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The central parenchyma in Oxyposthia praedator consists of multifunctional cells. These cells digest food material intracellularly, can effect extracellular digestion through release of digestive enzymes by cell lysis and clasmatosis, and synthesize reserve nutritional substances.  相似文献   

Cilia and associated structures on the gill lamellae on the ctenidum of Chaetoderma nitidulum were studied. The gill cilia are very long and have a whip-like narrow portion distally, where only three microtubule doublets continue to the distal tip. In the transition zone between the cilium and the centriolar triplet section of the basal body there is a dense plate, an aggregation of granules and a ciliary necklace with four strands. Further down there is a short cross-striated basal foot and two conical cross-striated ciliary rootlets. The first rootlet is flattened and directed forward. It connects distally with the basal feet of other adjacent cilia. The second rootlet is rounded in cross-section and vertically directed. The epithelial structures of Chaetoderma show similarities with other Mollusca. We found no structural characters that could support the current hypothesis of a close relationship of Xenoturbella to the Mollusca.  相似文献   

Using characters discernible through electron microscopy, we redefine the organ traditionally identified as the frontal organ in acoelomorph turbellarians as being a collection of two to several large mucus-secreting glands whose necks emerge together through a frontal pore at the exact apical pole of the body, i.e. at the point where the pattern of epidermal ciliary rootlets converges. Representatives that we have studied of each of the acoel families Paratomellidae, Diopisthoporidae, Solenofilomorphidae, Convolutidae, Otocelidae, and Mecynostomidae, as well as a representative of the Nemertodermatida, have such glands. Up to five additional types of glands that open anteriorly outside of the frontal pore, some of which are indistinguishable from glands of the general body wall, could be seen in the nemertodermatid, in Hesiolicium inops (Paratomellidae), and in representatives of the latter four acoel families. In Paratomella, three different types of glands open in diffuse fashion in a frontal glandular complex reminiscent of that in the Macrostomida.Sensory elements near the frontal pore appear to be independent of the gland necks, and so the organ cannot be considered a sensory organ.The frontal organ, as described above, appears very likely to be homologous within the Acoelomorpha, and represents another strong (although unrooted) autapomorphy for this line of turbellarian evolution.  相似文献   

Patterns of musculature as taxonomic characters for the Turbellaria Acoela   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Tyler  Seth  Hyra  Gregory S. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):51-59
While turbellarians are generally assumed to have body-wall musculature consisting routinely of longitudinal, circular, and diagonal fibers, members of the Acoela examined by a fluorescence-microscopy technique specific for actin showed more complicated and distinctive arrangements of muscles, giving promise for better delimiting taxa within this taxonomically difficult order. Certain globose or tear-drop-shaped worms such as Convoluta pulchra and species of Pseudaphanostoma, Mecynostomum, and Otocelis, showed a complex pattern in which muscles longitudinal in the anterior half of the body arc diagonally across the posterior half; complex brushes of parenchymal muscles that cross at the level of the statocyst and arc postero-laterally also characterize these groups. The more elongate acoel Paratomella sp. was found to have musculature dominated by strictly longitudinal fibers and with relatively weak circular fibers and few fibers running diagonally to the body axis, yet the elongate mecynostomid Paedomecynostomum bruneum showed a crossing of antero-longitudinal fibers similar to that seen in the more globose Mecynostomum sp. A distinctive looping of muscles around the mouth is seen in P. bruneum and the Anaperidae. Such similarities and differences in pattern of musculature promise to provide easily recognizable characters for taxonomy of the Acoela at levels ranging from species to family. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Autoradiography has been applied to two acoel turbellarians, Convoluta convoluta and Oxyposthia praedator, to determine the distribution and fate of proliferative cells. In C. convoluta, mitotic figures and nuclei that labelled with [3H]thymidine could be observed in the peripheral parenchyma but not in the middle zone of the central parenchyma. The time required for regeneration of physiologically competent digestive cells was about 10–15 days. In O. praedator, mitotic figures (in metaphase and telophase) were observed in the peripheral parenchyma while none were found in the epidermis either in untreated animals or after treatment with colchicine. Mitotic figures were found only rarely in the central parenchyma and only in its marginal zone. Autoradiographs of O. praedator demonstrated [3H]thymidine incorporation into both the nuclei and the cytoplasm of peripheral parenchymal cells. In the central parenchyma, no nuclei with primary labelling were observed. The digestive parenchyma of the acoels is regarded as a unique histological system involving both specialized cells of the central parenchyma and stem cells located in the peripheral parenchyma.  相似文献   

Relationship between ciliary rootlets and smooth endoplasmic reticulum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In ciliated cells of thymic cysts in Nude mice, ciliary rootlets are constantly and closely related to smooth endoplasmic reticulum and clear vesicles. This special association suggests that this structure does not play only an anchoring role but must be involved in the general metabolism of the cilium.This work was supported by Grant 10,013 from the Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective, Bruxelles, Belgium.Chargé de recherche au Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

The notion that statocysts originated from an infolding of ectoderm lined by ciliated sensory cells has been challenged with evidence of capsule-limited, non-ciliary statocysts in several independent phyla. Statocysts in turbellarians primitively lack cilia and are embedded within or closely adjoined to the cerebral ganglion; they are likely to be derived from nervous tissue. We investigated the development of the simple statocyst in an acoel turbellarian, a statocyst consisting of three cells. Observations of serial TEM sections of embryos at different stages of development support the hypothesis of an inner (non-epithelial) origin of the statocyst. First, a three-cell complex is delimited by a basal lamina; it then undergoes cavitation by swelling, autophagy, and fluid secretion. The statocyst becomes discernible within the precursor ganglion cells while they still contain yolk inclusions. The two outer (parietal) cells, enclosed together by a 10-nm-thick basal lamina, arrange themselves in an ovoid of about 10 µm diameter and surround the inner statolith-forming cell. The statolith is formed later within vacuoles of the statolith-forming cell.  相似文献   

David A. Doe 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):157-163
The copulatory organ of Haplopharynx quadristimulus Ax, 1971 (Carolina form, Rieger, 1977) consists of a proximal prostatic vesicle and a distal stylet apparatus comprising a central tubular stylet and four to five peripheral accessory spines. By electron microscopy it could be seen that the stylet and spines were intracellular specializations. The copulatory organ can be interpreted as a specialization of an epithelial canal extending from the testes to the body wall. In the complex stylet apparatus, the epithelium was differentiated into six cell types. The stylet, which was formed in a matrix syncytium next to the prostatic vesicle, extended into the lumen of the stylet canal. The interior of the stylet apparatus contained one group of cells that had thick ciliary rootlets and another that had rootlet-like ribbons.The cells that contain the rootlets enveloped bundles of longitudinally arranged muscles. The accessory spines were formed in cells which lay peripheral to the muscle bundles. The spines, stylet, rootlet-like ribbons, and rootlets had similar patterns of periodic cross striations. The similarity in striation patterns suggests that the accessory spines and stylet are composed of modified ciliary rootlets.  相似文献   

The appearance and development of the embryonic and larval eyes of the polyclad turbellarian Stylochus mediterraneus were studied. In the embryo, the left epidermal eye appears first. Subsequently, the right epidermal eye appears, and within hours it sinks into the parenchyma and turns into a cerebral eye. Newly hatched Götte's larvae possess both the left epidermal and the right cerebral eye. Three days after hatching, an incomplete eye appears adjacent to the left epidermal eye. The left cerebral eye then originates from this incomplete eye as it sinks into the parenchyma. This third eye is believed to originate through a process of induction.  相似文献   

Summary The eyespots of Microstomum lineare were studied by electron microscopy, light microscopy, and fluorescence microscopy. Each eyespot consists of two ciliary photoreceptor cells shielded by pigment cells and additional sensory cells. The photoreceptor cells are characterized by a distal intracellular cavity lined with 50–100 interwoven cilia. The other sensory cells are of two ultrastructurally different types, one with long cilia predominating and the other with balloonlike cilia. The pigment cells, which envelop processes of the sensory cells, contain pigment vacuoles varying in size and content and give a bright red fluorescence by the Falck-Hillarp method. The eyespots are suggested to perform a dual function as photoreceptors and chemoreceptors. The evolutionary significance of ciliary photoreceptors in Turbellaria is discussed.  相似文献   

Els E. Martens 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):165-173
The ultrastructure of male copulatory organs having a stylet has been studied in some genera of the Proseriata.Within the Monocelididae there was a variety of stylet-like hard structures. The stylet in Monocelis fusca was a differentiation of the basement membrane of the epithelium lining a penis-like muscular papilla. The penis papilla in Ectocotyla consisted of circular muscles surrounded by a thickened basement membrane and an epithelium. Archilopsis sp. and Archilina sp. with a duplex copulatory bulb, had a stylet within a spiny cirrus. The stylet in Archilopsis sp. was a cylindrical muscular protrusion with a thickened basement lamina that lined the cirrus lumen. The stylet structure in Archilina sp. was composed of four long spines which were derivatives of the basement membrane. In Ectocotyla multitesticulata and Dupliminona corsicana, the accessory prostatoid organ was provided with a hook-shaped stylet that was differentiated in the basement membrane and of which the material was continuous with the fibrous matrix between the muscles of the prostatic bulb. The stylet and needles in the Archimonocelis species were intracellular differentiations. The copulatory organ in Carenscoilia biforamen consisted of a tubiform stylet and four needles, all of which were also intracellular specializations.I consider copulatory hard structures in the Turbellaria to be taxonomically significant in terms of structure, differentiation, and location (whether subcellular, in the basement membrane, or intracellular).  相似文献   

Summary The nervous system (NS) of Microstomum lineare (Turbellaria, Macrostomida) was studied by electron and light microscopy, combined with fluorescence histochemistry (Falck-Hillarp method for biogenic monoamines). The NS is primitively organized, with a bilobed brain, two lateral nerve cords lacking commissures, and peripheral nerve cells scattered along the nerve cords. The stomatogastric NS, with a pharyngeal nerve ring, is joined to the central NS by a pair of connective ganglia. A green fluorescence in all parts of the NS indicates catecholaminergic neurons as the dominant neuron type.Ultrastructurally, two types of neurons were identified on the basis of their vesicle content: 1. Aminergic (catecholaminergic) neurons containing densecore vesicles of varying electron-density and size, i.e., small dense-core vesicles (diameter 50–100 nm), vesicles with a highly electron-dense core (60–140 nm), and vesicles with an eccentric dense-core. 2. Presumed peptidergic neuro-secretory neurons containing large granular vesicles (diameter about 200 nm) in the stomatogastric NS and peripheral parts of the central NS. In light microscopy, paraldehyde-thionin stained neurons were observed in the same areas.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the ciliary apparatus of multiciliated epidermal cells in larval and adult sipunculids is described and the phylogenetic implications discussed. The pelagosphera of Apionsoma misakianum has a dense cover of epidermal cilia on the head region. The cilia have a long, narrow distal part and two long ciliary rootlets, one rostrally and one vertically orientated. The adult Phascolion strombus has cilia on the nuchal organ and on the oral side of the tentacles. These cilia have a narrow distal part as in the A. misakianum larva, but the ciliary rootlets have a different structure. The first rootlet on the anterior face of the basal body is very short and small. The second, vertically orientated rootlet is long and relatively thick. The two ciliary rootlets present in the larval A. misakianum are similar to the basal metazoan type of ciliary apparatus of epidermal multiciliated cells and thus likely represent the plesiomorphic state. The minute first rootlet in the adult P. strombus is viewed as a consequence of a secondary reduction. No possible synapomorphic character with the phylogenetically troublesome Xenoturbella was found.  相似文献   

Comparative characterization of the nervous system of the Turbellaria   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Initial stages of the centralization of the nervous apparatus in the Turbellaria can be traced through a comparison of the structure of the nervous system in various representatives of the class. The most primitive state, found in the Acoela, is predominantly plexiform with a varying number of longitudinal trunks. Three, and in some cases four, longitudinal trunks are found in the Proseriata and Temnocephalida. Commissures appear in the Macrostomida and all higher orders and form an orthogon. Brain shape varies from ring-shaped in the Acoela to bilobed in the Neorhabdocoela. While the nervous system of the Polycladida is peculiar, having numerous lateral trunks and separation of dorsal and ventral parts of the nervous system, the development of the nervous system in Müller's larvae of polyclads shows it is of an orthogonal type comparable to other platyhelminths. Transition to parasitism is accompanied by some progressive transformations in the structure of the nervous system.  相似文献   

The Schlauchdrüsen or paracnids of Coelogynopora axi Sopott, 1972 consist of two components: a muscle cell and a secretory cell.The secretory cell is provided with a tube, which bears a border of microvilli. In the normal position the tube is situated in the interior of the secretory cell, and the microvilli stand at the inner side of the tube. After expulsion of the tube the microvilli are situated at its free surface.The evagination takes place in response to chemical stimuli and is effected by the contraction of the myofibrils of the muscle cell.The paracnids are supposed to be mechanisms of defense.However, conformities with nematocysts and spirocysts of the cnidarians do not exist.The paracnids in other species of the Coelogynoporidae, for example in Invenusta paracnida (Karling, 1966) and Carenscoilia bidentata Sopott, 1972 differ from those of C. axi in many details.Abbreviations bl- basement lamina - ep- epidermis - hd- hemidesmosomes - mc- muscle cell - mt- microtubules - mv- microvilli - nsc- nucleus of the secretory cell - sb- bowl containing secretion granules - sc- secretory cell - sd- septate desmosome-like structures - sg- secretion granules - t- tube - tf- tonofilaments  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of release sites of neurochemical messenger substances in the microturbellarian Microstomum lineare was examined. Aminergic neurites form conventional synapses and synapse-like structures (SLS). Variants of true synapses include: single synapses with symmetric pre- and postsynaptic densities, shared synapses, i.e., contacts between 1 pre- and 2 postsynaptic fibres, en passant synapses between parallel axonal membranes, and synapses without thickenings having only clustered vesicles in the presynaptic terminal. SLS on a nerve cell soma or facing an intercellular stromal channel near muscles are described. Peptidergic neurites containing large granular vesicles (LGV) form synaptoids and signs of putative neurosecretory release. Synaptoids between neurites and between neurite and muscle have lucent vacuoles (about 100nm) and dense material at the contact site. In en passage synaptoids dense-core vesicles are embedded in electron-dense material at the contact site. Putative signs of release of neurosecretory material other than typical exocytosis have been observed.  相似文献   

A pair of multiciliate, saccular structures containing multilayered lamellar bodies is reported in the head region of freshly hatched juveniles of the polyopisthocotylean monogenean Sphyranura sp. from Necturus maculosus. Similar structures have been recorded in only one other monogenean, in the oncomiracidium of Entobdella soleae, and the looser packing of the lamellar bodies in Sphyranura has permitted a more detailed ultrastructural study. A comparison is made with similar structures found in digenean miracidia.  相似文献   

Summary Urastoma cyprinae (Graff) is a microturbellarian which has been recorded both as a free-living organism by Westblad (1955) and Marcus (1951) and as a commensal in various lamellibranch molluscs (see Burt & Drinnan 1968). The material used in this study came from oysters, Crassostroea virginica, collected off the coast of Prince Edward Island, in which hosts it occurs in large numbers especially during the summer months when the oysters are spawning (Fleming et al. 1981). When U. cyprinae is exposed to light as happens, for example, when an oyster is opened, it shows a marked negative phototactic response.Preliminary work on the fine structure of the photoreceptors in U. cyprinae shows that the two eyes each consists of: (1) a single cup cell full of relatively large, electron-dense pigment granules; (2) a tripartite conical lens system; and (3) what appear to be two photosensitive rhabdomes. The pigment cup cell has a single, well defined nucleus situated basally and close to the membrane of the pigment cell furthest away from the rhabdomeres. The lens system consists of a cone made up of three, separate but equal, parts. Each part has two, flat inner surfaces which join at an angle of 120°, an outer rounded surface, and a rounded upper surface. When these three parts fit together, the cone-shaped lens is formed with the apex of the lens within the cup of the pigment cell and the rounded, convex, broad end of the cone lying more or less at the same level as the top of the pigment cup and below the epidermis layer. The rhabdomeres lie between the electron dense lenses and the inside of the pigment cup. They show connections to the visual cells which are bipolar: one extension joining the rhabdomeres; the other constituting the axon which extends into the centrally situated brain or into the longitudinal, lateral nerves. The axons that enter the brain, form connections with other axons from the other eye. The axons that extend posteriorly in a lateral position, presumably play a role in facilitating the avoidance reaction.The chemical nature of the unusual lens has not yet been determined. This is presently under investigation and will be reported later at which time our work will be discussed in relation to other types of rhabdomeric eyes in the Turbellaria.  相似文献   

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