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A new cathepsin B inhibitor, tokaramide A (1) has been isolated from the marine sponge Theonella aff. mirabilis. Its structure was determined by spectroscopic and chemical methods. Tokaramide A inhibits cathepsin B with an IC50 value of 29.0 ng/mL.  相似文献   

A new cathepsin B inhibitor, tokaramide A (1) has been isolated from the marine sponge Theonella aff. mirabilis. Its structure was determined by spectroscopic and chemical methods. Tokaramide A inhibits cathepsin B with an IC50 value of 29.0 ng/mL.  相似文献   

Abundances of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and concentrations of particulate domoic acid (DA) were determined in the Southern California Bight (SCB) along the coasts of Los Angeles and Orange Counties during spring and summer of 2003 and 2004. At least 1500 km2 were affected by a toxic event in May/June of 2003 when some of the highest particulate DA concentrations reported for US coastal waters were measured inside the Los Angeles harbor (12.7 μg DA L−1). Particulate DA levels were an order of magnitude lower in spring of 2004 (February and March), but DA concentrations per cell at several sampling stations during 2004 exceeded previously reported maxima for natural populations of Pseudo-nitzschia (mean = 24 pg DA cell−1, range = 0–117 pg DA cell−1). Pseudo-nitzschia australis dominated the Pseudo-nitzschia assemblage in spring 2004. Overall, DA-poisoning was implicated in >1400 mammal stranding incidents within the SCB during 2003 and 2004. Ancillary physical and chemical data obtained during our regional surveys in 2004 revealed that Pseudo-nitzschia abundances, particulate DA and cellular DA concentrations were inversely correlated with concentrations of silicic acid, nitrogen and phosphate, and to specific nutrient ratios. Particulate DA was detected in sediment traps deployed at 550 and 800 m depth during spring of 2004 (0.29–7.6 μg DA (g sediment dry weight)−1). The highest DA concentration in the traps was measured within 1 week of dramatic decreases in the abundances of Pseudo-nitzschia in surface waters. To our knowledge these are the deepest sediment trap collections from which DA has been detected. Sinking of the spring Pseudo-nitzschia bloom may constitute a potentially important link between DA production in surface waters and benthic communities in the coastal ocean near Los Angeles. Our study indicates that toxic blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia are a recurring phenomenon along one of the most densely populated coastal stretches of the SCB and that the severity and magnitude of these events can be comparable to or greater than these events in other geographical regions affected by domoic acid.  相似文献   

The DNA damage and replication checkpoints are signaling mechanisms that regulate and coordinate cellular responses to genotoxic conditions. Unlike typical signal transduction mechanisms that respond to one or a few stimuli, checkpoints can be activated by a broad spectrum of extrinsically or intrinsically derived DNA damage or replication interference. Recent investigations have shed light on how the damage and replication checkpoints are able to respond to such diverse stimuli. The activation of checkpoints not only attenuates cell cycle progression but also facilitates DNA repair and recovery of faltered replication forks, thereby preventing DNA lesions from being converted to inheritable mutations. Recently, more checkpoint targets from the cell cycle and DNA replication apparatus have been identified, revealing the increasing complexity of the checkpoint control of the cell cycle. In this article, we discuss current models of the DNA damage and replication checkpoints and highlight recent advances in the field.  相似文献   

Recent studies have described lipid peroxidation to be an early and sensitive consequence of cadmium exposure, and free radical scavengers and antioxidants have been reported to attenuate cadmium-induced toxicity. These observations suggest that cadmium produces reactive oxygen species that may mediate many of the untoward effects of cadmium. Therefore, the effects of cadmium (II) chloride on reactive oxygen species production were examined following a single oral exposure (0.50 LD50) by assessing hepatic mitochondrial and microsomal lipid peroxidation, glutathione content in the liver, excretion of urinary lipid metabolites, and the incidence of hepatic nuclear DNA damage. Increases in lipid peroxidation of 4.0- and 4.2-fold occurred in hepatic mitochondria and microsomes, respectively, 48 h after the oral administration of 44 mg cadmium (II) chloride/kg, while a 65% decrease in glutathione content was observed in the liver. The urinary excretion of malondialdehyde (MDA), formaldehyde (FA), acetaldehyde (ACT), and acetone (ACON) were determined at 0–96 h after Cd administration. Between 48 and 72 h posttreatment maximal excretion of the four urinary lipid metabolites was observed with increases of 2.2- to 3.6-fold in cadmium (II) chloride-treated rats. Increases in DNA single-strand breaks of 1.7-fold were observed 48 h after administration of cadmium. These results support the hypothesis that cadmium induces production of reactive oxygen species, which may contribute to the tissue-damaging effects of this metal ion.  相似文献   

This pilot study was carried out to assess the effect of radio-contaminated Chernobyl environment on plant genome integrity 27 years after the accident. For this purpose, nuclei were isolated from root tips of the soybean seedlings harvested from plants grown in the Chernobyl area for seven generations. Neutral, neutral-alkaline, and methylation-sensitive comet assays were performed to evaluate the induction and repair of primary DNA damage and the epigenetic contribution to stress adaptation mechanisms. An increased level of single and double strand breaks in the radio-contaminated Chernobyl seedlings at the stage of primary root development was detected in comparison to the controls. However, the kinetics of the recovery of DNA breaks of radio-contaminated Chernobyl samples revealed that lesions were efficiently repaired at the stage of cotyledon. Methylation-sensitive comet assay revealed comparable levels in the CCGG methylation pattern between control and radio-contaminated samples with a slight increase of approximately 10% in the latter ones. The obtained preliminary data allow us to speculate about the onset of mechanisms providing an adaptation potential to the accumulated internal irradiation after the Chernobyl accident.Despite the limitations of this study, we showed that comet assay is a sensitive and flexible technique which can be efficiently used for genotoxic screening of plant specimens in natural and human-made radio-contaminated areas, as well as for safety monitoring of agricultural products.  相似文献   

The dynamic onset of DNA fragmentation in mammalian sperm populations varies widely in different species when the spermatozoa are incubated in vitro at body temperature for several hours, and recent studies have shown that the dynamic rate of DNA fragmentation within a species has considerable predictive value in terms of fertility. The reasons for such variation are unclear, but here we show that differences in protamine sequence and identity could be partially responsible. Sets of 10 normal semen samples from 11 species (ram, goat, boar, white-tailed deer, rabbit, human, domestic and Spanish fighting bull, horse, donkey, rhinoceros, and koala) were cryopreserved, thawed, diluted in an appropriate extender for each species, and then incubated for 4 hr at 37 °C. Semen samples from human infertility patients were also included for comparison with the donors. DNA fragmentation analysis was undertaken immediately after thawing (t(0)) and after 4 hr (t(4)) using the Halomax/Halosperm procedure, and the differences in DNA fragmentation between t(0) and t(4) were examined in the context of the respective protamine genomes. The expression of protamine 2 in a species significantly enhanced the likelihood of sperm DNA fragmentation; greater numbers of cysteine residues in protamine 1 tended to confer increased sperm DNA stability, and there were logical evolutionary relationships between species in terms of their sperm DNA stability. Human spermatozoa from infertility patients exhibited considerably higher DNA instability than the normal semen donors, a difference that could be indirectly attributed to unbalanced protamine 1-to-protamine 2 ratios.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the swelling degree and the rheological and structural characteristics of a hydrogel composed by chitosan and xanthan. The latter is a polyionic hydrogel obtained by complexation between the both polysaccharides. The swelling degree has been found to be influenced by the time of coacervation, the pH of the solution of chitosan used to form the hydrogel and the pH of the swelling solution. The molecular weight and the degree of acetylation of the chitosan also influence the swelling degree of this matrix. The connectivity between chitosan and xanthan affects the swelling degree of this matrix. A rheological study has been carried out in order to understand the formation of the coacervate and of the subsequent hydrogel. The evolution of the storage modulus with time during the coacervation has allowed to optimize the time of coacervation required for a subsequently hydrogel, with desirable swelling degree. The kinetics has shown that (a) the coacervate is formed in two distinct steps and (b) the storage modulus of the hydrogel reaches a stable plateau. The values of the storage modulus have been correlated with the swelling degree. The microscopic characterization has shown the presence of a porous network with a fibrillar structure. To complete the characterization studies fine powder of this hydrogel has been used to determine the surface, perimeter, Feret diameter and sphericity factor distribution of dry and hydrated (swollen) particles.  相似文献   

Sequences from fragments of the 12S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes were used to analyze phylogenetic relationships among geckos of genus Tarentola from the Canary Islands. A surprisingly high level of within island differentiation was found in T. delalandii in Tenerife and T. boettgeri in Gran Canaria. Molecular differentiation between populations of T. angustimentalis on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, and between Moroccan and Iberian Peninsula T. mauritanica, also indicate that at least two subspecies should be recognized within each of them. Phylogenetic relationships among these species reveals a higher level of differentiation and a more complex colonization pattern than those found for the endemic genus Gallotia. Lack of evidence for the presence of T. boettgeri bischoffi on the island of Madeira does not seem to support the origin of T. delalandii, T. gomerensis and the canarian subspecies of T. boettgeri from this island, whereas molecular data confirms that T. angustimentalis is a sister species of the continental T. mauritanica. Several independent colonization events from the continent and the extinction of some species are probably responsible for the current distribution of Tarentola in the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

泛素化修饰是蛋白质的一种重要的翻译后水平修饰,而且有着多种不同的生物学功能,对蛋白质的结构与功能、基因表达调控以及蛋白质-蛋白质/其它分子相互作用等多个方面有着重要的调控作用。Rad6即是酵母中的一种重要的泛素载体蛋白。Rad6通过泛素化修饰多种靶蛋白在DNA的损伤修复中发挥着重要作用。文章重点讨论了Rad6在DNA损伤修复方面的功能以及在正常情况下对染色质结构和基因表达调控的影响。  相似文献   

增强UV-B辐射对大豆胚轴DNA损伤、修复和蛋白质含量的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
大气平流层臭氧层减薄引起到达地表的 UV- B辐射增强。为探讨在增强 UV- B辐射下植物细胞 DNA的损伤修复和蛋白质含量的关系 ,利用 3H- Td R掺入法 ,研究了在 8.2 2 k J/(m2 d)和 12 .4 2 k J/(m2 d) U V- B辐射 (相当于兰州地区大气平流层臭氧减薄约 12 %和 2 0 % )胁迫下 ,大豆胚轴细胞 DNA合成和非按期合成 (UDS)变化 ,并测定了胚轴蛋白质含量变化 ,结果显示 ,UV- B辐射导致 DNA损伤 ,并诱导了 DNA损伤的修复 ,胚轴细胞 UDS效应增强 ,U DS指数增大。低 UV- B辐射强度下 ,胚轴蛋白质含量增加 ,可能是 U V- B诱导了一些与抗性有关的基因表达 ,导致一些新的与抗性有关的蛋白质合成 ;在高强度 UV- B辐射下 ,U DS指数与低强度辐射下无显著差异 (P=0 .0 5 ) ,但蛋白含量较低强度辐射下显著下降 (P=0 .0 5 ) ,说明高强度 UV- B辐射加重了 DNA损伤 ,而修复并未加强 ,并且高强度辐射抑制基因的正常表达和蛋白质合成。这些蛋白质的合成可能与大豆对 UV- B辐射的抗性有关。  相似文献   

Single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) is one of the most common methods used to measure oxidatively damaged DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as a biomarker of oxidative stress in vivo. However, storage, extraction, and assay workup of blood samples are associated with a risk of artifactual formation of damage. Previous reports using this approach to study DNA damage in PBMC have, for the most part, required the isolation of PBMC before immediate analysis or freezing in cryopreservative. This is very time-consuming and a significant drain on human resources. Here, we report the successful storage of whole blood in ~ 250 μl volumes, at − 80 °C, without cryopreservative, for up to 1 month without artifactual formation of DNA damage. Furthermore, this blood is amenable for direct use in both the alkaline and the enzyme-modified comet assay, without the need for prior isolation of PBMC. In contrast, storage of larger volumes (e.g., 5 ml) of whole blood leads to an increase in damage with longer term storage even at − 80 °C, unless a cryopreservative is present. Our “small volume” approach may be suitable for archived blood samples, facilitating analysis of biobanks when prior isolation of PBMC has not been performed.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to determine the effects of boric acid on oxidative stress, testicular tissue and spermatozoon DNA. Experiments were performed with Swiss Albino mice divided equally into two groups based on the tratment period: one for 4 and the other for 6-week duration. These groups were further divided into subgroups as Control and those administered daily at oral doses of 115 mg/kg, 250 mg/kg and 450 mg/kg of boric acid. Then, testicular tissue were examined postmortem and analyzed using ex-vivo biochemical tools for oxidative stress, spermatozoon membrane integrity, sperm motility and live cell rate (%). In both 4 and 6-week groups, v. seminalis weight, membrane integrity, motility, live cells and GSH levels exhibited a decreasing trent compared to the controls. In addition, 6-week group had a decrease in SOD level. MDA level was higher in controls in both 4 and 6-week groups. Spermatozoon DNA was intact in the 4-week group, but damaged in the 6-week group, and the degree of the damage dependent on the administered dose. Boric acid induces oxidative stress in testicular tissue, and its long-term application (only 6 weeks) caused damage in spermatozoon DNA.  相似文献   

The carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) and its metabolites undergo intercalative or covalent binding with DNA. Recent evidence indicates that the latter binding pattern is probably facilitated by an initial weaker intercalative interaction that can align potentially reactive sites on a 4NQO-metabolite and adjacent stacked bases. In the present study, we have proposed numerous possible covalent reaction products between 4NQO and its metabolites with DNA mini-helices based on chemical properties and key 'short-contacts' after energy-minimization in 21 different intercalative-like complexes. It is known from numerous experimental studies that 90% of the quinoline-bound DNAs in vivo involve guanine with the remaining 10% apparently involving adenine residues. The results of the present study suggest that this trend is not due to the greater affinity of the quinolines for guanine, but instead results from secondary processes involving the preferential formation of apurinic sites at aralkyl-adenine residues over that of aralkyl-guanine residues. In addition, observed mutational patterns can be rationalized in terms of the proposed reaction-products. The role of DNA repair mechanisms in the removal and correction of the different proposed reaction products are discussed. The binding pattern of several other aromatic carcinogens are similar to those depicted in the present work for the 4NQO-metabolites; hence the present study may be of some general significance.  相似文献   

The level of intracellular diadenosine 5′, 5′′′-P1,P4-tetraphosphate (Ap4A) increases several fold in mammalian cells treated with non-cytotoxic doses of interstrand DNA-crosslinking agents such as mitomycin C. It is also increased in cells lacking DNA repair proteins including XRCC1, PARP1, APTX and FANCG, while >50-fold increases (up to around 25 μM) are achieved in repair mutants exposed to mitomycin C. Part of this induced Ap4A is converted into novel derivatives, identified as mono- and di-ADP-ribosylated Ap4A. Gene knockout experiments suggest that DNA ligase III is primarily responsible for the synthesis of damage-induced Ap4A and that PARP1 and PARP2 can both catalyze its ADP-ribosylation. Degradative proteins such as aprataxin may also contribute to the increase. Using a cell-free replication system, Ap4A was found to cause a marked inhibition of the initiation of DNA replicons, while elongation was unaffected. Maximum inhibition of 70–80% was achieved with 20 μM Ap4A. Ap3A, Ap5A, Gp4G and ADP-ribosylated Ap4A were without effect. It is proposed that Ap4A acts as an important inducible ligand in the DNA damage response to prevent the replication of damaged DNA.  相似文献   

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), the active substance in sunless tanning lotions reacts with the amino groups of proteins to form a brown-colored complex. This non-enzymatic glycation, known as the Maillard reaction, can also occur with free amino groups in DNA, raising the possibility that DHA may be genotoxic. To address this issue we investigated the effects of DHA on cell survival and proliferation of a human keratinocyte cell line, HaCaT. Dose- and time-dependent morphological changes, chromatin condensation, cytoplasmic budding and cell detachment were seen in cells treated with DHA. Several dead cells were observed after long-time (24 h) incubation with 25 mM DHA or more. Furthermore, an extensive decline in proliferation was observed 1 day after DHA exposure for 24 h. When applied in different concentrations (5–50 mM) and for different time periods (1, 3 or 24 h) DHA caused a G2/M block after the cyclin B1 restriction point. Exit from this cell-cycle block was associated with massive apoptosis, as revealed by a clonogenic assay, TUNEL staining and electron microscopy. Furthermore, DHA caused DNA damage as revealed by the alkaline comet assay. Preincubation with antioxidants prevented the formation of DNA strand breaks. The DHA toxicity may be caused by direct redox reactions, with formation of ROS as the crucial intermediates. The genotoxic capacity of DHA raises a question about the long-term clinical consequences of treatment of the skin with this commonly used compound.  相似文献   

The bioenergetic strategies of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) from the island of Porto Santo were investigated and compared with those of mice from mainland Portugal. Energy obtained from food ingestion was 18.2% lower in Porto Santo mice than in mainland mice (1.53 vs. 1.87 kJ/g/day). The same pattern was observed for metabolisable energy intake, which was 19.2% lower in island specimens (0.87 vs. 1.08 kJ/g/day for mainland specimens). Apparent digestibility was similar in both groups of mice. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) of Porto Santo individuals was low (1.16 ml O(2)/g/h), representing only 56% of the predicted value, based on body mass, while mainland individuals exhibited a BMR closer to the expected value, corresponding to 87% of the predicted value (1.80 ml O(2)/g/h). Thermoregulatory abilities within the range of 10-28 degrees C ambient temperature did not differ between island and mainland mice. Results suggest an adaptation of Porto Santo mice to the environmental aridity of the island of Porto Santo, leading to a conservative energetic strategy.  相似文献   

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