of heartbeat cycle when the signal is applied.  相似文献   

Allosterism of the Monod type applies only to systems with more than one binding site and two (noncooperative) states with intrinsic binding constants. Allosterism is then defined by an interconversion constant Lo (greater than 1) and a ratio of intrinsic binding constants, c (less than 1). The value of c determines whether weak or strong cooperativity among binding sites prevails. Cooperativity is weak, if 1 greater than c greater than 0.1, and strong, when c less than or equal to 0.1. Cooperativity is the stronger, the smaller c. Cooperativity may exist only between a restricted number of binding sites. The binding of Ca2+ to calmodulin shows this behavior under certain conditions. An (internal) indicator for binding may signal binding to both states or to only one. The results would be quite different with the extent of the difference determined by the extent of cooperativity (c in relation to the particular Li near 1). The size of Lo cannot be ignored in reference to the size of c. Effectors external to the ligand could alter Lo to shift cooperative behavior. Effectors could also make Lo too small or too large for any allosteric behavior to appear.  相似文献   

Oxidative and nitrosative stress underlie the pathogenesis of a broad range of human diseases, in particular neurodegenerative disorders. Within the brain, neurons are the cells most vulnerable to excess reactive oxygen and nitrogen species; their survival relies on the antioxidant protection promoted by neighbouring astrocytes. However, neurons are also intrinsically equipped with a biochemical mechanism that links glucose metabolism to antioxidant defence. Neurons actively metabolize glucose through the pentose phosphate pathway, which maintains the antioxidant glutathione in its reduced state, hence exerting neuroprotection. This process is tightly controlled by a key glycolysis-promoting enzyme and is dependent on an appropriate supply of energy substrates from astrocytes. Thus brain bioenergetic and antioxidant defence is coupled between neurons and astrocytes. A better understanding of the regulation of this intercellular coupling should be important for identifying novel targets for future therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Applications of mathematics and computational techniques to our understanding of neuronal systems are provided. Reduction of membrane models to simplified canonical models demonstrates how neuronal spike-time statistics follow from simple properties of neurons. Averaging over space allows one to derive a simple model for the whisker barrel circuit and use this to explain and suggest several experiments. Spatio-temporal pattern formation methods are applied to explain the patterns seen in the early stages of drug-induced visual hallucinations.  相似文献   

Periplasmic permeases are composed of four proteins, one of which has an ATP-binding site that has been postulated to be involved in energy coupling. Previous data suggested that these permeases derive energy from substrate level phosphorylation (Berger, E. A. (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 70, 1514-1518); however, conflicting results later cast doubt upon this hypothesis. Here, we make use of two well characterized periplasmic permeases and of a well characterized unc mutant (ATPase-) to examine this energetics problem in depth. We have utilized the histidine and maltose periplasmic permeases in Escherichia coli as model systems. Isogenic unc strains were used in order to study separately the effect of the proton-motive force and of ATP on transport. These parameters were analyzed concomitantly with transport assays. Starvation experiments indicate that both histidine and maltose transport require ATP generation and that a normal level of delta psi is not sufficient. Uncouplers such as carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and 2,4-dinitrophenol dissipated the delta psi without decreasing the ATP level and without significant effect on these permeases, showing that delta psi is not needed. Inhibition of ATP synthesis by arsenate eliminates transport through both permeases, confirming the need for ATP. In agreement with previous results with the glutamine permease (Plate, C. A. (1979) J. Bacteriol. 137, 221-225), valinomycin plus K+ dissipates delta psi without affecting ATP levels and inhibits histidine transport; however, maltose transport is not inhibited under these conditions. This result is discussed in terms of the artefactual side effects caused by valinomycin/K+ treatment on some periplasmic permeases. Histidine transport is also shown to be sensitive to changes in the cytoplasmic pH. It is concluded that periplasmic permeases indeed have an obligatory requirement for ATP (or a closely related molecule), whereas the proton-motive force is neither sufficient nor essential.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the uptake of cytosine, uracil and uridine is mediated by three permeases. Using mutants blocked in the metabolic utilization of these three compounds we were able to study their specific uptake. Cytosine and uridine show simple saturation kinetics, whereas uracil uptake is a biphasic process. A comparison of the effects of several inhibitors of energy metabolism on these uptake systems was made. Striking differences were found. 2,4-Dinitrophenol (10(-3) M) and NaN3 (10(-2) M) inhibit the entry of the three compounds to similar extent, but chlorhexidine (10(-5) M) and Dio 9 (50 microgram/ml) which are ATPase inhibitors in vitro strongly impaired cytosine and uridine entry and remained without effect on uracil uptake. We provisionally conclude that these systems may be energized by different mechanisms. In the case of cytosine and uridine permease, a membrane ATPase is possibly involved in the process of energetic coupling whereas this does not seem to be so for uracil.  相似文献   

Excitatory coupling with a slow rise time destabilizes synchrony between coupled neurons. Thus, the fully synchronous state is usually unstable in networks of excitatory neurons. Phase-clustered states, in which neurons are divided into multiple synchronized clusters, have also been found unstable in numerical studies of excitatory networks in the presence of noise. The question arises as to whether synchrony is possible in networks of neurons coupled through slow, excitatory synapses. In this paper, we show that robust, synchronous clustered states can occur in such networks. The effects of non-uniform distributions of coupling strengths are explored. Conditions for the existence and stability of clustered states are derived analytically. The analysis shows that a multi-cluster state can be stable in excitatory networks if the overall interactions between neurons in different clusters are stabilizing and strong enough to counter-act the destabilizing interactions between neurons within each cluster. When heterogeneity in the coupling strengths strengthens the stabilizing inter-cluster interactions and/or weakens the destabilizing in-cluster interactions, robust clustered states can occur in excitatory networks of all known model neurons. Numerical simulations were carried out to support the analytical results.  相似文献   

Miniaturized species have evolved in many animal lineages, including insects and vertebrates. Consequently, their nervous systems are constrained to fit within tiny volumes. These miniaturized nervous systems face two major challenges for information processing: noise and energy consumption. Fewer or smaller neurons with fewer molecular components will increase noise, affecting information processing and transmission. Smaller, more densely-packed neural processes will increase the density of energy consumption whilst reducing the space available for mitochondria, which supply energy. Although miniaturized nervous systems benefit from smaller distances between neurons, thus saving time, space and energy, they have also increased the space available for neural processing by expanding and contorting their nervous systems to fill any available space, sometimes at the expense of other structures. Other adaptations, such as multifunctional neurons or matched filters, may further alleviate the pressures on space within miniaturized nervous systems. Despite these adaptations, we argue that limitations on information processing are likely to affect the behaviour generated by miniaturized nervous systems.  相似文献   

Exact equations which describe the kinetic patterns of enzyme/enzyme complexes, when compartmented coupling occurs between them, are presented. Compartmented coupling refers to the creation of a local environment in which the concentration of an intermediate, shared by two enzymes, is higher than its solution concentration. This results in a higher coupling enzyme activity, a condition reflected in a shorter transition time for the system. In this paper, equations are presented which allow experimenters to quantitate the effect of compartmented coupling in terms of changes in the apparent Km and Vmax values. The equations presented in this paper are more exact than those previously derived since they do not incorporate first order assumptions before derivation.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - Spinal electromotor neurons in the gymnotidSternarchus albifrons were studied by light and electron microscopy. In this species, the electric organ discharge, which is of high...  相似文献   

Thrombospondin (TSP) is a prominent constituent of the extracellular matrix of the developing nervous system. We have examined the effects of TSP on the morphological differentiation of neurons. In short-term cultures (less than or equal to 24 hr) of embryonic rat sympathetic neurons, TSP stimulated neurite outgrowth, causing significant increase in the number of processes and their length. Similar effects were observed in cultures of rat dorsal root ganglion, hippocampal, and cerebral cortical neurons. Moreover, in cultures of central neurons, TSP was more effective than laminin in enhancing process extension. Analysis of long-term (5-7 days) cultures of sympathetic neurons indicated that processes formed in the presence of TSP had the cytochemical characteristics of axons. Thus, TSP can influence neuronal development by selectively enhancing axonal growth. The neurite-promoting region of the molecule was identified using a panel of monoclonal antibodies targeted to different regions of the protein. Process outgrowth could be totally inhibited with antibody A4.1, which recognizes the stalk region of TSP. These data suggest that the neurite-promoting activity is localized to a single region of the TSP molecule.  相似文献   

A compressed network of "giant" neurons, lying within the inner nerve-ring of the hydrozoan jellyfish Polyorchis, functions as the overall pattern generator and the motor neuron system for the subumbrellar swimming musculature. The neurons that form the network are all electrically coupled. The coupling is tight, so that action potentials and slow membrane-potential oscillations are synchronous throughout the network. The fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow CH passes throughout the network following iontophoretic injection into a single neuron. The sites of both current and dye passage are presumably the numerous gap junctions which are found where the giants run together. Based on the morphological identification of the giant network from the dye injections and ultrastructural studies, the electrophysiological data on the firing pattern and input--output relations of the network, and its position relative to other neurons in the inner nerve-ring, the giant network can be considered an identified neuronal group.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the uptake of cytosine, uracil and uridine is mediated by three permeases. Using mutants blocked in the metabolic utilization of these three compounds we were able to study their specific uptake. Cytosine and uridine show simple saturation kinetics, whereas uracil uptake is a biphasic process. A comparison of the effects of several inhibitors of energy metabolism on these uptake systems was made. Striking differences were found. 2,4-Dinitrophenol (10?3 M) and NaN3 (10?2 M) inhibit the entry of the three compounds to similar extent, but chlorhexidine (10?5 M) and Dio 9 (50 μg/ml) which are ATPase inhibitors in vitro strongly impaired cytosine and uridine entry and remained without effect on uracil uptake.We provisionally conclude that these systems may be energized by different mechanisms. In the case of cytosine and uridine permease, a membrane ATPase is possibly involved in the process of energetic coupling whereas this does not seem to be so for uracil.  相似文献   

In recent years, ecologists and epidemiologists have paid increasing attention to the influence of spatial structure in shaping the dynamics and determining the persistence of populations. This is fundamentally affected by the concept of 'coupling'—the flux of individuals moving between separate populations. In this paper, we contrast how coupling is typically implemented in epidemic models with more detailed approaches. Our aim is to link the popular phenomenological formulations with the results of mechanistic models. By concentrating on the behaviour of simple epidemic systems, we relate explicit movement patterns with observed levels of coupling, validating the standard formulation. The analysis is then extended to include a brief study of how the correlation between stochastic populations is affected by coupling, the underlying deterministic dynamics and the relative population sizes.  相似文献   

The pair of giant reciprocally coupled neurons VD1 and RPaD2 within the CNS of the freshwater pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis was used to analyse the effect of hydrogen peroxide on gap-junction connection. Electrical activity of VD1/RPaD2 was recorded with intracellular microelectrodes in order to analyse gap-junction signalling. Hydrogen peroxide application (1 × 10?? M) results in a rapid, 1.3-fold, increase in VD1/RPaD2 spiking frequency within 30 s after application. This was accompanied by a slight reduction in action potential amplitude. In addition, H?O? induced a significant reduction in the steady-state bidirectional coupling ratio between the neurons. The maximal reduction in the coupling ratio, 1.8-1.9 fold, was measured 3 min after H?O? application. However, the network input resistance did not undergo a detectable change. The voltage-gated Ca2? channel blocker, nifedipine (1 × 10?? M), abolished the effect of H?O? on the coupling ratio and firing frequency. All the effects of H?O? were reversible, that is, washing the preparation with standard physiological saline restored the properties of the neuronal coupling to the pre-treatment value. These data are consistent with a dynamic modulation of the gap-junction properties by H?O? between these two neurons.  相似文献   

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