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Calmodulin as a versatile calcium signal transducer in plants   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  

From the point of view of a dynamic morphology, form is not only the result of process(es) — it is process. This process may be analyzed in terms of two pairs of fundamental processes: growth and decay, differentiation and dedifferentiation. Each of these processes can be analyzed in terms of various modalities (parameters) and submodalities. This paper deals with those of growth (see Table 1). For the purpose of systematits and phylogenetic reconstruction the modalities and submodalities can be considered dynamic characters that have “states”. Each “state” of such a dynamic character is a more detailed process, hence not static. For example, determinate growth represents a “state” of the dynamic character (or modality) of growth duration. The processes of Table 1 can be applied to the whole plant kingdom (although in certain cases only some processes of the whole set may be applicable). Thus, the diversity of plant form is seen as a diversity of process combinations. From this point of view, change in form implies change in the process combination(s). Questions that arise are, for example, the following: Which process combinations actually occur? Which of these are the most frequent? How and why have process combinations changed during ontogeny and phylogeny? In comparative morphogenesis, process combinations are compared within an ontogeny or between ontogenies. The combinations may be repeated (i.e., conserved) or changed. Since repetition is limited, regularity that is the basis for structural categories is also limited or relative. With regard to change in process combinations, sequential change within an ontogeny and phylogenetic change between ontogenies can be distinguished. A large number of additional processes, such as heterochrony, that have been investigated by many zoologists and botanists, refer to these sequential and phylogenetic changes. General implications and consequences of the proposed approach are pointed out. As well, its limits, which are related to the language and concepts used, are discussed. The importance of a dynamic language is emphasized.  相似文献   

Starch is made up of amylose (linear alpha-1,4-polyglucans) and amylopectin (alpha-1,6-branched polyglucans). Amylopectin has a distinct fine structure called multiple cluster structure and is synthesized by multiple subunits or isoforms of four classes of enzymes: ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase, soluble starch synthase (SS), starch branching enzyme (BE), and starch debranching enzyme (DBE). In the present paper, based on analyses of mutants and transgenic lines of rice in which each enzyme activity is affected, the contribution of the individual isoform to the fine structure of amylopectin in rice endosperm is evaluated, and a new model referred to as the "two-step branching and improper branch clearing model" is proposed to explain how amylopectin is synthesized. The model emphasizes that two sets of reactions, alpha-1,6-branch formation and the subsequent alpha-1,4-chain elongation, are catalyzed by distinct BE and SS isoforms, respectively, are fundamental to the construction of the cluster structure. The model also assesses the role of DBE, namely isoamylase or in addition pullulanase, to remove unnecessary alpha-1,6-glucosidic linkages that are occasionally formed at improper positions apart from two densely branched regions of the cluster.  相似文献   

Lanosterol biosynthesis in plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plants biosynthesize sterols from cycloartenol using a pathway distinct from the animal and fungal route through lanosterol. Described herein are genome-mining experiments revealing that Arabidopsis encodes, in addition to cycloartenol synthase, an accurate lanosterol synthase (LSS)--the first example of lanosterol synthases cloned from a plant. The coexistence of cycloartenol synthase and lanosterol synthase implies specific roles for both cyclopropyl and conventional sterols in plants. Phylogenetic reconstructions reveal that lanosterol synthases are broadly distributed in eudicots but evolved independently from those in animals and fungi. Novel catalytic motifs establish that plant lanosterol synthases comprise a third catalytically distinct class of lanosterol synthase.  相似文献   

Stepansky A  Leustek T 《Amino acids》2006,30(2):127-142
Summary. The study of histidine metabolism has never been at the forefront of interest in plant systems despite the significant role that the analysis of this pathway has played in development of the field of molecular genetics in microbes. With the advent of methods to analyze plant gene function by complementation of microbial auxotrophic mutants and the complete analysis of plant genome sequences, strides have been made in deciphering the histidine pathway in plants. The studies point to a complex evolutionary origin of genes for histidine biosynthesis. Gene regulation studies have indicated novel regulatory networks involving histidine. In addition, physiological studies have indicated novel functions for histidine in plants as chelators and transporters of metal ions. Recent investigations have revealed intriguing connections of histidine in plant reproduction. The exciting new information suggests that the study of plant histidine biosynthesis has finally begun to flower.  相似文献   

Most epithelia contain multiple cell types that interact to perform the roles required of the tissue. In insect epithelia, the apical plasma membrane V-ATPase dominates ion-transport models, and (as in vertebrates) is usually found in specialized intercalated cell types or regions. The Malpighian tubules of several insect Orders contain not just a mitochondrion-rich principal cell expressing high levels of V-ATPase, but a smaller, intercalated "type II", "secondary" or "stellate" cell. Recent data show that this cell type plays a key role in control of chloride and water flux across the tissue, but also may play other, still unsuspected dynamic roles.  相似文献   

Fructan biosynthesis in transgenic plants   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Data from plants transformed to accumulate fructan are assessed in the context of natural concentrations of reserve carbohydrates and natural fluxes of carbon in primary metabolism: Transgenic fructan accumulation is universally reported as an instantaneous endpoint concentration. In exceptional cases, concentrations of 60-160 mg g(-1) fresh mass were reported and compare favourably with naturally occurring maximal starch and fructan content in leaves and storage organs. Generally, values were less than 20 mg g(-1) for plants transformed with bacterial genes and <9 mg g(-1) for plant-plant transformants. Superficially, the results indicate a marked modification of carbon partitioning. However, transgenic fructan accumulation was generally constitutive and involved accumulation over time-scales of weeks or months. When calculated as a function of accumulation period, fluxes into the transgenic product were low, in the range 0.00002-0.03 nkat g(-1). By comparison with an estimated minimum daily carbohydrate flux in leaves for a natural fructan-accumulating plant in field conditions (37 nkat g(-1)), transgenic fructan accumulation was only 0.00005-0.08% of primary carbohydrate flux and does not indicate radical modification of carbon partitioning, but rather, a quantitatively minor leakage into transgenic fructan. Possible mechanisms for this low fructan accumulation in the transformants are considered and include: (i) rare codon usage in bacterial genes compared with eukaryotes, (ii) low transgene mRNA concentrations caused by low expression and/or high turnover, (iii) resultant low expression of enzyme protein, (iv) resultant low total enzyme activity, (v) inappropriate kinetic properties of the gene products with respect to substrate concentrations in the host, (vi) in situ product hydrolysis, and (vii) levan toxicity. Transformants expressing bacterial fructan synthesis exhibited a number of aberrant phenotypes such as stunting, leaf bleaching, necrosis, reduced tuber number and mass, tuber cortex discoloration, reduction in starch accumulation, and chloroplast agglutination. In severe cases of developmental aberration, potato tubers were replaced by florets. Possible mechanisms to explain these aberrations are discussed. In most instances, the attempted subcellular targeting of the transgene product was not demonstrated. Where localization was attempted, the transgene product generally mis-localized, for example, to the cell perimeter or to the endomembrane system, instead of the intended target, the vacuole. Fructosyltransferases exhibited different product specificities in planta than in vitro, expression in planta generally favouring the formation of larger fructan oligomers and polymers. This implies a direct influence of the intracellular environment on the capacity for polymerization of fructosyltransferases and may have implications for the mechanism of natural fructan polymerization in vivo.  相似文献   

Benzoxazinoids are common defence compounds of the grasses and are sporadically found in single species of two unrelated orders of the dicots. In the three dicotyledonous species Aphelandra squarrosa, Consolida orientalis and Lamium galeobdolon the main benzoxazinoid aglucon is 2,4-dihydroxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIBOA). While benzoxazinoids in Aphelandra squarrosa are restricted to the root, in Consolida orientalis and Lamium galeobdolon DIBOA is found in all above ground organs of the adult plant in concentrations as high as in the seedling of maize. The initial biosynthetic steps in dicots and monocots seem to be identical. Indole is most probably the first specific intermediate that is oxygenated to indolin-2-one by a cytochrome P450 enzyme. C. orientalis has an active indole-3-glycerolphosphate lyase for indole formation that evolved independently from its orthologous function in maize. The properties and evolution of plant indole-3-glycerolphosphate lyases are discussed.  相似文献   

Sensing trehalose biosynthesis in plants   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
A most unexpected finding in research on plant carbohydrate metabolism is the recent discovery that angiosperms encode genes whose products are involved in trehalose metabolism. The presence and functionality of such genes has been elegantly shown by expressing Arabidopsis-derived trehalose phosphate synthase and trehalose phosphate phosphatase genes in yeast mutants lacking these enzymatic activities. Homologue sequences have now been cloned from a number of different plant species suggesting that the capacity to synthesise trehalose is ubiquitous in angiosperms. Except for Myrothamnus flabellifolius, trehalose biosynthesis has never been observed in tissues of higher plants, probably due to the presence of high levels of trehalase activity. The function of trehalose metabolism in plants is still a mystery. One of the postulated functions of trehalose metabolism in yeast is in the control of glucose repression and a similar function in sugar sensing can be proposed for plants as well.  相似文献   

Roje S 《Phytochemistry》2007,68(14):1904-1921
The vitamin B complex comprises water-soluble enzyme cofactors and their derivatives that are essential contributors to diverse metabolic processes in plants as well as in animals and microorganisms. Seven vitamins form this complex: B1 (thiamin (1)), B2 (riboflavin (2)), B3 (niacin (3)), B5 (pantothenic acid (4)), B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal (5), and pyridoxamine), B8 (biotin (6)), and B9 (folate (7)). All seven B vitamins are required in the human diet for proper nutrition because humans lack enzymes to synthesize these compounds de novo. This review aims to summarize the present knowledge of vitamin B biosynthesis in plants.  相似文献   

Carotenoid biosynthesis in flowering plants   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

The cell wall is important for maintenance of the structural integrity and morphology of fungal cells. Besides beta-glucan and chitin, alpha-glucan is a major polysaccharide in the cell wall of many fungi. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cell wall alpha-glucan is an essential component, consisting mainly of (1,3)-alpha-glucan with approximately 10% (1,4)-linked alpha-glucose residues. The multidomain protein Ags1p is required for alpha-glucan biosynthesis and is conserved among cell wall alpha-glucan-containing fungi. One of its domains shares amino acid sequence motifs with (1,4)-alpha-glucan synthases such as bacterial glycogen synthases and plant starch synthases. Whether Ags1p is involved in the synthesis of the (1,4)-alpha-glucan constituent of cell wall alpha-glucan had remained unclear. Here, we show that overexpression of Ags1p in S. pombe cells results in accumulation of (1,4)-alpha-glucan. To determine whether the synthase domain of Ags1p is responsible for this activity, we overexpressed Ags1p-E1526A, which carries a mutation in a putative catalytic residue of the synthase domain, but observed no accumulation of (1,4)-alpha-glucan. Compared with wild-type Ags1p, this mutant Ags1p showed a markedly reduced ability to complement the cell lysis phenotype of the temperature-sensitive ags1-1 mutant. Therefore, we conclude that, in S. pombe, the production of (1,4)-alpha-glucan by the synthase domain of Ags1p is important for the biosynthesis of cell wall alpha-glucan.  相似文献   

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