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以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)油菜素内酯受体BRI1为目的基因,利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术定向编辑拟南芥BRI1,以期获得更多BRI1的突变体,为后续BRI1功能的进一步深入研究奠定基础。通过筛选转基因植株,对编辑后的BRI1进行测序分析,结果显示该突变体中BRI1基因序列由于新碱基的插入导致提前终止。同BRI1强突变体bri1-710一样,相比于野生型对照均对BL处理不敏感,但相比于bri1-710,该突变体植株较大,暗示BRI1 N端可能在BR信号途径中有重要作用。因此该研究可为后续进一步研究拟南芥及其他同源物种的BRI1功能提供可靠的参考依据。  相似文献   

Gene transfer within bacterial communities has been recognized as a major contributor in the recent evolution of antibiotic resistance on a global scale. The linked strA-strB genes, which encode streptomycin-inactivating enzymes, are distributed worldwide and confer streptomycin resistance in at least 17 genera of gram-negative bacteria. Nucleotide sequence analyses suggest that strA-strB have been recently disseminated. In bacterial isolates from humans and animals, strA-strB are often linked with the sulII sulfonamide-resistance gene and are encoded on broad-host-range nonconjugative plasmids. In bacterial isolates from plants, strA-strB are encoded on the Tn3-type transposon Tn5393 which is generally borne on conjugative plasmids. The wide distribution of the strA-strB genes in the environment suggests that gene transfer events between human, animal, and plant-associated bacteria have occurred. Although the usage of streptomycin in clinical medicine and animal husbandry has diminished, the persistence of strA-strB in bacterial populations implies that factors other than direct antibiotic selection are involved in maintenance of these genes.  相似文献   

The mutants irt1-1 and irt1-2 of Arabidopsis thaliana were identified among a collection of T-DNA-tagged lines on the basis of a decrease in the effective quantum yield of photosystem II. The mutations responsible interfere with expression of IRT1, a nuclear gene that encodes the metal ion transporter IRT1. In irt1 mutants, photosensitivity and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, as well as abundance and composition of the photosynthetic apparatus, are significantly altered. Additional effects of the mutation under greenhouse conditions, including chlorosis and a drastic reduction in growth rate and fertility, are compatible with a deficiency in iron transport. Propagation of irt1 plants on media supplemented with additional quantities of iron salts restores almost all aspects of wild-type behaviour. The irt2-1 mutant, which carries an En insertion in the highly homologous IRT2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, was identified by reverse genetics and shows no symptoms of iron deficiency. This, together with the finding that irt1-1 can be complemented by 35S::IRT1 but not by 35S::IRT2, demonstrates that, although the products of the two genes are closely related, only AtIRT1 is required for iron homeostasis under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

BRI1-like receptor kinase (BRL1) was identified as an extragenic suppressor of a weak bri1 allele, bri1-5, in an activation-tagging genetic screen for novel brassinosteroid (BR) signal transduction regulators. BRL1 encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase (LRR-RLK). Sequence alignment revealed that BRL1 is closely related to BRI1, which is involved in BR perception. Overexpression of a BRL1 cDNA, driven by a constitutive CaMV 35S promoter, recapitulates the bri1-5 suppression phenotypes, and partially complements the phenotypes of a null bri1 allele, bri1-4. Analysis of a BR-specific feedback response gene, CPD, indicates that BRL1 functions in BR signaling. BRL1 expression pattern overlaps with, but is distinct from, that of BRI1. In addition, both the expression level and in vitro kinase autophosphorylation activity of BRL1 are significantly lower than those of BRI1. bri1-5 brl1-1 double mutant plants have enhanced developmental defects relative to bri1-5 mutant plants, revealing that BRL1 plays a partially redundant role with BRI1 in controlling Arabidopsis growth and development. These findings enhance our understanding of functional redundancy and add an additional layer of complexity to RLK-mediated BR signaling transduction in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

To understand molecular processes in living plant cells, quantitative spectro-microscopic technologies are required. By combining fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy with confocal microscopy, we studied the subcellular properties and function of a GFP-tagged variant of the plasma membrane-bound brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 (BRI1-GFP) in living cells of Arabidopsis seedlings. Shortly after adding brassinolide, we observed BRI1-dependent cell-wall expansion, preceding cell elongation. In parallel, the fluorescence lifetime of BRI1-GFP decreased, indicating an alteration in the receptor's physico-chemical environment. The parameter modulating the fluorescence lifetime of BRI1-GFP was found to be BL-induced hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, for induction of hyperpolarization and cell-wall expansion, activation of the plasma membrane P-ATPase was necessary. This activation required BRI1 kinase activity, and was mediated by BL-modulated interaction of BRI1 with the P-ATPase. Our results were used to develop a model suggesting that there is a fast BL-regulated signal response pathway within the plasma membrane that links BRI1 with P-ATPase for the regulation of cell-wall expansion.  相似文献   

Analysis of genomic DNA of Arabidopsis Columbia (Col.) ecotype using a transposon Tag1-specific primer showed the presence of Tag1 homologues which was confirmed by Southern hybridization with a Tag1 probe. Further analysis showed that the homologue, 0.75 kb in length, had inverted repeats at both ends, 8-bp duplicated sequences at the site at which it is located and about 80% homology with Tag1, and was randomly distributed in the Arabidopsis genome. Based on these results, we concluded that these elements are non-autonomous variants of Tag1 and we termed this element sTag1. Using the polymerase chain reaction fragment hybridization technique, we found the distribution of such homologues in other plant species.  相似文献   

The human UV-damaged DNA binding protein (UV-DDB), a heterodimeric protein composed of 127 kDa (UV-DDB1) and 48 kDa (UV-DDB2) subunits, has been shown to be involved in DNA repair. To elucidate the in vivo function of plant UV-DDB2, we have analyzed T-DNA insertion mutants of the Arabidopsis thaliana UV-DDB2 subunit (atuv-ddb2 mutants) and AtUV-DDB2 RNAi silenced plants (atuv-ddb2 silenced plants). atuv-ddb2 mutants and atuv-ddb2 silenced plants were both viable, suggesting that AtUV-DDB2 is not essential for survival. Interestingly, both plant types showed a dwarf phenotype, implying impaired growth of the meristem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first occasion that a dwarf phenotype has been found to be associated with a UV-DDB2 mutation in either plants or animals. The mutants also demonstrated increased sensitivity to UV irradiation, methyl methanesulfonate and hydrogen peroxide treatment, indicating that AtUV-DDB2 is also involved in DNA repair. Our results lead us to suggest that not only does AtUV-DDB2 function in DNA repair, it also has a direct or indirect influence on cell proliferation in the plant meristem. Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank Data Libraries.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana somatic embryogenesis receptor‐like kinase (SERK) family consists of five leucine‐rich repeat receptor‐like kinases (LRR‐RLKs) with diverse functions such as brassinosteroid insensitive 1 (BRI1)‐mediated brassinosteroid perception, development and innate immunity. The autophosphorylation activity of the kinase domains of the five SERK proteins was compared and the phosphorylated residues were identified by LC‐MS/MS. Differences in autophosphorylation that ranged from high activity of SERK1, intermediate activities for SERK2 and SERK3 to low activity for SERK5 were noted. In the SERK1 kinase the C‐terminally located residue Ser‐562 controls full autophosphorylation activity. Activation loop phosphorylation, including that of residue Thr‐462 previously shown to be required for SERK1 kinase activity, was not affected. In vivo SERK1 phosphorylation was induced by brassinosteroids. Immunoprecipitation of CFP‐tagged SERK1 from plant extracts followed by MS/MS identified Ser‐303, Thr‐337, Thr‐459, Thr‐462, Thr‐463, Thr‐468, and Ser‐612 or Thr‐613 or Tyr‐614 as in vivo phosphorylation sites of SERK1. Transphosphorylation of SERK1 by the kinase domain of the main brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 occurred only on Ser‐299 and Thr‐462. This suggests both intra‐ and intermolecular control of SERK1 kinase activity. Conversely, BRI1 was transphosphorylated by the kinase domain of SERK1 on Ser‐887. BRI1 kinase activity was not required for interaction with the SERK1 receptor in a pull down assay.  相似文献   

HAL1 mediate salt adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
INTRODUCTIONSalinity is a major environmental stress that isa substantial constraint to crop production both fordry land and irrigated agriculture. The detrimental impact of this stress is perpetuated and exacerbated by management practices used to facilitatehigh-output crop production. To overcome theselimitations and improve production efficiency in theface of a burgeoning world population, more salt tolerant crops must be developed. In contrast with traditional breeding, the direct ill…  相似文献   

Plastid transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Plastid transformation is reported in Arabidopsis thaliana following biolistic delivery of transforming DNA into leaf cells. Transforming plasmid pGS31A carries a spectinomycin resistance (aadA) gene flanked by plastid DNA sequences to target its insertion between trnV and the rps12/7 operon. Integration of aadA by two homologous recombination events via the flanking ptDNA sequences and selective amplification of the transplastomes on spectinomycin medium yielded resistant cell lines and regenerated plants in which the plastid genome copies have been uniformly altered. The efficiency of plastid transformation was low: 2 in 201 bombarded leaf samples. None of the 98 plants regenerated from the two lines were fertile. Received: 13 February 1998 / Revision received: 24 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 June 1998  相似文献   

拟南芥中的SIP1基因编码的蛋白与拟南芥盐胁迫应答中的关键蛋白SOS2存在互作关系,而NAC1为拟南芥中介导生长素信号促进其侧根发生的蛋白。本研究中我们将SIP1基因和NAC1正义基因以及SIP1基因和NAC1反义基因分别整合到一个经改造的具有2个35S启动子的可用于双基因表达的载体pFGC5941S中,构建了两个双基因表达载体pFGC5941S SIP1 NAC1 sense和pFGC5941S SIP1 NAC1 anti。并将这两个载体通过农杆菌介导的方法转化到野生型拟南芥中,共获得15株转基因植株。对这些转基因植株进行盐胁迫实验发现,在含75mmol·L-1 NaCl的MS培养基上,相比于野生型,pFGC5941S SIP1 NAC1 sense转基因植株主根增长,侧根数量明显增多,而pFGC5941S SIP1 NAC1 anti转基因植株长势与野生型苗相似。由此我们推测可能只有当SIP1和NAC1同时过表达时,才会促进盐胁迫下拟南芥侧根的发育。  相似文献   

拟南芥中的SIP1基因编码的蛋白与拟南芥盐胁迫应答中的关键蛋白SOS2存在互作关系,而NACl为拟南芥中介导生长素信号促进其侧根发生的蛋白。本研究中我们将SIPl基因和NAC1正义基因以及SIP1基因和NAC1反义基因分别整合到一个经改造的具有2个35S启动子的可用于双基因表达的载体pF—GC5941S中,构建了两个双基因表达载体pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-sense和pFGC5941S-SIP1-NACl-anti。并将这两个载体通过农杆菌介导的方法转化到野生型拟南芥中,共获得15株转基因植株。对这些转基因植株进行盐胁迫实验发现,在含75mnlol·L-1 NaCl的MS培养基上,相比于野生型,pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-sense转基因植株主根增长,侧根数量明显增多,而pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-anti转基因植株长势与野生型苗相似。由此我们推测可能只有当SIP1和NAC1同时过表达时,才会促进盐胁迫下拟南芥侧根的发育。  相似文献   

SIP1 encodes the protein which show interact with SOS2, the protein involving in plant responding to saline stress while NAC1 encodes the protein which involves in auxin signal and promoting the development of lateral root of Arabidopsis thaliana. In present study SIP1 and NAC1-sense and NAC1-anti were inserted into pFGC5941S constructs, making the expression vectors pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-sense and pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-anti, respectively. Fifteen transgenic A.thaliana harboring these two constructs (pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-sense and pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-anti) were then generated via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The phenotypes of homozygous transformants which were grown on MS medium with 75mmol·L-1 NaCl showed that compared with wild-type A.thaliana, pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-sense transgenic plants exhibited longer main root and increasing amounts of lateral roots, while no obvious differences were observed in pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-anti transgenic plants. These results indicated that the development of A.thaliana lateral roots under salt stress was specifically promoted by both overexpression of SIP1 gene and NAC1 gene.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation has been for decades the preferred tool to generate transgenic plants. During this process, a T-DNA carrying transgenes is transferred from the bacterium to plant cells, where it randomly integrates into the genome via polymerase theta (Polθ)-mediated end joining (TMEJ). Targeting of the T-DNA to a specific genomic locus via homologous recombination (HR) is also possible, but such gene targeting (GT) events occur at low frequency and are almost invariably accompanied by random integration events. An additional complexity is that the product of recombination between T-DNA and target locus may not only map to the target locus (true GT), but also to random positions in the genome (ectopic GT). In this study, we have investigated how TMEJ functionality affects the biology of GT in plants, by using Arabidopsis thaliana mutated for the TEBICHI gene, which encodes for Polθ. Whereas in TMEJ-proficient plants we predominantly found GT events accompanied by random T-DNA integrations, GT events obtained in the teb mutant background lacked additional T-DNA copies, corroborating the essential role of Polθ in T-DNA integration. Polθ deficiency also prevented ectopic GT events, suggesting that the sequence of events leading up to this outcome requires TMEJ. Our findings provide insights that can be used for the development of strategies to obtain high-quality GT events in crop plants.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(10):3478-3491.e6
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用生物信息学方法对拟南芥叶状子叶(LEC)基因的核苷酸序列以及推导氨基酸序列的组成、功能结构域、亲水性等进行了分析。结果表明,拟南芥的LEC蛋白为位于细胞核中的亲水性不稳定蛋白;通过对LEC蛋白的功能结构域的分析发现,LEC1和L1L蛋白中高度保守的区域即为CBF-NFYB-HMF结构域,LEC2和FUSCA3蛋白中高度保守的区域为B3结构域。  相似文献   

A mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, two hundred times more resistant to the imidazolinone herbicide imazapyr than wild-type plants, was isolated by direct selection of seedlings from a mutagenized population. Genetic analysis showed that resistance is due to a single dominant nuclear mutation that could not be separated by recombination from a mutation in the CSR1 gene encoding acetohydroxy acid synthase. Acetohydroxy acid synthase activity in extracts isolated from the mutant was 1000-fold more resistant to inhibition by imazapyr than that of the wild type. The resistant enzyme activity cosegregated with whole plant resistance. These data strongly suggest that the mutation is an allele of CSR1 encoding an imazapyr-resistant AHAS.  相似文献   

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