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This work presents a probabilistic method for mapping human sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) signals onto a state space based on a biologically plausible mathematical model of the cortex. From a noninvasive EEG signal, this method produces physiologically meaningful pathways of the cortical state over a night of sleep. We propose ways in which these pathways offer insights into sleep-related conditions, functions, and complex pathologies. To address explicitly the noisiness of the EEG signal and the stochastic nature of the mathematical model, we use a probabilistic Bayesian framework to map each EEG epoch to a distribution of likelihoods over all model sleep states. We show that the mapping produced from human data robustly separates rapid eye movement sleep (REM) from slow wave sleep (SWS). A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is incorporated to improve the path results using the prior knowledge that cortical physiology has temporal continuity.  相似文献   

The magnitude and urgency of the biodiversity crisis is widely recognized within scientific and political organizations. However, a lack of integrated measures for biodiversity has greatly constrained the national and international response to the biodiversity crisis. Thus, integrated biodiversity indexes will greatly facilitate information transfer from science toward other areas of human society. The Nature Index framework samples scientific information on biodiversity from a variety of sources, synthesizes this information, and then transmits it in a simplified form to environmental managers, policymakers, and the public. The Nature Index optimizes information use by incorporating expert judgment, monitoring-based estimates, and model-based estimates. The index relies on a network of scientific experts, each of whom is responsible for one or more biodiversity indicators. The resulting set of indicators is supposed to represent the best available knowledge on the state of biodiversity and ecosystems in any given area. The value of each indicator is scaled relative to a reference state, i.e., a predicted value assessed by each expert for a hypothetical undisturbed or sustainably managed ecosystem. Scaled indicator values can be aggregated or disaggregated over different axes representing spatiotemporal dimensions or thematic groups. A range of scaling models can be applied to allow for different ways of interpreting the reference states, e.g., optimal situations or minimum sustainable levels. Statistical testing for differences in space or time can be implemented using Monte-Carlo simulations. This study presents the Nature Index framework and details its implementation in Norway. The results suggest that the framework is a functional, efficient, and pragmatic approach for gathering and synthesizing scientific knowledge on the state of biodiversity in any marine or terrestrial ecosystem and has general applicability worldwide.  相似文献   

A sexual asymmetry has been recently found on semantic memory tasks: after brain damage, a disproportionate deficit for information about biological categories has been reported more frequently for male patients. A review of cases shows that the fine-grained pattern is more complicated in that there is a strong interaction with sex: Disproportionate plant-knowledge deficits are restricted to males, whereas disproportionate animal-knowledge deficits are rare and show no sex bias. These clinical data are consistent with semantic-knowledge data from normal subjects indicating a task-invariant female advantage with plant categories. In this study, we seek an explanation for this sex-by-semantic category interaction and discuss the possible roles of a greater female experience with plant items, both ontogenetically and over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

The combination of sequencing and post-sequencing experimental approaches produces huge collections of data that are highly heterogeneous both in structure and in semantics. We propose a new strategy for the integration of such data. This strategy uses structured sets of sequences as a unified representation of biological information and defines a probabilistic measure of similarity between the sets. Sets can be composed of sequences that are known to have a biological relationship (e.g. proteins involved in a complex or a pathway) or that share similar values for a particular attribute (e.g. expression profile). We have developed a software, BlastSets, which implements this strategy. It exploits a database where the sets derived from diverse biological information can be deposited using a standard XML format. For a given query set, BlastSets returns target sets found in the database whose similarity to the query is statistically significant. The tool allowed us to automatically identify verified relationships between correlated expression profiles and biological pathways using publicly available data for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was also used to retrieve the members of a complex (ribosome) based on the mining of expression profiles. These first results validate the relevance of the strategy and demonstrate the promising potential of BlastSets.  相似文献   

A wealth of potentially shareable resources, such as data and models, is being generated through the study of physiology by computational means. Although in principle the resources generated are reusable, in practice, few can currently be shared. A key reason for this disparity stems from the lack of consistent cataloguing and annotation of these resources in a standardised manner. Here, we outline our vision for applying community-based modelling standards in support of an automated integration of models across physiological systems and scales. Two key initiatives, the Physiome Project and the European contribution - the Virtual Phsysiological Human Project, have emerged to support this multiscale model integration, and we focus on the role played by two key components of these frameworks, model encoding and semantic metadata annotation. We present examples of biomedical modelling scenarios (the endocrine effect of atrial natriuretic peptide, and the implications of alcohol and glucose toxicity) to illustrate the role that encoding standards and knowledge representation approaches, such as ontologies, could play in the management, searching and visualisation of physiology models, and thus in providing a rational basis for healthcare decisions and contributing towards realising the goal of of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

Kneib T  Fahrmeir L 《Biometrics》2006,62(1):109-118
Motivated by a space-time study on forest health with damage state of trees as the response, we propose a general class of structured additive regression models for categorical responses, allowing for a flexible semiparametric predictor. Nonlinear effects of continuous covariates, time trends, and interactions between continuous covariates are modeled by penalized splines. Spatial effects can be estimated based on Markov random fields, Gaussian random fields, or two-dimensional penalized splines. We present our approach from a Bayesian perspective, with inference based on a categorical linear mixed model representation. The resulting empirical Bayes method is closely related to penalized likelihood estimation in a frequentist setting. Variance components, corresponding to inverse smoothing parameters, are estimated using (approximate) restricted maximum likelihood. In simulation studies we investigate the performance of different choices for the spatial effect, compare the empirical Bayes approach to competing methodology, and study the bias of mixed model estimates. As an application we analyze data from the forest health survey.  相似文献   

Production diseases in dairy cows are multifactorial, which means they emerge from complex interactions between many different farm variables. Variables with a large impact on production diseases can be identified for groups of farms using statistical models, but these methods cannot be used to identify highly influential variables in individual farms. This, however, is necessary for herd health planning, because farm conditions and associated health problems vary largely between farms. The aim of this study was to rank variables according to their anticipated effect on production diseases on the farm level by applying a graph-based impact analysis on 192 European organic dairy farms. Direct impacts between 13 pre-defined variables were estimated for each farm during a round-table discussion attended by practitioners, that is farmer, veterinarian and herd advisor. Indirect impacts were elaborated through graph analysis taking into account impact strengths. Across farms, factors supposedly exerting the most influence on production diseases were ‘feeding’, ‘hygiene’ and ‘treatment’ (direct impacts), as well as ‘knowledge and skills’ and ‘herd health monitoring’ (indirect impacts). Factors strongly influenced by production diseases were ‘milk performance’, ‘financial resources’ and ‘labour capacity’ (directly and indirectly). Ranking of variables on the farm level revealed considerable differences between farms in terms of their most influential and most influenced farm factors. Consequently, very different strategies may be required to reduce production diseases in these farms. The method is based on perceptions and estimations and thus prone to errors. From our point of view, however, this weakness is clearly outweighed by the ability to assess and to analyse farm-specific relationships and thus to complement general knowledge with contextual knowledge. Therefore, we conclude that graph-based impact analysis represents a promising decision support tool for herd health planning. The next steps include testing the method using more specific and problem-oriented variables as well as evaluating its effectiveness.  相似文献   



To construct future visions of how innovative technologies should be used in the envisioned sustainable society while being aware of system-wide environmental impacts, consequential life cycle assessment (c-LCA) is useful. To systematically evaluate the technologies being aware of uncertainties in choice of technologies made in the future, in this article, we propose a novel graphical representation for theoretical range of impacts that contain results from c-LCA studies. This approach allows analyses of the consequences of the technology introduction without conducting detailed modeling of consequences.  相似文献   

The identification and characterization of the structural sites which contribute to protein function are crucial for understanding biological mechanisms, evaluating disease risk, and developing targeted therapies. However, the quantity of known protein structures is rapidly outpacing our ability to functionally annotate them. Existing methods for function prediction either do not operate on local sites, suffer from high false positive or false negative rates, or require large site‐specific training datasets, necessitating the development of new computational methods for annotating functional sites at scale. We present COLLAPSE (Compressed Latents Learned from Aligned Protein Structural Environments), a framework for learning deep representations of protein sites. COLLAPSE operates directly on the 3D positions of atoms surrounding a site and uses evolutionary relationships between homologous proteins as a self‐supervision signal, enabling learned embeddings to implicitly capture structure–function relationships within each site. Our representations generalize across disparate tasks in a transfer learning context, achieving state‐of‐the‐art performance on standardized benchmarks (protein–protein interactions and mutation stability) and on the prediction of functional sites from the prosite database. We use COLLAPSE to search for similar sites across large protein datasets and to annotate proteins based on a database of known functional sites. These methods demonstrate that COLLAPSE is computationally efficient, tunable, and interpretable, providing a general‐purpose platform for computational protein analysis.  相似文献   

The Grizzle-Starmer-Koch (GSK) model is extended to include the traditional log-linear model and a general class of Poisson and conditional Poisson distributions. Estimators of the model parameters are defined under general exact and stochastic linear constraints.  相似文献   

Analysis of multivariate data sets from, for example, microarray studies frequently results in lists of genes which are associated with some response of interest. The biological interpretation is often complicated by the statistical instability of the obtained gene lists, which may partly be due to the functional redundancy among genes, implying that multiple genes can play exchangeable roles in the cell. In this paper, we use the concept of exchangeability of random variables to model this functional redundancy and thereby account for the instability. We present a flexible framework to incorporate the exchangeability into the representation of lists. The proposed framework supports straightforward comparison between any 2 lists. It can also be used to generate new more stable gene rankings incorporating more information from the experimental data. Using 2 microarray data sets, we show that the proposed method provides more robust gene rankings than existing methods with respect to sampling variations, without compromising the biological significance of the rankings.  相似文献   



Genome annotation can be viewed as an incremental, cooperative, data-driven, knowledge-based process that involves multiple methods to predict gene locations and structures. This process might have to be executed more than once and might be subjected to several revisions as the biological (new data) or methodological (new methods) knowledge evolves. In this context, although a lot of annotation platforms already exist, there is still a strong need for computer systems which take in charge, not only the primary annotation, but also the update and advance of the associated knowledge. In this paper, we propose to adopt a blackboard architecture for designing such a system  相似文献   

Gan X  Liew AW  Yan H 《Nucleic acids research》2006,34(5):1608-1619
Gene expressions measured using microarrays usually suffer from the missing value problem. However, in many data analysis methods, a complete data matrix is required. Although existing missing value imputation algorithms have shown good performance to deal with missing values, they also have their limitations. For example, some algorithms have good performance only when strong local correlation exists in data while some provide the best estimate when data is dominated by global structure. In addition, these algorithms do not take into account any biological constraint in their imputation. In this paper, we propose a set theoretic framework based on projection onto convex sets (POCS) for missing data imputation. POCS allows us to incorporate different types of a priori knowledge about missing values into the estimation process. The main idea of POCS is to formulate every piece of prior knowledge into a corresponding convex set and then use a convergence-guaranteed iterative procedure to obtain a solution in the intersection of all these sets. In this work, we design several convex sets, taking into consideration the biological characteristic of the data: the first set mainly exploit the local correlation structure among genes in microarray data, while the second set captures the global correlation structure among arrays. The third set (actually a series of sets) exploits the biological phenomenon of synchronization loss in microarray experiments. In cyclic systems, synchronization loss is a common phenomenon and we construct a series of sets based on this phenomenon for our POCS imputation algorithm. Experiments show that our algorithm can achieve a significant reduction of error compared to the KNNimpute, SVDimpute and LSimpute methods.  相似文献   

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