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Tree-ring research in Ireland has typically been dominated by Quercus species, particularly Quercus petraea and Quercus robur. Recent years have seen a greater focus on multi-species reconstructions in Ireland but, due to difficulties with the hardness of the wood, missing/pinched rings and fused stems, Taxus baccata has not been included in these investigations. Despite these difficulties, a 31-tree, 204-year T. baccata chronology was successfully constructed from Killarney National Park, southwest Ireland. The chronology exhibits promising dendroclimatological potential, with climatic responsiveness equivalent to that of the other major Irish tree taxa, including Quercus. The chronology shows the strongest relationship with May–June precipitation from Muckross House synoptic station (1970–2007; r = 0.521, p < 0.01) and Valentia Observatory (1941–2007; r = 0.545, p < 0.01). November–April temperatures also exhibited a strong relationship with the chronology post-1970 (r = 0.605, p < 0.01 for Muckross House, r = 0.567, p < 0.01 for Valentia Observatory), but this relationship is not time stable and breaks down for the pre-1970 Valentia Observatory record. The long-lived nature of T. baccata, the exceptional preservation of wood and rings in this hard softwood species, as well as its prominence in Irish archaeology, all point to the potential to expand this chronology both spatially and temporally, and demonstrate T. baccata's potential in multi-site and multi-species tree-ring studies in the region.  相似文献   

Efforts to disentangle the mechanisms underlying large‐scale spatial patterns need to rely on multi‐scale approaches. We illustrate this key issue by analyzing the spatial consistency across scales of the effects of abiotic constraints on the regeneration of English yew Taxus baccata in Europe. We hypothesized that the recruitment rates in a given population would be strongly affected by water availability, which should result in a predictable pattern of regeneration success at regional and continental scales. Accordingly, we predicted: 1) at the regional scale water availability should be higher in sites occupied by yew populations than in random locations; 2) at the regional scale regeneration success should decrease when water availability is lower; and 3) at the continental scale, regeneration success should also decrease where water availability is lower, resulting in decreasing regeneration southwards. To test these predictions we first monitored seedling emergence and survival in two central Spanish populations over two years, and confirmed that yew recruitment is limited by water availability. Additionally, our analysis supported predictions 1 and 2: water availability strongly affected yew presence and regeneration success. At the continental scale (prediction 3), our results confirmed lower regeneration in southern European populations. Assessing the effect of climatic constraints across scales in key population parameters can help to improve large‐scale assessments of impacts of climate change on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Post‐dispersal seed predation is a crucial phenomenon for plant recruitment, and its incidence can be hypothesized to increase in ecologically and geographically marginal populations of threatened species, such as yew (Taxus baccata). Here we examine the among‐ and within‐population patterns of seed consumption by rodents and evaluate to what extent they are linked to marginality in Mediterranean low‐density yew stands. Among populations we tested: (i) whether the rates of seed predation found in our marginal sites were consistently higher than in populations from core regions; (ii) within populations we evaluated whether rodents preferred microhabitats with greater seed availability (beneath female yew trees) or with lower predation risk (shrubs) in two seeding seasons (fall–winter 2005 and 2006). Predation rates were extremely high (92.5%) and they were well above values reported for core populations (65.4%), to the extent that rodents almost completely depleted the experimental seeds in all populations and years. Our expectation of lower predation rates with decreasing vegetation cover was also confirmed for all years and populations, suggesting that rodent foraging was risk‐sensitive. This microhabitat effect outweighed the effect of seed availability under female yew trees, implying also that rodents selectively consumed the most valuable seeds in terms of their recruitment prospects. Overall, our results suggest that the mechanisms underlying seed depletion and its demographic consequences are linked to the effects of reduced yew performance in ecologically marginal habitats.  相似文献   

One of the important issues in plant autecology is the analysis and understanding of species-environment relationships and response of species to ecological gradients. Understanding how species respond to environmental variables is useful for predicting the environmental and geographic distribution of species. The main objective of this research is to study the response curve of European yew to identify the most important climatic and physiographic gradient in the northern forests of Iran. In the present study the Huisman–Olff–Fresco function (HOF) was used to study the response curve of the European yew in relation to each of the environmental variables individually and extract the optimum values. In order to select the optimal model, the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was used. Based on the results of this study, 41% of the models have either monotonically increasing or decreasing behaviors (models 2 and 3), 27% of the models have a unimodal symmetric behavior and 32% of models have a skewed behavior. European yew in 59% of models has a unimodal response curve. Based on the variables used in the study, it can be said that the European yew is a species that prefers oceanic climates, midlands altitudes, and north-facing slopes for establishment in temperate forests of Iran. Together, these findings advance niche theory about the European yew tree and may be used for generating better predictive models of European yew distributions under future climate change.  相似文献   

R. Sanz 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(5):818-826
Populations of rare tree species such as the dioecious and anemophilous yew (Taxus baccata) are especially prone to extinction if they occupy marginal habitats. This is the case of yew populations growing in Mediterranean mountains under dry climate and a severe anthropogenic disturbance regime, which show insufficient regeneration. We examined two of the likely mechanisms driving this population decline. The study was conducted in a central Spanish yew population in 2005 and 2006. On one hand, we tested for the effect of the amount of pollen received by female flowers by means of a pollen addition experiment. On the other hand, we tested for the effect of initial fruit set on abortion and mature fruit production. Finally, we evaluated the effect of the spatial arrangement of male and female yew trees on realized fecundity. The success of fertilization and fruiting in the experimental population was pollen-limited. Female trees aborted ca. 70% of the fruit set in both years and treatments. Fruit set was significantly influenced by the females' neighbourhood, with fecundity decreasing exponentially with distance to the nearest male in both years. Overall, our results indicate that factors associated with ecological marginality have a strong influence on yew performance.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural and cytochemical investigation of the developmentof the mierosporangium of Taxus baccata reveals many resemblancesto comparable events in other land plants, but also severaldistinctive features. During early development the archaesporiumcontains groups of degenerate cells which ultimately disappear,presumably by resorption. Scattered elsewhere in the cells ofthe archaesporium are highly ordered bodies, possibly crystal-likeformations of tubulin. The tapetum differentiates from the outerlayer of the archaesporium. Mitoses coincidentally cease tobe detectable within the sporangium and the sporogenous cellsbecome recognizable about three weeks before their nuclei entermeiosis. Although, as in other gymnosperms investigated, theearly development of the archaesporial cells is not synchronized,there is a tendency for synchrony to be acquired by the sporogenouscells and diad formation takes place more or less simultaneouslythroughout the sporangium. Measurements by microfluorometry of RNA levels during developmentof the archaesporium show a progressive rise in the RNA contentof the cells up to the beginning of meiosis. Microsporogenesis, Taxus baccata, archesporium  相似文献   

Following meiosis II in Taxus microsporangia a small proportionof the tetrads regularly degenerated. Despite frequent inequalityin the frequency of ribosomes between the spores of a tetrad,partial degeneration within a tetrad was never observed. Theinitial wall of the young spores was found to resemble the wallof the mother cell in containing a fibrillar layer, and thetwo walls may possess similar isolating properties. The symmetryof the tetrad was regularly iso-bilateral. The formation ofthe sporoderm began as the spores were released into the loculusby the rapid dissolution of the wall of the mother cell. Osmiophilicdroplets emerged from the spore protoplast and entered the wall.The fibrillar layer ceased to be recognizable and the dropletscoalesced to form an outer layer on which up to six sporopolleninlamellae, probably of tapetal origin, were deposited. The accretionof a single layer of sporopollenin droplets, in no recognizablepattern, gave rise to the outer verrucose part of the exine.Cytochemical tests showed that the tapetum was rich in acidphosphatases from the beginning of meiosis. Towards the endof its degeneration the tapetum intruded into the loculus andcould therefore be regarded as partly invasive. Taxus baccata, microsporogenesis, tetrad symmetry, sporoderm  相似文献   

To achieve a better understanding of the metabolism and accumulation of paclitaxel and baccatin III in cell cultures of Taxus, inhibitors of the early steps in the terpenoid pathway were applied to a cell suspension culture of Taxus baccata: fosmidomycin as an inhibitor of the non-mevalonate branch of the pathway, and mevinolin as an inhibitor of the mevalonate branch. Synthesis of both taxanes in the cell suspension was first increased when cultured in the product formation medium supplemented with methyljasmonate (100 microM). The product formation medium was selected after assaying 24 different culture media. When fosmidomycin (200 microM) was added to the product formation medium together with the elicitor, the accumulation of paclitaxel and baccatin III was reduced by up to 3.0 and 1.5 times, respectively, whereas the inhibitory effect of mevinolin (1 microM) was only clearly exerted in the case of paclitaxel. Under the conditions of our experiment, we conclude that in the synthesis of both taxanes, the non-mevalonate pathway is the main source of the universal terpenoid precursor isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP).  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were carried out with Taxus baccata cell lines showing different paclitaxel-producing capacities (between 1.74 and 19.91 mgl&#x2212;1) when growing in a selected product-formation medium that specifically stimulated the production of taxane to the detriment of cell growth. Through mixing low-, medial- and high-producing lines, it could be observed that paclitaxel productivity in the resulting mixed lines was clearly higher than the mean productivity of the individual lines before mixing. This suggests that culture components generated by high-producing individual lines within the population might induce paclitaxel production. Although the accumulation of paclitaxel and baccatin III was higher when 100 &#x03BC;M methyl jasmonate was added to the subcultures of the mixed lines, the results indicate that exogenously applied methyl jasmonate was not the first factor to stimulate taxane production. The possible effects of methyl jasmonate elicitation and paclitaxel accumulation on cell viability are also considered.  相似文献   

The effects of 100 and 200 μM methyl jasmonate (MJA) on cell proliferation and paclitaxel and baccatin III production were investigated in free and alginate immobilized cells of Taxus baccata growing in a selected product formation culture medium. The greatest accumulation of paclitaxel (13.20 mg dm−3) and baccatin III (4.62 mg dm−3) occurred when 100 μM MJA was added to the culture medium of cells entrapped using a 1.5 and 2.5 % alginate solution. The effects of different treatments on the viability of cultured cells and their capacity to excrete both taxanes into the surrounding medium were considered.  相似文献   

南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis)在我国南方地区多分布在村落附近的斑块生境中,成熟后的种子直接落在母树下或被鸟类等动物搬运至其他斑块中。林下地面种子会被地面活动的动物搬运,继而影响种子命运及种群更新。于2016年、2017年南方红豆杉果期,在浙江天目山一个红豆杉种群分布地(临安市桐坑村),采用野外种子摆放实验的方法研究了动物对地面种子的搬运情况。结果表明:啮齿类动物取食是南方红豆杉地面种子消失的主要原因,但种子消失率在斑块间及边缘生境中的差异较大。母树林和竹林是啮齿类动物的主要觅食生境,两种生境的动物取食率明显高于山核桃种植园。边缘生境成为啮齿类斑块间移动的通道,而非觅食场所。4种啮齿类动物中,淡腹松鼠(Callosciurus pygerythrus)在母树林斑块以外的生境中出现频率最高,而其他地面搬运者回避利用山核桃种植园,仅在母树林和竹林斑块中搬运南方红豆杉地面种子。可见,斑块生境中动物改变了南方红豆杉地面种子的空间沉积格局,进而影响植物种群的更新。  相似文献   

Comparative leaf production rates and leaf morphology studiesfor galled and normal shoots of yew trees have been obtainedthroughout the life cycle of the causative agent, the gall midge,Taxomyia taxi. Normal and galled shoot leaf numbers have beenrelated to those of their parent shoots. It was found that whereasthe annual leaf production of normal shoots was positively relatedto that of the parent shoots, galled shoot leaf production remainedconstant regardless of parent shoot vigour showing leaf stimulationby the midge to be a special case. The midge larva appears tobe determining the rate of leaf production in galled shoots.In galls leaf production continues throughout the winter monthswith no dormant period. From morphological evidence, alternationof leaves and cataphylls is continued in galled buds.  相似文献   

We investigated the regeneration of a threatened tree, the yew Taxus baccata, in relation to the presence of fleshy‐fruited woody plants acting as seed dispersal foci as well as protecting yew recruits against ungulate herbivores. We seek to determine if local facilitative effects are consistent across landscape in the Cantabrian range (NW Spain). Yew seed rain by birds mostly concentrated under yew trees and beneath hollies Ilex aquifolium. Seedling emergence distributed similarly to seed rain, but first‐year seedling survival was higher beneath hollies. In one site where woody vegetation was structured as nucleation centres (multispecific patches of fleshy‐fruited plants acting as foci for seed rain) yew recruits mostly occurred in yew‐dominated centres, suggesting dispersers‐mediated facilitation. However, holly was the main nurse plant for most of these recruits, considering the nurse as the species whose canopy covered directly the yew recruit. Living beneath nurse plants reduced herbivore damage on saplings and enhanced seedling survival. A planting experiment with yew rooted‐cuttings beneath different spiny shrubs corroborated this effect. Additional evidence on yew recruitment limitation by herbivory emerged from one population where ungulates were fence‐excluded. Our results suggest that nurse plants mitigate the negative effect of herbivores on yew regeneration, by providing defence against browsing and trampling. Shelter ability related to nurse structure, cone‐shaped shrubs with branches at their bases acting better as a barrier. Paradoxically, this structure resulted from heavy browsing on nurse plants. The study of yew regeneration and habitat structure in seven sites provided evidence for the consistency of facilitation by holly at the landscape level, since local values of yew recruitment positively related to nurse ground cover. Range‐scale yew management must consider the local functioning of the interaction among avian seed‐dispersers, nurse fleshy‐fruited plants and ungulate herbivores, in combination with regional measures, targeting the habitats where facilitation emerges.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel and baccatin III-producing cells of Taxus baccata were immobilized within Ca(2+)-alginate beads. Under established optimum conditions for the biosynthesis of both taxanes, the yields of paclitaxel and baccatin III in shake-flask cultures of free cells increased by factors of up to 3 and 2, respectively, in the corresponding cultures of immobilized cells. Although the scale-up from shake-flask to bioreactor culture usually results in reduced productivities when both free and immobilized cells were grown in the same optimum conditions in three different bioreactor types (Stirred, Airlift, and Wave) running for 24 days in a batch mode and with the system optimized in each case, there was a considerable increase in the yields of paclitaxel and baccatin III. Among the reactors, the Stirred bioreactor was the most efficient in promoting immobilized cell production of paclitaxel, giving a content of 43.43 mg.L(-1) at 16 days of culture, equivalent to a rate of 2.71 mg.L(-1).day(-1). To our knowledge, the paclitaxel productivity obtained in this study is one of the highest reported so far by academic laboratories for Taxus species cultures in bioreactors.  相似文献   

The western Himalayan yew (Taxus contorta Griffith, synonym Taxus fuana Nan Li & R.R. Mill), one of the highly prized tree species for its anticancer properties, is experiencing severe reduction in populations across its range in Pakistan. We examined a chloroplast DNA region (trnL-F) and ten nuclear microsatellite loci variations among seven populations to investigate the levels of genetic diversity and reconstruct the demographic history of T. contorta in Pakistan. A low haplotype diversity (H T?=?0.182), moderate level of microsatellite diversity (H E?=?0.541?±?0.034), significant population differentiation (F ST?=?0.107) and high level of inbreeding (F IS?=?0.219–0.418) characterized this species. Results of an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), mismatch distribution analysis, neutrality tests and data on glacial chronologies of the western Himalaya indicated a historic demographic expansion of T. contorta populations from small ancestral populations. This expansion is estimated to have occurred at least 37.5 thousand years ago (kya) during the late Pleistocene. An unprecedented level of habitat disturbance over the last few decades, coupled with the highly variable climate may have played an important role in shaping the genetic structure of the extant T. contorta populations. We have discussed a range of sustainable management measures for the ecological restoration of remnant populations as well as for a sustainable exploitation of this plant of high economic potential.  相似文献   

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