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Oxidation-reduction reactions of the low redox potential cytochromeb-559 were studied for membrane fragments of the blue-greenalga Anabaena variabilis. Cytochrome photooxidation was observableat room temperature when the membrane fragments had been preincubatedat room temperature in the dark. A CCCP addition (10–4M) strongly enhanced the reaction. Oxidation consisted of a DCMU-sensitive and an insensitive reaction.The former depended on actinic illumination of short wavelength.The latter showed a dependency on longer wavelength light. Theformer was assumed to be induced by the action of photosystemII and the latter by that of photosystem I. The photosystem II oxidation was small before preincubation,and was enhanced by added DPIP or Ferro. This was interpretedas photosystem II action inducing oxidation as well as reduction;reduction being inactivated during dark incubation or beingsuppressed by added redox reagents which compete for electronacceptance from photosystem II so that oxidation was apparentlyenhanced. The oxidationreduction reactions of this cytochromewith low redox potential were assumed to be almost identicalwith those of the high redox potential form, at least in themembrane fragments of Anabaena variabilis. (Received June 8, 1975; )  相似文献   

The quantitative relationship between reaction centers I andII was studied with blue-green algae Anabaena cylindrica, Anabaenavariabilis and Anacystis nidulans grown under different lightconditions. The number of reaction centers I was estimated fromthe P700 content and that of reaction centers II, from the O2yield of repetitive short flashes. Supplementary determinationswere done with three other blue-green algae and one red alga.The maximum number of reaction centers II counted from the O2yield of repetitive short flashes was markedly smaller thanthe total number of P700 in all algae tested when the algaewere grown under weak light; in the extreme case (Anabaena cylindrica),the ratio was only 0.258?0.015. This ratio became larger andclose to unity when the algae were grown under stronger light.Variation in the number of reaction centers in a single cellsuggested that reaction center I was a variable component. Ourresults indicate that the proportion of the two reaction centersmay markedly vary in blue-green algae depending on the growthconditions (Received November 13, 1978; )  相似文献   

The thylakoid membrane of a thermophilic blue-green alga, Synechococcussp., was separated into four chlorophyll-containing fractionsby a single chromatographic manipulation with a diethylaminoethyl-cellulosecolumn after digitonin treatment. Photosystems I and II, orchlorophyll a forms, were unevenly distributed among the fourfractions, which were designated F-1, F-2, F-3 and F-4 in theorder of elution from the column. F-1 has a simple composition of the chlorophyll a form and totallylacks photochemical activity. This fraction may be an antennachlorophyll a-protein in the blue-green alga. F-2 is rich inshorter wavelength chlorophyll a forms and shows the three-bandedfluorescence emission spectrum characteristic of photosystemII at liquid nitrogen temperature. This fraction is highly activein 2,6-dichloroindophenol photoreduction and contains one photooxidizablecytochrome b559 per 50–100 chlorophyll a, whereas theP-700 content is as low as one P-700 per 2,000 chlorophyll a.Thus, F-2 represents photosystem II in a highly purified state.F-3 is rich in photosystem I, since this fraction is inactivein 2,6-dichloroindophenol photoreduction, and contains one P-700per 200 chlorophyll a and smaller amounts of cytochrome b559.Longer wavelength chlorophyll a forms are abundant and a peakat 730 nm is the most prominent in the low-temperature fluorescencespectrum in this fraction. F-4, which consists of larger membranefragments shows spectral and photochemical features similarto those of F-3. (Received August 8, 1979; )  相似文献   

The C550 photoresponse at room temperature was studied withmembrane fragments of the blue-green alga Anabaena variabilis.The kinetics, light minus dark difference spectrum and DCMUeffect were the same as those reported for spinach chloroplasts.The photoresponse size suggested that the number of the photosystemII center is half that for the photosystem I center in thisorganism grown under our autotrophic culture conditions. (Received September 16, 1975; )  相似文献   

Carotenoid photobleaching in photosynthetic membrane fragmentsof the blue-green alga Anabaena variabilis was studied withspecial reference to DCMU-sensitivity. Carotenoid photobleaching supported by CCCP is strongly enhancedby Ferri, and, at the same time, becomes less sensitive to DCMU(cf. 5). The DCMU-insensitive reaction was found to show characteristicsvery similar to those of DCMU-sensitive reaction in (i) thedependence on the excitation of pigment system II chlorophylla, (ii) the stimulation by CCCP and NaNa and the suppressionby antimycin A, and (iii) the partial dependence on molecularoxygen. In our membrane fragments Ferri was found to act asan electron acceptor for the photosystem II reaction bypassingthe DCMU-sensitive site. We concluded that (i) carotenoid photobleachinginsensitive to DCMU is also driven by reaction center II, and(ii) in the presence of Ferri, Ferri accepts electrons ejectedby reaction center II bypassing the DCMU-sensitive site. (Received January 20, 1977; )  相似文献   

Ten rice chlorina mutants of Type I, which totally lack chlorophyllb and hence are unable to synthesize light-harvesting chlorophylla/b protein complexes of photosystem II (LHC-II), containedmRNA for proteins related to LHC-II. Immunoblotting with anantiserum, which had been raised against the 24 and 25 kDa apoproteinsof LHC-II and found to cross-react with the 26 kDa protein ofLHC-II and the 20 and 21 kDa apoproteins of light-harvestingchlorophyll a/b protein complexes of photosystem I (LHC-I),revealed that all the five proteins related to LHC-Iand LHC-IIwere present in reduced amounts in the Type I mutants. ThreeType HA mutants, which have a chlorophyll a/b ratio of 10, weremore abundant in the apoproteins, while three Type IIB mutantswith the ratio of 15 were heterogeneous in terms of the apoproteincontent. All the chlorina mutants contained less P700 comparedwith the wild type rice, but were relatively more abundant inthe LHC-I proteins than the LHC-II proteins. The results showthat all the rice chlorina strains are mutants of chlorophyllb synthesis and the deficiency of chlorophyll b differentlyaffects accumulation of the apoproteins of LHC-I and LHC-II.To balance light absorption between the two photosystem, lossof LHC-II is partly counter-balanced by a decrease in the numberof PSI complexes in the mutants. (Received January 21, 1988; Accepted April 28, 1988)  相似文献   

The photochemical reactions of Cyanidium cells treated withvarious concentrations of Triton X-100 or digitonin were examined.As the concentration of Triton X-100 was increased, the following4 responses were observed: inhibition of endogenous O2 evolution(above 0.005%), stimulation of the p-BQ Hill reaction (above0.01%), loss of thermophily (above 0.03%) and loss of acidophily(above 0.5%). In the presence of Triton X-100 (0.1% of finalconcentration), the p-BQ Hill reaction showed optimum activityat 30?C and was completely inactivated at temperatures over45?C, though the optimum activity in the absence of Triton X-100was 45?C. The pH activity curve, however, was unchanged by treatmentwith Triton X-100. The loss of heat tolerance caused by TritonX-100 was observed not only in the Hill reaction but also inthe photosystem I reaction. The thermophily of Triton X-100-treatedcells was completely recovered after washing with distilledwater. The acidophily of the alga was lost after digitonin (0.01% offinal Concentration) treatment without any loss of thermophilyor the inactivation of photosystem I and II reactions. The p-BQHill activity of digitonin-treated cells was optimum at pH 7and completely lost in acid pH regions, while the temperaturedependency was unchanged by this treatment. The irreversibleloss of acid tolerance of the photosystem I and II activitiesdue to digitonin was confirmed by various acid and alkalinetreatments. (Received November 20, 1976; )  相似文献   

Light-induced oxidation-reduction reactions of cytochrome b-559were investigated with membrane fragments of Anabaena variabilisand supplementarily with Plectonema boryanum. The oxidation-reduction reactions of cytochrome b-559 observedwith membrane fragments were similar in their kinetics to thoseof the cytochrome in aged chloroplasts. The reactions were annihilatedby the addition of Ferro, indicating that the cytochrome ofhigh redox potential (E'o=+373 mV, pH 6.5) was photoreducedand oxidized. Titration with reducing agents indicated that cytochrome b-559is contained in Anabaena membrane fragments in an amount 1.5times as much as the content of P700 on a molar basis; the contentof the species of high redox potential was estimated to be around70%. Kinetic treatment of the photoreduction indicated that the cytochromewas reduced at some site of the electron transport system betweenthe two photosystems. The photo-oxidation depended on the actionof either photosystem II or I even in the presence of DCMU,indicating that the photooxidation was induced by both photosystems.The oxidation by photosystem I action was inhibited by HgCl2-treatment,indicating that this reaction is mediated by plastocyanin. EDTA (5?10-3 M) suppressed the cytochrome photoreduction andenhanced the rapid phase of the photooxidation. The latter effectappeared only when an appropriate dark time (3 min) was insertedafter the cytochrome photoreduction. The phenomenon was interpretedas showing that EDTA modifies the reactivity of the electroncarrier which directly donates electrons to cytochrome b-559.The oxidation, and probably also the reduction of cytochromeb-559, was assumed to be regulated by the oxidation-reductionstate of this carrier. (Received April 26, 1974; )  相似文献   

The contents of photosystem I and photosystem II reaction centers,cytochrome c-553, cytochrome c-550, cytochrome f, cytochromeb-559, cytochrome b-563, plastoquinone and vitamin K1 in thecyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. were determined. About threephotosystem I reaction centers were present for each photosystemII reaction center. The amounts of cytochromes functioning betweenthe two photosystems were approximately half those of the photosystemI reaction center. Plastocyanin was not detected, while plastoquinoneand vitamin K1 were present in excess of other electron carriersand reaction centers. The results indicate the importance ofplastoquinone and cytochrome c-553 for cooperation of the tworeaction centers through electron transport. 1Present address: Toray Basic Research Laboratory, 1111 Tebiro,Kamakura, Kanagawa 248, Japan. (Received June 17, 1982; Accepted January 17, 1983)  相似文献   

Photochemical reactions of chloroplast fragments isolated fromspinach leaves were measured in the presence of ethylene glycolor were measured after washing with an ethylene glycol-containingmedium. 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol (DPIP) photoreduction,oxygen evolution and oxygen uptake (a photosystem I reaction)were investigated in ethylene glycol-treated chloroplast fragments.By washing with ethylene glycol, oxygen evolution was stronglyinhibited, but oxygen uptake was not much affected by ethyleneglycol washing. Chloroplast fragments in 50% ethylene glycolmaintained a high rate of DPIP photoreduction (85% of the controlactivity in an ethylene glycol-less medium). In 67% ethyleneglycol, DPIP photoreduction mediated by photosystem II was eliminatedand only a small rapid reduction mediated by photosystem I wasobserved. Chloroplast fragments inhibited by ethylene glycolphotoreduced DPIP in the presence of p-aminophenol added asan artificial electron donor to photosystem II. The restoredactivity of DPIP photoreduction was inhibited by 3-(3',4'- dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. (Received September 8, 1970; )  相似文献   

In order to survive and to grow in the presence of a high salinity(550 mM NaCl) Synechocystis PCC6803 increases its energeticcapacity. The salt-induced increase of electron transport ratesinvolves both cytochrome c oxidase and photosystem I. In contrast,electron transport rates measured through complexes I plus IIIof the respiratory chain, or through the photosystem II pluscytochrome b6f complexes of the photosynthetic chain, do notshow appreciable changes. The time at which changes in electrontransport rates occur in the photosystem I and cytochrome coxidase complexes after the onset of salt stress indicates similaritiesin the adaptation of dark respiration and (cyclic) photosyntheticelectron flow. Given an increase of whole cell respiration andof PSI cyclic electron flow larger than the neosynthesis ofcytochrome aa3 and PSI reaction centers would predict, it appearsthat both adaptations require more than just synthesis of thesetwo complexes. (Received April 12, 1993; Accepted August 10, 1993)  相似文献   

Action spectra were obtained for photosystems I and II in chemically fixed algal cells and for photosystem I in unfixed lysozyme treated cells. Untreated algal cells yielded neither of the 2 light reactions with the reaction mixtures used. The action spectra for photosystem I in the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans and red alga Porphyridium cruentum follow the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a with a small peak in the region of the accessory pigments. In the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa the photosystem I action spectrum follows the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a. Photosystem II action spectra in A. nidulans and P. cruentum follow the absorption spectra of the accessory pigments while that in C. pyrenoidosa is shifted slightly toward the blue spectral region. These results provide additional evidence that formaldehyde fixed cells are valid models for studying the light reactions of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

L-Leucine uptake and incorporation in the blue-green alga Anacystisnidulans were measured during illumination with monochromaticlight of 630 and 717 nm. With near as well as far red light,an enhanced uptake of 14C-L-leucine was observed. In far redlight, the leucine uptake depended on light intensity and pHvalue. After the first few minutes, the uptake remained constantfor more than one hour. The rate of uptake in light was thesame in air as in nitrogen. The incorporation of 14C-leucinein the soluble fraction decreased in the presence of chloramphenicolwhich prevents protein synthesis. In far red light, its incorporationwas insensitive to DCMU (5 ? 10–6 M) but was depressedby uncouplers like CCCP or desaspidin. These effects are takenas evidence that leucine incorporation under the conditionsused is dependent on photosystem I reactions and cyclic photophosphorylation.DBMIB and KCN in high concentrations decrease the leucine incorporationin far red light and indicate that plastoquinone and plastocyaninare members of the cyclic electron flow also in intact cellsof Anacystis. Antimycin A has no inhibitory effect. The inhibitionby other less specific inhibitors like salicylaldoxime, desaspidinand DSPD is discussed. (Received August 19, 1978; )  相似文献   

Immunological cross-reactivity among corresponding proteinsassociated with photosystems I and II in higher plants, greenalgae, red algae and cyanobacteria were examined with antiseraraised against the proteins from Synechococcus elongatus andspinach. (1) Generally, the cross-reactivity was very high betweenclosely related species but decreased with increasing phylogeneticdistances between organisms. Exceptionally, proteins from redalgae showed lower reactivities with the antisera against thecyanobacterial proteins than did corresponding proteins fromgreen algae and higher plants. (2) The extent of the cross-reactivitywas found to vary with the antisera used. Three antisera preparedagainst large chlorophyll-carrying proteins of photosystem Iand photosystem II reaction center complexes of Synechococcusreacted with the corresponding proteins of all the organismsexamined. By contrast, an antiserum raised against the extrinsic35 kDa protein of the cyanobacterium reacted with none of corresponding33 kDa proteins of other species. The antiserum against thespinach 33 kDa protein showed a wider range of cross-reactivity.Antisera raised against the Dl and D2 proteins from spinachwere highly reactive with corresponding proteins from otherphotosynthetic organisms, whereas an antiserum against a well-conservedsequence of the spinach D2 protein showed limited cross-reactivity.The results show that, although the extent of immunologicalcross-reactivity is determined mainly by the homology betweenproteins, caution is indicated in the application of immunologicalmethods to determinations of the distribution of various proteinsrelated to photosystems I and II in very different organisms. (Received December 8, 1989; Accepted March 12, 1990)  相似文献   

Activity of the natural algicide, cyanobacterin, on angiosperms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cyanobacterin is a secondary metabolite produced by the cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Scytonema hofmanni. The compound had previously been isolated and chemically characterized. It was shown to inhibit the growth of algae at a concentration of approximately 5 micromolar. Cyanobacterin also inhibited the growth of angiosperms, including the aquatic, Lemna, and terrestrial species such as corn and peas. In isolated pea chloroplasts, cyanobacterin inhibited the Hill reaction when p-benzoquinone, K3Fe(CN)6, dichlorophenolindophenol, or silicomolybdate were used as electron acceptors. The concentration needed to inhibit the Hill reaction in photosystem II was generally lower than the concentration of the known photosystem II inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea. Cyanobacterin had no effect on electron transport in photosystem I. The data indicate that cyanobacterin inhibits O2 evolving photosynthetic electron transport in all plants and that the most probable site of action is in photosystem II.  相似文献   

Carotenoid photobleaching induced by photosystem II action wasstudied using membrane fragments of the blue-green alga Anabaenavariabilis. Special attention was paid to the action of O2. Carotenoid photobleaching elicited by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP) depended on O2. However, the addition of H2O2, sodiumsilicotungstate or potassium ferricyanide (Ferri), an electronacceptor for reaction center II action, removed the O2-dependency.These results indicate that O2 acts as the electron acceptorfor this reaction. When both CGCP and Ferri were present, a short illumination(0.25 sec) caused a rapid photobleaching followed by a slowrecovery in the subsequent dark period. The spectrum of theabsorption decrease in the light was identical with that ofthe absorption increase in the subsequent dark, indicating thata reversible process is involved in the carotenoid photobleaching.The size in the dark recovery relative to the light bleachingbecame larger under anaerobic conditions and smaller under higherpartial pressure of O2. The reuslts were interpreted as indicatingthat O2 does not function in the primary process including areversible bleaching step, but is involved in the slow and irreversiblebleaching process. (Received April 3, 1978; )  相似文献   

The permeability to protein molecules of the outer limitingmembranes and the thylakoid membranes in hypotonically shockedprotoplasts of the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcussp. was studied by examining the effects of NaBr-washing andpronase E-digestion on phycobiliproteins and a 35 kDa proteinwhich are associated with the outer and inner surface of thethylakoid membranes, respectively, and by measuring photooxidationof added cytochrome c. All the results obtained indicate thatthe shocked protoplasts are in essence a homogenous right side-outthylakoid membrane preparation; the outer limiting membranesare leaky to protein molecules, whereas the thylakoid membranesare still impermeable to proteins. The thylakoid membranes becamepermeable to proteins when the protoplasts were mechanicallydisrupted. Following on from these findings, the membrane topology of subunitpolypeptides of the photosystem I reaction center complex wasstudied. Proteolytic digestion of shocked protoplasts with trypsinand pronase E indicated that four of the five subunit polypeptidesof the PS I reaction center complex are exposed at the stromalsurface of thylakoid membranes; two subunits of 14 and 13 kDawere selectively digested by trypsin, whereas two chlorophyll-bindingsubunits of 62 and 60 kDa were preferentially attacked by pronaseE. However, a 10 kDa subunit appears to be strongly resistantto the proteases. Experiments with mechanically disrupted protoplastsfailed to provide evidence for a uniform transmembrane organizationof the PS I subunits. (Received March 31, 1986; Accepted August 18, 1986)  相似文献   

The role of photosystem I in the photooxidation-reduction reactionsof cytochrome b559 was elucidated by studying the effects ofelectron acceptors and inhibitors of photosystem I on reactionsof the cytochrome in spinach chloroplasts. We concluded thatthe cytochrome is photoreduced through photosystem I and, inthe presence of DCMU and ferrocyanide, is photooxidized by photosystemI. (Received December 20, 1972; )  相似文献   

A chromatic adaptation in the photosynthetic quantum yield forthe light mainly absorbed by chlorophyll a (Chl a light) firstfound by Yocum (1951) was studied with one red and three blue-greenalgal strains. When the cells were grown under a weak Chl alight, the quantum yield in all the strains increased. Comparisonof photosystem (PS) compositions, including phycobilin (PBP)and Chl a antennae, reaction centers I and II, in the cellsgrown under the light mainly absorbed by PBP and Chl a revealedthat changes in quantum yield could be attributed to changesin the ratio of PS I/II; PS I/II becomes larger than 1 underPBP light but decreases to 1 in most cases under Chl a light.The change in the PS I/II ratio is due solely to the changesin the PS I population in the cell; PS II remains constant.These results are similar to the intensity-dependent responsein PS composition. A common hypothesis for both the chromatic and intensity-inducedregulation of PS composition was proposed based on the ideaof balance between the electron flow from H2O to NADP drivenby PS I and II and the cyclic one driven by PS I. (Received May 16, 1985; Accepted September 4, 1985)  相似文献   

The electric potential changes induced by flashing and continuouslight were measured with microcapillary electrodes in isolatedwhole chloroplasts of Peperomia inetallica. In continuous lightthe chloroplast electrical potential rose in two phases. Theinitial rapid phase coincided in extent with the flash-inducedpotential and was insensitive to the electron transfer inhibitorDBMIB. The subsequent phase was relatively slow (20–30ms) and was inhibited by DBMIB. Electron acceptors of photosystemII (p-phenylendiamine, p-benzoquinone) added to DBMIB-treatedchloroplasts produced a suppression of the flash-induced responseand a considerable increase in the steady level of the potentialin the light. The electrical potential associated with the activityof photosystem II rose in continuous light much more slowlythan that associated with the activity of photosystem I aloneor the activities of both photosystems. Illumination of chloroplastswith successive flashes at a repetition rate 5 Hz in the presenceof oxaloacetate, a terminal acceptor of photosystem I, was accompaniedwith a gradual decline of the flash-induced potential. The specificrole of two photosystems in the light-induced H+ transport andthe electrogenesis across the chloroplast thylakoid membranesis discussed.  相似文献   

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