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We have analyzed the unique epitope for the broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibody (MAb) 2G12 on the gp120 surface glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Sequence analysis, focusing on the conservation of relevant residues across multiple HIV-1 isolates, refined the epitope that was defined previously by substitutional mutagenesis (A. Trkola, M. Purtscher, T. Muster, C. Ballaun, A. Buchacher, N. Sullivan, K. Srinivasan, J. Sodroski, J. P. Moore, and H. Katinger, J. Virol. 70:1100-1108, 1996). In a biochemical study, we digested recombinant gp120 with various glycosidase enzymes of known specificities and showed that the 2G12 epitope is lost when gp120 is treated with mannosidases. Computational analyses were used to position the epitope in the context of the virion-associated envelope glycoprotein complex, to determine the variability of the surrounding surface, and to calculate the surface accessibility of possible glycan- and polypeptide-epitope components. Together, these analyses suggest that the 2G12 epitope is centered on the high-mannose and/or hybrid glycans of residues 295, 332, and 392, with peripheral glycans from 386 and 448 on either flank. The epitope is mannose dependent and composed primarily of carbohydrate, with probably no direct involvement of the gp120 polypeptide surface. It resides on a face orthogonal to the CD4 binding face, on a surface proximal to, but distinct from, that implicated in coreceptor binding. Its conservation amidst an otherwise highly variable gp120 surface suggests a functional role for the 2G12 binding site, perhaps related to the mannose-dependent attachment of HIV-1 to DC-SIGN or related lectins that facilitate virus entry into susceptible target cells.  相似文献   

The alpha-glucosidase inhibitor N-butyldeoxynojirimycin (NB-DNJ) is an inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication and HIV-induced syncytium formation in vitro. Although NB-DNJ appears to inhibit HIV entry at the level of post-CD4 binding (P.B. Fischer, M. Collin, G.B. Karlsson, W. James, T.D. Butters, S.J. Davis, S. Gordon, R.A. Dwek, and F.M. Platt, J. Virol. 69:5791-5797, 1995), the exact mechanism of action remains to be established. In this study we have examined the effect of NB-DNJ on the structure of recombinant gp120 (rgpl20), expressed in CHO cells, by using a panel of 40 monoclonal antibodies. The levels of binding of antibodies to rgp120 produced in the presence [rgpl20(+)] and absence [rgpl20(-)] of NB-DNJ were compared by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and surface plasmon resonance (BIAcore; Pharmacia). The results showed an increase in the binding to rgp120(+) of antibodies directed against the C1 and C2 regions and a decrease in the binding of antibodies directed against the V1/V2 loops compared with antibody binding to rgpl20(-). A decrease in the binding to rgpl20(+) of antibodies directed against discontinuous epitopes was also observed. No differences were seen in the binding of antibodies directed against the crown of the V3 loop and the C4 region of gp120. Treatment of rgpl20 with alpha-glucosidases I and II had no effect on the differential binding observed, whereas treatment with sialidase abolished the differences seen in the binding of antibodies directed against the C1 and C2 regions of gp120. In addition to these findings, rgpl20(+) showed increased sensitivity to proteases released by CHO cells during expression, as well as to exogenous thrombin. Taken together, the data presented in this paper suggest that production of gp120 in the presence of NB-DNJ affects the conformation of the Vl/V2 loops of gpl20, as well as the overall charge of the C1 and C2 regions. These effects may play a role in the previously described NB-DNJ-mediated inhibition of HIV entry at the level of post-CD4 binding.  相似文献   

Plasma samples from individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are known to be highly strain specific in their ability to neutralize HIV-1 infectivity. Such plasma samples exhibit significant neutralizing activity against autologous HIV-1 isolates but typically exhibit little or no activity against heterologous strains, although some cross-neutralizing activity can develop late in infection. Monkeys infected with the simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) clone DH12 generated antibodies that neutralized SHIV DH12, but not SHIV KB9. Conversely, antibodies from monkeys infected with the SHIV clone KB9 neutralized SHIV KB9, but not SHIV DH12. To investigate the role of the variable loops of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 in determining this strain specificity, variable loops 1 and 2 (V1/V2), V3, or V4 were exchanged individually or in combination between SHIV DH12 and SHIV KB9. Despite the fact that both parental viruses exhibited significant infectivity and good replication in the cell lines examined, 3 of the 10 variable-loop chimeras exhibited such poor infectivity that they could not be used further for neutralization assays. These results indicate that a variable loop that is functional in the context of one particular envelope background will not necessarily function within another. The remaining seven replication-competent chimeras allowed unambiguous assignment of the sequences principally responsible for the strain specificity of the neutralizing activity present in SHIV-positive plasma. Exchange of the V1/V2 loop sequences conferred a dominant loss of sensitivity to neutralization by autologous plasma and a gain of sensitivity to neutralization by heterologous plasma. Substitution of V3 or V4 had little or no effect on the sensitivity to neutralization. These data demonstrate that the V1/V2 region of HIV-1 gp120 is principally responsible for the strain specificity of the neutralizing antibody response in monkeys infected with these prototypic SHIVs.  相似文献   

Because V3 loop-specific antibodies have been shown to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of human cells and because specific mutations in the V3 loop render the virus ineffective for infection and syncytium formation, we tested the anti-HIV effects of V3 loop peptides from different HIV-1 strains. We obtained evidence that V3 loop synthetic peptides of 8 to 15 amino acids at nanogram concentrations efficiently blocked HIV-1 IIIB infection of several human T-cell lines and of freshly prepared normal human T cells. More importantly, syncytium formation by three different primary clinical HIV isolates was inhibited by the V3 loop peptide from HIV-1 IIIB at a concentration of 1 micrograms/ml. Concentrations of V3 peptides up to 50 micrograms/ml were not toxic to any of the human cells studied. Additionally, V3 peptides incubated in normal human serum or plasma exhibited biological and physical stability for up to 24 h. Taken together, these results suggest that the V3 loop peptides have medical utility as therapeutic reagents to either prevent HIV-1 infection in humans or reduce the spread of virus infection in HIV-infected individuals. These findings are especially significant because a number of reports in the literature indicate that the V3 loop region in gp120 plays an important role in the initial stages of HIV-1 infection of cells.  相似文献   

The identification and epitope mapping of broadly neutralizing anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antibodies (Abs) is important for vaccine design, but, despite much effort, very few such Abs have been forthcoming. Only one broadly neutralizing anti-gp41 monoclonal Ab (MAb), 2F5, has been described. Here we report on two MAbs that recognize a region immediately C-terminal of the 2F5 epitope. Both MAbs were generated from HIV-1-seropositive donors, one (Z13) from an antibody phage display library, and one (4E10) as a hybridoma. Both MAbs recognize a predominantly linear and relatively conserved epitope, compete with each other for binding to synthetic peptide derived from gp41, and bind to HIV-1(MN) virions. By flow cytometry, these MAbs appear to bind relatively weakly to infected cells and this binding is not perturbed by pretreatment of the infected cells with soluble CD4. Despite the apparent linear nature of the epitopes of Z13 and 4E10, denaturation of recombinant envelope protein reduces the binding of these MAbs, suggesting some conformational requirements for full epitope expression. Most significantly, Z13 and 4E10 are able to neutralize selected primary isolates from diverse subtypes of HIV-1 (e.g., subtypes B, C, and E). The results suggest that a rather extensive region of gp41 close to the transmembrane domain is accessible to neutralizing Abs and could form a useful target for vaccine design.  相似文献   

Insertion of four amino acids into various locations within the amino-terminal halves of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120 or gp41 envelope glycoprotein disrupts the noncovalent association of these two envelope subunits (M. Kowalski, J. Potz, L. Basiripour, T. Dorfman, W. C. Goh, E. Terwilliger, A. Dayton, C. Rosen, W. A. Haseltine, and J. Sodroski, Science 237:1351-1355, 1987). To localize the determinants on the gp120 envelope glycoprotein important for subunit association, amino acids conserved among primate immunodeficiency viruses were changed. Substitution mutations affecting either of two highly conserved regions located at the amino (residues 36 to 45) and carboxyl (residues 491 to 501) ends of the mature gp120 molecule resulted in nearly complete dissociation of the envelope glycoprotein subunits. Partial dissociation phenotypes were observed for some changes affecting residues in the third and fourth conserved gp120 regions. These results suggest that hydrophobic regions at both ends of the gp120 glycoprotein contribute to noncovalent association with the gp41 transmembrane glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The mechanism of CD4-mediated fusion via activated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 and the biological significance of soluble CD4 (sCD4)-induced shedding of gp120 are poorly understood. The purpose of these investigations was to determine whether shedding of gp120 led to fusion activation or inactivation. BJAB cells (TF228.1.16) stably expressing HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (the gp120-gp41 complex) were used to examine the effects of pH and temperature on sCD4-induced shedding of gp120 and on cell-to-cell fusion (syncytium formation) with CD4+ SupT1 cells. sCD4-induced shedding of gp120 was maximal at pH 4.5 to 5.5 and did not occur at pH 8.5. At physiologic pH, sCD4-induced shedding of gp120 occurred at 22, 37, and 40 degrees C but neither at 16 nor 4 degrees C. In contrast, syncytia formed at pH 8.5 (maximally at pH 7.5) but not at pH 4.5 to 5.5. At pH 7.5, syncytia formed at 37 and 40 degrees C but not at 22, 16, or 4 degrees C. Preincubation of cocultures of TF228.1.16 and SupT1 cells at 4, 16, or 22 degrees C before the shift to 37 degrees C resulted in similar, increased, or decreased syncytium formation, respectively, compared with the control. Furthermore, an activated intermediate of CD4-gp120-gp41 ternary complex may form at 16 degrees C; this intermediate rapidly executes fusion upon a shift to 37 degrees C but readily decays upon a shift to the shedding-permissive but fusion-nonpermissive temperature of 22 degrees C. These physicochemical data indicate that shedding of HIV-1 gp120 is not an integral step in the fusion cascade and that CD4 may inactivate the fusion complex in a process analogous to sCD4-induced shedding of gp120.  相似文献   

The envelope protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 HIV-1 undergoes proteolytic cleavage in the Golgi complex to produce subunits designated gp120 and gp41, which remain noncovalently associated. While gp41 has a well-characterized oligomeric structure, the maintenance of gp41-independent gp120 intersubunit contacts remains a contentious issue. Using recombinant vaccinia virus to achieve high-level expression of gp120 in mammalian cells combined with gel filtration analysis, we were able to isolate a discrete oligomeric form of gp120. Oligomerization of gp120 occurred intracellularly between 30 and 120 min after synthesis. Analysis by sedimentation equilibrium unequivocally identified the oligomeric species as a dimer. In order to identify the domains involved in the intersubunit contact, we expressed a series of gp120 proteins lacking various domains and assessed the effects of mutation on oligomeric structure. Deletion of the V1 or V3 loops had little effect on the relative amounts of monomer and dimer in comparison to wild-type gp120. In contrast, deletion of either all or part of the V2 loop drastically reduced dimer formation, indicating that this domain is required for intersubunit contact formation. Consistent with this, the V2 loop of the dimer was less accessible than that of the monomer to a specific monoclonal antibody. Previous studies have shown that while the V2 loop is not an absolute requirement for viral entry, the absence of this domain reduces viral resistance to neutralization by monoclonal antibodies or sera. We propose that the quaternary structure of gp120 may contribute to resistance to neutralization by limiting the exposure of conserved epitopes.  相似文献   

The V1/V2 and V3 loops are proximal to the CD4 binding site (CD4bs) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 and undergo conformational change upon CD4 receptor engagement by the HIV-1 envelope spike. Nearly all of the reported monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the CD4bs exhibit a very limited capacity to neutralize HIV-1. However, one such human MAb, immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) b12, is uniquely able to neutralize primary isolates across subtypes with considerable potency. The molecular basis for the anti-HIV-1 activity of b12 is not fully understood but is relevant to vaccine design. Here we describe a novel human MAb, 4KG5, whose binding to monomeric gp120 is moderately enhanced by IgG1 b12. In sharp contrast, 4KG5 binding to gp120 is inhibited by soluble CD4 (sCD4) and by all other (n = 14) anti-CD4bs MAbs tested. 4KG5 is unable to recognize gp120 in which either V1, V2, or V3 has been deleted, and MAbs against the V2 or V3 loops inhibit the binding of 4KG5 to gp120. Moreover, 4KG5 is able to inhibit the binding of the CD4-induced MAbs 17b and X5 in the absence of sCD4, whereas 17b and X5 only weakly inhibit the binding of 4KG5 to gp120. Mutagenesis of gp120 provides further evidence of a discontinuous epitope of 4KG5 that is formed by the V1/V2 loop, the V3 loop, and a portion of the bridging sheet (C4). 4KG5 was isolated as a single-chain Fv from a phage display library constructed from the bone marrow of an HIV-1-seropositive subject (FDA2) whose serum neutralizes HIV-1 across subtypes. Despite its source, we observed no significant neutralization with 4KG5 against the autologous (R2) virus and several other strains of HIV-1. The results suggest a model in which antibody access to the CD4bs on the envelope spike of HIV-1 is restricted by the orientation and/or dynamics of the V1/V2 and V3 loops, and b12 avoids these restrictions.  相似文献   

To elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120 envelope glycoprotein at the single-site level, the degree of amino acid variation and the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions were examined in 186 nucleotide sequences for gp120 (subtype B). Analyses of amino acid variabilities showed that the level of variability was very different from site to site in both conserved (C1 to C5) and variable (V1 to V5) regions previously assigned. To examine the relative importance of positive and negative selection for each amino acid position, the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions that occurred at each codon position were estimated by taking phylogenetic relationships into account. Among the 414 codon positions examined, we identified 33 positions where nonsynonymous substitutions were significantly predominant. These positions where positive selection may be operating, which we call putative positive selection (PS) sites, were found not only in the variable loops but also in the conserved regions (C1 to C4). In particular, we found seven PS sites at the surface positions of the alpha-helix (positions 335 to 347 in the C3 region) in the opposite face for CD4 binding. Furthermore, two PS sites in the C2 region and four PS sites in the C4 region were detected in the same face of the protein. The PS sites found in the C2, C3, and C4 regions were separated in the amino acid sequence but close together in the three-dimensional structure. This observation suggests the existence of discontinuous epitopes in the protein's surface including this alpha-helix, although the antigenicity of this area has not been reported yet.  相似文献   

Specific point mutations which affect viral tropism have been identified in both the V3 loop and in the CD4-binding region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 surface glycoprotein gp120. Here we report that a single point mutation in the first variable region (V1) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strain JRCSF is responsible for a change in viral tropism.  相似文献   

Microglia are the main reservoir for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in the central nervous system (CNS), and multinucleated giant cells, the result of fusion of HIV-1-infected microglia and brain macrophages, are the neuropathologic hallmark of HIV dementia. One potential explanation for the formation of syncytia is viral adaptation for these CD4(+) CNS cells. HIV-1(BORI-15), a virus adapted to growth in microglia by sequential passage in vitro, mediates high levels of fusion and replicates more efficiently in microglia and monocyte-derived-macrophages than its unpassaged parent (J. M. Strizki, A. V. Albright, H. Sheng, M. O'Connor, L. Perrin, and F. Gonzalez-Scarano, J. Virol. 70:7654-7662, 1996). Since the interaction between the viral envelope glycoprotein and CD4 and the chemokine receptor mediates fusion and plays a key role in tropism, we have analyzed the HIV-1(BORI-15) env as a fusogen and in recombinant and pseudotyped viruses. Its syncytium-forming phenotype is not the result of a switch in coreceptor use but rather of the HIV-1(BORI-15) envelope-mediated fusion of CD4(+)CCR5(+) cells with greater efficiency than that of its parental strain, either by itself or in the context of a recombinant virus. Genetic analysis indicated that the syncytium-forming phenotype was due to four discrete amino acid differences in V1/V2, with a single-amino-acid change between the parent and the adapted virus (E153G) responsible for the majority of the effect. Additionally, HIV-1(BORI-15) env-pseudotyped viruses were less sensitive to decreases in the levels of CD4 on transfected 293T cells, leading to the hypothesis that the differences in V1/V2 alter the interaction between this envelope and CD4 or CCR5, or both. In sum, the characterization of the envelope of HIV-1(BORI-15), a highly fusogenic glycoprotein with genetic determinants in V1/V2, may lead to a better understanding of the relationship between HIV replication and syncytium formation in the CNS and of the importance of this region of gp120 in the interaction with CD4 and CCR5.  相似文献   

Changes were introduced into conserved amino acids within the ectodomain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 transmembrane envelope glycoprotein. The effect of these changes on the structure and function of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins was examined. The gp41 glycoprotein contains an amino-terminal fusion peptide (residues 512 to 527) and a disulfide loop near the middle of the extracellular domain (residues 598 to 604). Mutations affecting the hydrophobic sequences between these two regions resulted in two phenotypes. Some changes in amino acids 528 to 562 resulted in a loss of the noncovalent association between gp41 and the gp120 exterior glycoprotein. Amino acid changes in other parts of the gp41 glycoprotein (residues 608 and 628) also resulted in subunit dissociation. Some changes affecting amino acids 568 to 596 resulted in envelope glycoproteins partially or completely defective in mediating membrane fusion. Syncytium formation was more sensitive than virus entry to these changes. Changes in several amino acids from 647 to 675 resulted in higher-than-wild-type syncytium-forming ability. One of these amino acid changes affecting tryptophan 666 resulted in escape from neutralization by an anti-gp41 human monoclonal antibody, 2F5. These results contribute to an understanding of the functional regions of the HIV-1 gp41 ectodomain.  相似文献   

A human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) mutant lacking the V1 and V2 variable loops in the gp120 exterior envelope glycoprotein replicated in Jurkat lymphocytes with only modest delays compared with the wild-type virus. Revertants that replicated with wild-type efficiency rapidly emerged and contained only a few amino acid changes in the envelope glycoproteins compared with the parent virus. Both the parent and revertant viruses exhibited increased sensitivity to neutralization by antibodies directed against the V3 loop or a CD4-induced epitope on gp120 but not by soluble CD4 or an antibody against the CD4 binding site. This result demonstrates the role of the gp120 V1 and V2 loops in protecting HIV-1 from some subsets of neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

We have examined the influence of the V1/V2 region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 on certain biologic properties of the virus. We observed that on the genomic background of the T-cell-line-tropic strain, HIV-1SF2mc, both the V1 and V2 domains of the macrophage-tropic strain, HIV-1SF162mc, in addition to the required V3 domain, are necessary to attain full macrophage tropism. Furthermore, the V2 domain modulates the sensitivity of HIV-1 to soluble CD4 neutralization. Structural studies of recombinant and mutant envelope glycoproteins suggest that the function of the V1/V2 region is to interact with the V3 domain and confer on the envelope gp120 of HIV-1SF2mc a conformation more similar to that of the macrophage-tropic strain HIV-1SF162mc. The conformation of the envelope gp120 appears to be strain specific and plays an important role in determining HIV-1 tissue tropism and sensitivity to soluble CD4 neutralization.  相似文献   

The domains of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein that are required for envelope function have been partially characterized. Little is known, however, about the nature of the interactions between these domains. To identify regions of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein that are involved in interactions necessary for proper envelope function, we constructed a series of 14 envelope recombinants between the env genes of two HIV-1 isolates. The envelope chimeras were examined for their ability to induce syncytia, to be proteolytically processed, and to function during a spreading viral infection. Our results demonstrate that the exchange between the two isolates of the first and second hypervariable regions (V1/V2) of gp120 results in defects in envelope glycoprotein processing, syncytium formation, and infectivity. Long-term passage of cultures infected with virus bearing a V1/V2 chimeric envelope glycoprotein leads to the emergence of a revertant virus with replication characteristics comparable to those of the wild type. Analysis of the revertant indicated that an Ile-->Met change in the C4 region of gp120 (between hypervariable regions V4 and V5) is responsible for the revertant phenotype. This single amino acid change restores infectivity without significantly affecting gp160 processing, CD4 binding, or the levels of virion-associated gp120. While the Ile-->Met change in C4 greatly enhances the fusogenic potential of the V1/V2 chimeric envelope glycoprotein, it has a detrimental effect on syncytium formation when analyzed in the context of the wild-type envelope. These results suggest that an interaction required for proper envelope glycoprotein function occurs between the V1/V2 and C4 regions of gp120.  相似文献   

Current vaccine efforts to elicit cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) focus on the engineering of soluble mimetics of the trimeric HIV Env glycoprotein (commonly termed gp140 immunogens). Such immunogens are thought to be more effective than previously tested monomeric gp120 immunogens at eliciting cross-reactive NAbs. Still, the breadth of neutralizing antibody responses elicited by gp140 immunogens is narrow. Understanding why antibodies elicited by gp140 immunogens fail to neutralize a wide range of heterologous primary HIV isolates is necessary for improving the design of such immunogens. We previously reported that antibodies elicited in macaques by SF162 Env-derived gp140 immunogens fail to neutralize several heterologous “neutralization-resistant” primary HIV type 1 isolates, such as JRFL, ADA, and YU2. Here we show that by replacing the V1 region of Env on these heterologous viruses with that of SF162, we render them highly susceptible to neutralization by the SF162gp140-elicited antibodies. We observed that viral neutralization was mediated not only by vaccine-elicited anti-V1 but also by anti-V3 antibodies and antibodies directed against as yet unidentified Env regions, depending on the heterologous Env background. Our study indicates that common neutralization epitopes are differentially exposed on diverse primary HIV isolates and that the V1 loop contributes to this differential exposure. Therefore, the antibody responses elicited by soluble gp140 immunogens will have to overcome several distinct obstacles in order to neutralize diverse primary HIV isolates.  相似文献   

A neutralization-resistant variant of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) that emerged during in vitro propagation of the virus in the presence of neutralizing serum from an infected individual has been described. A threonine-for-alanine substitution at position 582 in the gp41 transmembrane envelope glycoprotein of the variant virus was responsible for the neutralization-resistant phenotype (M.S. Reitz, Jr., C. Wilson, C. Naugle, R. C. Gallo, and M. Robert-Guroff, Cell 54:57-63, 1988). The mutant virus also exhibited reduced sensitivity to neutralization by 30% of HIV-1-positive sera that neutralized the parental virus, suggesting that a significant fraction of the neutralizing activity within these sera can be affected by the amino acid change in gp41 (C. Wilson, M. S. Reitz, Jr., K. Aldrich, P. J. Klasse, J. Blomberg, R. C. Gallo, and M. Robert-Guroff, J. Virol. 64:3240-3248, 1990). It is shown here that the change of alanine 582 to threonine specifically confers resistance to neutralizing by antibodies directed against both groups of discontinuous, conserved epitopes related to the CD4 binding site on the gp120 exterior envelope glycoprotein. Only minor differences in binding of these antibodies to wild-type and mutant envelope glycoproteins were observed. Thus, the antigenic structure of gp120 can be subtly affected by an amino acid change in gp41, with important consequences for sensitivity to neutralization.  相似文献   

The core of the gp120 glycoprotein from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is comprised of three major structural domains: the outer domain, the inner domain, and the bridging sheet. The outer domain is exposed on the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimer and contains binding surfaces for neutralizing antibodies such as 2G12, immunoglobulin G1b12, and anti-V3 antibodies. We expressed the outer domain of HIV-1(YU2) gp120 as an independent protein, termed OD1. OD1 efficiently bound 2G12 and a large number of anti-V3 antibodies, indicating its structural integrity. Immunochemical studies with OD1 indicated that antibody responses against the outer domain of the HIV-1 gp120 envelope glycoprotein are rare in HIV-1-infected human sera that potently neutralize the virus. Surprisingly, such outer-domain-directed antibody responses are commonly elicited by immunization with recombinant monomeric gp120. Immunization with soluble, stabilized HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimers elicited antibody responses that more closely resembled those in the sera of HIV-1-infected individuals. These results underscore the qualitatively different humoral immune responses elicited during natural infection and after gp120 vaccination and help to explain the failure of gp120 as an effective vaccine.  相似文献   

IgG1 b12 is a broadly neutralizing antibody against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The epitope recognized by b12 overlaps the CD4 receptor-binding site (CD4bs) on gp120 and has been a target for vaccine design. Determination of the three-dimensional structure of immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) b12 allowed modeling of the b12-gp120 interaction in which the protruding third complementarity-determining region (CDR) of the heavy chain (H3) was crucial for antibody binding. In the present study, extensive mutational analysis of the antigen-binding site of Fab b12 was carried out to investigate the validity of the model and to identify residues important for gp120 recognition and, by inference, key to the anti-HIV-1 activity of IgG1 b12. In all, 50 mutations were tested: 40 in H3, 4 each in H2 and L1, and 2 in L3. The results suggest that the interaction of gp120 with H3 of b12 is crucially dependent not only on a Trp residue at the apex of the H3 loop but also on a number of residues at the base of the loop. The arrangement of these residues, including aromatic side chains and side chains that hydrogen bond across the base of the loop, may rigidify H3 for penetration of the recessed CD4-binding cavity. The results further emphasize the importance to gp120 binding of a Tyr residue at the apex of the H2 loop that forms a second finger-like structure and a number of Arg residues in L1 that form a positively charged, shelf-like structure. In general, the data are consistent with the b12-gp120 interaction model previously proposed. At the gene level, somatic mutation is seen to be crucial for the generation of many of the structural features described. The Fab b12 mutants were also tested against the b12 epitope-mimic peptide B2.1, and the reactivity profile had many similarities but also significant differences from that observed for gp120. The paratope map of b12 may facilitate the design of molecules that are able to elicit b12-like activities.  相似文献   

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