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The enzymatic properties of novel cysteine proteases D3-alpha and beta which were purified from germinating soybean cotyledons were investigated. The enzyme activities were exhibited in the presence of a thiol reagent, such as 2-mercaptoethanol, and apparently inhibited by E-64, a cysteine protease inhibitor. Hydrolytic activities toward carbobenzoxy-Phe-Arg-MCA were detected at a pH above 4.0. The optimum temperature for activities was about 40 degrees C. The isoelectric point of D3-alpha and beta was 4.4 and 4. 7, respectively. The molecular mass of D3-alpha and beta, measured by MALDI/TOF mass spectrometry, was 26,178 and 26,429 Da, respectively. The substrate specificities of the enzymes were examined using peptide-MCAs and peptides, and cathepsin L-like broad specificity was observed at pH 4.0. These results demonstrated that these enzymes are cysteine endopeptidases [EC 3.4.22.-] like papain [EC].  相似文献   

Factors Affecting Shedding of Flowers in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flower shedding in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, was studiedusing cultivar ‘Clark’, isoline E1t, which has relativelylong racemes for convenient identification and observation ofindividual flowers. On each raceme studied, pod set was greatestat the proximal (basal) positions, whereas shedding was greatestat the most distal positions. When proximal flowers were removedas they reached anthesis, pod set increased at the more distalpositions. Pod set was increased in some instances by applicationof water directly to the ovaries as a drop in the calyx cup.Peroxidase activity changed in parallel with ovary development,increasing rapidly in growing pods but not in shedding flowers.Increases in flower peroxidase was mainly in ovary walls. Flowerstaken at or near anthesis from positions with high percent podset could be grown in vitro with especially good ovary enlargement,whereas ovaries in flowers taken from positions of low pod setdid not enlarge in culture. Unidentified substances were extracted from young pods which,when incorporated into lanolin and tested in an in situ bioassay,could mimic the effect of proximal flowers in inducing sheddingof distal flowers. Indole-3-acetic acid resembled the extractedmaterials in inducing shedding, but differed by eliciting side-effectsthat extracts did not. The growth substances abscisic acid,gibberellic acid, and benzyladenine did not promote sheddingin the in situ test. The evidence was taken to indicate that soybean flower sheddingis induced in distal flowers by substances from the more proximal,fertilized ovaries, and that this is possibly due to interferencewith some of the intense metabolic changes that follow pollinationand fertilization.  相似文献   

Control of Seed Growth in Soya Beans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seed is the primary sink for photosynthate during reproductivegrowth and an understanding of the mechanisms controlling therate of seed growth is necessary to understand completely theyield production process. The growth rate of individual seedsof seven soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] cultivars withgenetic differences in seed size varied from 10.8 to 3.9 mgseed–1 day–1. The growth rates were highly correlatedwith final seed size. The growth rate of cotyledons culturedin a complete nutrient medium was highly correlated with thegrowth rate of seeds developing on the plant and with finalseed size. The number of cells per seed in the cotyledons variedfrom 10.2 to 5.7 x 106 across the seven cultivars. The numberof cells per seed in the cotyledons was significantly correlatedwith final seed size and the seed growth rate both on the plantand in the culture medium. The data suggest that genetic differencesin seed growth rates are controlled by the cotyledons and thenumber of cells in the cotyledons may be the mechanism of control. Glycine max L., soya bean, seed size, growth rate, cell number, sink activity  相似文献   

Somatic embryos and embryogenic tissues were initiated from immature zygotic embryos of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Fayette]. Zygotic embryos were placed on a medium containing 40 mg/l of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 6% sucrose. Somatic embryos were first seen 4 weeks after cultures were initiated. Following transfer, secondary somatic embryos proliferated directly from the apical or terminal portions of the older primary somatic embryos. Single somatic embryos or clusters of embryos were seen growing directly from the top of older somatic embryos. Light microscopy revealed that these embryos were of surface or subsurface origin. The apical soybean somatic embryo tissue may represent cotyledonary tissue (which has been shown to be most responsive) at a very young and manipulatable state.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid Salaries and research support were provided by state and federal funds appropriated to OARDC-OSU. Journal Article No. 131-87  相似文献   

Summary Silicon during the early vegetative stage did not affect the oven dry weight of any of the various tissues of the soybean plant. Silicon did, however, decrease the Mn concentration in the youngest fully mature leaf at intermediate levels of Mn. This effect did not occur at the lowest or highest Mn levels. Deficiency and toxicity symptoms were moderated to a slight degree by Si except at the highest level of Mn.  相似文献   

A novel Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation method using a primary-node explant from Dairyland cultivar 93061 was developed for soybean using the disarmed Agrobacterium strain SHA17. Transformed plants regenerated from explants inoculated with SHA17 were fertile and phenotypically normal. In a comparative experiment, regeneration frequencies were not significantly different between explants inoculated with A. rhizogenes strain SHA17 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1; however, a 3.5-fold increase in transformation efficiency [(number of Southern or TaqMan-positive independent events/total number of explants inoculated) × 100] was found for explants cocultured with SHA17 compared to AGL1 (6.6 and 1.64%, respectively). Southern analysis of 48 T0 plants suggested that 37.5, 23, and 39.6% of the T0 plants contained 1, 2, and 3 or more T-DNA fragments integrated into the genome, respectively. Additionally, T1 progeny analysis of 8 independent events resulted in typical Mendelian inheritance of T-DNA genes. Of seven T0 plants that had two or more T-DNA fragments, six contained multiple loci segregating in T1 progenies. Further analysis of four lines confirmed the presence of PAT, GUS, and/or DsRED2 proteins in transgenic plants that were encoded on the T-DNA into the T2 generation.  相似文献   

In Glycine max, the second-stage juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita entered the roots through the apical meristem or elongation zone. The juveniles induced giant cells in the zone of vascular strands. Near the head of the nematode and adjacent to the giant cells, the vascular strands exhibited abnormalities in their shapes and structures; both xylem and phloem were found to be affected. The giant cells had dense and granular cytoplasm, and large nuclei with large nucleoli. Some parenchyma cells exhibited hypertrophy, while others exhibited hyperplasia. The distinctive feature of the study is reporting the occurrence of abnormal xylem, abnormal phloem and abnormal parenchyma.  相似文献   

Carlos O. Miller 《Planta》1979,146(4):503-511
Cells of a soybean tissue strain, suspended in an aerated liquid medium, caused disappearance of p-coumaric acid from the medium and oxidation of guaiacol, benzidine, pyrogallol, L-dihydroxyphenylalanine and L-epinephrine. Both the disappearance and the oxidations were inhibited by 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) at a concentration of 0.5 mM. BAP at other concentrations either promoted or inhibited oxidation of epinephrine in precisely the pattern reported earlier for the disappearance of coumarate; therefore, the disappearance of coumarate probably involves its oxidation. The effectiveness of other cytokinins in inhibiting the oxidation was studied.At 0.5 mM, and perhaps even at 0.5 M, some of the several cytokinins tested inhibited oxygen consumption by the soybean cells. This inhibition, which did not require any of the above metabolizable compounds, was especially marked in the presence of cyanide, azide or Antimycin A, and was detectable in 10 min or less. Either Antimycin A or salicylhydroxamic acid alone promoted O2 consumption but together they were quite inhibitory. The soybean cells apparently have an alternate respiratory pathway and cytokinins may influence its operation.Several cytokinins at 0.5 mM, and perhaps at 0.5 M, also inhibited oxygen consumption by mitochondrial preparations from the soybean cells, the inhibition being evident in about 20 s. The consumption required a substrate such as malate, succinate or NADH. Cytokinins and related compounds varied in effectiveness as follows: BAP and 6-isopentenyla-minopurine 9-tetrahydropyranyl-BAP > kinetin, ribosyl-isopentenylaminopurine, 9-methyl-BAP and 9-methoxymethyl-BAP > 6,6-dimethylaminopurine and zeatin (slight activity) > 6-methylaminopurine, nicotinamide and adenine (ineffective). To a great extent this order parallels the order of effectiveness of the compounds in causing cell division. Mitochondria, therefore, may contain a site for an important cytokinin action.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - IPA 6-(2-isopentenyl)aminopurine  相似文献   

Successful transformation of plant tissue using Agrobacterium relies on several factors including bacterial infection, host recognition, and transformation competency of the target tissue. Although soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] embryogenic suspension cultures have been transformed via particle bombardment, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of this tissue has not been demonstrated. We report here transformation of embryogenic suspension cultures of soybean using “Sonication-Assisted Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation” (SAAT). For SAAT of suspension culture tissue, 10–20 embryogenic clumps (2–4 mm in diameter) were inoculated with 1 ml of diluted (OD600nm 0.1–0.5) log phase Agrobacterium and sonicated for 0–300 s. After 2 days of co-culture in a maintenance medium containing 100 μM acetosyringone, the medium was removed and replaced with fresh maintenance medium containing 400 mg/l Timentin?. Two weeks after SAAT, the tissue was placed in maintenance medium containing 20 mg/l hygromycin and 400 mg/l Timentin?, and the medium was replenished every week thereafter. Transgenic clones were observed and isolated 6–8 weeks following SAAT. When SAAT was not used, hygromycin-resistant clones were not obtained. Southern hybridization analyses of transformed embryogenic tissue confirmed T-DNA integration. Received: 22 August 1997 / Revision received: 22 October 1997 / Accepted: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

Toxic levels of extractable soil Al limit production of important crops in many areas of the world. The nature of the limitation in soybeans is not completely understood. Our objectives were to investigate the cause of acid-soil-induced delays in seedling emergence, the effect of acidity on productivity in non-nodulated soybeans and further test the Al tolerance of PI 416,937 compared to a sensitive control, Essex. Growth characteristics of the two genotypes through the flowering stage were measured on a Corozal clay (Aquic Tropudult) in Puerto Rico which had been differentially limed to provide a wide range of soil Al. Early growth was also studied in the laboratory using soil from the field experiment. Highly acidic soil conditions, coupled with high Al levels, reduced growth in both Essex and PI 416,937. The principal factor responsible for delayed emergence in the high Al soil was not delayed radicle initiation, but delayed initiation of hypocotyl elongation. Hypocotyl initiation was highly associated with rate of tap root growth, with the former possibly determined by the latter, because a minimum tap root length of 60 mm was required in both high and low Al soils before hypocotyl initiation commenced. In seedlings, the high acidity reduced root more than shoot growth. By 44 days after planting (DAP), however, soil acidity had reduced shoot growth greatly. Although the soybean plants were not nodulated, foliar N levels and shoot growth were decreased by high Al levels, indicating that interference with N fixation may not be the sole mechanism by which nitrogen accumulation and plant growth is reduced in the field.Joint contribution from the USDA, ARS, Tropical Agriculture Research Station, Mayaguez, PR; USDA, ARS, Soybean and Nitrogen Fixation Research Unit, Raleigh, NC, and the Agricultural Experiment Station-University of Puerto Rico (AES-UPR), Rio Piedras, PR.Joint contribution from the USDA, ARS, Tropical Agriculture Research Station, Mayaguez, PR; USDA, ARS, Soybean and Nitrogen Fixation Research Unit, Raleigh, NC, and the Agricultural Experiment Station-University of Puerto Rico (AES-UPR), Rio Piedras, PR.  相似文献   

Growth and symbiotic performance of soybean (Glycine max (L.)Merrill) cv. Bragg and three of its induced nodulation mutants(nod49, non-nodulating; ntsl 116, intermediate supernodulator;nts1007, extreme supernodulator) were compared throughout developmentunder different nitrogen regimes (0, 2, 5 and 10 mol nitratem–3). Nitrogen fixation was assessed using 15N-isotopedilution and xylem sap analysis for ureide content. Both techniquesconfirmed a complete lack of N2 fixation activity in nod49.Plant reliance on nitrogen fixation by the other genotypes wasdependent on the nitrate regime and the developmental stage.The ntsl007 and ntsl 116 mutants fixed more nitrogen than theparent cultivar in the presence of 10 mol m–3 nitratein the nutrient solution, but higher input of symbioticallyderived nitrogen was still insufficient to offset the amountof nitrogen removed in the harvested seed. However, the mutantsutilized less nitrate for growth than Bragg. Comparison of estimatesof N2 fixation derived from the 15N-dilution technique withthose based on relative ureide content of xylem sap indicatedthat the latter offered a simple and reliable procedure forevaluating the symbiotic performance of supernodulating plants. Key words: 15N-isotope dilution, supernodulation, ureides  相似文献   

Summary Transgenic soybean can be efficiently produced by particle bombardment of embryogenic suspension culture material. Unfortunately, the time required to obtain a transformation-competent soybean suspension culture line is often lengthy and can result in reduced fertility of regenerated plants. In addition, establishment and maintenance of embryogenic suspension cultures can be very difficult. The objective of this work was to minimize the time required to obtain transformation-competent embryogenic tissue and optimize DNA delivery into that tissue. Somatic embryos were induced from immature cotyledons of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv ‘Jack’] by placement of cotyledons, adaxial side up, on a MS-based induction medium containing 40 mg (181 μM) 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) per 1 and 6% sucrose. Embryogenic tissues, which formed from the surface of the cotyledons within 2–4 wk, were transferred to an embryo proliferation medium containing 20 mg (90 μM) 2,4-D per 1 and 3% sucrose. After 4 wk, proliferative embryogenic tissue could be used for transformation via particle bombardment. Desiccation of target tissue, period of subculture prior to bombardment, and the number of bombardments per target tissue were evaluated for enhancement of transient β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression. The highest number of blue foci was observed when the target tissue was desiccated for 10 min in an uncovered Petri plate containing proliferation medium, subcultured on the same day of bombardment, and bombarded three times on a single day. For stable transformation, selection was started 20 d after bombardment using 9 mg hygromycin per 1 for 4 wk, and 18 mg per 1 thereafter. Stably transformed clones were obtained from tissue bombarded once and twice on a single day. GUS assays and Southern hybridization analysis of DNA from putative clones confirmed stable integration of the introduced genes. Fertile transgenic plants were obtained in 11–12 mo following culture initiation.  相似文献   

Resistance of plants to arthropods may be lost at low or high temperatures. I tested whether the relative resistance of five genotypes of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., to three isolates of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, was influenced by three temperatures, 14, 21 and 28°C, in no‐choice tests in the laboratory. The interaction between temperature and the genotype of soybean influenced the population sizes of two isolates of A. glycines. Two genotypes of soybean, LD05‐16611 and PI 567597C, which usually are resistant to isolate 1 and 3, became susceptible: LD05‐16611 at the low temperature and PI 567597C at the high temperature. The genotypes PI 200538 and PI 567541B usually are susceptible to isolate 3 but were resistant at 21 and 28°C. I can only speculate as to the reason why temperature influences resistance of some genotypes of soybean to A. glycines: A. glycines may be directly influenced by temperature or indirectly influenced by changes in the host plant. Nevertheless, my results suggest that temperature may be one factor that influences the expression of resistance of soybean to A. glycines, so genotypes of soybean should be screened for resistance to the aphid at multiple temperatures.  相似文献   

Summary Regeneration of several varieties of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] by somatic embryogenesis from cultured epicotyls and primary leaves has been demonstrated. Somatic embryogenesis was induced from epicotyls and primary leaves when cotyledon halves with the intact zygotic embryo axes were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 10 mg 1−1 (45.2 μM) 2,4-D. Stable, continuously proliferating globular embryo cultures (GEC) were established from small groups of somatic embryos on MS medium supplemented with 20 mg 1−1 (90.5 μM) 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Rapid multiplication of shoot tips from germinating somatic embryos was achieved on Cheng’s basal medium (CBO) containing 2.5 mg 1−1 (11.3 μM) 6-benzyladenine. Fertile plants were obtained from individual somatic embryos and in vitro propagated adventitious shoot bud cultures.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of mitomycin C induced somatic crossing over in variety L65-1237 of Glycine max is shown to be dependent upon the (physiological) age of the seed during post germination period. Effect of mitomycin C during the first four hr of germination is significantly lower than during later periods. This increase in the frequency of somatic crossing over is observed up to about 20–24 hr and is then followed by a decrease. These changes did not appear to be related to the onset and pattern of synthesis of DNA or/and proteins in the embryonic tissues. However, mitomycin C is effective even when no DNA synthesis is going on.  相似文献   

A 2-year (1999-2000) study was conducted at Starkville and Stoneville, MS to determine if the occurrence of the mycoflora varied on Roundup Ready (transgenic) compared to conventional soybean (Glycine max) cultivars. A total of 7,658 fungal isolates were identified from the pod and seed tissues of four cultivars compared at growth stages R6 and R8. Ninety-nine percent of all fungi isolated were mitosporic fungi and ascomycetes. In both years, total fungal isolates from the two locations were greater from the pod (65%) than from seed (33%) tissues. Isolation frequency from conventional cultivars was 54% compared to 46% for the transgenic cultivars. The most common fungi identified that are reported pathogens of soybean included Alternaria, Cercospora, Cladosporium, Diaporthe, Fusarium and Verticillium spp. When main effects and interactions were compared among the frequency data for the fungal genera, significant differences occurred, but consistent trends were not noted. Isolation frequencies of Diaporthe spp. during the R6 growth stage, were significantly greater on the conventional than on the transgenic cultivars in both years of the study, but only at Starkville. Isolation frequencies from samples taken during the R8 growth stage were similar at both locations in 1999 and 2000. Fusarium spp. isolated at R6 and R8 growth stages from pod and seed tissues were significantly greater on conventional than on transgenic cultivars in 2000. Even though frequencies were often significantly different between the transgenic and conventional cultivars, the data was not consistent between locations, pod and seed tissues, or growth stages. The pod and seed mycoflora of transgenic and conventional soybean cultivars was, therefore, similar in Mississippi.  相似文献   

Carlos O. Miller 《Planta》1978,140(3):193-199
Cells of a soybean tissue strain suspended in an aerated liquid medium caused the disappearance of p-coumaric acid from the medium. The rate of disappearance was modified by cytokinins. When the coumarate and the cytokinin were added to the medium simultaneously, disappearance was increased if the cytokinin was used in the concentration range from 0.05 to 50 M; higher concentrations inhibited the disappearance. If, however, the cytokinin was added at the beginning of the shaking period (for aeration) and the coumarate added 1 h later, the results were more complex. With this procedure, cytokinins at concentrations from 0.0005 to about 1 M inhibited, at 50 M they promoted, and at higher concentrations they inhibited the coumarate disappearance. The promotion was elicited by zeatin, ribosylzeatin, kinetin, 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), by BAP substituted at the 9-position by methyl, methoxymethyl, cyclohexyl or tetrahydropyran-2-yl groups, by adenine with the amino group substituted by methyl, dimethyl, n-propyl, n-pentyl or n-hexyl groups, by 1,3-diphenylurea and nicotinamide, all at about 50 M. Adenine and benzimidazole were not effective. The promotion was detected in as little as 12 min. The delayed inhibitory effect required the presence of the cytokinin during the 1 h of shaking before the coumarate was added. This effect was elicited by zeatin, ribosylzeatin, kinetin, BAP, the aforementioned 9-substituted-BAP compounds, 9-glucosyl-BAP, 7-glucosyl-BAP, and 6-isopentenylaminopurine and its ribonucleoside. It was not caused by adenine, cis-ribosylzeatin, diphenylurea, benzimidazole, 6-methylaminopurine, 6,6-dimethylaminopurine or nicotinamide. The chemical specificity for this effect was much the same as that known for promotion of cell division in the soybean tissue.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

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