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An interference assay has been devised in Schizosaccharomyces pombe to rapidly identify and clone genes involved in chromosome segregation. Random S.pombe cDNAs were overexpressed from an inducible promoter in a strain carrying an additional, non-essential minichromosome. Overexpression of cDNAs derived from four genes, two known (nda3+and ubc4+, encoding beta-tubulin and a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, respectively) and two unknown, named mlo2+ and mlo3+ (missegregation & lethal when over expressed) caused phenotypes consistent with a failure to segregate chromosomes. Full overexpression of all four cDNAs was lethal. Cells overexpressing nda3+ and ubc4+ cDNAs arrested with condensed unsegregated chromosomes and cells overexpressing mlo2+ displayed an asymmetric distribution of nuclear chromatin. Sublethal levels of overexpression of nda3+, ubc4+ and mlo2+ cDNAs caused elevated rates of minichromosome loss. A third cDNA mlo3+, displayed no increase in the frequency of minichromosome loss at sublethal levels of overexpression but full overexpression caused a complete failure to segregate chromosomes. Our results confirm the assumption that beta-tubulin overexpression is lethal in S.pombe, implicate ubc4+ in the control of metaphase-anaphase transition in fission yeast and finally identify two new genes, mlo2+and mlo3+, likely to play an important role for chromosome transmission fidelity in mitosis.  相似文献   

S I Grewal  M J Bonaduce  A J Klar 《Genetics》1998,150(2):563-576
Position-effect control at the silent mat2-mat3 interval and at centromeres and telomeres in fission yeast is suggested to be mediated through the assembly of heterochromatin-like structures. Therefore, trans-acting genes that affect silencing may encode either chromatin proteins, factors that modify them, or factors that affect chromatin assembly. Here, we report the identification of an essential gene, clr6 (cryptic loci regulator), which encodes a putative histone deacetylase that when mutated affects epigenetically maintained repression at the mat2-mat3 region and at centromeres and reduces the fidelity of chromosome segregation. Furthermore, we show that the Clr3 protein, when mutated, alleviates recombination block at mat region as well as silencing at donor loci and at centromeres and telomeres, also shares strong homology to known histone deacetylases. Genetic analyses indicate that silencing might be regulated by at least two overlapping histone deacetylase activities. We also found that transient inhibition of histone deacetylase activity by trichostatin A results in the increased missegregation of chromosomes in subsequent generations and, remarkably, alters the imprint at the mat locus, causing the heritable conversion of the repressed epigenetic state to the expressed state. This work supports the model that the level of histone deacetylation has a role in the assembly of repressive heterochromatin and provides insight into the mechanism of epigenetic inheritance.  相似文献   

Fission yeast mal2+ is required for chromosome segregation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
By a screen designed to isolate new fission yeast genes required for chromosome segregation, we have identified mal2+. The conditionally lethal mal2-1 allele gives rise to increased loss of a nonessential minichromosome at the permissive temperature and leads to severe missegregation of the chromosomes at the nonpermissive temperature. Cloning by complementation and subsequent sequence analysis revealed that mal2 is a novel protein with a mass of 34 kDa. Cells containing a mal2 null allele were inviable, indicating that mal2+ is an essential gene. Fusion of mal2 protein to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed that mal2 was predominantly localized in the nucleus. Sensitivity to microtubule-destabilizing drugs and strong genetic interactions with alpha1-tubulin suggest an interaction of the mal2 protein with the microtubule system. Spindle formation and elongation were not detectably affected in the mal2-1 mutant as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. However, anomalous chromosome movement on the spindle leading to aberrant distribution of the chromosomal material was observed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Drosophila melanogaster DDP1 protein is a highly evolutionarily conserved protein that is characterised by the presence of 15 tandemly organized KH domains, known for mediating high-affinity binding to single-stranded nucleic acids (RNA and ssDNA). Consistent with its molecular organization, DDP1 binds single-stranded nucleic acids with high affinity, in vitro. It was shown earlier that, in polytene chromosomes, DDP1 is found in association with chromocenter heterochromatin, suggesting a contribution to heterochromatin formation and/or maintenance. RESULTS: In this paper, the actual contribution of DDP1 to the structural and functional properties of heterochromatin was determined through the analysis of the phenotypes associated with the hypomorphic ddp1(15.1) mutation that was generated through the mobilization of a P element inserted in the second intron of ddp1. ddp1(15.1) behaves as a dominant suppressor of PEV in the variegated rearrangement In(1)w(m4) as well as in several transgenic lines showing variegated expression of a hsp70-white(+) transgene. In polytene chromosomes from homozygous ddp1(15.1) larvae, histone H3-K9 methylation and HP1 deposition at chromocentre heterochromatin are strongly reduced. Our results also show that, when the maternal contribution of DDP1 is reduced, chromosome condensation and segregation are compromised. Moreover, in a ddp1(15.1) mutant background, transmission of the nonessential Dp1187 minichromosome is reduced. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that DDP1 contributes to the structural and functional properties of heterochromatin. These results are discussed in the context of current models for the formation and maintenance of heterochromatin; in these models, HP1 deposition depends on H3-K9 methylation that, in turn, requires the contribution of the RNAi pathway.  相似文献   

Pot1 is a single-stranded telomere-binding protein that is conserved from fission yeast to mammals. Deletion of Schizosaccharomyces pombe pot1(+) causes immediate telomere loss. S. pombe Rqh1 is a homolog of the human RecQ helicase WRN, which plays essential roles in the maintenance of genomic stability. Here, we demonstrate that a pot1Δ rqh1-hd (helicase-dead) double mutant maintains telomeres that are dependent on Rad51-mediated homologous recombination. Interestingly, the pot1Δ rqh1-hd double mutant displays a "cut" (cell untimely torn) phenotype and is sensitive to the antimicrotubule drug thiabendazole (TBZ). Moreover, the chromosome ends of the double mutant do not enter the pulsed-field electrophoresis gel. These results suggest that the entangled chromosome ends in the pot1Δ rqh1-hd double mutant inhibit chromosome segregation, signifying that Pot1 and Rqh1 are required for efficient chromosome segregation. We also found that POT1 knockdown, WRN-deficient human cells are sensitive to the antimicrotubule drug vinblastine, implying that some of the functions of S. pombe Pot1 and Rqh1 may be conserved in their respective human counterparts POT1 and WRN.  相似文献   

We isolated 11 independent temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe RanGAP, SpRna1 that have several amino acid changes in the conserved domains of RanGAP. Resulting Sprna1ts showed a strong defect in mitotic chromosome segregation, but did not in nucleocytoplasmic transport and microtubule formation. In addition to Sprna1+ and Spksp1+, the clr4+ (histone H3-K9 methyltransferase), the S. pombe gene, SPAC25A8.01c, designated snf2SR+ (a member of the chromatin remodeling factors, Snf2 family with DNA-dependent ATPase activity), but not the spi1+ (S. pombe Ran homolog), rescued a lethality of Sprna1ts. Both Clr4 and Snf2 were reported to be involved in heterochromatin formation essential for building the centromeres. Consistently, Sprna1ts was defective in gene-silencing at the centromeres. But a silencing at the telomere, another heterochromatic region, was normal in all of Sprna1ts strains, indicating SpRna1 in general did not function for a heterochromatin formation. snf2SR+ rescued a centromeric silencing defect and Deltaclr4+ was synthetic lethal with Sprna1ts. Taken together, SpRna1 was suggested to function for constructing the centromeres, by cooperating with Clr4 and Snf2SR. Loss of SpRna1 activity, therefore, caused chromosome missegregation.  相似文献   

Mechanism of transcriptional silencing in yeast   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Chen L  Widom J 《Cell》2005,120(1):37-48

In meiosis, sister-chromatids move to the same spindle pole during the first division (MI) and to opposite poles during the second division (MII). This requires that MI sister kinetochores are co-orientated and form an apparent single functional unit that only interacts with microtubules from one pole, and that sister-chromatids remain associated through their centromeres until anaphase II. Here we investigate the function of Bub1 and Mad2, which are components of the mitotic-spindle checkpoint, on chromosome segregation during meiosis. Both proteins are required to prevent the occurrence of non-disjunction events in MI, which is consistent with recent findings that components of the mitotic-spindle checkpoint also operate during meiosis. However, Bub1 has several functions that are not shared with Mad2. When the bub1 gene is deleted, sister chromatids often move to opposite spindle poles during MI, indicating that sister kinetochores are disunited. Furthermore, the cohesin Rec8 is never retained at centromeres at anaphase I and sister-chromatid cohesion is lost. Our results show that Bub1, besides its functions in monitoring chromosome attachment, is essential for two other significant aspects of MI - unification of sister kinetochores and retention of centromeric cohesion.  相似文献   

Two functionally important DNA sequence elements in centromeres of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe are the centromeric central core and the K-type repeat. Both of these DNA elements show internal functional redundancy that is not correlated with a conserved DNA sequence. Specific, but degenerate, sequences in these elements are bound in vitro by the S. pombe DNA-binding proteins Abp1p (also called Cbp1p) and Cbhp, which are related to the mammalian centromere DNA-binding protein CENP-B. In this study, we determined that Abp1p binds to at least one of its target sequences within S. pombe centromere II central core (cc2) DNA with an affinity (K(s) = 7 x 10(9) M(-1)) higher than those of other known centromere DNA-binding proteins for their cognate targets. In vivo, epitope-tagged Cbhp associated with centromeric K repeat chromatin, as well as with noncentromeric regions. Like abp1(+)/cbp1(+), we found that cbh(+) is not essential in fission yeast, but a strain carrying deletions of both genes (Deltaabp1 Deltacbh) is extremely compromised in growth rate and morphology and missegregates chromosomes at very high frequency. The synergism between the two null mutations suggests that these proteins perform redundant functions in S. pombe chromosome segregation. In vitro assays with cell extracts with these proteins depleted allowed the specific assignments of several binding sites for them within cc2 and the K-type repeat. Redundancy observed at the centromere DNA level appears to be reflected at the protein level, as no single member of the CENP-B-related protein family is essential for proper chromosome segregation in fission yeast. The relevance of these findings to mammalian centromeres is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are the most critical types of DNA damage that can leads to chromosomal aberrations, genomic instability and cancer. Several genetic disorders such as Xeroderma pigmentosum are linked with defects in DNA repair. Human Rint1, a TIP1 domain containing protein is involved in membrane trafficking but its role in DNA damage response is elusive. In this study we characterized the role of Drp1 (damage responsive protein 1), a Rint1 family protein during DNA damage response in fission yeast. We identified that Drp1 is an essential protein and indispensable for survival and growth. Using in vitro random mutagenesis approach we isolated a temperature sensitive mutant allele of drp1 gene (drp1-654) that exhibits sensitivity to DNA damaging agents, in particular to alkylation damage and UV associated DNA damage. The drp1-654 mutant cells are also sensitive to double strand break inducing agent bleomycin. Genetic interaction studies identified that Rad50 and Drp1 act in the same pathway during DNA damage response and the physical interaction of Drp1 with Rad50 was unaffected in drp1-654 mutant at permissive as well as non permissive temperature. Furthermore Drp1 was found to be required for the recovery from MMS induced DNA damage. We also demonstrated that the Drp1 protein localized to nucleus and was required to maintain the chromosome stability.  相似文献   

Background information. In eukaryotic cells, proper formation of the spindle is necessary for successful cell division. For faithful segregation of sister chromatids, each sister kinetochore must attach to microtubules that extend to opposite poles (chromosome bi‐orientation). At the metaphase—anaphase transition, cohesion between sister chromatids is removed, and each sister chromatid is pulled to opposite poles of the cell by microtubule‐dependent forces. Results. We have studied the role of the minus‐end‐directed motor protein dynein by analysing kinetochore dynamics in fission yeast cells deleted for the dynein heavy chain (Dhc1) or the light chain (Dlc1). In these mutants, we found an increased frequency of cells showing defects in chromosome segregation, which leads to the appearance of lagging chromosomes and an increased rate of chromosome loss. By following simultaneously kinetochore dynamics and localization of the checkpoint protein Mad2, we provide evidence that dynein function is not necessary for spindle‐assembly checkpoint inactivation. Instead, we have demonstrated that loss of dynein function alters chromosome segregation and activates the Mad2‐dependent spindle‐assembly checkpoint. Conclusions. These results show an unexpected role for dynein in the control of chromosome segregation in fission yeast, most probably operating during the process of bi‐orientation during early mitosis.  相似文献   

Chromosome length controls mitotic chromosome segregation in yeast   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
A W Murray  N P Schultes  J W Szostak 《Cell》1986,45(4):529-536
We have examined the effect of physical length on the mitotic segregation of artificial chromosomes and fragments of natural yeast chromosomes. Increasing the length of artificial chromosomes decreases the rate at which they are lost during mitosis. We have made fragments of chromosome III by integrating new telomeres at different positions along the length of the chromosome. Chromosome fragments of 42 and 72 kb behave like artificial chromosomes: they are lost in mitosis much more frequently than natural chromosomes. In contrast, a chromosome fragment of 150 kb is as mitotically stable as the full-length chromosome from which it is derived. The structural instability of a short dicentric artificial chromosome demonstrates that, although short artificial chromosomes segregate poorly in mitosis, they do attach to the mitotic spindle. We discuss these results in the context of a model in which chromosome segregation is directed by the intercatenation of the segregating DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Precise chromosome transmission in cell division cycle is maintained by a number of genes. The attempt made in the present study was to isolate temperature-sensitive (ts) fission yeast mutants that display high loss rates of minichromosomes at permissive or semipermissive temperature (designated mis). By colony color assay of 539 ts strains that contain a minichromosome, we have identified 12 genetic loci (mis1-mis12) and determined their phenotypes at restrictive temperature. Seven of them are related to cell cycle block phenotype at restrictive temperature, three of them in mitosis. Unequal distribution of regular chromosomes in the daughters is extensive in mis6 and mis12. Cells become inviable after rounds of cell division due to missegregation. The phenotype of mis5 is DNA replication defect and hypersensitivity to UV ray and hydroxyurea. mis5+ encodes a novel member of the ubiquitous MCM family required for the onset of replication. The mis5+ gene is essential for viability and functionally distinct from other previously identified members in fission yeast, cdc21+, nda1+, and nda4+. The mis11 mutant phenotype was the cell division block with reduced cell size. Progression of the G1 and G2 phases is blocked in mis11. The cloned mis11+ gene is identical to prp2+, which is essential for RNA splicing and similar to a mammalian splicing factor U2AF65.  相似文献   

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