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卫生填埋场微生物气溶胶的逸散及潜在风险   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着对微生物气溶胶认识的提高,其产生、来源、扩散及风险研究获得了越来越多的关注。卫生填埋场是微生物气溶胶的重要产生源之一。本文阐述了卫生填埋场气溶胶颗粒中微生物的浓度水平、粒径分布、种群结构,解析了微生物气溶胶的逸散特征及影响因素,介绍了微生物气溶胶对人体健康的潜在风险及评价方法,并展望了未来卫生填埋场逸散微生物的研究趋势及方向,为卫生填埋场微生物气溶胶的控制与削减提供了科学依据和参考。  相似文献   

以钝齿棒状杆菌噬菌体B271血清型为病毒等小颗粒生物粒子的模拟剂,建立了一种适合这类小颗粒生物粒子气溶胶存活研究的方法。本文从该噬菌体耐气溶胶化特性、气溶胶粒谱、用气溶胶示踪剂求算物理衰亡的方法和气溶胶采样回收技术等方面探讨了病毒气溶胶存活研究中的几个关键技术问题,为病毒气溶胶存活研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

目的:研究城市小区中生物剂气溶胶的扩散模拟和污染区域的划分,为反生物恐怖危害评估及应急响应提供决策依据。方法:以典型生物剂炭疽为例,利用计算流体力学中的离散相模型对小区环境中生物剂气溶胶的扩散规律进行研究;对扩散后生物剂气溶胶的数目分布进行量化分析,结合吸入式炭疽的剂量-反应模型进行污染区域的划分。结果:通过计算机模拟,得到了生物剂气溶胶在小区环境中的扩散规律及数目分布,并依据人员感染炭疽概率的不同划分出小区内的污染区域。结论:利用离散相模型和剂量-反应模型,可以对城市小区中生物剂气溶胶的扩散规律进行模拟并划分污染区域,为反生物恐怖危害评估及应急响应提供决策依据。  相似文献   

为了理解栖息地区域的周期性变化对物种生存的影响,本文研究了周期演化区域上一类具捕获项的Logistic反应扩散模型.我们首先在区域的增长为各向同性这一前提下,将模型转换为固定区域上的反应扩散问题,再利用相关的特征值问题和上下解方法得出模型解的渐近性态.根据所得结论,我们进一步就区域演化对物种的影响给出了生物学解释.  相似文献   

草鱼呼肠孤病毒在CIK细胞中复制及形态发生的研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
邹桂平  方勤 《中国病毒学》2000,15(2):188-192
以草鱼呼肠孤病毒(GCRV)感染的草鱼肾细胞系(CIK)为模型,进行了草鱼呼肠孤病毒在细胞内的形态发生的研究.当病毒以感染复数为5~10PFU/CELL感染CIK细胞时,在病毒感染细胞4h以内的切片中,可观察到脱去部分外层衣壳的不完整病毒颗粒.感染细胞8h,可观察到浆胞内病毒发生基质,其内含有大量的直径约50nm的亚病毒颗粒,无外层蛋白结构.感染12~16h后,这些亚病毒颗粒装配上外层蛋白结构,形成直径为72nm左右的成熟的病毒粒子.病毒感染细胞8h后,开始出现典型的病毒包含体,16~20h小时病毒包含体裂解,继而释放出有感染性的子代病毒颗粒.该结果有助于对GCRV致病机理的了解.  相似文献   

目的 研究单个病毒颗粒的行为特性对于揭示调控病毒生命周期的内在机制、发展新型抗病毒治疗方法具有重要基础意义。原子力显微镜(AFM)的出现为高分辨率探测单个病毒颗粒的结构和力学特性提供了新的强大工具,极大地促进了物理病毒学的发展。然而,目前人们对于力学特性在病毒生命活动过程中调控作用的认知仍然很不足,特别是利用多参数AFM成像技术对病毒颗粒开展的研究还不多见。本文结合AFM多参数成像技术和压痕实验技术研究了溶液环境下化学刺激诱导的单个天然状态病毒颗粒结构及力学特性动态变化。方法 通过在盖玻片基底表面覆盖一层多聚赖氨酸以将慢病毒颗粒吸附到基底,随后利用AFM直接在溶液环境下对天然状态的单个病毒颗粒进行探测。基于AFM峰值力轻敲(PFT)多参数成像模式,同时获取单个病毒颗粒的形貌结构及力学特性图。在AFM形貌图导引下控制AFM探针移动至单个病毒颗粒中央部位进行压痕实验以测量病毒力学特性。利用75%酒精溶液对病毒颗粒进行处理后,对病毒颗粒的形貌结构及力学特性变化情况进行观测。结果 利用AFM在溶液环境下可对单个病毒颗粒的形貌及力学特性进行高质量成像表征,实验结果显示病毒颗粒在空气中和溶液中分别...  相似文献   

正自2015年寨卡病毒在巴西大规模暴发以来,寨卡病毒的传播呈现上升态势,并不断向亚洲地区扩散,各国科学家紧锣密鼓地展开了对寨卡病毒发病机制的研究.目前,人们已经成功解析出寨卡病毒颗粒以及数个病毒蛋白的三维结构,并对其不同结构组分进行了深入的研究.最新一项来自中国科学技术大学金腾川团队的研究,在寨卡病毒NS3解旋酶结构和机理方而取得了重要突破,相关结果在线发表于《核酸研究》(Nucleic Acids Research)~[1].寨卡病毒是黄病毒科的一种虫媒病毒,病毒基因组由单股正链RNA构成,分别编码3个结构蛋白  相似文献   

张潇  陆林  张晓瑶  李冬花 《生态学报》2021,41(4):1303-1313
灾难地景观格局及生境质量演化特征研究对于评估灾难破坏力及其滞后性,揭示人类活动对自然环境的影响机制具有重要意义。基于Landsat系列遥感影像提取切尔诺贝利隔离区景观类型结构,借助景观指数和InVEST模型刻画研究区近49年来的景观格局和生境质量演化轨迹,使用CA-Markov模型模拟核事故对区域生态景观的影响。研究表明:(1)切尔诺贝利核事故改变了隔离区原有的景观结构,导致耕地、建设用地等人为景观数量大幅缩减,土地利用程度显著下降,但核事故未对隔离区当前的景观结构造成实质性负面影响;(2)切尔诺贝利核事故致使隔离区人为干扰减少,植被连通性和集聚度提升,景观格局总体向好发展;(3)隔离区的设立扭转了区内生境质量恶化趋势,由耕地形成的低生境质量区域迅速转变为草地、林地等高生境质量区域,区内生境质量极大改善;(4)切尔诺贝利核事故使得区内高生境质量区域占比提升34%,改变了原有以耕地、建设用地不断扩张为主线的景观演化轨迹和生境质量不断退化的发展趋势。  相似文献   

呼肠孤病毒内源性转录的结构基础   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
方勤  丁清泉 《中国病毒学》2004,19(5):535-539
呼肠孤病毒为自然界特有的分段dsRNA基因组,其宿主范围十分广泛,包括哺乳动物、无脊椎动物、植物、真菌与细菌.随着结构生物学与信息处理等新技术的运用与发展,近年来,在呼肠孤病毒结构研究方面已取得突破性成果.特别是运用X射线晶体衍射及低温电镜与三维重构术对呼肠孤病毒核心蛋白与完整颗粒结构高分辨率的解析,不仅揭示了呼肠孤病毒核衣壳蛋白所具有的转录酶活性,同时阐明了内源性RNA转录与调节的结构基础.  相似文献   

综述了病毒在植物寄主内扩散中的运动蛋白的作用。由病毒基因组编码的运动蛋白与病毒核酸形成运动蛋白核酸复合物,介导病毒扩散。在病毒复制与扩散过程中,运动蛋白与宿主细胞内质网、高尔基体、细胞骨架、胞间连丝发生作用,并受细胞果胶甲基脂酶、包含体、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶、磷酸化等因素的影响,形成了植物体内遗传物质系统性运输的一个模式。  相似文献   

The May spinning top generator was adapted to a modified Henderson tube for producing large aerosol particles (>4 mum) to obtain almost exclusive upper respiratory tract deposition of infectious aerosols in exposed mice. The system was installed in a biological safety cabinet to permit experimentation with pathogens. A novel mechanism utilizing parts from a machinists micrometer and the mechanical stage from a light microscope was developed for the spinning top generator as a means for precisely positioning the liquid feed needle. Aerosol light-scatter properties were continuously analyzed to provide relative measures of particle size distribution and aerosol concentration. When mice were exposed to influenza virus aerosols in which none of the virus was contained in particles with aerodynamic diameters <4 mum, essentially all of the virus was deposited in the upper respiratory tract tissues.  相似文献   

In order to determine the growth of inhaled aerosol particles in the human respiratory tract the relative humidity in a lung model has been calculated using a numerical method. The computations take into account different types of airflows, enhanced transport mechanisms and an optimized wall temperature profile in the upper airways. These parameters are varied to fit experimental temperature data. Under certain conditions the corresponding relative humidity shows a maximum near the first bifurcation, which exceeds the final humidity in the alveoli. This high humidity forces dry NaC1 particles with diameters less than 0.5 μm to grow to their maximum size in the first bronchi. Thereafter the droplets loose water and reach their final size in the terminal bronchioles.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of particle deposition in the respiratory tract predict high fractional deposition for particles of less than 0.1 micron, but there are few confirming experimental data for those predictions. We have measured the deposition fraction of a nonhygroscopic aerosol in the human respiratory tract. The aerosol had a count mean diameter of 0.044 micron SD of 1.93, as measured with an electrical aerosol analyzer, and was produced from a 0.01% solution of bis(2-ethylhexyl) sebacate using a condensation generator. Subjects inhaled the aerosol using a controlled respiratory pattern of 1 liter tidal volume, 12/min. Deposition was calculated as the difference in concentration between inhaled and exhaled aerosol of five size fractions corrected for system deposition and dead-space constants. Three deposition studies were done on each of five normal male volunteers. Means (+/- SE) for the five size fractions were 0.024 micron, 0.71 +/- 0.06; 0.043 micron, 0.62 +/- 0.06; 0.075 micron, 0.53 +/- 0.05; 0.13 micron, 0.44 +/- 0.04; and 0.24 micron, 0.37 +/- 0.06. These data demonstrate that deposition of inhaled particles in the 0.024- to 0.24-micron size range is high and increases with decreasing size. These observations agree with and validate predictions of mathematical models.  相似文献   

Ebola virus causes outbreaks of severe viral hemorrhagic fever with high mortality in humans. The virus is highly contagious and can be transmitted by contact and by the aerosol route. These features make Ebola virus a potential weapon for bioterrorism and biological warfare. Therefore, a vaccine that induces both systemic and local immune responses in the respiratory tract would be highly beneficial. We evaluated a common pediatric respiratory pathogen, human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3), as a vaccine vector against Ebola virus. HPIV3 recombinants expressing the Ebola virus (Zaire species) surface glycoprotein (GP) alone or in combination with the nucleocapsid protein NP or with the cytokine adjuvant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor were administered by the respiratory route to rhesus monkeys--in which HPIV3 infection is mild and asymptomatic--and were evaluated for immunogenicity and protective efficacy against a highly lethal intraperitoneal challenge with Ebola virus. A single immunization with any construct expressing GP was moderately immunogenic against Ebola virus and protected 88% of the animals against severe hemorrhagic fever and death caused by Ebola virus. Two doses were highly immunogenic, and all of the animals survived challenge and were free of signs of disease and of detectable Ebola virus challenge virus. These data illustrate the feasibility of immunization via the respiratory tract against the hemorrhagic fever caused by Ebola virus. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which topical immunization through respiratory tract achieved prevention of a viral hemorrhagic fever infection in a primate model.  相似文献   

Patas monkeys (Eryphrocebus patas) were immunized intradermally with two vaccinia virus recombinants that individually express the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase glycoprotein or the fusion glycoprotein of human parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3). These immunizations induced a high titer of PIV3 serum-neutralizing antibodies. At 1 month after immunization, monkeys were challenged intratracheally with PIV3. Subsequent virus replication was reduced in these monkeys by 3.2 log10 and 1.9 log10 (mean peak virus titers) in the upper and lower respiratory tracts, respectively, compared with control animals. The average duration of virus shedding was also reduced from 9.0 to 3.4 days in the upper respiratory tract and from 5.3 to 1.2 days in the lower respiratory tract. These findings demonstrate that a single intradermal dose of live recombinant vaccinia viruses can significantly restrict the replication of a virus which primarily infects the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Influenza viruses pose a major public health burden to communities around the world by causing respiratory infections that can be highly contagious and spread rapidly through the population. Despite extensive research on influenza viruses, the modes of transmission occurring most often among humans are not entirely clear. Contributing to this knowledge gap is the lack of an understanding of the levels of infectious virus present in respirable aerosols exhaled from infected hosts. Here, we used the ferret model to evaluate aerosol shedding patterns and measure the amount of infectious virus present in exhaled respirable aerosols. By comparing these parameters among a panel of human and avian influenza viruses exhibiting diverse respiratory droplet transmission efficiencies, we are able to report that ferrets infected by highly transmissible influenza viruses exhale a greater number of aerosol particles and more infectious virus within respirable aerosols than ferrets infected by influenza viruses that do not readily transmit. Our findings improve our understanding of the ferret transmission model and provide support for the potential for influenza virus aerosol transmission.  相似文献   

Combined oral/nasal immunization protects mice from Sendai virus infection   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Based on the concept of a common mucosal immune system wherein mucosal associated lymphocytes traffic among the various mucous membranes, the murine gastrointestinal tract was immunized with Sendai virus antigens in order to elicit a virus-specific immune response in the respiratory tract. Multiple intragastric (oral) administration of live or killed Sendai virus induced IgA and IgG antiviral antibodies in both gastrointestinal secretions and serum. When cholera toxin as an adjuvant was included along with virus, gut IgA and IgG as well as serum IgA responses were enhanced. Antiviral antibodies induced in respiratory secretions by oral killed virus plus cholera toxin, however, were variable and protection from virus challenge was not demonstrated. Significantly higher levels of respiratory antiviral antibodies were induced if immunization with oral killed Sendai virus/cholera toxin was combined with intranasal administration of small amounts of killed virus. The combined immunization also resulted in protection of both the upper and lower respiratory tracts from virus infection. Protection of the upper respiratory tract was correlated with the presence of IgA antiviral antibodies in nasal washings. On the other hand, protection of the lower respiratory tract was correlated with IgG antiviral antibodies in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Immunization with intranasal killed virus alone conferred partial protection to the lower respiratory tract and no protection to the upper respiratory tract. Thus, oral immunization with killed virus antigen could prime for a protective immune response in the murine respiratory tract and this protective response included IgA antibodies.  相似文献   

Studies of aerosol particle deposition in the respiratory tract requires experimental inhalation of artificial model aerosols. The paper formulates some of the most important requirements for the properties of such aerosols. Several suitable fractions were prepared as part of a research project dealing with the use of microporous polymers for diagnostic purposes. 5 fractions of the polymer designated G-gel 60 with the particle size as stated by the manufacturer, ranging from 3 to 7 micron were evaluated using a 16-channel particle dispersity analyzer HIAC/ROYCO MT 3210 with the sensor 1200 and operated by a microprocessor, the equipment being coupled to an APPLE IIe computer. G-gel 60 particles introduced into the aerosol were characterized by the parameters CMAD, MMAD and sg both numerically and graphically. The measurement procedure was found to be very sensitive with respect to all fractions in evaluating the subtile differences between different lot numbers of the aerosol. G-gel 60 fractions characterized both numerically and graphically were compared with the known aerosols from paraffin oil and atmospheric air. The equipment MT 3210 enables prompt determination of the percentages of aerosol particles distribution by size class. The authors conclude that the procedure, both in its numerical and graphical versions, is particularly suitable for the diagnosis of aerosol particles deposition in the respiratory tract, offering a new application for HIAC/ROYCO in the field of medicine. In evaluating atmospheric aerosol in exhaled air, the number of particles was found to be below that in inhaled air, the difference being dependent on the choice of investigation methods. Percentual distribution of deposited particles following one minute ventilation proved to be at its maximum, as regards atmospheric aerosol, in the 0.30-0.50 micron range. The deposition curve was similar to already published curves, being characterized by an S-shaped pattern with maximum deposition in the greater size classes. An analysis of inhaled, exhaled and deposited aerosol suggested that deposited aerosol is more polydisperse and has particles of greater sizes than inhaled aerosol. Investigation of the effect of apnoe on deposition indicated that deposition increased as a function of apnoeic pause.  相似文献   

人呼吸道禽流感病毒受体的分布趋势   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
禽类流感病毒和人类流感病毒具有很强的受体识别特异性,分别与唾液酸α-2,3Gal和α-2,6Gal受体分子结合而感染各自的宿主细胞.这种受体结合特异性是流感病毒在禽类和人类之间跨种属传递的主要障碍.应用凝集素组织化学染色技术,探讨人呼吸道各解剖学部位流感病毒唾液酸受体的分布特征.结果显示,唾液酸α-2,3Gal受体, 即禽类流感受体,主要分布在下呼吸道的呼吸部即呼吸细支气管和肺泡, 而在主气管、支气管和细支气管仅少量分布.相反,人类流感病毒受体,唾液酸α-2,6Gal受体在气管、支气管呈高密度分布,随着支气管分级逐渐降低分布减少,至肺泡分布最少.但比较人呼吸道发育成熟过程中,唾液酸α-2,3Gal和α-2,6Gal受体的表达,未发现明显差别.禽流感H5N1病毒体外感染人呼吸道组织试验结果表明,肺泡上皮较支气管和气管上皮易感染,与唾液酸α-2,3Gal受体分布特点相符合.结果提示,人呼吸道可被禽流感病毒感染,目前H5N1病毒极少发生人传人的特点,可能与个体间上呼吸道唾液酸α-2,3Gal受体表达差异有关.  相似文献   

The deposition patterns of large-particle microbiological aerosols within the respiratory tract are not well characterized. A novel system (the flow-focusing aerosol generator [FFAG]) which enables the generation of large (>10-μm) aerosol particles containing microorganisms under laboratory conditions was characterized to permit determination of deposition profiles within the murine respiratory tract. Unlike other systems for generating large aerosol particles, the FFAG is compatible with microbiological containment and the inhalational challenge of animals. By use of entrapped Escherichia coli cells, Bacillus atrophaeus spores, or FluoSphere beads, the properties of aerosols generated by the FFAG were compared with the properties of aerosols generated using the commonly available Collison nebulizer, which preferentially generates small (1- to 3-μm) aerosol particles. More entrapped particulates (15.9- to 19.2-fold) were incorporated into 9- to 17-μm particles generated by the FFAG than by the Collison nebulizer. The 1- to 3-μm particles generated by the Collison nebulizer were more likely to contain a particulate than those generated by the FFAG. E. coli cells aerosolized using the FFAG survived better than those aerosolized using the Collison nebulizer. Aerosols generated by the Collison nebulizer and the FFAG preferentially deposited in the lungs and nasal passages of the murine respiratory tract, respectively. However, significant deposition of material also occurred in the gastrointestinal tract after inhalation of both the small (89.7%)- and large (61.5%)-particle aerosols. The aerosols generated by the Collison nebulizer and the FFAG differ with respect to mass distribution, distribution of the entrapped particulates, bacterial survival, and deposition within the murine respiratory tract.  相似文献   

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