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Unlike most other mammals, killer whales are capable of vocal learning and learn the dialect of their natal pod from their mothers. The classical model of killer whale dialect development suggests that the repertoire of calls is learned only “vertically” from mother to offspring, and calls evolve gradually with time by random drift caused by the accumulation of copying errors. However, some observations suggest that not only “vertical” (from mother to offspring) vocal learning can occur in killer whales, but also “horizontal” (between adult animals). In this study we analyzed the distribution of different call types and similarity of calls from the same type in different pods of killer whales from Kamchatka waters to estimate the probability of existence of interpod horizontal transmission of vocal traditions in killer whales. We found that the degree of similarity of K1 calls and K5 calls in different pods can differ. This situation contradicts the classical hypothesis and is possible in two cases: if different call types change with various speed in different pods, or if horizontal transmission of call features takes place. The distribution of K4 and K10 call types across pods also suggests the existence of horizontal transmission: K4 calls occur in the dialects of five of ten pods, and K10 calls, in six of ten pods, but only one pod has both K4 and K10 calls. Our results suggest that the real picture of the distribution of call features and call types in killer whale dialects contradicts the classical hypothesis of killer whale dialect evolution through the accumulation of copying errors.  相似文献   

We describe the acoustic behaviour of piscivorous killer whales in Norwegian and Icelandic waters. Whales were assigned to one of three activities (feeding, travelling or other), and sound recordings were made in their proximity with a single hydrophone and a digital audiotape (DAT) recorder. A quantitative analysis of the production of pulsed calls, whistles and echolocation clicks in the three activities revealed that there was a significant effect of activity on the production of these sound types. Both killer whales in Icelandic and Norwegian waters produced high rates of clicks and calls during feeding and low rates of click, calls and whistles during travelling. The differences can be used as acoustical markers and provides new possibilities for acoustic monitoring of killer whales in these areas. Based on the similarity between their prey choice, hunting strategies, phenotype and acoustic behaviour, we suggest that the killer whales in Icelandic and Norwegian waters belong to the same ecotype: Scandinavian herring-eating killer whales.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the type of activity and the social context on the proportion of four different structural categories of stereotyped calls in the acoustic communication of Kamchatkan killer whales. Using generalized linear models, we described the dependence of each sound category on the type of activity, the number of killer whale pods and the presence of mixed-pod groups. We found that the proportion of different sound categories depended on the number of pods and the presence of mixed-pod groups, while the type of activity did not affect the proportion of sounds of different categories. Based on the observed differences we suggest that biphonic and high-frequency monophonic calls are mainly used as family and pod markers, and help to track the position of family members at long ranges, and low-frequency monophonic calls are used as close-range intra-group signals to maintain contact between pod members in the conditions of limited underwater visibility.  相似文献   

Underwater noise of whale-watching boats was recorded in the popular killer whale-watching region of southern British Columbia and northwestern Washington State. A software sound propagation and impact assessment model was applied to estimate zones around whale-watching boats where boat noise was audible to killer whales, where it interfered with their communication, where it caused behavioral avoidance, and where it possibly caused hearing loss. Boat source levels ranged from 145 to 169 dB re 1 μPa @ 1 m, increasing with speed. The noise of fast boats was modeled to be audible to killer whales over 16 km, to mask killer whale calls over 14 km, to elicit a behavioral response over 200 m, and to cause a temporary threshold shift (TTS) in hearing of 5 dB after 30–50 min within 450 m. For boats cruising at slow speeds, the predicted ranges were 1 km for audibility and masking, 50 m for behavioral responses, and 20 m for TTS. Superposed noise levels of a number of boats circulating around or following the whales were close to the critical level assumed to cause a permanent hearing loss over prolonged exposure. These data should be useful in developing whale-watching regulations. This study also gave lower estimates of killer whale call source levels of 105–124 dB re 1 μPa.  相似文献   

In this paper the classification of the discrete calls of killer whales recorded in the Northwest Pacific is presented. It was shown that most of the calls can be divided into 20 discrete types easily distinguished by ear. The frequency parameters of the sounds made the maximum contribution into discrimination between call types, while their temporal parameters turned out to be less significant. The repertoires of stereotyped calls of killer whales from Chukot, Kamchatka, and the Commander and Kurile Islands were similar, due to the presence of shared types of calls. The greater the distance between the above-mentioned regions the fewer calls were shared by the resident killer whales. High vocal activity and the phenotypic features of the surveyed killer whales implied their attribution to the resident ecological type.  相似文献   

In 2007 and 2008, controlled exposure experiments were performed in the Bahamas to study behavioral responses to simulated mid‐frequency active sonar (MFA) by three groups of odontocetes: false killer whales, Pseudorca crassidens; short‐finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus; and melon‐headed whales, Peponocephala electra. An individual in each group was tagged with a Dtag to record acoustic and movement data. During exposures, some individuals produced whistles that seemed similar to the experimental MFA stimulus. Statistical tests were thus applied to investigate whistle‐MFA similarity and the relationship between whistle production rate and MFA reception time. For the false killer whale group, overall whistle rate and production rate of the most MFA‐like whistles decreased with time since last MFA reception. Despite quite low whistle rates overall by the melon‐headed whales, statistical results indicated minor transient silencing after each signal reception. There were no apparent relationships between pilot whale whistle rates and MFA sounds within the exposure period. This variability of responses suggests that changes in whistle production in response to acoustic stimuli depend not only on species and sound source, but also on the social, behavioral, or environmental contexts of exposure.  相似文献   

Antiraptor responses from forest-living ringtailed lemurs to advertisement calls of naturally-occurring red-tailed hawks suggested that the lemurs discriminated these calls from other environmental sounds. A series of playback experiments, using real animal sounds and synthetic sound probes, was conducted to investigate the acoustic basis of this putative discrimination. Two semi-captive groups of ringtails served as study subjects: one group had many years of experience living in the forest, whereas the other group had relatively little such experience. Responses to playbacks suggested that both groups used the same acoustic criteria to discriminate “calls of large hawks” from other sounds, but the range of auditory stimuli that evoked antiraptor responses was broader for the experienced group than for the inexperienced group. Although several interpretations of the experimental results are possible, one that seems particularly compatible with the data is the “prototype” concept of stimulus categorization.  相似文献   

Previous sound recordings of resident (fish-eating) killer whale groups have revealed matrilineal group-specific call repertoires and a strong tendency for calls of the same type to be produced in series. Vocal interactions between individual free-ranging animals, however, have remained unexplored because it has not been possible to identify signallers reliably with a single hydrophone. Here we link acoustic arrivals of calls on a towed hydrophone array with visual tracking of photo-identified individuals to ascribe calls to a focal animal when it was separated from other members of its matrilineal group by more than 35 m, and thereby out of visual range. We confirm that individual members of a matrilineal group share a repertoire of stereotyped calls, and we statistically examine timing of stereotyped calls produced by one individual relative to calls produced by other members of its group. Analysis of the intervals between stereotyped calls indicated that calls were produced in group bouts with a criterion interval of 19.6 s separating bouts. We were therefore careful to develop randomization tests that preserved call interval structure. Focal whales produced 36% of their calls within 5 s of a call from a nonfocal animal, four times more calls than expected by chance based upon a rotation randomization test. Consecutive calls produced by different individuals during group-calling bouts matched call type more than expected by chance. Vocal exchanges of stereotyped calls with type matching appear to be an important aspect of intragroup calling in killer whales, although the function of this calling behaviour remains to be explored.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) produce individually distinctive vocalizations—referred to as “signature whistles”—that are thought to function as an individual and conspecific recognition system for maintenance of consistent contact between individuals. Observations and playback experiments were conducted at aquariums to study these whistle–vocal exchanges in bottlenose dolphins. Temporal patterns of vocalization were examined by analyzing the intercall intervals between two consecutive whistles. When a second individual produced a call that was different from the first individual’s vocalization, most of these calls were shorter than 1 s. However, when two consecutive calls were produced by the same individual, the second call rarely occurred within 1 s of the first. These results suggest that a second whistle may be produced by a different caller in response to the first whistle; however, in the case of an absence of a response, the first caller is likely to give further whistles. The results of this acoustic analysis show that the dolphins used in this study mostly used signature whistles during the recorded vocal exchanges.  相似文献   

Japanese monkeys often exchange the particular vocal sound, “coo,” especially when they feed or move as a group. It was considered that the “coo” sound had no positive social meaning, perhaps because the “coo” sound network and its function were hidden behind other behavioral observations. For identification of the vocalizer only from hearing the “coo” sound, three phonetic values, i.e., the “fundamental,” “duration,” and “formants,” plus other characteristics were used as indices of voiceprints. The results indicated that these were effective for identifying the vocalizer in two-thirds of the adults in the study troop which was composed of 12 adults and 16 immature members. The “coo” sound exchange network among the troop members (adults) was drawn on the basis of the voiceprint identification. The network showed three characteristics as follows: (1) matriarchs of the kin-groups frequently exchanged “coo” sounds with each other; (2) the other females exchanged “coo” sounds mostly within their own kin-groups; and (3) males seldom participated in the “coo” sound exchange. This suggests that “coo” sound exchange plays a central role for the matriarch of kin-groups in binding each kin-group and, ultimately, in binding all members together into an organized troop.  相似文献   

Beaked whales respond to simulated and actual navy sonar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Beaked whales have mass stranded during some naval sonar exercises, but the cause is unknown. They are difficult to sight but can reliably be detected by listening for echolocation clicks produced during deep foraging dives. Listening for these clicks, we documented Blainville's beaked whales, Mesoplodon densirostris, in a naval underwater range where sonars are in regular use near Andros Island, Bahamas. An array of bottom-mounted hydrophones can detect beaked whales when they click anywhere within the range. We used two complementary methods to investigate behavioral responses of beaked whales to sonar: an opportunistic approach that monitored whale responses to multi-day naval exercises involving tactical mid-frequency sonars, and an experimental approach using playbacks of simulated sonar and control sounds to whales tagged with a device that records sound, movement, and orientation. Here we show that in both exposure conditions beaked whales stopped echolocating during deep foraging dives and moved away. During actual sonar exercises, beaked whales were primarily detected near the periphery of the range, on average 16 km away from the sonar transmissions. Once the exercise stopped, beaked whales gradually filled in the center of the range over 2-3 days. A satellite tagged whale moved outside the range during an exercise, returning over 2-3 days post-exercise. The experimental approach used tags to measure acoustic exposure and behavioral reactions of beaked whales to one controlled exposure each of simulated military sonar, killer whale calls, and band-limited noise. The beaked whales reacted to these three sound playbacks at sound pressure levels below 142 dB re 1 μPa by stopping echolocation followed by unusually long and slow ascents from their foraging dives. The combined results indicate similar disruption of foraging behavior and avoidance by beaked whales in the two different contexts, at exposures well below those used by regulators to define disturbance.  相似文献   

A disparate selection of toothed whales (Odontoceti) share striking features of their acoustic repertoires including the absence of whistles and high frequency but weak (low peak-to-peak source level) clicks that have a relatively long duration and a narrow bandwidth. The non-whistling, high frequency click species include members of the family Phocoenidae, members of one genus of delphinids, Cephalorhynchus, the pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps, and apparently the sole member of the family Pontoporiidae. Our review supports the 'acoustic crypsis' hypothesis that killer whale predation risk was the primary selective factor favouring an echolocation and communication system in cephalorhynchids, phocoenids and possibly Pontoporiidae and Kogiidae restricted to sounds that killer whales hear poorly or not at all (< 2 and > 100 kHz).  相似文献   

Signaling behaviors appearing in grooming interactions of wild Japanese monkeys were analysed. Vocal signals found in the grooming interactions had the content of asking the objective animal “if the vocal signaler may groom the recipient animal.” They could be divided into two categories of vocal sounds, VG-1 and VG-2. The former was uttered in common by all the troop members. The latter was uttered just before grooming by the groomer and is considered to have deeper connection with grooming. Each individual uttered mainly one kind of vocal sound out of VG-2, and the preferred vocal sounds for each individual differed. Furthermore, VG-2 differed in different troops. Behavioral signals had the content of showing “the acceptance of grooming” or showing “the request to be groomed.” The appearance of these signaling behaviors was closely related to the inter-individual relationships of grooming partners, especially as to whether or not they had blood relationships. Basically the monkeys have a system in which they must avoid each other, except in the case of mothers and their offspring, and if they had to approach too closely against this basic system, as in grooming interactions, there appeared signaling behaviors as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Investigating intraspecific variation in acoustic signals can indicate the extent of isolation and divergence between populations and adaptations to local environments. Here we analyze the variation in killer whale high‐frequency (>17 kHz) whistles recorded off Norway, Iceland, and in the North Pacific. We used a combination of methods including multivariate comparisons of spectral and temporal parameters and categorization of contours to types. Our results show that spectral and temporal characteristics of high‐frequency whistles recorded in the North Pacific show significant differences from whistles recorded in the Northeast Atlantic, being generally stereotyped, lower in frequency, and slightly longer in duration. Most high‐frequency whistles from the North Pacific were downsweeps, whereas this was one of the least common types recorded in the Northeast Atlantic. The repertoire of whistles recorded in Norway was similar to Iceland, but whistles produced in Norway had significantly lower maximum frequency and frequency range. Most methods were able to discriminate between whistles of the North Pacific and the Northeast Atlantic, but were unable to consistently distinguish whistles from Iceland and Norway. This suggests that macro‐ and microgeographic differences in high‐frequency whistles of killer whales may reflect historical geographic isolation between ocean basins and more recent divergence between adjacent populations.  相似文献   

Killer whale discrete calls include types containing an overlapping high-frequency component (biphonic calls) and types without an overlapping high-frequency component (monophonic calls). In the resident killer whales of the Northeast Pacific, biphonic discrete calls exhibit higher source levels than monophonic calls, which suggests different active space and consequently different functions for monophonic and biphonic call types. In this study we investigate the potential communicative functions of monophonic and biphonic discrete calls produced by killer whales from Kamchatka (Northwest Pacific). We analyze how the usage of these calls depends on the number of pods present in the area and type of activity. Our results show that the usage of monophonic and biphonic calls in Kamchatkan killer whales depends on the number of pods in the area and is less dependent on the type of activity. Biphonic calls are more common when more than one pod is present in the area and could therefore function as markers of pod and matriline affiliation, serving mainly as cohesion signals. Monophonic calls dominated the vocalizations when a single pod was present, while in the presence of more than one pod both categories were used in equal proportions.  相似文献   


The problem of categorization arises in any classification system because classes should be discrete while the characteristics of most natural objects and aspects of nature are more or less gradual. In systematics, this problem usually is solved by creating several levels of categories, such as class, order, family, genus and species. In the existing killer whale discrete call classification, only two levels occur—call type and call subtype. In this paper we describe structural categories at a broader level than call type in the discrete sounds of killer whales and compare these categories between and within vocal clans in a community of resident killer whales from Southeast Kamchatka, Russian Far East, and also with killer whales outside this community. We found four main classes of discrete calls in the repertoire of resident killer whales from Southeast Kamchatka. The calls of Southeast Kamchatka transient killer whales and Sakhalin killer whales do not fall into these classes. This suggests that the resident killer whale community from Southeast Kamchatka has some rules defining the structure of calls which are typical for this community. Consequently, all resident killer whales from Southeast Kamchatka can be said to share the same vocal tradition.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that myomorph rodent species use ultrasoniccalls as communication signals. The range over which sound communicationsignals may travel and the ease with which they may be localizeddepends on their intensity and structure and the structure ismade. It is concluded that rodent calls are mainly within therange 20–100 kHz and not longer than 300 msec, exceptfor some rat calls which last up to 3 sec. Intensities may beas high as 103 dB SPL (at 10 cm) in pups and 86 dB SPL (at 5–30cm) in adults. Bandwidths between 1–104 kHz are found.High frequency sounds are attenuated with distance more thanlower frequency sounds, mainly by atmospheric attenuation, groundattenuation and scattering. These effects are not all linearso it is difficult to predict how far rodent sounds may travelwithout making measurements under the conditions in which soundsare known to be produced by rodents in the wild. It is shownthat there is little attenuation due to scattering from vegetationin a wood inhabited by woodmice. But in grass or wheat wherefield voles may live, sounds above 20 kHz are rapidly attenuated.Attenuation may be much less in rodent runs and burrows andthis is being studied by a new spark technique.  相似文献   

Killer whales produce repertoires of stereotyped call types that are primarily transmitted vertically through social learning, leading to dialects between sympatric pods. The potential function of these call repertoires remains untested. In this study, we compared the reaction of Kamchatkan fish‐eating killer whales to the playbacks of calls from the same and different pods. After the playback of recordings from a different pod, in three cases whales changed the direction of their movement toward the boat, and in three cases no changes in direction were observed. After the playback of recordings from the same pod (either from the same or a different unit within the pod), in seven cases whales changed the direction of their movement toward the boat, and in only one case no change in direction was observed. Whales remained silent after all six playbacks of recordings from a different pod, even when they changed direction toward the boat. After the playback of recordings from the same pod, however, in all eight cases whales started calling in response. Our playback study shows that killer whales may react to playbacks of conspecific sounds and that reactions are dependent on the type of playback stimuli.  相似文献   

In fish-eating North Pacific killer whales, large multi-pod aggregations of up to 100 animals often occur. These aggregations are thought to be reproductive gatherings where mating between members of different pods takes place. However, killer whales are social animals, and the role of these aggregations might also be establishing and maintaining social bonds between pods. Alternatively, it is also possible that multi-pod aggregations are in some way connected with foraging or searching for fish. In this study of killer whales in the western North Pacific, we describe multi-pod aggregations quantitatively and suggest their functional role in the life of fish-eating killer whales. We show that foraging is rare in multi-pod aggregations, whether inter-clan or intra-clan, and thus they are unlikely to play an important role in cooperative foraging. Socialising occurs more frequently in inter-clan rather than in intra-clan aggregations, which suggests the higher arousal level and possible mating during inter-clan aggregations. In summary, multi-pod aggregations of Kamchatka killer whales might be both reproductive assemblages and “clubs” of some kind in which whales gather to establish and maintain social bonds.  相似文献   

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