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Summary Specific antisera against protein-conjugated -aminobutyric acid (GABA) were used in immunocytochemical staining procedures to study the distribution of the putative GABA-like immunoreactive neurons in the optic lobes of Periplaneta. GABA-like immunoreactive structures are evident in all three optic neuropil regions. Six different populations of GABAergic neurons, whose perikarya are grouped around the medulla, are found within the optic lobe. The number of these immunoreactive cells varies greatly and corresponds to the number of ommatidia of the eye. In the proximal part of the lamina, a coarse network of GABA-positive fibres is recognizable. These are the processes of large field tangential cells whose fibres pass through the distal surface of the medulla. A second fibre population of the lamina is made up of the processes of the centrifugal columnar neurons whose perikarya lie proximally to the medulla. The medulla contains 9 layers with GABAergic elements of variable immunoreactivity. Layers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 exhibit strong labelling, as a result of partial overlapping of the processes of centrifugal and centripetal columnar neurons, tangential fibres and/or lateral processes of perpendicular fibres and (possibly) processes of amacrines. A strong immunoreactivity is found in the proximal and distal layers of the lobula.  相似文献   

Summary Proctolin-like immunoreactivity (PLI) was found in different parts of the arthropod central nervous system and in nerve fibers of muscles. In order to examine whether this PLI is related to a uniform type of secretory vesicle, hindgut musculature and frontal and hypocerebral ganglia were examined with the immunogold technique. PLI occurs exclusively within membran-bounded secretory granules. Neither granular ER nor Golgi stacks show PLI. In some cases close relationships between PLI-bearing granules and lysosomes were observed. In presynaptic areas, PLI-reactive granules are associated with numerous clear synaptic vesicles and restricted to an area distinctly separate from the presynaptic membrane. Three types of granules were found, differing in diameter and electron density: (1) dense, 80 nm; (2) dense, 150 nm; (3) low density, 150 nm. The results demonstrate that: (1) the PLI of the produced peptide occurs shortly after its separation from the Golgi stack; (2) the occurrence of PLI in three different granule types could be the morphological expression of the common occurrence of proctolin with other neuroactive substances. However, a possible cross-reactivity with other, hitherto unknown substances must be considered as well.  相似文献   

Summary This study uses a recently developed technique for preserving the ultrastructure of cells in the insect CNS during immunohistochemical processing for 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine incorporation into newly synthesised DNA. The results allow us to identify the proliferating cell calsses in the regenerating blood-brain barrier. High resistance barrier cells do not label with the antibody but sheath cells clearly do. Intermediate cell types appearing during repair are identified. It is hypothesised that these cells generate matrix molecules for neural lamella repair and may represent transitional forms as invasive blood cells transdifferentiate into functional sheath cells.  相似文献   

Antisera raised to the cardioactive peptide corazonin were used to localize immunoreactive cells in the nervous system of the American cockroach. Sera obtained after the seventh booster injection were sufficiently specific to be used for immunocytology. They recognized a subset of 10 lateral neurosecretory cells in the protocerebrum that project to, and arborize and terminate in the ipsilateral corpus cardiacum. They also reacted with bilateral neurons in each of the thoracic and abdominal neuromeres, a single dorsal unpaired median neuron in the suboesophageal ganglion, an interneuron in each optic lobe, and other neurons at the base of the optic lobe, in the tritocerebrum and deutocerebrum. The presence of corazonin in the abdominal neurons and the lateral neurosecretory cells was confirmed by HPLC fractionation of extracts of the abdominal ganglia, brains and retrocerebral complexes, followed by determination of corazonin by ELISA, which revealed in each tissue a single immunoreactive peak co-eluting with corazonin in two different HPLC systems. Antisera obtained after the first three booster injections recognized a large number of neuroendocrine cells and neurons in the brain and the abdominal nerve cord. However, the sera from the two rabbits reacted largely with different cells, indicating that the majority of this immunoreactivity was due to cross-reactivity. These results indicate that the production of highly specific antisera to some neuropeptides may require a considerable number of booster injections.  相似文献   

Summary Innervation of the antennal heart, an independent accessory circulatory motor in the head of insects, was investigated in the cockroach Periplaneta americana by use of axonal cobalt filling and transmission electron microscopy. The muscles associated with this organ are innervated by neurones located in a part of the suboesophageal ganglion, generally considered to be formed by the mandibular neuromere. Dorsal unpaired median (DUM) and paired contralateral neurones were stained. The axons of all these neurones run along the circumoesophageal connectives and through the paired nervus corporis cardiaci III into the corpora cardiaca. They pass through these organs forming fine arborizations there and exit anteriorly as a small pair of nerves which terminate at the antennal heart-dilator muscles. Numerous branches of these nerves extend beyond the lateral borders of the large transverse dilator muscle and terminate in the ampullar walls of the antennal heart. These neurosecretory fibres form neurohaemal areas which obviously release their products into the haemolymph, which is pumped into the antennae. The possible functions of the neurones associated with the antennal heart are discussed with respect to both, their role as a modulatory input for the circulatory motor and as a neurohormonal release site.  相似文献   

Summary The structure and embryonic development of the two types (A, B) of basiconic sensilla on the antennae of Locusta migratoria were studied in material that had been cryofixed and freeze-substituted, or chemically fixed and dehydrated. Both types are single-walled wall-pore sensilla. Type-A sensilla comprise 20–30 sensory and 7 enveloping cells. One enveloping cell (thecogen cell secretes the dendrite sheath); four are trichogen cells, projections of which form the trichogen process during the 2nd embryonic molt. The trichogen cells form two concentric pairs proximally. Two tormogen cells secrete the cuticular socket of the sensillum. The dendritic outer segments of the sensory cells are branched. Bifurcate type-A sensilla have also been observed. Type-B sensilla comprise three sensory and four enveloping cells (one thecogen, two trichogen and one tormogen). The trichogen process is formed by the two trichogen cells, each of which gives rise to two projections. The trichogen cells are concentrically arranged. The dendritic outer segments of the sensory cells are unbranched. In the fully developed sensillum, all trichogen and tormogen cells border on the outer receptor lymph cavity. It is suggested that the multicellular organization of the type-A sensilla can be regarded as being advanced rather than primitive.Supported by the Dcutschc Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4/G1)  相似文献   

Summary The ontogeny of the chemoreceptive sensilla in the labial palp-pit organ was studied in Pieris rapae by examining twelve successive stages between pupation and emergence of the imago, which takes a period of 160 h under the experimental conditions. Mitoses occur until 20 h after pupation. They lead to anlagen of sensilla, 91% of which are comprised of three sensory cells. However, two sensory cells degenerate in each sensillum during a period of 28 h. The same process occurs in anlagen with four sensory cells resulting in bicellular sensilla. Axons grow out only after the number of sensory cells has been reduced. Further consecutive steps in sensory cell differentiation are: (a) outgrowth of dendritic outer segment and dendrite sheath; (b) outgrowth of trichogen process and change in structure of elongating dendrite sheath; (c) deposition of cuticle and pore tubules in the pegs; (d) retraction of trichogen process; (e) increase in diameter of dendritic outer segment accompanied by increase of microtubule number and appearance of regularly spaced electron-dense bodies at tubular doublets; (f) branching of dendritic outer segment; and (g) transformation of the dendritic branches into curled lamellae and partial destruction of the dendrite sheath. The unique process of sensory cell degeneration is interpreted as an event that revokes a step towards a possible functional improvement of the labial palp-pit organ during further evolutionSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4/G1)  相似文献   

We have investigated the distribution of tyrosine-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in the cerebral ganglia of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Groups of tyrosine-hydroxylase-immunoreactive cell bodies occur in various parts of the three regions of the cerebral ganglia. In the protocerebrum, single large neurons or small groups of neurons are located in the lateral neuropil, adjacent to the calyces, and in the dorsal portion of the pars intercerebralis. Small scattered cell bodies are found in the outer layers of the optic lobe, and clusters of larger cell bodies can be found in the deutocerebrum, medial and lateral to the antennal glomeruli. Thick bundles of tyrosine-hydroxylase-positive nerve fibers traverse the neuropil in the proto- and deutocerebrum and innervate the glomerular and the nonglomerular neuropil with fine varicose terminals. Dense terminal patterns are present in the medulla and lobula of the optic lobe, the pars intercerebralis, the medial tritocerebrum, and the area surrounding the antennal glomeruli, the central body and the mushroom bodies. The pattern of tyrosine-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity is similar to that previously described for catecholaminergic neurons, but it is distinctly different from the distribution of histaminergic and serotonergic neurons.  相似文献   

The musculature of the mushroom-shaped accessory gland receives innervation from trunks 5C1 of the phallic nerves, which arise from the posterior part of the terminal abdominal ganglion of the male cockroach Periplaneta americana. Anterograde cobalt filling through trunks 5C1 with the subsequent precipitating procedure has shown the fine innervation of the accessory gland. By retrograde cobalt filling through the same trunks, different types of cells have been mapped in the terminal abdominal ganglion. About 25 dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons have been identified among them. About 36 octopamine-like immunoreactive DUM neurons with large somata have been characterized in whole-mount preparations of the terminal abdominal ganglion. The combination of the cobalt-filling technique with immunohistochemical mapping of cells suggests an octopaminergic innervation of the musculature of the accessory gland by DUM neurons.  相似文献   

Summary We have recently examined the electrophysiology and ultrastructure of approximately 100 tactile spines from the metathoracic legs of adult cockroaches. In only one animal the single sensory neuron that innervates the spine was replaced with a pair of apparently identical neurons which we believe were both functional. As far as we are aware this is the first reported study of unprovoked duplication in a peripherally-located insect sensory neuron.Supported by the Canadian Medical Research Council and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research  相似文献   

Summary The postembryonic development of the antennal lobes of Periplaneta americana L. was examined with light- and electron-microscopical methods. There is no difference in the number of glomeruli and neurons in the antennal lobes of larval and adult animals. At hatching, the first larva already possesses the adult number of approximately 125 glomeruli and 500 to 560 deutocerebral neurons in the dorsolateral cell group of each antennal lobe. During postembryonic development the volume of the deutocerebral neurons increases three- to fourfold. The glomeruli of the first larva have about 7 % of the volume of the corresponding adult glomeruli. Since number, pattern, and size ratio of glomeruli (with the exception of the macroglomerulus) are constant in all larval stages and adult animals, it is possible to identify individual glomeruli. During the whole postembryonic development the ordinary glomeruli show a continuous volume increase, which parallels the increase in antennal sensory input. The macroglomerulus develops by way of special growth of two to four neuropil units, but not before the last three to four larval stages and only in males. Its growth precedes the formation of antennal pheromone receptors during the final molt; these receptors are known to project into the macroglomerulus. The development of the macroglomerulus in the last larval stages of the male may be caused by a genetically fixed growth program of specific deutocerebral neurons.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Scha 291/1)  相似文献   

Both allatostatin immunoreactivity (AS-IR) and FMRFamide immunoreactivity (FMRFa-IR) have been demonstrated light-microscopically in the lateral heart nerve of Periplaneta americana. The identifical labeling of some fibers suggests the coexistence of the two antigens. Electron-microscopically, six granule types in the peripheral part of the lateral heart nerve can be distinguished according to their size and density (types 1–6). These granule types can be subdivided immunocytochemically by means of a new mirror-section technique. Granules of types 4 and 5 always exclusively show FMRFa-IR. In the populations of fibers containing granules of types 1 and 6, axon profiles can be found that contain granules colocalizing FMRFa-IR and AS-IR. Other axon profiles of these populations only contain immunonegative granules of the same ultrastructure. Granules of type 2 can be differentiated immunocytochemically in three forms in the same section: In some fibers, they are nonreactive; in other fibers of the same section, they show FMRFa-IR, whereas in a third fiber type, granules show AS-IR. Finally, granules of type 3 can be observed with FMRFA-IR. In other fibers, they occur with the same ultrastructure but exhibit no immunoreactivity. Two soma types occur in the lateral heart nerve. Soma type I is characterized by the production of electron-dense granules that show FMRFa-IR. Type II is in close contact with various fibers, forming different types of axosomatic synapses, hitherto unknown in Insecta.  相似文献   

The ocellus of the cockroach,Periplaneta americana (Blattariae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The ocelli of Periplaneta americana were studied by light and electron microscopy. The view that the ocellus of the cockroach represents a degenerated structure can no longer be supported. All organelles necessary for function are present.The club-shaped retinular cells lie homogeneously distributed in the cupule of the ocellus. Rhabdoms are seen as sickle-, y-, x-or star-shaped structures with up to six cells in formation. Cells were found which had formed two rhabdomeres.The mass of cell organelles lies in the cytoplasm between the cell nucleus and the rhabdom. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is wound into a spindle formation of considerable size at the origin of the axon in some cells. A cylindrical body in which 10–40 microtubules are packed, as yet unknown in insect retinular cells, is described.The receptory area of the ocellus terminates in a tapetum which contains granules, soluble in alcohol. The axon bundles of the retinular cells run through the tapetum and immediately thereafter make synaptic contact with dendrites of the ocellar nerve cells, while still within the ocellus.The authors are indebted to Mrs. Margaret Weber-Wood for her linguistic assistance  相似文献   

Summary Tactile spines are large cuticular sense organs that appear to provide insects with a sense of touch which is spatially coarse but of great sensitivity. Cockroach legs have a number of these spines on each leg and a particularly prominent spine on the end of each femur, the femoral tactile spine. The ease of recording afferent activity from this spine during mechanical stimulation has made it one of the most thoroughly studied insect mechanoreceptors and yet it has never been examined by electron microscopy.We report here the results of an examination of the femoral tactile spine by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as well as by light microscopy. The spine is shown to be innervated by a single sensory bipolar neuron with its soma located in the base of the spine. A canal through the wall of the spine leads to the outside and emerges just above the junction between the base of the spine and its articulating socket membrane. The sensory dendrite of the neuron passes from the soma through this canal and forms a modified ciliary sensory ending with the typical dendritic sheath and dense tubular body that is characteristic of insect mechanosensory cuticular sensilla. The tubular body is embedded in a cuticular terminal plug which closes the exterior end of the canal but appears to be fastened to the spine by a very flexible ring of cuticle. This plug is connected to the socket membrane by a specialized socket attachment which presumably serves to move the plug relative to the wall of the spine during movement of the spine within the socket. The morphology of this sensillum is discussed in terms of the possible ways in which it is stimulated by movements of the spine and also in light of the dynamic behaviour of the receptor which is now very well described.Supported by the Canadian Medical Research Council. The authors gratefully acknowledge the expert technical assistance of Sita Prasad and Rodney Gramlich  相似文献   

The morphology of the antennal hair-sensilla of Periplaneta americana, their distribution and frequency on the antennal flagellum have been examined by transmission- and scanning-electron microscopy. The types of sensilla were distinguished with respect to physiologically relevant criteria such as wall structure and number of sensory cells. Among the sensilla of the antenna of the adult male, long, single-walled sensilla with four sensory cells (types sw B), Probably responsible for reception of sexual pheromones, are most frequent, representing about 54% of the antennal sensilla. About half of these sensilla are newly-formed at the imaginal ecdysis; the other half are derived from the shorter type sw B sensilla of the nymphal antenna. Short type sw B sensilla are present in all larval stages of both sexes and in adult females as well. During the imaginal ecdysis of males, however, the length of these sensilla increases to double that found in nymphs. Dendritic branches also increase in number. During postembryonic development, the number of sensory fibers in the antennal flagellum increases nearly 20-fold, from 14,000 in the first larval instar to about 270,000 in the adult male. The greatest increase, approximately 90%, occurs during the last developmental stage.  相似文献   

Summary By use of the indirect immunofluorescent technique applied to whole mounts of tissues and organs of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, serotonin-like reactivity has been demonstrated in an extensive meshwork of fibers on the surface of nerves of the subesophageal ganglion and the tritocerebrum. This meshwork appears to serve the neurohemal release of serotonin. In addition, several of these nerves contain two or more centrally located axons that appear to be serotonergic. The corpora cardica show immunoreactivity but do not appear to be a principal release site for serotonin. The nerves and ganglia of the stomadeal nervous system show immunoreactivity for serotonin and provide serotonin-positive innervation to the salivary glands and the visceral muscles of the stomodeum and midgut. The heart, hindgut, Malpighian tubules, fat body, and skeletal muscles all appear to lack serotonin immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Summary Neurons with proctolin-like immunoreactivity were mapped in the terminal ganglion of Periplaneta americana. The effect of different fixation methods on the variability of immunostaining is described and discussed. The appearance of immunoreactive presynaptic terminals, described here for the first time in insects, points to a function of proctolin as neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in the central nervous system of P. americana besides its known role in the periphery. Proctolin-like immunoreactivity was shown in pre- and postsynaptic profiles. Synaptic contacts are described in detail.Supported by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technik der DDR and by Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig.The authors are indebted for excellent technical assistance to Mrs. Angelika Schmidt and Mr. Bernd Mäusezahl.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) of the rat brain was used to locate GAD activity in sections of the nervous system of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana. The sixth abdominal ganglion was chosen because electrophysiological evidence suggests the presence of GABAergic inhibitory synapses in the cereal-giant interneuron system. Groups of somata and numerous fibres and tracts were positively labelled by the GAD antiserum. A posterior group of labelled somata could be identified close to the entry of the cereal nerves. A line of somata clusters lay along a ventro-lateral furrow. Another discrete row of GAD-like cells was located dorso-laterally. Some small cells among the dorsal unpaired neurons were labelled. A small central group appeared under these cells. An abundance of GAD-like processes and transversal tracts were found within the neuropile. The different systems of GABAergic inhibitors in the ganglion are discussed; in particular we show that the fibres of cereal nerve X are not labelled. This demonstrates that the latter act on the giant fibres via interneurons. We suggest that the group that sends axons into the overlapping region between the cereal nerve and the giant fibre could be the inhibitory interneurons involved in this system.  相似文献   

The acinous salivary glands of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) consist of four morphologically different cell types with different functions: the peripheral cells are thought to produce the fluid component of the primary saliva, the central cells secrete the proteinaceous components, the inner acinar duct cells stabilize the acini and secrete a cuticular, intima, whereas the distal duct cells modify the primary saliva via the transport of water and electrolytes. Because there is no direct information available on the distribution of ion transporting enzymes in the salivary glands, we have mapped the distribution of two key transport enzymes, the Na+/K+-ATPase (sodium pump) and a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase, by immunocytochemical techniques. In the peripheral cells, the Na+/K+-ATPase is localized to the highly infolded apical membrane surface. The distal duct cells show large numbers of sodium pumps localized to the basolateral part of their plasma membrane, whereas their highly folded apical membranes have a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase. Our immunocytochemical data are supported by conventional electron microscopy, which shows electrondense 10-nm particles (portasomes) on the cytoplasmic surface of the infoldings of the apical membranes of the distal duct cells. The apically localized Na+/K+-ATPase in the peripheral cells is probably directly involved in the formation of the Na+-rich primary saliva. The latter is modified by the distal duct cells by transport mechanisms energized by the proton motive force of the apically localized V-H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

In the larval cockroach (Periplaneta americana), knockout of Engrailed (En) in the medial sensory neurons of the cercal sensory system changes their axonal arborization and synaptic specificity. Immunocytochemistry has been used to investigate whether the co-repressor Groucho (Gro; vertebrate homolog: TLE) and the co-factor Extradenticle (Exd; vertebrate homolog: Pbx) are expressed in the cercal system. Gro/TLE is expressed ubiquitously in cell nuclei in the embryo, except for the distal pleuropodia. Gro is expressed in all nuclei of the thoracic and abdominal central nervous system (CNS) of first instar larva, although some neurons express less Gro than others. Cercal sensory neurons express Gro protein, which might therefore act as a co-repressor with En. Exd/Pbx is expressed in the proximal portion of all segmental appendages in the embryo, with the exception of the cerci. In the first instar CNS, Exd protein is expressed in subsets of neurons (including dorsal unpaired medial neurons) in the thoracic ganglia, in the first two abdominal ganglia, and in neuromeres A8–A11 of the terminal ganglion. Exd is absent from the cerci. Because Ultrabithorax/Abdominal-A (Ubx/Abd-A) can substitute for Exd as En co-factors in Drosophila, Ubx/Abd-A immunoreactivity has also been investigated. Ubx/Abd-A immunostaining is present in abdominal segments of the embryo and first instar CNS as far caudal as A7 and faintly in the T3 segment. However, Ubx/Abd-A is absent in the cerci and their neurons. Thus, in contrast to its role in Drosophila segmentation, En does not require the co-factors Exd or Ubx/Abd-A in order to control the synaptic specificity of cockroach sensory neurons.I acknowledge the support of NIH R01 NS45547, NIH-SCORE S06 GM0088224, and RCMI G12 RR03051.  相似文献   

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