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Acoustic Neighbour‐Stranger (N‐S) discrimination is widespread in birds and has evolved to settle territorial disputes with low costs. N‐S discrimination was found both in song‐learning oscines and non‐song‐learning bird taxa, irrespective of the repertoire sizes they have. Therefore, it seems that more than just a single mechanism enable N‐S discrimination. Species with larger repertoires, where males have unique phrases or syllables may rely on such interindividual differences. The majority of birds have rather small repertoires, which often are shared among neighbours. In this case, males are facing the problem of individual recognition when rivals produce songs, at least superficially, identical. To better understand the acoustic basis of N‐S discrimination in species with small and shared repertoires, I studied the ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana). Males of this small oscine species are able to N‐S discrimination based on a single song rendition when presented in a playback experiment, regardless of song‐type diversity and song‐sharing level within a particular population. It was also found that songs of the same type sung by different males differ in the frequency of the initial song phrases and these differences persist over years. Here, I tested whether males are able to discriminate among the natural songs and the artificially modified songs of their neighbours in which the frequency was experimentally changed by relatively small value in comparison with the variation range found in this population. Subjects responded significantly more aggressively to the songs with an artificially modified frequency, suggesting that males treat such songs as having come from the repertoire of a non‐neighbour. These results confirm an earlier prediction that differences in the frequency of shared song types enable N‐S discrimination. The study presents one of the possible mechanisms enabling N‐S discrimination in songbirds with small repertoires and stress the role of within‐song‐type variation, which is still understudied song characteristic.  相似文献   

In the majority of songbird species, males have repertoires of multiple song types used for mate attraction and territory defence. The wood‐warblers (family Parulidae) are a diverse family of songbirds in which males of many migratory species use different song types or patterns of song delivery (known as ‘singing modes’) depending on context. The vocal behaviour of most tropical resident warblers remains undescribed, although these species differ ecologically and behaviourally from migratory species, and may therefore differ in their vocal behaviour. We test whether male Rufous‐capped Warblers Basileuterus rufifrons use distinct singing modes by examining song structure and context‐dependent variation in their songs. We recorded multiple song bouts from 50 male Warblers in a Costa Rican population over 3 years to describe seasonal, diel and annual variation in song structure and vocal behaviour. We found that Rufous‐capped Warbler songs are complex, with many syllable types shared both within and between males’ repertoires. Males varied their song output depending on context: they sang long songs at a high rate at dawn and during the breeding season, and shortened songs in the presence of a vocalizing female mate. Unlike many migratory species, Rufous‐capped Warblers do not appear to have different singing modes; they did not change the song variants used or the pattern of song delivery according to time of day, season or female vocal activity. Our research provides the first detailed vocal analysis of any Basileuterus warbler species, and enhances our understanding of the evolution of repertoire specialization in tropical resident songbirds.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that territorial animals exhibit less aggression in response to neighbours than to strangers, a phenomenon known as dear enemy effect. The influence of acoustic features, such as song type sharing and repertoire sizes, in neighbour recognition has been widely documented in male songbirds. However, few studies have focused on duetting species, and particularly on those where pairs have pair‐specific duet codes (consistent associations of their individual phrase types). Given that each pair in the population can have a unique repertoire of duet types, duet codes have been hypothesized to enhance discrimination. In this context, we tested for evidence of neighbour recognition and duet code discrimination in two closely related species of neotropical wrens, the riverside wren, Cantorchilus semibadius, and the canebrake wren, C. modestus zeledoni. Although both species have moderately large repertoires, riverside wrens have higher levels of phrase type and duet type sharing across the population. We compared the approach and vocal responses of focal pairs to three playback treatments: neighbours' correct duet type, neighbours' incorrect duet type and a strangers' duet type. We found that riverside wrens displayed a stronger response to the strangers' playback than to both neighbours' playbacks, whereas no differences among treatments were found in canebrake wrens. Given that both species exhibited similar levels of aggression during neighbour playbacks, regardless of whether the correct duet code was used, our findings suggest duet codes do not facilitate neighbour recognition. We conclude that the function of duet codes in these species might be more closely related to intra‐pair communication. Finally, we suggest that the level of dear enemy effect a species exhibits depends on ecological factors that influence the perceived level of threat of territory intruders.  相似文献   

In many songbird species, young individuals learn songs from neighbors and then settle nearby, thus creating neighborhoods of conformity to local vocal culture. In some species, individuals appear to postpone song learning until after dispersal, possibly to facilitate conformity to local dialects. Despite decades of study, we still lack a consensus regarding the selective pressures driving this delayed song learning. Two common hypothetical benefits to conformity, and thus delayed song learning, are rooted in territorial interactions; individuals preferentially produce local song either to avoid detection as new arrivals (deceptive mimicry) or to be more effectively recognized as conspecific territory holders. The dickcissel (Spiza americana) is an ideal species in which to study these hypotheses. Males of this species appear to delay song learning until they arrive at their first adult territory, each individual sings a single song type, and conformity to the local song culture is high. Using playback, we contradicted both of the territorial hypotheses described above; male dickcissels did not respond differentially to local vs foreign song playback treatment. We are confident in this lack of difference because dickcissels clearly responded less strongly to a third treatment, neighbor song, than to the other two treatments, demonstrating sufficient power in our experimental design (and providing the first evidence of the dear‐enemy effect in dickcissels). Our results raise the question of why dickcissels respond equally aggressively to both local and foreign songs when other bird species often show reduced aggression toward foreign song. If reduced aggression to foreign song is not ubiquitous in species that achieve conformity through delayed learning, then selection from aggressive territorial interaction seems unlikely to be a general explanation for such delayed learning. Reduced aggression in response to foreign songs in other species may be due to reduced exposure to the stimulus of foreign song or to different cost‐benefit trade‐offs when responding to songs that deviate from the local average.  相似文献   

Bird song plays an important role in the establishment and maintenance of prezygotic reproductive barriers. When two closely related species come into secondary contact, song convergence caused by acquisition of heterospecific songs into the birds’ repertoires is often observed. The proximate mechanisms responsible for such mixed singing, and its effect on the speciation process, are poorly understood. We used a combination of genetic and bioacoustic analyses to test whether mixed singing observed in the secondary contact zone of two passerine birds, the Thrush Nightingale (Luscinia luscinia) and the Common Nightingale (L. megarhynchos), is caused by introgressive hybridization. We analysed song recordings of both species from allopatric and sympatric populations together with genotype data from one mitochondrial and seven nuclear loci. Semi-automated comparisons of our recordings with an extensive catalogue of Common Nightingale song types confirmed that most of the analysed sympatric Thrush Nightingale males were ‘mixed singers’ that use heterospecific song types in their repertoires. None of these ‘mixed singers’ possessed any alleles introgressed from the Common Nightingale, suggesting that they were not backcross hybrids. We also analysed songs of five individuals with intermediate phenotype, which were identified as F1 hybrids between the Thrush Nightingale female and the Common Nightingale male by genetic analysis. Songs of three of these hybrids corresponded to the paternal species (Common Nightingale) but the remaining two sung a mixed song. Our results suggest that although hybridization might increase the tendency for learning songs from both parental species, interspecific cultural transmission is the major proximate mechanism explaining the occurrence of mixed singers among the sympatric Thrush Nightingales. We also provide evidence that mixed singing does not substantially increase the rate of interspecific hybridization and discuss the possible adaptive value of this phenomenon in nightingales.  相似文献   

Song development in oscine songbirds relies on imitation of adult singers and thus leaves developing birds vulnerable to potentially costly errors caused by imitation of inappropriate models, such as the songs of other species. In May and June 2012, we recorded the songs of a bird that made such an error: a male Prairie Warbler (Setophaga discolor) in western Massachusetts that sang songs seemingly acquired by imitating the songs of a Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla). Another song type in the bird's repertoire was a near‐normal Group A Prairie Warbler song, but the bird used this song in contexts normally reserved for Group B songs. Despite its abnormal singing behavior, the aberrant bird successfully defended a territory and attracted a mate that laid two clutches of eggs. Results of playbacks of the focal bird's heterospecific song suggested that neighboring conspecific males learned to associate the Field Sparrow‐like song with the focal male, and responded to the song as if it were a Prairie Warbler song. Our evidence suggests that the focal bird's aberrant singing evoked normal responses from potential mates and rivals. If such responses are widespread among songbirds, the general failure of heterospecific songs, once acquired, to spread through populations by cultural transmission is probably not attributable to a lack of recognition by conspecifics of the songs of heterospecific singers.  相似文献   

In many passerines, males have repertoires of different songs of which some songs are often shared with other males. Sharing of song repertoires among males can provide insights into the context in which songs were acquired and on the role of song repertoires in inter- and intrasexual communication. Here we studied repertoire sharing in male territorial thrush nightingales ( Luscinia luscinia ). We compared male vocal repertoires of the basic song components, full songs, and the sequencing of songs in a bout. The results show that males differed significantly in the size of their song repertoires but not in the size of the repertoire of basic song components. Moreover, they shared almost all (80%) the repertoire of song components but only 30% of their song types. Neighboring males shared significantly more song types than did non-neighboring males but interestingly they did not share more basic song components than non-neighboring males. These results show that the repertoire of basic song components is under much less sexual selection than the size of song repertoires. Sharing of song repertoires among neighbors presumably results from repertoire conversion over time and from males returning to their territories in the following season. Repertoire sharing then can be an indicator of territory tenure and thus it can be important in repelling rivals and in female choice.  相似文献   

Song repertoires are often important determining factors in sexual selection. In several species, older males have larger repertoires than 1-year-old males. The development of large song repertoires by an individual is, however, poorly understood. We studied song element repertoire changes in five individual male Whitethroats Sylvia communis sampled as 1- and 2-year olds. These males increased the size of their element repertoire between their first and second year, but song length and number of different elements per song did not change. On average, 44.3% of the song elements in the first-year repertoire were also found in the second-year repertoire. Elements shared between years were found earlier in the songs and tended to occur in sequences. Sequences of shared elements also seemed to be conserved between years. The study suggests that the song element repertoire of the second year is partly based on the first-year repertoire, which may explain why large song repertoires are mainly expressed by males at least 2 years of age. It would appear, therefore, that song element repertoire size could be a reliable signal of male age.  相似文献   

Upon hearing a conspecific signal, animals must assess their relationship with the signaller and respond appropriately. Territorial animals usually respond more aggressively to strangers than neighbors in a phenomenon known as the “dear enemy effect”. This phenomenon likely evolved because strangers represent a threat to an animal's territory tenure and parentage, whereas neighbors only represent a threat to an animal's parentage because they already possess a territory (providing territory boundaries are established and stable). Although the dear enemy effect has been widely documented using behavioral response variables, little research has been conducted on the physiological responses of animals to neighbors versus strangers. We sought to investigate whether the dear enemy effect is observed physiologically by exposing territorial male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to playback simulating a neighbor or a stranger, and then collecting blood samples to measure plasma testosterone levels. We predicted that song sparrows would exhibit increased testosterone levels after exposure to stranger playback compared to neighbor playback, due to the role testosterone plays in regulating aggression. Contrary to our prediction, we found that song sparrows had higher testosterone levels after exposure to neighbor playback compared to stranger playback. We discuss several explanations for our result, notably that corticosterone may regulate the dear enemy effect in male song sparrows and this may inhibit plasma testosterone. Future studies will benefit from examining corticosterone in addition to testosterone, to better understand the hormonal underpinnings of the dear enemy effect.  相似文献   


The song repertoires of a local group of blackbird Turdus merula males were determined and quantified with respect to individuality and sharing between neighbours. We focused on the long-ranging, introductory whistle part of the song and its motifs of fixed sequences of sounds. These motifs, whether they are used to start the song or placed centrally in the song, constitute the largest units of song that are repeated in the same way every time they are sung. Blackbird motifs therefore are equivalents of song types in other species. The result shows that one needs to analyse more than 200 songs to estimate a male's repertoire, which averaged 44 different motifs. Relative to other species, this is a medium to large song repertoire. The size of the repertoire of start motifs (on average 32) varied only a little between the individuals, whereas that of central motifs (on average 12) varied rather much between the same individuals, suggesting that they form a potential cue for assessment of male quality. The males within the neighbourhood showed a high degree of start motif sharing, which, together with the relatively large repertoires, could be constraining neighbour recognition. However, in most males the possession of a few individually distinctive and frequently repeated motifs could counter such an effect.  相似文献   

In birds with song repertoires, song‐type matching occurs when an individual responds to another individual's song by producing the same song type. Song‐type matching has been described in multiple bird species and a growing body of evidence suggests that song‐type matching may serve as a conventional signal of aggression, particularly in male birds in the temperate zone. Few studies have investigated song‐type matching in tropical birds or female birds, in spite of the fact that avian biodiversity is highest in the tropics, that female song is widespread in the tropics, and that female song is the ancestral state among songbirds. In this study of rufous‐and‐white wrens Thryophilus rufalbus, a resident neotropical songbird where both sexes sing, we presented territorial males and females with playback that simulated a territorial rival producing shared and unshared songs. In response, both males and females sang matched song types at levels statistically equal to levels expected by chance. Furthermore, males and females exhibited similar levels of aggression and similar vocal behaviours in response to playback of both shared and unshared songs. These results indicate that rufous‐and‐white wrens do not use song‐type matching in territorial conflicts as a conventional signal of aggression. We discuss alternative hypotheses for the function of song‐type sharing in tropical birds. In particular, we point out that shared songs may play an important role in intra‐pair communication, especially for birds where males and females combine their songs in vocal duets, and this may supersede the function of song‐type matching in some tropical birds.  相似文献   

Adult Song Sparrows do not Alter their Song Repertoires   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To understand fully the function of vocal learning, it is important to know when, during an individual's lifetime, learning occurs. Songbirds are generally categorized into two groups with respect to their adult song learning ability. 'Open-ended' song learners are able to learn to produce new songs in adulthood, whereas 'age-limited' song learners can only acquire songs during their first year of life. Researchers have long assumed that certain oscine species are open-ended or age-limited song learners, but the evidence to date has been inadequate to test these assumptions for most species. We tested the hypothesis that song sparrows ( Melospiza melodia ) are age-limited song learners who do not alter their song repertoires in adulthood by examining the song repertoires of 24 color-banded males who were fully recorded in two, three or four different years. We compared sonagrams of the song types produced by males in different years and looked for any changes in repertoire composition (i.e. added or dropped song types). With few exceptions, males produced song repertoires that were identical in every year they were recorded. The exceptions (four males who did not produce one of their song types during one recording session) were all cases in which we believe that we missed recording a song type that a male did indeed have, not that the males dropped a song type. The finding that adult males do not alter the composition of their song repertoires provides strong evidence that song sparrows are age-limited song learners. Although it is possible that song sparrows make subtle within-song type changes across years, such changes would not necessarily constitute new song learning.  相似文献   


The Skylark Alauda arvensis is a territorial species of open landscape in which pairs settle in stable and adjacent territories during the breeding season. Due to the heterogeneity of the habitat, territories are gathered in patches spaced by a few kilometres, in which each male produces very long and complex flight songs as a part of the territorial behaviour. We showed that, in a given patch, all the males (neighbours) share some particular sequences of syllables in their songs, whereas males settled in different patches (strangers) have almost no sequences in common. Such a phenomenon is known as microdialect. To test the hypothesis that these shared sequences support a group signature, we made playback experiments with “chimeric” signals: songs of strangers where the sequences shared by neighbours were artificially inserted. Behavioural responses to playbacks indicated a neighbour-stranger discrimination consistent with the dear enemy phenomenon, i.e. a reduced aggression toward neighbours compared to strangers. Furthermore, the same level of responses, observed when a “chimeric” song and a neighbour song were broadcast, indicated that shared sequences are recognised and identified as markers of the neighbourhood identity.  相似文献   

Among songbirds, the capacity to associate particular songs with particular singers (i.e., vocal recognition) forms the cognitive basis for more complex communication behaviors such as female choice and territoriality. In the present study, we combine operant conditioning techniques and excitotoxic lesions to the forebrain nucleus HVc to examine the role of this region in the discrimination, associative learning, and categorization of conspecific song. We trained adult male and female European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, to recognize simultaneously the songs of several conspecific males. Then, using a series of transfer procedures, we demonstrate that correct recognition does not generalize to song bouts containing novel motifs from familiar singers. This suggests that starlings do not make use of individually invariant source or filter characteristics for vocal recognition. We then lesioned a portion of HVc bilaterally with ibotenic acid, and exposed the birds to a series of manipulations testing the discrimination, associative learning, and categorization of conspecific song. The lesions attenuated song production among males, but retention of the basic recognition task (i.e., maintenance of the discrimination) was unaffected. However, when the response contingencies were reversed-as a test of associative learning independent of discrimination-the initial performance and subsequent learning rate were negatively correlated with the size of the HVc lesions. This suggests that HVc plays a role in the formation of associations between a song and some referent. The results of this study are discussed in light of earlier claims regarding the role of HVc in the perceptual processing of conspecific song.  相似文献   

The ability of individuals to recognize others based on vocalizations has been proven in many species of birds. However, we are still far from understanding important aspects of the discrimination process. For example, it is still not fully understood whether, and why, repertoire size hinders discrimination between individuals. Further, the strategies and vocal cues used for discrimination between individuals are largely unexplored. In this study, we tested the ability of chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita and willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus, two closely related species with different repertoire sizes and song organization, to differentiate between their neighbours on the basis of a single song of a neighbouring male. We did playback experiments within the ‘dear enemy’ paradigm in which we tested resident males with a single song of a neighbour broadcast from the correct and opposite, incorrect territory border. Both species displayed a strong ability to discriminate between their neighbours representing further evidence that repertoire size per se has no negative impact on individual recognition in songbirds. Using a single song for playback allowed us to speculate about the nature of the possible cues used by males for recognition. Individual recognition in both species is most likely based on the modulation of syllables or on general voice characteristics. We suggest that specific changes in song organization, for example the tendency of individuals to insert a distinct phrase at the beginning of each song, may facilitate individual recognition and compensate for increased repertoire size in willow warblers.  相似文献   

Acoustic frequency (pitch) cues are known to be important in the recognition of conspecific song in a number of songbird species. Mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) and black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) are sympatric over parts of their ranges and their species-typical songs share many features. I examined the acoustic characteristics of song of these two congeners in a region of sympatry in southern Alberta, Canada. As reported for other populations in allopatry, black-capped chickadees emphasized relative frequency cues in song production. In particular, variation in the ratios between note frequencies was significantly less than variation in the note frequencies themselves. In contrast, songs of mountain chickadees did not have constant frequency ratios and contained an introductory acoustic element absent in black-capped chickadee song. Both species may rely on song note frequency or the presence of this introductory acoustic element when differentiating between conspecific song and heterospecific song. Song measures for chickadees in sympatry were similar to measures in allopatry, providing little evidence for character displacement in song production.  相似文献   

Birds with small song repertoires have a limited number of song types which may serve multiple functions. The Grey‐cheeked Fulvetta Alcippe morrisonia is a non‐migratory species of lowland forests in Taiwan. Its song consists of two distinct phrases: a whistled phrase and a harmonic one. Each individual usually sings only one type of whistled phrase, and the geographical patterns of songs can be distinguished by the motif of this phrase. We proposed a dual adaptation hypothesis for the functions of these two phrases. Playback experiments including six sound stimuli (familiar whistled phrases, familiar harmonic phrases familiar complete songs, foreign whistled phrases, foreign harmonic phrases and foreign complete songs) were conducted at 12 sites in the Shoushan Nature Park of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Grey‐cheeked Fulvettas came closer to the playback speaker and increased counter‐singing more in response to the familiar whistled phrase (local dialect) than to a foreign whistled phrase (distant dialect). However, birds responded equally to the playback of harmonic stimuli from familiar and foreign sources. We suggest that in this species, whistled phrases are used for local recognition and harmonic phrases are used for species recognition in short‐range communication.  相似文献   

Of 205 tree creeper males in 7 syntopic populations 69 (34%) were mixed singers. Of these, 17 sang complete short-toed tree creeper song, six sang incomplete and 46 sang only one element thereof. In three populations (Neuenburg, Wendhausen, Kenzingen) there was a dominance of mixed singers, in another population (Lorettowald) a large proportion was present. Only one mixed singer was found in each of the last three populations (Freiburg, Bodanrück, Seerücken). Three populations had high proportions of mixed singers between 1960 and 1970 and later in 1983 and/or 1984. Two other populations had only one mixed singer in both periods. A small isolated population of 4 to 5 tree creeper pairs (Lorettowald) with many mixed singers was surrounded by populations with low proportions of mixed singers (Bodanrück, Seerücken). The proportions of different forms of mixed songs in Neuenburg in 1983 and 1984 were almost identical to those in the 1960′s whereas highly significant changes occurred in Kenzingen. The pronounced differences in the songs of tree creepers and short-toed tree creepers probably do not result from contrast reinforcement. Mixed song is also probably not caused by character (vocal) convergence according to Cody (1969) and Dobkin (1979). Instead, it seems more probable that mixed song results from errors in copying, which are passed on to the next offspring by cultural transmission.  相似文献   

Among songbirds with large song-type repertoires, there may be functional variation in how individuals organize and display song-type diversity over time. Past studies focusing on conventional measures of song production have been extremely productive. However, network analysis offers a novel set of tools to quantify additional, previously unstudied elements of song organization and display. We studied protracted bouts of singing by 10 male House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to (1) test functional hypotheses of variation in song diversity in this species, and (2) evaluate the utility of network metrics in such research. Our analysis included a variety of conventional measures of song production and several standard metrics from network theory to quantify how variably the many song types in a male’s repertoire could be connected to one another and the limitations or diversity of their song sequences. Analysis of conventional variables showed that males produced more and longer songs, at shorter intervals, containing more syllables and more different syllable types, and also more different song types, prior to than after pairing and early in the morning regardless of breeding stage. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that song diversity functions in mate attraction and possibly in territory signaling. In contrast, analyses of network metrics revealed variety in song sequencing by males, but comparatively few and weak effects associated with either breeding stage or time of day. Overall, most song types connected to only a few others and a relatively small proportion of all possible song-type transitions actually occurred. Hence, much of the variety in song sequencing that was possible with the large song repertoires of males was not realized. The latter outcomes, brought to light via network analyses, highlight an important paradox for future research on this and related species with large song repertoires.  相似文献   

Songbirds of many species acquire their songs by imitating the songs of conspecific singers. Conclusive evidence of such imitation comes from controlled laboratory studies, but such studies do not reveal when and where songbirds learn their songs under natural conditions. To determine the timing and location of song learning in a population of prairie warblers, we compared the songs of yearling prairie warblers of known hatching location to the songs of other birds in the yearlings' natal and first breeding areas. The comparisons yielded a likely model song (and model singer) for each of the song types used by the focal yearlings. We supplemented our findings from the song comparisons with inferences drawn from an analysis of local geographic variation in songs. This analysis revealed that shared song types showed no tendency to be geographically clustered within the study area. Taken together, our data suggest that prairie warblers learn their songs during the hatch year, at locations somewhat distant (mean distance 1,437 m) from their natal site, most likely as birds wander about during the post-fledging period.  相似文献   

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