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Tropical ant communities are frequently diverse, but highly patchy in nature. The availability of suitable nest sites may be a regulating force in structuring litter ant communities. Our aim was to examine ant resource utilization in naturally occurring twigs, and to modify the availability of these resources in order to quantify the influence of nest availability on ant communities in a Papua New Guinean forest. First, we compared ant communities that assemble in artificial twigs (drilled, wooden dowels), naturally occurring twigs, and the leaf litter. A total of 55 ant species were captured: 33 from the leaf litter, 29 from naturally occurring twigs, and only 12 from artificial nests. Significantly different communities formed in each of the three nest types. Second, we examined how the density of natural or artificial nest material influenced the ant abundance and species richness. Plots had between 5 and 96 potential nest sites. An average of only 11.2% of these twigs was colonized. Both species richness and the total abundance of adult ants were significantly positively correlated with increasing naturally occurring twig density. Conversely, increasing the availability of artificial nests from 5 to 20 per plot had no significant effect on the proportion of artificial nests colonized, species richness, or the colony size. We observed that ant species richness and abundance increased with natural twig density, at least for naturally occurring communities. But why so many twigs remain vacant and available for ant colonization remains unknown. Other biotic and abiotic factors likely influence the use of nesting habitat in these ant communities.  相似文献   

Females ofSpodoptera littoralis Boisd. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with different feeding experiences during their larval development were tested for their ovipositional response to methanol extracts of larval frass and semisynthetic diets. The effect of the following frass, diet and diet component extracts was tested: (a) frass fromS. littoralis orAgrotis segetum larvae fed on a potato-based diet; (b) frass fromS. littoralis larvae fed on a wheat germ-based diet; (c) potato and wheat germ-based diets; and (d) potatoes and wheat germ. Ovipositing females without prior experience of the potato diet were deterred by extracts of: (1) larval frass from either species fed on potato diet; (2) the potato-based diet; (3) potato. Also females with experience of the potato diet during only a part of their larval development were deterred from oviposition by frass of larvae reared on the potato diet and by the diet itself. However, for females reared on the potato diet for their entire larval development, oviposition was no longer deterred by either of the three extracts listed above. Extracts of: (1) frass from larvae of either species reared on wheat germ diet: (2) the wheat germ diet; or (3) wheat germ did not significantly affect oviposition. Females with ablated antennae were still deterred by frass extracts from larvae fed on potato diet, when they had been reared on the wheat germ diet. In feeding experiments, larvae of larval stage one and of larval stage three-four reared on either of the two diets preferred to feed on the wheat germ diet. However, the preference was significantly stronger for larvae with no prior contact with the potato diet. The effect of larval experience on the loss of oviposition-deterring activity by extracts of larval frass, diets and diet components is discussed in view of induction and selection.  相似文献   

Although selection by herbivores for increased feeding deterrence in hostplants is well documented, selection for increased oviposition deterrence is rarely examined. We investigated chemical mediation of oviposition by the parsnip webworm (Depressaria pastinacella) on its principal hostplant Pastinaca sativa to determine whether ovipositing adults choose hostplants based on larval suitability and whether hostplants experience selection for increased oviposition deterrence. Webworms consume floral tissues and florivory selects for increased feeding deterrents; moths, however, oviposit on leaves of pre-bolting plants. Exclusive use of different plant parts for oviposition and larval feeding suggests oviposition should select for increased foliar deterrents. Recent webworm colonization of New Zealand (NZ) allowed us to assess phenotypic changes in foliar chemicals in response to webworm oviposition. In a common garden experiment, we compared NZ populations with and without a history of infestation from 2004 to 2006 for changes in leaf chemistry in response to oviposition. Three leaf volatiles, cis- and trans-ocimene, and β-farnesene, elicit strong responses in female moth antennae; these compounds were negatively associated with oviposition and are likely oviposition deterrents. Leaf β-farnesene was positively correlated with floral furanocoumarins that deter florivory; greater oviposition on plants with low floral furanocoumarins indicates that moths preferentially oviposit on parsnips most suitable for larval growth. Unlike florivory, high oviposition on leaves did not lower plant fitness, consistent with the fact that NZ parsnip foliar chemistry was unaffected by 3–6 years of webworm infestation. Thus, in this system, selection by ovipositing moths on foliar chemistry is weaker than selection by larvae on floral chemistry.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis-inducing (PI) Wolbachia are bacteria that cause incipient male eggs of parasitoid wasps to develop as females. These microbes may invade populations and lead to fixation of parthenogenesis. In this study, the consequences of fixation of PI Wolbachia on evolution of behaviour and development were addressed in three species of whitefly parasitoids in the genus Encarsia. Most sexual Encarsia are obligate autoparasitoids. In these haplodiploid wasps, fertilized, female-producing eggs are laid in whitefly or scale insect nymphs, while unfertilized, male-producing eggs are laid in immature parasitoids within the homopteran integument. The oviposition behaviour and progeny developmental requirements of unmated females of a sexual autoparasitoid species were compared with two species that were fixed for PI Wolbachia. All species were treated with antibiotics, effectively ‘curing’ the asexual species of Wolbachia infection. As expected, unmated females of the sexual species, E. pergandiella, laid few eggs in whiteflies relative to immature parasitoids, and males emerged exclusively from parasitoids. In contrast, females of one of the parthenogenetic species, E. formosa, laid few eggs in parasitoids relative to whiteflies, and male progeny emerged exclusively from whiteflies. Females of the second parthenogenetic species, E. hispida, were intermediate in their oviposition behaviour. Females laid eggs in both wasps and whiteflies. However, all of the males except one emerged from the whiteflies. The results suggest that the association of autoparasitoids and PI Wolbachia may result in dramatic evolutionary change of both host selection behaviour and developmental requirements of the infected wasps.  相似文献   

Specialist herbivores feed on a restricted number of related plant species and may suffer food shortage if overexploitation leads to periodic defoliation of their food plants. The density, size and quality of food plants are important factors that determine the host plant choice of specialist herbivores. To explore how all these factors influence their oviposition behaviour, we used the cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae and the hybrids of a cross between Jacobaea vulgaris and J. aquatica as a study system. While defoliation by the cinnabar moth is common in the coastal area of The Netherlands, it is relatively rare in inland ragwort population. Ragworts contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) and those that are found in coastal areas are rich in jacobine-like PAs while those that occur inland are rich in erucifoline-like PAs. We tested how the oviposition preference was influenced by plant size, nitrogen and water content and PA composition. We used cinnabar moth populations from a regularly defoliated area, Meijendel, and Bertogne, a rarely defoliated area. Our results revealed no effects of nitrogen or water content on oviposition preference. Moths from both populations laid larger egg batches on the plants rich in jacobine-like PAs. Moths from Meijendel preferred larger plants and spread their eggs over more egg batches that were, on average, smaller than those of Bertogne moths. These results suggest that Meijendel moths adopted a oviposition strategy to cope with potential defoliation.  相似文献   

Sex is an ecologically important form of genetic variation in dioecious plants, with males and females generally differing in constitutive resistance to herbivores. Yet little is known about sexual dimorphism with respect to induced or indirect defense, or whether sex-based differences are underlain by trade-offs among modes of defense. We compared male and female Valeriana edulis plants for constitutive and induced direct resistance to two herbivores, an early-season caterpillar and a late-season aphid, and for constitutive and induced indirect resistance in terms of abundance of natural enemies and aphid-tending ants. No sexual dimorphism was found in constitutive direct plant resistance, yet the sexes differed for constitutive indirect resistance, with 78?% more natural enemies and 117?% more ants present on females than males. Past feeding damage by caterpillars induced direct and indirect resistance in both males and females, increasing caterpillar development time by 26?% and the abundance of natural enemies by 147?%. Caterpillar feeding did not induce direct resistance with respect to caterpillar final mass or aphid performance. In all cases, there were no interactions between the effects of caterpillar damage and plant sex. In summary, plant sexual dimorphism and induced responses to herbivore damage independently influenced herbivore performance and the composition of arthropod communities at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Summary. Nestmate recognition cues can derive from both environmental and genetic factors, but can also be modulated in response to context-specific cues. Synchronous changes in nestmate recognition systems occur seasonally in some species of ants, however the mechanisms underlying these seasonal changes are often unknown. We studied two mechanisms, relative brood number and food availability, to determine if they generate temporal variation in intraspecific aggression in an introduced population of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile. Using data from previous studies we found that seasonal increases in aggression levels correlate with seasonal increases in brood-to-worker ratios in the field. However, when we manipulated brood-to-worker ratios in paired experimental colonies, we found no direct evidence that relative brood numbers influenced aggression levels. To determine if food availability influenced aggression we conducted a second experiment in which we randomly assigned pairs of experimental colonies to starved or fed treatments and then measured aggression levels weekly for five weeks. We observed no difference in the level of aggression between these two treatment groups indicating that food availability also has no affect on aggression levels between hostile conspecific colonies.Received 24 August 2004; revised 15 September 2004; accepted 23 September 2004.  相似文献   

The bluebanded goby, Lythrypnus dalli Gilbert, is a common inhabitant of rocky subtidal reefs along the coast of southern California. Experiments utilizing artificial habitats indicate that recruitment and early juvenile survivorship are limited by the presence of adult conspecifics and predators. However, the level of effect is strongly influenced by shelter availability. Both adult and predator effects on limiting juvenile density are significantly reduced as the availability of shelters is increased. Susceptibility to predation is greatest among smaller size classes of fish and is likely to result from displacement from shelters by larger fish. Existing population structures probably reflect the availability of adequate shelter sizes and relative competitive abilities among fish.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the mosquito Aedes aegypti in the transmission of arboviruses, such as yellow fever, Chikungunya fever and dengue fever, some aspects of their behaviour remain unknown. In the present study, the oviposition behaviour of Ae. aegypti females that were exposed to different densities of breeding sites (2, 4, 8 and 16) was evaluated in laboratory and semi-field conditions. The number of breeding sites that were used was proportional to the number available, but tended towards stabilisation. Females used four-six breeding sites on average, with a maximum of 11. A high percentage of eggs was observed in the water, along with the presence of a breeding site termed “favourite”, which received at least 40% of the eggs. The results are discussed in ecological, evolutionary and epidemiological approaches.  相似文献   

Summary Plant resistance to insect herbivores may derive from traits influencing herbivore preference, traits influencing the suitability of the plant as a host, or both. However, the plant traits influencing host-plant selection by ovipositing insect herbivores may not completely overlap those traits that affect larval survival, and distinct traits may exhibit different levels of genetic vs. environmental control. Therefore, resource supply to the host plant could affect oviposition preference and larval performance differently in different plant genotypes. To test this hypothesis, the effects of resistance level, plant genotype, and resource supply to the host plant on oviposition preference and larval performance of a gallmaking herbivore, and on various plant traits that could influence these, were examined. Replicates of four genotypes of Solidago altissima, grown under low, medium, or high levels of nutrient supply in full sun or with medium levels of nutrients in shade, were exposed to mass-released Eurosta solidaginis. The number of plants ovipunctured was significantly affected by plant genotype and the interaction between genotype and nutrient supply to the host plant: one susceptible and one resistant genotype were more preferred, and preference tended to increase with nutrient supply in the more-preferred genotypes. The growth rate of ovipunctured plants during the oviposition period was significantly greater than that of unpunctured plants. Bud diameter (which was strongly correlated with plant growth rate), leaf area, and leaf water content were significant determinants of the percentage of plants ovipunctured, explaining 74% of the variance. The number of surviving larvae was significantly affected by plant genotype, but no effect of nutrient or light supply to the host plant was detected. The ratio of bud diameter to bud length was positively related to the percentage of ovipunctured plants that formed galls, suggesting that the accurate placement of eggs near the apical meristem by ovipositing females may be easier in short, thick buds. No significant correlation was observed between oviposition preference and larval survival at the population level. These results suggest that the plant traits affecting oviposition preference may exhibit different magnitudes of phenotypic plasticity than those affecting larval survival, and that the degree of phenotypic plasticity in plant traits affecting oviposition preference may differ among genotypes within a species.  相似文献   

We directly evaluated the role of extrafloral nectaries (EFN) in ant attraction and herbivore exclusion by experimental removal of EFN in the laboratory. When EFN of Vicia faba Linnaeus (Leguminosae) were artificially removed, the number of workers of Tetramorium tsushimae Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) visiting the plant decreased, and the efficiency of herbivore exclusion by ants also decreased. Herbivore exclusion by ants was mostly ineffective on a plant when less than four workers visited the plant, but when more than four workers visited, the time a herbivore resided on the plant decreased rapidly with increasing numbers of visiting ants. Therefore, the efficiency of herbivore exclusion from a plant is determined by the number of ants visiting, and EFN play an important role in ant attraction.  相似文献   

Herbicide applications have greatly reduced plant cover, and increased soil erosion on a new orange orchard planted on valley slopes in eastern Spain. This has increased the importance of soil fauna, such as ants, in regulating soil erosion processes. Ants increase water infiltration rates by forming soil macropores during nest construction, but new soil brought to the surface by ant activity could increase the sediments available for erosion. Simulated rainfall experiments were conducted on 20 paired plots (20 with ant activity and 20 controls) to study the impact of ants on surface water flow and sediment movement in an intensively managed orange orchard near Valencia, Spain. Simulated rainfall was applied to each plot at a rate of 55 mm/h on a 0.25 m2 area for 1 h. We found a reduction of soil bulk density, an increase in soil organic matter, and an increase in macropore flow in ant‐affected soils, as compared to soil without ant activity. These ant‐induced soil changes increased water infiltration rates and runoff discharge. However, the fresh, unconsolidated soil brought to the surface during nest construction resulted in greater soil loss on two plots than their ant‐free controls. Ants can be an important factor in soil erosion processes when surface vegetation is removed by intensive herbicide use.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in the quality of oviposition and feeding sites within plants can significantly influence the distribution and abundance of herbivorous insects, but remains poorly understood. Field surveys and a manipulative study were conducted to evaluate the influence of variation within the crown of black spruce, Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. (Pinaceae), on adult oviposition and larval feeding behavior of yellowheaded spruce sawfly, Pikonema alaskensis Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Most eggs were laid in the mid to lower crown of 1.5–2 m tall trees. However, most of the few eggs that were laid in the upper crown (i.e., whorl 2) were female. Fourth and fifth instars dispersed acropetally, from the mid and lower to the upper crown, causing high defoliation in the upper crown. Late-instar females were generally more abundant than males on the leader, the most apical shoot on a tree where eggs and early instars rarely occurred, strongly suggesting that more females than males disperse acropetally. This hypothesis was supported in a manipulative experiment, where only 15–20% of larvae in all-male broods, but almost three-quarters of larvae in mixed broods, dispersed to the upper crown. To our knowledge, this is only the second study to explicitly demonstrate preferential allocation of progeny sex through oviposition site selection by a herbivorous insect, and the first study to unambiguously demonstrate sex-biased dispersal by the juveniles of an insect whose adult females can fly. This study emphasizes the important role of intra-plant variation in shaping both oviposition site selection and the dispersal behavior of juvenile phytophagous insects within their hosts, and suggests that sex-biased foraging behaviors may be necessary for some insects to accommodate the respective needs of immature females and males within heterogeneous host plants.  相似文献   

  • 1 Juveniles of the Australian lycaenid butterfly, Jalmenus evagorus (Donovan), secrete to ants a solution of sugars and amino acids, primarily serine. The attendant ants protect the larvae and pupae from parasites and predators.
  • 2 The effect of caterpillar nutrition on the defence provided by ants was investigated. Potted food plants of Acacia decurrens were either given water containing nitrogenous fertilizer or were given water alone. Fertilized plants had a higher nitrogen content than unfertilized plants.
  • 3 Fifth instar larvae of J.evagoras feeding on fertilized plants attracted a larger ant guard than those feeding on unfertilized plants. In the absence of caterpillars, ants were not differentially attracted to fertilized and unfertilized plants.
  • 4 In the presence of ants, over a 10-day period, larvae on fertilized plants survived better than larvae on unfertilized plants. In the absence of ants larvae survived equally on fertilized and unfertilized plants. It is concluded that larvae on fertilized plants attracted a larger ant guard, and thereby survived better, than larvae on unfertilized plants.
  • 5 Adult females of J. evagoras preferred to lay egg batches on fertiized, rather than unfertilized plants, but they did not lay larger egg batches.

Aim  Artificial water points are often used in protected savanna ecosystems to maintain populations of large herbivores. However, these interventions lead to increased ranging and foraging pressure and can negatively impact important habitats and species. This study investigated the influence of artificial water provision on the foraging and movement paths of an African elephant population and modelled the impact of changing water availability on sensitive habitat types.
Location  Tembe Elephant Park (TEP), KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Methods  We mapped and classified 414 km of elephant movement and foraging paths in a 300-km2 fenced protected area. The data were analysed to determine the relationship between path size, distribution and distance to water. We also used a logistic modelling approach to explore the predicted effects of removing artificial water points on path distribution.
Results  Elephant paths were unevenly distributed throughout the habitats of TEP and the most established and heavily used paths were found closest to water. We also discovered a number of elephant 'rest areas' along the paths, which were distinct clearings that tended to be close to water and in sand forest habitat. Our model predicted that the removal of artificial water points would reduce the area crossed by elephant paths by 79%, leading to an 89% reduction in the presence of elephant paths in sand forest.
Main conclusions  Our study provides further evidence that manipulating surface water availability can be a useful tool for managing large herbivore impacts on vegetation and acts as the basis for further research on the trade-offs between conservation objectives.  相似文献   

Various leaf models made of paper were presented to carrot flies, Psila rosae (F.) (Diptera: Psilidae) in choice assays to investigate the effect of non-chemical plant traits on oviposition behaviour. The surrogate leaves differed in colour, shape, surface coating, size and stem length. In the presence of host-plant extracts, physical factors strongly influenced oviposition. Green, yellow and orange three-dimensional models similar in shape to host-plant leaves (pinnately or ternately compound or dissected) and with a thin cover of paraffin wax were most acceptable to the females. Egg-laying was not affected by leaf size, but was negatively correlated with stem length. The results obtained by testing models with simple leaf silhouettes were confirmed in an experiment using more lifelike imitations of real host and non-host leaves. The findings are discussed by an extensive review of similar studies in three other phytophagous fly species (cabbage root fly, onion fly, Hessian fly).  相似文献   

The oviposition behaviour of the water-lily beetle Galerucella nymphaeae was examined. This species is a specialist herbivore on the floating leaves of nymphaeids Nymphaeaceae and especially on the yellow water-lily, Nuphar lutea. Females lay their eggs in clutches on the leaves, and after hatching, the larvae feed on the leaves. The quality of the leaves decreases quickly after the larvae hatch, and eventually the leaves will sink below the water surface, whereupon the eggs, 1st-instar larvae and pupae are killed by drowning. The influence of conspecific eggs, larvae and feeding tracks on the oviposition preferences of the beetles was tested. Females were allowed to choose between fresh leaves and leaves with conspecific eggs and larvae as well as between leaves with larvae and leaves with feeding tracks but no larvae. An attempt was also made to determine whether eggs and larvae affect the oviposition rate of females when they are not given the opportunity to oviposit on untouched leaves. The results indicate that females tended to avoid leaves with conspecific larvae or to exhibit a decreased oviposition rate on such leaves. Females also avoided conspecific eggs, although the oviposition rate was not influenced by the presence of conspecific eggs. When females were allowed to choose between leaves with larvae and leaves with feeding tracks, possible discrimination against leaves with larvae just fails to reach the 5% level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. When deprived of their preferred hosts for up to 16 days prior to behaviour assays, three relatively specialized tephritid flies, D. cacuminatus (Hering), D. cucumis French and D. jarvisi (Tryon), retain strong preferences for their particular hosts. Moreover, in the absence of the preferred hosts, D. cacuminatus , and to a lesser extent D. cucumis , will not accept fruits that are outside their normal host range. D. jarvisi readily accepts other fruits in the absence of its preferred host, Planchonia careya , but in common with the other two shows no increase in the number of eggs laid with increasing periods of deprivation. None of these species accumulate oocytes when deprived of fruits.
In contrast, the highly polyphagous D. tryoni Frogg. lays more eggs and oviposits readily into a previously unacceptable fruit after 4 days without access to hosts. This change in behaviour is associated with a marked increase in the number of mature eggs carried by females.
These results suggest an important difference between the generalist and more specialized species in the physiological control of oocyte maturation. In D. tryoni there appears to be no inhibition of oocyte development once the primary follicle has matured, whereas in the other species each ovariole contains no more than one mature egg.
In D. tryoni , the change in behaviour which accompanies this increase in egg load, may influence its propensity to accept unusual fruits, and may help to explain its rapid acceptance of most cultivated fruits introduced to Australia.  相似文献   

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