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MOTIVATION: Phylogenomics integrates the vast amount of phylogenetic information contained in complete genome sequences, and is rapidly becoming the standard for reliably inferring species phylogenies. There are, however, fundamental differences between the ways in which phylogenomic approaches like gene content, superalignment, superdistance and supertree integrate the phylogenetic information from separate orthologous groups. Furthermore, they all depend on the method by which the orthologous groups are initially determined. Here, we systematically compare these four phylogenomic approaches, in parallel with three approaches for large-scale orthology determination: pairwise orthology, cluster orthology and tree-based orthology. RESULTS: Including various phylogenetic methods, we apply a total of 54 fully automated phylogenomic procedures to the fungi, the eukaryotic clade with the largest number of sequenced genomes, for which we retrieved a golden standard phylogeny from the literature. Phylogenomic trees based on gene content show, relative to the other methods, a bias in the tree topology that parallels convergence in lifestyle among the species compared, indicating convergence in gene content. CONCLUSIONS: Complete genomes are no guarantee for good or even consistent phylogenies. However, the large amounts of data in genomes enable us to carefully select the data most suitable for phylogenomic inference. In terms of performance, the superalignment approach, combined with restrictive orthology, is the most successful in recovering a fungal phylogeny that agrees with current taxonomic views, and allows us to obtain a high-resolution phylogeny. We provide solid support for what has grown to be a common practice in phylogenomics during its advance in recent years. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

Reliable prediction of orthology is central to comparative genomics. Approaches based on phylogenetic analyses closely resemble the original definition of orthology and paralogy and are known to be highly accurate. However, the large computational cost associated to these analyses is a limiting factor that often prevents its use at genomic scales. Recently, several projects have addressed the reconstruction of large collections of high-quality phylogenetic trees from which orthology and paralogy relationships can be inferred. This provides us with the opportunity to infer the evolutionary relationships of genes from multiple, independent, phylogenetic trees. Using such strategy, we combine phylogenetic information derived from different databases, to predict orthology and paralogy relationships for 4.1 million proteins in 829 fully sequenced genomes. We show that the number of independent sources from which a prediction is made, as well as the level of consistency across predictions, can be used as reliable confidence scores. A webserver has been developed to easily access these data (http://orthology.phylomedb.org), which provides users with a global repository of phylogeny-based orthology and paralogy predictions.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Comparative sequence analysis is widely used to study genome function and evolution. This approach first requires the identification of homologous genes and then the interpretation of their homology relationships (orthology or paralogy). To provide help in this complex task, we developed three databases of homologous genes containing sequences, multiple alignments and phylogenetic trees: HOBACGEN, HOVERGEN and HOGENOM. In this paper, we present two new tools for automating the search for orthologs or paralogs in these databases. RESULTS: First, we have developed and implemented an algorithm to infer speciation and duplication events by comparison of gene and species trees (tree reconciliation). Second, we have developed a general method to search in our databases the gene families for which the tree topology matches a peculiar tree pattern. This algorithm of unordered tree pattern matching has been implemented in the FamFetch graphical interface. With the help of a graphical editor, the user can specify the topology of the tree pattern, and set constraints on its nodes and leaves. Then, this pattern is compared with all the phylogenetic trees of the database, to retrieve the families in which one or several occurrences of this pattern are found. By specifying ad hoc patterns, it is therefore possible to identify orthologs in our databases.  相似文献   

测序技术的不断发展和价格的日益降低使得系统发育组学更深层次的研究成为可能。在系统发育组学分析中,至关重要的步骤是直同源预测,这是因为进行系统发育重建的先决条件是进行比对的基因是直同源的。这里我们简单地回顾了直同源的定义和直同源预测的不同方法,与此同时,我们还给出了一些选择更合适的直同源预测方法的建议。  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The determination of gene orthology is a prerequisite for mining and utilizing the rapidly increasing amount of sequence data for genome-scale phylogenetics and comparative genomic studies. Until now, most researchers use pairwise distance comparisons algorithms, such as BLAST, COG, RBH, RSD and INPARANOID, to determine gene orthology. In contrast, orthology determination within a character-based phylogenetic framework has not been utilized on a genomic scale owing to the lack of efficiency and automation. RESULTS: We have developed OrthologID, a Web application that automates the labor-intensive procedures of gene orthology determination within a character-based phylogenetic framework, thus making character-based orthology determination on a genomic scale possible. In addition to generating gene family trees and determining orthologous gene sets for complete genomes, OrthologID can also identify diagnostic characters that define each orthologous gene set, as well as diagnostic characters that are responsible for classifying query sequences from other genomes into specific orthology groups. The OrthologID database currently includes several complete plant genomes, including Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Populus trichocarpa, as well as a unicellular outgroup, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. To improve the general utility of OrthologID beyond plant species, we plan to expand our sequence database to include the fully sequenced genomes of prokaryotes and other non-plant eukaryotes. AVAILABILITY: http://nypg.bio.nyu.edu/orthologid/  相似文献   



We present here the PhIGs database, a phylogenomic resource for sequenced genomes. Although many methods exist for clustering gene families, very few attempt to create truly orthologous clusters sharing descent from a single ancestral gene across a range of evolutionary depths. Although these non-phylogenetic gene family clusters have been used broadly for gene annotation, errors are known to be introduced by the artifactual association of slowly evolving paralogs and lack of annotation for those more rapidly evolving. A full phylogenetic framework is necessary for accurate inference of function and for many studies that address pattern and mechanism of the evolution of the genome. The automated generation of evolutionary gene clusters, creation of gene trees, determination of orthology and paralogy relationships, and the correlation of this information with gene annotations, expression information, and genomic context is an important resource to the scientific community.  相似文献   

Correct orthology assignment is a critical prerequisite of numerous comparative genomics procedures, such as function prediction, construction of phylogenetic species trees and genome rearrangement analysis. We present an algorithm for the detection of non-orthologs that arise by mistake in current orthology classification methods based on genome-specific best hits, such as the COGs database. The algorithm works with pairwise distance estimates, rather than computationally expensive and error-prone tree-building methods. The accuracy of the algorithm is evaluated through verification of the distribution of predicted cases, case-by-case phylogenetic analysis and comparisons with predictions from other projects using independent methods. Our results show that a very significant fraction of the COG groups include non-orthologs: using conservative parameters, the algorithm detects non-orthology in a third of all COG groups. Consequently, sequence analysis sensitive to correct orthology assignments will greatly benefit from these findings.  相似文献   

Many of the eukaryotic phylogenomic analyses published to date were based on alignments of hundreds to thousands of genes. Frequently, in such analyses, the most realistic evolutionary models currently available are often used to minimize the impact of systematic error. However, controversy remains over whether or not idiosyncratic gene family dynamics (i.e., gene duplications and losses) and incorrect orthology assignments are always appropriately taken into account. In this paper, we present an innovative strategy for overcoming orthology assignment problems. Rather than identifying and eliminating genes with paralogy problems, we have constructed a data set comprised exclusively of conserved single-copy protein domains that, unlike most of the commonly used phylogenomic data sets, should be less confounded by orthology miss-assignments. To evaluate the power of this approach, we performed maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses to infer the evolutionary relationships within the opisthokonts (which includes Metazoa, Fungi, and related unicellular lineages). We used this approach to test 1) whether Filasterea and Ichthyosporea form a clade, 2) the interrelationships of early-branching metazoans, and 3) the relationships among early-branching fungi. We also assessed the impact of some methods that are known to minimize systematic error, including reducing the distance between the outgroup and ingroup taxa or using the CAT evolutionary model. Overall, our analyses support the Filozoa hypothesis in which Ichthyosporea are the first holozoan lineage to emerge followed by Filasterea, Choanoflagellata, and Metazoa. Blastocladiomycota appears as a lineage separate from Chytridiomycota, although this result is not strongly supported. These results represent independent tests of previous phylogenetic hypotheses, highlighting the importance of sophisticated approaches for orthology assignment in phylogenomic analyses.  相似文献   

Phylogenomic analyses of hundreds of protein-coding genes aimed at resolving phylogenetic relationships is now a common practice. However, no software currently exists that includes tools for dataset construction and subsequent analysis with diverse validation strategies to assess robustness. Furthermore, there are no publicly available high-quality curated databases designed to assess deep (>100 million years) relationships in the tree of eukaryotes. To address these issues, we developed an easy-to-use software package, PhyloFisher (https://github.com/TheBrownLab/PhyloFisher), written in Python 3. PhyloFisher includes a manually curated database of 240 protein-coding genes from 304 eukaryotic taxa covering known eukaryotic diversity, a novel tool for ortholog selection, and utilities that will perform diverse analyses required by state-of-the-art phylogenomic investigations. Through phylogenetic reconstructions of the tree of eukaryotes and of the Saccharomycetaceae clade of budding yeasts, we demonstrate the utility of the PhyloFisher workflow and the provided starting database to address phylogenetic questions across a large range of evolutionary time points for diverse groups of organisms. We also demonstrate that undetected paralogy can remain in phylogenomic “single-copy orthogroup” datasets constructed using widely accepted methods such as all vs. all BLAST searches followed by Markov Cluster Algorithm (MCL) clustering and application of automated tree pruning algorithms. Finally, we show how the PhyloFisher workflow helps detect inadvertent paralog inclusions, allowing the user to make more informed decisions regarding orthology assignments, leading to a more accurate final dataset.

Phylogenomic analyses of hundreds of protein-coding genes aimed at resolving phylogenetic relationships is now a common practice. This article presents PhyloFisher, a community-driven tool for phylogenomic dataset construction to infer deep and shallow phylogenetic relationships among eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The advances accelerated by next-generation sequencing and long-read sequencing technologies continue to provide an impetus for plant phylogenetic study.In the past decade,a large number of phylogenetic studies adopting hundreds to thousands of genes across a wealth of clades have emerged and ushered plant phylogenetics and evolution into a new era.In the meantime,a roadmap for researchers when making decisions across different approaches for their phylogenomic research design is imminent.This r...  相似文献   

Contemporary phylogenomic studies frequently incorporate two-step coalescent analyses wherein the first step is to infer individual-gene trees, generally using maximum-likelihood implemented in the popular programs PhyML or RAxML . Four concerns with this approach are that these programs only present a single fully resolved gene tree to the user despite potential for ambiguous support, insufficient phylogenetic signal to fully resolve each gene tree, inexact computer arithmetic affecting the reported likelihood of gene trees, and an exclusive focus on the most likely tree while ignoring trees that are only slightly suboptimal or within the error tolerance. Taken together, these four concerns are sufficient for RAxML and Phy ML users to be suspicious of the resulting (perhaps over-resolved) gene-tree topologies and (perhaps unjustifiably high) bootstrap support for individual clades. In this study, we sought to determine how frequently these concerns apply in practice to contemporary phylogenomic studies that use RAxML for gene-tree inference. We did so by re-analyzing 100 genes from each of ten studies that, taken together, are representative of many empirical phylogenomic studies. Our seven findings are as follows. First, the few search replicates that are frequently applied in phylogenomic studies are generally insufficient to find the optimal gene-tree topology. Second, there is often more topological variation among slightly suboptimal gene trees relative to the best-reported tree than can be safely ignored. Third, the Shimodaira–Hasegawa-like approximate likelihood ratio test is highly effective at identifying dubiously supported clades and outperforms the alternative approaches of relying on bootstrap support or collapsing minimum-length branches. Fourth, the bootstrap can, but rarely does, indicate high support for clades that are not supported amongst slightly suboptimal trees. Fifth, increasing the accuracy by which RA xML optimizes model-parameter values generally has a nominal effect on selection of optimal trees. Sixth, tree searches using the GTRCAT model were generally less effective at finding optimal known trees than those using the GTRGAMMA model. Seventh, choice of gene-tree sampling strategy can affect inferred coalescent branch lengths, species-tree topology and branch support.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing and phylogenomics hold great promise for elucidating complex relationships among large plant families. Here, we performed targeted capture of low copy sequences followed by next-generation sequencing on the Illumina platform in the large and diverse angiosperm family Compositae (Asteraceae). The family is monophyletic, based on morphology and molecular data, yet many areas of the phylogeny have unresolved polytomies and interpreting phylogenetic patterns has been historically difficult. In order to outline a method and provide a framework and for future phylogenetic studies in the Compositae, we sequenced 23 taxa from across the family in which the relationships were well established as well as a member of the sister family Calyceraceae. We generated nuclear data from 795 loci and assembled chloroplast genomes from off-target capture reads enabling the comparison of nuclear and chloroplast genomes for phylogenetic analyses. We also analyzed multi-copy nuclear genes in our data set using a clustering method during orthology detection, and we applied a network approach to these clusters—analyzing all related locus copies. Using these data, we produced hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships employing both a conservative (restricted to only loci with one copy per targeted locus) and a multigene approach (including all copies per targeted locus). The methods and bioinformatics workflow presented here provide a solid foundation for future work aimed at understanding gene family evolution in the Compositae as well as providing a model for phylogenomic analyses in other plant mega-families.  相似文献   

Discrepancies in phylogenetic trees of bacteria and archaea are often explained as lateral gene transfer events. However, such discrepancies may also be due to phylogenetic artifacts or orthology assignment problems. A first step that may help to resolve this dilemma is to estimate the extent of phylogenetic inconsistencies in trees of prokaryotes in comparison with those of higher eukaryotes, where no lateral gene transfer is expected. To test this, we used 21 proteomes each of eukaryotes (mainly opisthokonts), proteobacteria, and archaea that spanned equivalent levels of genetic divergence. In each domain of life, we defined a set of putative orthologous sequences using a phylogenetic-based orthology protocol and, as a reference topology, we used a tree constructed with concatenated genes of each domain. Our results show, for most of the tests performed, that the magnitude of topological inconsistencies with respect to the reference tree was very similar in the trees of proteobacteria and eukaryotes. When clade support was taken into account, prokaryotes showed some more inconsistencies, but then all values were very low. Discrepancies were only consistently higher in archaea but, as shown by simulation analysis, this is likely due to the particular tree of the archaeal species used here being more difficult to reconstruct, whereas the trees of proteobacteria and eukaryotes were of similar difficulty. Although these results are based on a relatively small number of genes, it seems that phylogenetic reconstruction problems, including orthology assignment problems, have a similar overall effect over prokaryotic and eukaryotic trees based on single genes. Consequently, lateral gene transfer between distant prokaryotic species may have been more rare than previously thought, which opens the way to obtain the tree of life of bacterial and archaeal species using genomic data and the concatenation of adequate genes, in the same way as it is usually done in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Accurate genome-wide identification of orthologs is a central problem in comparative genomics, a fact reflected by the numerous orthology identification projects developed in recent years. However, only a few reports have compared their accuracy, and indeed, several recent efforts have not yet been systematically evaluated. Furthermore, orthology is typically only assessed in terms of function conservation, despite the phylogeny-based original definition of Fitch. We collected and mapped the results of nine leading orthology projects and methods (COG, KOG, Inparanoid, OrthoMCL, Ensembl Compara, Homologene, RoundUp, EggNOG, and OMA) and two standard methods (bidirectional best-hit and reciprocal smallest distance). We systematically compared their predictions with respect to both phylogeny and function, using six different tests. This required the mapping of millions of sequences, the handling of hundreds of millions of predicted pairs of orthologs, and the computation of tens of thousands of trees. In phylogenetic analysis or in functional analysis where high specificity is required, we find that OMA and Homologene perform best. At lower functional specificity but higher coverage level, OrthoMCL outperforms Ensembl Compara, and to a lesser extent Inparanoid. Lastly, the large coverage of the recent EggNOG can be of interest to build broad functional grouping, but the method is not specific enough for phylogenetic or detailed function analyses. In terms of general methodology, we observe that the more sophisticated tree reconstruction/reconciliation approach of Ensembl Compara was at times outperformed by pairwise comparison approaches, even in phylogenetic tests. Furthermore, we show that standard bidirectional best-hit often outperforms projects with more complex algorithms. First, the present study provides guidance for the broad community of orthology data users as to which database best suits their needs. Second, it introduces new methodology to verify orthology. And third, it sets performance standards for current and future approaches.  相似文献   

Phylogenomics is aimed at studying functional and evolutionary aspects of genome biology using phylogenetic analysis of whole genomes. Current approaches to genome phylogenies are commonly founded in terms of phylogenetic trees. However, several evolutionary processes are non tree-like in nature, including recombination and lateral gene transfer (LGT). Phylogenomic networks are a special type of phylogenetic network reconstructed from fully sequenced genomes. The network model, comprising genomes connected by pairwise evolutionary relations, enables the reconstruction of both vertical and LGT events. Modeling genome evolution in the form of a network enables the use of an extensive toolbox developed for network research. The structural properties of phylogenomic networks open up fundamentally new insights into genome evolution.  相似文献   



The evolutionary history of organisms is expressed in phylogenetic trees. The most widely used phylogenetic trees describing the evolution of all organisms have been constructed based on single-gene phylogenies that, however, often produce conflicting results. Incongruence between phylogenetic trees can result from the violation of the orthology assumption and stochastic and systematic errors.  相似文献   

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