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表观遗传标记在猪分子育种中的研究与应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张轲  冯光德  张宝云  向伟  陈龙  杨芳  储明星  王凭青 《遗传》2016,38(7):634-643
家畜动物的表型是由基因组、表观基因组和环境等多种因素相互影响共同作用决定的。近年来,随着遗传育种领域的迅速发展,表观遗传标记在猪分子育种中的研究受到越来越多科研人员的关注。表观遗传学是研究基因表达发生可遗传的改变而DNA序列不发生改变的一门生物学分支学科,其遗传标记主要包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA、印记基因等。越来越多的研究表明,表观遗传标记在猪的遗传性状中发挥着重要作用,主要通过调控与性状相关基因的表达进而达到改变生物表型的目的。然而,在当前猪分子育种领域,表观遗传标记的作用还没有得到足够的重视,影响猪重要性状的机制还没有得到深度解析,因此在实际应用中还缺乏足够的科学依据和可操作性。本文从营养、疾病、重要经济性状以及隔代遗传几个方面综述了表观遗传标记在猪分子育种中的研究现状、应用前景以及遇到的挑战,以期为表观遗传标记在猪分子育种中的应用提供较全面的理论依据。  相似文献   

动物的肉质综合了许多特性,诸多因素共同作用于其生长发育,特别是与肉质发育相关的基因,在这个过程中起到了至关重要的作用。动物的市场经济效益直接由肉质品质的优劣决定,所以研究与其相关的基因就十分重要。本综述主要从与牛、羊、猪和鸡这四类家养动物的肉质相关的基因,如与肌肉纤维形成有关的生肌调节因子家族基因,与调节脂肪沉积和代谢相关的Leptin及其受体基因,与肌内脂肪相关的脂蛋白酶脂酶基因(LPL)、脂肪酸结合蛋白(FABPs)基因、PPARγ基因,与背膘厚相关的黑素皮质素受体基因(MCR) 4个方面,就其近十年来的研究进展进行了综述,并对其未来的研究和应用等进行展望。  相似文献   

将不同品种的优良性状通过品种间的杂交集中到一个品种中是育种工作的主要目标,而利用基因型选择代替传统的表型选择将大大加快育种进程和提高育种效率,其中,DNA标记的获得是进行DNA标记辅助育种的重点.随着作物分子标记辅助育种技术的快速发展,苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)重要性状关联的分子标记研究也取得了很大进展.本文就苜蓿草产量、抗病(虫)害、抗逆性和繁殖特性等主要农艺性状关联的分子标记研究进展进行了综述,主要包括RFLP(DNA-DNA杂交)、RAPD和SSR(PCR)以及AFLP(PCR与限制性酶切技术结合)等分子标记,最后还就苜蓿分子标记辅助育种(marker assisted selection,MAS)所面临的限制因素及其在苜蓿品种改良中的应用前景进行了探讨.  相似文献   

本书系统地介绍了水稻转基因技术、花药培养、分子标记辅助育种和基因组辅助育种的基本原理和方法,阐述了水稻产量性状、抗病虫性、抗逆性状、营养品质和特异种质的遗传研究及分子育种的最新进展、水稻基因设计育种数据库建设和水稻基因设计育种的展望,反映了在水稻分子育种方面获得的成果。全书共分12章,各章节前后呼应,  相似文献   

张统雨  朱才业  杜立新  赵福平 《遗传》2017,39(6):491-500
全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study, GWAS)是一种复杂性状功能基因鉴定的分析策略,已成为挖掘畜禽重要经济性状候选基因的重要手段。随着绵羊和山羊基因组完成和公布,以及不同密度的SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)芯片的推出并进行商业化推广,不仅大大丰富了羊标记辅助选择可利用的分子标记,而且还为开展重要性状的分子机理的探索提供了重要技术支撑。本文主要针对羊角、羊毛、羊奶、生长发育、肉质、繁殖和疾病等重要性状的GWAS研究所用的群体、主要研究方法和研究结果进行了综述,并对GWAS方法研究现状进行了归纳,以期为进一步利用GWAS进行羊的各种性状的遗传基础研究提供参考。  相似文献   

分子育种与作物改良   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓分子育种就是定向、有目的地对农作物品种的遗传进行改良和修饰。分子遗传学研究的不断深入为农作物的遗传改良提供了强有力的手段,特别是农作物质量性状和数量性状基因的标记、定位和克隆以及植物转基因方法的不断完善和成熟,展示了分子育种的诱人前景。1分子标记...  相似文献   

全基因组选择技术通过全基因组中大量的单核苷酸多态性标记(SNP)和参照群体的表型数据建立 BLUP 模型估计出每一标记的育种值,称为估计育种值(GEBV),然后仅利用同样的分子标记估计出后代个体育种值并进行选择。该文就近年来国内外有关影响基因组选择效率的主要因素——参考群体的类型与大小、模型的建立方法、标记的类型及其数目、性状遗传力,以及对基因组选择效率的影响等方面的研究进展进行综述,并介绍了全基因组选择技术在玉米育种上应用概况以及对未来的展望。  相似文献   

燕麦分子育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕麦是一种主要生长在温带冷凉地区的粮饲兼用作物,近年来燕麦的营养价值和降低胆固醇特性的发现使人们认识到燕麦及其制品是一种健康食品,促进了燕麦产业发展,对燕麦品种培育提出了更高要求。在此背景下,现代生物技术与常规育种技术结合是满足这一需求的重要途经。本文综述了国内外燕麦分子育种方面的研究进展:(1)我国燕麦种质资源的收集与遗传多样性研究。我国的燕麦种质资源收集工作起始于20世纪50年代,迄今收集并保存了5282份燕麦种质资源。对这些资源的遗传多样性分析研究表明,国内的燕麦种质资源中内蒙古和山西的资源多样性最高;(2)利用各种分子标记构建燕麦遗传连锁图谱研究;(3)一些重要农艺性状的QTL定位研究以及全基因组关联分析研究。包括产量、含油量、β-葡聚糖含量、蛋白质含量、抽穗期、抗病基因、抗冻性等重要农艺性状;(4)标记辅助基因组选择技术在燕麦中的应用;(5)燕麦遗传工程育种研究进展。同时,本文将国内的主要研究进展与国外相关的最新研究成果进行了比较,并对当前分子育种中存在的问题及今后的研究方向进行了探讨,希望能为今后通过生物技术手段培育燕麦新品种提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

黄瓜分子标记辅助育种研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文综述了不同分子标记技术在黄瓜遗传连锁图谱构建、重要性状相关基因的定位、种质资源遗传多样性分析和亲缘关系鉴定、分子标记辅助选择、种子纯度与活力鉴定及其在黄瓜遗传育种等方面的应用,讨论了目前黄瓜遗传育种中应用分子标记技术存在的问题和今后育种工作的重点,并对黄瓜分子标记辅助育种的前景作了展望。  相似文献   

李聪  孙东晓  姜力  刘剑锋  张勤  张沅  张胜利 《遗传》2012,34(5):545-550
产奶性状是奶牛最重要的生产性状, 随着平衡育种理念的提出和发展, 繁殖性状、体型性状、健康性状和长寿性等功能性状也逐渐被重视并纳入育种规划中。鉴定产奶性状和功能性状主效基因或遗传标记并将之应用于奶牛标记辅助选择可望加快遗传进展。随着高密度SNP标记的高通量检测技术的发展, 全基因组关联分析已成为鉴定畜禽重要经济性状基因的重要途径。文章对奶牛产奶性状和功能性状全基因组关联分析研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)基因主要在骨骼肌中表达,参与调控骨骼肌的生长发育。MSTN基因在不同物种中具有极强的进化保守性,同时还具有较多的突变多态性。在牛的不同品种中,存在不同位点的有义突变,突变型牛均表现为骨骼肌发达,呈现双肌表型,生长速度与产肉率显著提高。同时,该基因突变也引起显著的生理性遗传效应。对国内外肉牛的MSTN基因突变类型、突变后遗传效应及在肉牛育种应用等方面作了重点阐述,以期为我国地方品种肉牛改良和选育研究提供参考。  相似文献   

作物基因聚合分子育种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因聚合分子育种与常规育种技术相结合已成为今后作物育种的主流方向。基因聚合分子育种主要包括遗传转化基因聚合分子育种和分子标记筛选基因聚合分子育种。本文简要综述了近年来作物基因聚合分子育种的研究进展,分析了遗传转化基因聚合分子育种以及分子标记基因聚合分子育种技术的研究方法及基因聚合分子育种存在的问题。  相似文献   

The insulin-induced gene 1 (Insig-1) is a regulator of lipid metabolism and plays an important role in the sterol-mediated regulation of SREBP, SCAP and HMG-CoA reductase. We used PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing to detect polymorphisms of the Insig-1 gene in 215 individuals of the Qinchuan cattle breed. Four SNPs [4366(A>G), 4534(T>C), 5001(T>C), and 5235(G>A)] were indentified. The association of the genetic viariation with growth and carcass traits (body length, withers height, hip width, slaughter weight, and carcass weight) was analyzed. The individuals with better performance had the GG genotype at locus A4366G, and CC genotypes at locus T4534C and locus T5001C. These could be used for beef cattle breeding improvement in China. Additionally, linkage disequilibrium analysis reflected that all mutations were in low linkage disequilibrium with each other. We concluded that polymorphisms in the Insig-1 gene are associated with growth and carcass traits and could be used for marker-assisted selection and management in beef cattle breeding programs.  相似文献   

Kim Y  Ryu J  Woo J  Kim JB  Kim CY  Lee C 《Animal genetics》2011,42(4):361-365
Genetic associations of nucleotide sequence variants with carcass traits in beef cattle were investigated using a genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay. Three hundred and thirteen Korean cattle were genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip, and 39,129 SNPs from 311 animals were analysed for each carcass phenotype after filtering by quality assurance. Five sequence markers were associated with one of the meat quantity or quality traits; rs109593638 on chromosome 3 with marbling score, rs109821175 on chromosome 11 and rs110862496 on chromosome 13 with backfat thickness (BFT), and rs110228023 on chromosome 6 and rs110201414 on chromosome 16 with eye muscle area (EMA) (P < 1.27 × 10(-6) , Bonferonni P < 0.05). The ss96319521 SNP, located within a gene with functions of muscle development, dishevelled homolog 1 (DVL1), would be a desirable candidate marker. Individuals with genotype CC at this gene appeared to have increased both EMA and carcass weight. Fine-mapping would be required to refine each of the five association signals shown in the current study for future application in marker-assisted selection for genetic improvement of beef quality and quantity.  相似文献   

As a member of MYLK family, MYLK4 gene may play a vital role in muscle development. In this study, one novel single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was identified the bovine MYLK4 by sequencing pooled DNA samples (pool-Seq) and forced polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (forced PCR-RFLP) methods. Overall, we reported one mutation (SNP1) in the intron 10 region within the bovine MYLK4 gene in 559 individuals representing five main cattle breeds from China (Nanyang, NY; Qinchuan; Jiaxian, JX; Pinan cattle; and Caidamu cattle, CDM). Genotype AA and allele A were predominant in the QC, PN, and XN populations. Association analysis with growth traits in the QC breed showed that the animals with genotype GG had significantly greater chest breadth and hip width (P?<?0.05). Meanwhile, the genotype GG was strongly associated with withers height and body length than those with genotype AA (P?<?0.01 or P?<?0.05) at 12 months in the NY breed. These statistical results exhibited that the MYLK4 gene might be a potential candidate gene to improve cattle’s growth traits, and the SNP could be used as molecular markers in early marker-assisted selection (MAS) in beef cattle breeding program.  相似文献   

Pintos D  Corva PM 《Animal genetics》2011,42(3):329-332
Molecular markers for beef tenderness are classic examples of the contribution of genome technology to animal breeding through marker-assisted selection (MAS). Markers on the μ-calpain (CAPN1) and calpastatin (CAST) genes have been extensively evaluated for their association with tenderness. However, little is known about their potential effect on other economically important traits. In this work, the association of molecular markers for beef tenderness with growth traits was evaluated in Angus cattle of Argentina. Expected progeny differences were extracted from the 2008 Angus Sire Summary of Argentina. Information corresponding to 268 influential bulls that had been genotyped for two markers in CAPN1 and two markers in CAST was provided by the Argentine Angus Association. Genotype probabilities were assigned, by segregation analysis, to those bulls in the Sire Summary that had no marker information. Expected progeny differences of 1365 sires were regressed on the number of alleles favouring tenderness at each locus. There was a significant effect of markers on expected progeny differences of birth weight, weaning weight (direct), weight at 18 months and rib eye area. In general, there was a negative effect of alleles favouring tenderness on growth traits. These correlated responses should be taken into account when molecular markers are used in selection schemes that aim to improve beef tenderness.  相似文献   

Current tree biology related to tree genetics and breeding has two important developments that have not well been integrated in the literature. The first is the physiological and biochemical dissection of plant yield, whereas the second is the genetic mapping based on molecular markers, such as RFLPs, RAPDs, AFLPs, and microsatellites. Genetic mapping has revolutionized traditional quantitative genetic analysis by which the genetic variation of a character is described in terms of its mean and (co)variance without the knowledge of the underlying genes. By integrating physiological and developmental studies of yield traits, genetic mapping can provide a unique means for detecting key QTL that play important roles in affecting tree growth and metabolism. The incorporation of these QTL into commercial populations through gene transformation or marker-assisted selection will move current breeding programs strictly based on an empirism to an approach that is mechanistically oriented. In this review, we discuss how plant physiology and development are merged with genetic mapping to formulate the strategy of molecular breeding in which superior forest crops are selected at the gene level. It is anticipated that this novel breeding strategy can potentially provide major breakthroughs for tree breeding.  相似文献   

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