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The acidic proline-rich proteins (Pr) showing genetic polymorphism were purified from human parotid salivas by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. Molecular weight determinations, amino acid composition analyses, and polypeptide mapping experiments indicate that the Pr 3 protein is a fragment of the Pr 1 protein. Studies of a parotid saliva factor capable of converting Pr 1 to Pr 3 and Pr 2 to Pr 4 indicate that Pr 3 and Pr 4 are generated from Pr 1 and Pr 2, respectively. Evidence suggests that the converting factor is a protease capable of posttranslationally cleaving Pr 1 and Pr 2, the primary or derived products of alleles Pr1 and Pr2.  相似文献   

This study provides direct evidence for a robust effect of salivaproteins on ingestive responses to tannic acid. Proline-richproteins (PRPs) were elevated in the saliva of mice, via chronictreatments with the ß-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol(IPR) and the effects of this manipulation on intake of tannicacid were examined. Because salivary PRPs from rodents bindreadily to tannic acid, it was hypothesized that elevated salivaryPRPs would lower the free concentration of ingested tannic acid.In experiment 1, the ingestive sensitivity of IPR- and saline-injectedmice of four strains (SW, BALB, C3H and B6) to 0.5 mM tannicacid was compared. IPR treatment significantly reduced the tannicacid sensitivity of the BALBs, but not the SWs, C3Hs or B6s,as measured by a two-choice test. Furthermore, whole-mouth salivaof mice from the four strains was compared in terms of (i) flowrate, (ii) relative PRP concentration and (iii) tannin bindingcapacity. As compared to the other mouse strains, the salivaof IPR-injected BALBs appeared to contain PRPs that had a highertannin binding capacity, and that occurred at higher concentrations,with the exception of the C3Hs. Salivary flow rate did not differamong mouse strains. In experiment 2, the effect of IPR treatmenton ingestive responses of BALBs to two concentrations of tannicacid (0.5 and 1.0 mM) was examined using a lickometer device.Intake measures (lick rate, burst duration, number of burstsand overall lick rate) indicated that the IPR-injected BALBsdrank the 0.5 mM tannic acid solution as if it was water. Saline-injectedBALBs rejected the 0.5 mM tannic acid solution almost immediately.Whereas both the IPR- and saline-injected BALBs rejected the1.0 mM tannic acid solution, the latter group rejected it morestrongly. These results suggest that salivary PRPs in the IPR-treatedBALBs bound to a significant portion of the ingested tannicacid. In so doing, the PRPs dminished the free concentrationand, hence, aversive taste quality of the tannic acid. 1Present address: Department of Entomology and Nematology, 740IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA  相似文献   

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Membrane remodeling is an important aspect in organelle biogenesis. We show that different peroxisome membrane proteins that play a role in organelle biogenesis and proliferation (Pex8, Pex10, Pex14, Pex25 and Pex11) are subject to spatiotemporal behavior during organelle development. Using fluorescence microscopy analysis of Hansenula polymorpha dnm1 cells that are blocked in the normal fission process, we show that green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions of Pex8, Pex10, Pex14 and Pex25 show enhanced fluorescence at the organelle extensions that are formed in budding cells. In contrast, Pex11 fluorescence is enriched at the base of this extension on the mother organelle. A fusion protein of GFP with the transporter Pmp47, used as a control, did not show enhanced fluorescence at any specific region of the organelle. The concentration of specific peroxins at the peroxisome surface was lost upon deletion of PEX11 or the N-terminal domain of Pex11 that is involved in membrane remodeling. Comparable distribution patterns as in dnm1 cells were observed in wild-type cells where Pex8, Pex10, Pex14 and Pex25, but not Pex11, were especially present at newly formed organelles that migrated to the bud. We speculate that peroxin reorganization events result in enhanced levels of peroxins involved in peroxisome biogenesis in nascent organelles.  相似文献   

DNA studies suggest that six loci control the synthesis of human salivary proline-rich proteins (PRPs). Genes at two of these loci (proposed names, PRH1 and PRH2) contain regions that strongly hybridize to a probe made from a cDNA in which sites for the restriction enzyme HaeIII occur repeatedly; they code for the acidic PRPs. Genes at the remaining four loci (PRB1, PRB2, PRB3, and PRB4) contain regions that strongly hybridize to a probe with repeated BstN1 sites; they probably code for the basic and glycosylated PRPs. In contrast to these data suggesting six loci forming two gene subfamilies, studies of protein polymorphisms and families have led to the postulation of 13 loci with 11 common null alleles. The discrepancy in the number of loci is partly resolved by the hypothesis that the three acidic PRPs, Db, Pa, and PIF, are coded for by alleles at one of the HaeIII-type loci rather than by three discrete loci.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants DEO 3658-19 (E.A.) and GM 20069 (O.S.). This is paper No. 2774 from the Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin—Madison.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of antibodies to 60 kDa heat shock proteins are associated with severe coronary heart disease and carotid atherosclerosis. The presence of self hsp60-reacting antibodies can only be partially explained by microbial infections and induction by bacterial hsp65 proteins, since important differences (including the epitope specificity and complement activating ability) between hsp60 and hsp65 reacting antibodies have been shown. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of genetic polymorphisms of different genes of proinflammatory cytokines on anti-hsp60 autoantibody levels. One hundred and seventy-six male blood donors were recruited and antibody levels to human hsp60 and Mycobacterium bovis hsp65 were determined by ELISA. Also in these donors, polymorphisms of the promoter of the IL-6 gene at position -174, the biallelic base exchange of the IL-1 beta gene at the -511 position and the IL-1 alpha gene at position -889 were investigated by PCR. A strong association between IL-6 -174 polymorphism and anti-hsp60 antibody levels was seen; the effect on anti-hsp65 antibody was less marked. Carriers of allele C at this position had significantly lower levels of anti-hsp60 and anti-hsp65 antibodies. A lack of associations between IL-1 beta and IL-1 alpha gene polymorphisms and antibody levels was detected. This is the first study in which associations between genetic polymorphisms and autoantibody levels have been described in healthy subjects. Further studies are needed to gain insight into the detailed mechanism of how the IL-6 gene polymorphism at position -174 influences anti-hsp60 autoantibody levels.  相似文献   

A new polymorphism, Pc, has been identified in human saliva. Two proteins, Pc 1 and Pc 2, are determined by alleles Pc1 and Pc2, respectively, which show autosomal codominant inheritance. No null phenotype has been encountered in 225 randomly collected salivas. The frequencies of the two alleles differ in the Black and White American populations, with Pc1 and Pc2 being 0.670 and 0.330 in the Black (N = 47) and 0.461 and 0.539 in the White (N = 178) populations, respectively. The alleles are in equilibrium in the two populations and segregation analyses (30 families) do not suggest the existence of a null allele in either population. Of seven polymorphic human salivary proteins determined by genes in the salivary protein complex (SPC), Pc phenotypes show association only with Ps phenotypes. Based on that association, our linkage studies, and the biochemical similarities with other SPC proteins, we tentatively conclude that Pc is a member of the SPC, bringing the total number of genes in that group to 13.  相似文献   

The relationship between HLA type and specific immune responsiveness toward ultrapure Ambrosia artemisiifolia (short ragweed) pollen allergen Amb a VI (Ra6) was explored in a genetic-epidemiologic study of groups of 116 and 81 Caucasoid subjects who were skin-test \ positive (ST) toward common environmental allergens. Specific immune responsiveness to Amb a VI was assessed by measuring serum IgE and IgG antibodies (Abs) by double Ab radioimmunoassay in both ST groups. Significant associations were found between IgE Ab responsiveness to Amb a VI and the possession of HLA-DR5; P values for the two groups were, respectively, 7 × 10–7 and 1 × 10–3 by nonparametric analyses, and 4 × 10–11 and 5 × 10–8 by parametric analyses. The levels of significance for the associations between HLA-DR5 and IgG Ab responsiveness were highly dependent on the extent of ragweed immunotherapy (Rx) within the patient group; by parametric statistics, the associations were 10–11 for the group that had received relatively little Rx and 2 × 10–3 for the group that had received more intensive Rx. These results provide further striking evidence for the existence of specific HLA-linked human Ir genes involved in responsiveness toward inhaled allergens and illustrate the usefulness of the allergy model in studies of the genetic basis of human immune responsiveness. Extension of these studies to investigation of structure-function relationships involved in antigen recognition by Ia molecules and the T-cell receptor will lead to a better understanding of human susceptibility toward immunologic diseases.Abbreviations used in this paper Ab antibody - Amb a VI Amb a V, new IUIS nomenclature for Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen allergens nos. 6 and 5 (short ragweed Ra6 and Ra5) (Marsh et al. 1986b) - Lol p II, III new IUIS nomenclature for Lolium perenne pollen allergens II and III (perennial rye grass, Rye II and Rye III) (Marsh et al. 1986b) - BBS borate-buffered physiologic saline - BSA bovine serum albumin - DARIA double-antibody radioimunoassay - Ia immune-associated - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - RIST radioimmunosorbent test - Rx immunotherapy - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - ST skin test  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed using poly(A)+RNA fromPisum sativum which had been treated for 8 h with the fungusFusarium solani f. sp.phaseoli. Two thousand four hundred recombinant colonies were screened by differential colony hybridization using32P-labelled cDNAs prepared from RNA extracted from either noninoculated or inoculated pea tissue. cDNA clones were then selected, which showed greater hybridization with cDNA prepared from pea RNA 8 h post-inoculation than with a cDNA probe from 0 h. Seven distinct hybridization classes were chosen for further study. Northern blot analyses of total cellular RNAs inoculated for 16 h with eitherF. solani phaseoli or water demonstrated that each cDNA clone selected represents an mRNA species which increases substantially in abundance during infection. Results of3H-uridine pulse-labelling experiments suggested that enhanced synthesis is at least partially responsible for the accumulation of the fungus-inducible mRNAs which hybridized with the clones.  相似文献   

The pigmented seed coats of several soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) plant introductions and isolines have unusual defects that result in cracking of the mature seed coat exposing the endosperm and cotyledons. It has previously been shown that the T (tawny) locus that controls the color of trichomes on stems and leaves also has an effect on both the structure and pigmentation of the seed coat. Distribution of pigmentation on the seed coat is controlled by alleles of the I (inhibitor) locus. It was also found that total seed coat proteins were difficult to extract from pigmented seed coats with i T genotypes because they have procyanidins that exhibit tannin properties. We report that the inclusion of poly-L-proline in the extraction buffer out-competes proteins for binding to procyanidins. Once this problem was solved, we examined expression of the proline-rich cell wall proteins PRP1 and PRP2 in pigmented genotypes with the dominant T allele. We found that both homozygous i T and i t genotypes have reduced soluble PRP1 levels. The epistatic interaction of the double recessive genotype at both loci is necessary to produce the pigmented, defective seed coat phenotype characteristic of seed coats with the double recessive i and t alleles. This implies a novel effect of an enzyme in the flavonoid pathway on seed coat structure in addition to its effect on flavonoids, anthocyanidins, and proanthocyanidins. No soluble PRP1 polypeptides were detectable in pigmented seed coats (i T genotypes) of isolines that also display a net-like pattern of seed coat cracking, known as the Net defect. PRP2 was also absent in one of the these lines. However, both PRP1 and PRP2 cytoplasmic mRNAs were found in the Net-defective seed coats. Together with in vitro translation studies, these results suggest that the absence of soluble PRP polypeptides in the defective Net lines is post-translational and could be due to a more rapid or premature insolubilization of PRP polypeptides within the cell wall matrix.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNP complexes were isolated from rat liver nuclei as 40S hnRNP particles, and actin-binding proteins were collected by DNase I affinity chromatography. The bound proteins were analyzed by 2D gel electrophoresis, and the following five hnRNP A/B-type proteins were identified by tandem mass spectrometry: DBP40/CBF-A (CArG binding factor A), a minor hnRNP A2 variant and three minor hnRNP A3 (mBx) variants. DBP40 was chosen for further analysis of the association of actin with the pre-mRNP complex. It was shown in vitro that purified actin binds to recombinant DBP40 suggesting that the interaction between actin and DBP40 is direct in the pre-mRNP particles. The association of actin with DBP40 was further explored in vivo. It was shown in a transfection study that DBP40 appears both in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Microinjection experiments revealed that DBP40 is exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Finally, RNA–protein and protein–protein cross-linking experiments showed that DBP40 interacts with poly(A)+ RNA as well as actin, both in the nucleus and cytoplasm. We propose that actin associated with DBP40, and perhaps with additional hnRNP A/B-type proteins, is transferred from nucleus to cytoplasm bound to mRNA.  相似文献   

Women's preferences for masculinity in men's faces, voices and behavioral displays change during the menstrual cycle and are strongest around ovulation. While previous findings suggest that change in progesterone level is an important hormonal mechanism for such variation, it is likely that changes in the levels of other hormones will also contribute to cyclic variation in masculinity preferences. Here we compared women's preferences for masculine faces at two points in the menstrual cycle where women differed in salivary testosterone, but not in salivary progesterone or estrogen. Preferences for masculinity were strongest when women's testosterone levels were relatively high. Our findings complement those from previous studies that show systematic variation in masculinity preferences during the menstrual cycle and suggest that change in testosterone level may play an important role in cyclic shifts in women's preferences for masculine traits.  相似文献   

Summary The level of serotonin in the pituitary gland of young dogs was significantly increased following treatment with thyroxine and after the injection of reserpine. Electron microscopic examination of the pituitary gland of thyroxine treated animals failed to reveal any ultrastructural alterations. Treatment with reserpine induced the appearance of annulate lamellae in the cytoplasm of cells containing very small granules and having the morphology of thyrotrophs. These observations suggest that biogenic amines within the gland may be involved in regulating the cellular activity of the pituitary.Supported by NIH Grants AM 19743, NS 12969 and HD 10665The authors wish to thank John Patrikes and Helen Mantulin for their expert technical assistance  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism is found among the PIF (parotid isoelectric focusing variant) salivary proteins after separation by prolonged isoelectric focusing in pH 3.5–5.2 urea polyacrylamide slab gels subsequently stained for protein. Two PIF proteins are either present (PIF +) or absent (PIF –) from all salivas. The phenotypes are determined by autosomal inheritance of two alleles, PIF + and PIF . Gene frequencies in randomly collected samples show marked racial differences: among 148 whites, PIF + is 0.66 and PIF is 0.34; among 90 blacks, PIF + is 0.35 and PIF is 0.65; among 78 Chinese, PIF + is 0.56 and PIF is 0.44. Studies in 41 families including 129 children support the interpretation of control of PIF by a single autosomal locus. In 8 PIF+ × PIF– matings, there were 8 PIF– (6.34 expected) children. In 33 PIF+ × PIF+ matings, there were 7 PIF– (6.70 expected) children. Linkage studies indicate that PIF is closely linked to the proline-rich protein (PPP) gene complex (e.g., for six families, lod score at =0.00 of PIF/G1 is 3.58). In 107 randomly collected samples from whites, PIF is strongly associated with Db (x 1 2 =20.02; P<0.0001) and Gl (x 1 2 =12.58; P=0.0005) but not with Pr, Ps, Pm, and Pa proteins. These data (probably reflecting genetic disequilibrium) suggest that PIF may be closer to Db and G1 than to other identified loci of the PPP gene complex. The PPP gene complex includes at least seven genes (and probably more) that produce many acidic and basic proline-rich proteins, constituting about two-thirds of parotid salivary proteins that are thought to have important functions at the tooth surfaces.This study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Dental Research (DEO 3658-15). Paper No. 2435 of the Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We previously demonstrated the local production of the pleiotropic cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the central nervous system (CNS) in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for the human disease multiple sclerosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To assess the role of IL-6 in autoimmune CNS inflammation, we administered neutralizing antibodies to IL-6 in the EAE model. Their effect was examined at the clinical and histopathological level. Levels of administered antibody and IL-6 bioactivity were followed in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). RESULTS: Systemically administered antibodies penetrated into the fluid CSF in animals in which EAE was induced. Administration of anti-IL-6 reduced the development of actively induced as well as adoptively transferred EAE and was associated with increased levels of IL-6 activity in the CSF and to a lesser extent in the serum. Anti-IL-6 was still effective when given 1 day before the onset of disease signs in adoptively transferred EAE. The disease-reducing effect of anti-IL-6 was also reflected at the pathological level by the absence of inflammatory infiltrates in the CNS. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that IL-6 plays an important role in autoimmune CNS inflammation. However, due to the complex nature of the in vivo interactions of administered antibodies, the disease-reducing effect of the anti-IL-6 antibodies could be caused by neutralization of IL-6 activity or by enhancement of IL-6 activity via induction of higher IL-6 levels in the CNS.  相似文献   

During aging, some individuals are resilient to the decline of cognitive functions whereas others are vulnerable. These inter‐individual differences in memory abilities have been associated with differences in the rate of hippocampal neurogenesis measured in elderlies. Whether the maintenance of the functionality of neurons generated throughout adult life is linked to resilience to cognitive aging remains completely unexplored. Using the immediate early gene Zif268, we analyzed the activation of dentate granule neurons born in adult (3‐month‐old), middle‐aged (12‐month‐old), or senescent (18‐month‐old) rats (n = 96) in response to learning when animals reached 21 months of age. The activation of neurons born during the developmental period was also examined. We show that adult‐born neurons can survive up to 19 months and that neurons generated 4, 10, or 19 months before learning, but not developmentally born neurons, are activated in senescent rats with good learning abilities. In contrast, aged rats with bad learning abilities do not exhibit activity‐dependent regulation of newborn cells, whatever their birthdate. In conclusion, we propose that resilience to cognitive aging is associated with responsiveness of neurons born during adult life. These data add to our current knowledge by showing that the aging of memory abilities stems not only from the number but also from the responsiveness of adult‐born neurons.  相似文献   

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