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We investigated the effects of substrate composition on foraging behavior and growth rate of␣larval green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the␣laboratory at 20±1°C over a period of 5 weeks. Larval groups (n = 100) with mean wet weight (0.72 ± 0.01 g) at 50 days post-hatch were reared on slate-rocks, cobble, sand or glass. Typically, fish were negatively rheotactic and exhibited dispersed skimming behaviors on provided substrates during pre-feeding and feeding, respectively, but were all positively rheotactic during feeding. Fish reared on slate-rock substrates were negatively phototactic, remained benthic, and aggregated underneath the substrates. In all substrates except slate-rocks, fish displayed frequent episodes of burst and glide swimming activity, tank wall skimming and vertical swimming behaviors, however these behaviors ceased immediately during feeding and reappeared at the end of the feeding period. Substrate composition led to variable foraging effectiveness and likely contributed to significant differences in specific growth rates (2.28, 1.14, 1.77, and 2.27% body weight per day) and mortality (7%, 40%, 11%, 0%) among the treatment groups; slate-rocks, cobble, sand, and glass, respectively. There were no significant differences in morphometrics, somatotopic indices, and whole-body lipid content among treatment groups at the end of the experiment. The present findings indicate that certain substrates in artificial/natural habitats may negatively affect larval growth and may lead to decreased recruitment of juvenile green sturgeon in the wild.  相似文献   

Migration of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the Sacramento River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, were collected in San Pablo Bay, California, and surgically implanted with ultrasonic acoustic tags from 2004 to 2006. An array of automated acoustic monitors was maintained in the Sacramento River to record movements of these fish. We presumed movements to known spawning areas (based on previous green sturgeon egg collections) or areas with potential spawning habitat (characterized by substrate, flow, and temperature criteria) represented a “spawning migration.” Three separate annual “spawning migrations” were recorded involving 15 individuals. The majority of the Sacramento River migrants entered the system in the months of March and April. Two different patterns of “spawning migration” and out-migration were observed. Six individuals potentially spawned, over-summered and moved out of the river with the first fall flow event. This is believed to be the common behavior of the green sturgeon. Alternatively, nine individuals promptly moved out of the Sacramento River before 1 September, and any known flow or temperature cue. Some green sturgeon appeared to be impeded on their upstream movement by the 15 May closure of the Red Bluff Diversion Dam, and at least five passed under the dam gates during downstream migration. A delay in the closure of the Red Bluff Diversion Dam would likely allow upstream passage of spawning green sturgeon, further, the potential mortality affects of downstream passage beneath the Red Bluff Diversion Dam should be assessed. Specific protection should be also given to the large aggregation of green sturgeon located in the reach of the Sacramento River adjacent to the Glen Colusa Irrigation District pumping facility.  相似文献   

The green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, is an anadromous species that migrates from freshwater (FW) to seawater (SW) relatively early in its life history, although the ages and sizes of juveniles at SW entry are not known. Developmental constraints of osmoregulatory organs may either prohibit (i.e., due to salinity tolerance limits) or minimize (i.e., due to substantial osmoregulatory or ionoregulatory energetic costs) SW entry in small fish. Interestingly, larger green sturgeon are often encountered in brackish water (BW) estuaries, perhaps due to an energetic advantage in occupying these near-isosmotic environments. To test hypotheses concerning fish-size effects on the energetic costs of occupying habitats of different salinities, we measured oxygen consumption rates in green sturgeon representing three age groups (100, 170, and 533 days post hatch; dph), which were acclimated for 5 weeks to one of three salinities (FW, <3‰; BW, 10‰; or SW, 33‰). Also, after 7 weeks, final wet masses were compared and blood and muscle tissue samples were taken to assess osmoregulatory abilities. There were no differences in body-mass-adjusted oxygen consumption rates between any salinities or ages, indicating that the energetic costs were not prohibitively high to occupy any of these salinities. The only mortalities occurred in the 100 dph SW group, where 23% of the fish died, from apparent starvation. Final wet masses were comparable between FW and BW for each age group and with the 533 dph SW group, but were lower in SW groups at 100 and 170 dph. Similarly, osmoregulatory abilities, in terms of plasma osmolality, Na+, K+, lactate, and protein concentrations, and muscle water content, were comparable in FW and BW groups at all ages, and with the SW group at 533 dph. These results indicated an age/body size effect in hyperosmotic adaptability, and that juvenile green sturgeon may be found in FW or BW at any age, but only have the ability to enter SW by 1.5 years (75 cm, 1.5 kg) of age.  相似文献   

Synopsis The green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, is a long-lived, iteroparous, anadromous acipenserid that is native to the San Francisco Bay Estuary, California. Sub-adult and adult fish are oceanic, but enter the estuary during the spring and remain through autumn. Little is known about green sturgeon distribution within the estuary or what, if any, physical parameters influence their movements. We report the results of a telemetry study conducted between September 2001 and November 2002. Five sub-adult and one adult green sturgeon were captured by trammel net in the San Pablo Bay region of the estuary. We implanted depth-sensing, ultrasonic transmitters within the peritoneum of individuals and tracked them from a boat for 1 – 15 h per day over periods ranging from 1 to 12 days. Salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen profiles of the water column were measured hourly. Observed movements were categorized as either non-directional or directional. Non-directional movements, accounting for 63.4% of observations, were closely associated with the bottom, with individuals moving slowly while making frequent changes in direction and swim speed, or not moving at all. Directional movements consisted of continuous swimming in the top 20% of the water column while holding a steady course for extended periods. Four of the five sub-adult fish remained within the confines of San Pablo Bay for the duration of their tracking period. The remaining sub-adult moved over 45 km up-river into Suisun Bay before contact was lost. The adult fish exited the bay and entered the ocean 6 h after release near Tiburon, CA, a movement of approximately 10 km. The sub-adult fish typically remained at the shallower depths (<10 m) of the estuary, but there were no apparent preferences for temperature, salinity, or dissolved oxygen, with the fish moving widely and rapidly across the range of these physical parameters. Activity is believed to be independent of light level with no discernable crepuscular, nocturnal, or diurnal peaks in activity.  相似文献   

The effect of substratum on growth and metabolic rate was assessed in larval white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus. Yolk‐sac larvae (YSL) were reared in bare tanks or tanks with gravel as substratum from hatch until approximately 16 days post hatch (dph). The effect of an artificial substratum was also evaluated on growth alone. Substratum had a significant effect on mass, with larvae reared in gravel and artificial substrata being larger than those reared without substratum. Routine metabolic rates were significantly lower and relative aerobic scope (the difference between maximum and routine metabolic rate) was significantly higher for YSL and feeding larvae (FL) reared in gravel relative to those reared in bare tanks, particularly before fish started feeding exogenously. Furthermore, gravel‐reared larvae had higher whole‐body glycogen concentrations relative to bare‐tank‐reared larvae. Routine factorial scope (maximum metabolic rate divided by routine metabolic rate) was relatively low in all treatments (< 1·7) indicating a limited ability to elevate metabolic rate above routine early in development and mass exponents for metabolic rate exceeded 1. Taken together, these data indicate that YSL reared without substratum may divert more of their energy to non‐growth related processes impairing growth. This finding underscores the importance of adequate rearing substratum for growth of A. transmontanus and may provide support for habitat restoration and alternative hatchery rearing methods associated with sturgeon conservation.  相似文献   

The effects of thermal stress on survival, development and heat shock protein (hsp) expression of green sturgeon (GS) yolk‐sac larvae, from hatching through yolk depletion were investigated to provide insight into effects of highly altered natural river hydrographs. Hatched GS larvae were reared at constant water temperatures 18°C (control) through 28°C at 2°C increments. Larval survival significantly decreased at 26–28°C, with 28°C being lethal. Significant proportions of deformed larvae were found at sub‐lethal (20–26°C) and lethal 28°C rearing temperatures, with kyphosis (i.e. backward flexion of notochord) accounting for >99% of morphological deformities. Histological analysis of larvae preparations indicate that elevated water temperature affects notochord cell function and physiology. At rearing temperatures 20–28°C, thermal stress elicited a quick (24 h) and long lasting (yolk‐sac absorption) significant over‐expression of measured heat shock proteins (hsps), all of which are known components of intracellular protein repair and stabilization mechanism. Thermal sensitivity, as indicated by the incidence of abnormalities and expression of different hsps, varied significantly between crosses. Thermally tolerant progeny exhibited a short but rapid hsp72 (size in kDa) over‐expression, and more pronounced hsp60 and hsp90 over‐expression, than less tolerant progeny which exhibited a prolonged hsp72 and hsp78 over‐expression. At environmentally relevant water temperatures bent larvae exhibited spiral swimming, which in the wild would compromise the ability of emerging larvae to forage, avoid predators, and migrate downstream, ultimately compromising survival and recruitment. Before larvae hsp content can be used as a thermal‐stress biomarker for GS, field validation studies are needed.  相似文献   

From (CATC)n, (GATA)n, (AAAC)n, and (CA)n–enriched libraries for the lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens, 254 primer pairs were developed. These primer pairs resulted in the identification of 128 microsatellite loci in either A. fulvescens or A. medirostris. Polymorphic loci were identified in both sturgeon species for 48 of the primer pairs and 14 of the primer pairs amplified polymorphic loci only in A. medirostris. Most of the identified loci appear to be tetrasomic (79.1% in A. fulvescens and 64.5% in A. medirostris). These results offer estimates of the degree of diploidization in each of these species.  相似文献   

This study reports the only direct evidence of spawning of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the upper Sacramento River, CA. Two green sturgeon eggs were collected with substrate mats immediately below Red Bluff Diversion Dam. One green sturgeon larva was collected with a larval net at Bend Bridge. We concluded that green sturgeon spawn in the upper Sacramento River, both above and below RBDD. Temperature ranges in the study area (10–15°C) are similar to conditions used in successful artificial rearing of green sturgeon and do not appear to be a limiting factor to successful spawning of green sturgeon; however, suitable habitat upstream of RBDD is inaccessible when dam gates are lowered.  相似文献   

Predation is a common cause of early life stage mortality in fishes, with reduced risk as individuals grow and become too large to be consumed by gape-limited predatory fishes. Large-bodied species, such as sturgeon, may reach this size-refuge within the first year. However, there is limited understanding of what this size threshold is despite the value of this information for conservation management. We conducted laboratory-based predation experiments on juvenile green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, to estimate vulnerability to predation during outmigration from their natal reaches in California to the Pacific Ocean. Two highly abundant and non-native predatory fish species (largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, and striped bass, Morone saxatilis) were captured in the wild to be tested with developing juvenile green sturgeon from the UC Davis Green Sturgeon Broodstock Program. Experimental tanks, each containing five predators, received thirty prey for 24-hr exposures. Between sturgeon prey trials, predators were exposed to alternative prey species to confirm predators were exhibiting normal feeding behaviors. In addition to green sturgeon mortality data, trials were video recorded and predatory behaviors were quantified. Overall, these predator species displayed much lower rates of predation on juvenile green sturgeon than alternate prey. Predation decreased with green sturgeon size, and predation risk diminished to zero once sturgeon reached a length threshold of roughly 20–22 cm total length, or between 38% and 58% of predator total length. Behavioral analyses showed low motivation to feed on green sturgeon, with both predators attempting predation less frequently as sturgeon grew. Results of this study imply that optimizing growth rates for larval and juvenile sturgeon would shorten the time in which they are vulnerable to predation. Future experiments should assess predation risk of juvenile green sturgeon by additional predator species common to the Sacramento-San Joaquin watershed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of environmental salinity on the upper thermal tolerance of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris), a threatened species whose natural habitat is vulnerable to temperature and salinity variation as a result of global climate change. Freshwater (FW)-reared sturgeon were gradually acclimated to salinities representing FW, estuary water (EST), or San Francisco Bay water (BAY) at 18 degrees C, and their critical thermal maximum (CTMax) was measured by increasing temperature 0.3 degrees C/min until branchial ventilation ceased. CTMax was 34.2+/-0.09 degrees C in EST-acclimated fish, with FW- and BAY-acclimated fish CTMax at 33.7+/-0.08 and 33.7+/-0.1 degrees C, respectively. Despite the higher CTMax in EST-acclimated fish, FW-acclimated sturgeon ventilation rate reached a peak that was 2 degrees C higher than EST- and BAY-acclimated groups and had a greater range of temperatures within which they exhibited normal ventilatory function as assessed by Q(10) calculation. The osmoregulatory consequences of exposure to near-lethal temperatures were assessed by measuring plasma osmolality and hematocrit, as well as white muscle, brain, and heart tissue water contents. Hematocrit was increased following CTMax exposure, most likely owing to the elevated metabolic demands of temperature increase, and plasma osmolality was significantly increased in EST- and BAY-acclimated fish, which was likely the result of a greater osmotic gradient across the gill as metabolism increased. To our knowledge, this represents the first evidence for an effect of salinity on the upper thermal tolerance of sturgeon, as well as the first investigation of the osmoregulatory consequences of exposure to near-lethal temperatures. J. Exp. Zool. 309A:477-483, 2008. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of time of day and water temperature on the acute physiological stress response were investigated in young-of-the-year green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris). The response to a 1-min air-emersion stressor was assessed during the day (08.00 h) and at night (20.00 h), as well as after acclimation to either 11 degrees C or 19 degrees C. Blood samples were collected prior to stress and at several times after exposure to the stressor, and plasma concentrations of cortisol, lactate, and glucose were determined. The magnitudes of cortisol (19.1 ng ml(-1) vs. 4.9 ng ml(-1)) and lactate (190.6 mg l(-1) vs. 166.7 mg l(-1)) were significantly higher in fish stressed at night when compared with the day. There were no significant differences in glucose levels between time periods. Although, acclimation temperature did not affect peak cortisol concentrations (56.7 and 50.3 ng ml(-1) at 11 degrees C and 19 degrees C, respectively), the duration of the response was significantly extended at 11 degrees C. Post-stressor lactate increases were similar between temperature groups, but at 11 degrees C post-stressor glucose levels were significantly increased through 6 h, suggesting stressor-induced glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis or decreased glucose utilization. These data demonstrate that the physiological stress response in green sturgeon is modified by both time of day and temperature.  相似文献   

We conducted the first continuous shipboard tracking of southern Distinct Population Segment green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the Sacramento River. Tracking of adult green sturgeon occurred between river kilometer (rkm) 434.8 and 511.6, a section of the putative spawning grounds located near Red Bluff, California. The recorded positions of acoustically tagged green sturgeon were analyzed using First Passage Time analysis to determine differences in habitat use between suitable and non-suitable habitats. Classification and Regression Tree modeling was used to determine explanatory inputs attributable to above average habitat use. Green sturgeon exhibited above average habitat use at five sites, identified as potential spawning aggregate sites. Three types of movements (holding, milling, and directed) could be categorized from tracks. Lastly, we show that green sturgeon while on the spawning grounds exhibit a high degree of mobility throughout the spawning grounds, often making large movements between specific habitat units. Our study illustrates how the application of shipboard tracking can be useful for describing movement, behavior and habitat utilization at a spatial scale not achieved by stationary acoustic monitors.  相似文献   

The utility of genetic measures for kinship reconstruction in polysomic species is not well evaluated. We developed a framework to test hypotheses about estimating breeding population size indirectly from collections of outmigrating green sturgeon juveniles. We evaluated a polysomic dataset, in allelic frequency and phenotypic formats, from green sturgeon to describe the relationship among known progeny from experimental families. The distributions of relatedness values for kin classes were used for reconstructing green sturgeon pedigrees from juveniles of unknown relationship. We compared three rarefaction functions that described the relationship between the number of kin groups and number of samples in a pedigree to estimate the annual abundance of spawners contributing to the threatened green sturgeon Southern Distinct Population Segment in the upper Sacramento River. Results suggested the estimated abundance of breeding green sturgeon remained roughly constant in the upper Sacramento River over a 5‐year period, ranging from 10 to 28 individuals depending on the year and rarefaction method. These results demonstrate an empirical understanding for the distribution of relatedness values among individuals is a benefit for assessing pedigree reconstruction methods and identifying misclassification rates. Monitoring of rare species using these indirect methods is feasible and can provide insight into breeding and ontogenetic behaviour. While this framework was developed for specific application to studying fish populations in a riverscape, the framework could be advanced to improve genetic estimation of breeding population size and to identify important breeding habitats of rare species when combined with finer‐scaled sampling of offspring.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) and white sturgeon (A. transmontanus) are closely related, sympatric species that inhabit the San Francisco estuary. Green sturgeon have a more marine life history but both species spawn in the Sacramento River and reside for some duration in San Francisco Bay. These sturgeons are of conservation concern, yet little is known about their dietary competition when they overlap in space and time. To examine evidence of dietary differentiation, we collected whole blood and blood plasma from 26 green sturgeon and 35 white sturgeon in San Francisco Bay. Using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses, we compared their relative trophic levels and foraging locations along the freshwater to marine gradient. Sampling blood plasma and whole blood allowed comparison of dietary integration over shorter and longer time scales, respectively. Plasma and whole blood δ13C values confirmed green sturgeon had more marine dietary sources than white sturgeon. Plasma δ15N values revealed white sturgeon fed at lower trophic levels than green sturgeon recently, however, whole blood δ15N values demonstrated the two species fed at the same trophic level over longer time scales. Larger individuals of both species had higher δ13C values than smaller individuals, reflecting more marine food sources in adulthood. Length did not affect δ15N values of either species. Isotope analyses supported the more marine life history of green than white sturgeon and potentially highlight a temporary trophic differentiation of diet between species during and preceding the overlapping life stage in San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

To quantify the salinity preference of juvenile green sturgeon Acipenser medirostris, two groups of A. medirostris [140 days post hatch (dph); total length (LT) 38·0–52·5 cm] were acclimated to either near fresh water (mean ± s.e . salinity = 3·2 ± 0·6) or full‐strength salt water (34·1 ± 1·2) over 8 weeks. Following acclimation, the two groups were divided into experimental and control groups, where experimental A. medirostris from both freshwater and saltwater acclimations were individually introduced (200–220 dph) into a rectangular salinity‐preference flume (maximum salinity gradient: 5–33). Control A. medirostris were presented with only their acclimation water (fresh water or salt water) on both sides of the flume. It was demonstrated that A. medirostris acclimated to both salt water and fresh water spent a significantly greater amount of time on the side of the testing area with the highest salinity concentration (P < 0·05 and P < 0·001, respectively) while control A. medirostris spent an equal amount of time on each side of the flume. These findings indicate that juvenile A. medirostris are not only capable of detecting salt water within the first year of their lives but perhaps are actively seeking out saline environments as they move through a watershed. Establishing A. medirostris salinity preferences provides a better understanding of the early life history of this threatened species, shedding light on possible outmigration timing.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare the physicochemical properties of coelomic fluid (CF) in three sturgeon species, sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus (age 5–8 years), Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii (age 15–20 years), and Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (age 13–18 years). For the study, CF was collected by plastic pipette from the eggs of mature female sterlet sturgeon (N = 10), Siberian sturgeon (N = 7) and Russian sturgeon (N = 4); osmolality, pH, ionic composition (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?), glucose, cholesterol and total protein of the CF were then analyzed. Mean concentration of K+ (4.4–6.11 mmol/L), Cl? (89.8–98.0 mmol/L), Ca2+ (0.87–0.96 mmol/L), Mg2+ (0.57–0.67 mmol/L), cholesterol (0.13–0.16 mmol/L), total protein (2.41–3.57 g/L), pH (7.92–7.98), and osmolality (190–213 mOsm/kg) of CF were not significantly different among these three species. However, the mean concentration of Na+ was significantly lower in sterlet sturgeon (104.6 ± 7.7 mmol/L; p < .05) than in the Siberian (126.4 ± 6.2) and Russian (123.0 ± 5.9) sturgeon. For these three species, Na+, K+, Cl?, and Mg2+ were the dominating ions; several significant correlations were observed among these ions and other physiochemical properties of CF. This is the first report on the ionic and biochemical composition of the CF of sterlet, Siberian and Russian sturgeon, which can be used as a reference point for further development of artificial media for the short‐term storage of unfertilized sturgeon eggs as well as for the standardization of the fertilization protocol for these species in controlled reproduction.  相似文献   

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