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The aim of this study is to identify factors that influence the success of the implementation of the primary and secondary prevention programs in Croatia by the visiting/community services. Two main sources of information were used: reports about regular visiting nurse services in Croatia and research about visiting nurse participation in the Croatian Adult Health Cohort Study (CroHort) 2008. Out of the total number 9,070 respondents who participated in CAHS 2003 survey, during CroHort 2008 program 3,229 (35.6%) participants were re-interviewed. The qualitative analysis was done with a sample of 34 visiting nurses, which participated in the CroHort 2008. Results show that there are three key problems which limit preventive programs: inability of the health care system to recognize the importance of the primary prevention; visiting nurses' lack capacity to implement prevention and populations' lack of motivation and education.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to compare the surveys conducted respectively in 2003 and 2008 within the Croatian Adult Health Cohort Study (CroHort) regarding the physical activity/inactivity of the inhabitants of the Republic of Croatia. The collected data show a significant decline in the intensity of physical activity in 2008 with regards to 2003, regarding the way of getting to work (60.7%), the level of physical strain at work (72.2%), and the frequency of physical activity taken in the subjects' spare time (55.8%). In order to prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases and to raise the public awareness of the potential health threat physical inactivity poses, a number of thoroughly conceived health promotion strategies should be implemented, which would equally encompass all the segments of Croatian society.  相似文献   

Questionnaire surveys, while more economical, typically achieve poorer response rates than interview surveys. We used data from a national volunteer cohort of young adult twins, who were scheduled for assessment by questionnaire in 1989 and by interview in 1996-2000, to identify predictors of questionnaire non-response. Out of a total of 8536 twins, 5058 completed the questionnaire survey (59% response rate), and 6255 completed a telephone interview survey conducted a decade later (73% response rate). Multinomial logit models were fitted to the interview data to identify socioeconomic, psychiatric and health behavior correlates of non-response in the earlier questionnaire survey. Male gender, education below University level, and being a dizygotic rather than monozygotic twin, all predicted reduced likelihood of participating in the questionnaire survey. Associations between questionnaire response status and psychiatric history and health behavior variables were modest, with history of alcohol dependence and childhood conduct disorder predicting decreased probability of returning a questionnaire, and history of smoking and heavy drinking more weakly associated with non-response. Body-mass index showed no association with questionnaire non-response. Despite a poor response rate to the self-report questionnaire survey, we found only limited sampling biases for most variables. While not appropriate for studies where socioeconomic variables are critical, it appears that survey by questionnaire, with questionnaire administration by telephone to non-responders, will represent a viable strategy for gene-mapping studies requiring that large numbers of relatives be screened.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess levels of stress in Croatian adult population using PSS, in a population study (Croatian Adult Cohort Health Study - CroHort). Our results show that the levels of stress were 17.46 (SD = 6.73) for men and 18.32 (SD = 6.46) for women in Croatia. The lowest levels of stress experienced men living in urban area while women living in rural area had the highest level. Men and women who had university degree had significantly lower level of stress. The lowest levels of stress experienced participants who had much better financial condition than average. In men, stress was associated to weak heart, lower back pain, poor financial condition of the household and high alcohol consumption. In women, stress was associated to poor mental health, poor social functioning, poorer financial condition of the household, higher age, lower education, low monthly income of the household and poor general health.  相似文献   

Based on repeated measurement of health behaviors the CroHort Study showed that health behavior explains a great deal more of class inequalities in mortality than observed in previous studies. These include decreasing prevalence of smoking and increase in obesity, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The lowest prevalence of health risks was recorded among children and adolescents, followed by general adult population from the CroHort Study. Hospitalized coronary heart disease patients had higher risks prevalence than general population, while the highest prevalence of risks was recorded among patients in cardiac rehabilitation program. The higher levels of stress were associated to lower financial conditions, poorer social functioning and poorer mental health for both men and women. Higher levels of stress were also associated with heart problems, higher alcohol consumption in men while in women stress was associated to poorer general health, higher age and lower levels of education.  相似文献   

The objective of the Croatian Health Survey was the assessment of population health related quality of life in the transitional environment of Croatia. Health status measures incorporate dimensions such as physical, psychological, and social functioning, role performance and perception of wellbeing. In order to assess health status, "The medical outcome study 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36) model" was used. A total sample of 5048 inhabitants (1983 males and 3065 females), 18 years and over, represents approximately 1% of the general population of Croatia. Mean scores were as follows: physical functioning (PF) 69.94, role-physical (RP) 63.01, bodily pain (BP) 64.51, general health (GH) 53.40, vitality (VT) 51.85, social functioning (SF) 72.96, role-emotional (RE) 72.42, mental health (MH) 61.71 and health transition (HT) 44.79. Results of the SF-36 health survey in Croatia are very much like the results in other European countries with indication that general quality of life is lower in Croatia.  相似文献   

This study investigated 5-year cumulative incidence of unhealthy dietary habits across various gender and age groups within the CroHort study, a repeated cross-sectional survey of Croatian adults. The results monitoring the frequency of certain foodstuffs consumption indicate that 10.6% of examinees (10.9% of men, and 9.1% of women) reported worsening of their dietary habits in 2008 as compared to 2003. The cumulative incidence of unhealthy diet was higher in men than in women, and was highest in younger age-groups (18-34 years), both in men and women. The public health programmes should be strengthened in a way which would put a special emphasis on education of younger adults, especially males, on nutrition health impact and healthy diet principles.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to identify major determinants of cardiovascular behavioural risk factors among subjects at increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The data for the qualitative analysis were obtained from the Croatian Adult Health Cohort Study (CroHort). The data analysis was based on the principles of Grounded Theory. We have generated the concept of an individual in a vicious circle of risky health behaviour, defined by the low level of motivation and unfavourable personal characteristics which in interaction with unsupportive social environment adversely influence one's health behaviour, leading to negative health outcomes that produce negative effects on one's motivation and social environment. Community nurses assessed that the respondents often weren't adequately recognising their CVD risk and were very reluctant about the change in their risky habits. Our results are supported by the quantitative analysis and are complementing other analyses of the cardiovascular risks within the CroHort study.  相似文献   

Evidence has become central for humanitarian decision making, as it is now commonly agreed that aid must be provided solely in proportion to the needs and on the basis of needs assessments. Still, reliable epidemiological data from conflict-affected communities are difficult to acquire in time for effective decisions, as existing health information systems progressively lose functionality with the onset of conflicts. In the last decade, health and nutrition humanitarian agencies have made substantial progress in collecting quality data using small-scale surveys. In 2002, a group of academics, non-governmental organizations, and UN agencies launched the Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART) methodology. Since then, field agencies have conducted thousands of surveys. Although the contribution of each survey by itself is limited by its small sample and the impossibility to extrapolate results to national level, their aggregation can provide a more stable view of both trends and distributions in a larger region. The Complex Emergency Database (CEDAT) was set up in order to make best use of the collective force of these surveys. Functioning as a central repository, it can provide valuable information on trends and patterns of mortality and nutrition indicators from conflict-affected communities. Given their high spatial resolution and their high frequency, CEDAT data can complement official statistics in between nationwide surveys. They also provide information of the displacement status of the measured population, pointing out vulnerabilities. CEDAT is hosted at the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, University of Louvain. It runs on voluntary agreements between the survey implementer and the CEDAT team. To date, it contains 3309 surveys from 51 countries, and is a unique repository of such data.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the methods used in nine provincial surveys carried out as part of the Canadian Heart Health Initiative. DESIGN: Population-based cross-sectional surveys, following a core standardized protocol, implemented by provincial departments of health in collaboration with Health and Welfare Canada. Data were obtained through a home interview and a clinic visit. A standard manual of field operations and standardized training procedures were used in all provinces. SETTING: Nine Canadian provinces during the period 1986 to 1990. PARTICIPANTS: A probability sample of 26,293 men and women aged 18 to 74 years was selected from the health insurance registries in each province. Over 30% of the participants had post-secondary education. About 50% were 18 to 34 years old. OUTCOME MEASURES: Data on sociodemographic characteristics, hypertensive and diabetic status, knowledge and awareness of the causes and consequences of cardiovascular disease and two blood pressure measurements were obtained in a home interview. During a clinic visit, data were collected on height, weight (waist and hip circumferences in four provinces), two blood pressure measures and a blood sample. Total plasma cholesterol, triglycerides and high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were measured in the Lipid Research Laboratory, University of Toronto and St. Michael''s Hospital. MAIN RESULTS: Of the subjects invited to participate in the survey, 78% were interviewed, 69% attended the clinic and 64% provided a fasting specimen (8 hours or more). The response rates were slightly lower for men aged 18 to 34, for women aged 65 to 74 and for those with fewer years of education. Data from the provincial surveys (Ontario will complete the survey in 1992) are being compiled in the Canadian Heart Health Database. CONCLUSION: The process followed in the implementation of the provincial heart health surveys is a model of how provincial departments of health may carry out epidemiologic investigations in support of their mandate. The approach illustrates how a country-wide database can be built through partnerships among different levels of government. The use of community health nurses was instrumental in the efficient implementation of the surveys and in the realization of the relatively high rates of response attained.  相似文献   

Comparable survey data on Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians are highly sought after by policymakers to inform policies aimed at closing ethnic socio-economic gaps. However, collection of such data is compromised by group differences in socio-economic status and cultural norms. We use data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey and multiple-membership multilevel regression models that allow for individual and interviewer effects to examine differences between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in approximate measures of the quality of the interview process. We find that there are both direct and indirect ethnic effects on different dimensions of interview process quality, with Indigenous Australians faring worse than non-Indigenous Australians in all outcomes ceteris paribus . This indicates that nationwide surveys must feature interview protocols that are sensitive to the needs and culture of Indigenous respondents to improve the quality of the survey information gathered from this subpopulation.  相似文献   

Despite improved national censuses and “micro-demographic” studies, demographic processes and health conditions among indigenous populations in Amazonia and elsewhere in lowland Latin America are not well understood. A new source of demographic and health data has emerged in the past decade, namely meso-scale surveys initiated and administered by indigenous organizations. These surveys offer the potential for filling information gaps, shedding light on culturally specific factors that shape demographic processes and health, and empowering indigenous organizations with data that could inform health initiatives. This article assesses the indigenous-run survey “2005 Health Analysis of the Shuar and Achuar Nations” of eastern Ecuador in which the authors were involved, which reached 1,943 households in 257 communities in Morona-Santiago Province. We present findings on fertility, migration, sanitation, and health, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the survey. We argue that despite flaws in the survey design and implementation, this survey revealed important linkages among fertility, migration, and health. Such surveys have the potential to provide much needed detail, representativeness, and cultural specificity that macro and micro data sources cannot provide. We conclude with recommendations to improve surveys of this type.  相似文献   

Several ethical considerations emerge when conducting research with memory-impaired individuals, including the individuals' ability to comprehend and accurately respond to survey questions. However, little empirical research exists on how to format surveys to decrease cognitive demands, thereby allowing researchers to more accurately survey this population. The current study presents data from structured interviews with 125 community-residing, memory-impaired older adults about their illness experience. The interview contained 14 scales varying in subjectivity, directionality, and response choice content. While objectivity did not affect participants' ability to use the full range of responses, participants with greater cognitive impairment tended to use simpler, dichotomous response categories, especially when questions had bidirectional response choices. Results suggest that memory-impaired individuals can participate in survey research, that such surveys should contain unidirectional frequency/amount items when possible, and that not all memory-impaired individuals will have difficulty completing surveys.  相似文献   

Children of different ages will experience a traumatic event in a different ways. The most important in the generalization of research findings is recognizing that children of different ages think differently, act differently and have different emotional functioning. Experiences that are extremely traumatic to an adult may be perceived by a young child as something that is not so frightening. The fear that the child feels will more frequently be a reflection of that of the adult rather than generated by the child's own perception of the event. So, the individual experience of the trauma is age dependent. Our study focused on children who lost their fathers in conditions of war The aim was to explore the association between age-developmental stages and the severity of trauma related symptoms, anxiety and depressive symptoms in participants who lost their fathers during the war. The study included 103 people who lost their fathers during the war in Croatia, who came to the physical and psychiatric examination organized by the Ministry of Family, War Veterans and Intergenerational Solidarity. The sample was consisted of the participants who were children, or not born yet, at the time when they lost their fathers during the war in Croatia. At the time of interview, the participants were aged between 15 and 35 years old. Data was collected using a structured clinical interview which also included socio-demographic data. Data about former and current psychiatric symptoms were collected using the following instruments: Clinician- Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS), Hamilton anxiety scale (HAMA), Hamilton depression scale (HAMD). Results showed that there was significant correlation between age and results on used scales. The participants who lost their fathers at a very young age or even before they were born showed less trauma symptoms (r=0.249; p < 0.05) less anxiety (r=0.374; p < 0.01) and depressive (r=0.384; p<0.01) symptoms than participants who lost their fathers at an older age. The study confirmed that the individual experience of the trauma of losing a father in war circumstances is associated with age.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00540.x Assessing the oral health of an ageing population: methods, challenges and predictors of survey participation Objectives: To examine predictors of participation and to describe the methodological considerations of conducting a two‐stage population‐based oral health survey. Methods: An observational, cross‐sectional survey (telephone interview and clinical oral examination) of community‐dwelling adults aged 45–64 and ≥65 living in Nova Scotia, Canada was conducted. Results: The survey response rate was 21% for the interview and 13.5% for the examination. A total of 1141 participants completed one or both components of the survey. Both age groups had higher levels of education than the target population; the age 45–64 sample also had a higher proportion of females and lower levels of employment than the target population. Completers (participants who completed interview and examination) were compared with partial completers (who completed only the interview), and stepwise logistic regression was performed to examine predictors of completion. Identified predictors were as follows: not working, post‐secondary education and frequent dental visits. Conclusion: Recruitment, communications and logistics present challenges in conducting a province‐wide survey. Identification of employment, education and dental visit frequency as predictors of survey participation provide insight into possible non‐response bias and suggest potential for underestimation of oral disease prevalence in this and similar surveys. This potential must be considered in analysis and in future recruitment strategies.  相似文献   

Odonate populations and species numbers are declining globally. Successful conservation requires sound assessments of both odonate distributions and habitat requirements. Odonates have aquatic (larval) and terrestrial (adult) stages, but most surveys that are used to inform conservation managers are undertaken of the adult stage. This study investigates whether this bias towards adult records in odonate recording is misinterpreting the environmental quality of sites. The habitat focus is farmland ponds, a key feature of agricultural landscapes. We tested whether or not, adult, larval and exuvial surveys lead to similar conclusions on species richness and hence on pond quality. Results showed that pond surveys based upon larvae and exuviae are equally suitable for the reliable assessment of presence/absence of odonates, but that adult surveys are not interchangeable with surveys of larvae/exuviae. Larvae were also found at ponds with no emerging individuals due to changes in habitat quality, therefore presence of exuviae remains the only proof of life-cycle completion at a site. Ovipositing females were recorded at all ponds where exuviae were totally absent hence adult surveys over-estimate pond quality and low-quality ponds are functioning as ecological traps. Highly mobile and generalist species were recorded at more locations than other species. Adult surveys also bias recording towards genera, species and populations with non-territorial mate-location strategies. Odonate biodiversity monitoring would benefit from applying the best survey method (exuviae) to avoid wasting valuable financial resources while providing unbiased data, necessary to achieve conservation objectives.  相似文献   

The last national survey of dental health in Canada was conducted in 1970–72 as part of the Nutrition Canada study. In that survey, 52% of Canadians over 60 were found to be edentulous. In 1980, epidemiologists in Quebec conducted the only provincewide, population-based survey of seniors and found 72% were edentulous. In Ontario, published local or regional surveys and province-wide interview data, obtained over the past 20 years, show that between 81% and 51% of those over 65 years of age were edentulous with the lower rates found in the more independently living, younger elderly, and in the more recent studies. Further, between 18% and 42.5% of those over 65 had visited a dentist in the previous year with higher rates among dentate and independently living elderly. Dental treatment needs were higher among the dentale and the institutionalized. These data are contrasted with recent findings from a population-based study in East York, Ontario, and local data from British Columbia, Manitoba, and Prince Edward Island. The regional differences in health and the trends to increased life span, less edentulism and increased rates of visiting present challenges to Canadian policy makers and dental practitioners.  相似文献   



For several decades, global public health efforts have focused on the development and application of disease control programs to improve child survival in developing populations. The need to reliably monitor the impact of such intervention programs in countries has led to significant advances in demographic methods and data sources, particularly with large-scale, cross-national survey programs such as the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). Although no comparable effort has been undertaken for adult mortality, the availability of large datasets with information on adult survival from censuses and household surveys offers an important opportunity to dramatically improve our knowledge about levels and trends in adult mortality in countries without good vital registration. To date, attempts to measure adult mortality from questions in censuses and surveys have generally led to implausibly low levels of adult mortality owing to biases inherent in survey data such as survival and recall bias. Recent methodological developments and the increasing availability of large surveys with information on sibling survival suggest that it may well be timely to reassess the pessimism that has prevailed around the use of sibling histories to measure adult mortality.

Methods and Findings

We present the Corrected Sibling Survival (CSS) method, which addresses both the survival and recall biases that have plagued the use of survey data to estimate adult mortality. Using logistic regression, our method directly estimates the probability of dying in a given country, by age, sex, and time period from sibling history data. The logistic regression framework borrows strength across surveys and time periods for the estimation of the age patterns of mortality, and facilitates the implementation of solutions for the underrepresentation of high-mortality families and recall bias. We apply the method to generate estimates of and trends in adult mortality, using the summary measure 45 q 15—the probability of a 15-y old dying before his or her 60th birthday—for 44 countries with DHS sibling survival data. Our findings suggest that levels of adult mortality prevailing in many developing countries are substantially higher than previously suggested by other analyses of sibling history data. Generally, our estimates show the risk of adult death between ages 15 and 60 y to be about 20%–35% for females and 25%–45% for males in sub-Saharan African populations largely unaffected by HIV. In countries of Southern Africa, where the HIV epidemic has been most pronounced, as many as eight out of ten men alive at age 15 y will be dead by age 60, as will six out of ten women. Adult mortality levels in populations of Asia and Latin America are generally lower than in Africa, particularly for women. The exceptions are Haiti and Cambodia, where mortality risks are comparable to many countries in Africa. In all other countries with data, the probability of dying between ages 15 and 60 y was typically around 10% for women and 20% for men, not much higher than the levels prevailing in several more developed countries.


Our results represent an expansion of direct knowledge of levels and trends in adult mortality in the developing world. The CSS method provides grounds for renewed optimism in collecting sibling survival data. We suggest that all nationally representative survey programs with adequate sample size ought to implement this critical module for tracking adult mortality in order to more reliably understand the levels and patterns of adult mortality, and how they are changing. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   

Netherlands twin family study of anxious depression (NETSAD).   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In a longitudinal study of Dutch adolescent and young adult twins, their parents and their siblings, questionnaire data were collected on depression, anxiety and correlated personality traits, such as neuroticism. Data were collected by mailed surveys in 1991, 1993, 1995 and 1997. A total of 13,717 individuals from 3344 families were included in the study. To localise quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in anxiety and depression, the survey data were used to select the most informative families for a genome-wide search. For each individual a genetic factor score was computed, based on a genetic multivariate analysis of anxiety, depression, neuroticism and somatic anxiety. A family was selected if at least two siblings (or DZ twins) had extreme factor scores. Both discordant (high-low) and concordant (high-high and low-low) pairs were included in the selected sample. Once an extreme sibling pair was selected, all family members (parents and additional siblings of the selected pair) who had at least once returned a questionnaire booklet were asked to provide a DNA sample. In total, 2724 individuals from 563 families (1007 parents and 1717 offspring) were approached and 1975 individuals from 479 families (643 patients and 1332 offspring) complied by returning a buccal swab for DNA isolation. All offspring from selected families were asked to participate in a psychiatric interview and in a 24-hour ambulatory assessment of cardiovascular parameters and cortisol. The interview consisted of the WHO-Composite International Diagnostic Interview and was administered to 1253 offspring. In this paper we describe the genetic-epidemiological analyses of the survey data on anxiety, somatic anxiety, neuroticism and depression. We detail how these data were used to select families for the QTL study and discuss strategies that may help elucidate the molecular pathways leading from genes to anxious depression.  相似文献   

The Roma (Gypsy) are the largest European minority population characterized by poverty, social exclusion as well as by numerous life-style and cultural specificities, which all could have an adverse impact on their cardiovascular health. This study assesses the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) risk factors in community-based sample of 430 adult Roma, living in rural area of Croatia, by providing the actual and age-adjusted estimates using the European standard population. The most prominent classical CVD risk phenotypes (blood pressure, obesity, smoking, glucose and lipid profile) were selected, and the standard risk cut-offs were applied. The study has shown that compared to general population of Croatia, the Roma population bears a high CVD risk factors load related to smoking and high glucose level. The CVD risk factors prevalence in Roma also showed important sex and age patterns, the most imposing of which are the findings of higher prevalence of CVD risks in women (especially obesity and triglyceride levels) and the trend of higher body mass index (BMI) level in younger age group (18–34 years) which both stand in contrast to the trends characterizing the general population of Croatia. These findings are complemented by the trend of decreased risk in the oldest age group (65+ years) for all investigated CVD risk factors (with exception of triglycerides level) compared to the 50–64 age group. We conclude that the age and sex CVD risks pattern point to the health transition of this rural Roma population. As we expect the proportion of CVD in the Roma minority of Croatia to increase in the future along with further modernization of their lifestyle, the CVD prevention measures in this population are urgent and should be primarily targeted at women and at the younger segment of this population.  相似文献   

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